College and Research Libraries Pen, Ink, Keys, and Cards: Some Reflections on Library Technology Michael Stuart Freeman Librarians have been adapting to new technology since the library profession's earliest days. Some ideas succeeded even in the wake of sustained and compel- ling opposition. This essay focuses on two major nineteenth-century innova- tions and looks at library methods that predated their introduction. The author finds that established practices persist in libraries, with new and older technol- ogies often coexisting for many years. • ne of the most interesting arti- facts related to library tech- nology comes not from the world of computers, or from publishing, or from our own ranks. It comes from Hollywood in the form of the delightful 1958 film Desk Set. The film stars Spencer Tracy as what people today would call a systems analyst and Katharine Hepburn as a librarian for a broadcasting network with headquar- ters in what looks like Rockefeller Cen- ter. He is employed to introduce a monumental electronic brain to increase productivity, and she heads a special li- brary whose staff must respond to refer- ence questions on every imaginable subject. Of course, the machine Tracy introduces blunders, pink slipping the entire corporation by mistake, but it also answers some very difficult questions in a flash. The librarians, in the end, come to realize that the machine cannot re- place them, but is actually a handy searching tool, and Spencer Tracy, who tunis out to be a sensible guy, learns the value of intelligent and experienced hu- mans. Eventually, there is love between the principals, with the best line in the film going to Hepburn, who, upon see- ing the computer go down, exclaims, "Peace. It's wonderful." This film has unintended meaning and serves as an interesting cultural ar- tifact. Desk Set is engaging and funny because the dramatized conflict-be- tween the machine and the librarian, and between differing ideas of quality and efficiency-is precisely that found in li- braries today as automation changes tra- ditional library work. When looking at the ways librarians perceived technol- ogy in the precomputer age, there are, indeed, fossils that have to be examined (and sometimes exhumed). When Richard Garnett, Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum, pro- posed in 1893 the installation of the print- ing telegraph in the museum's reading room (he originally had suggested the idea seventeen years earlier), he was attempt- ing-in this case through the use of a me- chanical aid-to reduce the library's dependence on human labor and, at the same time, more efficiently retrieve books from the museum's stacks. In rejecting the telephone for internal communication, Garnett was also demonstrating, as would his modem-day professional counter- parts, the librarian's preference for writ- Michael Stuart Freeman is Librarian of the College, Magill Library, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041 . 328 ten output. In not even suggesting the potential of the printing telegraph for interlibrary communication, he was re- vealing a priority for early librarians: to serve the home institution and its clients first and foremost. The printing telegraph was actually the second mechanized innovation Gar- nett cited as necessary technology for the British Museum; the first, of which he was very proud, had been installed only a few years before. What was it? Electric lighting. 1 It is interesting to observe what librar- ians thought technological innovations would do and how they expected these inventions to change their work. We may chuckle at John Cotton Dana's proposal in 1907 to use vending machines, just coming into popular use for chewing gum and novelties, to display and circu- late books, but the concept behind the machine-that of the self-service li- brary-was and is a good idea. In his suggestion that users insert their library card (or more precisely an encoded metal strip "not larger than a Yale key") so borrower data could be recorded, we see a distinctly modern application of technology to solve a library problem. 2 The two ideas of Garnett and Dana noted above never got very far, nor did the fireproof book, the Rudolph Indexer, and at least three other coin-operated book-dispensing devices.3 Other ideas, such as the electric pen, looked promis- ing, at least at first, judging from com- ments in the library press in 1877 and 1879. The pen's story proves that inven- tions must not only serve a general need, they must adapt to the specific require- ments of libraries and conform with other existing technologies. Invented by Thomas Alva Edison and patented in 1876, the electric pen was a writing in- strument that used electromagnets and a small storage battery. The actual pen, connected by wire to the power source, resembled a sewing needle; it produced small punctures in the form of letters and numbers, and when an inked roller was passed over the resulting stencil plate, legible copies could be made. The num- ber of libraries that actually purchased Reflections on Library Technology 329 the electric pen is unknown, but