College and Research Libraries scripts date from the nineteenth century, with the chief emphasis on American eco- nomic history in the Middle Atlantic States, the natural result of Du Pont involvement with the business and industrial life of the young Republic. The company records of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. are an im- portant group, supplemented by later acces- sions representing many additional firms. The scope of the collections spreads out from this focus to encompass places, peri- ods, persons, and subjects of unexpected variety, reflecting the political and intellec- tual activities of the Du Fonts and their collecting interests, as well as accessions from other donors, notably, e.g., the papers of John J. Raskob, personal, business, and political. Unfortunately, the organization of the Guide does not provide easy access to the wealth of materials. The main arrangement follows the pattern of the collections, main- tained largely according to provenance, as received from their various donors. The pa- pers of the major early family figures are therefore broken into several groups, by donor. To help in location, extensive cross- referencing is used throughout the text, plus a detailed 200-page index to names, places, and a few subjects. In many ways, however, the compilation is a scholar's dream. Lengthy personal and company chronologies and bibliographical notes provide valuable information on each of the leading individuals and firms whose records are described; suggestions are made for needed research; references are given to earlier research in these collections; and items in the collections that fall outside the general area of the library's specialization are mentioned specifically. Printing, proof- reading, spelling, alphabetization, and ac- curacy of page references have been main- tained at a high level. A few shortcomings are regrettable, be- cause avoidable. The uniformity of type face used, and the failure to vary inden- tions to indicate subdivisions in the lists sometimes obscures the transition from on~ collection to the next. Time is consumed in searching double-column pages for item ref- erences from the index and appendices, giv- en by page number only. A genealogical chart would have been a useful addition to a volume so dependent on complicated Recent Publications I 67 family relationships. The cut-off date of this Guide necessarily excludes the 360 acces- sions, totaling nearly a million manuscripts , received by the library in the five years just preceding publication of the volume. Supplements to describe later accessions are anticipated. This is not a work easily used for quick reference. In fact, it is as useful for seren- dipitous information, as for that located in direct search, and is likely to make brows- ers of reference librarians, as well as to cre- ate new devotees of Du Pont history.- Miriam I. Crawford, Temple University. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Abrahams , Harold J., and Savin, Marion B., eds. Selections from the Scientific Corre- spondence of Elihu Thomson. Cambridge, , Mass.: MIT Press, 1971. 569p. $17.50. (74-14,8976). (ISBN 0-262-01-034-8). Advena, Jean Cameron, comp. Drug Abuse Bibliography for 1970. Troy, N.Y.: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1971. 198p. $10.00. (79-116588). (ISBN 0-87875-016-9). Alexander, Gerard L. Guide to Atlases: World, Regional, National, Thematic~ An International Listing of Atlnses Pub- lished Since 1950. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 671p. $17.50. (70-157728). ( 0-8108-0414-X). Anderson, Frank J., comp. Sandor Teszler Library: Special Collections Checklist Number Seven; Sixteenth Century Im- prints. Spartanburg, S.C.: Wofford Li- brary Press, 1971. 36p. Association for Asian Studies, Inc. Bibliog- vaphy of Asian Studies: :Pilot Project, March 1971. New Haven, Conn.: The Author/Office of Information Systems/ Human Relations Area Files, 1971. 103p. Bahm, Archie J. The World's Living Re- ligions. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 384p. $2.85. (ISBN 0-8093-0529-1). Baker Library Graduate School of Business Administration. Core Collection: An Au- thor and Sub;ect Guide/ 1971-72. Bos- ton: The Author, 1971. 278p. $6.00. Batty, C. D. An Introduction to the Eight- eenth Edition of the Dewey Decimal 68 I College & Research Libraries • January 1972 Classification. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books/The Shoe String Press, Inc., 1971. $4.75. (ISBN 0-208-01067-X). Berry, Francis. The Shakespeare Inset: Word and Picture. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 173p. $1.95. (ISBN 0-8093-0532-1). Boger, Louise Ade. The Dictionary of World Pottery and Porcelain: From Pre- historic Times to the Present. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971. 533p. $22.50. (72-123829). (ISBN 684-10031- 2). Boston Public Library. The Public Interest and the Right to Know; Access to Gov- ernment Information and the Role of the /Press; A Selective Bibliographic Guide. Boston: The Author, 1971. 59p. $.50. Bowen, Howard R., and Douglass, Gordon K. Efficiency in Liberal Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. 151p. $5.95. (79-167553). Bowers, Melvyn K. Library Instruction in the Elementary School. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 170p. $15.00. (72-155283). (ISBN 0-8108- 0391-7). Brewer, E. Cobham, ed. Authors and Their Works With Dates; Being the Appe~ dices to ~~The Readers Handbook." De- troit: Gale Research Company, 1970. 1245-1501p. $12.50. (71-134907). Brubacher, John S. The Law and Higher Education: A Casebook. 2v. Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971. 332p. $35.00 for 2-v. set. (70-150238). (ISBN 0-8386-7897-1). Byrd, Cecil K. Early Printing in the Straits Settlements 1806-1858. Singapore: Sing- apore National Library, 1970. 53p. Canadian Library Association. Proceedings; CLA Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C., 19-25 June 1971. Otta- wa, Canada: The Author, 1971. 42p. $4.00. (ISBN 0-88802-080-5). Christian, Henry A. Louis Adamic: A Checklist. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1971. 164p. $6.50. (76- 6340 11) . (ISBN 0-87338-115-7) . Clason, W. E., comp. Elsevier's Dictionary of Computers, Automatic Control and Data Processing in Six Languages: En- glish/ American-French-Spanish-Italia~ Dutch and German. 2d, rev. ed. of The Dictionary of Automation, Computers, Control and Measuring. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, 1971. 474p. (73-151733). (ISBN 0-444- 40928-9). Committee on Scientific and Technical In- formation. Progress in Scientific and Technical Communications (COSATI) 1970 Annual Report. Washington, D.C.: Federal Council for Science and Tech- nology, 1971. 155p. Cook, Margaret. America's Charitable Cooks: A Bibliography of Fund-raising Cook Books Published in the United States (1861-1915). Kent, Ohio: Cook- ery Bibliography, 1971. 315p. $10.00. Crothers, J. Frances. The 'l'uppeteer s Li- brary Guide: The Bibliographic Index to the Literature of the World Puppet The- atre. Vol. I: The historical background of puppetry and its related fields. Me- tuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 474p. (71-149991). (ISBN 0- 8108-0319-4). Dahlstrom, Edmund, ed. The Changing Roles of Men and Women; tr. by Gunil- la and Steven Anderman. Boston: Bea- con Press, 1971. 302p. $8.95. (77- 159846). (ISBN 0-8070-4171-x). Daniells, Lorna M., comp. Business Ref- erence Sources: An Annotate.d Guide for Harvard Business Students. Boston: Bak- er Library Graduate School of Business Administration, 1971. 108p. $3.00. Dewey, John. Early Essays and The Study of Ethics: A Syllabus. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 373p. $15.00. (67-13938). (ISBN 0- 8093-04 96-11 ) . Doyle, Paul A. Paul Vincent Carroll. Cran- bury, N.J.: Bucknell University Press, 1971. 115p. $4.50. (70-126005). (ISBN 0-8387-7764-3). Dykes, Jeff. My Dobie Collection. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1971. 43p. $7.50. Elliott, C. K. A Guide to the Documenta- tion of Psychology. Hamden, Conn.: Lin- net Books/ The Shoe String Press, Inc., 1971. 134p. $5.50. (ISBN 0-208- 01072-6). Eysenck, H. J. The IQ Argument: Race, In- telligence and Education. New York: The Library Press, 1971. 155p. $5.95. (71-169974). (ISBN 0-912050-16-0). Farmer, Martha L., ed. Counseling Services for Adults in Higher Education. Metuch- en, N.J.: The· Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 172p. $6.00. (78-167648). (ISBN 0-8108-0443-3) . Finding List of Periodicals Excluding the Humanities. 1971 ed. Liverpool: Univer- sity of Liverpool, 1971. 251p. 1 Pound post-free. Gibbons, Maurice. In.dividualized Instruc- tion: A Descriptive Analysis. New York: Teachers College Press, 1971. 80p. $6.25. (79-157382). Guthrie, James W., and others. Schools and Inequality. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1971. 253p. $10.00. (79-137470). (ISBN 0- 262-07044-8) . Hall, Walter Phelps, and others. A History of England and the Empire-Common- wealth. 5th ed. Waltham, Mass.: Xerox College Publishing, 1971. 804p. (70- 154872) . (ISBN 0-536-00225-8) . Harold, Frederick G. A Handbook for Ori- enting the Manager to the Computer. Princeton, N.J.: Auerbach Publishers, Inc., 1971. 