College and Research Libraries By ALICE I. BRYAN Legibility of Library of Congress Cards and Their Reproductions REPRODUCTION in book form of the Library of Congress Catalog of Printed Cards by the photolithoprint proc- ess, a project nearing completion by the Association of Research Libraries with the technical aid of Edwards Brothers, is an achievement which undoubtedly advances solution of some of the serious problems involved in library purchase, maintenance, and use of this important tool. By October 1945 it is expected that all subscribing li- braries will have received the complete set of I 76 volumes of this work, containing reproductions of approximately two million Library of Congress cards. Library de- mand for these volumes already exceeds available supply, and Edwards Brothers plans to reprint the entire work after the war if enough subscriptions are obtained to support a second edition. A supplement to the present edition, to be published immediately after the war, is definitely pro- jected.1 To assure proper distribution of the re- produced printed catalog outside the United States, the Rockefeller Foundation has con- tributed $3 7 ,500, through a grant to the American Library Association, toward the cost of producing this work. In describing the project, the foundation explained that "expenses for supplying an entire set of Library of Congress cards formerly averaged about $7000. Present procedure, which leaves data from the cards still en- tirely legible and available in familiar book 1 "Edwards Brothers Expands Its Field of Scholarly Publishing." Publishers' Weekly I46:JI4·I8, July 29, 1944· SEPTEMBER~ 1945 form, has cut this cost to $7 50 or less per set." The Rockefeller grant thus will make available to fifty selected institutions abroad "this most important single bibliographical resource developed by American librarian- ship."2 Librarians' Reactions to Reproductions- Following preliminary appr'Oval and sub- scription to the new book form of the Library of Congress catalog, adverse criti- cism began to be voiced as successive vol- umes rolled off the press, both by library administrators and by catalogers. Objec- tions were directed chiefly at the illegibility of some of the reproduced material as com- pared with the original cards. A survey conducted by J ens Nyholm, then of the U n,iversity of California Library3 and now of Northwestern University Library, showed that a majority of the twenty-three respondents, for the most part directors of large university and public libraries, con- curred in the judgment that the reproduc- tions were unsatisfactory with respe~t to legibility. . The chief sources of reading difficulty attributed to the reproduced cards were excessive reduction in type size, blur- ring, and reduction of contrast in the offset material. As a result of these factors, it was asserted, more time was required for read- ing the sma11 print, errors in ordering card·s from serial numbers were more likely to 2 Rockefeller Fo1mdation, Annual Report. 1942, P· 219 · 20 . s "Summary of Comments on a Catalog of Books Represented by Library of Congress Printed Cards in Response to an Inquiry by the University of California Library." Distributed in mimeographed · form under date of June s, 1943. 447 / occur, and eyestrain was more noticeable in using the reproductions than when working with the original printed cards. In opposition to this judgment, several catalogers interrogated in the course of the survey reported that they had experienced no difficulty in reading the entries and no eyestrain even after several hours of con- tinuous work. In assessing the quality of the reproductions after some fifty volumes had been published, Bishop4 likewise noted tha~ some persons who had worked steadily with the reduced material had reported no eyestrain. While conceding that the re- production of the printed portion of the cards is not entirely satisfactory in quality and that "the reduction is perhaps too great for complete legibility in all cases," Bishop concluded that "for all ordinary purposes of consultation the book is perfectly legible ... it is a perfectly good working tool." As spokesman for the committee which car- ried out the project, he explained that a lesser reducti<;>n would have increased the cost of the entire work by at least $200, or almost a third, and he stressed the savings to the profession to be effected by the reasonable purchase price of the new tool. Nyholm, on the other hand, indicated that the considerable savings anticipated through use of the bound volumes by libraries maintaining depository sets of Library of Congress cards had not been realized. As evidence he cited the fact that only six libraries in a group of sixty-one had decided, after acquiring some volumes of the bound reproductions, that they would replace their depository sets with the new tool and return the former to the Library of Congress. Nyholm implied that a ma- jority of the fifty-five libraries ;eporting to the Library of Congress that they would not return their depository sets, or that they were undecided in the matter, were 4 Bishop, William Warner. "Notes on the Library of Congress Catalog of Printed Cards." Library Journal 68:869-71, Nov. 1, 1943. deterred from taking this action by the un- satisfactory quality of the reproductions of the cards. Some support for this assump- tion may be found in the responses relatin~ to this question which were obtained from the smaller sample of twenty-three li- brarians who participated in the Nyholm survey. As pointed out by Tate5 in discussing various mechanical techniques designed for coping with the problem of the rapidly ac- celerating growth of research libraries, the reaction of the ultimate consumer is a factor vital to successful adoption and use of any new tool. He refers to library ex- perience with miniature photographic fac- similes: "It has been found that some users eagerly adopt them while others are equally vociferous in rejecting them in any form." One source of uncertainty in attempting to gauge consumer reaction in advance of use inheres in the fact, observed by Tate, that "there is a vast difference between a laboratory sample and the manu- factured product." He concludes that con- sumer acceptance cannot be determined "arbitrarily through discussion and specu- lation; a conclusive answer can only be obtained through a test project." As far as can be ascertained, no test pro- ject was conducted to determine the rela- tive legibility of the L.C. cards and their reproductions before the volumes were delivered to subscribers. In preliminary es- timates of the probable savings to be effected by libraries through purchase and use of the reproduced Library of Congress catalog, an approximate equivalence in legibility of the printed cards and their reproductions, as far as this factor may affect working efficiency, seems to have been assumed. Consumer reactions, after examination and use of the published bound volumes, cast doubt upon G "Controversial." A review by Vernon D. Tate of Fremont Rider's book, The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library. Library Journal 69:1046, Dec. 1, 1944· 448 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES this assumption. Unwilling to base decision regarding the advisability of replacing a set of the printed L.C. cards with the bound reproductions upon users' opinions alone, especially since there was conflict among them, Carl M. White, director of the Co- lumbia University Libraries, requested the writer to obtain some objective data on this problem. Experts~ Judgments on Legibility Nyholm, in . the mimeographed _report of his survey referred to above, included a statement by Matthew Luckiesh, director . of the Lighting Research Laboratory of the General Electric Company, on the visibility of the type used in the book catalog. Regarding the reduction of the full-size 10-point type used on the L.C. cards, Luckiesh states: "The reproductions of the original I<;>-point type result in equivalent type-size from 5·4 to 6.5. This is extremely small type to be read for long periods, par- ticularly when there are various details to be distinguished." In commenting on the reduction of the full-size 8-point type also used on L.C. cards, Luckiesh reports: "The equivalent type-size of the reproduc- tions varies from 4· 5 to 5. 7 as determined by measurements of relative visibility .... It is little short of outrageous to ask anyone to pore over type of this size. In addition to these small resulting sizes, we have the blurring, filling in, and loss of detail in various reproductions." He concludes that "even if the reproduction is perfect in each case, the smallness of the equivalent type- size places an extreme burden upon eyes and upon the entire human seeing-machine." To obtain further expert opinion, the. write·r consulted Miles A. Tinker, of the University of Minnesota. In a study concerned with preservation of newspaper accounts of historical events, Tinker and Paterson6 found that reduction to 50 per 6 Tink er, Mile s A ., and Paterson, Donald G. SEPTEMBER~ 1945 cent of the original 7-point text lessened the readability significantly, although the text could still be read by college students. Just beyond a size reduction of 50 per cent, the legibility curve dropped sharply. With a reduction to 30 per cent of original size., the type ·was blurred and could be read only with great difficulty. Later studies by the same experimenters7 showed that speed of reading is retarded when type sizes less than g-point are used. In experimenting with eye movements involved in reading, these authors found 8 that 6-point type when read by college students yielded a much less efficient oculomotor pattern than 10-point type. Photographs of eye movements taken while reading ~as in process showed that with the 6-point type the number of fixa- tions was increased, the span of perception was decreased, the