College and Research Libraries 460 I College & Research Libraries • November 1974 Critique," contains the following revela- tion : 'This survey has been in a very real sense a long on-the-job learning process for the National Library's Resources Division." I personally doubt the wisdom of publish- ing such an experiment as a definitive piece of work. I believe that this survey must be used with great caution, for its definitions of such terms as volume and se- rial and the consequent assignation of sta- tistics are arbitrary and unconventional and differ from volume to volume. Any com- parative value that the survey could have had, even among the constituent volumes of the series, is thus negated. Any future work that seeks to build on it without its extensive revision should be doubted. Any judgments that are based on the statistics of the individual library holdings delineated in this survey must be made with care. The second part of volume six is a sub- jective, arbitrary, and unsuccessful attempt at an assessment of the relative quality of the individual surveyed libraries. This part also contains the six-volume index and a bibliography that manages to omit two seminal Canadian surveys. One of these was done by Edwin Williams in 1962 and the other by a Commission of Enquiry chaired by John Ridington in 1933. It was Stephen Leacock who had one of his characters ". . . fling himself into his saddle and gallop madly off in all direc- tions."-Thomas F. O'Connell, Director of Libraries, York University, Downsview, On- tario . Dosa, Marta L. Libraries in the Political Scene. (Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, No. 7) West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1974. 226p. The only fault of consequence in this book is its title. It is not, as the title states, a study of libraries in the political scene. It is rather an account of the professional life and milieu of Georg Leyh. The fact that Dr. Leyh was Germany's leading li- brarian during the critical three-score years following the turn of the century, however, does mean that the work is replete with food for the thought of those who would ponder the politicization of libraries. Dr. Leyh appears to have conceptualized his philosophy of librarianship quite fully during his student days at Munich, Stras- bourg, and Tiibingen between 1896 and 1901; in essence it was that libraries have a high humanistic and scholarly purpose that can and must keep aloof of ideological and political issues. For the most part the present volume describes the testing of that philosophy through the several fateful eras of German history spanned by Dr. Leyh's long life. And a sore testing it was, too, reminis- cent in a way of the journey of Bunyan's Christian in his search for the Celestial City. Raised and educated in the period of empire, Dr. Leyh seems to have been most at ease with the social role which libraries were expected to fill during that time. The First World War, however, created new pressures which caught him "in a web of uncertainty and adversity." The Weimar Republic saw the first questioning of "the integrity of scientific research, free of po- litical and military considerations." Most pernicious obviously was the period of the Third Reich, during which libraries were frankly used as implements of propaganda, a use which Dr. Leyh at his personal peril opposed actively. The wholesale destruction of libraries during World War II, despite the profession's frenetic efforts to protect them, weighed heavily upon his spirit. In the postwar era, with massive library prob- lems borne of occupation and reconstruc- tion, he was most troubled by the ineffec- tiveness of his efforts to revitalize a single German library community in the face of national partition. Perhaps Dr. Leyh's greatest disappoint- ment was the widespread criticism from his colleagues in the West which followed his acceptance in 1954 of a National Prize from the East German government "for his prominent, internationally acknowledged works in the field of library science and for his outstanding services in the interest of the unity of German librarianship." The picture which the author gives us of Dr. Leyh at the time of his death in his ninety- first year is of a battle-scarred warrior, largely abandoned by his less stalwart com- rades-in-arms, but still struggling manfully to defend the faith. He died in 1968, dis- appointed but not disillusioned. This is a great story, even containing some of the qualities of epic, and Dr. Dosa • • tells it well. As with other great stories, it can be read at several levels. Simplistically, it relates the conflict between one strong man and his times. At a higher level, how- ever, we can see Everyman, or at · least Every-Librarian, striving to protect the in- tegrity of his profession against the unpre- dictable caprice of social upheaval. To the degree that the title of the book is war- ranted, it refers to the universality of the latter level.-David Kaser, Graduate Li- brary School, Indiana University, Bloom- ington. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Aitchison, Jean. Welfare of the Elderly. A Faceted Classification and Thesaurus Prepared for the Information Services of the National Corporation for the Care of Old People and Age Concern. 2 vols.: Vol. 1, Classified Schedules; Vol. 2, The- saurus. London: Aslib, 1972. Altick, Richard D. Librarianship and the Pursuit of Truth. (Second Annual Rich- ard H. Shoemaker Lecture, 1972) New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Graduate School of Library Service, 197 4. 16p. $2.50. The American Bibliography of Slavic an.d East European Studies for 1968 and 1969, ed. by Kenneth E. Naylor. Colum- bus, Ohio: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 197 4. 173p. (LC 74-258). Besterman, Theodore. Fifty Years a Book- man. (Third Annual Richard H. Shoe- maker Lecture, 1973) New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Graduate School of Library Service, 197 4. 20p. $2.50. Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Clark, C. E. Fra- zer, Jr., eds. Fitzgerald! Hemingway An- nual, 1973. Englewood, Colo.: Microcard Editions Books, 1974. 372p. $15.00. (LC 75-83781). (ISBN 0-910972-38-9). Educational Media and Technology: Publi- cations from ERIC at Stanford, 1967- 1973. A CoUection of Abstracts of All Papers Published by the ERIC Clearing- house on Educational Media and Tech- nology at Stanford University. Stanford, Calif.: School of Education, Stanford University, 197 4. 15p. $2.50. (Payment to accompany order.) Recent Publications I 461 La Empresa del libro en America Latina. Guia seleccionada de editoriales, distrib- uidores y librerias .de America Latina. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1974. 307p. $15.95. Gerlach, John C., and Gerlach, Lana. The Critical Index: A Bibliography of Articles on Film in English, 1946-1973, Arranged by Names and Topics. New York: Teach- ers College Press, Columbia University, 1974. 726p. (LC 74-1959). Index to Instructional Media Catalogs: A Multi-Indexed Directory of Materials and Equipment for Use in Instructional Pro- grams. New York: Bowker, 1974. 272p. $19.50. (LC 74-9255). (ISBN 0-8352- 0661-1). Kato, Tomomi, ed. A Concordance to the Works of Sir Thomas Malory. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press; Portland, Ore.: International Scholarly Book Ser- vices, Inc., 1974. $120.00. (ISBN 0- 86008-100-1). Keller, Clara Downs. Union Catalogs and Lists: Aspects of National and California Coverage. (Occasional Papers, no.114) Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Li- brary Science, University of Illinois, 1974. 40p. $2.00 ($1.00 prepaid.) Liste mondiale des periodiques specialises: Amerique Latine. World List of Special- ized Periodicals: Latin America. (Mai- son des sciences de l'homme. Service d' echange d'informations scienti£ques. Publications serie C. Catalogues et inven- taires, V.) Paris: Mouton, 197 4. 186p. (LC 73-75512). Martin, Lowell A. Adults and the Pratt Li- brary: A Question of the Quality of Life . (Deiches Fund Studies of Public Library Service, no.4) Baltimore, Md.: Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1974. 85p. $2.50. National Library of Canada. In.dian-Inuit Authors; An Annotated Bibliography. Auteurs indiens et inuit; bibliographie annotee. Ottawa: Information Canada, 197 4. 108p. $2.50. Parming, Marju Rink, and Parming, Tonu. A Bibliography of English-Language Sources on Estonia: Periodicals, Bibliog- raphies, Pamphlets, and Books. New York: Estonian Learned Society in Amer- ica, 1974. 72p. $5.50. (Order from Es- tonian Learned Society in America, 243 E. 34th St., New York, NY 10016.)