College and Research Libraries ter college and university archives are pre- sented in Nicholas C. Burckel's two espe- cially well done articles, "Establishing a Col- lege Archives" and "The Expanding Role of a College or University Archives," and in Dwight H. Wilson's "No Ivory Tower: The Administration of a College or University .Archives." Of the two case studies included in the volume, Clifford K. Shipton's "The Harvard University Archives" and Maynard Brichford' s "The Illiarch," the latter will be more applicable to the majority of college and university archives. · The reader includes two useful treat- ments of records management, which often provides the economic rationale for archival programs: William Saffady's "Operational Guidelines," and "A Practical Approach" by William F. Schmidt and Sarah J. Wilson . The archivist's relations with other compo- nents of the university community are the subject of Brichford's " University Archives: Relationships with Faculty" and Miriam I. Crawford's " Interpreting the University Archives to the Librarian." Appraisal and processing of records and papers are dis- cussed by both Brichford and Dellene M. Tweed ale, although Tweedale' s article , "Procurement and Evaluation of Mate.rials for a University Archives , " is somewhat dated. The attention devoted to reference ser- vices is perhaps the weakest part of the reader. Shipton's "The Reference Use of Archives " is limited in its specificity. And while it is good to have "A Scholar's View" represented by Laurence R. Veysey and by David B. Potts in "College Archives as Windows on American Society," beginning archivists will not find much practical advice in either article. Some of the most useful material is found in the six appendixes, several of which had not been published previously. "Appendix B: The Family Education Rights and Priva- cy Act" nicely complements Charles B. El- ston's excellent exposition of some of the legal problems involved in administering student records. Other appendixes provide guidance for handling theses and disserta- tions, preparing repository guides, and ini- tiating records management procedures. Of particular note is the University of Wiscon- sin System's "Core Mission and Minimum Recent Publications I 48 7 Standards for University Archives," which formed the basis for similar guidelines re- cently adopted by the Society of American Archivists. This welcome compilation is an indispens- able tool for all archivists, librarians, and administrators concerned with college and university archives.-Mary E . Janzen, Chi- cago Historical Society, Chicago. CORRECTION The name of Bruce Fluesmeier was omitted as coauthor of the review of The Organization of I nfonnation Systems for Government and Public Administration, which appeared in our May issue, p.263- 65. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Infonnation Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P .0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify fonnat desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Introduction to Bibliography and Research Methods Handbook. By Cerise Oberman- Soroka. Robert Scott Small Library, Col- lege of Charleston, Charleston , S.C. 1979. 53p . ED 179 213. MF-$0. 83; PC-not available. Used as a primary text for a required one-hour basic research methods course at the College of Charleston , this handbook is designed to familiar- ize the student with the basic precepts and tools used in research. Each of the seven chapters rep- resents a different step in the research process: (1) locating backgrouJld information-encyclo- pedias ; (2) locating books and monographs-card catalog; (3) locating magazine, journal, and news- paper articles-periodicals, periodical indexes, 488 I College & Research Libraries • September 1980 and abstracts; (4) evaluating books, films, and plays-review sources; (5) locating biographical information; (6) tracing government legislation; and (7) citing sources-descriptive bibliography. Call numbers are provided for all reference sources cited, and a flow chart for basic research methodology is included. An appendix presents general information on the College of Charleston libraries, describes the Charleston Consortium, and provides a glossary. A Bibliography of the Storage and Care on Non-Book Materials in Libraries with Selected Annotations. By Fred Sandner and others. School of Information and Library Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo. 1979. 62p. ED 179 246. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. One product of a research project dealing with the storage and maintenance of nonbook library materials, this annotated listing focuses on litera- ture that discusses films, filmstrips, transparen- cies, slides, magnetic tape, maps, microforms, paintings, prints, phonorecords, photographs, and negatives. Titles dealing with the care of audio- visual materials in general are also included. The Use of an On-Line Microfiche Catalog for Technical Service and Retrieval of Bibliographic Data. Final Report. Gradu- ate School of Library and Information Sci- ence, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1979. 249p. ED 180 479. MF-$0:83; PC-$15.32. The report describes the development and im- plementation of a prototype system that inte- grates a microfiche catalog into an on-line compu- ter system for bibliographic control. Such a sys- tem permits the storage of catalog data not yet converted to digital form, data in ideographic form, data for large numbers of little-used rec- ords, and data for use with mini- and micro- computers. The five sections of the report in- clude: (1) an overview of the project and a review of the potential for use of microform catalogs as components of computer-based systems; (2) a re- view of recent developments in the use of such catalogs, including a topically arranged bibliogra- phy and a synoptic analysis of it; (3) an operator's manual that specifies how to use the equipment involved and explains how the machine programs function and interrelate; (4) a description of the programs used in demonstrating the system; and (5) a cost/effectiveness evaluation of the system. Circulation and Finding System. By A. R. Pierce. Blacksburg, Va.: University Li- braries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., 1979. 