College and Research Libraries The Nat~onal Oceanographic Data Center As MAN probes further into the reaches of outer space, the specialized field of sCientific research known as oceanogra- phy is striving with increasing intensity to find the dark secrets that lie hidden in the vast depths of the sea. Spurred by a burgeoning world popu- lation that demands cheap, abundant food resources; lured by the promise of vast mineral wealth; and intrigued by the esoteric search for the origins of the world, modern science is developing many new tools to assist the ch.emical, physical, and geological oceanographer in his studies. These instruments range from electronic data processing equip- ment, telemetering devices, and under- water motion picture cameras to the deep sea equivalent of a space craft. As in all fields of science, current oceanographic research projects rely on the information and data gathered in earlier studies. It is collected and stored for this purpose at a central, factual ref- erence . point that affords a practical, automatic means of connecting data sources, processing units, and the scien- tists desiring information on past and current projects. Although the National Oceanographic Data Center in Washing- ton, D.C., acting merely as a storehouse, supplies some of the tools for scientific investigation, its most important role is that of an information center providing the basic data-including chemical, · physical, biological, geological, and all related information pertaining to the seas. Such information serves to further understanding of the interrelations and interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the sea to a degree never before possible. The data center is supported by funds from the Bureau of Commercial Fish- Bv JOHN TATGE eries, the National Science Foundation, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey, each of which contribute 16 per cent of the budget; the Department of the Navy provides 48 per cent of funds; and the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Weather Bureau account for 2 per cent each. By 1964 it is ex- pected that the Coast Guard, the Geo- logical Survey, and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare will also share in the activities and support of the center-a fact that is indicative of the rapidly expanding scope of its ac- tivities. The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries' interest in the National Oceanographic Data Center lies in the Bureau's need to know more about the oceans as a source of food. Data collected on estuaries, coastal areas, and the open seas afford a better understanding of all the natural phenomena which affects the success of fishing. For instance, the bureau's tuna in- vestigations, currently conducted in the Hawaiian Islands, contribute signifi- cantly to oceanographic studies by show- ing the relation of newly upwelled, nu- trient-rich water to productivity, plank- ton, and tuna abundance along the equa- tor in the :r:nid-Pacific Ocean. Around the Hawaiian Islands, salinity and tem- perature conditions help predict spring and summer skipjack tuna catches. But far more important has been the recent discovery in the Pacific equatorial region of a rna jor ocean current that ranks in magnitude with the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream. Locating the Crom- well Current, as it is called, has already brought about a vast increase in under~ standing the circulation of the Pacific Ocean and has led to a better know!- 392 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES edge of the movements and distribution of major fishery resources. The National Academy of Science's interest in oceanography dates back to 1929, when a report stimulated the es- tablishment of Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institute, the Department of Oceanography at the University of Washington, and other laboratories. The NAS also proposed the establishment of NODC in another report in the belief that such a data center supported by government agencies concerned with the sciences can provide an important serv- ice to the scientific community as well as the agencies. Because present knowledge of the vari- ous factors controlling the distribution of radioactivity in the ocean is at best only fragmentary, the Atomic Energy Commission is concerned with various oceanographic projects. These include engineering studies in and near disposal areas, monitoring of disposal sites and their surroundings, and continuing re- search in the broad areas of oceanog- raphy. In assessing such factors as circulation and mixing rates, uptake, and utilization of rad~oactive isotopes by biological or- ganisms and sedimentation, the AEC is gathering information that eventually will reveal the ultimate fate of long- lived radioactive isotopes in the oceans. But Bureau of Commercial Fisheries research vessels that patrol the seas twelve months out of the year have been accumulating physical, chemical, and biological data much faster than tradi- tional processing and analyzing methods can handle. The research on board ship is supplemented by automatic stationary monitoring devices which are rapidly filling in the statistical gaps created by changes in readings as research vessels follow their courses. These two sources yield a vast quantity of data that can be handled only by a specially equipped facility, such as the National Oceano- graphic Data Center. SEPTEMBER 1963 In processing physical and chemical data, NODC has been accumulating in- formation from sources such as