College and Research Libraries Junior College Library Statistics SINCE THIS i s t h e d e u t of J u n i o r C o l -lege L i b r a r y Statistics to COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES, it must be stated that members of the Junior College Section are most g r a t e f u l and appreciative for this print- ing. In 1952-53, the first attempt w a s made to compile such figures on a national basis. F i f t y schools responded before the deadline. T h e results w e r e included in the "Junior College Libraries Section N e w s l e t t e r " of November, I953- T h i s year, when the call went out for sta- tistics, the number of schools responding w a s doubled. M a n y librarians expressed their pleasure w i t h A C R L for its promised support. T h e questionnaire employed w a s a shorter form than last year's and stressed points of special interest to our organization. T h e committee members w h o worked on the questionnaire form included: M i s s D a i s y L . Anderson of M a r s H i l l College, M i s s Ruth G r a y of San A n g e l o College, M i s s Nellie M . Homes of C o t t e y College, M r s . C l a r y s e D . M y e r s of Tennessee W e s l e y a n College, M r s . L o l a Rivers Thompson of T a r l e t o n State College, and your Chairman of Statistics f o r 1953-54, M r s . T h e l m a V o g t T a y l o r of L o s Angeles H a r b o r Junior C o l - lege. Statistics w e r e received from 110 schools. Giffin College has been omitted since it uses the facilities of the public library. Some gaps exist because no figures w e r e submitted in these columns. It is interesting to note that information on salaries is much more com- plete than last year. M a n y schools are al- lowed to report existing schedules but are hesitant about revealing personal data. In the 109 schools included in these statis- tics, the head librarian has the status of ad- ministrator in 5 junior colleges, that of co- ordinator in 2, department chairman in 1 1 . In the majority of schools, however, the librarian is still ranked as a teacher. Since there is such a wide variation in schools and their resources, the statistics given are descriptive only. N o attempt is made to evaluate or include medians. I t is hoped that the results w i l l be of value and interest to our m e m b e r s . — T h e l m a V. Taylor, Chairman, Statistics Committee, Junior College Section. T h i s year, for the first time, COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES is h a p p y t o i n c l u d e the Junior College L i b r a r y Statistics. A l t h o u g h the time w a s short, the Statistics Committee of the Junior College Section swung into high gear and got their statistics to us promptly. Since this is their first appearance, and the result of some hurried action on the part of all of us, w e ask your patience and toleration. W e tried to go over the statistics carefully in an effort to bring them into line with our " C o l l e g e and University L i b r a r y Statistics," but some variations had to remain. Since these statistics w e r e not originally collected f o r i n c l u s i o n i n COLLEGE A N D R E S E A R C H