30p. ED 183 141. MF-$0.83. PC-$3.32. This report describes an on-line minicomputer- based system, combining library inventory con- trol with catalog access, that was implemented at Virginia Tech's main library in order to meet the demands of increased circulation activity and ris- ing staff costs. Following overviews of the institu- tional environment, the systems development de- partment, and the library, the history, system objectives, and major functions of the automated circulation and finding system (CFS) are illus- trated. CFS procedures related to circulation, data entry, and reference are explained, as well as the system's impacts on administration, man- agement reports, and serials control. Displays of file descriptions, on-line circulation transactions, on-line finding transactions, and batch jobs pre- cede a summary of system benefits and a list of references. Costs and Benefits of Federal Depository Status for Academic Research Libraries. By Sandra K. Faull. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1979. 21p. ED 183 143. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. A cost analysis study of the Association of Re- search Libraries' member institutions that have depository status was conducted in order to eval- uate the benefits received from the federal de- pository system. Information received from a small sample of the member libraries provides the basis for discussion of costs and benefits. Cost factors considered include staff needs, space needs, equipment costs, outreach and program costs, access to commercial reference tools, and discarding documents. Benefits examined con- cern: (1) time saved by receiving material unsolic- ited as opposed to manning a major acquisitions program for documents; (2) savings of receiving a large body of material free of charge; and (3) sav- ings in original cataloging if a library belongs to OCLC. A bibliography and a list of commercial reference tools are provided. Faculty Status, Research Requirements, and Released Time. By Jack E. Pontius and others. 1978. 19p. ED 183 147. MF- $0.83. PC-$1.82. All United States academic members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) were sur- veyed to determine: (1) how many hours a week librarians were expected to devote to their pri- mary assignment; (2) how many months a year they worked compared to most other faculty members on their campus; (3) whether research and schol- arship were requirements for promotion and tenure; and (4) whether the library granted its professionals released time for research. Eighty percent of those questioned responded; 51 per- cent (thirty-five) of the libraries offer faculty sta- tus for librarians. Although most libraries in- corporate evidence of research into their promo- tion and tenure requirements, very few make re- leased time available on a regular basis. An ex- amination of the promotion and tenure docu- ments of these libraries revealed that, although criteria used to evaluate librarians resemble those used for their teaching colleagues, their work- week requirements and the length of their yearly contracts differ significantly. A summary of the responses to the questionnaire used in the study is included with the report. An Instructional Module on Library Re- search. By Tom Rohmiller. Dayton, Ohio: Dayton Univ., 1977. 23p. ED 183 153. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. Intended for college students whose library skills are inadequate for research at the university level, this self-instructional module introduces the user to bibliographies both conceptually and practically: i.e., what makes up a bibliography, how to use a bibliography, and how to compile a bibliography. The module has four sections: (1) bibliographies----definitions; (2) the card catalog as bibliography; (3) the periodical indexes as bib- liographies; and (4) the search strategy and work- ing bibliography. Each concludes with a set of short exercises, the answers to which are pro- vided at the end. The OCLC Serials Sub-System: A First Evaluation. By Neal L. Edgar and others. 1978. 41p. ED 183 161. MF-$0.83. PC-$3.32. This examination of the OCLC serials control subsystem points to positive and negative aspects Recent Publications I 489 of the OCLC system as they relate to serials and evaluates the system's serials cataloging capabili- ties. While this report assumes a knowledge of the basic operations of OCLC, it describes the system in general, its function in cataloging, and its serials check-in component, concluding that no widely accepted evidence exists to prove that the OCLC serials subsystem is any faster than a well- run manual system. Illustrations include diagrams of the OCLC data base and examples of system functions. Subject Heading Patterns in OCLC Mono- graphic Records. Research Report. By Edward T. O'Neill and Rao Aluri. Colum- bus, Ohio: Ohio College Library Cen- ter, 1979. 93p. ED 183 167. MF-$0.83. PC-$6.32. An analysis of a sample of 33,455 monographic records taken from the OCLC data base found that 94 percent of the sample's 50,213 subject headings were Library of Congress (LC) subject headings. Each record had an average of 1. 