College and Research Libraries allocation processes, institutional self- analysis and evaluation of strengths and weaknesses coupled with more formal plan- ning. Through all the collective hand wringing comes one speaker (neither a librarian nor a lecturer but a representative of the National Union of Students) with the most cogent and thoughtful-though undeveloped- suggestions for doing more with less: shar- ing of resources among libraries; fuller utili- zation of existing library resources; im- proved course planning and lecturer-library coordination; a more collective approach in learning methodologies and student library use; a more sharply defined distinction be- tween research institutions and undergradu- ate teaching institutions together with cor- responding differences in the library re- sources of each. For those interested in comparative li- brarianship there .are some revealing con- trasts to be seen between England and the United States in higher education financing and control, use of library materials by stu- dents, selection and types of library mate- rials, teaching methods, collection evalua- tion practices, etc., but not enough, how- ever, to compensate for the minor contribu- tion this work makes to the literature of re- trenchment and l'eanalysis. Some unintended humor worthy of a "Monty Python" script finds its way into the discussion report: "Dr. R.A. Wall: 'This is a very interesting idea. Perhaps Mr. Thompson could comment on it.' James Thompson: 'Well, I think it's a rotten idea myselfl' . . .. Martyn Goff: 'I'm going to call a halt at this point.' " (p. 83-84) American academic librarians, too, may call a halt at this point if they expect to find in this pub- lication many useful ideas for coping with cuts.-Albert F. Maag, University Librar- ian, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or Recent Publications I 159 paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Academic Library Development Program: A Self Study. North Carolina Univ., Char- lotte. 1976. 179p. ED 142 227. MF- $0.83; HC-$10.03. This report presents a 1975-76 comprehensive review of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte J. Murrey Atkins Library undertaken by staff members. Data and information were gathered from faculty, student, and library sur- veys, interviews, and by task forces in the areas of management and structural processes, human resources, library resources and services, and technology and facilities. The task forces studied the university and its library, the library's envi- ronment, the library's goals and objectives, and assessment of needs. Recommendations were made for five major areas studied: organization and management, planning, personnel, catalog- ing, and collection development. The task force reports are included in the text. The appendixes contain project chronology, library goals and ob- jectives and their analysis, library user inquiry and leadership questionnaires, opinion analysis, human resources survey, suggestions for staff de- velopment program, and library holdings tables. The Use of a University Library's Subject Catalogue: Report of a Research Project. By E. H. Wilkinson and others. Mac- quarie Univ., North Ryde, Australia. 1977. 99p. ED 142 231. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. This report outlines the development and evaluation of a library instruction program at Macquarie University in Australia, designed to help students use the subject catalog more quickly and effectively. Phase 1 of development established (1) objectives; (2) two methods of teaching-performance instruction and simulation of a real library situation; (3) two programs similar in sequence and content-audio-tutorial, with tape and mini-catalog for individuals and tape/ .slide for group instruction; and (4) three evalua- tion instruments--objective test on effective use of the subject catalog, performance test on search ability, and attitude survey. Trials revealed a weakness in failure to consider in detail the level 160 I College & Research Libraries • March 1978 of knowledge and skills to be reached by stu- dents. Phase II concentrated on curriculum de- velopment and combined the original programs. Evaluation instruments included background in- formation, reaction to program, tasks tests, and six parallel versions of skills test. The program was judged successful in methodological aims and partly successful in program aims, based on trial administration to randomly selected students and groups. Plans for implementing the program and suggestions for adapting it to other libraries and age groups are discussed. Bibliography and other references are attached, as well as tests, scripts, evaluation forms, and surveys. University of Azarabadegan Faculty of Medicine Library Report. By John F. Harvey. World Health Organization. Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, Alexandria, Egypt. 1977. 