College and Research Libraries New Periodicals of 1960-Part II By GERALDINE KAUFMAN TH E S E V E R A L new magazines in the sci-ences will very likely surprise no one; the considerable number in medicine, some on unusual facets, will undoubtedly interest many. Not a small number of journals have been undertaken to "ex- plain" individual nations or cultures to the rest of the world. B O O K S , B I B L I O G R A P H Y . The Miniature Book Collector will contain articles about miniature books for the pleasure of the devotees of that art. T h e new publica- tion is a self example, measuring four inches (10.2 cm.) in height. T h e periodi- cals indexed in An Index to Book Re- views in the Humanities are assigned numbers. T h e items indexed are arranged by author of the book reviewed, followed by the title of the book reviewed, the name of the reviewer (when known) the number assigned to the periodical, its date and, last, the page in the periodical having the review. Greek Bibliography, an official publication, will list Greek writings in the arts, belles-lettres, science, and technology, excluding text books, special interest scientific publications, material on economics and business in general, and translations of foreign works (unless classics). T h e items are listed by author or title under the Dewey Classifi- cation. T h e Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira, whose pub- lication is guaranteed for at least five years by the Funda^ao Calouste Gulben- kian, is in two main sections. T h e "Registo bibliografico" lists works, stud- ies, periodical articles, and reviews (chiefly, 1960) published on subjects of interest to the Lusobrazilian Coloquia. T o secure broader advantages, the next section (Anexos) contains such groupings as: "Trabalhos no prelo," "Trabalhos em prepara^ao," "Teses de licenciatura dac- tilografadas," "Consultas," "Bibliofilia," Miss Kaufman is Head of the Serials Sec- tion, Descriptive Cataloging Section, Library of Congress. " R e c e n s S e s , " " B i b l i o g r a f i a s c r i t i c a s , " "Fundos de manuscritos," (a sizeable section) "Indices de revistas," [Museu Ilustrado, 1878-1880; Gabinete Literario das Fontainhas, 1846-1850] "Intercambio cultural," "Varia." T h e International Atomic Energy Agency is issuing List of Bibliographies on Nuclear Energy in order to give out information and to eliminate duplication. T h e list is ar- ranged by subjects, under each of which there is listed those bibliographies al- ready published, then those in a state of preparation. Germanistik has undertaken the vast task of showing the progress and development of the study of German lan- guage, literature, and philology on an international basis, beginning with 1959. Periodical articles are cited as biblio- graphical references, monographic pub- lications are accompanied by a brief sum- mary; each issue has the same subject arrangement, partly by type and partly chronological. T h e publisher hopes to include items from the Eastern Zone. B U S I N E S S , T R A D E . World Coffee & Tea will reach important coffee and tea firms in the producing countries and in the consuming countries and thus will be concerned with data on widening mark- ets and sales, and on crops and harvests. For example, the May issue includes an article on the size of instant coffee jars and on tea crops in Asia and Africa, country by country discussion. Sponsored by non-competing manufacturers in the food service field, Commercial Kitchen Equipment & Supplies is directed to those who decide what equipment and supplies are to be purchased for their 134 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S particular service. This highly illustrated magazine will contain articles on new products, activities in industry, technical data, stories of experiences, new litera- ture, etc. Contract; the Magazine of Com- mercial Furnishing and Planning is pub- lished for those who design or purchase contract furnishings. T h e profusely illus- trated first issue contains write-ups of new products, articles, for example, on color in decoration, on lighting, and on testing bedding, on the Centralized Work Control System. Although there are new magazines in this vast field, Packaging Design is aimed exclusively at all those concerned with design—schools, manu- facturers of materials, printers, inde- pendent and company designers—in an effort to secure both better package de- sign and better package designers. Ma- chine Age is an international industrial news magazine devoted to the use of machinery in all fields. T h e first issue is arranged by broad subjects (for example, Transport and Communications; Mining and Oilfields; Instruments, Components and Materials) under which are short articles on research, latest developments, methods (under Construction and Public Works is an article on a tunnel under the English Channel). Marine Distribu- tion claims to be the first publication in the field of commercial marine supplies, a go-between for the dealer, distributor, and manufacturer in a growing industry. T h e first issue includes an illustrated section, "Products Worth Mentioning." Many business magazines are published to emphasize techniques and trends in the production and management of spe- cific fields; Business and Society will try to widen the view of business by present- ing the interrelations with the humani- ties, sciences, and arts. T h e first issue has articles on the study of values in business as a part of the larger study of human values, on the businessman in politics, business as presented in newspapers, T V , etc. This periodical is published by the Business Research Center, College of Business Administration, Roosevelt Uni- versity. Although Developments in Com- mercial Policy is directed principally to- ward those governments participating in G A T T , the publication may be obtained by anyone. It is divided into sections: customs tariffs and charges, quantitative restrictions, bilateral trade agreements, governmental measures of subsidization, and export promotion. Information un- der the sections is alphabetical by coun- try. Under the co-sponsorship of the De- partment of Economics, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, and of the Institute of So- cial and Economic Research, Osaka Uni- versity with financial support from the Kansai Economic Federation and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Interna- tional Economic Review is founded to introduce new national schools of thought, as the Japanese, and to publish articles primarily on quantitative eco- nomics. It will be in English. As the organ of the Institut d'£tude du Devel- oppement Economique et Social, Tiers Monde will devote itself to economic and social development on an international scope with contributions from scientists, researchers, teachers, administrators, and "Hommes d'action." T h e first number is devoted chiefly to an international meet- ing in Paris, "Planification de l'£duca- tion et Ses Facteurs £conomiques et Sociaux." C O U N T R I E S . The African Mirror is a news magazine for the new generation of bet- ter educated Africans which will try to reflect Nigeria in development as it looks both backward and forward. T h e first is- sue has illustrated articles on a wide range of subjects; e.g., national affairs, business, education, radio, sport, and movies; it contains book reviews. In its work for national prosperity through the growth of private enterprise the Liberia Chamber of Commerce is issuing a Jour- nal to keep everyone informed of the Liberia's progress. T h e first issue, with il- M A R C H 1 9 6 1 135 lustrations including maps and