time per fixation was in- creased, total perception time was. greatly increased, and the frequency of regressive movements was slightly increased. When asked to give his opinion on the legibility of the reproductions of the L.C. cards, Dr. Tinker replied that he believed his experience in the field warranted judg- ment without. a special experiment. Upon examination of material in the bound vol- umes, his findings 9 were : ( 1) The reduction in the size of print in the offset m~terial produces a poorly readable copy. ( 2) Add to this the blurring and re- duction of contrast which occurs in this offset printing and we have a copy that not only requires excessive visual effort to read but also a copy that will be read less efficiently from the viewpoint of reading time and pos- sible errors. Add to this the subjective feeling of discomfort and irritation on the part of the reader. . . . With the best 'of eyes this mate- "Studies of Typographical Factors Influencing Speed of Reading." Journal of Applied Psychology 16:5 25- 31, October 1932. 1 Paterson, Donald G., and Tinker, Miles A. How to Make Type Readable. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1940. 209p. (Size of Type, p. 29-37.) 8 Paterson. Donald G., and Tinker, Miles A. "In- fluence of Size of Type on Eye Movements." Journal of Applied Psychology 26:227-30, April 1942·. 9 Reported in a letter to the writer dated Nov. 2, 1943· 449 rial will cause eye fatigue and lessened effi- ciency by the end of one hour. In contrast to these judgments was that of Leonard Carmichael, of Tufts College, and Walter F. Dearborn, of the Psycho- Educational Clinic of Harvard University. During recent years the Tufts Laboratory has been actively engaged, in cooperation with Dr. Dearborn, in the study of fatigue in connection with reading. The technique used in these visual fatigue studies inv'olves electrical recording of all eye movements during prolonged reading periods, supple- mented by measures of comprehension and other relevant variables. These studies seem to indicate, report 8armichael and Dearborn/0 that the visual mechanism is amazingly resistant to fatigue in reading. (They cite the finding, for example, that six hours of continuous reading of microfilm showed no measurable decline in visual efficiency or "fatigue.") The feeling tone accompanying reading, they point out, may change when the visual mechanism is appar- ently not being fatigued; that is, its effective operation is not impaired. Thus, readers will often assume that their visual mechan- ism is being harmed because they are pro- voked by or esthetically unsatisfied by a particular type of format. Regarding the legibility of the reproduc- tions of the L.C. cards, , Carmichael and Dearborn state: Frankly, we do not believe that anyone will be willing to make a final statement concern- ing the legibility or fatiguing nature of any special form of reproduced printed material without specific study, particularly in the case of material ... in which type size, blurring of contours, and decrease contrast are all factors. . . . It is our guess that material of the sort on the page which you enclose could be read for hours by a normal individual, · providing reading light is satisfactory, without visual harm. We are equally certain that .if this reading were done by an unselected group 10 Letters to the writer under date of Oct. 28, 1943, and Apr. 19, 1945. of subjects a certain number of them would be willing to report headaches, soreness in the lids, and so forth. Suggestion plays a large part in our estimate of reading ease. In commenting on· these psychological factors involved in reading efficiency, Ed- win G. Boring, director of the Psychological Laboratory at Harvard University, agreed 11 that the eyes will stand a great deal without impairment of function but notes that "when people have to make constant adjust- ment to get their eyes to work there may be an emotional strain which does not show in error. That complicates the problem." Calling attention to the change in the eyes that occurs in the average person around the age of forty, Boring points out that there must be a great many catalogers over forty- five years who would use the L.C. card reproductions and that findings obtained with young eyes may be misleading. 12 The inclusion of foreign language material on the L.C. cards, according to Boring, is another variable that should be taken into account when comparing the cards with their re- productions. This expert recommended that a special study be undertaken to de- termine to what extent the use of the reproductions, as compared with the origi- nal L.C. printed cards, would affect the working efficiency of catalogers. The opinions of these four specialists, while not unanimous, gave some support to the librarians who had rated the reproduc- tions as unsatisfactory with respect to legi- bility. On the question of visual fatigue, opinion was divided. With regard to work- ing efficiency, while one expert stated that the reproduced material would be read less 11 Letter to the writer, Oct. 27, 1943. 