College and Research Libraries GERALD JAHODA and FERROL ANN ACCOLA Library Records Prepared with the Aid of Data Processing Equipment Published reports are examined on twenty-five projects for utilizing machines in library records maintenance. Advantages and disadvan- tages and cost of development and operation are noted; reasons for introducing machines are summarized. All sh.ow improvement in ser- vice, eighteen report savings, fourteen render better inventory control. Ten reports, however, give no cost data, and only six give comparative costs. Nonetheless, summation indicates that data processing by ma- chine can be advantageous in library record keeping when two condi- tions exist: 1) a basic record can be used for a variety of purposes; and 2) cost of development and programing can be shared by a num- ber of libraries. An index to the cases is appended. THE USE OF DATA PROCESSING equipment for the preparation of acquisition, cata- loging, circulation, and related library records is frequently suggested to li- braries of various types and sizes as a means for improving such records as well as for more efficient utilization of library manpower. Has experience with such systems borne out this hope and, if so, what is involved in developing and op- erating machine-based library record systems? The present study attempts to answer these questions by summarizing and commenting on case histories of machine-based library record systems. The literature since 1960 was searched for case histories of machine-based li- brary records systems that are reported to be at least in the experimental stage and that are not primarily concerned with indexing systems. A bibliography Gerald I ahoda is Professor of Library Science in Florida State University, Talla- hasse.e, and Ferrol Ann Accola is with the Federal Reserve Bank Library in Atlanta, Georgia. prepared by McCormick1 was updated by searching Library Literature and Li- brary Science Abstracts, and by scanning a select number of current periodicals through March 1964. No claim is made for completeness, and the tabulation of data required interpretation that, it is hoped, has not done injustice to the orig- inal author's intended meaning. In the summarized case histories of the twenty-five installations, the libraries are characterized as government, indus- trial, public, or university libraries unless the type of library is obvious from its title. The status of the machine-based record is characterized as experimental, partly operational, or operational. The date of initiation of operational systems is indicated whenever this is given in the original document. Library records pro- duced with the aid of data processing equipment are listed next. The records 1 Edward M. McCormick, "Bibliography on Mecha- nized Library Processes," Proceedings of the 1969 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, ed. Herbert , Goldhor (Champaign, Ill. : Illini Union Bookstore, 1964), pp.157-76. I 129 130 I College & Research Libraries • March, 1965 are grouped for convenience by use with books, reports, and serials. The volume of the operation is also given when avail- able and in whatever form this was indi- cated in the original document. The case histories are followed with references to the original documents. The summarized case histories are also indexed by type of library and type of record prepared with the aid of data processing equipment. SuMMARIZED CAsE HisTORIEs OF TWENTY-FIVE INSTALLATIONS 1. Atomic Energy Research Establish- ment, Harwell, Great Britain ( gov- ernment) Status: Operational Operations: Serials-acquisitions · -complete holdings -current list Volume: 1,400 serial titles, 3,200 copies Reference: L. J. Anthony and J. E. Hail- stone, "Use of Punched Cards in Prepa- ration of Lists of Periodicals," ASLIB Proceedings, XII (October 1960), 348- 60. 2. IBM Data Systems Division, Tech- nical Information Center, Poughkeep- sie, New York Status: Operational ( 1959) Operations: Books-catalogs (on cards and in book form) · -bibliographies -circulation -announcement lists References: Robert E. Durkin and Her- bert S. White, "Simultaneous Prepara- tion of Library Catalogs for Manual and Machine Applications," Special Librar- ies, LII (May-June 1961 ), 231-37. Herbert S. White, "The Use of Mecha- nized Equipment in the Production of Library Records for Manual Handling or Computer Manipulation" (paper pre- sented at the Florida State University Conference on Organization and Utiliza- tion of Information, Tallahassee, Florida, January 9-11, 1964). 8p. 3. General Electric Company, Locomo- tive and Car Equipment department library, Erie, Pa. Status: Operational Operations: Serials-circulation -bindery records -budget records -routing Reference: Ronald J. Booser, "The Use of Data Processing Equipment for Con- trol and Circulation of Magazines," Spe- cial Libraries, LI (July-August 1960), 297-300. 4. National Research Council library, Canada ( government) Status: Operations: Volume: Partly operational Serials-acquisitions -current list -complete holdings 10,000 serial titles ( 80 per cent of total holdings) Reference: Jack E. Brown and Peter Walters, "Mechanized Listing of Serials at the National Research Council Li- brary," Canadian Library, XIX (Winter 1963 ), 420-26. 