21p. ED 136 767 MF -$0.83; HC-$1.67. This report presents guidelines and recom- mendations for developing the library that serves the faculty of medicine and its teaching hospitals at the University of Azarabadegan, Iran. The present library situation and recommendations, together with suggestions for their implementa- tion, are offered. Recommended changes include the development of policies for materials collec- tion, services, and processing. A Technical Report on a Role Analysis Pre- pared for the Reference Department of Margaret I. King Library, University of Kentucky. By Benita J. Howell and others. 1977. 62p. ED 138 244. MF- $0.83; HC-$3.50. A . role analysis study of the Margaret I. King Library reference department focused on organi- zation of role activities, their evaluation by refer- ence staff, and patron satisfaction. Observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques were employed to (1) obtain staff job history and academic training; (2) inventory activities from which a list of ninety-three role activities was compiled; (3) determine on a seven-point scale, using semantic differential, staff perceptions of ac- tivities with respect to importance, interest, complexity, and confidence in performance abil- ity; and (4) determine patron satisfaction and con- sensus between staff and patrons regarding encounters. Patron service, instruction, and skill maintenance were seen by staff as highly impor- tant; the latter two were considered most in- teresting. According to patrons, librarians deter- mined their needs accurately in 80 percent of the encounters and in 87 percent provided the right amount of information. The study concluded that role analysis provides insights into effective refer- ence service factors and the importance of the librarian as teacher rather than as information source. The appendixes include forms for all interviews and questionnaires. An Evaluation of a Course in Library In- struction at Ball State University. By Barbara C. Stewart. 1976. 56p. ED 138 246. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. To test the effect of library instruction on learn- ing basic knowledge and skills in using reference tools, thirty-three Ball State University students received such instruction in a course on informa- tion resources in libraries. In control groups from basic literature courses, thirty-nine students re- ceived course-related library instruction and eighty-one students received no instruction in li- brary use . Students were pretested and post- tested using the Feagley Test and responded to questionnaires for demographic information, pre- vious library instruction, library use, and at- titudes. Statistical analyses of mean test scores confirmed the hypothesis that students who have taken a course in library instruction will learn to use library reference tools more effectively than those who have not. Descriptive data revealed that previous library use and work experience had more effect on library ability than class level, subject majors, or previous library instruction. The study concluded that students will benefit to a significant degree from taking a formal library instruction course. Further systematic and scien- tific research was suggested in library instruction evaluation and in the development of a standardized library skills test. Bibliography and questionnaire are appended. An Investigation of Selective College and University Libraries' Serial Arrangement. By Elizabeth Gates· Kesler and Gay Teborek. Rhode Island Univ. Library, Kingston. 1977. 30p. ED 138 261. MF- $0.83; HC-$2.06. Data from a survey on serials arrangement pro- cedures and policies at academic libraries were used by the University of Rhode Island (URI) Li- brary in changing current serials policies. Ten libraries, four of which have similar serials hold- ings and user populations to URI, responded to a questionnaire. Information was obtained on clas- sification versus alphabetization of serials, missing issues, cataloging, and title change procedures. Based on analysis of this information, recommen- dations were made for the URI Library concern- ing (1) annual publications, (2) bound and un- bound serials, (3) newspapers, (4) public catalog entries, (5) computer printouts, (6) incomplete volumes, and (7) title changes. The questionnaire is appended. Recent Publications I 161 Both absolute circulation and coefficient of use identified three most heavily used blocks: BF (psychology), HQ (the family), and GV (recrea- Reference Statistics, 1975-1976. An Analysis tion). Sixteen blocks had zero use, and 47 percent and Recommendations. By John Lubans. had less than 100 circulations. The study con- Univ. of Colorado, Boulder. 1977. 2lp. eluded that: (1) some areas of the collections re- ceived higher proportionate use than size indi- ED 139 408. