College and Research Libraries About College & Research Libraries AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE in Dallas , Jun~ 1979, the Board of Directors of ACRL separated editorial control of College & Re- search Libraries and C allege & Research Libraries News. The U.S. Postal Service has also determined that College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News are separate publications . Accord- ingly, the individual issues of C allege & Re- search Libraries News are no longer related to issues of the bimonthly journal. College & Research Libraries , which is published bimonthly (January, March, May, July, September, and November) , bears the ISSN 0010-0870. The January 1980 issue is number 1 of volume 41. The subscription price for College & Research Libraries is $25 per year. College & Research Libraries News , which is published eleven times a year (monthly, except for a combined July/ August issue), bears the ISSN 0099-0086. The January 1980 issue is number 1 of vol- ume 41. The subscription price for College & Research Libraries News is $5 per year. A General Statement of Purpose College & Research Libraries serves as a medium for professional communication among academic and research librarians . The journal contains reports of research and thoughtful articles on matters of current and continuing concern, communications from readers related to those articles , and re- views and announcements of important rel- evant publications. Submitting Manuscripts Manuscripts of articles are to be sent to the editor (Richard D. Johnson , James M. Milne Library , State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820). Authors should follow these general in- structions: Manuscripts are to be typewrit- ten, double-spaced , and submitted in two copies. The title, name and affiliation of the author, and an abstract of 75 to 100 words should precede the text. Bibliographical ref- erences are to be consecutively numbered through the manuscript and appear on a separate sheet or sheets (also double-spaced) at the end. The journal follows A Manual of Style , 12th ed., rev. (Chicago: U niv. of Chicago Pr ., 1969), in matters of bibliographical style. Authors may also consult recent issues of the journal for examples of the style. . Manuscripts should range iii length from 1,000 to no more than 5,000 words. Manu- scripts may include tables , figures , and other illustrations. Such items should be placed on separate sheets and inserted where they are discussed in the text. Camera-ready copy should be submitted for figures and illustrations. Auxiliary materials may be incorporated into an appendix, but numbered references in the text should be restricted to bibliographical citations. Subject Content C allege & Research Libraries includes ar- ticles in all fields of interest and concern to academic and research librarians-for exam- ple, library collections, their acquisition and organization; services to readers and bibliographic instruction; library organiza- tion and management; library buildings; li- brary history. In its treatment of a subject, the manuscript may employ a number of different approaches , for example , a case study or a descriptive or historical narrative , an article expressing informed opinion on a matter of continuing interest, a report on the procedures and results of a controlled research project. Review of Manuscripts Manuscripts received are given an initial review by the editor, and those selected for further review are submitted to at least two readers , generally from members of the Editorial Board. Names of authors are re- moved from the manuscript, and thus au- thor identification should be on the first I 61 68 I College & Research Libraries • january 1980 page of the manuscript only. Insofar as pos- sible, other items in the manuscript that identify the author (e. g., a bibliographical reference) are blocked out by the editor prior to submission for formal review. When the review is completed, generally in six to eight weeks, the editor notifies the author. An author is not to submit a manu- script to another publication while it is under review by College & Research Li- braries. In their review the readers will direct their attention to the content and style of the manuscript, addressing such questions as the following: Does the manuscript make a substantially new contribution to the liter- ature? As for the method employed, is it appropriate to the subject, and does the au- thor demonstrate competence with it? Is the author then able to communicate findings clearly to an educated yet not necessarily specialized audience? Does the author dem- onstrate through a review of the literature and other developments how the research or opinions here presented relate to them? Publication If accepted for publication, the manu- script is generally published from six to nine months after acceptance (depending on the supply of accepted manuscripts). The manu- script will be edited to conform to the style of the journal, and the editor may offer rec- ommendations to the author on changes to make. Articles published in College & Research Libraries are copyrighted by the Ameri~n Library Association, and subsequent in- quiries for reprinting articles are referred to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. All material in the journal subject to copyright by the American Library Associa- tion may be photocopied for the noncom- mercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. Letters Readers are invited to comment on arti- cles in the journal through letters addressed to the editor. It is recommended that such communications be as short as possible and no longer than 200 words. All letters should be typewritten, double-spaced. Letters ac- cepted for publication are subject to editing. A letter commenting on an article in the jounial' is shared with the author, and a !re- sponse from the a1,1thor may appear with the letter. Reviews College & Research .Libraries includes re- views and listings of new public!ltions of interest to academic and research librarians. Publishers are invited to send review copies of their publications as well as announce- ments to the editor (Richard D. Johnson, James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820). Readers wishing to review books for the journal are invited to write to the editor in- dicating their special areas of interest and qualifications. Statement of Ownership and Management College i7 Ha«