College and Research Libraries EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference Books of 1964-1965 THIS ARTICLE continues the semi-annual series1 originally edited by Constance M. Winchell. Though it appears under a by- line the list is actually a project of the reference department of the Columbia University libraries, and notes are signed with the initials f the individual staff members. 2 Since the purpose of the list is to pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in university libraries it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. Code numbers (such as All, 1A26, 2S22) have been used to refer to titles in the GuideS and its supple- ments. BIBLIOGRAPHY British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books. General Catalogue of Printed Books: Ad- ditions, 1963- . London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1964- . ( 1963 in 5v.) 84s a yr. In this first of the annual supplements which will list "entries added each year to the General Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum" (Pre£.) most of the entries are of recent date, but there are, of course, many older imprints. No annuals for tpe years 1956-1962 (the gap now ex- isting between the photolithographic edition of the Catalogue and the present publica- tion) are planned, but a decennial cumula- tion of additions for 1956-1965 will even- tually be issued so that the record will be complete. Style and format are those of the photolithographic edition.-R.K. 1 CRL, January and July issues starting January 1952. 2 Carol Anne Bondhus, Marilyn Goldstein, Rita Keckeissen, Evelyn Lauer, Carol Learmont, Sarah Ropes, Charlotte Smith. 8 Coruhance M . Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed. ; Chicago: ALA, 1951) ; Supplement ( Chica- go: ALA, 1954); S econd Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1956) ; Third Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1960) ; Fourth Supplement (Chicago: ALA, 1963). 44/ J / Musiker, Reuben. Guide to South African Reference Books. 4th rev. ed. Cape Town and Amsterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1965. 110p. Previously a mimeographed publication, the Guide in this fourth edition appears as a compact, well printed volume. Purpose and scope remain the same: to list the im- portant reference works on South African topics, the selection being limited largely to books published in the Republic of South Africa. Arrangement of the work has been revised and improved, and most of the an- notations have been rewritten or expanded. -E.S. Musso Ambrosi, Luis Alberto. Bibliografia de bibliografias uruguayas. Montevideo: 1964. 102p. $3. This is ·a welcome addition to the rel- atively small group of well executed South American bibliographies. Compiled under the guidance of the director of the National Library, the work is a comprehensive over- view of bibliographies published in or about Uruguay, from all periods of that country's history. Uruguayan government-published bibliographies are also included. Citations are arranged by subject field, and there is an author index. The editor hopes to con- tinue the work through supplements.- C.A.B. Nachdruckverzeichnis von Einzelwerken, Serien und Zeitschriften aus allen Wis- sensgebieten (Reprints). Renate Ostwald, ed. Bd.1- . Wiesbaden: Nobis, 1965- $25. Here is a kind of "books in print" for the burgeoning reprint trade. Reprint editions of books, journals, and other serial pub- lications, regardless of method of reproduc- tion, are included, and more than a hun- dred European and American publishers are represented. Arrangement is by author or other main entry, with cross references from editors, variant titles of journals, etc. Selected Reference Books of 1964-1965 I 45 Information includes original publication date when known, plus place, publisher, and (usually) date of the reprint. Series notes are given when applicable, and there is an appendix providing references from reprint series to the main entry. Although the editor felt obliged to omit prices, the work should be a great timesaver in both acquisitions and reference work. One hopes that it will appear on a regular basis.-E.S. National Union Catalog: Register of Ad- ditional Locations. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, June 1965- . In- cluded in NUC subscription. To be published in a cumulative pattern, this new monthly supplement notes ad- ditionallocations of titles included in earlier issues of the National Union Catalog re- ported after publication of annual or quin- quennial cumulations. The first issue sup- plements the 1958/62 list and notes prin- cipally books represented by Library of Congress cards printed from 1956 through 1959. The Register contains two lists, the first (and considerably longer) by Library of Congress card number, the second by main entry. The latter represents titles sub- mitted to National Union Catalog by other libraries. Coverage will increase with suc- cessive issues, and by 1968 is expected to be on a current basis. Together with Na- tional Union Catalog 1952-1955 Imprints (Suppl. 4A12), this new publication greatly increases the scope of the National Union Catalog.