College and Research Libraries Crisis in Our University Libraries BY R O B E R T B. DOWNS r T ~ , H E G R E A T U N A N S W E R E D Q U E S T I O N i n the minds of American librarians, as they attempt to peer a mere decade into the future, is whether they can run fast enough to stand still. There is consider- able evidence that they are beginning to slip back two paces for every step forward. One need not be a Cassandra to view the period ahead with trepidation. One basic factor in the situation—af- fecting, of course, the whole world of higher education—is the mounting tide of student enrollment threatening to in- undate the colleges and universities of the country. T h e growth in recent years has been almost geometrical. In 1946-47, reflecting the large influx of returning war veterans, the number of college stu- dents in the United States for the fitst time exceeded 2,000,000. T h e tide re- ceded somewhat five years later, as the wartime generation moved out, but in 1952 the growth curve started a sharp and uninterrupted ascent, with every indica- tion that it will end in the stratosphere. In 1957, enrollment went past the 3,000,- 000 mark, and in the^current year, 1960- 61, only three years later, the figure is ap- proximately 4,000,000. A conservative estimate by the American Council on Ed- ucation projects a total of 5,000,000 for 1965, and an enrollment of 6,500,000 by 1970.1 Meanwhile, confronted by expanding demands on every front, university li- braries have been caught in an upward spiral of inflation. They have seen sal- aries, wages, books, periodical subscrip- tions, binding, equipment, and supplies in a virtually unbroken rise. Faculties 1 American Universities and Colleges, 8th ed., (Wash- ington, D. C., American Council on Education, 1 9 6 0 ) , p. 27. Dr. Downs is Dean of Library Administra- tion, University of Illinois. and staffs have doubled, or even trebled, in many institutions. New departments have been created, requiring additional library facilities. T h e rate of publishing and the variety of materials published are being stepped up dramatically. As they struggle to cope with the in- sistent pressures upon them, are the li- braries receiving appropriate financial support? In individual instances, yes, though from an overall standpoint, the answer, unfortunately, is in the negative. A standard measuring stick isr'the rela- tionship between expenditures for li- brary resources and services and for total educational purposes. For 1945-46, the annual compilation of "College and Uni- versity Library Statistics", sponsored by ACRL, included thirty institutions in Group I, "University-Type" libraries. Fifteen years ago, these institutions were devoting a median of 4.86 per cent of their total educational expenditures to the maintenance and development of their libraries. By 1958-59, however, the median figure for libraries in the same group had declined to 3.7 per cent.2 In only a handful of institutions was there a contrary trend—principally universi- ties where a combination of a library- minded president and dynamic library leadership were affecting a rejuvenation of a moribund library system. A further analysis was assayed recently by Frank Lundy, director of Libraries at the University of Nebraska, on the basis 2CRI., V I I I ( 1 9 4 7 ) , 2 6 1 ; X X I ( 1 9 5 9 ) . 31. of the ACRL statistics.3 Summarizing data provided by 106 universities, ar- ranged in order of library support, Lundy reported a range from a generous 7.8 per cent at Rice Institute to a miserly 1.2 per cent at New York University. Percentage- wise, state institutions seemed to fare rather less well than the privately sup- ported universities; actually, both types were well represented among the highs and the lows. As a point of reference it should be noted that university library surveyors have almost invariably recom- mended 4 per cent as the minimum level of support for the provision of reason- ably adequate library service. One of the most conspicuous areas in which much is expected of libraries, with- out corresponding reciprocity on the part of the receivers, is in the broad field of research, especially contract research in science and technology. Expenditures for organized research in American univer- sities increased by nearly 900 per cent in the decade from 1940 to 1950 and has continued to rise year by year. Consider the following figures supplied by the Na- tional Science Foundation: Engineering Physical Sciences Life Sciences Social Sciences $186,400,000 262,300,000 251,500,000 35,600,000 1953-54 $450,000,000 1954-55 480,000,000 1955-56 530,000,000 1956-57 600,000,000 1957-58 720,000,000 1958-59 840,000,000 1959-60 1,000,000,000 T h e percentage increase, 1953-1960, was 126.4 From the same source, in a