libraries quickly perceived its usefulness for cat- alog card reproduction and for lists of new acquisitions. Capable of producing as many as 2,000 copies with each sten- cil-many times the number possible with simple manifold slate systems also new to the market-the electric pen was highly touted by library leaders, includ- ing Melvil Dewey. But there were prob- lems. The weight and bulk of the writing instrument meant that letter formation was slow; the pen had to be held perpen- dicular to the paper, so penmanship quality was difficult to maintain. More importantly, libraries had little need in their own internal work for a process that could produce so many copies of handwritten media. And although it was cheaper than printing, the quality of cop- ies from the electric pen was inferior. Finally, for card reproduction and gen- eral purpose copying within libraries, the electric pen proved to be inconve- nient and not without ongoing cost be- cause the storage battery needed continuous tending. Soon the business world and eventually libraries would need typewriter-based duplicating sys- tems, and the electric pen, after a short run, faded into oblivion. 4 Other ideas, such as the electric pen, looked promising-at least at first. Some ideas did take hold and succeed, sometimes in the wake of sustained op- position many years after the original proposals surfaced and with results not necessarily foreseen or intended by early prognosticators. This essay will look at two innovations from the nineteenth century, the card catalog and the type- writer-innovations that are so common- place today, it is difficult to understand how they could have been considered radical or even controversial by earlier librarians. But a well-rounded picture is impossible if we do not also look at rele- vant antecedents. The card catalog and the typewriter are so much part of our experience that there is little apprecia- 330 College & Research Libraries tion of what came before them; but it will serve librarians well to remember that before the card catalogs, there were ex- cellent book catalogs, and before type- writers, skilled librarians produced cards and lists by hand, cultivating a highly refined and extraordinarily clear style of writing. The sets of practices that were discarded by growing libraries seem now to be part of the prehistory of librarianship, but these old systems were defended by contemporaries for decades and for more than just senti- mental reasons. The examination of earlier technolo- gies in this essay has particular rele- vance today because libraries are quickly changing their methods and stepping up their pace of change.5 Are there lessons for us in the past as we approach a new millennium? We shall see that many of the issues that moved librarians to write fervently about new inventions and new procedures can in- form the current debate about the elec- tronic revolution. CARD CATALOG The printed book catalog was clearly the preferred method of documenting a collection until the last quarter of the nineteenth century although, in most li- braries, accession books, handwritten lists, and the librarian's memory served as pri- mary access tools.6 Printed catalogs ranged from simple finding lists (Lake For- est, 1893), to topic lists with authors and short titles (Wooster, 1892), to formal vol- umes with precise bibliographical data and detailed indexes (Bowdoin, 1863). Even some handwritten book catalogs were fairly ambitious. Tools produced at St. Lawrence University and Davidson College were done with pen and ink, but had author and title lists (and in Davidson's case a subject sequence) as welF The library literature after 1880 is filled with debates about the relative ef- ficiency of printed book versus card cat- alogs but, for most libraries, the choice was to print as a book what was already in handwritten form or to produce cards, either by hand or through use of a type- writer, to represent holdings. July 1991 The book catalog had many advan- tages. It was a form familiar to librarians and library users and, besides its infor- mational value, the book catalog put the library before the world just as exhibi- tion catalogs or special collection guides do today. Haverford College's elegant 1836 book catalog of its 1,500-volume collection served as an advertisement for the new school and said much about institutional purpose and Quaker aims for higher education. 8 Printed book cat- alogs projected a positive cultural image and, in some cases, were printed with the same monumentality characterizing the ornate library buildings then in evi- dence and coveted in America. But costs could be high; the book catalog of Bowdoin College, one of the best ever produced in the nineteenth century, went well over budget, forcing the li- brarian to make up the deficit from his own pocket. 