4 LC subject headings; 18.6 percent of the records, however, had no LC subject headings assigned to them. Topical subject headings accounted for 70 percent of all LC subject headings, and 62 per- cent of all records contained at least one LC topical subject heading. Geographic subject head- ings accounted for 15 percent of the records. Each LC subject heading had an average of 0. 78 subdivisions associated with it. Form divisions were the most common type found, followed closely by place and topical subdivisions. Period subdivisions were used relatively infrequently. Online Resource Sharing II. A Comparison of: OCLC, Inc., Research Libraries In- formation Network, and Washington Li- brary Network. By Mary Ellen Jacobs and others. San Jose, Calif.: California Li- Brockhaus/GermanBooks Publications from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Complete Periodical Service: traditionally reliable and efficient. For information write to us. Rapplenstrafie 20 POB 1164 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 W-Germany 490 I College & Research Libraries • September 1980 brary Authority for Systems and Services, 1979. 17lp. ED 183 220. MF-$0.83. PC not available from EDRS. This comparative study of three major on-line bibliographic systems is designed to provide assistance to library administrators in the assess- ment of the potential impact of such systems upon the operations of their libraries. A side-by- side arrangement of the text allows an overview of any specific characteristic under consideration. These characteristics are divided into sev·eral broad areas: (1) description, i.e . , information on current services, access modes, characteristics of users, system start-up, user support services, and general system information; (2) searchability aspects, including the file system indexing, provi- sions for quality and authority control, and the command language and formats utilized; (3) pro- cesses and products associated with on-line cata- loging, acquisitions , and serials control; (4) ap- plications to other library functions , e. g., circula- tion , reference, interlibrary loan, and manage- ment information ; (5) financial and administrative arrangements with regional networks ; and (6) sys- tem administration . Also included for each system are a chronology of system events , descriptions of announced future developments, a selected bib- liography of evaluative studies , and a bibliogra- phy of training aids and manuals. Additional in- A:r:nong ALA's list of outstanding reference books of 1979 ... A GUIDE TO PUBLICATIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH by Frederic J. O'Hara '~ .. O'Hara's work is without peer and is a significant contribution to the growing reference literature dealing with U.S. gov- ernment publications." -CR LN 295p Cloth, $35.00 Paper, $17.50 PIERIAN PRESS P.O .. Box 1808 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 formation on the individual systems that is not directly comparable is provided in a number of appendixes. ARL Statistics, 1978-79. A Compilation of Statistics from One Hundred and Ten Members of the Association of Research Libraries. Compiled by Carol A. Mandel and Mary P. Johnson. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries , 1979. 60p. ED 183 221. MF-$0.83. PC- $4.82. Compiled from responses to a questionnaire by the ninety-eight academic research library mem- bers and twelve nonuniversity members of the Association of Research Libraries, these 197~79 statistics provide data on their collections, inter- library loan programs, expenditures, and doctoral programs. University libraries are rank-ordered in fourteen different categories : (1) volumes in li- brary ; (2) gross number of volumes added ; (3) microform holdings ; (4) current serials; (5) profes- sional staff; (6) nonprofessional staff; (7) total staff; (8) materials expenditures ; (9) materials and bind- ing expenditures; (10) salaries and wages expendi- tures ; (11) total operating expenditures ; (12) total items loaned; (13) total items borrowed; and (14) current serials expenditures. Four trends are noted from examination of the media figures for university library members : ARL libraries have increased only slightly in size since 1977-78; in 197~79, volumes added rose 4 percent while ex- penditures rose 11 percent; serials expenditures rose at a greater rate than inflation , increasing 16.3 percent, and outlays for serials accounted for 54 percent of expenditures for materials ; and the median ratio of items loaned to items borrowed remained at 2:+--a ratio that has been stable in ARL libraries over the past several years . The questionnaire is included. Training Modules for Use of Scientific and Technical Information Services. By Elaine Caruso. Washington, D. C.: National Science Foundation, 1977. 141p. ED 184 505. MF-$0.83. PC-$9.32. Intended for users of on-line bibliographic re- trieval systems, this set of learning modules in- corporates instructional aids in three modes ; tex- tual, computer-assisted learning, and emulations of actual systems (DIALOG and ORBIT) that ac- cess a data base of segments of more than sixty commonly used source files. The textual materials can be used with local or remote access to the target systems, the emulators can be accessed re- motely or brought up on any computer system supporting ANSI FORTRAN , and the computer- assisted learning and practice (CALP) sequences can be accessed remotely or implemented on a system that maintains a capable lesson designer- type language. The modules are followed by sec- tions on data base structure and organization, analyses and evaluations of the modules and the collected use data, and the dissemination of the training program. Appendixes contain selected pages from two retrieval training manuals, an illustration of use of CALP modules by trainees, excerpts from runs of DIALOG and ORBIT emu- lators, data collection forms, summaries of system use, abstracts of FORTRAN programs, a descrip- tion of a proposed cooperative project, and a list of published articles and papers on scientific and technical information services. A Conservation Policy Statement for Re- search Libraries. Occasional Paper No.139. By Carolyn Clark Morrow. Ur- bana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois, 1979. 