portraits, includes among others, articles on Li- berian industry, shipping, highways, and currency (the United States dollar is legal tender in Liberia!). As a voice of the exiled Croatians, Studia Croatica will inform Latin American countries of the history and culture of Croatia, many of whose exiles found refuge and new homes in the American republics. T h e first issue has several articles on Cardinal Stepinac, brief biographical information about the contributors, and signed book reviews. Scholars of Poland will discuss the problems of Polish Western Terri- tories, east of the Odra and Nyssa Rivers, contemporary Germany, and Central Eu- rope as a whole in Polish Western Affairs, a cooperative venture of special research institutes (or scientific societies) estab- lished in Poland. Contributions may be in English, French, or German. T h e first issue has a review section which includes more than books (e.g. "Review of the Discussion on Polish Recovered Terri- tories in the U. S. House of Representa- tives," Reece—Machrowicz), a section of notes on centers and institutions, and a section of bibliography. As a successor to Soviet Highlights, The Soviet Review will translate the most important and representative articles in the fields of literature and the arts, science and tech- nology, and social analysis and criticism, published in the Soviet Union. T h e In- dian Council for Cultural Relations through Cultural News from India will spread the culture of India throughout other countries. T h e first issue contains short news articles on organizations, ex- hibitions, prizes, publications, ceremon- ies, libraries, schools, manuscripts, etc., arranged by broad subject. Another sec- tion, "Cultural Terms," explains Sanskrit words pertaining to Indian literature and religion (in the second issue, pertaining to dances of India). A third section con- tains bibliographies. Tareas del Pensa- miento Peruano intends to be a free, popular, and progressive magazine in clarifying and spreading ideas relative to the democratic development of Peru, in the field of culture. T h e first issue con- tains articles on Garcilaso Inca de la Vega, one on Jose Maria Arguedas, on the fundamentals of Cuban socialism, on the " l i b e r a c i o n del pueblo c h i n o , " "declaration de principios del Comite Peruano de Defensa de la Revolution Cubana," etc. Philippine Arts and Archi- tecture intends to present the work of the country's outstanding architects and decorators, and it does so by illustrations, some colored; the first issue has one page of text. After attaining independence, Tunisia is mobilizing its efforts to emerge from a colonial economy, to raise the standard of living of its people. RET; Revue de I'Economie Tunisienne will be a forum for all those who wish to con- tribute to this goal. T h e first two issues have articles on olive trees, leathers and hides, phosphates, rural cooperation, and statistics on economic activity. Since Tur- key is aligning herself with the West and is a member of most of the international organizations, the Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey decided that a pub- lication in English was in order to help foment the Western interest in Turkish economic development; hence, the Turk- ish Economic Review. T h e first issue in- cludes articles on the laws concerning foreign capital investments, agriculture, iron and steel casting industry, irriga- tion, decrees which would affect trade, statistics on production and markets. Ex- perts in various fields using verified data and official statistics will provide all types of information on Yugoslavia, in Yugo- slav Survey. This periodical, published for English speaking peoples, is based on Jugoslovenski Pregled. T h e first issue contains several articles on the country's foreign policy, its economy, and other categories. EDUCATION, F I L M S . By publishing re- views of college and university textbooks 136 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S and criticisms of educational practice and theory, The University Bookman hopes to raise the standards of higher education. T h e first issue contains the first part of "Education as Part of Amer- ica's Secular Religion," by Ernest van den Haag and an article reviewing texts in freshman rhetoric, by Warren L. Fleis- hauer, and a section "News and Notes." For the present, subscribers to National Review will receive this periodical. Stud- ies in Philosophy and Education will contain "technical philosophic inquiries that are carried out in depth," will be a place "where the primary materials are sustained analyses." T h e journal may contain debates that will be on a con- tinuing basis. T h e first issue is devoted to " T h e Community Criterion in Judg- mental Practice," by R. B. Raup; this article will be critically appraised in the next issue by Abraham Edel. Formed by the union of Science and Film and Sci- entific Film Review, Scientific Film [Film] Scientifique is to be a medium of ex- change in developments and experiences in cinematographic techniques for mem- bers of the International Scientific Film Association. T h e first issue includes ap- praisals of films arranged by subjects: chemistry, education, research (i.e. films which illustrate the use of the cinecamera as a research tool). E L E C T R O N I C S . T h e purpose of Indus- trial Electronics is to make known to producers of goods and services the econ- omies and efficiency to be obtained through the use of electronics in measur- ing or controlling any manufacturing process or business operation. Conse- quently, the first issue has many small news items, illustrated, on new devices and their use in industry. In addition there are book reviews and notices con- cerning small publications as bulletins, brochures, and data sheets. T h e publish- ers of The Microwave Journal are now beginning The Solid State Journal to be in a similar manner: written by and for those in the solid state industry, articles both technical and non-technical. T h e technical contributions in the first issue are "A Survey of Tunnel Diodes," "A Review of the Thin Film Cryotron," "Low-Impedance Shunt-Feedback Video Amplifier Design-Part I . " T o meet the increasing interest in the applications of solid-state physics to electronic technol- ogy, Pergamon Press is publishing Solid- State Electronics for an international audience. Contributions may be in Eng- lish, French, or German preceded by summaries in the same three languages. G E N E R A L C U L T U R E . T o sift the printed outpourings and to summarize that ma- terial on "frontier problems" is the goal of Current. "Frontier problems" are 3- fold: they relate to our way of life, con- sider scientific knowledge, and pertain to unsolved questions. T h e source of the quotation or summary is given and the author is named. T h e Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association is starting a Journal to contain "interdisci- plinary studies of American culture," with accent on the Middle West and hopes to include articles on special re- search institutions, the Harry S. Truman Library being the one discussed in the first issue. Signed book reviews are in- cluded. By including the best articles on the general culture (art, history, science, literature, music, etc.) of Asia, Eastern Horizon, published in Hong Kong will give a wide understanding of the life and culture of that part of the world. T h e first issue is illustrated (line drawings and photos) and has brief biographical notes about the contributors. Quest . . . for Tomorrow will probe, analyze, ex- amine, look forward to or look back upon any facet of U. S. life. T h e first is- sue, highly