College and Research Libraries Electronic Information and Technology: Impact and Potential for Academic Libraries Dilys E. Morris This article discusses the impact of technology and the economics of information on academic libraries. It calls on libraries to forge a renewed national commitment to cooperate in the build- ing of a national information network for scholarly communications that is based on the exist- ing bibliographic utilities and the developing academic networks. or centuries the power of infor- mation has been understood, and great efforts have gone into controlling it. But with the spread of education and literacy in the Western world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the control of infor- mation and ideas has become more diffi- cult. While experts disagree on the date, sometime during the last half-century computers and telecommunications be- gan to converge to produce an informa- tion society which, according to Harlan Cleveland, is transforming not only our personal lives but also our national politics and our international relations. Com- puters have enorm