25p. ED 184 533. MF-$0.83·. PC not avail- able from EDRS. Designed to provide logical guidelines and to outline optimum conditions for the conservation of a research library collection, this "mock" policy statement can be modified to a particular library's situation. It includes principles of conservation and elements of a comprehensive conservation program, such as collection maintenance, and organization of a conservation department. A selection of sixty-four readings provides the basis for further study of conservation administration in a research library. An Alerting Service Bibliography on Librar- ies, Media, and Educational Technology. Comp. by Marilyn R. Laubacher. Syra- cuse, N.Y.: ERIC Clearinghouse on In- formation Resources, Syracuse U niv., 1979. 34p. ED 184 553. MF-$0.83. PC-$3.32. Monographs of current interest in the fields of libraries, information science, media, and educa- tional technology are cited in this annotated bib- liography. Titles listed are selected from the pub- lications received for review at the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources. The 119 citations are indexed by subject, and a directory of publishers' addresses is provided. Assimilation of Government Publications in Study and Research. Final Report July, 1978 through June 30, 1979. By Beverly P. Lynch. Chicago: Univ. of Illinois, Chi- cago Circle, 1979. 24p. ED 184 571. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. This report describes a four-day institute funded by the U. S. Office of Education to in- Recent Publications I 491 crease the utilization of government publications by extending the knowledge of academic refer- ence librarians about them. Librarians from twen- ty-five universities attended the institute, and discussion centered on the use of government publications in humanities, social sciences, and sciences . Available publications and materials were enumerated, and speakers provided exam- ples of the use of government information sources in their research. An evaluation of the institute follows, with a discussion of the responses to .the questionnaire given to the participants. The majority of responses were positive, and it is rec- ommended that additional regional institutes be held, to inform reference librarians of available publications, as well as a national institute. Appended to the report are the agenda for the in- stitute, a list of the twenty-seven reference librar- ians who participated, and the questionnaire that was distributed. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Andrews, Barry G., and Wilder, William H. Aus- tralian Literature to 1900: A Guide to In- formation Sources. American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series, v.22. De- troit: Gale, 1980. 472p. $28. LC 74-11521. ISBN 0-8103-1215-8 . Bailey, Herbert S., Jr. The Art and Science of Bodk Publishing. Austin: Univ. of Texas Pr., 1980. 216p. $7. 95 . LC 80-50253. ISBN 0-292- 70351-1. A paperback reprint of a work first published in 1970 by Harper. Balachandran, Sarojini. Energy Statistics : A Guide to Information Sources. National World Information Guide Series, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 272p. $28. LC 80-13338. ISBN 0-8103- 1419-3. Baskin, Barbara H., and Harris, Karen H . Books for the Gifted Child. Serving Special Popula- tions Series . New York: Bowker, 1980. 263p. $16.95. LC 79-27431. ISBN 0-8352-1161-4. Bibliographie de Quebec, 1821-1967. Quebec: Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec, 1980. 2v. ISBN 2-551-03716-6 (edition complete). V.1: Tome 1, Notices etablies par le Bureau de Ia bibliographie retrospective. V.2: Tome 1, Index. "Chaque tome comprend 2 volumes: un volume de 1000 notices et un volume de 6 in- dex." Biblioteca Comunale, Siena. Inventario dei man- oscritti della Biblioteca Comunale di Siena, a 492 I College & Resedrch Libraries • September 1980 cura di Gino Garosi. II (mss. 151--346). Inven- tari e cataloghi toscani, 2. Firenze : Giunta Re- gionale Toscana, 1980. 379p. Lire 16,000. Bock , D. Joleen , and Tompkins , Ernest W. Learning Laboratories: Individualized Adult Learning . LJ Special Report #14. New York: Bowker, 1980. 32p. $5; cash with order, $3. 95 . ISBN 0-8352-1318-8. ISSN 0362-448X. Boeder, Robert B. Malawi . World Bibliographical Series, v.8. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Clio Books , 1979. 165p. $28.50. ISBN 0-903450-22-4 . Brewer, Jeutonne. Anthony Burgess: A Bibliogra- phy . Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.47. Metuchen , N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 175p. $10. LC 80-413. ISBN 0-8108-1286-X. Business Organizations and Agencies Directory . 1st ed. Anthony T. Kruzas and Robert C. Tho- mas , editors. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 894p. $72. LC 80-32. ISBN 0-8103-1135-6. Subtitle : A Guide to Trade , Business , and Commercial Organizations, Government Agen- cies , Stock Exchanges ; Labor Unions , Cham- bers of Commerce, Diplomatic Representation , Trade and Convention Centers , Trade Fairs , Publishers , Data Banks and Computerized Ser- vices , Educational Institutions , Business Li- braries and Information Centers, and Research Centers. Carlson , Douglas W. ; Pausch , Lois M. ; and Robertson , Margaret W. Guide to the Papers in the john Hunter Walker Collection , 1911- 1953 . Robert B. Downs Publication Fund , no.6. Urbana, Ill: Univ. of Illinois Library and Graduate School of Library Science , 1980. 