247p. $9.95. (76-157518). (ISBN 0-87769-090-1). Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. Current Peri- odical Publications in Baker Library; 1971-1972. Boston, Mass.: The Author, 1971. 793p. $10.00. Havlice, Patricia Pate. Index to American Author Bibliographies. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 204p. $6.00. (73-163870). (ISBN 0-8108- 0426-3). Heath, Douglas H. Humanizing Schools; New Directions, New Decisions. New York: Hayden Book Company, 1971. 228p. $6.95. (71-169103). High Fidelity Magazine. Records in Re- view. 1971 ed. New York: Charles Scrib- ner's Sons, 1971. 507p. $10.00. (55- 10600). Hodgkinson, Harold L. Institutions in Tran- sition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. 295p. $6.95. (76- 165254). Hollingdale, R. J. Thomas Mann: A Critical Study. Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell U niver- sity Press, 1971. 204p. $8.00. (79- 161509). Hoy, Peter C., and Mellown, Elgin W., camps. A Checklist of Writings About Recent Publications I 69 Edwin Muir. Troy, N.Y.: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1971. 80p. $7.50. (70-150336). (ISBN 0-87875-012-6). Hudson, Gladys W., camp. Paradise Lost: A Concordance. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1970. 361p. $25.00. (74- 127413). ISIS-Integrated Scientific Information Sys- tem: A General Description of an Ap- proach to Computerised Bibliographical Control. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1971. 115p. $1.50. Johnson, Harry Alleyn, ed. and comp. Mul- timedia Materials for Afro-American Studies: A Curriculum Orientation and Annotated Bibliography of Resources. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1971. 353p. (75-126009). (ISBN 0-8352-0404-9). Johnson, R. S., camp. Foreign Theses in British Libraries. Cardiff, Wales: SCONUL Office, 1971. 27p. 50p + 15p postage. (ISBN 900210-00-1). Keeton, Morris T. Models and Mavericks; A Profile of Private Liberal Arts Colleges. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. 191p. $5.95. (79-154242). King-Hele, Desmond. Shelley; His Thought and Work. 2d ed. Cranbury, N.J.: Fair- leigh Dickinson University Press, 1971. 394p. $10.00. (73-163306). (ISBN 0- 8386-1022-6). Langford, Gerald. Faulkner s Revision of Absalom, Absalom!: A Collation of the Manuscript and the Published Book. Aus- tin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1971. 362p. $12.50. (79-157252). (ISBN 0-292-70113-6). Larson, Arthur D., camp. Civil-Military Re- lations and Militarism; A Classified Bib- liography Covering the United States and Other Nations of the World with I ntro- ductory Notes. Bibliography series, no. 9. Manhattan, Kan.: Kansas State Univer- sity Library, 1971. 113p. $3.00. Lindquist, Charles B. NDEA Title IV Fel- lowships for College Teaching 1958-68: National Defense Education Act of 1958. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971. 180p. $2.00. (Supt. of Docs. Catalog no. HE 5.255: 55058). (Stock Number: 1780-0792). Lovett, Robert W. American Economic and Business History Information Sources. Management Information Guide 23. De- 70 I College & Research Libraries • January 1972 troit: Gale Research Company, 1971. 323p. $14.50. (78-137573). Lupu, loan, and others. Bibliografia Ana- Utica A Periodicelor Rorrulne§ti. Vol. II. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1971. 955p. McDaniel, Roderick, ed. Resources for Learning: A Core Media Collection for Elementary Schools. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1971. 365p. $16.00. (71- 126024). (ISBN 0-8352-0401-4). McLeod, James Richard. Theodore Roeth- ke: A Manuscript Checklist. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1971. 295p. $7.50. (70-121652). (ISBN 0-87338- 118-1). Mason, John Brown. Research Resources Annotated Guide to the Social Sciences; Official :Publications: U.S. Government, United Nations, International Organiza- tions, and Statistical Sources. Vol. II. Santa Barbara, Cal.: American Biblio- graphical Center/ Clio Press, 1971. 188p. $10.00. (68-9685). (ISBN 87436-071- 4). Mikhail, E. H., comp. John Galsworthy the Dramatist: A Bibliography of Criticism. Troy, N.Y.: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1971. 90p. $7.50. (76- 155722). (ISBN 0-97975-009-6). Miller, William C., and West, Geoffrey P. Encyclopedia of Animal Care. 9th ed. (formerly Black's Veterinary Dictionary) . Baltimore, Md.: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1970. 1013p. $15.50. Moore, John Robert. A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe. 2d ed. Ham- den, Conn.: Archon Books/The Shoe String Press, Inc., 1971. 