College and Research Libraries 492 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or pa- per copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Re- production Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Instructing the Academic Library User in the United States and Britain: A Review of the Literature and the State-of-the-Art in Ox- ford. By Marilyn P. Whitmore. Paper pre- sented at the Oxford/Oklahoma Seminar, Oxford, England. June 1981. 36p. ED 207 599. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. Library-use instruction is seen by most librarians in Britain and the United States as an essential com- ponent of an academic library's overall operation, with the expressed or implied aim of enabling stu- dents to achieve maximum utilization of library re- sources and services. Having passed through a long history of cyclical popularity dating back to before the turn of the century, library instruction enjoyed a period of renewed popularity in the early seven- ties. Presently many writers believe that academic libraries are failing in their function of facilitating access to stored knowledge. The challenge of edu- cating library users, however, has generated a mul- tiplicity of instructional approaches in both na- tions. These approaches include handbooks, leaflets on specific resources, specialized bibliogra- phies, audiovisual presentations, orientation tours, and informal courses; the slide/tape presentation is one of the more popular types of media used. Sixty references are cited. Qualifred Citation Indexing: Its Relevance to Education Technology. By E. B. Duncan and others. Aberdeen University Teaching Centre; Robert Gordon's Inst. of Technol- ogy, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sponsored by the Scottish Inst. of Adult Education, Ed- inburgh. 1981. llp. ED 207 567. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. Citation indexing, which matches linked articles through links with authors rather than through subject-keyword matching, is particularly relevant to educational technology, a widely spread subject with a special user group of varying interests, diffi- cult to cover in one retrieval service, and whose ter- minology is often ambiguous. By including links from lists of references, very large databases are created, some of whose links may be misleading. Qualified citation indexing seeks to refine the out- put by including terms to describe the context of the reference that are mutually exclusive and un- ambiguous. The Scottish Education Department Qualified Citation Indexing Project is setting up a citation database with linked references from cit- ing to cited work, the links qualified by using a list of relational or descriptive terms compiled from previous studies and from the suggestions of users. Retrieval will be tested and modifications will be built in from feedback thus acquired, and a proto- type index will be presented. A major part of the work will be the identification of key authors and key papers, and estimates will be made of both computing and indexing costs. FLC/FEDLINK AACR2 Cataloging Manual for Federal Libraries. By ArnoldS. Wajen- berg. Federal Library Committee, Wash- ington, D.C. Federal Library and Infor- mation Network. 1981. 169p. ED 207 542. MF -$0.83; PC-$10.82. Intended as a guide for federal-agency libraries in the application of the second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and not to su- persede them, the emphasis in this manual is on material and problems likely to be encountered by catalogers in the area of descriptive cataloging; it ~lso includes the most recent Library of Congress rule interpretations at the time of publication. Fol- lowing an introductory section, the main body of the manual is arranged according to AACR2 rule number with discussions and example applications to specific cases. Each example refers to the appen- dix, which contains photocopies of title· pages and other sections of books, serials, etc. Complete cata- loging, with and without MARC coding, is given for each title and is cited whenever that title is used to illustrate a rule. A number of typographic con- ventions are included to assist the user. In-Service Training Program for Library Para- professionals: A Report. By Donna R. Ba- fundo. Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia, Fairfax; George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia, Div. of Continuing Education. Virginia State Library, Richmond. 1981. 