12 A recent study by Bryan and Curtiss showed that the median age of 89 catalogers in eleven large public libraries and 125 catalogers in eight · large uni- versity libraries was approximately forty years. About four-fifths of each group were between the ages of twenty-five and fifty-four, with approximately a third between thirty-five and forty-four; about a seventh of each group were over fifty-fcur years of age. ("Report to Cooperating Libraries on Results of Columbia Cataloging Examination Project." School of Library Service, Columbia University, 1943. Mimeo. 14p.) 450 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES efficiently in terms of reading time and pos- sible errors, no estimate was given as to the probable extent of the decreased efficiency. From the standpoint of library economy, this is an important consideration, since an increase in reading time and errors on the part of professional catalogers would in- crease the use cost of the bound reproduc- tions and might cancel or even outweigh the higher cost of purchase, filing, and storage of the printed cards. 13 To obtain objective data on this essential question, it seemed evident that a special study of the legibility of the L.C. cards and their reproductions would be necessary. The Experimental Design With the cooperation of the cataloging department of the Columbia University Libraries, 14 a controlled experiment was planned and conducted to test the hypothesis that, in estimating costs of use by catalogers, an approximate equivalence in legibility of the printed L.C. cards and their bound reproductions, as far as this factor may affect working efficiency, legitimately can be assumed. Twenty-four professional catalogers, all but three15 employed in the Columbia U ni- versity Libraries, served as subjects for this \ 1a In a recent study of the cost of u sing microfilm for reproduction of periodical articl es, Shaw remark s that while business and industry do not ordinarily confuse first cost with total cost when they are ac- tually different, librarians sometimes appear to do so. In his study, Shaw is not concerned with reading time or errors in perception in the use of microfilm. He starts with the assumption that "the time consumed in the actual reading of a given periodi ca l article is sub- stantially the ' same for the ori ginal, for a photoprint cooy, and for a microfilm copy which does not require reference back and forth and which is ready to read." Obviously, this as sumption is op en to question. Shaw, Ralph R. "Should Scientists Use Microfilm?" Li- brary Quarterly 14:2 29-33, July 1944· . 14 Althea Terry, head of the cataloging department, was most helpful in working out experimental arrange- ments. lise Bry, a member of the department, served as research assistant under the direction of the writer, selecting and preparing the materials, conducting the experimental sessions, and assisting in analysis of data. Mrs. David Maxfield , former Columbia cataloger, scored the worksheets, and Rodman Bassein, also a member of · the department, performed the statistical calculations. Invaluable help was given by Edwin G. Boring in designing the experiment. lll Graduate students in the Columbia School of Li- brary Service, all of whom had had cataloging ex- perience. SEPTEMBER_, 1945 experiment. Three age groups, with eight subjects in each, were formed as follows: Group I, under thirty-five years; Group II, between thirty-five and forty-five years; Group III, over forty-five years. All but two of the subjects were women. Thir- teen of the total group wore eyeglasses, three from Group I, and five each from Groups II and III. The amount of correc- tion increased with the age group; there were no large corrections in Group I and no small ones in Group III. Each group of subjects worked during four experimental sessions held on four suc- cessive mornings, each group beginning work on the same day of the week in suc- cessive weeks. Each work period started at 9 A.M. and continued until all subjects had completed the experimental task for that session. A large classroom in the School of Library Service, with individual w.ork desks at which the subjects were seated according to a predetermined order, was used for the experiment. · Blinds were drawn and indirect, overhead lighting was used to keep the illumination as constant as possible. The same experimenter served throughout all sessions. Each subject was provided with an individual desk clock and asked to record the time to the nearest minute in a designated space at the bottom of certain worksheets when a particular unit of work was completed. The experimental task was so simple for these subjects that no practice period was needed. It consisted of transcribing a given amount of material from L.C. cards and from reproductions of these cards on mimeo- graphed worksheets 8¥2 by I I