9 The book catalog also had practical advantages. Unlike the card catalog that had to be consulted in one place, the book catalog was a portable index that could be carried to a comfortable and well-lighted area and perused at leisure. Multiple printings of book catalogs pro- vided better security than card files, which could be stolen, defaced, or mis- filed. Card catalogs also required a large space commitment for libraries, and many scholars considered them cumber- some. "To use one, when it becomes large, involves vexation of spirit, with great loss of time," said Justin Winsor in the pages of The Nation in 1891.10 The Examining Committee of the Boston Public Library was concerned in 1898 that card catalogs were less efficient for users because "100 titles can be. run down a printed page with vastly greater rapidity than the same number of cards can be turned over. "11 And then there was the problem later known as queueing. Again, Winsor explained: The inevitable makeshift is a com- pression which gives six or eight drawers, up and down, and this means that a user, standing at the case, prevents other access to many thou- sand cards for as long a time as the weariness of consultation holds him at the drawers. This is a most serious drawback in a library of much use Y Display and queueing worked at cross purposes. The Rudolph Continuous In- dexer, in which cards on sheets of press- board were rotated on drums, held 12,000 cards and displayed 175 cards at a time, but could be consulted by only one user at a time. To achieve the visibil- ity of the book catalog, a library had to duplicate the card catalog and purchase additional Indexers Y Some libraries tried a card-volume system in which several cards were mounted on pages that were mechanically bound together. The volumes, which looked like ordi- nary books, were shelved alphabetically and could be easily consulted by users. By having each volume hold no more than 250 cards, the system seemed to arbitrate the problem of display and queueing. Proponents contended that "leaves of a volume pass more rapidly under the eye than slips placed-often tightly packed-in drawers." 14 The problem was keeping the volumes in order as their numbers grew and, of course, keeping them current with new cards. Twentieth-century librarians also commented about card catalogs . John Cotton Dana in 1902 thought they might become "bibliothecal Frankensteins" as libraries continued to grow (he foresaw with horror libraries of a million vol- umes and catalogs of five million cards).15 Fremont Rider, in 1938, pre- dicted that, as with biological organ- isms, the seemingly entrenched card catalog would one day wither away: Differentiation, development, gi- gantism, disappearance-these seem to constitute the inevitable sequentiae of all progress. That the card catalog has today reached the gigantic stage, few librarians would probably deny; that it has also reached the "gigantistic" stage is probable.16 For all its defects, the card catalog had one advantage: the ease with which it could be maintained in an alphabetical arrangement, permitting what Rider called "immediate and indefinite inter- Reflections on Library Technology 331 calation." 17 Card catalogs could be kept up to date and, by the latter part of the nineteenth century, that was the most important element in any successful cat- alog. Publishing output had increased tremendously and, with more books available, library collections began to grow very fast. No book catalog could hope to keep up. Also, the public de- manded subject, title, and author access to the collection-something the book catalog could accommodate only with further delays. Hopes of using the more flexible Linotype as opposed to the early foundry type and preserving slugs in alphabetical order for future printings came to nothing because of the expense required to preserve such a large amount of metal. Linotype, applied successfully for decades to periodical indexes, never proved practical for individual libraries. It was offset printing and later the com- puter that revived the book catalog in libraries. Printed book catalogs projected a positive cultural image and, in some cases, were printed with the same monumentality characterizing the ornate library buildings then in evi- dence and coveted in America. The library world, however, sacrificed more than just ease and grace when the book catalog failed in American librar- ies. A card catalog is "a bibliography in an edition of one copy" and, for most of its history, there was "no way of multi- plying copies cheaply and easily, as we may multiply copies of the line of a printed book." 18 Sadly, librarians have searched an entire century for an illusive goal, the perfect duplicating machine. The card catalog was one of those li- brary inventions that greatly helped in- dividual libraries, but it did so at the expense of library cooperation. While it is true that many bibliographies were published and that they benefited from card catalogs that listed current hold- ings, communication between libraries would have had a different history if 332 College & Research Libraries catalogs had been transportable. Distance was always a deterrent to the scholar need- ing resources, and card-based catalogs meant that libraries in the same city were often unaware of each other's holdings. Card catalogs also proved so labor inten- sive that libraries