tabulation of "Expenditures for Separately Budgeted Research and Development in Colleges and Universities by Field of Science, Character of Work, and Source of Sup- port, Fiscal Year 1958", total expendi- tures of $735,800,000 were reported, di- vided among four major fields: 3 University Library Statistics of Interest to You, ( L i n c o l n : University of Nebraska Libraries, April 5, 1960), Processed., 4 pp. 4 U . S . National Science Foundation, Reviews of Data on Research and Development, No. 16 (December 1 9 5 9 ) , 3. Of the total, $537,800,000 was derived from federal funds, and $198,100,000 from non-federal sources (institutions' own funds, foundations, health agencies, industry, gifts and grants)—proof of the dominant role of the federal government in financing present-day research.5 A sim- ilar report noted total expenditures of $105,500,000 for scientific research, 1957- 58, in the nation's medical schools.6 By nature, research is constantly chang- ing, dividing, and extending. As a corol- lary, the library on which research pri- marily depends must be highly adaptable, modifying its program to meet changing requirements. New departments are created and research interests in estab- lished departments undergo radical revi- sions—all causing an immediate impact on the library, its resources, and its serv- ices. T h e library can hardly fulfill its proper role as a dynamic, living organ- ism capable of growing to meet multiple demands, without the life blood of strong financial backing. While federal agencies, foundations, industries, and other organizations are pouring funds into colleges and univer- sities for pure and applied research—al- most beyond the capacity, in some cases, of the institutions to absorb them—the libraries on which such research has to be based are too frequently accorded nig- gardly treatment. In essence, the libraries are being called upon to do more and more on less and less, proportionately speaking. Seldom is any specific provi- sion made, in the many rich research grants, for library materials and services, lacking which the planned investigations would be seriously handicapped if not brought to a complete standstill. Among the troublesome aspects of uni- r> Idem, No. 19 (April 1 9 6 0 ) , 6. 0 Idem, No. 17 ( J a n u a r y 1 9 6 0 ) , 3. 8 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S versity and research library financing is the inflation in costs of materials. Using 1947-49 prices for an index dollar, and based on 2,347 titles in a total of twenty- four subject areas, a recent survey shows that the average subscription price for serial publications has increased from $3.55 in 1946-47 to $5.27 in 1960, or 48.5 per cent. Broken down by fields, the aver- age subscription prices had jumped from 31.5 to 70.7 per cent, with the largest in- creases occurring in mathematics, chem- istry, physics, botany, geology, and other branches of science.7 Noteworthy ex- amples are Chemical Abstracts, which in the past five years has increased from $60 to $200 per year; Chemisches Zentralblatt from $90 to $240; Biochimica et Bio- physica Acta from $36 to $144; and Bio- logical Abstracts from $50 to $136. More alarming and breeding more in- soluble dilemmas for libraries is the phenomenal growth of the book world. Books, magazines, newspapers, and other types of printed matter are produced by the presses at a rate that would have ap- peared miraculous even a generation ago. T h e average annual world book produc- tion has risen from about 156,000 titles in 1940 to 240,000 today and has reached an astronomical total of five billion copies.8 Quantities are equally stagger- ing in the fields of serial and government publications. Science, the most prolific field in serials, is authoritatively estimated to account for 50,000 current periodicals. In biology alone, 21,000 journals are presently being issued. T h e standard guide to the literature of chemistry, Chemical Abstracts, regularly analyzes the contents of more than 7,000 journals from some ninety different countries. T h e figures for mathematics, physics, and other sciences are comparable. 7 Helen M. Welch, " C o s t Indexes for U . S . Periodi- c a l s , " Library Resources and Technical Services, I V (I960"), 1S0-S7. S e e also: William H. Huff, and Nor- man B . Brown. " S e r i a l Services Cost I n d e x e s . " Idem, TV ( 1 9 6 0 ) . 158-60. and William H. Kurth. " U . S. Book and Periodical P r i c e , " Library Journal, L X X X V ( 1 9 6 0 1 . 