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. cates, and (2) demands on portions of the collec- This study analyzes statistics of seventeen pub- tions can be monitored and usage compared, lie service units of the University of Colorado at regardless of size. Statistical tables are included. Boulder libraries, measuring frequency of ques- 1 tion asking, types of questions, and staff respon- Computer Output Microfilm (COM): AnAl- sibility. The study seeks to determine fluctuations ternative to Card Catalogs for SOLINET of reference service workloads over time, de- Members. By Randall Cravey and others. partment staffing, and training needs and to pro- vide supervisors with a quantifiable understand- Southeastern Library Network, Inc., At- ing of reference activities . More than 500,000 lanta, Ga. 1977. 91p. ED 139 437. transactions occurred in 1975-1976, suggesting MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. successful marketing of services. Volumes of di- The Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) rectional and circulation questions indicate a need Committee on Computer Output Microfilm for directional signs and for examination of circu- (COM) is drafting a plan for SOLINETs role in lation procedures in some departments . The sue- computer catalog production for member librar- cess of user education programs is reflected in a ies. The primary purpose of this report is to re- high volume of instructional and research ques- cord information on microfilm catalog production tions. Students and support staff handle large and utilization. The report presents alternative numbers of questions, with students answering all designs for SOLINETs role in microfilm catalog types , indicating a need to examine staffing pat- production. The supportive features of COM and terns. Public service librarians recommend : (1) cost justification are discussed, and descriptions establishing a training program for students and a are given for terminology in micrographics, higher job level for students working weekends library/data processing, and COM catalog produc- and evenings; (2) creating half-time graduate as- tion. Procedural flow charts and descriptions are sistantships with subject expertise for reference provided in overviews of COM and COM catalog services on weekends and evenings; and (3) con- production processes. Additional aspects of COM verting several student positions to a full-time catalog production considered are: (1) data base staff position. Question recording forms and ques- construction and maintenance, (2) local and com- tion type definitions are appended. mercial operations, and (3) microfilm systems and A Comparative Study of Charges Made through an Automated Circulation System in the Colorado State University Librar- ies. By Robert W. Bums. Colorado State Univ. 1976. 122p. ED 139 420. MF- $0.83; HC-$6.01. To determine use of portions of the collections at Colorado State University libraries and to iden- tify heavily used sections, the collections were divided into 204 blocks according to Library of Congress classification letters. The number of charges made in each block was counted during a 1975 quarter for patrons, charges made to the re- serve desk, and interlibrary loan. The number of pieces within each block was estimated by divid- ing the linear inches of a block by its average thickness . A coefficient of use was calculated for each block by dividing the number of charges made by the number of pieces available. Multi- plied by 100, this indicated that for each 100 items in a block, there were X circulations, and enabled comparison of blocks regardless of size. equipment. A description of the COM catalog at Georgia Institute of Technology, correspondence with companies, directories of COM systems service centers and vendor/service bureaus, and SOLINET retrospective conversion statistics are appended. Community CoUege Library Cooperation: A Behavioral and Dynamic Model. By Joanne R. Euster. 1977. 81p . ED 140· 818. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. This study examined the psychological and be- havioral determinants of community college li- brary cooperation, primarily through interlibrary loans, in the Washington Community College Li- brary Cooperative. ·Fifty-nine of ninety-one Washington community college library profes- sionals responded to a questionnaire on attitudes and expected behaviors. A dynamic computer simulation model incorporated organizational and behavioral variables over time to their effect on the organization's utility and future existence . Re- spondents felt that cooperation is valuable and 162 I College & Research Libraries • March 1978 will increase in importance during the next five years. Applying the criterion that a cooperative activity will be included if 65 percent or more of respondents are in favor of it, the study con- cluded that the decision group, composed of li- brary directors, selects different options than does the user group of library professionals in the system. Successive tests using the computer simulation indicated that the behavior of indi- vidual library professionals, seeking to maximize their libraries' return from cooperati~e behavior, may contribute to the ultimate overloading and collapse of the cooperative system. A bibliogra- phy is appended. Analysis of Requirements of On-Line Net- work Cataloging Services for Small, Academic, Public, School and Other Li- braries: A Demonstration Project Using the OCLC System. Final Report. By Bar- bara Evans Markuson. Office of Educa- tion (HEW), Washington, D.C. 1977. 