L I - BRARIES, some production problems presented themselves and led to minor revision of the report first submitted by the Junior College Committee. T h e f o l l o w i n g headings in the original re- port have been omitted here because data w e r e either incomplete or did not seem significant: N e w s p a p e r s (number in l i b r a r y ) Periodicals ( n u m b e r in l i b r a r y ) T w o - w e e k and reserve circulation—yearly circulation figures a r e included and it is felt t h a t these are the most significant. T o t a l hours weekly and s a l a r i e s (clerical w o r k e r s ) — t h e s e figures w e r e collected but w e r e not included here since they a r e de- pendent on the local situation, and did not a p p e a r to be significant f o r this report. T h e number of clerical w o r k e r s is equated to a full-time equivalent. H o u r l y r a t e of student assistants—hours of student assistance is included and seems to be the more significant. L i b r a r y facilities—a footnote has been used to indicate those institutions which h a v e s e p a r a t e l i b r a r y buildings. All other li- b r a r i e s are housed in a building used f o r other purposes. T h e s e Junior College Statistics w e r e com- piled by the Statistics Committee of the Junior College Section under the chairmanship of M r s . T h e l m a V o g t T a y l o r , librarian, L o s Angeles H a r b o r Junior College. T o her, and to Nellie Homes, chairman of the Junior C o l - lege Section, go our sincere thanks for their cooperation in preparing the statistics f o r print in time f o r the J a n u a r y issue.—Cynthia Spigelman, Publications Officer. JANUARY, 1955 73 Junior College Library Statistics, 1953-54 College 1. Abraham Baldwin Agric. Coll., Ga.: 2. Anderson College, S.C 3. Antelope Valley J.C., Calif.. . . 4. Armstrong Coll. of Savannah 5. Asheville-Biltmore Coll., N.C.. Enrollment Board- Day Night ing Stu- Stu- Stu- dents dents dents Expenditures 38 59 180 217 170 0 238 0 450 544 141 74 Wk. Open 52 5 56* 6. Austin Jr. Coll., Minn.. 7. Bacone Coll., Okla 8. Bakersfield Coll., Calif. 9. Becker Jr. Coll., Mass.. 10. Blinn Coll., Texas2 147 313 . . . 195 180 1,000 650 0 450 125 268 223 617 . . . News- Circula- Vol- papers Sup- Circula- Vol- and plies A-V1 Tot. tion umes Book Periodi- plies Ma- Prof. Hrs. Mos. Yearly Added Stock Books cals Binding terials Lib. Wkly. Duty 5,318 328 7,222 S 1,227 S 458 $ 0 $ 97 $ 0 1 46 11 (excl. dupl.) S 1,227 2,605 71 7,549 268 269 4 57 1 40* 9 21,3783 520 10,849 1,800 450 400 200 80 10 3,057 709 12,247 1,400 600 300 150 1 37 12 1,017 240 10,109 272 501 93 18 1 39 12 240 10,109 (inc. bdg.) 76 Personnel 40 45 55 45 50 11. Bluefield Coll., Va 12. Brevard Coll., N.C.2... 13. Cazenovia Jr. Coll., N.Y.S 14. Centenary Jr. Coll., N.J.. 2,854 3,581 21,780 9,000 3,805 175 433 897 1,100 386 3,366 18,412 6,800 8,700 917 3,500 3,000 1,500 194 397 1,250 675 300 119 0 120 71 124 136 5 0 440 59 5 6 | 73 54* 2,643 4,307 9,776 17,741 543 379 277 1,162 7,751 15,753 6,888 14,974 566 501 605 2,769 229 436 112 479 15. Chaffey Jr. Coll., Calif.2. 