114p. $15. LC 80-16678. ISBN 0-87845-056-4. (Available from: Publications Office, Graduate School of Library Science, 249 Armory Build- ing, Champaign, IL 61820. ) Carroll, Margaret , comp . Acronyms Relating to International Development. Ottawa: Interna- tional Development Research Centre , 1980. 162p. $9 . ISBN 0-88936-208-4. (Distributed by: UNIPUB , 345 Park Ave. South , New York, NY 10010. ) Title also in French and Spanish. Cofer, Charles N. Human Motivation: A Guide to Information Sources . Psychology Information Guide Series , v.4. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 176p. $28. LC 80-14341. ISBN 0-8103-1418-5. Committee of Australian University Librarians. Seminar, Canberra, 1979. Storage Options for Australian University Libraries. Papers from the Committee of Australian University Librar- ians (CAUL) Seminar Held in Canberra on 25 August 1979 . Edited by John McKinlay. La Trobe University Library Publications on Li- brary Administration and Technology , no.2. Bundoora: La Trobe University Library, 1980. 38p. $A4. 90 plus postage. ISBN 0-85816--236-9. (Available from: La Trobe University Book- shop, Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia.) Dahl, Hartvig. Word Frequencies of Spoken American English. Essex, Conn . : Verbatim, 1979. 348p. $60. ISBN 0-930454-07-3. (Distrib- uted by Gale.) "The word frequencies in this book were pro- duced by computer programs from carefully keypunched transcripts which were transcribed directly from audio tape recordings of 15 ran- domly selected sessions from each of 15 sepa- rate psychoanalytic cases . .. . " Dime Novels : Escape Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Ann Arbor, Mich .: University Micro- films International , 1980. 67p. LC 80-13452. ISBN 0-8357-0516-1 (v.1). '· A guide to unit 1 of the microfilm collection of the same title , listing the novels included by author and by title . A total of seven units are projected for the collection. Directory of British Associations & Associations in Ireland . 6th ed. G. P. Henderson and S. P. A. Henderson, editors . Beckenham, Kent : C. B. D. Research Ltd. , 1980. 486p. $125. (Distributed by Gale .) Subtitle: Interests , Activities and Publications of Trade Associations , Scientific and Technical Societies , Professional Institutes , Learned Societies, Research Organisations , Chambers of Trade and Commerce , Agricultural Societies, Trade Unions , Cultural , Sports and Welfare Organisations in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. The Directory of Directories : An Annotated Guide to Business and Industrial Directories , Professional and Scientific Rosters , and Other Lists and Guide~ of All Kinds . 1st ed. James M. Ethridge, editor, Cecilia Ann Marlow, assistant editor. Detroit: Information Enterprises , 1980. 722p . $56. ISBN 0-8103-0270-5 . (Distributed by Gale.) ". . . contains completely updated versions of all 4,000 entries from the six 1977-78 issues of Directory Information Service , plus 1,000 brand-new listings. " Directory of International Business Tra vel and Relocation . 1st ed . Detroit: Gale , 1980. 853p. $85. LC 80-15799. ISBN 0-8103-0997-1. Subtitle : The Who , What, and Where Hand- book for International Business Travel and Op- erations , Covering Country Characteristics , Travel Documents , Currency, Customs , Pets , Airports , Hotels, Tipping , Holidays , Health , Housing, and Further Sources of Information . "Taken from Overseas Assignment Directory Service prepared by the editors of Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc." Directory of Research Grants, 1980. William K. Wilson , editor, and Betty L. Wilson , co-editor. Boulder, Colo.: Oryx Press , 1980. 356p. $39.50 (plus $1.25 postage and handling). LC 76- 47074. ISBN 0-912700-33-5. ISSN 0146-7336. Duke University, Durham, N.C., Library. Gui~ to the Cataloged Collections in the Manuscript Department of the William R . Perkins Library , Duke University . Richard C. Davis and Linda Angle Miller, editors. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Books, 1980. 1,005p. $32.50. LC 79- 28688. ISBN 0-87436-299-7. Elling, Ray H. Cross-National Study of Health Systems: Concepts ; Methods, and Data Sources: A Guide to Information Sources . Health Affairs Information Guide Series , v.2. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 293p. $28. LC 79-24028. ISBN 0-8103-1449-5. Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources. 4th ed. Edited by Paul Wasserman , Charlotte Georgi, and James Way. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 778p. $72. LC 79-24771. ISBN 0-8103-0368-X. Subtitle: A Detailed Listing of Primary Sub- jects of Interest to Managerial Personn~l. with a Record of Sourcebooks, Periodicals , Or- ganizations , Directories , Handbooks , Bibliog- raphies , On-Line Data Bases , and Other Sources of I_nformation on Each Topic. Evans, Frank B. , comp. The History of Archives Administration: A Select Bibliography. Docu- mentation, Libraries and Archives: Bibliog- raphies and Reference Works, 6. Paris: Unesco , 1979. ISBN 92-3-101646-6. (Distrib- uted by: UNIPUB, 345 Park Ave . South, New York, NY 10010.) Foreign Versions of English Names and Foreign Equivalents of United States Military and Ci- vilian Titles. Detroit: Grand River Books , 1980. 227p . $22 . ISBN 0-8103-1015-5. (Distributed by Gale.) " ... originally published by the United States Department of Justice, Immigration and Natu- ralization Service , as document M-131 , Rev . 