could find time to pre- pare printed finding aids or subject lists for only small parts of their collections. The card catalog is the ultimate local source, and perhaps librarians' preoccu- pation with it for a century or more has contributed to the single library mindset so often criticized and even ridiculed by the public at large. TYPEWRITERS Early typewriters (before 1867) failed because they could not type as fast as a person could write, but by the middle of the 1870s, with the introduction of the so-called "advanced" design typewriter, which offered individual typebars, each carrying a single type and each operated by a single finger, the machine came into its own. 19 The typewriter was introduced in this country at the same time libraries adopted card catalogs, but the two innova- tions-which to twentieth-century librari- ans seem to go hand in hand-usually involved separate decisions for libraries. Libraries began acquiring typewriters in the 1880s,andfrom the 1890s through the first decade of the twentieth century, many librarians commented in the li- brary press about various features and the utility of individual brands. But many libraries did not purchase their first machine until much later-as late as the 1920s in some cases.20 In the mean- time, practitioners skilled with pen and ink serviced card catalogs. The reasons so many libraries continued to use hand- written catalogs are worth examining. The cost of equipment aside, librari- ans had reservations about using type- writers, and so did the general public. In the 1880s, it was considered insulting to use typewriters for private correspon- dence. It was thought, for instance, that a typewritten letter from a man was not really personal because it would gener- ally have required a professional operator's help to produce. 21 July 1991 Some librarians also considered the typewriter to be ill-suited to library work. Typewritten cards "lacked charac- ter" and the typewriter produced letters with "disconnected, jerky style," lacking the "ease and expressiveness" that the same author's handwriting might have possessed .22 However, the reservation based on aesthetics runs counter to the arguments of writers on library hand- writing. The so-called library hand was not an art form, but a highly disciplined system. Debates about the use of the joined or disjoined hand did not concern beauty, but speed and legibility. The dif- ferences between letters were to be ac- centuated, but uniformity in letter size, slant, blackness of line, and spacing was considered essential. The mixing of styles, shading, and fine strokes-charac- teristic of "beautiful" penmanship-was discouraged. Good library handwriting was to be, as one librarian stated in 1885, "as near to type as possible." The dis- joined hand, though 25 percent slower to produce, was preferred by library edu- cators because it looked more like print. 23 The card catalog was one of those li- brary inventions that greatly helped individual libraries, but it did so at the expense of library cooperation. There was concern that the typewrit- ten product would be prone to errors because "the cataloguer's mind would be concentrated as much on the manip- ulation of the keys as the contents of the book." Also, this big machine was thought to disturb the comfort of the cataloger. Cat- alogers were used to spreading books out on a desk in order to digest their contents, but the typewriter made this difficult: The book must either be taken up in the hands or placed at the side of the machine and the body twisted in order to look at it. In the case of an ordinary octavo, this may not occasion much inconvenience, but the case is other- wise with stout quartos or folios .24 The worry about typewritten errors persisted. In 1914, William Warner Bishop, in his Practical Handbook of Mod- ern Library Cataloging recommended that the typewriter be used for simple cata- loging where speed is required, but for "recondite books," found in research li- braries, where "judgment, accuracy, and selection are the important factors" (and where speed is of secondary impor- tance), he recommended the "ancient practice of writing the original card by hand with the pen." 25 Another objection to the typewriter had to do with the quality and longevity of the product. How permanent were typed catalog cards? Would they fade with time? This concern was so great in 1900 that a librarian in Albany, New York, subjected typewritten cards to sun- light, rain, heat, and even boiling. The results proved that ink from the type- writer was quite sturdy and could be removed only with strong chernicals. 