281p. $10.00. (70-122416). (ISBN 0-208-01086-6). Morse, Grant W. Filing Rules: A Three- Way Divided Catalog. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books/ The Shoe String Press, Inc., 1971. 121p. $5.00. (70-146702). (ISBN 0-208-01150-1). The National Faculty Directory 1971: An Alphabetical List, with addresses, of over 380,000 Faculty Members at Junior Col- leges, Colleges, and Universities in the United States. 2v. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1971. 2024p. $68.50 for 2-v. set. (76-114404). New England and Science Fiction Associa- tion. Index to the Science Fiction Maga- zines, 1966-1970. Cambridge, Mass.: The Author, 1971. 82p. $5.00. Nunn, G. Raymond. Asia: A Selected and Annotated Guide to Reference Works. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971. 223p. $12.50. (77-169004). (ISBN 0- 262-14015-2). Office of the Federal Register National Ar- chives and Records Service. Unite.d States Government Organization Manual 1971 ! 72. Washington, D.C.: Supt. of Docs. / Govt. Print. Off., 1971. 809p. $3.00. (Stock Number 2203-0887). Osburn, Charles B., ed. The Present State of French Studies: A Collection of Re- search Reviews. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 995p. $22.50. (78-149990). (ISBN 0-8108- 0373-9). Parker, Dorothy, and Carabelli, Angelina. Guide for an Agricultural Library Survey for Developing Countries. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1970. 182p. (ISBN 0-8108-0322-4). Parker, Franklin, ed. American Disserta- tions on Foreign Education: A Bibliog- raphy with Abstracts. Vol. I. Troy, N,Y.: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1971. 175p. $10.50 Can. (73-155724). (ISBN 0-87875-013-4). Parker, William. Homosexuality: A Selec- tive Bibliography of over 3,000 Items. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 323p. $9.00. (71-163430). (ISBN 0-8108-0425-5) . Parrish, Michael, ed. The 1968 Czechoslo- vak Crisis: A Bibliography, 1968-1970. Santa Barbara, Cal.: American Biblio- graphical Center/CLIO Press, 1971. 41p. $6.00. (71-159393). (ISBN 0-87436- 075-7). Patmore, J. Allan. Land and Leisure in En- gland & Wales. Cranbury, N.J.: Fair- leigh Dickinson University Press, 1971. 332p. $18.00. (75-164656). Paxton, John, ed. The Stateman's Year- Book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1971-1972. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1971. 1569p. $13.50. ( 4-3776). (ISBN 333-11304-7) . Ploski, Harry A. , and Kaiser, Ernest, ed. and comp. The Negro Almanac. New York: The Bellwether Company, 1971. 1110p. $27.95. (77-151237). I i 1 I Reilly, Sister Mary Lonan, O.S.F. A History of The Catholic Press Association 1911- 1968. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 350p. $10.00. (75- 152543) . (ISBN 0-8108-0389-5) . Ridgeway, Marian E. Interstate Compacts: A Question of Federalism. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 385p. $10.00. (75-132481). (ISBN 0-8093-0492-9). Rogers, Robert. Mathematical Logic and Formalized Theories: A Survey of Basic Concepts and Results. New York: Amer- ican Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., 1971. 235p. $8.95. (78-146195). (ISBN 0-444-10083-0) . R. R. Bowker Company. The Saturday Re- view of Literature Index, 1924-1944. New York: The Author, 1971. 795p. $57.50. (68-56422). (ISBN 0-8352- 0394-8). Rutstein, David D., M.D. The Coming Rev- olution in Medicine. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1967. 180p. $1.95. (67- 27351). Rybicki, Stephen, comp. and ed. Abbrevi- ations; A Reverse Guide to Standard and Generally Accepted Abbreviated Forms. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1971. 334p. $12.95. (74-143239). (ISBN 87650-010-6). Schmidt, Alexander, ed. Shakespeare Lexi- con and Quotation Dictionary: A Com- plete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the !Poet. 2v. 3d ed. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1971. 1484p. $12.50 for 2-v. set. (73-150807). (ISBN 0-486-22726-X and 0-486-22727- 8). Schroll, Herman T. Harold Pinter: A Study of His Reputation (1958-1969) and a Checklist. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scare- crow Press, Inc., 1971. 153p. $5.00. (77- 157056). (ISBN 0-8108-0402-6). Schuman, Patricia. Materials for Occupa- tional Education: An Annotated Source Guide. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1971. 201p. $9.95. (75-126017). (ISBN 0- 8352-0406-5) . Schwab, Moise. Index of Articles Relative to Jewish History and Literature Pub- lished in Periodicals, from 1665 to 1900. Augmented ed. New York: Ktav Publish- ing House, Inc., 1972. 