213p. ED 207 536. MF -$0.83; PC-$13.82. This is the final report of an in-service training We will supply any available titles from any publisher, government agency or non-profit organization from anywhere in the world. In addition, BSI provides: Continuation and standing orders , out-of-print book search, paperback to hard- bound conversion , responsive rush order department and on-line order capacity via UTLAS . Service & Dependability BSI inventories books from more than 200 publishing houses . Outstanding orders for new technical , scientific and medical books alone add up to an inven - tory of over 10 ,000 titles . And our database includes over 25 ,000 publishing sources. BSI's fill rate on current material averages better than 92% . We work hard to maintain our reputation for obtaining hard-to-find titles many other suppliers cancel . Let us put our tenacity to work for you . Contact: Book Services International Martin B . Berke , General Manager Norma E. Berke , Operations Manager 425 Asylum St. , Bridgeport , CT 06610 (203) 334-2165 Telex 681 -3306 East Central States Region Jack Russell , 335 W . Miner St. , P.O. Box 111 Westchester, PA 19380 (215) 692 -5263 Northeast Region Sales Western Region Sales Ralph C. Ferragamo , P.O . Box 152 , Gary Green , Box 49 , Alsea , OR 97324 Bank Plaza Station (503) 487 -7274 Merrick , NY 11566 (516) 795-5082 'cS! book services international Your Complete Book Service For Your Free Personalized Luggage Tag Visit Our Booth at the Midwinter Conference . 494 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 program for library paraprofessionals, a ten- month project funded by the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Title III and matching state appropriations through the Virginia State Li- brary. Designed by an area-library networking committee to provide library paraprofessionals with competence in basic library skills and to rein- force positive public-service attitudes, the project included seven program modules, five training workshops, a ten-week course on basic library skills, and a lecture on censorship and intellectual freedom in libraries. Summaries and essential ma- terials for each of the components are provided, as well as extensive evaluation information. Manual of Documentation Practices Applica- ble to Defense-Aerospace Scientific and Technical Information. Volume II: Sections 4-Data Recording and Storage; 5- Mechanization Systems and Operations; 6-Announcement Services and Publica- tions. North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion, Neuilly-sur-Seine (France). Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Devel- opment. 1979. ED 207 609. MF -$0.83; PC-$13.32. The second of four volumes in a series describing MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You correspond direct; any title needs, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by lettlr or phone. This makes your job easier and keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. W.ith over 45 years exper~Wtce, McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and in1emational titles. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed in our new brochure. Writl today for your free copy. OUR 48th YEAR Mount Morris, llllnolsl1054 the basic documentation practices involved in the initial setting up and subsequent operation of an information-library organization to provide defense-aerospace, scientific, and technical infor- mation services, this manual consists of three sec- tions. "Data Recording and Storage," by J. How- ard Petrie, provides an introduction to the hard- ware and software of computer systems, discusses the problems of inputting data, describes the dif- ferent types of input and storage equipment, and outlines management and systems-analysis prob- lems in the project environment. "Mechanization Systems and Operations," by Victor Rogers, pro- vides a working basis for setting up a computer sys- tem for indexing, processing, and disseminating in- formation, mainly in the form of bibliographic references. The main emphasis is on the in-house computer and methods are described for setting up, storing, and exploiting databases, and creating an announcement journal. "Announcement Ser- vices and Publications," by Elizabeth Ridler, re- views methods for announcing holdings and new acquisitions to users, provides examples of manually- and computer-produced bulletins, and discusses the production of indexes to computer- produced publications. Also described are manual and computer-based SDI services and repackaging of literature resources as bibliographies, state-of- the-art reports, and packaged information for technical innovation. Manual of Documentation Practices Applica- ble to Defense-Aerospace Scientific and Technical Information. Volume III: Sec- tions 7 -Information Retrieval; 8- Dissemination Practices; 9-Microform Systems and Reprography. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Neuilly-sur-Seine (France). Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. 1980. ED 207 610. MF -$0.83; PC-$13.32. The third of four volumes in a series describing the basic documentation practices involved in the initial setting up and subsequent operation of an information-library organization to provide defense-aerospace scientific and technical- information services, this manual consists of three sections. "Information Retrieval," by Tom Norton, provides a brief overview of the development of in- formation retrieval (IR) and a model of an IR sys- tem. Manual of Documentation Practices Applica- ble to Defense-Aerospace Scientific and Technical Information. Volume IV: Sec- tions 10-Security Storage and Control; 11-0rganization and Management; 12-Networks and External Sources of In- To do a great iob you have to have great tools. Introducing AMI. Which stands for Autonnated Media Information. You'll probably say it stands for nnore than that. AMI stands for effortless book- ings, razor-sharp record keeping, and up-to-the- second inventory control. It stands for better inventory turnover, crackerjack custonner service and reduced labor costs. To say nothing of reduced labor, period. AMI can do booking searches, by title, subject or borrower. AMI can nnake reservations far into the future. And it gives you an instant calendar display. AMI can even print confirma- tions, overdue notices, shipping labels, picking lists and usage reports. AMI nneans the end of old- fashioned nnan- ual booking. It brings state-of- the-art computer hardware and software to your media center. You get a hard disk com- puter, video display terminal, a printer and the media manage- ment programs you need. All serviced nationwide by NCR. And AMI is expandable. It grows as your library grows. AMI's price? As low as $70 a week. Which means if you've been waiting for the price of automation to come down, your wait is over. Let us give you all the details. Phone RTI now, toll-free at 800/323-7520.* I R~l / RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 4700 Chase, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646 *Illinois. Alaska, Hawaii or outside the U.S.A. , call 312/677-3000. 496 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 formation. Ed. byS. C. Schuler. North At- lantic Treaty Organization, Neuilly-sur- Seine (France). Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. 1981. 129p. ED 207 611. MF-$0.83; PC-$9.32. The last of four volumes in a series describing the basic documentation practices involved in the ini- tial setting up and subsequent operation of an information-libary organization to provide defense-aerospace scientific and technical infor- mation services, this manual consists of three sec- tions. In "Security Storage and Control," Michael s·ims describes the organization and administration of the security arrangements in a documentation center, and discusses the need for both physical and personnel security; security requirements for docu- ments from the publication stage through final dis- posal and for items in various formats; and protec- tion required in peripheral areas, e. g., reprographic and computer rooms. "Organisation and Management," by Diana Leitch, discusses the establishment of a technical information center; its aims and objectives; identification and fulfillment of user requirements; management and planning; the role of the staff; budget management; stock control; the impact of mechanization; and promo- tion of the center's services. "Networks and Exter- COM CATALOGS • CONVERSION • OCLC PROCESSING • EDIT LISTS • AUTHORITY CONTROL GRCCC@IOO GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION LIBRARY SYSTEMS P .O . Box • 5383 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara, California 931110770 (805) 964-7724 • Vera Fessler nal Sources of Information," by Philip Eckert and others, reviews the basic functional aspects of tele- communications, text searching, and networking. Some commercial and noncommercial informa- tion networks operational in the U.S. and Europe are described, and details of services offered and contact points are provided for selected external online bibliographic databases on specific topics. Workshop for japanese Collection Librarians in American Research Libraries. Washing- ton, D.C.: Association of Research Li- braries, 1978. 