60p. ED 140 861. MF-$0.83; HC- $3.50. This report results from a project using the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) system to provide catalog services to small libraries . Alter- natives described include: centralized cataloging, MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer is assigned an experienced "Home Office" rtpresentative. You correspond direct; any title needs, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by letter or phone. This makes your job easier a'ld keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. With over 45 years ~ce. McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and International titles. We prtpay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, 1arge and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed in our new brochurt. Write today for your free copy. OUR 45th YEAR centralized book processing, sharing of OCLC terminals, and use of dial-up terminals. The OCLC data base was found useful for all types of small libraries. It is recommended that network planners give more attention to how small librar- ies can economically use library networks. Summary Cost Data from 300 Reports of Library Technical Processing Activities. By Charles P. Bourne. Inst. of Library Research, California U niv., Berkeley. 1977. 76p. ED 140 871. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. Data collected from an extensive review of 300 publications dealing with library cost studies are presented in sixty-three graphs. This probably in- cludes most of the published data on costs of li- brary technical processes up to the early 1970s. All data shown in this report have been corrected for general inflationary trends by converting the source data into .constant 1967 dollars. This is a summary of preliminary research done by the au- thor, whose main objectives are to show that ,there is much such information available and that it clearly shows an upward trend in all unit costs. ERIC On-Line With No Extra Staffing. By Ilene F. Rockman. 1976. 13p. ED 143 307. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Through active user participation, Washington State University Education Library was able to provide ERIC computer searching services to students, faculty, and community members with no additional .library staff. Specialized training for the two librarians, as well as rental of a terminal for the library, resulted in over .100 searches in 1974-75. Appended are informational materials for use by search requesters to enable them to actively participate in the search process, both during descriptor selection and during the com- puter run. The Viability of Merging Three Academic Libraries in Worcester. By David Kaser and Jinnie Y. Davis. Carnegie Corp. of New York, N.Y. 1977. 178p. ED 143 346. MF-$0.83; HC-$10.03. This study was undertaken to determine whether the libraries of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the College of the Holy Cross, and Clark University should be merged. Four types of data were collected: (1) objective-quantitative analyses of faculty and student use of the libraries and collection duplication/triplication; (2) subjective-opinions and judgments of faculty, students, librarians, and library administration; (3) historical--comprehensive review of success and failure of past interlibrary cooperation; and (4) systems-individual systems requirements of each library and potential for economics through joint action. Costs, monetary and nonmonetary, were found to outweigh the benefits of library merger. Two-mile distances between the three colleges rendered it impossible for one library to replace all libraries. The eight recommendations included (1) study of direct borrowing privileges to students from the other institutions and (2) placement of a single computer output microform catalog of recent acquisitions of all three libraries adjacent to all card catalogs. Descriptions of the libraries and outlines of studies conducted are in- cluded. Urban Studies: A Study of Bibliographic Access and Control. By Barbara E. An- derson. Inst. of Library Research, California U niv., Berkeley. 1977. 79p . ED 143 349. MF-$0.83; HC-$4.67. This paper analyzes (1) the bibliographic access to publications in urban studies via printed sec- ondary sources; (2) development and scope of classification systems and of vocabulary control for urban studies; and (3) currently accessible auto- mated collections of bibliographic citations. Urban studies is defined as "an agglomeration of interdisciplinary approaches to common phenomena and/or problems that have come about as a result of urbanism and urbanization" and includes approaches to the understanding and/solution of these problems. Secondary sources, most described in detail within the text, include indexes, bibliographies, retrospective sources, government publications, research and report literature, review literature, and current awareness sources. Specific examples from classi- fication systems and the merits of the most im- portant subject heading systems are discussed. Fifteen computerized data . bases relevant to urban studies are described with accompanying bibliography. Lists of compared title coverage of urban studies periodicals in three indexes and of most frequently cited journals are appended. A Survey of Salaries of Medical School Li- brarians in the United States and Canada, 1976-77. By Peter Stangl and William Neff Hoke. Lane Medical Li- brary, Stanford Univ. , Calif. 