613p. $39.50. Recent Publications I 71 (74-114721). (ISBN 87068-163-X). Shera, J. H. Sociological Foundations of Li- brarianship. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1970. 195p. $5.00. (ISBN 0-210- 22283-2). Siefer, R., and Simmons, J., comps. Guide to Underground Newspapers in the Spe- cial Collections Department. Evanston, Ill.: Special Collections Department, Northwestern University Library, 1971. 60p. Silverstein, Michael, ed. Whitney on Lan- guage: Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971. 360p. $12.50. (77- 148966). (ISBN 0-262-19087-7). Slonimsky, Nicolas. Music Since 1900. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971. 1595p. $49.50. (70-114929). (ISBN 684-10550-0). Stallknecht, Newton P., and Frenz, Horst, eds. Comparative Literature: Method & Perspective. rev. ed. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 368p. $8.95. (71-83780). (ISBN 0- 8093-0046-X). Stern, George. A Faculty Theory of Knowl- edge: The Aim and Scope of Hume's First Enquiry. Lewisburg, Pa.: Bucknell University Press, 1971. 155p. $6.75. (76- 135033). Stewart, Bruce. A Science of Social Issues. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 327p. $7.50. (73-157055). (ISBN 0-8108-0410-7). Strauss, Erwin S., comp. Index to the Sci- ence Fiction Magazines, 1951-1965. Cam- bridge, Mass.: New England Science Fiction Association, 1965. 207p. $8.00. Stuart-Stubbs, B. Purchasing and Copying Practices at Canadian University Li- braries; Two Studies Performed for the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries Committee on Copy- right Legislation. Ottawa, Canada: Ca- nadian Library Association, 1971. 46p. $2.00. (ISBN 0-88802-081-3). Taylor, John W. R., and Swanborough, Gordon. Military Aircraft of the World. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971. 230p. $5.95. (76-153657). (ISBN 684- 12436-X). Theis, Paul A., and Henshaw, Edmund L., Jr., eds. Who's Who in American Politics: A Biographical Directory of United 72 I College & Research Libraries • January 1972 States Political Leaders. 3d ed. 1971- 72. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1971. 117lp. $37.50. (67-25024). (ISBN 0-8352-04 71-5) . Verlag der Buchhandler-Vereinigung and Verlag Dokumentation. German Books in Print 1971172. 2v. 1st ed. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1971. 1886p. $35.00. (ISBN 3-7657-0378-8). Walker, Gregory, ed. Directory and Li- braries and Special Collections on East- ern Europe and the U.S.S.R. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1971. 159p. $9.00. (ISBN 0-258-96837-0). Wallenius, Anna-Britta, comp. Africana Scandinavica 1960-1968: Books on Afri- ca published in Denmark, Finland, Nor- way and Sweden. U ppsala, Sweden: The Scandinavian Institute, 1971. 104p. (ISBN 91-7106-053-7). Ward, Martha E., and Marquardt, Doro- thy A. Authors of Books for Young Peo- ple. 2d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scare- crow Press, Inc., 1971. 579p. $15.00. (70-157057). (ISBN 0-8108-0404-2). Wasserman, Paul, ed. , and others. Encyclo- pedia of Business Information Sources: A Detailed Listing of Primary Subjects of Interest to Managerial Personnel, with a Record of Sourcebooks, Periodicals, Or- ganizations, Directories, Handbooks, Bib- liographies, and other Sources of Infor- mation on each Topic. 2v. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1970. 689p. $47.50 for 2-v. set. (79-127922). Weaver, John T., comp. Twenty Years of Silents 1908-1928. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 514p. $15.00. (73-157729). (ISBN 0-8108- 0401-8). Weber, Burton Jasper. The Construction of Paradise Lost. Carbondale, Ill.: South- ern Illinois University Press, 1971. 248p. $12.50. (72-132483). (ISBN 0-8093- 0488-0). Westley, William A. Violence and the Po- lice: A Sociological Study of Law, Cus- tom, and Morality. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1970. 222p. $2.95. (75-110236). (ISBN 0-262-23042-9 hardcover). Whitby, L. G., and Lutz, W., eds. Princi- ples & l'ractice of Medical Computing. Teviot Place, Edinburgh: Churchill Liv- ingstone, 1971. 418p. $11.75. (ISBN 0-443-00778-0) . Wieman, Henry Nelson. Religious Experi- ence and Scientific Method. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 387p. $2.85. (ISBN 0-8093-0530- 5). The Williamson Reports of 1921 and 1923: including Training for Library Work (1921) and Training for Library Service (1923). Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. 