College and Research Libraries 360 I College & Research Libraries • September 1970 er of library literature, and the academic li- brarian, in particular, will be disappointed in the coverage given his specialty. Small isolated libraries without regular access to the more common library periodicals may find this book worth its substantial pur- chase price. Academic libraries which sup- port a program of library education will undoubtedly want a copy for their students of librarianship. The large class of libraries which falls outside these categories might ABSTRACTS do well to invest the money in some more uniquely useful item. The book includes an index of authors and a brief but adequate subject index. The production and typography character- istic of Scarecrow publications have re- ceived enough critical comment elsewhere. It suffices to say that this example exhibits the defects we have learned to expect from that concern.-]erold Nelson , University of California, Berkeley. The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources I nfor- mation Center (ERIC/ CLIS), American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, D.C. 20036. Documents wi'th an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, National Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format de- sired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment must accompany orders totaling less than $5.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax ex- emption certificates. Documents available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151 have CFSTI number and price following the citation. Microfiche 1969-A User Survey. By Har- old Wooster. 1969. 20p. (ED 038 984; available from CFSTI as AD 695 049, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.00). An informal survey of microfiche users was conducted by correspondence, result- ing in over 300 letters. Industrial libraries led all others in their acceptance of fiche, with a ratio of two to one in favor. Half of the individual users despised fiche; 25 per- cent liked it with some reservations and 25 percent were strongly in favor. Half of those who liked fiche had found it useful in handling personal reprint collections, primarily because it saved storage space, but also because it was easy to retrieve and manipulate, and was inexpensive. The chief reason for disliking fiche was the un- availability of readers, either on the job or at home; a close second was the poor op- tical and mechanical quality of the readers currently available. The author offers three alternative strategies for dealing with mi- crofiche ( 1) ignore it and it will go away, ( 2) drive it underground, and ( 3) learn to live with it until something better comes along. In pursuit of ( 3) practical sugges- tions are offered for format of reports to be reproduced on microfiche. Library Circulation Systems-An Over- view. By Cecily J. Surace. 1970. 25p. (ED 039 001, MF-$0.25 HC-$1.35). The model circulation system outlined is an on-line real time system in which the circulation :file is created from the shelf list and the terminal inquiry system in- cludes the capability to query and browse through the bibliographic system and the circulation subsystem together to determine the availability for circulation of specific documents , or documents in a given sub- ject area, or by a certain author, etc. The system is designed independent of the in- put medium. The user does not have to be present to borrow an item. The model goes beyond the operational limits of most exist- ing circulation systems and can be con- sidered a reflection of the current state of the art. Four types of circulation systems are discussed in order to measure the capa- bilities of these systems against the model and each other. The four systems are: ( 1) manual, (2) semiautomated (noncomput- er) , (3) data collection (batch) , and (4) on-line. A Cost Analysis of Minimum Distance TV Networking for Broadcasting Med- ical Information. By J. A. Dei Rossi and others. 1970. 84p. (ED 038 988, MF- $0.50 HC-$4.30). Two specific applications for networks might be used to serve the biomedical com- munity: ( 1) networking of the nation's educational television (ETV) stations for occasional or one-time broadcasting and (2) networking of the nation's medical schools for continuous broadcasting. These two applications are analyzed in detail. A second contribution of this analysis is the provision of data and methodology for ex- amining costs and effectiveness (in terms of physicians and students within broad- casting range) of configurations of subsets of points in the full network. The data and methodology could also be used for de- termining the minimum cost for networks using media other than broadband televi- sion broadcasting, such as audio only broad- casting in conjunction with slides or still Abstracts I 361 pictures. The cost attractiveness of net- worked, simultaneous broadcasting can also be compared with, for example, sequential broadcasting using mailed video tapes. A MARC Bibliography: A Guide to the Literature on LC /Machine Readable Cataloging. By Barbara Herrgesell, comp. 1970. 18p. (ED 038 994, MF-$0.25 HC-$1.00). A comprehensive, unannotated listing of important English language materials about, or related to, Machine-Readable Catalog- ing (MARC), from the King report up to October 1969. Citations of a few materials published later have been added because of their considerable and primary interest. News notes which are repetitive and of lit- tle value when the primary document is in hand have been excluded. The United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are the geographic limits. Citation sources included: ( 1) "Library Literature," ( 2) "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology," ( 3) "The Information Bul- letin," ( 4) "Bibliography of Library Auto- mation," and ( 5) miscellaneous bibliogra- phies owned by the Library Education Ex- perimental Project (LEEP). Library Information System Time-Shar- ing (LISTS) Project. Final Report. By Donald V. Black. 1970. 216p. (ED 039 009, MF-$1.00 HC-$10.90). The Library Information System Time- Sharing (LISTS) experiment was based on three innovations in data processing tech- nology: ( 1) the advent of computer time- sharing on third-generation machines, ( 2) the development of general-purpose file- management software, and ( 3) the intro- duction of large, library-oriented data bases. The main body of the report contains: ( 1) purpose, ( 2) background and development of LISTS, ( 3) conduct of the LISTS ex- periment, ( 4) problems encountered, (5) results, and ( 6) conclusions. The five ap- pendices cover: ( 1) on-line circulation sim- ulation, ( 2) LISTS system users manual, ( 3) LISTS system users manual for circu- lation control subsystem at Fullerton Jun- 362 I College & Research Libraries • September 1970 ior College Library, ( 4) instructions for operating an on-line circulation system, and ( 5) LISTS evaluation questionnaire. Based on this experiment, it appears that automation is an improvement over manual processing in some parts of the acquisitions process, for bibliographic searching of the Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) rec- ords, for circulation control and for pro- duction of bookform catalogs. One of the most important results of this experiment was the understanding gained by the par- ticipants of what automation can offer for library applications. System Scope for Library Automation and Generalized Information Storage and Retrieval at Stanford University. By Glee Cady and others. 