5. U.S. Army Missile Command, Red- stone Scientific Information Center, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Status: Partly operational Operations: Serials -acquisitions -claiming -bindery records -routing -complete holdings Books -acquisitions -in-process records -catalog (in book form) -accession list -circulation -budget records -selective dissemi- nation of informa- tion . Library Records Prepared with Data Processing Equipment 1 131 Reports-catalog (in book form) -in-proces file -circulation -accession list -announcement lists -inventory -selective dissemi- nation of informa- tion Reference: F. E. Croxton, Automation Books -announcement lists -budget records -catalog (on cards and in book form) -KWIC index -shelf list Reports-ac~ession list -announcement lists -catalog (on cards and in book form) -circulation -KWIC index Progress at RSlC; .the Status of Alpha 1 Volume: (,Redstone Arsenal, Ala.: U.S. Army Mis- 150 books and 1,250 reports added monthly; 500 journal subscriptions sile Command, 1963 ), 11p. 6. Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico Status: Operations: Volume: Partly operational Serials-acquisitions -budget records -current lists -routing -complete holdings Books -catalog ( on cards and in book form ) -circulation -announcement lists 7,000 journal copies of 1,500 titles are routed to 1,300 re- cipients References: Crowell Dean, "Integrating a Library Machine System," The Litera- ture of Nuclear Science: Its Management and Use (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Tech- nical Information Extension, 1962), pp. 165-67. William H. Richardson, "Circulation Control," Special Libraries, LI ( Novem- ber 1960), 493-96. 7. Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Sci- entific and Technical Information de- partment, Marietta, Ga. Status: Operational Operations: Serials -budget records -subscriptions expi- ration dates Reference: C. K. Bauer, "Practical Ap- plications of Automation in a Science In- formation Center-A Case Study," Spe- cial Libraries, LV (March 1964), 137-42. 8. Air Force Cambridge Research Lab- oratory research library, Hanscom Field, Massachusetts Status: Operations: Volume: Experimental Books-catalog (on cards ) -KWIC index 180,000 monographs and bound journal volumes; 2,500 monographs added yearly Reference: Paul J. Fasana, "Automating Cataloging Functions in Conventional Libraries," Library Resources and Tech- nical Services, VII (Fall 1963), 350-65. 9. National Reactor Testing Station technical library (operated for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission by Phil- lips Petroleum Company's Atomic En- ergy Division) Status: Operations: Partly operational Serials -acquisitions -claiming -bindery records -circulation -current lists -holding lists 132 I College & Research Libraries • March, 1965 Books -announcement lists -catalog (in book form) -acquisitions -budget records -circulation -subject authority file Reports-circulation Reference: Hillis L. Griffin, "The Na- tional Reactor Testing Station Technical Library," Pacific Northwest Library As- sociation Quarterly, XXVI (July 1962), 199-204. 10. Picatinny Arsenal, Technical Infor- mation section, Dover, New Jersey ( government) Status: Operations: Volume: Operational (April 1962) Serials -circulation Books -circulation Reports-circulation 29,000 books 900 current periodical 135,000 technical reports 114,000 separate library transactions a year Reference: J. Hazendari and H. Voos, "Automated Circulation at a Government R and D Installation," Special Libraries, LV (February 1964), 77-81. 11. University of Illinois, Chicago un- dergraduate division library Status: Experimental Operations: Serials-acquisitions -claiming· -bindery records -current lists -complete holdings Books -acquisitions · -catalog (in book form) -circulation -budget records -permuted LC head- ings index -selective dissemina- tion of information -analysis of readers' interests -bibliographies · -in-process records Volume: 6,500 serial titles bound each year References: Don S. Culbertson, "Data Processing for Technical Procedures at the University of Illinois Library," Infor- mation Retrieval Today (paper present- ed at the institute conducted by the li- brary school and the Center for Contin- uation Study, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September 19-22, 1962), pp.99-107. Edward Heiliger, "Application of Ad- vanced Data Processing Techniques to University Library Procedures," Special Libraries, LIII (October 1962), 472-75. 12. Los Angeles ( California) County public library Status: Operational ( 1952) Operations: Serials-complete holdings Books -catalog (in book form) Volume: 2,000,000 volumes 7,500 adult titles ac- quired each year References: Theodore Hewitson, "The Book Catalog of the Los Angeles County Public Library: Its Function and Use," Library Resources and Technical Ser- vices, IV (Summer 1960), 228-32. Catherine MacQuarrie and Beryl L. Martin, "The Book Catalog of the Los Angeles County Public Library: How It Is Being Made," Library Resources and Technical Services, IV (Summer 1960), 208-27. 