College and Research Libraries a few of these and concentrates only on the high intentions, largely aborted, of the Interagency Committee on Books, on which Paxton Price was the H. E. W. repre- sentative, established in 1966 by an en- lightened Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Charles Frankel, in an attempt to support the goals of President Johnson's "Great Society." The Committee's National Policy State- ment on International Book and Library Activities, issued in January 1967, was an unexceptionable pronouncement, but po- litically it came too late. Two years later the new Nixon Administration, as is the custom, abandoned this along with such other Johnson projects as it could. The only fruit of the National Policy Statement was, in effect, this book, which consists of little more than about two hundred pages Recent Publications 275 of largely undifferentiated extracts from the responses of overseas missions and posts to Dean Rusk's requests for com- ments on the several paragraphs of the in- tended new policy-paragraph by para- graph, country by country-with no useful analysis or synthesis, and, of course, with no results. The National Policy Statement itself should not be forgotten, but it should be recalled as a footnote in some larger theme, such as an article on the little- known but impressive Government Advi- sory Committee on International Book and Library Programs, which actually drafted the National Policy Statement for the Interagency Committee. There, in G.A.C., is a story waiting to be told.- Robert Vosper, University of California, Los Angeles. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Motivational Properties of Support Staff Tasks in the Face of Automation. By Edward D. Garten. 1981. lOp. ED 217 830. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This paper maintains that staff needs which are both implicit and explicit within the automation-laden technical services work in a library setting most often do not receive ade- quate attention from the library's supervisory staff . It argues that analysis of problem areas within a given unit in the library can better pro- mote positive strategies for dealing with tech- nology related concerns of library personnel. Further, the paper recommends that supervi- sory personnel be aware of the importance of reaffirming the value of the human services rendered by support or clerical staff within the work setting. Library Specifications for a New Circula- tion System for Concordia University Libraries. By James Tallon. 1981. 17p. ED 217 848. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This study of library requirements for a new circulation system is organized into three sec- tions : (1) items required for initial implementa- tion in July 1982; (2) items relating to notice gen- eration and activity statistics, with imple- mentation expected by fall 1982; and (3) items provided in the system as initially imple- mented, with additional programming re- quired. Items in the first section include bor- rower information, conversion process, borrower information requirements, reserves, fines, requests, internal borrowers, CMF /item file, table governing routine procedures with online read and write access, and form of infor- mation display. Items in the fall 1982 imple- mentation section are listed under fines, re- quests, internal borrowers, and additional requirements. The final section lists items un- der borrower information, reserves, internal borrowers, general system requirements, and additional requirements. 276 College & Re~earch Libraries CAl and Computer Facilities for the Use of Patrons in a New Concordia Library Building: Report of th!? Programmed Learning Committee. By James Tallon. 1981. 20p. ED 217 846. MF-$0.83; PC- $1.82. A description of various activities of the Pro- grammed Learning Committee of the Concor- dia University Libraries precedes sections on computer-assisted instruction (CAl) applica- tions for computer facilities in the library, other computer applications, and space and environ- ment implications of these applications. The first section addresses such topics as CAl appli- cations; CAl courseware; networks, focusing on the Health Education Network and its avail- able systems such as the SDC PLATO and EDUNET; CAl at Concordia; planning for the future; the role of the library; and physical facil- ities required . Included in the section on other computer applications are discussions of nu- meric and bibliographic databases. The con- cluding section presents a summary of CAl ap- plications and describes facilities required in terms of terminals and microcomputers for spe- cific library areas, and recommends furnishings and the proper environment. Listed are three references and a 17-item bibliography. Preservation in the Dartmouth College Li- brary. A Report Prepared for the Librar- ian of the College. Association of Re- search Libraries, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Studies. Spon- sored by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), Washington, D.C. 1981. 