169p. ED 215 674. MF- $0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. A description of the structure and approach of a workshop held to identify and explore important issues relating to the future of Japanese collections in academic and research libraries is provided, as well as eight papers presented at the workshop to- gether with written reactions to the papers by other workshop participants. Topics covered include: (1) the current status and directions of Japanese stud- ies; (2) the current status of collections supporting Japanese studies; (3) the management and organi- zation of Japanese collections; (4) the book market in Japan and the acquisition program of the Li- brary of Congress; (5) Japanese libraries for J apa- nese studies, focusing on libraries in general and special collections on literature, history, and the so- cial sciences; (6) the case of Japanese collections as an emerging issue in national resource sharing, in- cluding problems of access and coordinated collec- tion development, the National Periodicals Cen- ter, and the Center for Research Libraries; (7) a view of resource sharing from a smaJler collection; and (8) the regional level of resource sharing. Many papers contain references and tables. Three appen- dixes provide workshop results and recommenda- tions, a list of participants, and part one of a doc- toral dissertation on Japan, which gives a statistical and analytical overview of current trends. Classification of Education and Research in Li- brarianship and Information Science. Re- port of a' Project Submitted to the Board of Directors, Association of American Library Schools. ByJamesD. Anderson. 1978. 76p. E-D 214 517. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. In order to provide access to individual educa- tors and researchers in library science on the basis of their specializations and types of research, a project was undertaken to develop a Classification of Education and Research in Librarianship and Information Science (CERLIS). A review was con- ducted of the treatment of library science materials in a number of existing classification schemes and thesauri, among them Library of Congress classifi- cation, Classification Research Group classifica- Authority Control. Because 70% of AACR2 changes concern names, we now offer this sophisticated service to painlessly convert name headings. Our authority control services update head- ings, correct spelling and capitalization errors, correct MARC tags and delimiters, create cross references and eliminate blind cross references. The few exceptions which cannot be corrected automatically are reviewed in context by experienced Blackwell authority control editors who apply appropriate changes. Then we produce your catalogs on fiche, film or paper or we deliver a tape copy of your revised file. SERVICES. 498 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 tion, and the Thesaurus of Information Science and Technology. CERLIS, the scheme tested dur- ing this project, is a twice-revised version of the Classification Research Group's Classification of Library and Information Science. Established to classify people rather than documents, CERLIS is designed for self-classification by the individual to be classified. The test version of CERLIS was sent to a random sample of 100 full-time personnel in library education programs, and 28 persons re- sponded with completed classification forms. Spe- cialization profiles and tabulations of the responses were then drawri up. Though there were some problems with CERLIS, testing indicated that it can be used by educators and researchers to de- scribe their specializations, courses, and research. A guide to CERLIS is appended, and six tables, four figures, and a twenty-three-item reference list accompany the text . The Chronicle of the Rise and Fall of Special Libraries and Information Centers for Two Decades: A Review Essay on the Directory of Special Libraries and Information Cen- ters (Fifth Edition), the Subject Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers (Fifth Edition) and the Predecessors To- gether with Explication of the Changing Special Library Universe between the 1960s and 1979. By Eugene B. Jackson. 1979. 30p. ED 215 695. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. This review essay examines the fifth editions of the Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers and its companion, the Subject Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers, and compares these volumes with earlier editions with respect to comprehensiveness of coverage, stan- dards for inclusion , entry forms, consistency, and other related criteria. The background of the direc- tories is outlined , the current context of the North American special libraries universe is described, and changes in the North American special li- braries universe as reflected in the successive edi- tions of the directory between the 1960s and 1979 are reviewed. A reference list, eleven tables pre- senting and comparing data on special libraries, and four figures accompany the text. Publication Activity of Academic Library Di- rectors. By Ronald Rayman and Frank Goudy. 