inches in size. A set of thirty worksheets, corresponding either to an equal number of cards or to an equal number of reproductions, comprised each assignment. During two of his four experimental sessions, the subject worked with L.C. cards in two trays placed on his desk; at the other two, he was provided with 451 two bound volumes containing the repro- ductions to be transcribed. Colored mark- ers in the trays indicated . the cards to be used, so that no time would be lost in lo- cating the'm. Colored markers also were placed in the volumes to indicate the pages on which the designated reproductions were to be found; a small right-angled strip of easily detachable adhesive tape was pasted just outside the upper left corner of each reproduction to be used. On every worksheet was mimeographed · some of the material to be found on the card or on the reproduction to which it · corresponded. Lines drawn below blank spaces indicated blocks of material that were to be filled in with pencil from the text of the card. This completion technique was used as a means for estimating the accuracy and speed with which the subjects cot.Jld read the text on the L.C. cards as compared with the reproductions. Since constant reference was to be made to the text, this method of measurement eliminated ' as possible complicating variables both memory and comprehension .of the material read (the latter was important in the case of unfamiliar foreign language material). Differences in handwriting speed among subjects could be aisregarded, since subjects were not to be compared with one another. The crucial factor was the difference be- tween efficiency in transcribing material from the cards and from the reproductions. It was assumed that each individual's speed of handwriting would remain relatively constant throughout th~ experiment. To avoid practice effects, the material as a whole was divided into two halves, Part A and Part B, and arranged so that subjects who worked with the A half of the card material would transcribe from the B half of the reproductions. The A and B halves were carefully selected to obtain equivalence of content. Every sub- ject worked with one set of cards and one set of reproductions printed in English and with one set , of each in selected foreign languages. The assignments were rotated systematically within each group of eight subjects, so that each subject began with a different set of material. This was a fur- ther precaution against practice effects. Each of the three age groups completed the same assignments, arranged in the same or- der. There were eight different sets of thirty worksheets in use at each session, rep- resenting 120 cards and 120 reprodu~tions. Eight card trays and eight bound volumes were used at each session. Every subject completed in all 120 worksheets, half from cards and half from reproductions, in the four sessions during which he worked. Each set of thirty worksheets was completed by four subjec:ts in each age group and by twelve subjects in all. Table I shows the order and character of each work assign- ment for each subject in all three groups. In planning this experiment, another parameter in addition to the age and lan- guage -variables had to be considered. This was type size. The L.C. cards are set in 12-, 10-, and 8-point type which is reduced in the reproductions to about 7-, 6-, and 5- point, respectively. In order to give equal representation to the three sizes of type used on the L.C . . cards, which for purposes of this study are designated as large, medium, and small~ ten worksheets respectiv~ly in each assignment of thirty were set up to require transcription of each of the three sizes of type. Material set in one type size only was transcribed on each worksheet, so that time scores could be kept separately for each size. In working out an order of occurrence within each set of thirty worksheets for the three sizes ~f type and for the six possible sequences (small-medium, small-large, me- dium-small, medium-large, large-small, and large-medium)' it was important to avoid any regularly recurring rhythms to which 452 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the subjects' eyes might adjust in a way that might mask the effects - of size differences. At the same time, it was necessary to secure a pattern that could be controlled through- out the experiment by systematic variation. - To achieve these objectives, a table of ran- dom sampling numbers16 was used as a basis for constructing a satisfactory pattern. place throughout his four sessions. Since the purpose of the experiment was to test the legibility of the material, not the relative efficiency of the subjects, competitive strain was avoided by assigning numbers to conceal the subjects' identities. In order to avoid possible intergroup rivalries, the subjects were not told until afterwards that age TABLE I Basic Experimental Design Used for Groups I, II, and III* Experim ental S essions Subjects 2 