1973. " Fraser, James H. , comp . Children's Authors and Illustrators: A Guide to Manuscript Collections in United States Research Libraries. With the assistance of Renee I. Weber. Phaedrus Bib- liographic Series , no . l. New York: K. G. Saur, 1980 . 119p . $14 .80 . LC 79-24990. ISBN 0- 89664-950-4 . Gillespie , Paul D. ; Katzenberger, Paul; and Page, John . Problems of Document Delivery for the EURONET User. Technical Report prepared for the Commission of the European Com- munities Directorate .General -for Scientific aQd Technical Information and Information Man- agement, March 1979. New York: K. G . Saur, 1979. 228p. $18. ISBN 3-598-10069-8. Glossary of Conference Terms: English , French , Arabic . 2d rev . ed . Paris : Unesco, 1980. 91 , 83, 113p. $22.50 . ISBN 92-3-001567-9. (Dis- tributed by: UNIPUB, 345 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010.) Recent Publications I 493 Separate sections for English, French, and Ara- bic. Glossary of Insurance TerJ?lS . Edited by Thomas E. Green, Robert W. Osler, and John S. Bick- ley . Santa Monica, Calif.:. Merritt Co. , 1980. 234p. $11.95. LC 79-93067. ISBN 0·930868- 06-4. Goodman , Leonard H. Current Career and 1 Occupational Literature : 1977-1979 . New York: Wilson, 1980. 333p. $15 U.S. and Can- ada; $18 other countries . LC .78-106850. ISSN 0161-0562. ". . . second volume in a series that is being published at two-year intervals, and replaces Gertrude Forrester's Occupational Literature (1971)." Gottsegen , Gloria Behar, and Gottsegen , Abby J. Humanistic Psychology: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources . Psychology Information Guide Series , v.6. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 185p. $28 . LC 80-16204. ISBN 0-8103-1462-2. Historical Biographical Dictionaries Master In- dex: A Consolidated Index to Biographical In- formation Concerning Historical Personages in Over 35 of the Principal Retrospective Bio- g raphical Dictionaries. Edited by Barbara McNeil and Miranda C. Herbert. 1st ed . Gale Biographical Index Series , no. 7. Detroit : Gale, Paperllaelr Raelrs ForAn~ Budget Highsmith has files and racks to hold virtually any size paperback and most children's books. An unequalled selection of colors, sizes and capacities In adult and children 's heights. In wood, wire, steel, even economical fiberboard . All yours to shop for in the newest Highsmith Library/AV catalog . Write today for your free copy. Bllh•mlth P.O. 25CR9 Ft . Atkinson , WI 53538 494 I College & Research Libraries • September 1980 1980. 1,003p. $125. LC 80-10719. ISBN 0- 8103-1089-9. History of the Family and Kinship: A Select In- ternational Bibliography . Edited by Gerald L. Soliday, with Tamara K. Hareven, Richard T. Vann, and Robert Wheaton, associate editors . A project of the Journal of Family History , the National Council on Family Relations . Mill- wood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1980. 410p. $50. LC 80-11782. ISBN 0-527- 84451-9. Howell, · John M. john Gardner: A Bibliographi- cal Profile . With an afterword by John Gardner. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr. , 1980. 158p. $12.95. LC 79-22167. ISBN 0-8093-0935- 1. Hughes, Barbara. Catalog of the Scientific Appa- ratus at the College of Charleston: 1800-1940 . Edited with additional material by Ralph Mel- nick. Charleston , S.C.: College of Charleston Library Associates , 1980. 94p. $10 (prepaid). (Available from : the College of Charleston Li- brary Associates, Robert Scott Small Library. ) International Research Society for Children's Literature. Responses to Children's Literature: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of the International Research Society for Children's Literature , Held at the University of Exeter, September 9-12 , 1978 . Edited by Geoff Fox and Graham Hammond with Stuart Amor. New York: K. G. Saur, 1980. 141p. $17.80. LC 79- 25963. ISBN 0-89664-949-0. Johnson, C. M. Filer's Guide for Looseleaf Ser- vices in a Law Library. Milwaukee: Knier Associates, 1979. 1v. (loose-leaf) . $15 (plus $2 postage and handling). " . .. originally conceived as a training aid to instruct new filers at a law school library. The information and the procedures contained in this manual are valid and useful to any library or to any persons involved with the filing of looseleaf products ." Jorgensen, Joseph G. Western Indians: Compara- tive Environments, Languages, and Cultures of 172 Western American Indian Tribes. San Francisco : W . H. Freeman , 1980. 673p . $49.95. LC 80-12564. ISBN 0-7167-1104-4. Keeslar , Oreon. Financial Aids for Higher Education , 80-81 Catalog . 9th ed . Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co ., 1980 . 1, 002p . $20.50. LC 76-645208. ISBN 0-697-06126-4. Keresztesi, Michael, and Cocozzoli, Gary R. Ger- man-American History and Life: A Guide to In- formation Sources . Ethnic Studies Information Guide Series, v.4. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 372p. $28. LC 79-24065. ISBN 0-8103-1459-2 . Koromilas, Paula Constance. Woodcuts in Ger- man Books , 146~1525: A Guide to an Exhibi- tion . With a Checklist of Illustrated German Books of the Period in the Chapin Library. Williamstown, Mass.: Chapin Library, Williams College, 1980. 64p. $5. Kumar, Girja, and Kumar, Krishan. Bibliogra- phy. 2d ed. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1979. 297p. $12.50. ISBN 0-7069-0431- 1. (Distributed by: Advent Books, Inc., 141 E . 44th St. , Suite 809, New York, NY 10017. ) ". . . provides an overview of bibliographical tools , with various developments in the field being discussed in detail. Special emphasis has been placed on problems faced by librarians in developing countries. " Kumar, Krishan. Theory of Classification . New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House , 1979. 