-R.K. BooK REVIEws Book Review Index. Detroit: Gale Research, 1965- . v.1- . Monthly, cumulating quarterly. $24. Now that the Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities has been reduced to an an- nual, this new publication fills a gap, listing book reviews appearing in a wide range of current periodicals. More than two hun- dred English-language (mostly United States) periodicals of general circulation and specialized periodicals which have "substantial circulation among libraries, scholars, and others having a great interest in books" are indexed. Specialized scientific and technical periodicals are excluded. Ar- rangement is alphabetical by author of the book reviewed; citations include names of reviewers when known. The first cumulation listed thirteen thousand five hundred cita- tions of nine thousand five hundred books; periodicals added since the first issue have been indexed retroactively through January. The great number of periodicals indexed, the short time lag involved, and the inclu- sion of books reviewed only once make this a practical, useful tool.-C.L. PuBLISHING Publishers' World. Sally Wecksler, ed. New York: Bowker, 1965- . Annual. $15. Intended to provide a place for the ex- change of information and ideas in inter- national bookselling and publishing, this new yearbook contains much information valuable to librarians. Short articles in Eng- lish or in French with English summaries are arranged under general headings, "About Best Sellers" being of special in- terest to librarians. Following these are sec- tions containing facts and statistics, some of the more useful being: UNESCO standards for publishing statistics, international lists of libraries and the size of their holdings, international literary prizes, holidays in all countries, and an index to advertisers classi- fied by country and subject. There is no general index, but the Contents are full and annotated. This is a handy yearbook, al- though somewhat expensive for its size ( 335p. in the 1965. volume) .-S.R. DIRECTORY Unesco Handbook of International Ex- changes. v.1- . Paris: UNESCO, 1965- . 861p. $12. Title and introductory matter also in French, Spanish and Russian. Intended to provide "information on the aims, programmes and activities of national and international organizations, and on agreements concluded between States, con- cerning international relations and ex- changes in the fields of education, science, culture and mass communication" (In trod.), this volume supersedes UNESCO's Directory of Cultural Relations Services ( 1959; Suppl. 4C5) and its Index of Cultural Agree- ments ( 1962). It includes information on 272 international organizations and about five thousand governmental and nongovern- 46 I College & Research Libraries • January, 1966 mental agencies and institutions. Some in- formation previously appearing in Study Abroad and Travel Abroad has been trans- ferred to this new publication. The work is in three main parts: I, Introductory articles; II, International organizations: aims and activities; III, National organizations and activities. The latter section is arranged by country, with organizations grouped there- under by field of interest. There is a country and organizational index.-E.S. PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS Catalogue collectif belge et luxembourgeois des periodiques etrangers en cours de publication, redige sous la direction de A. Cockx. . . . Brussels: Culture et Civi- lisation, 1965. 2v. 2.400 FB. Title and introductory matte:t: in French and Flemish. Although it will have limited use (chiefly as a verification tool) even in very large American libraries, this first Belgian union list of serials in thirty years merits attention. It provides a finding list in libraries of Bel- gium and Luxemburg of periodicals cur- rently published outside those areas. (Bel- gian publications are listed in Julien van Hove's Repertoire des periodiques parais- sant en Belgique and its three supplements, Suppl. 1E6.) Scope and arrangement are carefully detailed in the introduction; Amer- ican librarians will need to keep in mind that annual reports, bulletins, etc., are en- tered by title rather than under issuing body. Some four hundred libraries reported holdings, and the list of these forms a use- ful directory indicating accessibility, hours, and special services.-E.S. U ,S. Library of Congress. Slavic and Cen- tral European Division. Newspapers of East Central and Southeastern Europe in the Library of Congress. Robert G. Carl- ton, ed. Washington: 1965. 204p. $1. This guide to the Library of Congress collection of east central and southeast Eu- ropean newspapers published from 1918 to date is especially useful because of the very complete data on specific holdings. Both bound volumes and microfilm are included in an alphabetical arrangement by c0untry, then by city of publication. Most entries also include information on frequency, date of establishment and the issuing body, pub- lisher, or editor. Separate indexes for place of publication, language, and title make all the information readily available.-S.R. Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory; a Classified Guide to a Selected List of Current Periodicals, Foreign and Domes- tic. 11th ed., ed. by Eileen C. Graves. New York: Bowker, 1965- . v.l- . $15 per v. Contents: v.l, Scientific, technical and medical. 