28p. ED 217 837. MF-$0.83; PC-Not Available from EDRS. The findings of a study team on the preserva- tion of library materials are presented in three sections. The first section, which is a general analysis of the factors which created the current situation, discusses the library in its institu- tional setting: external factors affecting preser- vation, including publishing trends, develop- ments in the library profession, and the emergence of preservation; major concerns of preservation problems; and planning assump- tions regarding a preservation program. The second section presents recommendations which are organized under five broad head- ings: (1) administrative coordination of pres- ervation policies, (2) environmental factors, (3) physical protection of library materials, (4) physical treatment of materials, and (5) educa- tion for preservation. An implementation strat- egy for carrying out the recommendations con- May 1983 eludes the report . Two appendices are provided, including a timetable for completion of tasks. University of Virginia Library Preserva- tion Planning Project Report. Associa- tion of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Studies. 1981. 93p. ED 217 838. MF-$0.83; PC- Not Available from EDRS. This self-study, undertaken in March 1981 to collect and analyze data regarding the library's preservation problems and to develop a pro- gram addressing these needs, is presented in four sections . The first briefly describes the ma- jor findings of the study. The following section summarizes the major areas of need identified by an analysis of the data collected and a review of the recommendations of the task forces, in- cluding: environmental control; organization and coordination of preservation activities of staff and users; provision of facilities, equip- ment, and supplies for preservation activities; crisis management; and budgeting and funding for preservation. The third section presents goals and objectives for a comprehensive plan- ning project, and the final section consists of detailed action plans for implementing these goals over the next several years. The plans identify specific steps to be taken, the staff members or groups to carry out each step, and timetables for completion. A list of participants in the preservation planning project and a 4- item bibliography are provided. Facilities Program Plan for the Libraries of the University of Missouri-Colum- bia. By Thomas R. Mason and others. Missouri Univ., Columbia. Office of In- stitutional Research. 1981. 153p. ED 219 077. MF-$0.83; PC-$10.82. The product of a combined consultant ap- proach to library evaluation, this report pro- vides an intensive, detailed evaluation of cur- rent library conditions, comparison with national norms and peer university libraries, and projections of alternative options for collec- tion growth, user facilities, and staff develop- ment translated into building facilities require- ments over the next twenty years. The team, composed of a planning and design firm, a pro- gram planning and information research firm, architectural planners, and a university library consultant, provides a series of general findings followed by a comparison with twenty-seven other university libraries for planning perspec- tive. Projections to twenty years are made and converted to assignable floor space for users, The McGraw-Hill ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fifth Edition • 15 volumes The most highly acclaimed science reference ever published has been completely updated and greatly ex- panded to reflect the most recent developments, discoveries, and ad- vances in each of 75 disciplines ranging from Acoustics to Verte- brate Zoology. Included are break- throughs in genetic engineering, video disk recording , metallic glasses, immunoassay, industrial robots, solar energy, artificial intel- ligence, _and hundreds more. The Fifth Edition features: 1-' 7,700 articles--more than 2,100 extensively revised or completely new 1-' 12,400 pages -1,500 more than the Fourth Edition · 1-' More than 7.3 million words 1-' 15,250 illustrations (most in two colors)- 2,150 more than the previous edition 1-' 3,000 international contributors 1-' Two giant indexes: Analytical- with 150,000 entries; Topical- with lists of all article titles by discipline · · 1-' Revised bibliographies and 50,000 cross- references . HIGH RECOMMENDATIONS ' ' Top quality .... Written for the student and