these at the rate of ten thousand readings per month. To date, the archives of NODC contain over one million readings from bathythermograph observations taken by monitoring stations and research ves- sels. A bathythermograph is the oceanog- rapher's key tool. A cylindrical shaped object, dropped over the side of the ship, the bathythermograph makes si- multaneous depth and temperature read- ings for physicists and chemists. As the bottle plunges down to a predetermined depth, a stylus etches a curved configura- tion on the gold-plated lxl%-inch glass slide. The line is then transferred to a standard graph form, which reflects the temperature and depth readings. A negative of the temperature depth graph is made and the resulting prints are placed in the center's filing and in- formation retrieval systems. These dupli- cate prints of bathythermograph read- ings are filed according to Marsden squares of the map, a system which es- tablishes a reference point for each de- gree of longitude and latitude in the ocean. To date, almost one million cards have been accumulated to provide tem- perature and depth data for several thousand Marsden squares. A quality control department at the center compares the validity of new data with that already accumulated by means of a salinity control envelope, a form of graphic reproduction of ocean depth- temperature relationships. Any data that is inaccurate shows up visually on the envelope. At the present time, the data center is processing only physical and chemical data; eventually, it will be equipped to provide all types of data pertaining to oceanography, including the systems de- vised for geological and geophysical data storage and retrieval. In accumulating geophysical data, the NODC will even- 393 tually provide indexes to quantitative and qualitative data pertaining to gravi- ty, magnetism, seismicity, volcanoes, tsunamis, conductivity, layer thickness, acoustics, radioactivity, heat flow, and reflectivity. Bathymetric data from bathythermo- graphs will eventually include tracklines, PDR traces, fathograms, discrete sonic soundings, wire soundings, index of roughness, and slope . Bottom and sedi- ment and rock data will include the physical properties, size analysis, miner- alogy, geochemical properties, engineer- ing aspects, paleontology, and bottom photographs. The growing international interest in oceanography has led to greater partici- pation of foreign countries, which are now supplying data to the center, as well as drawing on its wealth of rapidly accumulating information. • • U.S. O~ce of Education 1962-63 Coll: ge and University Library Statistics FoR THE PAST three years the Office of Education has collected basic data on the book collection, staff, expenditures and salaries of college and university libraries. This in- formation was published as Institutional Data for 1959-60, 1960-61 and 1961-62 and an Analytic Report for 1959-60. The analytic reports for 1960-61 and 1961-62 will be re- leased in one volume which is nearing completion. Whereas Institutional Data provide information about individual institutions, arranged by states, the Analytic Report con- tains summaries by type of academic institution and size of enrollment. For the first time, last year, over a dozen state libraries cooperated with the Library Services Branch in the distribution and collection of questionnaires. Thanks to this collaboration, the returns in these states were substantially higher than in the nonpar- ticipating states. As a result, this year all fifty states were invited to participate in this cooperative effort and forty-eight state library agencies are assisting the Office of Educa- tion in this study. In Alabama and North Dakota, the academic libraries are being con- ta cted directly. The 1962-63 forms were mailed out between August 19 and 21. In response to requests for earlier releases of statistical data from the Associatidn of College and Research Libraries and individual librarians, it was decided to ask aca- demic libraries to return their forms as early as possible but not later than September 30, 1963 to the state agencies or, in the case of Alabama and North Dakota institutions, to the U .S. Office of Education . In January 1964 the office will publish the institutional data for all libraries which have met the September 30 deadline. The second deadline for inclusion in the Analytic Report is set for December 1, 1963, to assure publication by the summer of 1964. Based on past experience it is hoped that at least 60 per cent of academic libraries will be included in the current listing of institutional data. To speed up the release of the Analytic Report the Library Services Branch cannot make available a more com- . plete listing of 1962-63 institutional data. Questions were added this year on interlibrary loan transactions and the hourly wage rate paid to student assistants. The information concerning salaries of full time person- nel is requested in a simpler and more specific manner than previously. It is expected that the procedures for the current survey will result in faster and bet- ter service to administrators, librarians and others concerned with academic library service. Better coordination and less duplication in the collection and analysis of aca- demic library statistics should also result. If this year's effort succeeds, it could be said that a nationwide academic library sta- tistics system has been established.-Frank L. Schick, Assistant Director, Library Serv- ices Branch. 394 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES