College and Research Libraries By D O R O T H Y E T H L Y N C O L E Library School Studies, 1952-53 Miss Cole is editor, "Library Literature," The H. W. Wilson Company. TH E FOLLOWING studies arranged by broad topics, were prepared in library schools during the above year 1952-53. Unless otherwise indicated, the studies were submitted for the master's degree. PUBLIC RELATIONS A N D EXTENSION SERVICES Brand, Mrs. Charlotte May (Venn). Austin Public Library and the University of Texas Student. (Texas) Vagt, John Paul. Community Services of Texas Junior College Libraries. (Texas) PERSONNEL Amner, Mary Case. Study of the Staff Or- ganization and Operation of a University Library. (Kent) Goodrich, Charlotte G. Faculty Status of Professional Library Personnel in Ohio Collegiate Institutions. (Kent) Packard, Charles Bolles. Selection, Training, and Use of Student Assistants in the Li- braries of the Teachers Colleges of the State of New Jersey during the Second Semester of the College Year 1951-52. (Drexel) Park, Wilmer Reginald. Study of Certain Factors Which May Affect Work Perform- ance of Clerical Library Assistants in the Library of the University of Texas. (Texas) SELECTION A N D ACQUISITION OF PRINTED MATERIALS Anderson, June G. Selective List of Peri- odicals for Small Two-Year Colleges. (Kent) Daly, Simeon, Father. Selection of Materials in the Field of Sacred Scripture in the Major Seminary Library with a List of Recommended Titles. (Catholic) Flood, Robert H., Father. Selection of M a - terials in the Field of Canon Law in the Major Seminary Library with a List of Recommended Titles. (Catholic) Hand, T . Spencer. Investigation of the Ac- quisition and Handling of Periodicals in Ten College Libraries in the Philadelphia Area. (Drexel) Ho, Dorothy. Survey of Farmington Plan Acquisition of French Books by Catholic University Library During 1948-1949. (Catholic) Wells, Harold Francis. Basic Collection for a University Departmental Library in Ge- ography. (Washington) Wilson, Edward, Father. Selection of M a - terials in the Field of Ascetical and Mys- tical Theology in the Major Seminary Li- brary, with a List of Recommended Titles. (Catholic) Zimmerman, John Jacob. Responsibility of the University Library for Collection and Preservation of Works of Minor Writers of American Fiction of the Nineteenth Century with Special Reference to the At- lanta-Athens Area, Georgia, Emory Uni- versity, 1952. (Emory) PROBLEMS OF N O N P R I N T MATERIALS Jones, Carolyn Roberts. Motion Pictures in the Medical School Library. (Western Reserve) CATALOGING A N D CLASSIFICATION Jasper, Gertrude Rathbone. Revision of the Subject Authority File of Pratt Institute Library. (Pratt) Stein, Ruth E. Method and Cost of Es- tablishing Adequate Records for a Depart- mental Book Collection within a Library. (Kent) Tsou, Rose Chiayin. Subject Approach to the Chinese Books in the Far Eastern Library of the University of Washington. (Wash- ington) Walker, Lynn. Cataloging in Small College Libraries of the Southeast. (Florida State) Ward, Marietta McManigal. Plan for the JANUARY, 1954 61 Processing of Library Materials for the Branch Libraries at the University of Washington. (Washington) CIRCULATION Allen, Norma Eileen. Inter-Library Loan Program of the Library of the Western Re- serve University School of Medicine. (Western Reserve) REFERENCE A N D BIBLIOGRAPHY Alston, Annie Mae. Characteristics of M a - terials Used by a Selected Group of His- torians in Their Research in United States History. (Chicago) Grant, Jason Clifton. Content Analysis of Serial Publications in English Philology for a Four-Year Liberal Arts College Li- brary. (Atlanta) Guinivan, Ora Jane. Analysis of the Refer- ence Service of the Kent State University Library. (Kent) ' Ten Eick, Mary Nunez. Bibliographical Comparison of Twelve Selected Physiologi- cal Areas of Biological Abstracts and British Physiological Abstracts. (Florida State) Werner, Patricia Ann. Organization of Ref- erence Service in the Small College Library. (Drexel) USE OF T H E LIBRARY Clarke, Jack Alden. Survey of the Use of the General Library of the University of Wisconsin by Graduate Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences. (Wiscon- sin) Evers, Madeline C. Investigation of Student Library Usage among the Recent Graduate Students of Catholic University of America. (Catholic) Lee, Elizabeth Cora. Use of the Card Cata- log by Spelman Students in the Spelman and Trevor Arnett Libraries. (Atlanta) Lee, Jane Daugherty. Instruction in the Use of Books and Libraries in Colleges and Uni- versities. (Kent) Marquis, Mary Case. Study of the Teaching of Library Facilities to College Students. (George Peabody) Middleswart, Lilian Ellen. Study of Book Use in the University of Chicago Library. (Chicago) Quivers, Evelyn Seace. Study of the School Library Experiences of a Selected Group of College Freshmen. (Atlanta) Riddle, Margaret Selman. Use of the Card Catalog in the Library of a Typical W o m - en's College. (Texas State College for Women) Rohlf, Robert Henry. Analysis of the Char- acteristics of the Books Used in a Univer- sity Library. (Minnesota) Smith, Hal Haynes. Recorded Use of a Uni- versity Library's Books in T w o Areas— Biological and Physical Sciences. (Chi- cago) Smith, Yvonne