1970. 152p. (ED 038 153, MF-$0.75 HC-$7.70). The scope of a manual-automated sys- tem serving the forty libraries and the teaching and research community of Stan- ford University is defined. Also defined are the library operations to be supported and the bibliographic information storage and retrieval capabilities to be provided in the system. Two major projects have been working jointly on library automation and information retrieval since 1968. One is the Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations on a Time-sharing System (BALLOTS) funded by the Office of Edu- cation and the other is the Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System (SPIRES), funded by the National Science Founda- tion. The creation of a production system for library automation (BALLOTS II) and generalized information storage and retriev- al (SPIRES II) requires the continuation of a comprehensive system development pro- cess. This process has six phases: ( 1) pre- liminary analysis, ( 2) detailed analysis, ( 3) general design, ( 4) detailed design. ( 5) implementation, and ( 6) installation. The document represents the main output of the preliminary analysis phase encom- passing the definition of goals, description of the user environment, analysis of the existing system, selection of the system scope, and establishment of gross technical feasibility of the selected first implementa- tion scope. Included is a twenty-page glos- sary of information science terminology. Library Service for Commuting Students: A Preliminary Study of Problems in Four Southeastern New York Counties. Studies in Interlibrary Relations, Num- ber One. By Matilda A. Gacek. Pough- keepsie, N.Y.: Southeastern New York Library Resources Council, 1970. 28p. (ED 037 228, MF-$0.25 HC-$1.50). This study of commuting student use of public libraries was confined to certain key public libraries in the New York coun- ties of Orange, Rockland, Sullivan and a section of Ulster. The purpose of this pre- liminary enquiry was to determine: ( 1) what students use public library services, how often and what materials are sought, ( 2) the attitudes of student users of pub- lic libraries vs. attitudes towards their aca- demic libraries, ( 3) the degree of hard- ship imposed upon local public libraries by student demands, ( 4) how well the public library £lis student demands, and ( 5) the possibility of further study into the relationship of the public library to the educational system as structured by the New York State Education Department. Study data were collected through: a re- view of literature pertaining to library ser- vices to commuting students, interviews with public library directors in key areas and with a random selection of commut- ing students, and visits to small public li- braries. This enquiry showed that the li- brary uses of the college student are a matter of community concern because re- sponsibility cannot be successfully con- signed to the college at which he is ma- triculated, and that more consideration of this neglected problem is needed. Spe- cific recommendations are made for addi- tional studies and surveys. Books for Developing Countries: A Guide for Enlisting Private-Industry Assist- ance. Washington, D.C.: Agency for In- ternational Development, 1969. 50p. (ED 037 227, MF-$0.25 HC-$2.60). The U.S. Government has recognized that literacy, education, and the availabil- ity of books are essential for the develop- ment of a nation's human and institutional resources. This policy stresses the impor- tance of encouraging book publishing capability in developing countries, and this pamphlet is designed to stimulate the interest of both Americans and leaders in the developing countries by indicating how publishing can be strengthened. The pamphlet specifically guides: ( 1 ) officers of the Agency for International Develop- ment and other U.S. Government agen- cies in ways to involve the private sector of American book publishing in imple- menting the national book policy over- seas; (2) the U.S. publishing industry by encouraging increased interest in work- ing with publishers in the 'less developed world and by helping the U.S. industry to assess opportunities to become involved; and ( 3) governments and publishers in the developing countries by describing the range of considerations the U.S. Govern- ment has in mind as it approaches over- seas book problems and the ways in which American publishers might be able to help overcome them. Appendixes list countries in which AID is currently operat- ing and countries or areas with investment guaranty programs. Development of a Computer-Based Lab- oratory for Library Science Students Using LC/MARC Tapes. Final Report. By Pauline Atherton. Washington, D.C.: Abstracts I 363 Office of Education (DREW), Bureau of Research, 1970. 51p. (ED 037 224, MF- $0.25 HC-$2.65). The Library Education Experimental Project ( LEEP) involved the establish- ment of a computer-based laboratory for library science students, utilizing the Li- brary of Congress MARC (Machine-Read- able Cataloging) magnetic tapes. As- signments in several classes (reference and bibliography, cataloging, and techni- cal services) involved the use of these tapes and special purpose programs at the Syracuse University Computing Cen- ter. With the aid of these computer pro- grams, over two hundred students in eight different courses (repeated for three se- mesters) were able to search and retrieve catalog records for current literature, to process their own cataloging assignments or examine the characteristics of the Li- brary of Congress cataloging. The labora- tory's usefulness was evaluated by the students and the faculty at the end of each semester. The entire laboratory (com- puter program, data bases, class assign- ments, user manuals, etc.) has been fully described to other library schools at a spe- cial institute and via a newsletter and re- port series. Appended are the results of a survey of program languages and comput- ing facilities available to library schools and a bibliography of LEEP publications. •• ·--------------------~--- -