1977. 152p. ED 143 365~ MF-$0.83; HC-Not Available. Prime objectives of the survey were to (1) re- late age, sex, geographical area, status within the institution, educational level, etc., to salary re- ceived; (2) provide timely data on salaries; and (3) test feasibility of applying similar · survey tech- niques for the entire Medical Library Association Recent Publications I 163 membership. Questionnaire forms were designed : one to obtain information regarding library per- sonnel policies, administrative structure, and compensation structure (sent to directors of 114 U.S. and 16 Canadian medical school libraries, with 119 replies received); the other to be com- pleted by individual librarians and administrators (878 replied) regarding personal data, educational background, professional experience, present level of responsibility, and salary.. Data obtained were reduced and analyzed using standard coding sheets and Stanford Center for Information Pro- cessing's IBM 370-168 computer. Results are dis- cussed and tabulated in categories of organiza- tional structure of the library, geographic area, administrative responsibility, sex and minority status, academic level, and others. The appen- dixes contain all tables, variable charts, and sam- ple questionnaire forms. Library-Use Instruction for Engineering Students. By Rao Aluri. 1977. Up. ED 143 367. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. Instruction for students in the use of libraries and their resources has been neglected in engi- neering education. Librarians can team teach courses on technical writing and introduce stu- dents to the major information sources in their fields . Th~y can give presentations, publish handbooks, bibliographies, and pathfinders on li- brary resources, and present audiovisual pro- grams for library orientation. Engineering in- structors and administrators should realize that library resources are important and that librarians are willing to work with the instructor in develop- ing instructional programs to improve students' library skills. Advantages of such instruction to. students ar~ : (1) they can collect background in- formation more efficiently; and (2) they have the opportunity without undue dependence on an in- structor's guidance. A list of thirteen hints on conducting a literature search , modified from University of Nebraska at Omaha courses to be more universal, is attached. University Library Organization and Ad- ministration in Latin America: The De- velopment of a Pragmatic Model. By Earl Wassom and Robert Rees. Western Ken- tucky Univ. , Bowling Green . 1976. 236p. ED 136 765. MD-$0.83; HC-$12.71. Presented is an assessment of the organization, procedures , personnel, fiscal support, and physi- cal plant of the University of Los Andes library system. Field visits by a consultant team that . placed assessors on the site for a total of ninety- seven days were made during the March to June 1976 period. Assessment instruments were de- 164 I College & Research Libraries • March 1978 veloped and administered to gather factual data. Personal interviews with librarians, support staff, university administrators, professors, and stu- dents to determine attitudes and needs were conducted. Instrument responses and interview data were analyzed and synthesized to present a coherent picture of the situation . A rationale was developed compatible with objectives and pur- poses for a Venezuelan institution of higher edu- cation. The assessment findings and rationale were melded into a proposed model for the struc- ture and functions of the University of Los Andes library system. Problems in organizational struc- ture, fiscal support, physical facilities, staff qual- ifications, operational procedures, and technical processes were identified; solutions were pro- posed; and recommendations were made. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Amstutz, Mark R. Economics and Foreign Policy: A Guide to Information Sources . International Relations Information Guide Series, v. 7. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 179p. $18.00. LC 74-11566. ISBN 0-8103-1321-9. Basil, Douglas C .; Gillis, Emma Jean; and Davis, Walter R. Purchasing Information Sources . Management Information Guide, no .30. De- troit: Gale, 1977. 