illustrated, has articles on missiles from a financial point of view, the Ohio River, food additives, plastics, maintenance men. Under the direction of Daniel Cosfo Villegas, the Colegio de Mexico is publishing Foro Internacional M A R C H 1 9 6 1 137 with contributors from Mexico and the United States. T h e first issue has articles ranging from the North American view of international politics to Arab neu- trality. H I S T O R Y , P H I L O S O P H Y . Revision His- torica is being issued for Argentinians on Argentinian history. T h e first issue con- tains a lengthy article on the social con- dition of the 19th century laborer in Tucuman and shorter articles, with sec- tions called "Textos Historicos" and "Cronica"; starting with the next issue, there will be a section on books and pub- lications. T h e Revista de Historia, pub- lished in Caracas by the Centro de Estu- dios Historicos, Universidad Central, hopes to be "un jalon en el empeno de hacer de los estudios historicos herra- mienta propicia para comprender nuestro pasado, para tener la exacta medida de nuestro presente, y metodo para poder antever nuestro posible desarrollo." How- ever, the magazine will be open to schol- ars of American and universal history. A most timely journal is The Journal of African History, edited by R. A. Oliver and J . D. Fage, plus an international ad- visory editorial board. Among others, the first issue has articles on the Niger River, coins, archives, Ashanti kings, and the Government General of French West Africa. There is also an extensive section of signed book reviews. Journal [of] Southeast Asian History will accept arti- cles on any phase of Southeast Asian his- tory from any scholar. T h e authors of the articles of the first issue, devoted to "Na- tionalism in Malaya," are not identified, nor are their qualifications specified. T h e issue contains signed book reviews and also one long "review article" on "Chinese Secret Societies in Malaya," by L. F. Comber. Heraldisk Tidsskrift, published by the Heraldisk Selskab, will contain articles pertaining to heraldry in the Scandinavian countries, Finland, and Iceland. T h e first issue contains articles on the seals of individuals (e.g. Christian I of Denmark) on the heraldry of medi- eval Danish kings and an article on how punched cards can help in the study of heraldry. T o the disciplines of the his- tories of buildings, art, and culture is added that of "die Burgenkunde," exem- plified in Burgen und Schldsser in its at- tempt to stimulate interest and zeal on the part of the public in the preservation of castles and historic houses in all of Europe as well as in Germany. T h e fa- thers of the Jesuit Faculties of Philosophy and Theology of Heythrop College, Oxon, England are the directors of The Heythrop Journal. T h e first issue con- tains four main articles: "Man and Meta- physics, I"; "Ecumenical Conclusions"; "Tradition, Church, and Dogma"; "Sa- cred Meals at Qumran?" In addition there are signed book reviews and an an- notated selected list of British books on philosophy and theology. LAW. The Adelaide Law Review will be devoted to the law and legal profes- sion of South Australia in academic and practical interests. In addition to articles by lawyers, the first issue includes dis- cussions of various recent cases and signed book reviews. Under the director- ship of Alfredo Buzaid, the Revista de Direito Processual Civil will try to be an impartial forum for opinions on Brazil- ian law and will also present suggestions from foreign law which may aid in per- fecting the national system. It will not be purely theoretical but will also pre- sent and analyze specific cases in order to interpret Brazilian law. It will include critical bibliography of both foreign and Brazilian literature. Under the editor- ship of Daniel J . Cantor, Law Office Eco- nomics and Management will stress prac- tical articles on economics and manage- ment to the benefit of the small or large law office, the new or experienced lawyer. In Digest of Opinions of Attorneys Gen- eral, prepared for the National Associa- tion of Attorneys General, the items are listed by key words followed by city, state and date in parentheses. T h e digests are 138 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S brief and succinct. Democrazia e Diritto will discuss constitutional law with em- phasis on Italy under its 1947 Constitu- tion; the first two issues have extensive sections of notes and discussions, signed book reviews, and "giurisprudenza com- mentata." T h e journal is published un- der the auspices of the Associazione Italiana Giuristi Democratici. People in the gas and oil industry, who are also in- terested in legal aspects, will welcome Oil and Gas Legal Digest which will present in readable and condensed text, cases reflecting legal changes; however, there will be no attempt to present legal advice. L I B R A R I E S . The Carrel will publicize the notable collections of the University of Miami Library. T h e first issue has articles on recent acquisitions of the Li- brary, on the voyages of John Cabot, on Theodore Spicer-Simson and one of the Spicer-Simson lectures. As the official or- gan of the Association of American Li- brary Schools, The Journal of Education for Lihrarianship replaces the AALS Di- rectory, the AALS Newsletter, and the association's Reports of the Meetings. As such, it will contain articles on li- brary schools, students, and teachers, and on education for librarianship in general. Although The Church Library Magazine is published by a Southern Baptist agency, the articles could be of interest and use to most church librarians and teachers. T h e first issue includes articles on audio- visual aids, a play, booklists, book re- views, book selection. L I T E R A T U R E . Analects will contain art reproductions, critical articles, poetry, and short stories by faculty members of and outside speakers at the Woman's College of the University of North Caro- lina. Sans book reviews, sans literary criticism, sans politics, Between Worlds will publish any creative works in Eng- lish, French, German, Italian, Portu- guese or Spanish. First Person is described by its subtitle "A Journal of Travel, Memoirs 8c Humor." T h e first issue is il- lustrated, chiefly by portraits of the con- tributors, among whom are Thornton Wilder, Allan Seager, Ford Madox Ford. Although the main purpose is to publish translations of Greek authors since the War of Independence The Charioteer will accept any material with a Greek theme, or new translations of Greek of any period. T h e first issue has articles, for example, both by and about Nikos Kazantzakis and Stratis Myrivilis. There are also illustrations by Greek artists. Fresco will publish essays, short stories and poems of new as.well as of known writers. Blessed with a most captivating title, The Fat Abbot will concern itself with the excellence of literary quality, not concerning itself with genre, period or author. The Minnesota Review is in- terested in printing "good writing," the authors are not limited to Minnesotans, and will include fiction, poetry, criticism, and reviews. T h e magazine is being pub- lished under a grant from the McKnight Foundation with Allen Tate as advisory editor. MAN. Appalled by the damage and de- struction to mounds, sites and antiquities by thoughtless collectors and vandals, the editor of Gems & Minerals hit upon the idea of educating these people out of the nuisance class into true amateur archaeologists and anthropologists by hobbies and a magazine devoted to that end; hence, Science of Man. T h e first issue has a slant toward Mexico, but the magazine will