484p. Publication of a new Ulrich's is always something of an event, and certain features of this new edition invite notice here. "In- ternational" has been added in the title to emphasize the broader scope of coverage: though limited to titles in Roman alphabet or with subtitles and abstracts in English, there is a greater inclusion of foreign titles than formerly. Some twelve thousand titles of scientific, technical, and medical period- icals are included in volume 1. (The sec- ond volume, covering the arts, humanities, business and social sciences, is promised for publication in early 1966.) Arrangement follows that of the previous edition, with eight new subiect classifications added. New appendixes offer a reprint of the "American Standard for Periodical Abbreviations" and a "Subject Guide to Abstracting and Index- ing Services." There is also a list of period- icals which appeared in the tenth edition, but which are known to have ceased pub· lication.-E.S. RELIGION M¢ller-Christensen, Vilhelm and J¢rgensen, K. E. J ordt. Encyclopedia of Bible Crea- tures. Trans. by Arne Unhjem. Philadel- phia: Fortress Pr. , 1965. 302p. $6.75. Originally published in Danish (Copen- hagen, 1952), this work now appears in English translation with certain additions, and with most Bible quotations taken from the Revised Standard Version. Instead of a straight dictionary arrangement, the book is divided into sections on mammals, birds, insects, and fish, etc., with entries for in- dividual species arranged alphabetically within sections. This arrangement, as well as the tone of the text itself, are conducive to casual reading, but the index with its Selected Reference Books of 1964-1965 I 47 entries for both popular and zoological names makes for easy reference use. In ad- dition to general information on the in- dividual species and ancient customs relat- ing to them, attention is drawn to special characteristics which make the scriptural references particularly apt. Where called for, account is taken of disagreement among Biblical scholars regarding identification of the animal named.-E.S. HYMNOLOGY McDormand, Thomas Bruce and Crossman, Frederic S. Judson Concordance to Hymns. Valley Forge, Pa.: Judson Pr., 0 1965. 375p. $7.50. Almost two thousand four hundred hymns are indexed in this simply arranged con- cordance. The keyword of any line in a hymn can be looked up in the «Line In- dex" where a reference number guides the user to the first line of the hymn. From there the hymn can be found in the in- dex of the user's hymnal. Hymns were se- lected from twenty-seven hymnals of major American and Canadian denominations, but no references are made to particular books. Clear instructions make t4is reference book very easy to use.-S.R. SociAL SciENCES Congressional Quarterly Service. Congress and the Nation, 1945-1964; a Review of Government and Politics in the Postwar Years. Washington: 1965. 1784, 231p. $~7.50. Congressional Quarterly Service here of- fers in one volume a comprehensive review of United States government and politics in the twenty postwar years. The CQ Alma- nacs served as the basis of the compilation, but additional material was derived from other reference sources. The major part of the volume treats chronologically every area of legislation with its background and political significance, the discussions often incorporating tables and charts. The second section comprises a directory of persons and events, with materials ranging from a bio- graphical index to Congress for this period to a glossary of legislative terms. There is a detailed table of contents, an index, and a system of useful cross references. Well orga- nized, the book is news research in a re- fined form and is highly suited to quick ref- erence and fact-finding needs.-M.G. Lystad, Robert A., ed. The African World; a Survey of Social Research. New York: Praeger, 1965. 575p. $15. Prepared for students and scholars other than subject specialists, this review of recent and current social research studies and tech- niques in the Mrican field includes each of the major areas touching man's social de- velopment-law, );listory, education, lin- guistics, etc. Eighteen social scientists con- tributed chapters on the state of research in their individual fields, reporting on achievements, theories, and trends in re- search, and indicating areas for future study. Students should benefit from the dis- cussions of the technical aspects of the in- vestigating methods, and certainly the ex- cellent bibliography will be of value to those interested in African affairs.-C.A.B. ReQua, Eloise G. and Statham, Jane. The Developing Nations; a Guide to Informa- tion Sources Concerning Their Economic, Political, Technical and Social Problems. Detroit: Gale Research, 1965. 339p. $8.75. (Management Information Guide, 5.) Largely a bibliography of .. scholarly books, documents published by govern- ments and international organizations, and articles appearing in a variety of journals" (Foreword), this guide includes only English language materials from the holdings of the Library of International Relations in Chica- go. Though selective, the work should be very useful to both scholars and business- men. Eight chapters cover special topics, and five list general reference sources, bib- liographies, directories, and agencies and in- stitutions administering development. En- tries are annotated, and the work is indexed by author and title. It is an excellent guide to hitherto scattered and somewhat elusive information.