1980. 13p. ED 214 505. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. Comparative statistical analyses of publication records for the library directors of the fifty largest academic libraries in the United States revealed that: ( 1) total years oflibrary experience bore no re- lation to publication activity; (2) the directors' publication records were generally average when compared to the field as a whole; and (3) the acqui- sition of advanced academic degrees, especially the library science doctorate, resulted in an increased rate of publication. Statistics for this report, which were compiled from citations in Library Literature and Library Science Abstracts/Library and Infor- mation Science Abstracts, included information gathered from several sources regarding total years of library experience and academic degrees held. Footnotes include twelve references. The Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity: Interim Report on Book Paper. Washington, D.C.: Council on Li- brary Resources, Inc., 1981. 18p. ED 214 525. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. This report describes current book deterioration in libraries, the status and economics of acid-free- paper production, and categories of books that should be printed on acid-free paper. Recommen- dations are discussed for publishers and librarians regarding the use of acid-free paper. Technical guidelines on paper acidity, a table on manufactur- ers of acid-free identifying types, shades, and sur- faces of paper as well as definitions and a list of members of the Committee on Production Guide- lines for Book Longevity of the Council of Library Resources are provided. Scholars' Access to Information: Public Re- sponsibility/Private Initiative. Minutes of the Ninety-Ninth Meeting, October 29-30, 1981, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. : Association of Research Libraries, 1982. lOOp. ED 215 691. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. This set of minutes from a semiannual meeting of the Association of Research Libraries includes two presentations: "Some Reflections on User Needs and the Information Transfer Process," a talk on government publications and the public's right to know by Joseph Morehead, and "A Com- mentary on the NCLIS Public Sector/Private Sec- tor Task Force and Its Report," by Robert M. Hayes. Reactor panel comments on the two ad- dresses reflecting views from government, li- braries, and the information industry are followed by a general discussi()n of the topics addressed and a set of reports from ARL executives and commit- tees. Among the nine appendixes to the minutes are the annual reports of the Committee on Interli- brary Loan, the Committee on ARL Statistics, the Membership Committee on Nonacademic Li- braries , the ARL Task Force on Bibliographic Con- trol, and the ARL Task Force on Collection Devel- opment. Also appended is a membership roster for the association as of 1981. Coming Attraction! 2 2 Years of Organic Chemistry (196Q-1981) Current Abstrads of Chemistry and Index Chemicus® on convenient microfilm or microfiche Special Pre-Publication Offer CAC&IC " from 1960 through 1981 will be available in microform in 1983. For the first time, you 'll have convenient access to the new organic compounds reported in over two decades of the chemical journal literature . And if you act before December 1. 1982, you 'll receive a 20% price reduction on CAC&IC 1960-1981 : industrial subscription after publication $10 ,000 . . . NOW $8,000 for educational institutions after publication $5,000 ... NOW $4 ,000 You'll Have Access to Over 3 Million Unique Organic Compounds CAC&IC indexes new organic compounds as they appeared in the literature over the past 22 years . The highly visual , graphic format of CAC&IC facilitates rapid scanning-each abstract is designed to give you the maximum amount of information with the minimum investment of your time . All abstracts provide complete bibliographic information for the journal article in which the com- pound was first reported , plus: • specific applications for which the compound was tested • techniques used in analyzing the compound • author's abstract from the original article • easy-to-scan structural diagrams for each compound : Eight indexes , including subject . author, and corporate . make specific searching quick and efficient . Annual updates will be available each year beginning with 1982. To place your order. write to : cO ~oc·lnstitute for ~ Scientific Information• Chemical Information Division , Marketing Department 3501 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Telephone : toll-free : 800-523-1850 , extension 1432 Residents of Pennsylvania. call collect : 215-386-0100 . extension 1432 Telephone orders must include P.O. number. 