try to deal impartially with all subjects. T o understand man in his changes and growth, expected and unex- pected, the Journal of Existential Psy- chiatry will present contributions from various sciences and fields that study the human being. T h e editorial board is in- ternational. As a continuation of Ethno- graphisch-Arc h do logisch e Forschungen, Ethn ograp h isch-A rch aologische Zeitsch- rift will present articles on patterns of M A R C H 1 9 6 1 139 the early social development of mankind, with the help of ethnologists and archae- ologists primarily from the German Dem- ocratic Republic. T h e first issue has, in addition to general articles, abstracts of doctoral dissertations, news items about expeditions, meetings, and signed book reviews. The Mankind Quarterly, under the editorship of R. Gayre of Gayre, in- tends to fill the gap caused by the em- phasis of studies on the social aspect of mankind rather than on the racial aspect. Articles presented will be objective and scientific, international in scope. Most book reviews included are unsigned; critical ones are initialed or signed. T h e American Anthropological Association is issuing Fellow Newsletter, superseding its Bulletin. T h e new publication con- tains notices of meetings of associations and congresses, notices of new associa- tions, new publications, new programs, grants, fellowships, exchanges, all of which could be of interest to anthropol- ogists. M A T H E M A T I C S . Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic is devoted to "symbolic logic and its applications, to metalogic, semantics, the foundations of mathe- matics, to the history of logic and to the fields immediately related to logic." Pa- pers may be in English, French or Ger- man; book reviews will not be a regular feature. T h e Academic Press, under the editorship of Richard Bellman, is launch- ing the Journal of Mathematical Analy- sis and Applications which will contain papers treating classical analysis. T h e first issue contains two long contribu- tions, " T h e Hydrodynamical Equations of a One Component System Derived from Nonequilibrium Statistical Me- chanics" and " T h e Dirichlet Functional" and four short articles. Archive for His- tory of Exact Sciences will publish arti- cles on historical research in mathemati- cal and physical sciences and in natural philosophy. Contributions may be in English, French, German, Italian, Latin or Spanish. T h e first number contains, two articles: "A Program toward Redis- covering the Rational Mechanics of the Age of Reason," by C. Truesdell, the editor; "Anfange des Euklidischen Ax- iomensystems," by Arpad Szabo. M E D I C I N E . Under the editorship of Charles M. Poser with international boards of editors and consulting editors World Neurology intends to publish arti- cles from less well known areas and in the lesser known languages, to try to eliminate barriers in the interchange of ideas. T h e contributions will be trans- lated into English, French, German or in Spanish with summaries in the other three languages. Book reviews are also in one of the four accepted languages. The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology will contain original contributions chiefly in general and experimental psychology to publicize the research work being done in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. It is published by the psycho- logical associations of Scandinavia. Both original articles and articles condensed from legal periodicals will fill the pages of Medicolegal Digest, contributions from doctors and lawyers. T h e first issue has also "Trends in the News," "Current Cases," and one book review. T h e Jour- nal of Nuclear Medicine will publish original articles "in clinical medicine, basic and clinical medical research, phys- ics and chemistry dealing with the use of isotopes in humans, and articles on re- lated subjects. T h e latter includes dosim- etry, instrumentation, protection, tech- niques and biologic effects contributing to the use-or effects of isotopes in clinical medicine or the clinical effects of ioniz- ing radiation." It is the official journal of the Society of Nuclear Research. In the same pursuit as Medical Tribune of this year's earlier list, Medical World News intends to keep the physician up to date on new developments in medicine and in the various related fields in a medical journalism style. T h e pilot issue has arti- 140 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S cles on where the presidential candidates stand on medical care of the aged, the first issue also has an article on federal care for the aged, on foreign-trained doc- tors with a test-yourself-sample from their examination, on smoking, on product news, on names in the news. Conference will pertain solely to furthering the edu- cation of members in the health profes- sion and allied fields. It will present "how-to" articles (first issue: How to De- liver Papers at Scientific Meetings) stim- ulate improvement of and encourage participation in postgraduate education and report on seminars and conferences. T h e National Institute of Dental Re- search, Bethesda, Md., was established to do research in and thus increase the knowledge of dental diseases; and to make this knowledge available to the practitioner and to enable the people, as a consequency, to receive the benefits of this research, Dental Progress was ini- tiated. Although the American Medical Association considers Archives of En- vironmental Health a change of title of A.M.A. Archives of Industrial Health, nevertheless, it is being listed because it is called v.l, no.l. T h e purpose of the title change was to reflect the broadened scope of the periodical. T h e first issue in- cludes a sizeable section called "Abstracts from Current Literature." Agressologie is explained by the translation of its sub- title "International Review of Physio- Biology and Pharmacology Applied to the Effects of Agression." T h e term "agression" includes the action of agents attacking the living organism from out- side or in, e.g., burning, cold, lack of air, poisoning, surgical operations, etc. T h e illustrated articles are in French with summaries usually in French, English, German and Spanish. R A C E S . American Negro Reference Guide contains lists of higher educa- tional institutions in the U. S. for Ne- groes, of Negro program radio stations, annotated lists of Negro newspapers and periodicals in the U. S., and articles on the Negro consumer market. T h e In- stitute Brasileiro-Judaico de Cultura e Divulga^ao is publishing Comentario as a forum of Judaism for Brazilian read- ers; and it will maintain a policy of not dictating to contributors but of allowing them freedom and responsibility in their views. T h e contributors are international. R E C R E A T I O N . Although the American Recreation Journal is published as the organ of the American Recreation Soci- ety, municipalities, sports clubs, and even dealers would probably find interest in its columns which are aimed at solving problems in recreation, spreading news of new equipment and generally keeping up with this rapidly growing facet of human experience. Book reviews are included. Das Tier, whose editors are directors of the zoological gardens in Frankfurt and Zurich and of the Max- Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiol- ogie, will not be a technical magazine but a recreational one, profusely illus- trated (some in color) for those interested in nature and animal life. R E L I G I O N . Believing that religion is needed in today's world, and that Juda- ism offers hope to man, the Jewish Infor- mation Society is publishing Jewish