-C.L. Urquhart, M. C., ed. Historical Statistics of Canada. Cambridge: The University Pr.; Toronto: Macmillan, 1965. 672p. $15. Compiled under the joint sponsorship of the Social Science Research Council of Can- 48 I College & Research Libraries • January, 1966 ada and the Canadian Political Science As- sociation, this volume offers a wide range of statistical time series with descriptive in- formation on Canadian economic, social, and political affairs. In general, the period covered is 1867-1960. Patterned after His- torical Statistics of the United States, the work is divided into twenty-one subject areas, each commencing with notes on · sources, derivations, and attributes of the data included; series of consecutively num- bered tables then follow. Figures are taken generally from published sources, and are mostly annual and national in scope. The detailed table of contents and the compre- hensive subject index aid in finding material quickly and easily. A pioneer work, this should be highly useful as a starting point for the research scholar interested in statis- tics for Canada, particularly in the area of the social sciences.-M.G. ABBREVIATIONS Kramer, Alex A. Abbreviations in Soviet Publications. Trenton, N.J.: Scientific Rus- sian Translating Service, 1965. 396p. $10. Some nineteen thousand five hundred Russian abbreviations and acronyms are listed here with their full Russian com- ponents and English translations. Also in- cluded are the "meanings of various signs and symbols from the Greek and Latin al- phabets used in the USSR." Although heav- ily weighted toward scientific and technical terms, this should prove a welcome supple- ment to a regular dictionary, particularly for those engaged in translation or dealing with contemporary Soviet affairs.-E.L. ENGLISH USAGE Bernstein, Theodore Menline. The Careful Writer; a Modern Guide to English Usage. New York: ·Atheneum, 1965. 487p. $7.95. Bernstein, a New York Times editor, has illustrated his new guide to good written English usage with examples drawn chiefly from newspapers. His aim is to promote co- herent communication as well as originality and adroit phrasing: the result is delightful reading. In spite of a dictionary arrange- ment, the book lends itself to .leisurely pe- rusal rather than quick reference. Articles such as "Atomic flyswatters" (on the Amer- ican tendency to overemphasize) or ··Lo, the poor idiom" (which appears under "L") would be hard to locate in a hurry, but they are useful discussions and cross references aid in finding them. The volume offers sen- sible advice on current usage.-S.R. LITERATURE American Literary Scholarship, 1963- Ed. by James Woodress. Durham, No. Car.: Duke Univ. Pr., 1965- . Annual. $6. Seventeen scholars have contributed bib- liographical essays on American literature to this first volume of a proposed annual sur- vey similar to The Years Work in English Studies. The new annual obviously allows for more detailed coverage than the single chapter allotted to American literature in The Years Work, though the contributors were permitted to choose between selectiv- ity and inclusiveness: "Some have pre- ferred to cover as much ground as possible, discussing many articles and books briefly; others have reviewed in more detail only the items regarded as the most important" (Foreword) . The first eight essays treat of major individual authors or pairs of authors; the others deal with American literature to 1800, fiction and poetry by period, the drama, and a miscellaneous section. Some chapters include citations to earlier publica- tions, but for the most part discussion is confined to those of 1963. This deserves to become an established series; it also de- serves-even requires-the addition of an index in future volumes.-E.S. Balasova, Olga. Bibliografie ceske liteu£rn£ vedy, 1945-1955; prace 0 ceske literature. Praha: Statni pedagogicke-nakl., 1964. 692p. 33 kcs. Czech works dealing with Czech literary history and criticism are listed here in two general sections. The first section lists books and articles on literary theory (e.g., aesthet- ics, criticism, translation) while the second is devoted to items concerning literary his- tory. The balance of the work, and by far the largest part of it, consists of bibliog- raphies arranged alphabetically by names of the authors about whom the items are I Selected Reference Books of 1964-1965 I 49 written. A chronological survey of authors, a personal name index of authors as sub- jects, and an author index for the writers of the critical works complete the volume. It is to be hoped that this guide will be continued for other decades.-E.L. ' Bateson, Frederick Wilse. A Guide to Eng- lish Literature. Carden City, N.Y.: An- chor Books; Chicago: Aldine Pr., 1965. 