835 350 60 28,423 575 48,000 1,900 566 600 300 275 375 0 75 350 91 600 0 84 188 100 251 183 333 126 244 450 350 Cleri- Sal. Sched. cal Work- Miir. Max. ers7 4,200 0 3,700 $5,700 3,710 3,820 2,575 40 35-38 35 40 40 9 91 91 9 9 3,300 5,700 3,000 4,250 44 39̂ 40 37* 120 16. Citrus Jr. Coll., Calif * 288 650 2,700 4,050 0 3,200 f 3,900 * 2,500 4,500 2 plus living 0 45 3,996 726 9,822 1,675 325 inc. in bk. costs 700 1 + 46 17. Coll. of William & Mary & V.P.I., Va. 18. Colorado Woman's Coll., Colo 19. Compton Coll., Calif.2 20. Concordia Coll., Wis.2 920 960 0 338 0 289 2,004 2,056 0 81 72 56 67* 54 13,790 22,386 10,586 612 797 907 19,718 12,704 14,707 1,495 2,572 2,500 592 187 464 137 985 239 436 165 300 561 21. Connors State Ag. Coll., Okla... 22. Cottey Coll., Mo 23. E. LOS Angeles Jr. Coll., Calif.2. /1—12 \1-10 12 10 10 12 El Camino Coll., Calif.2. Endicott Jr. Coll., Mass. 321 12 275 223 1,531 2,057 (on campus) —5,400— 0 4 0 311 3,960 2 , 8 0 0 4,100 3,600 4,800 4,500 6,500 « 45 6,557 579 7,909 73 7,077 536 12,089 53 20,153 2,307 17,329 434 200 Everett Jr. Coll., Wash.2 Florida Christian Coll., Fla Fort Lewis A. & M. Coll., Colo.2 Georgetown Visitation Jr. Coll., Wash. D.C. Georgia Military Coll., Ga 608 1,066 40 0 150 40 37 Georgia Southwestern Coll., Ga.2. Graceland Coll., Iowa Hannibal-La Grange, Mo Hartford Coll., Conn Hartnell Coll., Calif 310 573 96 60 720 498 101 0 0 45 55 48 65 10 56 76 56 75 40 9,392 4,682 3,280 3,117 3,1503 2,521 358 863 252 140 351 300 10,639 9,000 8,539 6,199 12,960 14,339 80 170 20 Henry Ford Com. Coll., Mich Hesston Coll., Kan Holton-Arms School & Jr. Coll., Wash., D.C. Howard County Jr. Coll., Texas Hutchinson Jr. Coll., Kan 10.937 14,891 13.938 15j 899 590 642 448 125 13,336 22,000 10,102 10,000 762 50 593 2,232 113 40 10 0 150 250 415 Jackson Jr. Coll., Mich Jacksonville Jr. Coll., Fla.2 Jefferson City Jr. Coll., Mo Johnstown Center, U. of Pitts., Pa. Joplin Jr. Coll., Mo 15,974 9,2883 1,900 6,459 14,800 614 613 210 2,500 475 6,229 10,650 240 5,400 8,007 375 170 0 244 282 0 474 300 150 15 324 0 0 40 48 40 50 47 Keystone Jr. Coll., Pa.2. Kilgore Coll., Texas 5,453 2,753 2,400 19,639 360 925 273 300 531 6,986 9,567 8,394 7,300 571 100 0 100 740 289 0 4,000 16,765 703 200 15,043 48. Lasell Jr. Coll., Mass.. 49. Lassen Jr. Coll., Calif. 50. Lee Coll., Texas 130 140 196 0 529 435 0 0 Always 5,000 400 15,000 40 435 65 6,454 1,450 15,980 1,008 270 200 50 1,908 1,164 240 231 9,504 1,442 203 300 10,520 800 . . . 2,500 292 67_ 2,611 838 . . . 644 493 216 47 61 285 51 21 823 289 120 55 900 310 420 400 200 16 1,150 664 240 253 625 950 50 60 400 95 2,132 843 253 307 1,500 400 150 100 1,220 314 206 173 500 175 70 20 6,000 500 200 250 250 936 341 364 97_ 560 150 75 60 '674 " 3 3 4 91 " 3 i 1,000 Bk. cost 300 ~ 777 71777" 2,162 821 649 124 1,200 400 250 125 15 75 2,396 1,121 1,507 383 40 40 70 120 40 3,700 2,800 4,500 5,200 7,000 4,010 2,800 6,850 70 45 48 44 26 9* 3,275 5,200 3,000 3,200 3 ̂ 600 3,000 10 3,200 10 H i 3,240 9 9* 4,295 6,185 80 44 35 38 45 3,800 6,250 2,222 9 10 9 12 3,800 5,800 9 3,050 4,250 »1 11 10* 3,000 5,300 3,600 3,750 10 3,200 4,550 9 1,900 J 9 2,825 6,000 112 10 10 12 6,509 Hours Student Assist- ance 4 4 16 35 59 18 0 61 50 30 42 60 4 33 40 60 28 25 75 60 48 20 20 42 10 12-15 32 35 336 20 43* 0 40 32 16 50 4 6 12 40 55 0 40 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50 Lees-McRae Coll., N . C Lincoln Coll., Ill Long Beach City Coll., Calif. .. Loretto Jr. Coll., K y Los Angeles City Coll., Calif.2. 