College and Research Libraries 300 College & Research Libraries Young, Arthur P. Books for Sammies: The American Library Association and World War I. Lexington, Ky.: Beta Phi Mu, 1982. 149p. $12.50. LC 81-17095. ISBN 0-910-23015-3. Young has added an evocative title to Beta Phi Mu's series of valuable library memorabilia. He points out, with clarity and insight, several of the dichotomous, indeed ambivalent, courses followed by ALA in its involvement in the Great War, 1914-19. There can be no doubt, as he demonstrates carefully and clearly, that li- brarians, operating libraries in wartime conditions at horne and abroad, "per- formed exceptionally well under some- times exhausting, stressful conditions'' (p.96). Yet, the small national organiza- tion, rapidly politicized and polarized into a controversial operation with either many enemies or few understanding sup- porters, found itself embroiled in many undesirable morasses of professional con- cerns, personnel problems, and public dif- ficulties. Too few jobs and activities, all told, for too many men-this statement by John Cotton Dana-pointedly summarizes the entire 1917-20 service period. Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress extraordi- naire (forty years worth), was director of ALA's War Service Committee, which controlled the military library program; he was ably assisted by several outstanding men and women librarians who left suc- cessful careers to serve at horne and over- seas. The details about developments during the years of the committee's service reflect the difficulties of a small association's at- tempt to influence policy and operate pro- fessionally within the framework of a gi- gantic, total national conversion from peace to war. Problems arose constantly with many groups, including the YMCA. Such conflicts were important as they por- trayed pettiness by people and organiza- tions along the path of supplying reading and help to several million men in uni- form. Young's documentation is impressive, as a historian's approach should be. A synopsis of his bibliographic approach is an unusual and welcome gift to current July 1983 and future writers. The six chapters in- volve the use of 299 references (including ibids). The total may or may not be im- pressive; the facts revealed by such docu- mentation are put into a fabric of well- connected, clearly stated reportage. The author acknowledges rightfully the fact that a new generation of library leaders emerged from this period -Carl Milam, Malcolm Wyer, Joseph L. Wheeler, Caro- line Webster, Burton E. Stevenson, and others. To us of a not-so-tender age (I was born one month before the U.S. entered the war in 1917, and I served under Mr. Wheeler at EPFL before World War II), this record will be fascinating for its reve- lation of half a lifetime (ALA's and mine) of concern with librarianship. Did war ser- vice responsibilities help ALA mature? _ Did the emerging leadership seize the op- portunities gained from wartime public exposure to go on to greater heights? An- other volume may be needed to answer these two questions; the author provides his answers: "new horizons of profes- sionalism and service were the enduring legacies of the American Library Associa- tion's participation in World War I (p.99).'' This slender volume is deserving of a wide readership-there are many names to conjure with listed in appendix I, "Major Army/Navy Camp Libraries (1917-1919)," some of whom might well be worth a story or book in future writ- ings. A quarter of a century later, America was at war again. Is the ALA of post-World War II so different from the ALA of 1919? (PS Dr. Young, what's a "sammy"? See Webster's for the answer. )-Harold Goldstein, Florida State University. Hebert, Fran~oise and Noel, Wanda. Copyright and Library Materials for the Handicapped: A Study Prepared for the In- ternational Federation of Library Associa- tions and Institutions. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1982. 111p. $20 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20381-0. Most of the numerous publications on copyright law that have appeared since