College and Research Libraries 562 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 use of French libraries and archives , there are descriptions of the most useful libraries in Paris and a similar section on archives, both arranged by broad subjects . A briefer listing of archives and libraries outside of Paris arranged by departments follows. The length of the descriptions varies with the size and complexity of the institution; the Bibliotheque Nationale requires eight pages and the Archives Nationales eleven . In general , the following information is given : address (with specific location within a large building complex), telephone number, Metro route , scope of the collec- tion , hours and closing days , requirements for using the collections , how to request books and manuscripts, catalogs and indexes available , copying facilities, and publications about the institution. Appendixes include bibliographies on French libraries and ar- chives, outlines of the classification of the Archives N ationales and of departmental ar- chives, suggestions for locating manuscripts, and a list of useful addresses for American students in Paris . It is difficult to imagine an academic li- ANNOUNCING - A CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FRENCH LITERATURE The Twentieth Century, in 3 Parts Edited by Douglas W . Alden & Richard A. Brooks General Editor, Richard A. Brooks "Absolutely indispensable." - Bulletin of Bibliography Volume VI is the latest addition to the acclaimed Critical Bibliography of French Literature which Syracuse University Press began publishing in 1951. Volume VI is bound in three separate parts. Part 1 covers general subjects and the novel before 1940 (832 pp.); Part 2 covers poetry, theater, the essay, and criticism before 1940 (656 pp.) ; Part 3 covers all genres since 1940 and includes an index (672 pp.). January 1980 $1 20.00 the set, cased (Price higher after july 1, 1980) SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 011 East Water Street Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 brary that would not have this book on its shelves, whether it has the Repertoire des bibliotheques et organismes de documenta- tion or not. Reading Welsch's handbook is a little like being taken by the hand by a kindly, knowledgeable uncle. A future edi- tion including the principal libraries pertain- ing to literature, the arts , and sciences would be highly desirable.-Joe W. Kraus, Illinois State University Library, Normal . Raymond , Boris. Krupskaia and Soviet Rus- sian Librarianship, 1917-1939. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1979. 222p. $12. LC 79-1041. ISBN 0-8108-1209-6. The foremost characteristic of Soviet li- brarianship as an instrument of the state is the basis for all library activities not only in the Soviet Union but also in other Eastern European countries under Soviet influence. This concept of librarianship has evolved in contrast to the profession as practiced in the West. Library literature in socialist coun- tries constantly compares and differentiates the opposing philosophies. Soviet authors attribute their professional library theory mostly to Lenin, whereas Boris Raymond in his work Krupskaia and Soviet Russian Librarianship , 1917-1939, demonstrates that it was really Lenin 's wife, Krupskaia, who "successfully linked librar- ianship with Lenin's name by gathering and publishing his scattered remarks on the sub- ject. " This in turn enabled her to reinforce her own arguments concerning the impor- tance of libraries. The study , based on the author's doctoral dissertation, is the only comprehensive analysis in English of the work and impact of this remarkable woman , who in her many speeches and writings de- veloped the theoretical foundation of Soviet librarians hip. A review of the role of books and libraries in nineteenth-century Russia is followed by a detailed historical account of library- related events and institutional pressures from the Civil War through the periods of the " New Economic Policy," the First Five-Year Plan, through the Stalin purges. Krupskaia' s theories of librarianship and re- lated fields (adult education and children's literature) are traced to their roots: Lenin's theory of mass communication that is di- rected toward the building of socialism and tor the latest research tindin9S In LIFE SCIENCES • MEDICINE • CHEMISTRY • PHYSICAL SCIENCES • ENGINEERING • TECHNOLOGY The onlY source of its kind to cover the latest international research findings and papers presented at scientific and technical conferences and meetings throughout the world. Cited and indexed monthlY, much of the data retrievable in this unigue service appears a year and more in advance of any other publication. Jmportant papers that never reach print elsewhere 3fe routinely included. For a free sample issue or more informa- tion, just return the handY cou11on beloW. PRINT • ONLINE • MAGNETIC TAPE A diVision of DATA COURIER. INC .• the database c01npanv 620 South Fifth St., Louiwille,I