101-2919 500 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Abel, Ernest L. A Marihuana Dictionary. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 136p. $25. LC 81-13427. ISBN 0-313-23252-0. Abstracting & Indexing Services Directory, First Edition. Ed. by John Schmittroth, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 500p. $85. LC 82-11743. ISBN 0- 8103-1649-8. Allusions-Cultural, Literary, Biblical, & Histori- cal: A Thematic Dictionary, First Edition. Ed. · by Laurence Urdang and Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 464p. $45. LC 82-1088. ISBN 0-8103-1124-0. Annotated Bibliography of ERIC Bibliographies, 1966-1980. Comp. by Joseph G. Drazan. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 520p. $45. LC 82-6151. ISBN 0-313-22688-1. ARCHIVUM: International Review on Archives Vol. 28: Archival Legislation, 1970-1980. Ed. by M. Duchein. Munich: Gale, 1982. 448p. $45. ISBN 3-598-21228-3. ISSN 0066-6793. Balachandran, Sarojini. Directory of Publishing Sources. New York: Wiley, 1982. 343p. LC 82- 2758. ISBN 0-471-09200-2. Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies, 1975-1979. Supp. No.3. Ed. by Haydee Piedra- cueva. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 313p. $25. LC 82-651. ISBN 0-8108-1524-9. Blackey, Robert. Revolutions & Revolutionists: A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1982. 488p. $55.75. LC 82-6653. ISBN 0-87436-330-6. Brown, Alan G. An Introduction to Subfect Index- ing. Second Edition. London: Clive Bingley Ltd., 1982. 378p. $19.50. ISBN 0-85157-331-2. Careers in Information. Ed. by Jane F. Spivack. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publi- cations, Inc., 1982. 250p. LC 82-7188. ISBN 0- 914236-83-0. Checklist for Government Directories, Lists, & Rosters. Comp. by Richard I. Korman. West- port, Conn.: Meckler Books, 1982. 51 p. $75. LC 82-2097. ISBN 0-930466-38-1. Checklist of American Imprints for 1834, Items 22796-29893. Comp. by Carol Rinderknecht and Scott Bruntjen. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 644p. $37.50. LC 64-11784. ISBN 0-8108- 1487-0. Chinese Dictionaries. Comp. and ed. by the Chinese-English Translation Assistance Group. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 447p. LC 82-923. ISBN 0-313-23505-8. Classified Directory of Artists' Signatures, Symbols & Monograms. 2nd Edition. Ed. by H. H. Cap- lan. London: Gale, 1982. 873p. $185. ISBN 0- 8103-0977-7. Crump, R. W. Charlotte and Emily Bronte, 1846-1915: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 195p. $27.50. LC 82-1097. ISBN 0- 8161-7953-0. Davis, Jinnie Y., and Richardson, John V. Callig- raphy: A Sourcebook. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1982. 222p. $27.50 U.S./ $33 elsewhere. LC 81-19360. ISBN 0-87287-277-7. Directory of British Official Publications. Comp. by Stephen Richard. London: Mansell Publish- ing Ltd., 1981. 360p. $36. ISBN 0-7201-1596-5. Douglas, Joel M., and Flanzraich, Lisa. Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Profes- sions. Bibliography No. 10, January 1982. New York: Baruch College, 1982. 94p. $15. City Uni- versity of New York. Douglas, Joel M. Directory of Faculty Contracts and Bargaining Agents in Institutions of Higher Education, VolumeS: January 1982. New York: Baruch College, 1982. 80p. $10. City University of New York. Educational Media Yearbook 1982. Ed. by JameS W. Brown. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1982. 499p. $37.50 U.S./ $45 elsewhere. LC 73-4891. ISSN 0000-037X. ISBN 0-87287- 290-4. Elerick, Maria Luz Espinosa. Annotated Bibliog- raphy of Technical and Specialized Dictionaries in Spanish-Spanish and Spanish-with Com- mentary, in Spanish and English. Trans. by Charles Elerick and Richard V. Teschner. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston Publishing Co., 1982. 190p. $20. LC 82-050416. ISBN 0-87875-234-X. Fact Book on Higher Education in the South, 1981 and 1982. Comp. by Michael M. Myers. At- lanta, Ga.: Southern Regional Education Board, 1982.95p. $4. Flynn, Elizabeth A., and Donaldson, Christine F. Alternative Careers for Ph.D's in the Humani- ties: A Selected Bibliography. New York: Mod- ern Language Assn. of America, 1982. 44p. $5.75 paper. LC 82-3399. ISBN 0-87352-099-8. Fosdick, Howard. Structured PLI 1 Programming for Textual and Library Processing. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1982. 304p. $22.50 U.S./$27 elsewhere. LC 82-8951. ISBN 0-87287- 328-5 (pbk.). Future of Library Networks. Ed. by Ahmed H. He- lal and Joachim W. Weiss. Gesamthochschul- bibliothek, Essen: Essen, 1982. 