nonspecialist but definitely 'or and not just 'about' science.' ' -Science Books & Films ' ' The essential cornerstone around which public, academic, special, and _high school libraries should build their science· reference collections.' ' - Wilson Library Bulletin ' ' Any library that has a serious intention of catering for scientists, technologists and engineers needs a copy of this edition .... ' ' -Nature Regular list price $935. Institutional price. $840. For a free 16-page, full-color Prospectus describing this Fifth Edition in detail- or to order direct - please contact: Elyse Nevid • 212-997-3551• Professional & General Books Group • 35th Floor • McGraw-Hill Book Co. •1221 Avenue of the Americas • New York, NY 10020 278 College & Research Libraries staff, and services. A final chapter deals with a capital staging plan to finance new construction and renovation. Appendices provide nine ta- bles on the evaluation of current conditions, seven on comparisons with Association of Re- search Libraries peers, and nineteen of projec- tions for University of Missouri-Columbia li- braries; floor plans of existing libraries; and a campus map showing existing and potential li- braries. More than thirty references are listed . Research Library Resources Access Proj- ect. A Retrospective Conversion Proj- ect. Final Report. New York State Li- brary, Albany. 1982. 75p. ED 217 843. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The 3-year retrospective catalog conversion project described involved the conversion of 446,913 selected monographic records of six major New York State research libraries into machine-readable format. The records were searched against the OCLC, Inc., data file . If a match or an identical record was found, the cor- responding OCLC record was revised to in- clude the call number and locator information of the participant. A complete catalog record was entered into the data file for any record unique to the file. Objectives of the project in- clude the strengthening of the resource capabil- ities of New York's major networks-the New May 1983 York State Interlibrary Loan Network and the State University of New York/OCLC. Included in the report are discussions of the project's participants and its history, conversion admin- istration and staffing, conversion methodol- ogy, and quality control. The bulk of the report consists of six appendices: (1) schedule of tasks implemented, (2) surveys of participants' shelf- lists, (3) a list of subject collections contributed by participants, (4) photocopying instructions, (5) job descriptions, and (6) input procedures. Studies of Use of the New York State Li- brary. Report No.2. By Ben-Ami Lipetz. State Univ. of New York, Albany. School of Library Science. 1982. 88p. ED 217 844. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. A study was conducted in the New York State Library (NYSL) during one week in October 1981 to determine characteristics of traffic rates, user intent, and user status of visitors. Visitors were counted and recorded at 15-minute inter- vals and a sampling of visitors was adminis- tered surveys on leaving the main portion of NYSL through the single public access on the seventh floor and the separately accessible elev- enth floor research room for historical and ar- chival materials. Completed interviews repre- sented a 16.4 percent sample of all visitors in the main area of the NYSL and 21 percent in the his- The smartest SlSO decision you'll ever make. EBSCONET Online Subscription Service. For as little as $250. Claim, order, and access title and price information. Review Summary of Pub I ications Ordered information. You can even locate missing issues- online. Within 24 hours, you can be online to EBSCO's extensive data base. Using your own hardware in most cases. EBSC[]rlEL ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Simple. Flexible. Smart. P.O . Box 1943 Birmingh~m. Al.1bama 3520 1 (205) 991 ·6600 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION """"" ' ' · SERVICES -=:~ THE SERIALS PROFESS IONALS tory/archival reading room . Findings of the study in the main area include user traffic aver- aging 332.9 visits per day by 281 visitors; 46 per- cent of the visits were for searching material on some topic, 12 percent for genealogy research, and 17 percent for viewing a known publica- tion. Findings for the main area are compared with those of a study conducted in March 1981 and with those for the research room. Future re- search studies are discussed. Provided are fif- teen figures, twenty-eight tables, and three ref- erences. Services to the Disabled in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 81. Association of Research Li- braries, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Studies. 