College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Infonnation Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P .0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify fonnat desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Library Instruction to EOP Students: A Case Study. By Ilene F. Rockman. 1978. 9p. ED 174 211. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Since 1976, a ten-week, one-credit formal course in library instruction has been taught to entering Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students at California Polytechnic State Univer- sity, San Luis Obispo, as an integral part of their core curriculum. The curriculum for these disad- vantaged students places emphasis upon com- munication processes-reading, writing, speak- ing, and listening; and faculty from the depart- ments of English, history, speech communication, and the library coordinate their lectures, instruc- tional strategies, and assignments during the quarter to ensure an integrated learning experi- ence for each student. Requirements for students in the library skills class do not differ significantly from those for non-EOP students; the course stresses "survival skills" for locating resources and methodically formulating a search strategy when approaching any topic for term paper or report. Instructional strategies include use of audiovisual materials, demonstrations, discussion, educational games, guest speakers, individualized instruction, learning activity packages, lecture, problem solv- ing, questioning, review and practice, self-paced material, and simulations. A list of references use- ful in developing this course is provided. Library Materials: Selection and Processing. By Michael Freeman and others. Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. 1979. llp. ED 174 213. MF-$0.83; PC- $1.82. This script of a slide-tape presentation, which describes the selection and processing of mate- rials for a university library, includes commentary Recent Publications I 279 with indicators for specific slide placement. Dis- tinction is made between books and serial publi- cations, and the materials are followed from the ordering decision through processing. The role of the librarian in the selection process, the auto- mated acquisitions system, and cataloging (origi- nal or from OCLC) are highlighted. Microcomputers in Library Automation. By George A. Simpson . Mitre Corp., Mc- Lean, Va. 1978. 56p. ED 174 217. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. As librarians cope with reduced budgets, de- creased staff, and increased demands for services, microcomputers will take a significant role in li- brary automation by providing low-cost systems, solving specific library problems, and performing in distributed systems. This report presents an introduction to the technology of this low-cost, miniature computer and a description of its spe- cific applications in libraries. The use of such computers in circulation, acquisition, serials con- trol, reference, administration, and audiovisual services is covered, and current and probable fu- ture uses of the microcomputer in each of these areas are described. References are listed at the end of each chapter, and appendixes provide glossaries of computer and library terms and a list of vendors supplying automated library systems . Policy Manual for a Computerized Search Service in an Academic Library. By William J. Jackson. 1979. 12p. ED 174 221. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This proposed policy manual for the com- puterized information retrieval service of the University of Houston System outlines policies for specific elements of its operation: (1) users- who is/is not eligible for service and for equip- ment use; (2) cost-rates charged; (3) respon- sibilities of searchers-maintenance of searching skills, scheduling of appointments and interviews, the search, the postsearch; (4) responsibilities of the coordinator-compiling statistical reports, liaison and contact, arrangement of equipment repairs and maintenance, publicity, supervision, recommendations; (5) responsibilities of the office secretary-service to patrons, record keeping; (6) responsibilities of the library administration- staffing, funding; (7) complaints; (8) policy ap- proval and change. An appendix describes meth- ods of payment for computer searches conducted at the University of Houston Libraries. Proceedings of a Workshop on Area Pat- terns for Resource Sharing. Div. of Li- brary Services, Wisconsin State Dept. of 280 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 Public Instruction, Madison. 1978. 46p. ED 174 224. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. On March 31, 1978, more than seventy admin- istrators of libraries, library staff members, and network representatives from all types and sizes of libraries in all areas of Wisconsin participated in a workshop to investigate alternative structures for providing interlibrary loan and reference re- ferral services at the state and area levels . These proceedings from the workshop present the texts of the four speakers' addresses on the definition of resource sharing, resource sharing and new technology, state-level library resource develop- ment, and alternative patterns for resource shar- ing (unstructured , clearinghouse , multiple re- source center). Also included is a description of the small group discussions session that consid- ered the ideal patterns for each of nine geograph- ical areas of the state. Summaries of those dis- cussions are presented in tables that list the dis- advantages and advantages of each pattern by the number of groups citing them . Appendixes pro- vide the workshop agenda, workshop goal and ob- jectives, a list of workshop participants, and summaries of small group discussions by geo- graphical area. A Concise Guide to the Process and Mate- rials of Canadian Legislation. By Patricia M. Grenier. 