510p. $18.95. ISBN 0-7069-0797-3. (Distributed by : Advent Books, Inc. , 141 E. 44th St. , Suite 809, New York, NY 10017.) Lehnus, Donald J. Who's on TIME? A Study of TIME's Covers from March 3, 1923 to January 3 , 1977. New York : Oceana , 1980 . 177p . $17.50. LC 79-17330. ISBN 0-379-20684-6. Lendvay, Olga. Primer for Agricultural Librar- ies . 2d ed. , rev. and enl. Wageningen : Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation , 1980. 91p. $15.25. ISBN 90-220-0727-8. (Dis- tributed by : UNIPUB , 345 Park Ave . South, New York, NY 10010.) " . . . prepared and published under the aus- pices of the International Association of Agri- cultural Librarians and Documentalists. " Library Access for the Handicapped: A Guide to Materials , Services and Physical Accessibility of Public and Academic Libraries in the New York Metropolitan Area . METRO Miscellaneous Publication, no.20. New York: New York Met- ropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency, 1979. 82p. Free. ISSN 0076-7018. Prepared by the Task Force on Library Access for the Handicapped . Library of Congress Classification Schedules: A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1978 . Detroit : Gale , 1980. 32v. $1 , 175 (each additional set $900). LC 65-60072 . ISBN 0- 8103-1150-X (complete set). Manning, Beverley. Index to American Women Speakers , 1828-1978. Metuchen , N. J . : Scarecrow , 1980. 672p. $30. LC 79-26928. ISBN 0-8108-1282-7. " . . . includes author, subject, and title indexes for over 3,000 speeches delivered from 1828 to 1978. A listing of the works indexed, with full bibliographic citations, precedes the indexes. " Marsh, Arthur. Concise Encyclopedia of Indus- trial Relations , with Bibliography . Westmead , Farnborough , Hants ., England : Gower Press , 1979. 423p. $41. ISBN 0-566-02095-5. (Distrib- uted in North America by: Renouf _USA , Brookfield, VT 05036. ) Mayers , Keith . A Dictionary of Locksmithing. Newark, N.J. : Joseph Mayers and Co. , 1979. 62p. $6.50. (Available from: Joseph Mayers and Co., Suite H, Hotel Robert Treat, 50 Park Place, Newark, NJ 07102.) Medical Books and Serials in Print, 1980: An In- dex to Literature in the Health Sciences. New York: Bowker, 1980. 1,576p. $47.50. LC 77- 94389. ISBN 0-8352-1276-9. ISSN 0000-0574. Morse, Grant W. Guide to the Incomparable New York Times Index. New York: Fleet, 1980. 72p. $11.95 hardcover; $6.95 paper. LC 79- 87815. ISBN 0-8303-0159-3 hardcover; 0-8303- 0160-7 paper. Murphy, Thomas P. Urban Indicators: A Guide to Information Sources. Urban Studies In- formation Guide Series, v.lO. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 234p. $28. LC 80-13333. ISBN 0-8103- 1451-7. Neal-Schuman Publishers. The National Direc- tory of Mental Health: A Guide to Adult Out- patient Mental Health Facilities and Services throughout the United States. Comp. and pre- pared by Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Ellen Gay Detlefsen, editor. Andrea Pedolsky, man- aging editor. New York: Wiley, 1980. $45. LC 80-80661. ISBN 0-471-03886-5. Oppenheim, Micha Falk. The Study and Practice of judaism: A Selected, Annotated List. Brook- lyn, N.Y.: Torah Resources, 1979. 78p. $4.95 (plus $.50 postage and handling). LC 79-20390. ISBN 0-9603100-0-2. (Address of publisher: Torah Resources, 951 56th St., Brooklyn, NY 11219.) Parker, Nathan C. Personal Name Index to the 1856 City Directories of California. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, v .10. De- troit: Gale, 1980. 250p. $28. LC 79-24246. ISBN 0-8103-1414-2. Population Abstract of the United States. Comp. and edited by John L. Andriot. McLean, Va.: Andriot Associates, 1980. 925p. $75; cash with order, $70. (Available from: Andriot Associates, Box 195, McLean, VA 22101.) ". . . published as a companion to the Township Atlas of the United States to provide, in a single volume, all available population totals for counties and cities" and assembled from volumes of the decennial census of population from 1790 through provisional esti- mates of 1976. A Psychiatric Glossary. 5th ed. Edited by a Sub- · committee of the Joint Commission on Public Affairs, American Psychiatric Association. 142p. $5.95 paper (prepaid). LC 79-055869. (Available from: Publications Sales Office, APA, 1700 18th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009. A hardcover edition may be ordered from Little, Brown for $9.95 a copy.) " ... contains more tban 1,000 definitions of psychiatric terminology and descriptions of people who have made significant contributions Recent Publications I 495 to the field. Seven tables and a list of 85 com- monly used abbreviations are included." Raimo, John W. Biographical Directory of Amer- ican Colonial and Revolutionary Governors, 1607-1789. Westport, Conn.: Meckler Books, 1980. 52lp. $60. LC 80-13279. ISBN 0-930466- 07-1. Recording Industry Index. A Subject Index, janu- ary 1979-December 1979. Joseph Cohen, edi- tor. Jeff Ray, indexer. Cherry Hill, N.J.: National Association of Recording Merchandis- ers, 1980. 168p. $20. (Available from: NARM, 1060 Kings Highway North, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.) ". . . a cumulative subject index of trade and consumer publications of interest, published in the United States." Volumes for 1977 and 1978 also available. Reference and Subscription Books Reviews, 1978- 1979. Reprinted from Booklist, v. 75, September 1, 197S-July 15, 1979. Prepared by the Amer- ican Library Association Reference and Sub- scription Books Review Committee. Edited by Helen K. Wright. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980. 