1982. 117p. ED 217 839. MF-$0.83; PC-Not Available fromEDRS. This compilation of documents submitted by various academic and research libraries on li- brary services to the disabled is arranged under six topics. Policy and procedure statements are addressed by Colorado State University and the Universities of Wisconsin at Madison, Con- necticut, and Missouri. The University of Brit- ish Columbia and the University of Connecticut provide position descriptions for librarians and responsibilities of student assistants for the dis- abled, respectively. Reports by the University of Maryland and the University of California at Santa Barbara address facilities and services planning. This is followed by discussions on building access by the Universities of Mary- land, Rochester, Connecticut, and Miami and Northwestern University Libraries . Descrip- tions of services are described by nine universi- ties including the Universities of Cincinnati, New Mexico, California at Riverside, Texas at Austin, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. The final topic on publicity/user guides consists of sam- ples submitted by Harvard University, George- town University, and the Universities of British Columbia, Connecticut, and Georgia. Listed are thirteen sources. DePauw University Libraries Self-Study Report. By Larry L. Hardesty and oth- ers. DePauw Univ ., Greencastle, Ind. 1982. 236p. ED 217 862. MF-$0.83; PC-$15.32. This report consists of a series of recommen- dations for the improvement of the services and facilities of the DePauw University libraries in three areas-personnel, both professional and support staff; administration and manage- ment; and buildings and equipment-with an appended set of supporting documents for the most important recommendations, and addi- Recent Publications 279 tional appendices containing more general sup- porting documents such as background studies on the university and the university's library system. A library mission statement and a schedule of the university offices responsible for acting on specific recommendations are also included. Documents appended include a list of DePauw University library faculty, a collec- tion development policy statement, a building program statement, a rationale for the purchase of a terminal for online searching, and a set of materials on library policies and decision mak- ing. Also appended are: task force reports on bibliographic instruction programs at DePauw University and on the service domain of the university library system; a situational analysis of DePauw University and its affiliated libraries in relation to the national educational environ- ment, which includes historical information on DePauw University expenditures; faculty and student library surveys; and the results of a book use study conducted by the DePauw Uni- versity libraries during January of 1981. Proceedings of the Preconference on On- line Catalogs (Houston, Texas, March 31, 1981). By John Corbin, Ed. Texas Li- brary Association. 1982. 79p. ED 217 842. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. The four papers in this collection discuss the planning, development, and use of online li- brary catalogs. The first article on the require- ments for online catalogs by Velma Veneziano describes such specific features as comprehen- siveness, flexibility, affordability, availability, structured access, user friendliness, level of cat- aloging, and status information on holdings . The development of online cataloging is then discussed by R. Bruce Miller in his paper on planning, creating, and maintaining the biblio- graphic database. This is followed by Elizabeth Wallace's article on selling and explaining the online catalog to a user community, which in- cludes a description of survey findings on the use of online catalogs by library staff, faculty, and students and a reference list. Richard Woods' presentation on the costs of online li- brary catalogs identifies such costs as software and hardware components and discusses com- puter facilities management and the feasibility of implementing an online catalog. BRS Study Committee Report, Concordia University. By J. Tallon. 1982. 14p. ED 217 845. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This report by the BRS (Bibliographic Re- trieval Services) Committee, which was formed to identify costs and benefits of joining BRS, 280 College & Research Libraries provides a summary of anticipated use of the BRS system and projected savings, and recom- mendations to the library on joining BRS. The majority of the report comprises seven appen- dices: (1) a comparison of search system fea- tures for BRS, DIALOG, and CAN/OLE (Cana- dian On Line Enquiry); (2) a summary of databases available and unique to BRS, identi- fying hourly rates, dates available, and interest areas; (3) a comparison of costs and availability for databases on BRS and systems currently used at Concordia; (4) a list of seven informa- tion sources consulted to produce the three pre- ceding appendices; (5) detailed estimates of the anticipated yearly BRS use, indicating numbers of hours per year for databases unique to BRS and databases currently searched on other sys- tems; (6) detailed estimates of anticipated yearly BRS connect time savings by database for both 60 and 120 contract hours; and (7) de- tailed estimates of anticipated yearly BRS off- line print savings, including charge difference May 1983 per citation per abstract for DIA/CAN/OLE and BRS. Finding a Position: Strategies for Library School Graduates. Occasional Papers, Number 153. By Robert F. Delzell. Illi- nois Univ ., Champaign. Graduate School of Library Science. 1982. 29p. ED 219 078. MF-$0.83; PC-Not Available fromEDRS. Written from the vantage point of a library personnel director, this paper presents recent graduates of M.L.S. programs with practical guidance for finding first jobs. It covers four basic areas : (1) the ways one may look for a job, (2) what one should expect from an employer in the employment processes and on the job, (3) what an employer expects in the same cir- cumstances, and (4) recent trends and projec- tions for placement. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Addis, Patricia K. Through A Woman's I: An An- notated Bibliography of American Women's Auto- biographical Writings, 1946-1976. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1983. 621p. $37.50. LC 82- 10813. ISBN 0-8108-1588-5 . American Indian Archival Material: A Guide to Holdings in the Southeast . Comp. by Ron Che- pesiuk and Arnold Shankman. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 326p. LC82-15447. ISBN 0-313-23731-X. Black Slavery in the Americas: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1865-1980. 2 volumes. Comp . by John David Smith. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 1,847p. $95.00 the set. LC 82-11736. ISBN 0-313-23118-4 (set) . Bookbinding: A Guide to the Literature. Comp . by Vito J. Brenni. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1982. 199p. $35. LC 82-15810. ISBN 0- 313-23718-2. British Archives: A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom, 1st ed. Ed . by Janet Foster and Julia Sheppard. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. 533p. $65. ISBN 0-8103-1126-7. Campbell, Dorothy W. Index to Black American Writers in Collective Biographies. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 162p. $27.50 U.S./$33 elsewhere. LC 82-14940. ISBN 0-87287-49-8. Chirgwin, John and Oldfield, Phyllis. The Li- brary Assistant's Manual, 2d rev. ed. Harnden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1983. 137p. $13. ISBN 0- 85157-350-9. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 7th ed. Ed. by John B. Sykes. Fair Lawn, N.J.: Oxford University Press, 1982. 1,292p. $19.95 cloth. $24 .95 thumb-indexed. ISBN 0-19- 861131-5. Guide to American Foreign Relations Since 1700. Ed. By Richard Dean Burns. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1983. 1,311p. $135 . ISBN 0-87 436-323-3. Hall ewell, L. Books in Brazil: A History of the Pub- lishing Trade . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 537p. $27 .50. LC 82-10826. ISBN 0- 8108-1591-5. Hirschfelder, Arlene B. Annotated Bibliography of the Literature on American Indians Published in State Historical Society Publications: New En- gland and Middle Atlantic States. Millwood, N.Y .: Kraus International, 1982. 376p. $60 cloth. LC 82-17213. ISBN 0-527-40889-1. International Handbook of Political Science. Ed . by William G. Andrews. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 464p. $55. LC 81-6245. ISBN 0-313-22889-2. Needham, William L. and Jahoda, Gerald . Im- proving Library Service to Physically Disabled Persons: A Self-Evaluation Checklist. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983 . 135p. $18.50 U .S ./$22 elsewhere. LC 82-16200. ISBN 0-87287-348-X. Negro Almanac, The: A Reference Work on the Afro- American, 4th ed. Ed. by Harry A. Ploski and James Williams. New York: Wiley, _1983. 