54-57. " " W o r l d Production; 5,000 Million Books a Y e a r , " UNESCO Courier, (February 1957), pp. 20-21. J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 1 T h e area of government publishing is another striking illustration of the ac- celerated production of printed matter. From international, national, provincial, state, and local governments throughout the world comes a tidal wave of books, pamphlets, journals, and reports. Still another highly significant factor in the situation is the ever-widening scope of library collecting activities. With few exceptions, American libraries have tra- ditionally limited their procurement ef- forts to materials in western European languages. But with the increasingly im- portant role played by the United States in world politics, the recognition of cer- tain critical areas of the world, and the numerous area-study programs being de- veloped in colleges and universities, the nation's research libraries are undertak- ing aggressive and ambitious acquisition plans in languages and regions previously unknown to or neglected by them. For ex- ample, the Association of Research Li- braries' Farmington Plan Committee charged with obtaining on a cooperative basis at least one copy of every significant book published abroad—has established seven area sub-committees to insure thorough coverage of all countries. These efforts could be strengthened substanti- ally by implementation of Public Law 480, to set up machinery and to provide funds for the procurement of library ma- terials from certain difficult parts of the world. In reviewing the resources of libraries and their ability to support advanced study and research, attention should be directed also at the existing inequitable distribution of facilities among the major regions of the country. T h e scholar and the research worker in certain areas are badly handicapped by the absence of ad- equate materials close at hand and must depend upon richer libraries elsewhere. Of 109 centers containing more than 500,000 volumes within a fifty-mile ra- dius, seventy are in the northeastern quarter of the United States. There are 9 held in these 109 centers 290,000,000 vol- umes, of which only 65,000,000 are out- side the Northeast.9 Closely allied to the problem of mal- distribution is the inadequacy of numer- ous university libraries attempting to support doctoral programs. A cursory ex- amination of expenditures for books and volume holdings of the more than a hun- dred American universities now granting the doctorate in various fields offers con- vincing evidence that some institutions simply lack sufficient library resources to support anything beyond undergraduate, or at most master's level, work. An obvious conclusion to be drawn from the conditions described in the fore- going discussion is that university li- braries must find additional sources of financial assistance if quality and strength are to be maintained in higher education and educational standards not permitted to sink into mediocrity. Increased ap- propriations from their parent institu- tions, federal aid, foundation grants, and a proper share of research contract funds seem the most logical and promising 9 Robert B . Downs. "Distribution of American Li- brary Resou rces," C R L , X V I I I ( 1 9 5 7 ) , 183-89, 235-37. sources from which to meet a rapidly de- veloping crisis. There will doubtless be a temptation, as huge student enrollments begin to swamp university campuses, to cheapen the quality of educational programs. Confronted by multitudes of students, some colleges and universities will resort to mass methods of instruction. Their faculties may return to the old single- textbook plan for undergraduates. Insti- tutions concerned with producing well- educated citizens, however, will avoid such techniques. In every way possible they will encourage independent work and study on the part of students, and for them the library will be the heart of the educational process. Certainly, at more advanced levels, scholars and grad- uate students in the humanities and social sciences recognize libraries as in- dispensable laboratories. Books and jour- nals are equally essential to the pure and applied sciences, for the scientist, like the humanist and social scientist, requires records of previous investigations and ex- periments to save him from duplication of effort and to provide a foundation for further progress. Quality Comes From Service Rather Than From Size Size [of a library's collection] is less important than service. T h e way the col- lection is housed and used, through the administrative competence of a professional staff, makes the difference in quality. In turn, the strength of the library is beyond question a reliable gauge for measuring the excellence of the total program of higher education in a given institution—Wake Up and Read, a Few Facts About College and University Libraries (New York, Council on Financial Aid to Educa- tion, Inc. [I960]). 10 C O L L E G E A N D R E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S