240p. $18.00. LC 76-7037 . ISBN 0-8103-0830-4. Provides annotations for books and periodical articles in the field of purchasing. Buenker, John D ., and Burckel, Nicholas C. Im- migration and Ethnicity: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources. American Government and His- tory Information Guide Series, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 305p. $18.00. LC 74-11515. ISBN 0-8103-1202-6. Burr, Robert L. Toward a General Theory of Circulation. Univ . of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science Occasional Papers, no.130. Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ, of Illinois, 1977, 55p. $2.00. Butler, Addie Louise Joyner. The Distinctive Black College: Talladega, Tuskegee and Morehouse. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow Pr., 1977 . 169p. $7.00 . LC 77-22756. ISBN 0-8108-1055-7. An analytical study of three black colleges that investigates their institutional histories in an at- tempt "to account for the unique character" of each. Cargas, Harry James. The Holocaust: An Anno- tated Bibliography. Haverford, Penn. : Catholic Library Assn ., 1977. 86p. $4.00. ISBN 0-87507-005-1. (Available from : Catholic Li- brary Association, 461 West Lancaster Ave., Haverford, PA 19041.) Lists 415 books and articles about the slaughter of Jewish people during World War II. Chielens, Edward E. The Literary journal in America, 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources . American Literature, English Litera- ture, and World Literatures in English Infor- mation Guide Series, v.16. Detroit: Gale, 1977 . 186p. $18.00. LC 74-11534. ISBN 08103-1240-9. Conversations with Writers. Conversations Se- ries, v.l. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 302p. $18 .00. LC 77-9142. ISBN 0-8103-0943-2. Thirteen in-depth interviews with prominent writers . Provides insight into how each author views his or her writings and profession as a whole . Cultural Conformity in Books for Children: Fur- ther Readings in Racism. Ed. by Donnarae MacCann and Gloria Woodard . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Pr., 1977. 205p. $8.00. LC 77-2217 4. ISBN 0-8108-1064-6. Twenty-six articles discuss monocultural and biased practices in the educational system and, in particular, in children's books . Directory Information Service . A Reference Peri- odical Covering Business and Industrial Direc- tories, Professional and Scientific Rosters, and Other Lists and Guides of All Kinds . Informa- tion Enterprises, 1977- Issue no.1- $36.00/3 issues. (Distributed by: Gale Research Co.) Describes new directories and new editions of established directories. Some of the informa- tion provided includes title and subtitle, pub- lisher address, coverage, arrangement, indexes, and frequency. Gray, Michael H., and Gibson, Gerald D . Bibli- ography of Discographies. Volume 1, Classical Music, 1925-1975. N.Y.: Bowker, 1977. 164p. $19.95. LC 77-22661. ISBN 0-8352-1023-5. Intended as a five-volume 'Series. This volume covers discographies of classical music found in publications from 1925-75. Harmer, Ruth Mulvey, comp. A Consumer Bibli- ography on Funerals . Washington, D.C.: Con- tinental Assn. of Funeral & Memorial Societies, 1977. 14p. $1.00. (Available from: Continental Association of Funeral and Memo- rial Societies, 1828 L St., N.W. , Washington, DC 20036.) Hatch, James V., and Abdullah, OMANii, comps. and eds. Black Playwrights, 1823-1977: An Annotated Bibliography of Plays . N.Y.: Bowker, 1977. 319p . $18 :50. LC 77-11890. ISBN 0-8352-1032-4. ' Henderson, Robert W., comp . Early American Sport. A Checklist of Books by American and Foreign Authors Published in America Prior to 1860 Including Sporting Songs. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Cranbury. N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Pr.; London: Associated Univ. Presses, 1977. 309p. $27.50 . LC ' 74-30537 . ISBN 0-8386- 1677-1. Hoffman, Herbert H. SmaU Library Cataloging . Santa Ana, Calif. : Headway Publications, 1977. 213p. ISBN 0-89537-003-4. A guide for cataloging in a small library for those who have not had formal instruction in library cataloging. Holmes, P. L. On-line Information Retrieval: An Introduction and Guide to the British Library's Short-term Experimental Informat~n Network Project . Volume I: Experimental Use of Non- Medical Information Services. British Library Research & Development Reports , no .5360HC. London: British Library, 1977. 6lp. £5.00. ISBN 0-905984-02-1. Hughes, Catherine A. Economic Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Economics In- formation Guide Series , v .6 . Detroit: Gale, 1977 . 267p. $18.00. LC 73-17576. ISBN 0-8103-1290-5. Industrial Research Laboratories of the United States 1977. 15th ed. Ed . by Jaques Cattell Recent Publications I 165 Press. N.Y. : Bowker, 1977. 828p. $65.00. LC 21-26022. ISBN 0-8352-0986-5. Kaganoff, Benzion C . A Dictionary of jewish Names and Their History. N .Y.: Schocken Books, 1977. 250p. $10.95. LC 77-70277. Laird, W . David. Hopi Bibliography: Compre- hensive and Annotated. Tucson, Arizona: Univ. of Arizona Pr. , 1977. 