75 21 2,400 2,200 6,282 3,664 2,985 55 j782 2,009 108,000 365 87 2,078 305 4,900 13,714 16,000 50,807 4,797 8 6 , 0 0 0 930 8,029 53 20,725 341 254 1 , 1 7 5 174 3,374 137 20 925 7 3,500 204 19 475 31 45 37 160 41 187 10 10 12 105 2,600 0 82-94 51. 3,700 0 40 52. 4,500 6,500 1 100 53. i 54. 3,830 7,000 6 300 55. 3,830 7,000 1 12 56. 3,830 7,000 A 0 57. I 58. 2 , 7 5 0 2,750 i 30-40 59. 4 36-40 60. 3,200 1 10 61. lunch 2 , 8 0 0 0 4£ 62. 3,572 4,542 0 7 63. h 0 64. 3,360 5 , 7 7 5 0 65. 3,500 7,200 0 15 66. 0 22} 67. 3,600 24 68. 3,180 | / 8 69. 110 0 63 70. Los Angeles Harbor Jr. Coll., Calif.2 Los Angeles Trade-Tech. Jr. Coll., Calif. Mallinckrodt Coll., Ill Marion Institute, Ala Mars Hill Coll., N.C.2 708 715 0 3,000 4,000 . . . 16 16 12 0 321 43 0 805 31,384 17,573 76,687 1 , 5 7 1 1,500 149 150 1 , 1 7 5 9,405 15,000 29,000 4,791 1 0 , 0 0 0 557 407 2,358 1,368 2 , 0 0 0 120 294 490 60 61 537 282 50 50 197 146 38 60 25 3 6 + 40 Menlo Coll., Calif. Mitchell Jr. Coll., N.C. 2 . . . . Mohawk Valley T . I., N . Y . . Monmouth Jr. Coll., N . J . . . . Montgomery Jr. Coll., Md.2. 71 110 336 316 0 148 0 26 750 . . . 530 0 127 0 52 775 40 2,535 764 37h 7,500 407 8,424 30 5 , 5 1 6 316 5,507 50 4,450 200 6,800 985 280 1,000 B k . Cost 1,652 952 1,102 252 600 250 50 0 40 30 261 73 35 284 49 30 10 40 9 75 11 40 9 38 10 Morton, Jr. Coll., Sterling, 111 Mt. Vernon Jr. Coll., Wash., D . C Multnomah Coll., Ore North Dakota State School of Sci., N . D . 372 19 105 110 Northern Montana Coll., Mont 286 169 0 376 0 99 0 490 3 8 | 12,505 713 14,020 2,612 351 6,337 52 2,784 450 10,556 49 8,526 601 14,500 2,637 * 800 200 850 375 2,443 1,362 123 58 5,f 683 22,761 1,642 394 100 125 0 249 100 65 452 112 527 200 1J 55 2 70 1 40 1 40 Northern Oklahoma Jr. Coll., Okla. Northwestern Jr. College, l a Olympic Coll., Wash Orange Coast Coll., Calif Palm Beach Jr. Coll., Fla 287 109 90 141 75 70 452 1,252 . . . 916 4,257 . . . 251 136 0 4,609 4,046 3 1 , 1 3 6 6,223 400 461 412 1,623 126 11,800 8,854 6,486 8 j 337 1,300 400 495 5,500 1 , 1 5 9 323 380 0 87 500 229 200 100 40 1,800 2,900 37 1 . . . 9 0 88 71. 1 45 9 f 10 72. 1 40 9 4,878 0 3 73. 1 40 10 3,900 6,900 1 35 74. 1 45 10 2,400 5,600 0 10 75. 6 210 11 4,180 7,700 2\ / 2 5 + \75 cr. 1 40 1 0 | 0 Lib. Club 6 240 11 2,500 3,500 100 1 35 11 1,650 2,200 f 1 40 12 3,400 0 22j 2 80 / I I 3,600 6,600 1 40 81. \10 1 3 7 i 11 3,360 6,390 0 20 82. 2 55 9 1,395 h 0 83. 1 39i 10 3,316 1 27* 84. 1 27 12 4,600 21 " 85. 1 40 10 2,950 4,450 JSr 0 86. 1 44 11 3,600 4,800 0 56 87. 2 80 12 3,000 5,800 0 20 88. 3 105 9 4,150 6,350 1 40 89. 2 80 10 3,700 6,500 1 23 90. 1 42* 10 3,600 6,525 0 14 91. 2 65 10 3,600 6,000 1J 7* 92. 2 76 105 3,924 7,263 2 25 93. 1 40 9 i 3,650 6,450 0 28 94. 1 . . . 12 3,200 0 63 95. 3 i 150 10 5 , 1 1 5 7,430 2 f34 96. 112 1 38 9 2,400 0 20 97. 3 120 12 3,500 5,200 2 128 98. 