Elizabeth. Instruction in the Use of the Library at Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity. (Western Reserve) Stevens, Rolland Elwell. Use of Library M a - terials in Doctoral Research: a Study of the Effect of Differences in Research Method. Ph.D. (Illinois) White, Eleanor Shirley. A Study of the Ability of Graduate Students of Atlanta University to Use the Trevor Arnett Li- brary. (Atlanta) Williams, Gordon Roland. Study of the Bib- liographical Sources Used by The Patrons of the John Crerar Library. (Chicago) EVALUATION OF COLLECTIONS A N D SERVICES Gearhart, Frank Hobart. Study of the Occu- pational Information Materials in the Li- braries of the Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology, the University of Pittsburgh, and Duquesne University. (Carnegie) Gibson, Louis Edna. Study of the Vocational Guidance Materials of the Atlanta Univer- sity, Spelman, Morris Brown and Clark College Libraries. (Atlanta) McLemore, Erma Deloris. Evaluation of the Fiction Collections in the Libraries of the Atlanta University Center. (Atlanta) Moses, Louise Jane. Evaluation of the M o r - ris College Library, Sumter, South Caro- lina. (Atlanta) Murray, Thomas Bernard. Evaluation of the Reference Collections in the Libraries of Seven San Francisco Bay Area Junior Colleges. (California) Raser, Lois Aileen. Study of the Book Col- lections of Three Small Church-Sponsored Schools. (Drexel) Williams, Gwendolyn Carter. Survey of the Periodicals Collection and General Prob- lems Relating to the Use of Periodicals in the Libraries in the Atlanta University Center. (Atlanta) SO CO. LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES R E A D I N G P R O B L E M S Tornudd, Elin Maria. Professional Reading Habits of Scientists Engaged in Research, as Revealed by an Analysis of 130 Question- naires. (Carnegie) S U R V E Y S Adams, Charlcie. Kent State University Li- brary. (Kent) Gladeck, Alberta Alma. Library of the Franklin Institute. (Drexel) Johnston, Pauline G. Survey of Nursing School Libraries in the City of Philadelphia. (Drexel) Murphy, Eileen M . Study of the St. John's Law Library. (Pratt) Pettinicchi, Arthur. Survey of the Libraries of the Religious Houses Associated with the Catholic University of America. (Catho- lic) Walker, Muriel Hughes. Library of the Western Reserve Historical Society. (Kent) H I S T O R I C A L S T U D I E S Beach, Francis Mary, Sister. History of the Library of Trinity College, Washington, D.C. (Catholic) Bobinski, George Sylvan. Brief History of the Libraries of Western Reserve Univer- sity, 1826-1952. (Western Reserve) Bruner, Joyce Estella. History of the Uni- versity of Louisville Libraries. (North Carolina) Fortin, Clifford Charles. History of the St. Thomas College Library. (Minnesota) Harris, Virgie. Library Development in Five Denominational Colleges in West Virginia. (Western Reserve) Jones, Ruth. History of the Library of Teachers College, Columbia University, 1887-1952. (Drexel) Kirby, Madge Barbour. History of the Goucher College Library, 1885-1949. (Catholic) Owings, Vivian Briggs. History of the Li- brary of Morgan State College from 1867 to 1939. (Catholic). Stein, John H. Development of the Hiram College Library from the Literary Society Libraries Which Formed Its Nucleus. (Kent) Wagner, Lloyd F. Descriptive History of the Library Facilities of Lafayette College, Eaton, Pennsylvania, 1824-1941. (Catho- lic) U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S E S Gaylord, Charlotte G. Study of Louisiana State University Press. (George Peahody) Klanian, Mary. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1870-1952. (Drexel) Centenary Junior College Library Building Construction of a $312,000 library building is well under way on the campus of Centenary Junior College, Hackettstown, New Jersey. The ground was officially broken for the William H. and May D. Taylor memorial building shortly after school closed in June. The library is part of an extensive program of expansion which has seen the addition of five buildings to the campus the past five years. The new library is dedicated to the memory of William H. and May D. Taylor of Yonkers, New York, and Gloucester, Massachusetts, who were students in the college when it was coeducational. The Surdna Foundation of Yonkers, with which M r . and Mrs. Taylor were long connected, gave the largest gift for the construction of this building honoring these two friends of the college and the foundation. The library will have a circulation lobby and reference area, a reading room and two stack levels, a music listening room and cubicles, Centenariana-Conference room, seminar and library instruction class rooms, a student lounge, a periodical-recreational reading area, offices for librarian and assistant, and a large work room. There will be a faculty-staff reading lounge, storage room, and the Cummins Museum, named after Annie Blair Titman Cummins of Belvidere, whose estate was recently left to the college by will. The library is a much needed addition to the campus of Centenary for the enrolment as the institution has increased from a student body of 159 students in 1943 to one of 429 in 1953. The buildings are to be completed by graduation time next year. JANUARY, 1954 63