1979. 8p. ED 174 236. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Official and unofficial tools are described in this brief guide for the uninitiated user who is search- ing for Canadian federal and provincial legislation and attendant regulations. The federal informa- tion presented is related to bills of the House of Commons and Senate, printing of legislative ma- terials, standing and revised statutes, office con- solidations, and statutory orders and regulations. Provincial materials have basically the same for- mat as those for the federal jurisdiction. Theses and Dissertations: A Student's Guide to General Bibliographic Sources Avail- able in the McGill Libraries. Comp. by Suzy M. Slavin. McLennan Library, McGill University, Montreal. 1979. lOp. ED 174 237. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Four guides and ten national and institutional listings of bibliographic sources for locating theses and dissertations are described for the user of the McGill Libraries. Annotated listings cover na- tional imd institutional bibliographic sources in Canada, as well as national sources in the United States, Australia, France, Germany, Great Brit- ain, Ireland, India, the Soviet Union, Sweden, and Switzerland. Information for obtaining copies of dissertations is provided. A Comparison of Cost Factors Used by OCLC Service Centers. By Leslie R. Morris. 1979. 16p. ED 174 238. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. Data were gathered on the costs charged by various service centers that contract OCLC ser- vices to individual libraries , and charges were compared at the levels of 3 , 000, 10,000, and 20,000 FTUs per year. (An FTU is the first time a library uses a cataloging record to catalog a title in its collection. ) It was concluded that OCLC contracting service centers charge various rates according to the volume of FTU s used , with low-volume users generally charged more per FTU than high-volume users . Although FTU costs generally decreased from 1977-78 to 1978- 79 , some users had their prices increased . A sample questionnaire is appended. The Effect of On-Line Search Services on Chemists' Information Style. By Gerald Jahoda and others. Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee. 1979. 325p . ED 174 240. MF-$0.83; PC-$19.87 . On-line searches of bibliographic data bases were conducted for scientists and technologists in one academic and one industrial setting. In order to determine the effect of this new technological development on its users ' information-seeking habits and to determine how , how often , and with what satisfaction on-line search services are used, records of use were maintained, and both users and nonusers of the on-line search service in the two environments were surveyed prior to the start and at the conclusion of the project's first phase. In the first phase, free, mediated (searched by information specialists) search ser- vice was provided; in the second phase, mediated search service at half the computer connect and off-line printing costs was provided; and in the third phase, free searches were conducted by final user of the information. No striking change in information style that held true for both set- tings could be identified . Data on more than 900 uses of on-line search service by almost 200 users are broken down and analyzed by such factors as information sources used prior to requesting on- line search service ; amount of negotiation time required; number of nonretrieved relevant docu- ments; and user satisfaction with currency, size, and utility of search output. The Expected Role of Beginning Librarians: A Comparative Analysis from Adminis- trators, Educators, and Young Profes- sionals. Proceedings of a Conference. Ed. by R. Wilburn Clouse. Education Com- mittee, Tennessee Library Assn., Nashville. 1979. 68p. ED 174 254. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The papers included in this volume constitute the proceedings of a conference on the theme of the expected role of the professional librarian in an academic library, a public library, a school li- brary, and a special library. Grouped under these four different library headings, the papers present the viewpoints of library administrators, library science educators, and young practicing profes- sionals and provide a comparative analysis of the expected roles. Report on the Study of Library Use at Pitt by Professor Allen Kent, et al. (A Pitts- burgh Reply.) By Murdo J. MacLeod and Casimir Barkowski. Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1979. 