In- formation to disseminate information about Judaism to anyone seeking to learn more about that religion. Teologia y Vida is a publication of the Facultad de Sag- rada Teologia, Universidad Catolica de Chile. T h e first issue has several articles on theology, among others; the second is- sue is devoted to the "Teologia del Matri- monio"; the third is to be on the "Euca- ristfa"; the fourth, on "Problemas Actu- ates de Teologia Moral." Each of the first two issues contains a section "Cron- ica de la Iglesfa" and book reviews. S C I E N C E . T h e International Journal of Mechanical Sciences hopes to fill the need of an international high quality journal M A R C H 1 9 6 1 141 in applied mechanics since the national field is well covered; any author may sub- mit papers, but the publication will be in English. Each article, illustrated, is preceded by a summary and followed by bibliographical references. T h e boards of editors are international. Coinciding with the independence of the Cameroons, Recherches et Etudes Camerounaises is starting a new life. It hopes to inform people—those outside the country and those inside—on some of the technical and scientific pursuits of the Cameroons. T h e first issue has articles on foods and nourishment in Batouri, pirogue races, malaria and the mosquito, and soils. Journal of Anomalies will publish pa- pers in the physical sciences which show conclusions contrary to the conventional application of theory, papers usually ex- cluded by most professional journals. T h e first issue, illustrated and docu- mented, is on "Heat Sublimation and Vapor Pressure of C a r b o n , " by Ar- thur L. Davis. T h e Rendiconti degli Istituti Scientifici della Universitd di Camerino is being issued especially to contain and publicize the experimental research carried on in the laboratories of the University's Facolta Scientifiche. However, works on biological sciences from other institutes will also be pub- lished. T h e editors intend for the first article in each number to be of a gen- eral character by an expert, foreign or Italian. T h e Latvian Section of the All- Union Entomological Society is issuing Latvijas Entomologs to popularize ento- mology and to publicize the Section's work. T h e contributions are in Latvian, with summaries in Russian and German or English. Crustaceana, by its subtitle, an international journal of crustacean research, has international boards of editors and advisory editors, and as far as the first two numbers are concerned, the contributors are international. T h e illustrated articles are in English, French, or German, each summarized in one of the other two languages. T h e Biological Society of the University of St. Andrews is presenting The Biological Journal for dispersing general biological information and especially for presenting the re- searches of final honours years students in biology. T h e first issue contains also a goodly number of book reviews. Chesa- peake Science, issued by the Maryland Department of Research and Education, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solo- mons, Md., will contain papers of re- search and management studies on the natural resources of the Chesapeake Bay area. It will be sent free to libraries, sci- entific institutions, laboratories, state conservation agencies, and to Maryland conservation agencies and selected sec- ondary schools. A VC; Agricultural & Vet- erinary Chemicals will publicize scien- tific advances in attempts to control or eliminate pests, weeds, and diseases in crops and livestock; studies on stored products, seeds, plant growth substances, trace elements, etc.; and general news, e.g., personalities, book reviews, associ- ations. Genetical Research will publish any original work in English on or relat- ing to genetics. Contributions in the first issue are from institutions in England and Scotland, and are reports of scien- tific experiments, to a large extent with mice or rabbits. T h e articles are accom- panied by summaries in English and references. Nucleus; la Revue Scien- tifique a I'Age Atomique will draw upon the younger scholarly scientists who are foremost in their fields to help keep other scientists, technicians, and young stu- dents abreast of new developments and relationships in the scientific world. T h e first issue is well illustrated usually including portraits and biographical sketches of the contributors. Four main articles are summarized in Latin. Nu- clear Engineering Abstracts, emphasizing engineering is directed to engineers in nuclear work, the nuclear scientists inter- ested in engineering, the manufacturers, and operators of nuclear plants. Many periodicals are reviewed and experts help 142 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S in the selection of material to be ab- tracted. The journal is arranged by sub- ject with a subject outline, author index, and list of journals indexed, the latter three cumulative through each volume. Since many journals in biochemistry do not publish papers on methodology, An- alytical Biochemistry will fill the lacunae by supplying information on new and improved methods in biochemistry, bio- physics and experimental biology. T h e advisory board is international; the edi- tor is Alvin Nason. British published Polymer contains technical articles on the "chemistry, physics and technology of high polymers." T h e contributions, summarized, documented, and illus- trated, will be only in English. Signed books reviews are included, plus a sec- tion "Letters to the Editors" which, in this instance, contains outlines of works of which fuller reports will follow. Cryo- genics, with an international editorial board, will publish original papers on all aspects of low temperature engineer- ing and research. T h e original papers, illustrated, will be in English with ab- stracts in English, French, German and Russian. There are sections of "Letters to the Editors," signed book reviews, and a bibliography of periodical articles on low temperature physics and engineer- ing. Under an international board of editors, the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer will present original papers on transfer processes and their application to engineering prob- lems. Each article is preceded by sum- maries in English, French, German, and Russian. T h e journal includes a bibliog- raphy international in scope and book reviews. S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y . S O C I A L Q U E S T I O N S . B y publishing Social Security Rulings on Federal Old Age, Survivors, and Disabil- ity Insurance, the Social Security Admin- istration hopes to give the public a grasp of the program's provisions. The publica- tion will be in three parts, part one con- tains decisions and interpretations of the administration; part two containing changes in the Social Security Act; and part three containing items which would not fall in the other two parts. Trabajo y Seguridad Social, produced jointly by the Instituto de Ciencias Politicas y Ad- ministrativas, Universidad de Chile and the Sociedad Chilena de Derecho del Trabojo y de la Seguridad Social, will be in three sections: " I . T r a b a j o ; " " I I . Seguridad Social: A. Doctrina, B. Legis- lation, C. Jurisprudencia;" " I I I . Infor- maciones y Documentos." New Univer- sity Thought claims to be a political and scholarly journal of opinion in its intention of developing "a coherent way of looking at society which can provide a rational basis for a political program for the '60's and '70's." Articles, which may cover any field of scholarly research, will have a radical ("to the root") mode of analysis. T h e first issue contains, among