13. Decatur (Illinois) public library Status: Operational ( 1959) Operations: Serials-complete holdings -circulation Books -acquisitions _, -catalog (in book form) -circulation -budget records . Library Records Prepared with Data Processing Equipment I 133 Volume: Registration file of 29,000 cards Reference: Mary T. Howe and Mary K. Weidner, .. Data Processing in the De- catur Public Library," Illinois Libraries, XLIV (November 1962), 593-97. 14. Southern Illinois University library Status: Operational, except circula- tion (1951) Operations: Serials-budget records -current list -acquisitions Books -acquisitions -budget records -circulation References: Alton P. Juhlin, .. The Use of IBM Equipment in Order Procedures at Southern Illinois University Library," Illinois Libraries, XLIV ( N ovem her 1962)' 598-602. .. Automated Circulation Procedures at Southern Illinois University," Library Journal, LXXXVIII (March 15, 1963 ), 1133. 15. Illinois state library Status: Experimental Operations: Books-acquisitions -bibliographies -catalog (in book form) -circulation -shelf list Volume: 30,000 volumes circulat- ed a month 1,300,000 volumes in collec- tion Reference: John G. W. McCord, .. A Data Processing System for Circulation Con- trol at the Illinois State Library," Illinois Libraries, XLIV (November 1962), 603- 07. 16. Pennsylvania State University library Status: Experimental Operations: Serials-acquisitions Books -acquisitions -budget records -KWIC index -selective dissemina- tion of information Reference: Thomas Minder and Gerald Lazorick, .. Automation of the Pennsyl- vania State University Acquisitions De- partment," Automation and Scientific Communications Proceedings, Part 3. (Washington, D.C.: American Docu- mentation Institute, 1963), pp.455-59. 17. Monsanto Chemical Company Infor- mation Center, St. Louis, Missouri Status: Operational (about 1961) Operations: Serials-acquisition -complete holdings Books -catalog (in book form) -circulation -budget records -announcement lists -bibliographies Volume: 5,000 titles in book catalog Reference: W. A. Wilkinson, .. A Ma- chine-Produced Book Catalog: Why, How and What Next?" Special Libraries, LIV (March 1963), 137-43. 18. University of Missouri libr~ry Status: Partly operational Operations: Serials-acquisitions -claiming -budget records Books -acquisitions -shelf list -circulation -budget records Reference: Ralph H. Parker, .. Automatic Records Systems at the University of Missouri Library," College and Research Libraries, XXIII (May 1962), 231-32, 264-65. 19. Washington University School of Medicine library Status: Partly operational Operations: Serials-acquisitions -claiming -bindery records 134 I College & Research Libraries • March, 1965 -current lists -complete holdings -budget records -circulation Volume: 1,200 serials titles Reference: Irwin H. Pitzer, Donald R. Franz, and Estelle Brodman, «Mechani- zation of Library Procedures in the Medium-Sized Medical Library: The Serial Record," Medical Library Associ- ation Bulletin, LI (July 1963), 313-38. 20. IBM, Thomas J. Watson Research Center library, Yorktown Heights, New York - Status: Operational (Fall 1962) Operations: Books-acquisitions -in-process records Volume: -shelf list -announcement lists -circulation 20,000 books 500 average weekly cir- culation 350 overdue notices sent out every two weeks References: R. W. Gibson Jr., and G. E. Randall, «Circulation Control by Com- puter," Special Libraries, LIV (July- August 1963 ), 333-38. G. E. Randall and Roger P. Bristol, «PIL (Processing Information List) or a Computer-Controlled Processing Rec- ord," Special Libraries, LV (February 1964)' 82-86. 21. University of Rochester, science and engineering libraries Status: Operational Operations: Books -catalog (in boo~ form) Serials-complete holdings Volume: 4,000 journal titles Reference: Phyllis A. Richmond, «A Short-Title Catalog Made with IBM Tabulating Equipment," Library Re- sources and Technical Services, VII (Winter 1963 ), 81-90. 22. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Com- pany, technical library, Wilmington, Delaware Status: Operational (about 1952) Operations: Serials-complete holdings -current list Volume: -circulation -routing 1,183 periodical titles re- ceived 621 periodical titles circu- lated Reference: Stella-Margaret Riggle, «Au- tomatic Journal Routing Using IBM Punched Cards," Special Libraries, LIII (November 1962), 537-40. 23. General Electric Company, plant technical library ( Hanford), Rich- land, Washington Status: Operations: Volume: Operational Serials -acquisitions -complete holdings Reports-announcement lists -catalog (on cards) -inventory -routing 2,800 periodical subscrip- tions 400,000-500,000 reports in library ( 195,000 classified reports on tape) 15,000 deliveries and pick- ups of reports to users a month Reference: Chris G. Stevenson-, «Mecha- nization of Hanford's Technical Informa- tion Operation," The Literature of Nu- clear Science: Its Management and Use (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical In- formation Extension, 1962), pp.177-80. 