College and Research Libraries Recent Publications COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES Hayes, Robert M., and Becker, Joseph. Handbook of Data Processing for Libraries, 2d ed., reviewed by Barbara Evans Markuson . 170 Bramley, Gerald. World Trends in Library Education, reviewed by Josephine Riss Fang . 171 Churchwell, Charles D. The Shaping of American Library Education, reviewed by C. Edward Carroll . 173 Harris, Michael H., ed. The Age of Jewett: Charles Coffin Jewett and American Librarianship, 1841-1868, reviewed by Edith Scott . 174 Goodell, John S. Libraries and Work Sampling, reviewed by Edward Gibson . 175 Davies, D. W. Public Libraries as Culture and Social Centers: The Origin of the Concept, reviewed by Phyllis Dain . 175 Faculty Status for Academic Librarians: A History and Policy Statements, reviewed by John V. Crowley . 176 Anderson, Charles B., ed. Bookselling in America and the World, reviewed by Marc Gittelsohn 177 Delavenay, Emile. For Books, reviewed by Marc Gittelsohn . 177 Auger, Charles P., ed. Use of Reports Literature, reviewed by Thomas D. Gillies 178 Vickery, B. C. Classification and Indexing in Science, 3d ed., reviewed by J. R. Moore. . 179 Cassata, Mary B., and Totten, Herman L., eds. The Administrative Aspects of Education for Librarianship, reviewed by Andrew H. Horn . · 180 Montgomery, Leon. Document Retrieval Systems: Factors Affecting Search Time, reviewed by Michael J. McGill . 181 McGarry, K. J. Communication, Knowledge and the L ibrarian, reviewed by Ernest W. Toy, Jr. . 182 Vberregionale Literaturversorgung von Wissenschaft und Forschung in der Bundes- republik Deutschland, reviewed by Erwin K. Welsch . 182 Veit, Fritz. The Community College Library, reviewed by Alice B. Griffith . 183 Ingram, K. E., and Jefferson, Albertina A., eds. Libraries and the Challenge of Change, reviewed by G. A. Harrer . 184 Mount, Ellis. University Science and Engineering Libraries: Their Operation, Col- lections, and Facilities, reviewed by Johanna E. Tallman . 185 Norton, Margaret Cross. Norton on Archives, reviewed by Charles R. McClure 186 Other Publications of Interest to Academic Librarians 187 Abstracts 189 I 169 170 I College & Research Libraries • March 1976 BOOK REVIEWS Hayes, Robert M., and Becker, Joseph. Handbook of Data Processing for Li- braries. 2d ed. Sponsored by the Council on Library Resources. A Wiley-Becker & Hayes Series Book. Los Angeles: Mel- ville Publishing Company, 197 4. 688p. (LC 74-9690) (ISBN 0-471-36483-5) This handbook includes twenty chapters, a glossary, and a fairly detailed index. The twenty chapters are organized into four broad sections. The first, "Introduction to Library Data Processing," has four chapters on systems and networks, representative projects, scientific management, and cost accounting. Section two, "Management of Library Data Processing," has four chapters on management planning, methods of sys- tem description, system budgeting and evaluation, and system implementation. Section three covers "Data Processing Tech- nology" in five chapters dealing with ma- chine language, data processing, input, out- put, display, storage, and data communi- cation. The last section, «Library Subsys- tems," includes administration, ordering, cataloging, serials records, circulation, inter- library loan, and mechanized information services. The listing above makes the scope of this work apparent. To bring together in one volume such a large amount of materials in so recent a field is a tremendous achieve- ment. As will be shown, I have faults to find and have detailed these in what I hope is an objective manner. Nevertheless, I do not want these negative comments to overshadow my enormous respect for the arduous task Hayes and Becker set them- selves in writing this book. The scope, com- plexity, and diversity of this task make it inevitable that unevenness would occur and criticisms be made. I, knowing reasonably well the difficulties the authors faced and recognizing the solid achievement made, feel somewhat as if I were attacking an elephant with a popgun. Nevertheless, the attack: The second edition of the Hayes and Becker Handbook raises two questions. Are there enough significant differences be- tween editions to warrant purchase of the second by those holding the first, and is the second edition a timely and useful volume for those lacking the first? The answer to the first question is "No," and, to the sec- ond, a qualified "Yes." The reasons for this assessment are discussed below. This work presents a serious problem for the reviewer! To what degree should the reviewer be swayed by the authors' state- ment of the intended audience and purpose of their work? This edition reaffirms the goals of the first: to provide the librarian "a concrete, factual guide" to assist deci- sion making, to provide the student a text- book to give insight into the methodology and interrelationship between data process- ing and the library, and to give the systems analyst a "state of the art" survey. These goals are only partially fulfilled. Although the second edition has been re- written in parts, in general the content does not sufficiently reflect current developments or issues in library data processing. The glossary, for example, does not define terms such as "light pen," <'bar-coded label," and "computer-output-microform"; and these developments are briefly treated in the text. The discussions of machine-readable data bases, bibliographic standards, and net- works are essentially unchanged between editions. There are, also, strange gaps in the treat- ment of libraries as systems. The section on -cataloging does not include the problems of authority control for names and subjects. Terms such as "subject heading," "thesau- rus," and "content analysis" are not listed in the index. A brief definition of "thesau- rus" can be located, through the index, by use of the term, "search." File access meth- ods are not treated comprehensively; the now widely used search code algorithms are not discussed. What do we make of a state-of-the-art textbook that cites only the 1968 edition of the MARC monograph format? Neither the 1972 edition of this format, the fifth, nor the nine supplementary addenda are men- tioned. The work on the MARC serials for- mat is not mentioned in the section on se- rials cataloging and is but briefly treated as part of the National Serials Data Pro- gram; the published version of the MARC L .L serials format is not cited. None of the MARC formats for nonbook materials, e.g., films, maps, etc., are even mentioned. The chapters on library data processing include many tables that could mislead the reader. Some tables seem to be quite spe- cific in detailing production rates, costs, salaries, etc. In only a few cases are we told how these data are to be used and how they were derived; in most instances the labor costs have not been updated since the first edition. The impression remains that these tables were derived as a sort of academic exercise and are not based on ac- tual operational library data. Overall, the treatment of the various as- pects of system analysis and library data processing is uneven. What appear to be minor points are often covered in great de- tail, whereas some major topics are not cov- ered at all. Thus, in a work whose aim is to support decision making and state-of-the- art knowledge, a curious bias toward irrele- vant matters and a curious tendency toward the historical obscures the identification of and concentration on significant develop- ments and aspects of library automation. For example, the OCLC system is given a highly summarized treatment, whereas thirty-five detailed pages are devoted to the Association of Research Libraries' SILC (System for Interlibrary Communication) study. Space is given to the invention of the punched card, the history of the role of the Council on Library Resources in library automation, to a conference held at the Folger Library in 1955, to COSATI, ASTIA, etc. More attention is given to the history of the MARC Pilot Project than to what is happening to MARC today. Read- ers may have difficulty in ascertaining which developments and groups are still functioning, since the demise of a group or the culmination of a project is often not noted. Viewed in this light, the Handbook fails to meet its objectives and is not well suited for its intended audience. However, if the book is reviewed without regard to its au- thors' objectives, a different assessment can be made. The Handbook is a useful com- pendium covering several important facets of library automation. It is of interest to see what two knowledgeable and perceptive Recent Publications I 171 practitioners believe to be of value and im- portance. The authors' first-hand experience on such projects as the SILC study, the EDUCOM studies, and the National Com- mission on Library and Information Sci- ence and on state networking provide per- sonal insights and information not found elsewhere. The work is lucidly written and treats an enormous variety of topics; this variety made it difficult for the authors to give even treatment in the first edition, let alone provide uniform updating in the sec- ond. If a third edition is prepared, it might be better to divide this work into two parts: a volume dealing with background and his- tory and a volume dealing with systems aspects. (The real merit of the section on data processing technology and the chap- ters on automation of circulation and infor- mation retrieval are obscured in so volumi- nous a work.) Regardless of the :flaws in this book, the field has been enriched by the efforts Hayes and Becker have made toward an analytical structure of the library automation field. In summary, while this new edition, as did the first, fails in its stated objectives, it seems to this reviewer to meet some quite differ- ent objectives very well. In the future it will be regarded as a valuable sourcebook for the history of library automation activi- ties for the period covered. Those seeking a broad, historical introduction to library data processing will find this a useful, and, indeed, a unique resource.-Barbara Evans Markuson, Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority. Bramley, Gerald. World Trends in Librm·y Education. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books & Clive Bingley, 1975. 234p. $10.00. (LC 74-34355) (ISBN 0-208- 01368-7) Gerald Bramley, British librarian and teacher, author of A History of Library Ed- ucation (1969), in which he traced prac- tices in the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and India, has written a survey of some current library education trends. In the brief . introduction Mr. Bramley indicates that he plans to ex- amine the direction library education is taking. today and in the future, concentrat- ing upon Anglo-American library education