others, articles on demonstrations by colored students in the South, U. S. foreign policy in Latin America, educa- tion, and nuclear bomb tests. Recherches Sociographiques, published by the Dept. of Sociology, University of Laval, will contain research monographs on Cana- dian society with emphasis on French Canada. Among the articles in the first issue are papers on municipal borrowing in upper Canada, wood cutters, and a study on urban population. There is a section on research studies in progress and signed book reviews. Situacion de- clares itself a militant magazine of trends, socialist and Marxist, claiming to be the latter because, using Marxist methods of analysis, it will try to construct a doc- trine for the underdeveloped countries of South America, serving exclusively the working class. T h e Archives Europeenes de Sociologie is published for two pur- poses: " T o reaffirm and continue the European tradition of historical and comparative sociology, and to incorpo- rate in it the more important contribu- tions made by empirical studies, in social M A R C H 1 9 6 1 143 anthropology and social psychology as well as sociology . . . [and] to encourage comparative studies of the institutions of European societies, and of European institutions in other parts of the world where they have been established." Arti- cles may be in English, French, German, or other languages. Although supersed- ing The British Journal of Delinquency, The British Journal of Criminology has not changed its policy which remains "to promote research into the diagnosis, etiology, treatment, and prevention of crime." Signed book reviews are included as well as a classified bibliography of articles in periodicals. T h e journal is published on behalf of the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delin- quency, London. Current Thought on Peace and War has a subject arrange- ment international in scope, divided by published materials and current research, each item listed alphabetically by author. T h e items, which are numbered consecu- tively, are listed with complete biblio- graphical data and with summaries (ex- cepting some listed in current research). T h e first issue includes a list of insti- tutes, centers, and foundations interested in research. SPACE. T h e International Council of Scientific Unions established a Commit- tee on Space Research in which national scientific institutions have membership. One of the publications of the Commit- tee is COSPAR Information Bulletin which lists satellites and space probes with "biographical data" of each, reports on meetings in which space research was discussed, list of future meetings, and list of the Committee's publications. T h e third issue has an article on "Dissemina- tion of Cloud Picture Data from Tiros I." STL Space Log contains information, condensed and in detail, on spacecraft— those successfully launched, those now in orbit, those which failed. T E C H N O L O G Y . At a time of interest in world power resources, British Power Engineering is making its appearance. T h e first issue contains articles on the Priest Rapids (Washington state) power plant, the Kariba (Africa) power scheme, the Bradwell (England) power station, on electrification of British railways, on training engineers, new equipment and processes, etc. Believing that the 1960's will be known as the "systems decade"— the purpose of a system being to produce information—Data Processing and Mi- crofilming Systems is being published to describe the effective systems already in use in business, education, government to those responsible for collecting, re- cording, and retrieving information. New techniques will also be discussed; book reviews are included. Because of the pos- sible interest to technical and archi- tectural libraries, Plywood is entered in this list. T h e first issue has a variety of articles: job rating, news notes on firms and veneer plants, scientific research, practical applications and methods. Periodicals AVC; Agricultural & Veterinary Chemicals. Cut- lands Press Ltd., 10 Gilbert Place, London, W. C. 1, England, v. 1, no. 1, May/June 1960. Bimonthly. $4.50. The Adelaide Law Review. T h e Adelaide Law Review Association, Law School, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, v. 1, no. 1, April 1960. Frequency not given. $1.75 per issue. The African Mirror. Continental Magazines Company, 9, Oluwa Lane, Apapa Road, Lagos, Nigeria, no. 1, January 27, 1960. Weekly, Price not given. Agressologie. S. P. E. I., 14, rue Drouot, Paris (9e) no. 1, April 1960. 6 no. a year. 95,-NF. American Anthropological Association. Fellow Newsletter. American Anthropological Associa- tion, 1530 P Street, N. W „ Washington 5, D. C. v. 1, no. 1/2, January /February 1960. Monthly (except July and August) $2.00. 144 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S American Negro Reference Guide. World Mutual Exchange, Inc., 79 Wall Street, New York 5, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, September 1960. Monthly. $10.00. American Recreation Journal. Hoffrec Publish- ing Corporation, 425 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, August/September 1960. 9 no. a year. $5.00. Analects. Mortimer Guiney, Chairman, Editorial Committee of Analects, Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. v. 1, no. 1, October 1960. Frequency not given. $2.00. Analytical Chemistry. Academic Press Inc., I l l Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. 6 no. a year. $15.00. Archive for History of Exact Sciences. Lange & Springer, One Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Heidel- berger Platz 3 (West Berlin) Germany, v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Frequency not given. DM 19.60 each issue. Archives Europeenes de Sociologie. T h e Free Press, 119 West Lake Street, Chicago 1, 111. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. 2 no. a year. $4.00 . Archives of Environmental Health. American Medical Association, 535 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 10, 111. v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. Monthly. $8.00. Between Worlds. Inter American University, San German, Puerto Rico, U.S.A. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Frequency not given. $2.00. The Biological Journal. T h e Subscription De- partment, T h e Biological Journal, 67 Arden Street, Edinburgh, 9, Scotland, v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1960. Semiannual. $1.00. Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Bra- sileira. Funda<;ao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 1, Portugal, v. 1, no. I, January/March 1960. Quarterly. 40#00. The British Journal of Criminology. Quadrangle Books, Inc., 119 West Lake Street, Chicago 1, 111. v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. Quarterly. $6.00. British Power Engineering. George Newnes Ltd., Tower House, Southampton Street, London W. C. 2, England, v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Monthly. $7.50. Burgen und Schldsser. Geschaftsstelle der Deut- schen Burgenvereinigung, Marksburg ob Brau- bach/Rhein, Germany. 1, 1960. 2 no. a year. DM8,-each number. Business and Society. Roosevelt University, 430 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Autumn 1960. Semiannual. $2.00 (for two years) COSPAR Information Bulletin. COSPAR Secre- tariat, Nieuwe Schoolstraat 28, T h e Hague, Netherlands, no. 1, March 1960. Irregular. Free? M A R C H 1 9 6 1 Camerino. Universitd. Rendiconti degli Istituti Scientifici della Universitd. Dott. ssa Loreta Bellini, Segretaria Amministrativa della Ri- vista, Camerino, Italy, v. 1, no. 1, April 1960. Quarterly. $8.00. The Carrel. Friends of the University of Miami Library, Coral Gables 46, Florida, v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. 