165p. (ISBN 0-8108- 0417-4). Statement of Ownership and Management College & Research Libraries is published 17 times a year, bimonthly as a technical journal with II monthly News issues, combining July-August, by The American Library Association , 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, I L 60611. American Library Assoc iat ion, owner; Richard M. Dougherty, editor. Fourth class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri. Printed in U.S .A . As a nonprofit organization authorized to ma il at special rates (Section 132.12.2, Postal Service Manual), the purposes, function, and nonprofit status of this organization, and the exempt status for Federal income tax purposes have not changed during the preced ing twelve months. Extent and Nature of Circulation ("Average" figures denote the number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; "Actual" figures denote number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the September 1971 issue.) Total number of copies printed: Average, 15 ,600; Actual, 15 ,500. Paid circulation: not appl icable (i.e., no sales through dealers , carriers, street vendors and counter sales). Mail subscriptions: Average, 12,724; Actu11l, 12,345. Total paid circulation: Average, 12,724; Actual , 12,345. Free distribution: Average, 755; Actual, I, 130. Total Distribution: Average, 13,479; Actua I, 13 ,475. Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: Average, 2, 121; Actual, 2,025. Total (sum previous two entries): Average, 15,600; Actual, 15,500. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (PS form 3526, July 1971) for 1971 filed with the Un ited States Post Office Postmaster in Chicago , September 30, 1971. I 1 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the E4ucational Resources In- formation Center (ERICjCLIS), American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, DC 20036. Documents with an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, LEASCO Information Pro.ducts, Inc., P.O. Drawer 0, Bethesda, MD 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format deSired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment must accom- pany orders totaling less than $10.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax exemption certificates. Documents available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22151 have NTIS number and price following the citation . ..._ Report of the Dissemination Advisory Committee fto the National Center for Educational Communication, U.S. Of- fice of Education. By Henry Brickell and others. National Center for Educational Communication (DREW /OE), Wash- ington, D.C. 1970. 23p. (ED 048 871, MF-$0.65 HG--$3.29) The National Center for Educational Communication ( NCEC) has shifted its emphasis from dissemination of informa- tion toward the · broad objective of im- provement in educational practice. With this change, the Educational Resources Infor- mation Center (ERIC) system will no ~ longer serve as the focal point of the op- eration . In its discussions of NCEC's new role, the Advisory Board recommended: ( 1) establishment of multiple-stop Prac- tice Centers in preference to one-stop cen- ters; (2) enhancement of existing centers toward eventual incorporation within a net- work of such centers; (3) development of evaluation schemes to assess the work . of these centers; ( 4) consideration of the user's viewpoint as a basic element in com- munication system development; ( 5) es- tablishment of use incentives; ( 6) im- proved communication practices utilizing media technology; and ( 7) greater in- volvement with existing related organiza- tions and agencies. Other policy matters to be considered by NCEC include changes in the school as an institution, higher pro- ductivity in the field of education, im- provements inside and outside the profes- sion, the active and passive roles of in- formation centers, advancement of educa- tional technology, electronic networks, packaged information outputs, improved re- porting, cooperative action, response to in- creased demands for service, and systematic development of a national communication system. F AMULUS: A Personal Documentation System .•. Users' Manual. Pacific South- west Forest and Range Experiment Sta- tion (DOA), Berkeley, California. 1969. 