51p. ED 178 100. MF-$0.83; PC-$4 .82. This report from the Senate Library Commit- tee at the University of Pittsburgh evaluates a study of monograph and periodical use conducted at Pitt by Allen Kent and his associates from 1975 to 1977 (published as The Use of Library Mate- rials : The University of Pittsburgh Study [New York: Marcel Dekker, 1979]). Areas of the study that are examined include structure in text and footnotes; experimental design; execution; and manipulation of data, in terms of holdings, use, and costs. In particular, the use of sampling, accuracy of "official figures," comparative method, and cost-benefit model of the study are questioned. The Kent study had produced con- clusions the committee consider invalid: that Pitts- burgh libraries are spending too much money on books and periodicals that are seldom or never used. Findings of the Kent study represent im- petus for a change in acquisitions policy, but the committee strongly discourages acceptance of these recommendations because it feels that the study is improperly presented and contains some inaccuracies. The Status of Status: The Status of Librar- ians in Texas Academic Libraries. By Jo Anne Hawkins and others. Univ. of Texas at Austin Libraries, Austin. 1978. 65p. ED 178 042. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82 This report presents the findings . of a survey that sought to relate the status of Texas academic librarians to national standards. Consisting of seventy questions in seven categories-identifica- tion of library staff, general (status), appointment, promotion and tenure, professional development, governance, and benefits-the survey was based, in part, on the ACRL 1971 Standards for College and University Librarians. Questionnaires were sent to all 144 academic libraries in Texas, includ- Recent Publications I 281 ing two- and four-year, private and public col- leges and universities. The report compares the survey data from the 135 responding libraries to each ACRL standard, describes additional find- ings, and makes recommendations. Library Services for the Handicapped. De- velopment of Resource Sharing Networks. Network Study No. 9. A National Con- sultative Seminar, Canberra, August 1-3, 1978. National Library of Australia, Can- berra, 1978. 165p. ED 178 035. MF- $0.83; PC-$10.82. Speeches, papers, and summaries of group dis- cussions from Australia's 1978 national seminar on library services for the visually and physically im- paired are presented. The opening and keynote addresses are followed by two papers dealing with the present state of services in Australia and other nations, two papers on the library service needs of the blind and physically handicapped, and two papers concerned with meeting those needs in the future. The eight group discussion reports relate to (1) the question of segregation or integration of library services to the handicapped, (2) the role of voluntary organizations in provid- ing such services, (3) promotion of services, (4) training of library service staff members who '' Libraries that serve education students will want to purchase this volume, either for direct use with students or for guid- ance to librarians and faculty.'' -W if son Library Bulletin THE LIBRARY RESEARCH GUIDE TO EDUCATION Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources by James R. Kennedy, Jr. Cloth, $9.95 Paper, $5.95 p1eraan press 5000 washtenaw ave. ann arbor, michigan 48104 282 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 serve the handicapped, (5) rationalization of re- sources , (6) role of library services to the handi- capped , (7) design of facilities to accommodate the handicapped, and (8) delivery of library services to the handicapped. Final Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Subject Analysis of African and Asian Materials. Subject Analysis Committee , Cataloging and Classification Section, Re- sources and Technical Services Division, ALA. By Arline Zuckerman and others. American Library Assn. , Resources and Technical Services Div ., Chicago, Ill. 1978. 107p . ED 175 391. MF-$0.83 ; PC-$7.82. Six general recommendations reflect the findings from this final report on subject analysis of African and Asian library materials: (1) more specificity of headings , especially subdivisions and unique terms , is needed ; (2) more attention should be given to Asian and African materials , using available expertise ; (3) efforts to eliminate offensive terms and to avoid Western orientation in establishing new terminology should be con- tinued; (4) more guidance should be given to cat- alogers , and thus to library users , through in- creased history and scope notes made available through the depository set, Library of Congress (LC) subject headings , and LC names headings; (5) use of appropriate local term for culture- specific concepts and, conversely, use of English for concepts with multicultural status when appropriate English term exists , accompanied by cross-references should be attempted ; and (6) guidelines to established principles should be widely distributed and consistency of application heavily encouraged . More specific suggestions are provided in the accompanying individual subject area reports on East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Africa (south of the Sahara). The Organization and Function of Gift and Exchange Programs in Eighteen Selected U.S. Academic Libraries. By Mark Kova- cic. Council on Library Resources, Inc. , Washington, D. C. 1978 . 