258p. $1.25 paper; $5 cloth. Designed as "a bibliographic labor-saving device," this guide "lists the editions and commentaries to go to first" (Pre£.). In- dividual authors and works of literature, as well as general books about the literature, are treated, and the coverage is wider than the size of the volume would indicate. Ar- rangement is chronological by four main periods (Medieval, Renaissance, Augustan, and Romantic) with additional chapters for literary criticism and research. Before each of the period sections is an interchapter which serves as a brief but scholarly intro- duction to the period. The period sections consist of reading lists in essay form cover- ing materials through 1963, with some 1964 titles. These lists are not conducive to quick checking, and the brief index is little help in this matter. That, however, is a minor flaw, and students will find the work a useful companion to the Cambridge Bib- liography of English Literature.-C.S. Kunisch, Hermann. Handbuch der deuts- chen Gegenwartsliteratur. Miinchen: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1965. 781p. $17.70. The purpose of this work is to present a compact guide to contemporary German lit- erature and literary criticism. It includes poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, scholars, publishers, and cultural innovators, especial- ly if their influence has been widespread. The volume is divided into two parts, the first and most sizable being alphabetically arranged articles on individual authors and their works, together with author bibliog- raphies and citations to selected works of criticism. The second part is a collection of scholarly essays on such diverse subjects as Expressionism, German literature in ex- ile, 1933-1947, poets and poetry of Na- tional Socialism. A detailed name index makes all references to a given person im- mediately accessible, whether described in a separate article or in one of the essays.- E.L. Wilgat, Janina. Literatura polska w swiecie; bibliografia przeklad6w, 1945-1961. Warszawa: Penclub, 1965. 286p. zl. 60. Nearly twenty three hundred items ar.e listed in this bibliography of translations into other languages of Polish literary writ- ings. Entry is by author, with a special sec- tion of anthologies arranged by language. There is an index of translators and editors of anthologies, as well as a geographical index which enables the user to identify the translations published in each of some forty countries.-E.S. DRAMA Cumulated Dramatic Index, 1909-1949; a Cumulation of the F. W. Faxon Com- pany's Dramatic Index .... Boston: G. K. Hall, 1965. 2v. $490. Like the Cumulated Magazine Subject In- dex recently noted in these pages, this pub- lication provides easy access to contents of a long series of annual volumes not pre- viously cumulated. Entries from the original forty-one annual volumes of the Dramatic Index (Guide R135) have been interfiled under uniform headings in the main body of the work, and each of the three ap- pendixes (author list of books about the drama; title list of published play texts; Author list of published play texts) has been cumulated also. The resulting con- venience to researchers and librarians is obvious and welcome.-E.S. BIOGRAPHY Who's Who in Europe; Dictionnaire biog- raphique des personnalites europeennes contemporaines. Ed. by Edward A. De- Maeyer. Ed. 1- , 1964/65- . Bruxelles: Editions de Jeniks, 1965- . 2680 p. $40. Too limited in coverage to serve the small library as an all-purpose biographical dictionary for Europe, this work may have some value in the large reference collection, chiefly for its listings of personalities from small European states such as Andorra and San Marino which do not appear in the 50 I College & Research Libraries • January, 1966 standard "who's whos." Only twenty-five countries and states are represented, all ex- cept Turkey being in western Europe. Biographees represent most professions and industries; entries are fairly standard, with rather more space allotted to hobbies and memberships in social clubs than is the case in most works of this kind.-C.S. HISTORY Belder, J. de and Hanes, J. Bibliographie de l'histoire de Belgique, 1865-1914. Louvain: Nauwelaerts, 1965. 301p. (Cen- tre interuniversitaire d'histoire contem- poraine. Cahiers, 38.) This volume continues the s~quence be- gun with Paul Gerin' s bibliography for the period, 1789-1831 (Suppl. 4V9I). (A vol- ume by S. Vervaeck covering the interven- ing period, 1831-1865, is announced as no. 37 in the series, but has not been received at this writing.) As with the Gerin work, this bibliography covers all aspects of Bel- gian history and follows the classed arrange- ment with author and subject indexes. Of- ficial publications and biographical works are largely omitted in view of existing bib- liographies of these materials in the Cahiers series.-E.S. Chandler, M. J. A Guide to Records in Barbados. Oxford: publ. for the Univer- sity of the West Indies by Blackwell, 1965. 204p. 63s. The department of history of the Uni- versity of the West Indies, aided by the Rockefeller Foundation, is undertaking a survey of records of the English-speaking Caribbean territories. This first volume to be published lists and briefly describes var- ious collections in Barbados as they existed in 1961. Records are classified as those of central government, local government, semi- public, ecclesiastical, private, and manu- script collections. Within classes, records are listed by repository, and the entries in- clude useful historical notes on the various departments and agencies responsible for the record-keeping. This, and the other vol- umes promised, should provide the key to large resources of primary materials for his- torians and other scholars working in this area.