45p. (ED 053 754, MF-$0.6.5 HC- $3.29) Although designed to process personal reference collections maintained by re- searchers, F AMULUS is suitable for a large number of other applications. For this pur- pose it can be regarded as a general-pur- pose system. This manual presents it as such a system. The eight main F AMUL US programs described are: "Edit"-writes punched card input onto tape. Allows the user to make corrections, additions, and de- letions. "Sort"-rearranges file order by changing the order of fields within records so the file can be realphabetized. "Merge" -provides updating facilities and permits enlargement of the files through merging two individual files into one master file. "Galley" -prints the file in any of several formats. "Vocab"-prints in alphabetical or- der the words in any given field of a file, I 73 74 I College & Research Libraries • January 1972 making lists of index terms, keywords in title, etc. "Index" -lists keywords and tells in what records they may be found, there- by, indexing your file. "Search"-scans stip- ulated field ( s) in the · records of a file, matching them against a user-prepared search question. Only those records that meet the search requirements are printed out. "Ossify" -punches card deck equiva- lents of tape files, for use as safety decks or for massive correction operations. Ap- pendix D mentions three peripheral pro- grams. A Library Network for Western Canada; Automation for Rationalization in Col- lege and University Libraries in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. By Russell Shank and others. Kent State Univer- sity, Ashtabula, Ohio, Center for Library Studies. February 1971. 78p. (ED 053 773, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29) The recommendations of this study are: ( 1) The western provinces of Canada should move toward making available to the university libraries of the region, the prospective benefits . of a magasystem or- ganization during the next ten years. ( 2) There is no present need or justification for mounting an immediate crash program to create the computer-based subsystem. ( 3) Immediate work is fully justified to- ward clarification of the design elements, systems of governance, and essential limi- tations of the presumed resource-manage- ment subsystems. ( 4) As a necessary ac- cessory to the previous recommendations, each university should develop internally and formalize at its highest levels a clear and detailed statement of the quality levels it requires for library and related informa- tional services. A Handbook for the Organization of Black Mat.erials. By Jean Elder Cazort. Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee. 1971. 35p. Materials prepared for the Institute on the Selection, Organization, and Use of Materials by and About the Negro, June 15--July 24, 1970. (ED 051 858, MF -$0.65 HC-$3.29) The information in this handbook is pro- vided to help with the organization and retrieval of black materials by attempting to touch on most of the questions that one will raise in his work with these materi- als. The handbook is the outgrowth of dis- cussions of classification and cataloging at ~ the Institute on the Selection, Organiza- tion, and Use of Materials by and About ~ the Negro. It is aimed primarily toward college libraries using Library of Congress classification and subject headings, al- though there is some comparative discus- sion of the provisions of Dewey as com- ~ pared with those of Library of Congress. Neither of these classification systems pro- vides adequately for black materials. A de- tailed examination of the Library of Con- gress subject headings is presented. The Effect of the Presence of an Academic ..... Library on the Development of the Pub- lic Library. Two Case Studies: Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. By Laurance Robert Mitlin. January 1971. 42p. (ED 053 774, MF-$0.65 HC- $3.29) Although presence of a university li- brary is believed to affect the develop- ment of a local public library, little re- ·· search is published on the subject. This study of Chapel Hill, a university-dominat- ed town of 20,000, suggests that public access to the University of North Carolina Library helped delay the establishment of a public library until 1958. A children's li- brary was formed in 1929; children had ; not been served at the university. The Chapel Hill Public Library occupies a new building and receives sympathetic support, but government monies do not cover the true cost of operations. Durham, North Carolina, an industrial city of 93,000, opened a public library in 1898 and re- placed it with the present Carnegie library in 1923. A site for a new building is re- served, but a bond issue to support it failed in 1968, despite substantial evidence of need. Certain knowledgeable persons attributed some of the indifference to the availability of the Duke University Library collection. Economic and sociological fac- tors may also contribute.