2 no. a year. $2.00. Central Mississippi Valley American Studies As- sociation. Journal. Jerzy Hauptmann, Secre- tary-Treasurer, CMVASA, Park College, Park- ville, Mo. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1960. Semiannual? $1.50. The Charioteer. Parnassos, Greek Cultural Soci- ety of New York, Box 2928, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Quarterly. $5.00. Chesapeake Science. Romeo J . Mansueti, Man- aging Editor, Chesapeake Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Md. v. 1, no. 1, April 1960. Frequency not given. $2.00. The Church Library Magazine. Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist Convention, 127 Ninth Avenue North, Nashville 3, Tenn. v. 1, no. 1, October/November/December 1960. Quarterly. $2.00. Comentario. Av. Rio Branco, 18 sala 1507, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, v. 1, no. 1, January/Febru- ary/March 1960. Quarterly Cr#400.00. Commercial Kitchen Equipment & Supplies. Boston Publishing Company, Inc., 221 Colum- bus Avenue, Boston 16, Mass. v. 1, no. 1, November 1960. Quarterly. Price not given. Conference. Science Information Bureau, Inc., 34 East 51st Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, August 1960. Irregular. Free. Contract; the Magazine of Commercial Furnish- ing and Planning. H. M. S. Publications, Inc., 132 West 31st Street, New York 1, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, November 1960. Monthly. $9.00. Crustaceana. E. J . Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, v. 1, no. 1, January 1960. Frequency not given. Price not given. Cryogenics. Heywood & Company Ltd., Scien- tific Publications Department, Carlton House, Great Queen Square, London, W. C. 2, Eng- land. v. 1, no. 1, September 1960. Quarterly. $15.00. Cultural News from India. Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Pataudi House, New Delhi, India, v. 1, no. 1, January 1960. Bimonthly. Price not given. Current. 177 East 7lst Street, New York 21, N. Y. no. 1, May 1960. Monthly. $8.00. Current Thought on Peace and War. Room 1474, 11 West 42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, Winter 1960. Quarterly. $5.00. 145 Data Processing and Microfilming System. Data Processing Publishing Corporation, 10 East 40th Street, New York 16, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. Quarterly. $2.00. Democrazia e Diritto. Via Ludovisi, n. 35, Rome, Italy, v. 1, no. 1, January/March 1960. Quar- terly. L.2.000. Dental Progress. University of Chicago Press, 1225 East 60th Street, Chicago 37, 111. v. 1, no. 1, October 1960. Quarterly. $8.00. Developments in Commercial Policy. Secretariat of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Villa Le Bocage, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, no. 1, January-June 1960. Semiannual. Free. Digest of Opinions of Attorneys General. Council of State Governments, 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago 37, 111. v. 1, no. 1, August 1960. Monthly. $10.00. Eastern Horizon. William Dawson & Sons Ltd., Cannon House, Macklin Street, London W. C. 2, England, v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. Monthly. $5.00. Ethnographisch-Archaologische Zeitschrift. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin W 8, Niederwallstrasse 39 (East Berlin) Ger- many. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Semiannual. 10,-DM. each number. The Fat Abbot. Box 2011, Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut. Fall 1960. 3 no. a year. $3.00. First Person. Morton D. Elevitch, Editor, Drum- lin Road, Rockport, Mass. 1st issue, Fall 1960. 3 no. a year. $2.50. Foro Internacional. Colegio de Mexico, Durango, 93, Mexico 7, D. F., Mexico, v. 1, no. 1, July/ September 1960. Quarterly. $5.00. Fresco. University of Detroit, 4001 West McNich- ols Road, Detroit, Mich. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. 3 no. a year. $1.50. Genetical Research. Cambridge University Press, American Branch, 32 East 75th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, February 1960. 3 no. a year. $17.50. Gerrnanistik. Max Niemeyer Verlag, Pfrondorfer Strasse 5, Tubingen, Germany, v. 1, no. 1, Jan- uary 1960. Quarterly. $1.50 per issue if annual subscription is taken. Greek Bibliography. Ministry to the Prime Min- ister's Office, General Direction of Press, Re- search and Cultural Relations Division, Sec- tion of National Culture, 3 Zalocosta Street, Athens, Greece, v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Quarterly. Free? Tidsskrift. Redakt0r Sven T i t o Achen, Kong Georgsvej 52, 5. sal, K0benhavn F., Swe- den. no. 1, 1960. Frequency not given. 20 da. kr. The Heythrop Journal. Fordham University Press, New York 58, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1960. Quarterly. $6.00. An Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities. Phillip Thomson, P. O. Box 606, Detroit 6, Mich. Quarterly, v. 1, no. 1, March 31, 1960. $7.50. Industrial Electronics. Sutton Publishing Com- pany, 172 South Broadway, White Plains, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, September 1960. Monthly. Price not given. International Atomic Energy Agency. List of Bibliographies on Nuclear Energy. T h e Direc- tor, Division of Scientific and Technical Infor- mation, International Atomic Energy Agency, Karntnerring 11, Vienna I, Austria, v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Irregular. Price not given. International Economic Review. Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. v. 1, no. 1, Janu- ary 1960. 3 no. a year. $4.00. International Journal of Heat and Mass Trans- fer. Pergamon Press Inc., 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Bi- monthly. $20.00. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.. Pergamon Press Inc., 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, January 1960. Bi- monthly. $17.00. Jewish Information. Jewish Information Society, 127 North Dearborn Street, Chicago 2, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Frequency not given. $2.00. The Journal of African History. Cambridge Uni- versity Press, American 3ranch, 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Semiannual. $5.50. Journal of Anomalies. Arthur L. Davis, 1125 Montview Drive, Knoxville 14, Tenn. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Frequency not given. $1.00 per issue. The Journal of Education for Librarianship. Publications Office, University of Illinois Grad- uate School of Library Science, Urbana, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Quarterly. $5.00. Journal of Existential Psychiatry. Libra Pub- lishers, Inc., 445 West 23rd Street, New York 11, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1960. Quarterly. $8.00. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applica- tions. Academic Press Inc., I l l Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. 4 no. a year. $16.00. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Samuel N. Turiel & Associates, Inc., 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, 111. v. 1, no. 1, January 1960. Quar- terly. $10.00. 146 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S Journal [of] Southeast Asian History. Secretary, Journal of Southeast Asian History, University of Malaya in Singapore, Singapore 10. v. 1, no. 1, March 1960. Semiannual. M#10/-(£1.3.6) Latvijas Entomologs. Riga 7, Kleisti, Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijas Biologijas instituta. Frequency not given. 