735p. $7.95 paper; $13.50 cloth. LC 77-9563. ISBN 0-8165-0566-7 paper; ISBN 0-8165-0633~ 7 cloth . Madubuike, Ihechukwu. A Handbook of African Name s. Washington , D .C. Three Continents Pr. , 1976. 233p. $9 case ; $5 paper. LC 75- 25943. ISBN 0-914478-13-3 case; 0-89410-029-7 paper. t Magocsi, Paul R. , and Mayo, Olga K. , comps. Carpatho-Ruthenica at Harvard: A Catalog of Holdings . Englewood, N.J.: Transworld Pub- lishers, 1977. 149p. ISBN 0-917242-03-3. Lists more than 1,000 titles at Harvard dealing with the Carpatho-Ruthenica. " The term Carpatho-Ruthenica refers to the civilization of the Carpatho-Rusyns, a Slavic people that in- habits the foothills and valleys of the northern arc of the Carpathian Mountains , territories that today are wi_thin the Transcarpathian Ob- Personalized • ~~ sennce ... ~ ~ ;mtomatically Faxon's automation means even more than computer speed and accuracy. It means systems designed to make Faxon customers virtual experts in subscription management. Faxon's new SCOPE Service enables libraries to monitor price increases over a three-year period by taking price data directly from their unique personal history files stored in Faxon's computer. SCOPE is ideal for department heads and subject specialists who can make a thorough review of subscription costs as they relate to budgets prior to annual renewal. Serials control information is also available from Faxon 's com- puter on either punched cards or magnetic tape. Libraries with data processing capabilities will find our input precise and time-savjng. Faxon makes automation work for you ... personally. [00 F.W. FAXOn COmPAnY, InC. Library Magazine Subscription Agency 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090 Tel : 800-225-7894 (toll-free) • 61 7-329-3350 (collect in Mass. and Canada only) 166 I College & Research Libraries • March 1978 last' of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Pre5ov Region in northeastern Slovakia, and the Lemkian Region in southeastern Po- land." Marchant, Maurice P. ; Smith, Nathan M.; and Stirling, Keith H. SPSS as a Library Research Tool . Brigham Young Univ. School of Library and Information Sciences Occasional Research Paper, no. l. Provo, Utah : School of Library and Information Sciences , Brigham Young Univ. , 1977. 44p. $1.50. LC 77-85367. (Avail- able from : Nathan M. Smith, Editor; 5042 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602.) Several subprograms included in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) are dis- • cussed as related to a library research topic. The Martial Arts Encyclopedia . By Larry Win- derbaum. Washington, D.C. : Inscape Pub- lishers , 1977. 215p. $19.50 . LC 76-43250 . ISBN 0-87953-600-4. Provides information on all the oriental fighting arts. Includes short entries on prominent people in the arts. Myers , Gerald E. Insurance Manual for Librar- ies. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977 . 64p. $5.00. LC 77;-24524. ISBN 0-8389-0236-7. The National Faculty Directory 1978. An Alpha- betical List, with Addresses, of about 449,000 Members of Teaching Faculties at Junior Col- leges , Colleges, and Universities in the United States and at Selected Canadian Institutions . Detroit: Gale, 1977, 2v. $115.00. LC 76-47916. ISBN 0-8103-0488-0. Neuberg, Assia. The State of Israel: An Anno- tated Bibliography , Volume II , 1969-1975. Jerusalem, Israel: Centre for Public Libraries in Israel, 1977. 534p. $50.00. Lists 4, 718 books , pamphlets , and collective works published between 1969 and 1975 that deal with subjects relating to Israel. Each pub- lication is listed in the language of the original, and annotations are given for most entries . Norback, Peter G., and Norback, Craig T. Edu- cational Market Place. N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1977 . Various paging. $29 .75. LC 77-12427 . ISBN 0-07-047130-4. Directory of sources for equipment, services, supplies, facilities, and information on organiza- tions . For administrators and teachers in elementry school through college . Ojo-Ade, Femi. Analytic Index of Presence Af ricaine (1947-1972). Washington, D.C. : Three Continents Pr., 1977. 18lp. $22.00. LC 77- 71232. ISBN 0-914478-92-3. \ Orlando, Thomas A. , and Gecik, Marie, comps. Treasures of the Chicago Public Library: A Contribution toward a Descriptive Catalog. Chicago: The Chicago Public Library, 1977. 149p. $12.50 (Plus $1.00 for postage and han- dling) . LC 77-85329. (Avaihlble from: Special Collections Division, The Chicago Public Li- brary, 78 East Washington St. , Chicago, II 60602.) Orlando, Thomas A. , and Gecik, Marie, comps. Treasures of the Chicago Public Library: An Exhibition of Notable Acquisitions 1872-1977. Chicago: The Chicago Public Library, 1977. 16p. Rath , Frederick L., and O 'Connell, Merrilyn Rogers , eds. A Bibliography on Historical Or- ganization Practices. Volume 2: Care and Con- servation of Collections. Comp . by Rosemary S. Reese. Nashville, Tenn.: American Assn . for State and Local History , 1977. 107p. $10.00. $7 .50 (AASLH members). LC 75-26770. Annotated bibliography that lists resources for the care of paintings, documents , books, photographs, and other artifacts. Robbins, J. Albert, ed. American Literary Manu- scripts: A Checklist of Holdings in Academic, Historical, and Public Libraries , Museums , and Authors' Homes in the United States . 2d ed. Athens : Univ . of Georgia Pr. , 1977. 387p. $16.00 LC 76-49156. ISBN 0-8203-0412-3. Rosenberg, Paul M., comp. The Urban Informa- tion Thesaurus : A. Vocabulary for Social Documentation. W .T . Diirr, Director . Pre- pared by the Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Pr. , 1977. 375p. $25.00. LC 76-52604. ISBN 0-8371-9483-0. Sak, Ludmila, Czechoslovak National Bibliogra- phy . Rutgers Univ. Graduate School of Library Service Occasional Papers , no . 76-4 . New Brunswick, N.J . : Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers Univ. , 1977. 58p. $3 .00. Sapienza, Anthony F . A Checklist of Maltese Periodicals and Newspapers in the National Li- brary of Malta and the Un.iversity of Malta Li- brary. Malta: Malta Univ. Pr., 1977. 1v. un- paged. £1. 95. Simpson , Antony E. The Literature of Police Corruption. Volume 1: A Guide to Bibliogra- phy and Theory. N.Y. : John Jay Pr. ; Berkshire, Engl. : McGraw-Hill Book Co. (UK) Limited, 1977. 214p .. $10.00. LC 76-30895. ISBN 0-89444-003-9 John Jay Pr. (Available from: The John Jay Press, 444 West 56th St. , New York, NY 10019. ) A review of historical and contemporary litera- ture on police corruption. Sources of Serials . A Bowker Serials Bibliogra- phy. N.Y. : Bowker, 1977. 1547p. $52.50. LC 77-015833. ISBN 0-8352-0855-9. Includes serial publishers and corporate au- thors arranged under 181 countries, listing 90,000 current serial titles they publish or sponsor. Sweden, Utbildningsdepartementet. Pliktexemp- lar av skrift. Stockholm: Allmanna Forlag~t, 1977. 263p. ISBN 93-38-03665-7. Proposal for a new law on legal deposit of pub- lications commissioned the Swedish govern- ment and prepared by Bertil W ennergren and Thomas Tottie . Who's Who in American Politics 1977-1978. 6th ed. Ed. by Jaques Cattell Press. N.Y.: Bowker, 1977 . 1170p . -$49.95. LC 67-2504 . ISBN 0-8352-0926-1. Introducing Recent Publications I 167 Young, Margaret Labash; Young, Harold Ches- ter; and Kruzas, Anthony T., eds. Subject Di- rectory of Special Libraries and Information Centers. 4th ed. Vol.l: Business and Law Li- braries. Vol.2: Education and Information Sci- ence Libraries. Vol.3: Health Sciences Librar- ies. Vol.4: Social Sciences and Humanities Li- braries. Vol.5: Science and Technology Librar- ies. Detroit : Gale, 1977. 5v . $30.00/vol.; $125.00/set. GRANTS MAGAZINE----........ the journal of sponsored research and other programs Editor: Virginia P. White. Assistant Edit~r· : Patrick Tarantino Editorial Board Sheppie Abramowitz, John Z. Bowers, Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, Paul Carien, S. F. Carson, Gideon Chagy, Robert Coles, Daniel Lynn Conrad, Lois DeBakey, Wilton S. Dillon, George N. Eaves, Richard Grove, Marjorie E. Hoachlander, Alexander Hollaender, Kazue Iwamoto, John Jagger, Ann E. Kaplan, Richard A. Lacey, Raymond Latarjet, Robert A. Mayer, Kathryn Mohrman, Sally J. Oleon, Crodowaldo Pavan, Lord Ritchie-Calder, David L. Sills, J. E. Slater, Lynn M. Slavitt, Fannie Taylor, Robert Ubell, R. C. von Borstel, Rowan A. Wakefield, Melvin Weinstock, Adam Yarmolinsky. Grants Magazine is a broadly conceived, interdisciplinary quarterly publication that will provide a forum for discussion of the various issues that affect both public and private philanthropy. Subscription: 1978, Volume 1 (4 issues) Institutional rate . .......................................... · ............. $45.00 Send for your free examination copy! PLENUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION 227 West 17th Street, New York, N·.Y. 10011 Prices subject to change without notic·e. The . Encyclope4ia of · · .American Religions The Encyclopedia of American Religions ·is a comprehensive SU!:'fey of religious sects and denominations in the United States today. It is the first refer- ence work to bring together detailed information on all American religions, from major institutional churches to lesser known cults. The Encyclopedia examines nearly 1,200 distinct religions and describes the unique history, practices and beliefs of each. The Encyclopedia probes the complexities of the traditional established churches. For instance, it explores the roots of the Presbyterian Reformed Churches both in Europe and America and compares their theology, liturgy and ecclesiology to Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Baptist traditions. It exam- ines the United Methodist Church, the Southern Methodist Church, the Apostolic Methodist Church and the many other forms of Methodism in America and explains the beliefs these churches hold in common and the issues they disagree on. Perhaps more intriguing than the analyses of major American religions is the Encyclopedia's thorough treatment of obscure religio~s about which little or no material was previously published. 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