-C.L. Commission Internationale pour l'Enseigne- ment de l'Histoire. Les deux guerres mon- diales; bibliographie selective. Bruxelles: Editions Brepols, 1965. 246p. $9. Added title-page: The two world wars. ... London, New York: Pergamon Pr., 1965. The editors note that this is a selective bibliography, the purpose of which is to act as a guide for history teachers. Of the 246 pages in the book, however, only a mere eighty are giv~n over to actual bibliography, the rest consisting of a long background ar- ticle on "July 1914" with a French resume, and two introductory articles in both French and English. The bibliographies (separate ones for each of the two World Wars and for the interwar period) are annotated in French and English. Altogether they list about a thousand titles in classed arrange- ments which include documents, mono- graphs, bibliographies, and collections of principal photographic and film libraries. A serious omission is that of an index.-E.L. Fuentes, J ordi and Cortes, Lia. Diccionario hist6rico de Chile. Santiago de Chile: Ed- itorial del Pacifico, 1965. 329, r35 1p. $12.50. Although the articles in this new diction- ary run heavily to biographical materials, there are numerous entries for political events and organizations, historic sites, and significant battles in Chilean history. The whole range of the country's history is covered. An asterisk serves as a see refer- ence to alternate form of an entry, and as a see also reference within articles. There is a four-page bibliography at the end of the volume, but bibliographies are not provided with individual articles.-E.S. News Dictionary, 1964- . New York: Facts on File, 1965- . Annual. $6.75. Designed as an "inexpensive reference work ... for those who lack immediate access to other research services or the time to use them" (Pre£.) , this could be a useful desk-reference tool for the student or the small library; existence of the many other yearbooks and news services limits its use- fulness for the large reference collection. In this first volume the major news events of ' Selected Reference Books of 1964-1965 I 51 1964, the workings of international orga- nizations, and selected topics such as sports and education are covered-some quite ex- tensively. Since certain of the articles are over twenty pages long, an index should have been provided for easier access to facts and dates, even · though the arrangement is alphabetical and cross references are liberal. -C.S. Wainwright, M. D. and Matthews, Noel. A Guide to Western Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles Relating to South and South East Asia. New York, London: Oxford University Pr., 1965. 532p. $16. This is an extensive guide listing Euro- ' pean language manuscripts "bearing on the whole of Southern Asia" that are contained "in all libraries, depositories and collections, public and private, in Great Britain and Ireland" (Pre£.) with the exception of the India Office library. Subject coverage is all- embracing, including history, literature, sci- ence, social science, and humanities. The in- formation was compiled from catalogs, cal- endars, indexes (whether published or in manuscript), from information given by archivists and librarians, and from personal inspection of documents. Short descriptions are given for materials which are listed chronologically in appropriate subdivisions under the depository entry which, in turn, is found in a topographical arrangement. A full index of names and subjects draws to- gether all items pertaining to one topic.- R.K. •• STATISTICS AND STANDARDS (Continued from page 22) Oboler, E. "Library Statistics: Why, How, and Maybe." Idaho Librarian, XIV (Jan- uary 1962), 6-8. Reichmann, Felix. "Management and Op- erations." Library Trends, III (April 1955)' 462-70. Rothstein, Samuel. "The Measurement and Evaluation of Reference Service," Li- brary Trends, XII (January 1964) , 456- 72. Skipper, James E. "The Present State and Future Development of Technical Ser- vices," Library Resources and Technical Services, VI (Summer 1962), 205-9. Wilson, Louis Round and Maurice F. Tau- ber. The University Library (2d ed.) New York: Columbia University Press, 1956. p. 212. STATISTICS AND GLOSSARIES Association of Research Libraries. Academic Library Statistics, 1963/64- . Washing- ton, D. C.: The Association, 1964. Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Education Division. Survey of Libraries, Part II: Academic Libraries, 1960/ 61. Ottawa, Queens Printer, 1963. U. S. Office of Education. Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1962-63. In- stitutional Data. Washington: 1964. Vocabularium Bibliothecarii. Paris: UNESCO, 1962. \. ALA Glossary of Library Terms. Chicago: American Library Association, 1943. The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade Information. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1963. The Bookman's Glossary. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1951. Bibliographer's Glossary of Foreign Words and Phrases. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1933. • •