2rbl. 50 kap. per issue. Law Office Economics and Management. Callag- han & Company, 165 North Archer Avenue, Mundelein, III. v. 1, no. 1, May 1960. Quar- terly. $20.00. Liberia Chamber of Commerce. Journal. Con- solidated Publications Company, 11-13 Baker Street, London W. 1, England, no. 1, January 1960. Quarterly. $1.50. Machine Age. Rowse Muir International Lim- ited, Rowse Muir Building, Charlotte Street, London W l , England, v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Monthly. $5.40. The Mankind Quarterly. 1 Darnaway Street, Edinburgh 3, Scotland, v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. $4.00. Marine Distribution. H. L. Peace Publications, 624 Gravier Street, New Orleans 12, La. v. 1, no. 1, September 1960. 7 no. a year. $4.00. Medical World News. Medical World Publishing Company, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, April 22, I960. Biweekly. $12.50. Medicolegal Digest. Medicolegal Publishing As- sociation, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chi- cago 11, III. v. 1, no. I, May 1960. Monthly. $13.50. The Miniature Book Collector. Achille J. St. Onge, 7 Arden Road, Worcester 6, Mass. v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Quarterly. $1.00. The Minnesota Review. Box 4068, University Station, Minneapolis 14, Minn. v. 1, no. 1, October 1960. Frequency not given. $3.00. New University Thought. New University Thought Publishing Company, 909 East 55th Street, Chicago 37, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Spring 1960. 3 no. a year? $1.50. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Ind. v. 1, no. 1/2, January 1960. Quarterly. $6.00. Nuclear Engineering Abstracts. Silver End Docu- mentary Publications Ltd., 9-11, Tottenham Street, London, W. 1, England, v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. 4 no. a year. $18.50. Nucleus; la Revue Scientifique a I'Age Atomique. Dunod, fiditeur, 92, rue Bonaparte, Paris-6e. no. 1, January/February 1960. Bimonthly. 55 NF. Oil and Gas Legal Digest. P. O. Box 1911, Oil Center Station, Lafayette, La. v. 1, no. 1, Octo- ber 1960. Monthly. $120.00. Packaging Design. 535 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Quarterly. $6.00. Philippine Arts and Architecture. Agents for the U. S. A., Cellar Book Shop, 17140 Mendota, Detroit 21, Mich. v. 1, no. 1, January/March 1960. Quarterly. $14.50. Plyivood. Review Publishing Company, Publish- ers Building, 3516 North College Ave., Indian- apolis 5, Ind. v. I, no. I, June 1960. Monthly. $6.00. Polish Western Affairs. Export & Import Com- pany " R u c h , " Warsaw, Poland. Wilcza 46. v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Frequency not given. $2 00. Polymer. Butterworths Scientific Publications, 4 & 5 Bell Yard, London, W. C. 2, England, v. 1, no. 1, March 1960. Quarterly. $15.00. Quest . . . for Tomorrow. Putnam Publishing Company, 111 East Delaware Place, Chicago 11, 111. v. 1, no. 1, Summer 1960. Quarterly. $14.00. R E I; Revue de I'Economic Tunisienne. Soci£te Tunisienne d'fidition et de Presse Film£e, 23, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Tunis, Tunisia, no. 1, 1960. Bimonthly. 200 millimes per num- ber. Recherches et Etudes Camerounaises. Institut de Recherches Scientifiques du Cameroun, B. P. 193, Yaounde (Cameroun) 1, 1960. Semiannual. Price not given (obtainable also on exchange basis) Recherches Sociographiques. Les Presses Univer- sitaires Laval, 28, rue Sainte-Famille, Quebec 4, Canada, v. 1, no. 1, January/March 1960. 4 no. a year. $5.50. Revision Histdrica. Instituto de Estudios His t6ricos y Sociales Argentinos "Alejandro He- redia," San Juan 341, T u c u m i n , Argentina, v. 1, no. 1, May 1960. Semiannual. Price not given. Revista de Direito Processual Civil. Saraiva S. A. Livreiros-Editores, Sao Paulo, Brazil, v. 1, January/June 1960. Frequency not given. Price not given. Revista de Historia. Edificio "Halven," Esq. Monroy-Of. 203, Caracas, Venezuela, v. 1, no. 1, April 1960. Frequency not given. Price not given. STL Space Log. Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. P. O. Box 95001, Los Angeles 45, Calif, v. 1, no. 1, July 1, 1960. Frequency not given. Price not given. The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Alm- qvist & Wiksell, 26, Gamla Brogatan, Stock- holm, Sweden, v. 1, no. 1, 1960. Quarterly. Sw Kr. 40:-. Science of Alan. Gemac Corporation, 1797 Capri Avenue, Men tone, Calif, v. 1, no. 1, December 1960. Bimonthly. $4.00. M A R C H 1 9 6 1 147 Scientific Film. [Film] Scientifique. Scientific Film Association, 3 Belgrave Square, London. W. 1, England, v. 1, no. 1, June 1960. Bimonthly. $3.00. Situacidn. Casilla de Correo N°. 3115, Buenos Aires, Argentina, no. 1, March 1960. Monthly. 15 pesos m/argentina. Social Security Rulings on Federal Old-Age, Sur- vivors, and Disability Insurance. Superintend- ent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. no. 1, July 1960. Frequency not given. $1.00. Solid-State Electronics. Pergamon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th Street, New York 23, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, March 1960. Bimonthly, 4 issues per volume. $20.00 per volume. The Solid State Journal. Horizon House, Inc., 1330 Beacon Street, Brookline 46, Mas$. v. 1, no. 1, July/August 1960. Bimonthly. $10.00 The Soviet Review. International Arts and Sci- ences Press, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, August 1960. Monthly. $6.00. Studia Croatica. 25 de Mayo 140, p.2°., Escr. 17, Buenos Aires, Argentina, v.l, no. 1, July/ September 1960. Quarterly. $4.00. Studies in Philosophy and Education. Francis T . Villemain, Executive Editor, College of Edu- cation, University of Toledo, Toledo 6, Ohio, v. 1, no. 1, September 1960. 4 no. a year. $3.25. Tareas del Pensamiento Peruano. Hudscar 125, San Isidro, Lima, Peru. v. 1, no. 1, January/ February 1960. Bimonthly. 50 cents per issue. Teologia y Vida. Facultad de Teologia de la Unl- versidad Catolica de Chile, Avda. Bernardo O'Higgins 224, Santiago, Chile, v. 1, no. 1, January/March 1960. Quarterly. $1.50. Das Tier. Hallwag AG, Berne, Switzerland, no. 1, October 1960. Monthly. Fr. 20. Tiers Monde. Presses Universitaires de France, Departement des Periodiques, 1, Place Paul- Painleve, Paris (5e) France, v. 1, no. 1/2, Janu- ary/June 1960. Quarterly. NF. 12 (for v. 1, no. 3/4) Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Instituto de Ciencias Polx'ticas y Administrativas, Monjitas 578-2°. Piso, Santiago, Chile, v. 1, March 1960. Monthly, March-December. $4,500. Turkish Economic Review. Publishing and Dis- tributing Company Ltd., 177 Regent Street, London W. 1, England, v. 1, no. 1, February 1960. Monthly. $12.00. The University Bookman. P. O. Box 3070, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N. Y. v. I, no. 1, Autumn 1960. Quarterly. $2.00. World Coffee ir Tea. World Coffee & Tea, Inc., 129 Front Street, New York 5, N. Y. v. 1, no. 1, May 1960. Monthly. $7.50. World Neurology. Lancet Publications, Inc., 84 South Tenth Street, Minneapolis 3, Minn. v. 1, no. 1, July 1960. Monthly. $15.00. Yugoslav Survey. "Jugoslavia" Publishing House, P. O. B.62, Borisa KidriCa 70, Beograd, Yugo- slavia. v. 1, no. 1, April I960. Quarterly. $5.00. T h e Second Rare Books Conference T h e Second Rare Books Conference of ACRL's Rare Books Section will be held in Oberlin, Ohio, July 6-8. Frederick Goff, chairman of the section, has announced that the general theme of the meeting will be " T h e Care and Preservation of Rare Books." Details of the program will be announced in a letter to be mailed later this month to all of the members of the Rare Books Section and to all of the institu- tional members of ACRL. 148 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S