24. University of California, San Diego, library Status: Experimental - Operations: Serials-acquisitions -claiming -bindery records . Library Records Prepared with Data Processing Equipment I 135 -current lists -complete holdings -want lists -subscription expira- tion date Volume: 712 serial titles in experi- ment References: George V davin, "The Serials Computer Project, University of Cali- fornia, San Diego," Information Retrieval Today (paper presented at the institute conducted by the library school and the Center for Continuation Study, Univer- sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Septem- ber 19-22, 1962), pp.l09-18. University of California, San Diego, University Library and UCSD Computer Center: Report on Serials Computer Project (San Diego, Calif.: University of California, San Diego, 1962), 32p. 25. Long Island Lighting Company, Hicksville, New York (industrial) Status: Operational (1st edition of printed catalog, March 1960) Operations: Serials-complete holdings Books -catalog (in book form) -bibliographies Reference: Charles A. Vertanes, "Auto- mation Raps at the Door of the Library Catalog," Special Libraries, LII (May- June 1961), 237-42. DISCUSSION While a tabulation of the types of records that are now prepared with the aid of a machine is of interest, the rea- sons for utilizing such records, their ad- vantages and disadvantages, and their cost of development and operation are perhaps more important to the librarian who has to decide whether to use such techniques in' his own shop. These points will now be discussed. Reasons for developing machine-based systems varied, but almost half of the installations (eleven out of twenty-five) gave as one of their reasons an increase in volume of work caused by either a higher acquisition rate or demand for more extensive service, or both, without corresponding increase in manpower. Twelve installations stated the need for more complete and up-to-date records or records in different forms and in mul- tiple copies for different physical loca- tions. Several installations expressed the need for an integrated record system to reduce bottlenecks as well as to achieve better control of operations. This, the librarians felt, could be ·obtained with machine-based records. Other reasons included a desire to experiment with more sophisticated systems, and avail- ability of equipment. All installations reported improve- ments in library service and eighteen out of twenty-five installations reported sav- ings in either personnel or over-all costs. Improved services were achieved by sev- eral means. The speed and accuracy of the machine enabled the librarian to provide more up-to-date and accurate records both for the patron and for him- self. The production of printed lists in a variety of ways, as exemplified by a list of journals received or a list of vol- umes at the bindery was now economi- cally possible. Better control of library operations because of the existence of such lists was cited by fourteen installa- tions as one reason for improved service. Lower c9sts in clerical operations were achieved by delegating some of the re- petitive operations to the machine and by eliminating the manual duplication of records. Professionals were also re- lieved of some clerical details allowing them more time to work with the patron. In no instance, however, was the over- all manpower reduced as a result of mechanization since time thus gained was used to improve or expand library services. A number of disadvantages of ma- chine records . ·were brought out, al- though twelve out of twenty-five installa- 136 I C allege & Research Libraries • March, 1965 tions did not dwell on this aspect of the system. The use of machines requires a carefully worked out operating pro- cedure. Nothing can be implied or left to the imagination of the machine. Ab- breviations and spacing, for example, must be standardized and filing rules must be indicated in detail. The effort required in working out such procedures was considered a disadvantage of mech- anized records. The limited number of symbols on a printer and the limited amount of space on a machine-sorted punched card were also cited as disad- vantages that necessitated a revision of traditional records. The library's de- pendence on somebody else's equipment with resulting inconvenience was also commented upon unfavorably. Finally, the high cost of developing the system and of converting existing records was also one of the cited disadvantages. Even though the machine-based sys- tems offer advantages over the manual systems it is important to know at what additional costs such advantages are achieved. The reports of the twenty-five installations are not fully informative on this point. Ten of the twenty-five instal- lation reports give no cost information, and none of the installation reports gives the cost of developing the system ( an admittedly difficult cost to collect but nonetheless a necessary item of infor- mation). Reports of only six installa- tions gave comparative costs of the old manual and the new machine-based sys- tems. Four