26 A skilled operator could type much faster than he or she could write, but the advantage of the typewriter in produc- ing cards was less clear cut. There were about a dozen typewriter brands em- ployed in library work at the turn of the century, but some were clearly not man- ufactured with card typing in mind. Some machines could not adequately keep cards from shifting position when the platen revolved; others could not provide uniform spacing, were incapa- ble of handling card stock, or would bend the card so badly that they were permanently misshapen. Finally, it was quite a few years before typewriters had all the keys desired by librarians for card production. Clearly, some librarians disliked type- writers because they were machines, but others believed, as did Bishop, that there were some instances when the pen better suited the catalog card. Even in an ideal situation, the typing of cards required many steps: inserting the card into the machine, setting the margins, rolling the platen to the correct position on the card, and typing the text. For added entries where no more than one line (and in many cases just one word) was to be inserted on the top of the card, the type- writer was clearly inefficient and some Reflections on Library Technology 333 libraries continued to handwrite this in- formation on printed Library of Con- gress cards many years after they had integrated typewriters into normal oper- ations. The library world constantly looked to machine and mind for improvement. Typewriters changed work proce- dures and the work force within librar- ies, though the transition was rarely noted in the library literature. The type- writer required skilled workers and, at least at the outset, libraries would have had fewer typists than those skilled in library hand. As one librarian stated in 1907, "If the typist is ill or absent, the catalogue must wait." 27 We can imagine that the typewriter set up new ways of differentiating staff, with implications for wages and the potential for inter- generational friction, but the record is not rich in this area. Library educators, though, for years advised new library school students to learn to use the type- writer because it would enhance their chances of finding employment. 28 Library hand continued to be sup- ported by the profession. The New York State Library School published a library handwriting guide for its students as late as 1916, and even in 1930, cataloging textbooks urged library students to ac- quire proficiency in the art. 29 Haverford College produced cards with pen and ink until 1915, and I can still remember the supply closet at the Dartmouth Col- lege Library in 1975, with its array of old fountain pens, ink holders, and supply of ancient nibs, all unused for years-a monument to a past age. CONCLUSION Today, we recognize that neither books nor libraries themselves are sa- cred, and the profession has progressed to a point where it counts on future tech- nology to solve its problems. In the past, librarians were afraid that such a preoc- cupation would divorce them from the scholar and, indeed, in the case of the 334 College & Research Libraries card catalog, the relationship with prac- ticing scholars was a major issue for dis- cussion. It is often said that librarians hesitate to adopt new methods and procedures and will hold on to established work patterns far longer than is necessary. During the half century after the nation's centennial, we see the persistence of es- tablished methods, but this is not evi- dence of stagnation, for the library world constantly looked to machine and mind for improvement. Successful labor-sav- ing devices not only filled a definite need and were affordable, they were also adaptable to the changing world of li- braries. For inventions that could not be modified or that would require substan- tial capital outlays, the library field proved a difficult task master. Library July 1991 handwriting methods, as primitive as we may regard them today, persisted well into the twentieth century because they could be adapted to a card-based cataloging environment. Some libraries simply could not afford typewriters, but there were also those that, on principal and from experience, believed that for certain operations, pen and ink were more efficient and would result in greater cataloging accuracy. The replacement of one technology or method by another has never been a sim- ple rna tter for libraries. The world in which inventions of the past were adopted and discarded depended on budgets, the requirements of the labor force, the reac- tion of library users, and also sentiment, the attitudes, feelings, and opinions of librarians and library managers. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Richard Garnett, Essays in Librarianship and Bibliography (New York: Harper, 1899), p.253-57. 2. John Cotton Dana, "Anticipations, or What We May Expect in Libraries," in Libraries: Addresses and Essays (New York: H.W. Wilson, 1916), p.149-50. 3. "Fireproof Book," U.S. Patent no. 509,533, Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office 65:1293 (1893); Jim Ranz, "Alexander J. Rudolph and His 'New Method of Cataloging,"' Library Resources &Technical Services 5:259-66 (Fall1961); "Coin-Operated Holder for Books or Other Articles," U.S. Patent no. 426,098, Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office 51:515 (1890); "Coin-Actuated Book Receptacle," U.S. Patent no. 633,308, Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office 88:2144 (1899); "Coin-Controlled Book-Holder," U.S. Patent no. 644,776, Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office 90:1835-36 (1900). 