193p. $20. LC 73-159565. ISBN 0-8389-3237-1. Remley, Mary L. Women in Sport: A Guide to Information Sources. Sports, Games, and Pas- MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer Is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You com~~pond direct; any title needs, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by letter or phone. This makes your job easier and keeps you abfiiSt of your subscription needs at all times. W[th OYII' 45 years exper!Mce, McGr1g0r has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and International titles. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would toot Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed In our new brochure. Write today for your free copy. OUR 48th' YEAR ~=~ Mount Morris, Illinois 81054 496 I College & Research Libraries • September 1980 times Information Guide Series, v.lO. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 139p. $28. LC 80-14773. ISBN 0- 8103-1461-4. Ricks, Beatrice, comp. T . S . Eliot: A Bibliogra- phy of Secondary Works. Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no. 45. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1980. 366p. $17.50. LC 79-21305. ISBN 0-8108-1262-2. The Rocky Mountains. Mildred Laughlin, region- al editor. Readings for Young People. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980. 184p. $ll. LC 80-10932. ISBN 0-8389-0296-0. One of "a series of annotated bibliographies of fiction and nonfiction titles, compiled for read- ers from the primary grades through the tenth grade and designed to express the history and character of each region of these United States." Sakala, Carol. Women of South Asia: A Guide to Resources. Foreword by Maureen L. P. Patter- son. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Pub- lications. 517p. $25 cloth; $15 paper. LC 79- 28191. ISBN 0-527-78574-1 cloth; 0-527-78575- X paper. Samples, Gordon. The Drama Scholars' Index to Plays and Filmscripts: A Guide to Plays and Filmscripts in Selected Anthologies, Series and Periodicals. V.2. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 695p. $30. LC 73-22165. ISBN 0-8108- 1249-5. Volume 1 published in 1975. "Indexing for the second volume goes back to the beginning of recorded dramatic literature and continues through 1977. The volumes are designed to be used separately, or for broader coverage , together .... A cumulative title list of antholo- gies indexed in Volumes 1 and 2 has been in- cluded." Schantz, Maria E., and Brunner, Joseph F . Read- ing in American Schools: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources . Education Information Guide Series, v.5. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 266p. $28. LC 79-23770. ISBN 0-8103-1456-8. Selecting Materials for Children and Young Adults: A Bibliography of Bibliographies and Review Sources. Association for Library Service to Children and Young Adult Services Divi- sion, American Library Association. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980. 74p. $6.50. LC 80-12474. ISBN 0-8389-3241-X. Smith, Gerry M. Flashpoints! A Bibliography on Political Conflicts throughout the World . Cur- rent Affairs Bibliographies, no.2. Hartlepool, Cleveland, U. K.: Headland Press, 1979. 39p. Paper: £3.95 (plus 40p. postage U. K.); $9.95 (plus $1.40 postage U.S.). Microfiche: £2.95 (plus 25p. postage U.K.); $7.45 (plus $.60 post- age U.S.). (Available from: Headland Press, P.O. Box 9, Hartlepool, Cleveland TS25 SST, United Kingdom.) Statistics Sources: A Subject Guide to Data on Industrial, Business, Social, Educational, Financial, and Other Topics for the United States and Internationally. 6th ed. Paul Wasserman, managing editor. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 1,098p. $85. LC 79-25853. ISBN 0-8103- 0398-1. Texas. University at Austin. General Libraries. Applications of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, in the General Librar- ies. Contributions to Librarianship, no.4. Aus- tin: The General Libraries, 1980. 53p. $5. (Available from: Publications, General Libraries Office, PCL 3.200, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. Make remittance payable to University of Texas at Austin Gener- al Libraries.) Thompson, Jack C. A Bibliography of Materials in the Reference Collection of the Thompson Conservation Laboratory. Portland, Ore.: Caber Press, 1980. 56p. $10 (plus $.50 postage and handling). (Available from: Caber Press, 7549 N. Fenwick, Portland, OR 97217.) Among the subjects included are: papermaking, bookbinding, paper conservation and restora- tion, photography, textiles, museology , and chemistry and physics. United States Government Publications: An Au- thor Index Representing Pre-1956 Holdings of American Libraries Reported to the National Union Catalog in the Library of Congress . London: Mansell, 1980. 16v. $992 . ISBN 0- 7201-1509-4 (set of 16v.). " ... a reprint of the section of the National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints dealing with the author heading 'United States' and its sub- divisions." Washington Information Directory, 1980-81. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1980. 972p. $25. LC 75-646321. ISBN 0- 87187-152-1. The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons. Maurice Horn, editor. Richard E. Marschall, assistant editor. New York: Gale in association with Chelsea House, 1980. 2v. $50. LC 79-21953. ISBN 0-8103-0183-0. Youth-Serving Organizations Directory. 2d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 1, 179p. $32. LC 78-2467. ISBN 0-8103-0238-1. ISSN 0196-9668. " ... primarily based on the thirteenth edition of the Encyclopedia of Associations . ... This second edition has expanded its coverage to in- clude entries from the Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers, 5th edition, and from Research Centers Directory, 5th edition." I