1,550p . $79.95. LC 82-17469. ISBN 0-471- 87710-7. At Midwest Library Service, We Take The Team Approach To Assist Your Library \ Carl Dorr ¥ Pam Rodgers .I \Forrest E. Link Carol Lehmkuh} (SOUTHEAST) ¥ (NORTHEAST) \Kevin P. Coyle Linda Market I ¥ (MIDWEST) \Kim S. Anderson ¥ Glenda Ward,/ (MOUNTAIN PLAINS) \Lawrence D. Nagel Pat Hamil .I ¥ (WEST) To best serve your needs, we have formed five problem-solving service teams to help take the hassle out of book-buying. Each team is composed of a Sales Representative in the field and a Customer Service Representative in our home office. Once alerted by your phone call made on om Toll-Free WATS Line, 1-800-325-8833, (Missouri customers, please call COLLECT 0-314-739-3100) your problem-solving team, geographically assigned to your library, goes into Midwest Library Service I 1443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 action immediately. It is another facet of Midwest Library Service's tradition of excellence. May we have the privilege of serving your library? "23 Years of Service To College and University Libraries'' 282 College & Research Libraries Newbery and Caldecott Medalists and Honor Book Winners: Bibliographies and Resource Material Through 1977. Camp. by Jim Roginski. Little- ton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 339p. $45 U.S./$54 elsewhere. LC 82-20362. ISBN 0-87287-296-3. "Numeric Databases" Drexel Library Quarterly, Vol. 18, Summer-Fall 1982, Nos.3/4 . Ed. by Charles R. Claydon and Dagobert Soergel. Philadelphia: Drexel University, 1982. 219p. $11 . ISSN 0012-6160 . Oxford Latin Dictionary. Ed. by P. G. W . Glare. Fair Lawn, N.J .: Oxford University Press, 1982. 2, 150p. $145 cloth. I$BN 0-19-864224-5. Palmer, Roger C. Online Reference and Informa - tion Retrieval. Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Un- limited, 1983. 149p. $18.50 U.S./$22 else- where . LC 82-21648. ISBN 0-87287-347-1 . Part-Time Work, A Bibliography. Camp. by Amy Evans Levin. Alexandria, Va.: Association of Part-Time Professionals, 1982. 200 entries, $4.95. (P.O. Box 3419, Alexandria, VA 22302). Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1982 Sup- plement. Ed. by P. William Filby and Mary K. Meyer . Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. 950p. $85. ISBN 0-8103-1197-6. Real Estate: A Bibliography of the Monographic Lit- erature. Ed. by Peter D. Haikalis and Jean K. Freeman. Westport, Conn .: Greenwood, If ... you're interested in library technology, . .. you 've been keeping it at arm 's length, ... you 're involved but want to know more, .. you 're an expert and willing to share, UTA's National Conference is for you . Information and Technology: At the Crossroads September 17-21 , 1983 Baltimore, Maryland II The library and Information Technology Association (UTA) convenes its first national conference in Baltimore. The conference agenda covers all areas of information technology, with particular emphasis on library applications. • Four General Sessions • Panels on integrated systems, automated authority control systems, online catalogs and more May 1983 1983. 317p. $45 . LC 82-23071. ISBN 0-313- 23680-1. Role of Translations in Sci- Tech Libraries. Ed . by Ellis Mount. New York: Haworth, 1983 . 104p. $20 cloth. LC 82-23353 . ISBN 0-86656- 217-6. Schlachter, Gail and Thomison, Dennis. Library Science Dissertations, 1973-1981: An Annotated Bibliography. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1983. 414p. $45 U.S./$54 elsewhere. LC 82-17172. ISBN 0-87287-299-8. Scott, John Anthony. The Ballad of America: The History of the United States in Song and Story. Carbondale, Ill. : Southern Illinois Univer- sity, 1983. 439p . $12.95 paper. LC 82-3180. ISBN 0-8093-1061-9. Sheehy, Eugene Paul. Guide to Reference Books. 9th ed. Suppl. Chicago : American Library Association, 1980. 305p. $18.75 paper. LC 79- 20541. ISBN 0-8389-0294-4. Sourcebook of Hispanic Culture in the United States. Ed. by David William Foster. Chicago: Amer- ican Library Association, 1983. 352p. $32. LC 82-20688. ISBN 0-8389-0354-1 . Zwirn, Jerrold . Congressional Publications: ARe- search Guide to Legislation, Budgets, and Trea- ties. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 195p. $22.50 U.S./$27 elsewhere. LC 82-18652. ISBN 0-87287-358-7. • State-of-the-Art Programs on consumer electronics, cable TV, retrospective conversion and other developing technologies • Hot Shops- hands-on workshops to sample latest technology wizardry • Microcomputer Software Swapshop • Electronic Mail Center • Video Showcase/Swapshop • Demo/Expo to demonstrate current applications of information technology • Full-day Workshops on cable communications and telecommunications • Preconference Tutorial for the uninitiated • Exhibits • Tours to area institutions for demonstrations • Deluxe Midnight Cruise aboard Baltimore's M. V Port Welcome Information and Technology are at the Crossroads . . . and so are librarians. Come to Baltimore to discover the road you ' ll take . II For more information and to register : Don Hammer, UTA, American library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, ll60611; 312/944-6780. For exhibit information: George Abbott, Exhibits Manager-UTA '83, 311 Stonecrest Dr., Syracuse, NY 13214; 315/423-2438 ·