4. "Improvement in Autographic Printing," U.S. Patent no. 180,857, Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office 10:227 (1876); H. J. Carr, "Duplicating Processes in Cataloguing," Library Journal1:372 (June 30, 1877); Melvil Dewey, "Duplicating Processes," Library Journal4:165 (May 1879). Edison's own successor to the electric pen, the mimeograph, used paraffin paper and no electricity to produce stencils. The mimeograph proved adaptable for use with typewriters. 5. Technology is often thought to include systems using machinery and automation. Here, I am taking the broader definition of technology as "a technical method of achieving a practical purpose," Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language (Springfield, Mass.: Merriam, 1971), or as "a method or process for handling a specific technical problem," Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (Cleveland, Ohio: William Collins, 1980). In this sense, the card catalog and library hand can be considered technologies. 6. Jim Ranz, The Printed Book Catalogue in American Libraries, 1723-1900 (Chicago: Amer- ican Library Assn., 1964). 7. Finding-List of the Lake Forest University Library, (Waukegan, Ill.: Ga?:ette Book and Job Print, 1893); Library of the University of Wooster (Wooster, Ohio: 1892); A Catalogue of the Library of The Bowdoin College: To Which Is Added an Index of Subjects (Brunswick, Me.: The College, 1863). The St. Lawrence University catalog consisted of "five bound volumes covering the period 1856 to approximately 1880, with handwritten entries for library acquisitions. There [was] one sequence for author entries and another for titles, Reflections on Library Technology 335 with what appear[ed] to be an accession number in the margin" (information provided by Richard Kuhta, University Librarian). The Davidson College catalog used alcove and shelf locations instead of classification numbers (information provided by Leland Park, Director of the Library). 8. Catalogue of the Library of Haverford School (Philadelphia: W. Brown, 1836). 9. Roger Michener, The Bowdoin College Library: From Its Beginning to the Present Day (M.A. thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1972), p.124. 10. Justin Winsor, "The Condition of Italian Libraries," Nation 53:27 (July 9, 1891). 11. "The Coming Catalog," Library Journal23:670 (Dec. 1898). 12. Winsor, "Italian Libraries," p.27. 13. Ranz, "Alexander Rudolph," p.265. 14. See discussions in Library Journal17:92 (Mar. 1892) and 18:425 (Oct. 1893). 15. John Cotton Dana, "Library Problems," in Libraries: Addresses and Essays, p.57. 16. Fremont Rider, "The Possibility of Discarding the Card Catalog," Library Quarterly 8:329 (July 1938). 17. Ibid., p.330. 18. Ibid. 19. Donald Hoke, Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector (New York: Columbia Univ. Pr., 1990), p.132-78. 20. In a 1902 survey, eighteen of sixty-six libraries selected at random did not use type- writers in cataloging work. See Caroline Wandell, "The Typewriter for Card Catalogs," Library Journal 27:268 (May 1902). No further survey evidence of when libraries adopted typewriters exists, but information gathered for individual libraries suggests wide differences in first typewriter use. For example, Haverford College began using typewriters to produce catalog cards in 1915; the College of Wooster Library purchased its first machine, a Remington Noiseless, in the early 1920s. 21. Bruce Bliven, The Wonderful Writing Machine (New York: Random, 1953), p.68-71. 22. "The Typewriter and Its Employment for Cataloguing," Library Association Record 3:118 (1901) . 23. "Library Handwriting," Library Journal 10:321 (Sept. /Oct. 1885). Manuals on library handwriting techniques were published as early as 1887, Library Notes 1:273-82 (Mar. 1887); the last was Library Handwriting: A Guide for the Use of Students in the New York State Library School (Albany: Univ. of the State of New York, 1916). For a view of library hand by a library educator, see Alice B. Kroeger, "Instruction in Cataloging in Library Schools," Library Journal 32:111 (Mar. 1907). 24. "The Typewriter and Its Employment for Cataloguing," p.118. 25. William Warner Bishop, Practical Handbook of Modern Library Cataloging (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1914), p.23-24. 26. Wandell, "The Typewriter for Card Catalogs," p.268. 27. "Handwriting for Manuscript Catalogues," Library World 10:86-87 (1907). 28. In 1923, the Williamson report criticized library schools for putting so much emphasis on skillful typewriter use by their students. He believed that this and the requirement by some schools that librarians in training also acquire facility in "vertical or library handwriting" discouraged "able and ambitious college men and women" from choos- ing librarianship as a career. See Charles C. Williamson, Training for Library Service: A Report Prepared for the Carnegie Corporation of New York (New York: Merrymount Press, 1923), p.32-33. 29. Margaret Mann, Introduction to Cataloguing and the Classification of Books (Chicago: American Library Assn., 1930), p.105.