College and Research Libraries pragmatic interest since the training basic to the profession is called into question and sweeping revisions suggested. W e must now deal with the original implication that the traditional librarian is an inevitable product of his education and not in most situations merely a reflection of a more leisurely ap- proach to information resources than science centers can afford. A technical librarian would be inclined to agree that adequate training in scientific literature is lacking in most library schools. A cataloger would just as quickly point out that library schools do not turn out a pol- ished cataloger; and the same with the refer- ence librarian, the curator of rare books, etc. In other words, two or three semesters of training do not turn out specialists. In most of the sciences more and more students are being encouraged to continue their educa- tion through the doctorate in order to make a more significant contribution to their pro- fession. It is doubtful that the library schools can accomplish on the master's level more than is expected of other disciplines. This is true of all professional schools whose courses of study have no essential continuity with the first four years of training. Although the framework of a doctoral program is out- lined in the report, it is not developed in detail. Actually the courses described in the re- port are quite interesting and pertinent to science information service. There is cer- tainly room for an increasing elasticity in the library school curriculum, and many of these courses would be valuable electives. T h e most disappointing aspect of the study is that, after making a good case for the exact- ing nature of science information work, too much of the final solution to the problems of recruiting, training, and advancing this specialization is based on the revision of the curriculum. An alternate inquiry might have been directed at the science and engineering cur- ricula as well. Does the average physics stu- dent, for example, receive any significant training in the use of the literature during his undergraduate training? Is there not a fertile area here for investigation? If science majors were convinced by example and dem- onstration of the importance of sound li- brary methods, they would in the future not only approach the information center with greater self-sufficiency, but would also be more likely prospects for the specialized training the authors prescribe for the science information specialist. T h e research was performed as a part of a contract with the U. S. Office of Education; the National Science Foundation supported the publication. Copies may be obtained from: Science Information, P. O. Box 624, Radio City Station, New York 19, N. Y . — James D. Ramer, Columbia University. An Artist's Life Arthur Rackham, His Life and Work. By Derek Hudson. New York: Charles Scrib- ner's Sons (London: William Heinemann, Ltd.) [I960]. 181p. $20.00. Although Arthur Rackham seldom strayed far outside his native London from his birth until his death on September 6, 1939, his art and fame were universal. His productive life—some fifty years—spanned a varied era, and his genius and fertile versatility over- rode all barriers of time and circumstance and nationality. Rackham's works have been published not only in England and America but in France and Germany as well, and recently some have been issued in Dutch and Spanish editions. He is especially revered in the United States. His definitive bibliography was compiled in 1936 by two Americans, Sarah Briggs Latimore and Grace Clark Haskell; and the United States is the home of at least two virtually com- plete collections of Rackham's published work, those formed by the bibliographers. T h e Haskell collection is now in the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the Latimore collection is at Columbia University, where it has been notably enhanced by its donor with the addition of hundreds of originaal drawings—the largest corpus of Rackham originals on this side of the Atlantic and perhaps in die world. Rackham's biography, however, could only have been written in England, where there are so many who still hold treasured recol- lections of this kindly, prim, sadonic man. S E P T E M B E R 1 9 6 1 405 Derek Hudson has taken full advantage of his opportunities. His biography is warm and sympathetic, written with insight and understanding, and executed handsomely in the finest Rackham tradition. As the only definitive biography of Rackham that has been published, it is of great significance because, by showing the enormous produc- tivity of the man, it releases its readers from the tendency to judge him solely on die basis of the few favorite works that happen to linger in memory. Moreover, although it reveals the decision of a fine genius to reach for a limitless audience through publication, it also shows how he defeated the restrictions of the colorplate process as it existed in his time by unswerving insistence on the high- est possible standards of workmanship. Mr. Hudson reproduces many of Rack- ham's originals, some of which have never before seen publication. Regrettably this is done too often without nonnal credit lines— certain plates, for example, are from orig- inals that have been in the Columbia collec- tion for some time, without notice to that effect or to previous ownership. While we are on the subject of faults, one that will cause quite general annoyance is the lack of an index. Mr. Bertram Rota has added a check-list of " T h e Printed Work of Arthur Rackham" which brings his bibliography up to date. This will be gladly received by librarians and collectors, because the definitive treat- ment by Latimore and Haskell has been out of print for many years. Mr. Rota, further- more, has made substantial additions to the Rackham canon—at least sixteen unrecorded volumes as well as a great many magazine issues. His form of listing is highly abbrevi- ated; while this facilitates checking, more detailed information about the hitherto un- recorded works would have been welcome. T h e list is available in separate form through Bodley House, Vigo Street, London W. 1.— Roland Baughman, Columbia University. Studies in Microforms Full-Size Photocopying. By William R. Haw- ken. (The State of the Library Art, Vol- ume V, Part 3) New Brunswick, N. J . : Graduate School of Library Service, Rut- gers, T h e State University, 1960. 397p. $8.00. This title completes the section on "Re- production of Materials" from a series of studies covering most of the technical as- pects of librarianship. T h e two earlier re- ports on the micro-forms, which make up the rest of the section, have been reviewed before.1 This volume supplements them ad- mirably and should be used in conjunction with them. T h e line separating microcopying from full-size photocopying is rapidly be- coming fainter, and one must understand the techniques of one in order to apply the other. Chapters are entitled: "Photostat (used here as a generic term), Stabilization Processes, Photronic Reproduction, Verifax, Diffu- sion Transfer Process, Diazo, Thermog- raphy, Photothermography (Kalfax), Xerog- raphy, Electrofax, and the Electrolytic Process (3M Filmac)." "Each chapter may be studied as an independent unit, since it concludes with its own bibliography. This study by units would have been made a lit- tle easier if the running heads at the tops of the pages had been by main title and chapter title, rather than series title and main title. T h e chapters on "Xerography" (83 pp.), "Diazo" (77 pp.) and "Photostat" (59 pp.) are the longest; and each one could be used as an introductory handbook for its process with the addition of a few more illustra- tions. A criticism aimed at the two volumes on microforms was that they should have been illustrated. This volume is, but the few included tend to whet one's appetite for more. One feels that the author would have included more if the economic restrictions of publication had permitted. This series of studies is intended to pro- vide " a survey of the published and un- published literature of each facet of the field." This has been done in this volume, as in the other two. Being published later than they, it contains bibliographic refer- ences through 1958, and a few into 1959. T h e form adapted from the series has resulted in three volumes that are excellent reference tools and basic guides to the literature of photoduplication. It has not resulted in 1 Hubbard W . Ballou, "Studies in Microforms," C R L , X X I ( 1 9 6 0 ) . 494-495. 406 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S