91p. ED 175 397. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. More than 8,000 miles of travel and more than sixty hours of interview time with various library staff members at eighteen United States academic libraries were involved in this study of gift and exchange functions and their organization and accomplishment. This study focuses on the extent to which material can be acquired through gift and exchange arrangements , describes the rele- vance of such material to academic research col- lections , and discusses the advantages and dis- advantages of using gifts and exchanges as a means of acquisition. Sections review the histori- cal setting, gift and exchange policies, functions , the organization of gift and exchange work, gift and exchange staffing, specific considerations , and statistical and budgetary considerations . Bibliographic Instruction within Library and Discipline Associations: A Survey of Contact Persons and Committees. By Anne K. Beaubien. Assn. of College and Research Libraries, Chicago , Ill. 1979. 31p. ED 175 468. MF-$0 . 83 ; PC- $3.32. The ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section Committee on Cooperation sent questionnaires to library and professional associations in various academic disciplines to identify exi sting groups concerned with bibliographic instruction . The first questionnaire , sent to current chairs of all ACRL sections, chapters, and discussion groups and to other ALA divisions and selected round tables , indicated that thirteen ALA-related units have a committee for instruction. Only two units mentioned a discipline association with an in- struction committee. Three library associations outside the ALA, according to the responses to the second questionnaire , have instruction com- mittees or involvement. Nineteen of seventy-four professional associations in all major disciplines met at least one of the criteria listed in question- naire three to determine concerns for library in- struction and information . Acting upon these findings , the Subcommittee on Professional Orga- nizations should concentrate on communication and cooperation within ACRL and ALA, initiating contact with discipline associations and estab- lishing a joint committee with the Special Librar- ies Association. Acceptability of Microfiche Copy in Lieu of Paper Copy of Current journals. Tech- nical Paper no. 10. By Vern M. Pings and Lothar Spang. Univ . Libraries , Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. 1979. 23p. ED 176 797. MF-$0.83 ; PC- $1.82. This report presents and discusses the findings of a study, undertaken at the Education Library of Wayne State University in 1977, that tested library user acceptance of a selected group of cur- rent journals in a microfiche format. Problems and conditions of the study, the environment of the Education Library, and methodology are con- sidered; data, in the form of statistical tables and charts , are provided for the three consecutive academic quarters of the study . Faxon Acquires Stechert Macmillan- Expands Internationally This acquisition enables Faxon to expand its scope of international publications, enhancing Faxon's position as a world leader among library serials subscription agencies. We welcome Stechen's clients to join the over 18,000 libraries who already use our comprehensive services. At Faxon we combine the most advanced automation with 99 years of experience, giving clients the most personal and efficient service possible. [5ID F. W. FAXOn COmPADY, InC. Library Magazine Subscription Agency 15 Southwest Park, Westwood , Massachusetts 02090 Tel: 800-225-6055 (toll-free) • 617·329·3350 (collect in Mass. and Canada only) Building tomorrow's information services today. 284 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Art Books , 1950-1979: Including an International Directory of Museum Permanent Collection Catalogs. New York: Bowker, 1979. 1,500p. $75. ISBN 0-8352-1189-4. Provides citations to 37,000 books on the visual arts published or distributed in the U.S. 1950- 1979. The international Permanent Collection Catalog Index gives dates, prices and pub- lishers/distributors for more than 3,300 cata- logs. Balachandran, Sarojini. New Product Planning: A Guide to Information Sources. Management Information Guide, no.38. Detroit : Gale, 1980. 231p. $26. LC 79-24046. ISBN 0-8103-0838-X. Beeching, Cyril Leslie. A Dictionary of Eponyms . London: Clive Bingley; New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 141p. $13.75. ISBN 0-85157- 283-9 Bingley; 0-89664-403-0 Saur. Identifies 200 eponyms (words derived from the names of people) and provides the source and origin of the eponym with details of how and when it came into use. A Bibliography of Iowa Newspapers, 1836-1976. Comp. by the Iowa Pilot Project of the Organ- ization of American Historians-Library of Con- gress. Iowa City: Iowa State Historical Depart- ment/Division of the State Historical Society, 1979. 37lp. $9.25. (Available from: Division of the State Historical Society, 402 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, lA 52240.) Biographical Directory of the American Public Health Association, 1979. Comp. by Jaques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker , 1979. 1,207p . $54 .50. LC 79-6967. ISBN 0-8352- 1160-6. Borremans, Valentina. Guide to Convivial Tools . LJ Special Report, no.13. New York: Bowker, 1979. 112p. $7. ISBN 0-8352-1269-6. International library guide that lists and de- scribes 858 books and articles on alternatives to industrial society or people who write on ·that subject. The author feels that convivial tools are a new discipline that explores old , new, and possible tools that will enhance the genera- tion of use-values rather than the production of commodities. "This new discipline deals with the cultural, social , and political conditions under which use-value oriented modern tools can and will be widely used. . .. " Cabeen, David. A Critical Biliography of French Literature. V. VI: The Twentieth Century. Ed. by Douglas W. Alden and Richard A. Brooks. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse Univ . Pr., 1980. 3v. Problems come in all sizes and pamphlet files straighten them out. Heres how Gaylord makes a good idea even better. Available in three sizes in- Desert Sand, Red , Blue , Green, Clear, Gold , and new "Putty." Pamphlet files can keep even the most difficult paper items upright , organized, and accessible. And Gaylord Plastic Pamphlet and open- backed Syracuse Files enable you to brighten your shelves and color-code your materials economically in distinctive decorator colors. And, they're smooth, durable , lightweight, and easy to label. Match this selection with your "problems," and see how Gaylord's pamphlet files can straighten them out. For more information, call toll-free 1-800-448-6160 (in N .Y . call collect 315-457-5070) or write to "Better Files," Gaylord, Box 4901, Syracuse, N.Y. 13221. G. J\\AtORD Thetrustedsource v-\ J ~ for library innovation. $120/set; $150 after July 1, 1980. LC 47-3282 . ISBN 0-8156-2204-X. Charles, Sharon Ashenbrenner , and Feldman , Sari. Drugs : A Multimedia Sourcebook for Children and Young Adults . New York: Neal- Schuman ; Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-Clio , Inc., 1980. 200p. $16.50. LC 79-13322. ISBN 0-87 436-281-4. College and University Administrators Directory, 1979-1980: A Guide to Officers , Deans , Mana - gers , and Other Administrative Personnel in American Colleges and Universities. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 936p . $48. ISBN 0-8103-1133-X. Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly journals , 1886-1974 . Executive ed., Evan Ira Farber. Senior eds ., Ruth Matte- son Blackmore, William Scott Buchanan , and Frank Wayne Pilk. Arlington , Va. : Carrollton Pr. , 1979. 15v. $1 ,232/prepublication. LC 79- 89137 . ISBN 0-8408-0157-2. Provides author/title access to 1.2 million book reviews that have appeared in 458 scholarly journals in history, political science, and sociol- ogy. The Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Herb ert Hoover 1929-1933. Millwood, N.Y .: KTO Pr. , 1979. 134p. $30. ISBN 0-527-20755-1. Latest volume in the series . Daniel, Evelyn H. , with Stiles , Karen A. Media in the Library : A Selected , Annotated Bib- liography. Syracuse , N .Y.: ERIC Clearing- house on Information Resources, Syracuse Univ ., 1978. 93p. $5.25. Diamond, Harold J. Music Criticism: An Anno- tated Guide to the Literature . Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow , 1979 . 316p . $16 . LC 79-22279 . ISBN 0-8108-1268-1. Provides citations to critical and analytic mate- rial on musical compositions . The Die Is Cast: An Exhibition of the Rise of the Dutch Republic Honoring the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Union of Utrecht. Comp . by James Tanis. Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Bryn Mawr College , Mariam Coffin Canaday Library, 1979. 48p. $5 . (Available from : Bryn Mawr College Library, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.) Dosa, Marta L. , and Ardito- Kirkland, Stephanie. Information in Social Gerontology . Syracuse, N.Y. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Re- sources , Syracuse Univ. , 1978. 48p . $4.25 . Edelman, Hendrik, and Hazen , Dan C. Collec- tion Development and Management at Cornell: An Interim Report on Activities of the Cornell University Libraries' Project for Collection De- velopment and Management , july 1977-June 1979. Ithaca, N .Y. : Cornell U niv. Libraries , 1979 . 43p. Free of charge . (Available from : University Librarian , Cornell University , 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853.) Recent Publications I 285 Editorial Research Reports on America in the 1980s: Timely Reports to Keep Journalists , Scholars , and the Public Abreast of Developing Issues , Events and Trends . Washington , D .C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc ., 1980. 186p . $6.95. LC 79-25320. ISBN 0-87187-194-7. Ely, Donald P. A Guide to Audiovisual Resources about ERIC . Syracuse, N.Y.: ERIC Clearing- hous e on Information Resource s , Sy racuse Univ. , 1979. 36p. $3 . The Encyclopedia of Southern History. Ed . by David C . Roller and Robert W . Twy man. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ . Pr. , 1979. 1,42lp . $75. LC 79-12666. ISBN 0-8071-0575-9. Provides 2, 900 articles on people , ideas , and movements that have shaped the South. The history of each Southern state is also included. Fuld , James J ., and Davidson , Mary Wallace . 18th-Century American Secular Music Manu - scripts: An Inventory . MLA Index & Bibliogra- ph y Series, no.20 . Philadelphia , Pa. : Music Library Assn ., Inc. , 1980. 225p. LC 79-92993 . ISBN 0-914954-16-4 . Gardner, Jack. Gambling: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources . Sports , Games, and Pastimes In- formation Guide Series , V.8 . Detroit : Gale , 1980. 286p . $26. LC 79-23797 . ISBN 0-8103- 1229-8. Gartner, Alan , and Riessman , Frank. Help : A Working Guide to Self-Help Groups . New York: New Viewpoints/Vision Books , 1980. 184p. $9.95 LC 79-19780. ISBN 0-531-06751-3. (Available from: New Viewpoints/Vision Books , 730 Fifth Ave ., New York, NY 10019.) Catalog of self-help organizations providing a statement of the organizations' aims and opera- tions, along with addresses and phone numbers for those who wish more information . Some of the groups included are Alcoholics Anonymous, Parents without Partners, and children 's aid groups. Gitter, A. George, and Grunin , Robert. Com- munication: A Guide to Information Sources. Psychology Information Guide Series, V.3. De- troit : Gale , 1980. 157p . $26 . LC 79-26529 . ISBN 0-8103-1443-6. Goldberg, Isaac ; with Goell , Yohai ; and Zipin , Amnon. Bibliography of Modern Hebrew Liter- ature in Translation : A Provisional Listing. No.1, 1972-1976: English. Tel Aviv : Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Lite rature Ltd ., 1979. 74p . Guide to Microforms in Print: Supplement . 1979. Ed. by John J. Walsh . Westport, Conn .: Mi- croform Review; London : Mansell, 1979. 309p. $25. ISBN 0-913672-32-7 Microform Review; 0- 7201-0992-2 Mansell. Guide to Precious Metals and Their Markets. By Peter Robbins and Douglass Lee. London : Kogan Page ; New York : Nichols, 1979. 191p. 286 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 $32.50. LC 79-21444. IS-BN 0-89397-063-8. Provides information on the production, con- sumption, uses, and prices of precious metals and explains in a nontechnical way the major factors influencing the metal markets. Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology . Ed . by Harry C. Triandis and William Wilson Lam- bert. Boston : Allyn & Bacon , 1980. 6v. LC 79- 15905. V.1: Perspectives. $24.95. ISBN 0-205-06497-3. V. 2: Methodology . $24.95. ISBN 0-205-06498-1. V.3: Basic Processes. $24.95. ISBN 0-205- 06499-X. V.5 : Social Psychology. $24.95 ISBN 0-205- 06501-5. V.4 (Developmental Psychology ) and 6 (Psychopathology) are in press. Hemmer, Joseph J., Jr. Communication under Law. V.l: Free Speech. Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow, 1979. 297p. $15. LC 79-19166. ISBN 0-8108-1248-7. Proposed two-volume work designed to analyze major issues concerning communication law. In addition to a bibliography of books and journal articles on communication law, major court cases are described and analyzed . Volume II, journalistic Freedom, is to be published later in 1980. Hill, Claire Conley. Problem Solving: Learning and Teaching: An Annotated Bibliography . London: Frances Pinter Ltd.; New York: Nichols, 1979. 143p. $22.50. LC 79-3015. ISBN 0-903804-54-9 Pinter; 0-89397-069-7 Nichols. The History of American Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Francesco Cor- dasco with David N. Alloway and Marjorie Scilken Friedman. Education Information Guide Series, V. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 313p. $26. LC 79-23010. ISBN 0-8103-1382-0. Hoornstra, Jean , and Heath, Trudy, eds. Amer- ican Periodicals 1741-1900: An Index to the Microfilm Collections: American Periodicals 18th Century , American Periodicals 1800-1850, American Periodicals 1850-1900, Civil War and Reconstruction . Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1979. 341p. $62. LC 79-63165. ISBN 0-8357-0374-6. Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library. Incunabula in the University of Illi- nois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Comp. by Marian Harman. Robert B. Downs Publication Fund, no.5. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Pr ., 1979. 251p . $25. LC 79-17355. ISBN 0-252- 00789-1. Why Choose Faxon? A choice of three renewal ser- vices to suit your requirements. A choice of six (one-, two- , and three-year) ordering plans. A common expiration date achieved on subscriptions. A yearly invoice with full periodical information. FACS- Faxon's Automated Claim System with a quarterly follow-up report on all claims activity. Annual receipt of the Faxon Librarians' Guide. Serials Updating Service - a monthly newsletter with the latest information on serials changes and irregularities. Punch cards or tapes contain- ing all the data shown on the annual invoice. More than 100,000 international publications in Faxon's file. An agency that combines small personal handling with large automated know-how. But these are only 10 of the many reasons for choosing the F.W. Faxon Company. For a full description of our "Total Service Package" - our various services and how they can be useful to you - write for a copy of our Service Brochure and our annual Librarians' Guide. Or call todav toll-free. f&ID ~i~~F!~!~ f!~,~~o~!~!~.~· 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, Massachusetts·02090 Tel: 800-225-6055 (toll-free) • 617-329-3350 (collect in Mass. and Canada only) International Bibliography of Speciali zed Dic- tionaries . Fachworterbucher und Lexika: Ein internationales Ver zeichnis. 6th ed . Ed . by Helga Lengerfelder, Munich ; New York: K. G. Saur , 1979. 470p . $87. ISBN 3-598-20501-5 Munich ; 0-89664-061-2 New York. Kantautas , Adam , and Kantautas, Filomena. Sup- plement to a Lithuanian Bibliography : A Further Check-List of Books and Articles Held by the Major Libraries of Canada and the Unit- ed States . Edmonton : Univ . of Alberta Pr., 1979. 316p. $15. ISBN 0-88864-068-4 . Kesner , Richard M ., camp . Automation , Machine-R eadable Records , and Archival Administration: An Annotated Bibliography. Chicago: Society of American Archivists , 1980. 65p. $4 SAA me mb e rs ; $6 nonmembers. LC 79-92994. ISBN 0-931828-22-8. Kraus , David H., ed . The American Bibliography of Sla vic and East European Studies for 1976 . Columbus , Ohio : American Assn. for the Advancement of Slavic Studies , 1979. 229p . (Available from : Am e rican Association for the Adv ancement of Slavic Studi e s, Room 731 , SEO , University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680.) Lecker, Robert, and David , Jack, eds . The Anno- tated Bibliography of Canada's Majo r Authors . V.l. Downsview, Ont . : ECW Pr ., 1979. 262p. $19. 95/cloth ; $12. 95/paper. ISBN 0-920802-02-8 cloth ; 0-920802-04-4 paper. (Distributed b y G. K. Hall & Co . outside Canada.) Volume 1 in an ongoing , multivolume series designed to be the first collection of compre- he nsive, annotated bibliographies of works by and ·on Canada's major French and English au- thors from the ninetee nth and twentieth cen- turies . The Librarians Phone Book , 1980. Ed. by Jaques Cattell Press . New York: Bowker, 1979. 445p. $17.95. ISBN 0-8352-1254-8. "Alphabetical listing of 51 ,412 librarians , heads of library networks and consortia, and deans and chairm e n of library school s and depart- ments of library science in the United States and Canada." Provides person's name, the li- brary and/or institution with which the person is affiliated, its city and state location , and the telephon e number at which the individual may be contacted . Lieberman , Irving; with McMullan , Corinne ; and McMullan , Bruce. A Working Bibliography of Commercially A vailable Audiovisual Materials for the Teaching of Library Science. 2d ed. , rev . and expanded . Syracuse , N.Y.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources , Syra- cuse Univ ., 1979. 115p. $8 .50. London . Universit y . Library Resources Co- ordinating Committee. Standing Advisory Panel on Interlibrary Loans. Interlibrary Loan Recent Publications I 287 Practice in the University of London: A Report . London: University of London , Central Library Services, 1979. 2v . £3. V.1 (19p .) : Text . V.2 (32p .): Appendices and Summaries of Responses. Available from : Cen- tral Library Services , University of London, Senate House , Malet St., London WC1E 7HU. Mandel, Carol A., and Johnson , Mary P. , comps. ARL Statistics 1978-79: A Compilation of Sta- tistics from the One Hundred and Ten Mem- bers of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington , D.C . : Assn. of Research Librar- ies , 1979. 54p. $3/ARL members ; $5/nonmem- bers. LC 77-647280. Murdoch, Joseph S., and Seagle, Janet. Golf: A Guide to Information Sources . Sports , Games , and Pastim es Information Guide Series, V. 7. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 232p. $24. LC 79-23270. ISBN 0-8103-1457-6. Page , G . Terry; Thomas , J . B.; with Marshall , A. R. International Dictionary of Education . Cambridge , Mass. : MIT Pr. , 1980. 381p. $9.95. LC 79-53917 . ISBN 0-262-66045-1. Parker, Elliott S., and Parker, Emelia M. Asian Journalism : A Selected Bibliography of Sources on Journalism in China and .Southeast Asia . Me tuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow , 1979 . 472p. $22.50. LC 79-22785. ISBN 0-8108-1269-X. Partington , Paul G. Who's Who on the Postage Stamps of Eastern Europe . Metuchen , N .J. : Scarecrow, 1979. 498p. $29.50. LC 79-22183. ISBN 0-8108-1266-5. Provides biographies of many major and minor national personalities who appear on the post- age stamps of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslova- kia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland , Ruma- nia, and Yugoslavia. Patterson, Lewis D . Benefits of Collegiate Coop- eration: A Digest of the Costs and Benefits of Interinstitutional Programs with Consortium Case Studies and Guidelines. University, Ala. : Council for Interinstitutional Leadership, 1979. 27p. Single copies available free of charge. (Available from: Council for Interinstitutional Leadership , P.O. Box 6293 , University , AL 35486.) Highlights the findings of a two-year study of cost effective cooperation funded by the Carne- gie Corporation of New York. Project Media Base. Problems in Bibliographic Access to Non-Print Materials. Washington , D.C .: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, 1979. 86p. Limited copies free from NCLIS ; $3.50 from Superintendent of Documents. LC 79-16600. Reiman , Donald H. English Romantic Poetry, 1800-1835: A Guide to Information Sources . American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series, V. 27. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 294p. 288 I College and Research Libraries • May 1980 $24 . LC 74-11527. ISBN 0-8103-1231-X. Riches , Phyllis M., comp . An Analytical Bib- liography of Universal Collected Biography: Comprising Books Published in the English Tongue in Great Britain and Ireland, America and the British Dominions . Detroit: Gale , 1980 . 709p. $45. ISBN 0-8103-0168-7. Reprint of the 1934 edition . Robinson , Ruth E. , and Farudi , Daryush, comps . Buy Books Where-Sell Books Where: A Direc- tory of Out of Print Booksellers and Their Spe- cialties. 1979-1980 ed. Morgantown , W .Va.: Ruth E . Robinson , Books , 1979 . 130p. $15 . ISBN 0-9603556-0-X. (Available from : Ruth E . Robinson , Books, Rt . 7, Box 162A, Morgan- town , WV 26505.) Robinson , Ruth E. , and Farudi, Daryush , comps . Buy Books Where-Sell Books Where , Abridged Edition: A Directory of Out of Print Book DPalers and Their Specialties , Arranged Geographically . Morgantown, W .Va. : Ruth E . Robinson , Books , 1979 . 54p. $5. ISBN 0- 9603556-1-8 . Ryder , Dorothy E. Checklist of Canadian Direc- tories , 1790-1950. Repertoire des annuaires canadiens . Ottawa, Ont. : National Library of Canada, 1979. 288p . $10. 95/Canada; $13 . 15/ elsewhere. ISBN 0-660-50409-X. Schultz, Barbara A., and Schultz, Mark P. Bicy- cles and Bicycling : A Guide to Information Sources . Sports , Games , and Pastimes Informa- tion Guide Series , V.6. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 300p. $24. LC 79-22839. ISBN 0-8103-1448-7. Scull, Roberta A. A Bibliography of United States Government Bibliographies, 1974-1976 . Ann Arbor, Mich . : Pierian Pr., 1979. 310p. $17.95. LC 75-4281. ISBN 0-87650-111-0. Continuation of Bibliography of United States Government Bibliographies , 1968-1973 , by Scull. Covers 1,400 U.S. government bibliog- raphies on a wide variety of topics. Shoffner, Ralph M., and Madden , Mary A. Brit- ish Columbia Library Network: A Study of Feasibility. Rev . BCUC Replication Study Document. Richmond, B. C. : British Columbia Union Catalogue, 1980. 1v. (various paging) ISBN 0-919093-00-0. Includes an additional report , BCUC Gov- ernance and Management , by Paul Baldwin. Smith , Gerry M. , comp . Britain in Decline? A Select Bibliography . Current Affairs Bibliog- raphies , no.l. Cleveland, U. K. : Headland Pr ., 1979. 47p . £3.95/U.K.; $9.95/elsewhere. ISBN 0-906889-00-6. (Available from: Headland Rress , P.O. Box 9 , Hartlepool , Cleveland TS25 5ST, U.K.) Smith, Myron J. Air War Southeast Asia , 1961 - 1973: An Annotated Bibliography and 16mm Film Guide . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1979. 298p . $15. LC 79-21046. ISBN 0-8108-1261-4. Provides bibliographic coverage of operational, administrative , and biographical aspects of U.S. Air Force , Navy, Marine Corps , and Army ; South Vietnamese Air Force ; and Royal Austra- lian Air Force activities in the Indo-China war of 1961-1973. The Supreme Court and Individual Rights . Washington , D .C . : Congressional Quarterly , Inc. , 1979. 303p. $6. 95. LC 79-26967. ISBN 0- · 87187-195-5. " Examines the court's impact upon the rights and freedoms of the individual. " Swanekamp , Joan , comp. and ed . Diamonds & Rust: A Bibliography and Discography on joan Baez. Ann Arbor , Mich. : Pierian Pr ., 1980. 75p . $8.50. LC 79-91336 . ISBN 0-87650-113-7. Transliterated Dictionary of the Russian Lan- guage : An Abridged Dictionary Consisting of Russian-to-English and English-to-Russian Sec- tions. Ed. by Eugene Garfield . Philadelphia, Pa.: lSI Pr. , 1979. 382p . $25/cloth; $14.95/pa- per. LC 79-14068. ISBN 0-89495-003-7 cloth ; 0-89495-011-8 paper. User Education in Academic Libraries . Papers Presented at a Seminar at University of Strath- clyde on 20th November 1978, Organized by the Scottish Group of the University , College and Research Section of the Library Association. Ed. by Ian R. M. Mowat. Infuse Supplement, no . 5. Lough borough, Leicestershire, U. K.: Ian Malley, 1979. 32p. £1.50. (Available from : Ian Malley, British Library Information Officer for User Education , Library , Loughborough Uni- versity of Technology , Loughborough LEll 3TU , Leicestershire , U.K. ) Wertheimer , Leonard . Books in Other Lan- guages : 1979: A Guide to Selection Aids and Suppliers. 4th ed. Ottawa, Ont . : Canadian Li- brary Assn. ; New York : K. G. Saur , 1979 . 144p. $15. ISBN 0-88802-125-9. Wilmeth, Don B. American and English Popular Entertainment : A Guide to Information Sources. Performing Arts Information Guide Series , V. 7. Detroit : Gale , 1980. 465p . $24. LC 79-22869. ISBN 0-8103-1454-1. World Yearbook of Education 1979: Recurrent Education and Lifelong Learning . Ed. by Tom Schuller and Jacquetta Megarry . London: Kogan Page ; New York: Nichols, 1979. 335p. $25. LC 32-18413. ISBN 0-85038-166-5 Page ; 0-89397-058-1 Nichols. Young, Margaret L. , and Young, Harold C., eds. Subject Directory of Special Libraries and In- formation Centers . 5th ed . V. l: Business and Law Libraries. V.2: Education and Information Science Libraries . V.3: Health Sciences Librar- ies. V.4: Social Sciences and Humanities Libraries. V.5: Science and Technology Librar- ies . Detroit: Gale, 1979. 5v. $48/v.; $200/set. ISBN 0-8103-0299-3 .