1 50 12 3,100 h 44 99. 1 60 11 Sister * 25 100. 1 3,600 6,012 1 . 0 101. 1 35 105 3,800 7,000 1 75 102. 1 40 9 3,900 0 30 103. 1 40 9 0 53 104. 1 40 9 2,750 0 66 .105. 1 30 1,766 0 45 106. 2 80 10 3,000 5,329 2 56 107. 2 80 /10 3,600 1 60 108. 112 1 40 11 2,400 0 48 109. Pasadena City Coll., Calif.2-® 4,765 1,950 0 Penn State Coll. Ogontz Center, P a . . . : Phillips Exeter Acad., N.H.2 Pineland Jr. Coll., N.C Presbyterian Jr. Coll., N.C.2 53J 64,528 2,294 50,354 9,153 1,660 2,000 3,000 300 405 24 32 85 60 718 260 50 40 2,621 203 9,000 70 23,881 2,100 45,700 41 2,280 1,226 5,229 5 5 + 2,718 333 10,000 3,831 624 766 276 629 179 249 50 . . . 445 1,665 140 67 . . . 52 25 25 Riverside Coll., Calif 760 Rochester Jr. Coll., Minn St. Genevieve of the Pines, N . C . St. Mary's School & J.C., N . C . . . St. Paul's Coll., Mo 235 118 25 31 0 1,755 ' ' 24 0 43 13,443 1,341 20,545 3,500 0 40 258 31 45 4,223 54 2,697 92f 6,340 66 1,005 208 230 355 557 8,938 6,472 12,822 1 2 , 6 6 2 900 549 932 1,658 800 650 102 399 229 700 500 for all 32 23 . . . 168 131 . . . 165 127 380 St. Petersburg J.C., Fla San Angelo Coll., Texas San Antonio Coll., Texas San Bernardino Valley Coll., Calif.. San Diego Jr. Coll., Calif 580 0 0 500 175 125 720 1,950 0 1,300 2,000 0 643 633 0 13,000 7,656 12,692 12,820 9,725 450 371 1 , 1 5 2 1,027 1,957 13,450 9,400 12,355 35,228 2 , 0 8 8 1 , 0 0 0 942 2,471 3,750 3,240 300 501 667 800 729 70 40 . . . 304 158 . . . 289 680 67 400 400 150 62 195 Santa Ana Coll., Calif Santa Maria Jr. Coll., Calif Santa Monica City Coll., Calif.2. Sierra Coll., Calif Southwest Baptist Coll., Mo 513 2,027 0 142 2 0 2,210 4,443 0 407 721 0 420 0 296 42 j 37| 54 48 54 7,368 39^000 7,320 5,466 706 721 1,500 1,046 1 , 0 0 0 19,798 10,001 17,500 14,875 12,500 2,600 4̂ 214 3,308 700 700 582 B k . Cost 546 150 300 140 254 241 622 501 600 234 97. 100. 1 0 1 . 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. Stockton Coll., Calif.« 3,137 Sue Bennett Coll., K y Tarleton State Coll., Texas Tennessee Wesleyan Coll., Tenn.2 Ursuline Coll. of Paola, Kan 0 0 58i 62,720 4,065 13,614 10,000 560 473 80 144 29 30 483 0 148 53 38 4,339 66 68,448 48 9,822 60 5,166 790 552 526 12,300 36,825 18,365 8,959 251 3 , 1 1 6 796 473 288 60 770 B k . Cost 441 212 181 35 462 14 731 311 78 Vallejo Coll., Calif.2.6 Ventura Coll., Calif Victoria Coll., Texas Virginia Intermont Coll., Va. 2. Waldorf Coll., l a 416 850 324 45 208 0 233 36 0 0 44 210 185 42 h 45 40 54 66 15,198 13,960 3,995 8,931 6,500 772 984 423 280 505 10,533 16,000 6,245 15,237 9,256 4,051 2,500 3,100 622 1,050 1,501 1,500 376 385 375 2,256 214 70 358 93 111 150 Warren Wilson Coll., N.C. 2 . . . Weber Coll., Utah West Contra Costa J.C., Calif. 193 0 190 977 1,209 0 2,027 3,100 0 109. Young L.G. Harris Coll., Ga.2 270 20 243 56 9,911 | 5 24,866 1,222 1 , 1 0 0 1 , 2 0 0 14,670 2 6 , 0 0 0 13,044 508 227 4,500 1,100 4,200 900 5 4 | 8,627 398 14,387 726 274 65 400 164 650 795 5,414 211 ... 1 If included in library budget. 2 Has separate library building. 3 Includes high school loans. 4 Not separated from high school. 5 Plus summer school. 6 4 yr. junior college. 7 Equated to F . T . E .