of the installations stated that the machine-based systems cost less to operate than the manual systems, one machine-based system costs about the same to operate as does the manual system, and one machine-based system will cost slightly more to operate for the first five years and then will cost less than a manual system. Before a new system can be put into operation, the existing system has to be analyzed and the specifications for a new system have to be established. These specifications have to be translated into operating procedures for both the man- ual and machine aspects of the system. The preparation of instructions for the machine (machine programs) may re- quire one or more man-years. The new system is then tested, revised, and fre- quently maintained in parallel with the old system for a period of time. The de- velopment of a new system is thus time consuming and costly. This cost must be included in the over-all cost of opera- tions. What can be concluded from the ex- perience of twenty-five libraries with machine-based records? There appears to be convincing evidence that carefully planned and executed machine-based systems can indeed improve the effec- tiveness and efficiency of library opera- tions. Most of the installations studied have not been in operation sufficiently long so that all the advantages and dis- advantages can be fully characterized. Experience to now indicates that a great- er variety of records can be prepared more quickly and accurately and at a lower cost of operation (disregarding development cost) than manual systems. Some adjustments must be made to un- familiar typography and different filing rules of such systems, to mention only two factors. It seems evident that an efficient machine-based system, just as an efficient manual system, must be based on a sound interpretation of the library's needs. The cost of determining such needs and the cost of formulating a system based on these needs is high (though it is not known at this point how high) for both manual and ma- chine systems. System development costs will vary from library to library because of differences in record volume and record specifications. It is hoped that future case histories of library sys- tems will include the cost of developing the system so that this information will be available to other librarians who are charged with developing a new or im- I Library Records Prepared with Data Processing Equipment I 137 proved record system. The availability of this information along with the cost of operating the old and the new sys- tem will also facilitate the evaluation of the system. The use of data processing equipment for the preparation of library records appears to be most advantageous when one basic record can be used for a variety of functions, and when the cost of developing and operating the system can be shared by a number of libraries. This condition exists when data process- ing equipment is used for the prepara- tion of acquisition, cataloging, circula- tion, and related records for a group of libraries with similar interests and needs. INDEX TO SuMMARIZED CASE HISTORIES OF TWENTY-FIVE INSTALLATIONS Type of library Government: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 Industrial: 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25 Public: 12, 13, 15 University: 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21 , 24 Types of records mechanized Books Accession list: 5, 6, 9, 20 Acquisitions: 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 Analysis of readers' interests: 11, 13 Announcement li~ts: 2, 6, 7, 9, 17, 20 Bibliographies: 2, 6, 11, 15, 17, 25 Budget records: 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 Catalog: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17,21,25 Circulation: 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17,18,20 In-process records: 5, 11, 20 Keyword-in-content index: 7, 9, 16 Permuted index to Library of Congress subject headings: 11 Selective dissemination of information: 2, 5, 11, 16 Shelf list: 7, 13, 15, 18, 20 Subject authority list: 9 Reports Accession list: 5, 7 Announcement lists: 5, 7, 23 Catalog: 5, 7, 23 Circulation: 5, 7, 9, 10, 23 In-process £le: 5 Inventory: 5, 23 Keyword-in-content index: 7 Routing: 23 Select dissemination of information: 5 Serials Acquisitions: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18,19,23,24 Bindery records: 3, 5, 9, 11, 19, 24 Budgetrecords: 3,6, 7, 14, 18,19 Circulation: 3, 9, 10, 13, 19, 22 Claiming: 5, 9, 11, 18, 19, 24 Complete holdings: 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19,21,22, 23,24, 25 Current list: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24 Routing: 3, 5, 6, 22 Subscripti.on expiration date: 7, 24 Want list: 24 REDUCED MULTIPLE COPY RATE FOR CHOICE BOOKS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES Beginning with Volume 2, March 1965, additional copies to the same address are $10.00. The original subscription remains $20.00. Single or multiple subscriptions should be sent to the American Library Asso- ciation Subscription Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611.