259p. ISSN 0721-0469. ISBN 3-922602-04-5. Gandert, Slade Richard. Protecting Your Collec- tion: A Handbook, Survey, & Guide for theSe- curity of Rare Books, Manuscripts, Archives, & Works of Art. New York: Haworth Pr . , 1982. 144p. $19.95. LC "81-7004. ISBN 0-917724-78- X. The Gettysburg Campaign, June 3-August 1, 1863. Comp. by Richard Allen Sauers. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 277p. $35. LC 82-6099. ISBN 0-313-23231-8. Guide to Reference Books. Ninth Edition, Second Supp. Ed. by Eugene P. Sheehy. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1982. 243p. LC 82- 1719. ISBN 0-8389-0361-4. Hendricks, Evan. Former Secrets: Government Records Made Public through the Freedom of InformationAct. Washington, D.C.: Campaign for Political Rights, 1982. 208p. $15 for single . copies for government, libraries, attorneys/ $9 for single copies for tax-exempt, public interest organizations. Hendrix, Melvin K. An International Bibliography of African Lexicons. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1982. 348p. LC 81-16533. ISBN 0-8108- 1478-1. Index to Reviews of Bibliographical Publications: An International Annual. Vol IV: 1979. Ed. by L. Terry Oggel and Rosalie Hewitt. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston Publishing Co., 1982. 250p. $15. LC 78-645642. ISBN 0-87875-258-7. ISSN 0161- 4029. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1926-1950. Revised Edition. Comp. by Donald B. Day. Bos- ton: G. K. Hall, 1982. 289p. ISBN 0-8161-8591- 3. Information Searching: A Handbook for Designing Two New Reference Works from Recent Publications I 501 and Creating Instructional Programs. Revised Edition. Comp. by Janet L. Freedman and Harold A. Bantly. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 198p. LC 81-21417. ISBN 0-8108-1509-5. International Encyclopedia of Population. Two Volumes. Ed. by John A. Ross and others. New York: FreePr., 1982. 750p. LC82-2326. ISBN0- 02-927430-3. Kim, Ung Chon. Policies of Publishers. Metuchen, N.Y.: Scarecrow, 1982. 161p. LC 82-685. ISBN 0-8108-1527-3. Learning Independently: A Directory of Self- Instruction Resources. Second Edition; Ed. by Paul Wasserman and Edmond L. Applebaum. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 452p. $120. LC 82-3006. ISBN 0-8103-0318-3. Library Lit. 12- The Best of 1981. Ed. by Bill Katz and Kathleen Weibel. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 307p. LC 78-154842. ISBN 0- 8108-1522-2. Mcinnis, Raymond G. Research Guide for Psy- chology. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 604p. LC 81-1377. ISBN 0-313-21399-2. ISSN 0730-3335. Merrett, Christopher E. Map Classification: A Comparison of Schemes. Champaign, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Pr., 1982. 32p. $3. HOOVER INSTITUTION PRESS Herbert Hoover: A Register of His Papers in the Hoover Institution Archives Elena S. Danielson and Charles G. Palm, compilers Materials which document Mr. Hoover's relief activities during and after World Wars I and II, his political and personal philosophy, and his post-presidential career are among the over 278,000 items which are indexed in this unique new reference work. $19.95 Cloth ISBN: 0-8179-2631-3 Guide to the Hanna CoUection and Related Archival Materials at the Hoover Institu- tion on War, Revolution and Peace on the Role of Education in Twentieth Century Society Fakhreddin Moussavi, compiler Arranged in alphabetical order by donor's name, over 600 archival and manuscript collections relating wholly or in part to education are described and indexed in this new reference work. $19.95 Cloth ISBN: 0-8179-2641-0 Available from your library wholesaler or order directly from: Hoover Institution Press • Dept. 8124 Stanford University • Stanford CA 94305 1-800-227-1991 inside CA: (415) 497-3373 502 I College & Research Libraries • November 1982 Pantelidis, Veronica S. 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Sears List of Subject Headings. 12th Edition. Ed. by Barbara M. Westby. New York: Wilson, 1982. 624p. $25 U .S. and Canada/ $30 else- where. LC 82-7102. ISBN 0-8242-0676-2. Sellery, J'Nan M., and Harris, William 0. Eliza- beth Bowen: A Bibliography. Austin, Tex . : Hu- manities Research Center, University of Texas, 1981. 359p. LC 78-52676. ISBN 0-87959-080-7 . Serials Management in an Automated Age. Ed. by PUBLICATIONS FROM THE UNITED NATIONS • Yearbook of the United Nations, Vol. 33 THE reference work of the Organization. Comprehensive, objective, detailed. Compact account of the wide range of the activities of the United Nations and its inter-governmental agencies. 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