College and Research Libraries About College & Research Libraries SUB MITriNG MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts of articles are to be sent to the editor, C. James Schmidt, c/o Research Libraries Group, Jordan Quadrangle, Stanford, CA 94305. Instructions for Authors In preparing articles to be submitted for publication in College & Research Libraries, please follow these procedures: 1. Submit original, unpublished articles only. Authors are responsible for the accu- racy of the statements in their articles. If the paper has been presented at a confer- ence, identify the conference by name and date in a cover letter. 2. Manuscripts are to be typewritten, double-spaced, and submitted in three copies. The title, name, and affiliation of the author, and an abstract of 75 to 100 words should precede the text. Do not re- peat this information elsewhere in the text. Manuscripts usually range in length from 1,000 to 5,000 words, although longer manuscripts are occasionally re- ceived. 3. Bibliographical references are to be consecutively numbered throughout the _manuscript, and typewritten, double- spaced, on a separate sheet or sheets at the end of the article. 4. Consult Merriam-Webster's New Col- legiate Dictionary, 8th ed. (supported by Webster's Third International), for spelling and usage; prefer the first spelling if there is a choice. Verify the spelling and accu- racy of names in an appropriate reference. 5. The C&RL journal follows A Manual of Style, 12th ed., rev. (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr ., 1969) as authority for capitali- zation, punctuation, quotations, tables, captions, and all matters of bibliographical style. Authors may consult recent issues of the journal for examples of the style. 6. In general follow the practices recom- mended by A Manual of Style with these ex- ceptions: Cite journal articles according to: author's first name or initials, author's surname, title of article, title of journal vol- ume: page references (issue date) . For ex- ample: 1. John Gardner and Gladys Rowe, ''Thinking Small in a Big Way,'' College & Research Libraries 40:533-38 (Nov. 1979). For subsequent references to a previously cited work, the surname of the author(s), a shortened form of the title, and the page reference are enough. Do not use op. cit. or loc. cit. For example: 15. Gardner and Rowe, "Thinking Small," p.534. If no other reference intervenes, use ''Ibid.'' to take the place of the elements of the previous reference that apply. Do not underline "Ibid." Do underline or quote all titles in both references and bibliogra- phies. Number items as 1., 2., etc., but do not use superscript numbers. Use p.726-30, not pp. 726-730, for citations to a book or journal when listing page num- bers. Abbreviate volume as V.2 or 2v. However, it is not necessary to give total . number of pages or volumes when a refer- ence cites an entire work. VERIFY ALL CI- TATIONS CAREFULLY. 7. Submit all tables and illustrations at the end of the paper, each on a separate page. Indicate the desired placement in the text by adding an instruction in brack- ets, e.g., (Insert table 2). Provide a brief ti- tle for each illustration or table. Type all ta- bles double-spaced and follow the examples in A Manual of Style in construct- ing the tables, omitting the vertical lines to indicate columns. Use tables sparingly. 8. Submit original, camera-ready art for illustrations, figures, and graphs. Please 289 290 College & Research Libraries protect camera-ready copy when mailing your manuscript. All original, camera- ready art will be returned to the author(s) after publication. SUBJECT CONTENT College & Research Libraries includes arti- cles in all fields of interest and concern to academic and research librarians-for ex- ample, library collections, their acquisi- tion and organization; services to readers and bibliographic instruction; library or- ganization and management; library buildings; library history. In its treatment of a subject, the manuscript may employ a number of different approaches, for exam- ple, a case study or a descriptive or histori- cal narrative, an article expressing in- formed opinion on a matter of continuing interest, a report on the procedures and results of a controlled research project. REVIEW OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts received are given an initial review by the editor, and those selected for further review are submitted to at least two readers, generally from members of . the Editorial Board. Names of authors are removed from the manuscript, and thus author identification should be on the first page of the manuscript only. Insofar as possible, other items in the manuscript that identify the author (e.g., a biblio- graphical reference) are blocked out by the editor prior to submission for formal re- view. When the review is completed, gener- ally in six to eight weeks, the editor noti- fies the author. An author is not to submit a manuscript to another publication while it is under review by College & Research Li- braries. In their review the readers will direct their attention to the content and style of the manuscript, addressing such ques- tions as the following: Does the manu- script make a substantially new contribu- tion to the literature? As for the method employed, is it appropriate to the subject, and does the author demonstrate compe- tence with it? Is the author then able to July 1983 communicate findings clearly to an edu- cated yet not necessarily specialized audi- ence? Does the author demonstrate through a review of the literature and other developments how the research or opinions here presented relate to them? PUBLICATION If accepted for publication, the manu- script is generally published from six to nine months after acceptance (depending on the supply of accepted manuscripts) . The manuscript will be edited to conform to the style of the journal, and the editor may offer recommendations to the author on changes to make. Articles published in College & Research Libraries are copyrighted by the American Library Association, and subsequent in- quiries for reprinting articles are referred to the ALA Office of Rights and Permis- sions. All material in the journal subject to copyright by the American Library Associ- ation may be photocopied for the noncom- mercial purpose of scientific or educa- tional advancement. LEITERS Readers are invited to comment on arti- cles in the journal through letters ad- dressed to the editor. It is recommended that such communications be as short as possible and no longer than 200 words. All letters should be typewritten, double- spaced. A letter commenting on an article in the journal is shared with the author, and a response from the author may ap- pear with the letter. REVIEWS College & Research Libraries includes re- views and listings of new publications of interest to academic and research librari- ans . Publishers are invited to send review copies of their publications as well as an- nouncements to the editor (C. James Schmidt, c/o Research Libraries Group, Jordan Quadrangle, Stanford, CA 94305). Readers wishing to review books for the journal are invited to write to the editor in- dicating their special areas of interest and qualifications.