3 4 I REA C EB R FA C FB 2 C EB REA C FB R FA 3 R FB C FA REB C EA 4 C EA REB C FA R FB 5 R FA C FB REA C EB 6 C FB R FA C EB REA 7 REB C EA R FB C FA 8 C FA R FB C EA REB * R = R eproductions E == En gli s h A = Part A ( xst half) C = Cards F = Foreign B = Part B ( 2nd h a lf) The term "random" in this connection means (I) ignorance and unpredictability and ( 2) the following of prescribed laws of probability so that every item occurs equally often and every sequence equally often in samples that are not too small. In preparing the work assignments, the basic pattern was varied in four ways and the same set of variations was used with all three age groups. Thus, every subject, in each of his four assignments, worked through a different order of unpredictable recurrences of type sizes and sequences. Yet every subject in the total group was exposed, with systematic rotation in the pattern order, to the same four variations of the basic random pattern. The subjects drew lots at the start of the experiment to determine their seating arrangement and each person kept the same 16 Kendall, M. G., and Smith, B. B a bington. Tabl es of Ran do m Sampling Numbers. (Tracts for Computers, No. 24.) Cambridge, University Press, 1939, p. 33· SEPTEMBERJ 1945 differences were to be studied. It was implied that the composition of the three groups was a matter of administrative con- venience. In all other respects the subjects had been thoroughly acquainted by the writer with the purpose and design of the study. They were interested in the problem and they were promised a report on the findings. In a group conference held before the experiment began, opportunity had been given for questions and suggestions. The importance of approaching the experiment in a scientific spirit of conscientious and un- biased participation was strassed. The writer has every reason to believe that the cooperation of the entire grqup throughout the experiment was excellent. Before each work session began the ex- perimenter arranged all material in proper order on the subjects' desks. The members of the group began work at the same time on a signal from the experimenter. Pre- 453 liminary experimentation had indicated that each assignment would require about an hour to complete, but this time was exceeded considerably by some subjects with some assignments. To avoid undue fatigue, a -rest period of ten minutes after the first hour was provid,ed. After each assignment was completed, the subject was given a short questionnaire on which he was asked to record his subjective reactions toward cer- tain aspects of the experimental experience. At the conclusion of the last session for each group, a somewhat longer questionnaire was administered to obtain attitudes and opinions on the relative legibility of the cards and their reproductions. Selection of the Material Criteria for selecting the 120 cards and their matching reproductions were set up to meet the objectives of the ·experiment and to conform to the requirements of the experimental design. The content of the cards, as a whole, was representative of the kinds of material generally found on L.C. cards. Small amounts of special kinds of material, such as periodicals, documents, and legal material, were also included. A list of types of material that might be more difficult than the average to transcribe ac- curately was prepared and the variety and . frequency of this material was regulated throughout the selection. An attempt was made to select cards whose reproductions were apparently of fairly average quality, with a small percentage respectively . of better than average and poorer than average. The sele~tion of the material for this experiment was a highly exacting and time- consuming procedure. Limitations of space preclude further description of the many minor variables that were considered and controlled. ·Great care was taken to insure representative sampling and as complete equivalence as possible of the A and B parts of the material. This was necessary in order to control all variables which might in any way affect the validity of the final comparison of the cards and their reproduc- tions with respect to legibility. Scoring Procedures A scoring key for each assignment was prepared by typing on a copy of each of the worksheets an accurate transcript of the material to be filled in by the subject. Tables were made showing the number of printed characters to be transcribed on each sheet. The papers were first scored for errors, each deviation f~om a character on 'the key being counted as one error. Omis- sions or additions of characters likewise were scored as errors. Time scores were calculated, with totals for the three type sizes in each assignment kept separately. Net output of work per minute for each subject was then calculated by subtracting the number of errors from the number of characters to be transcribed and dividing the result by the number of minutes required by the subject to complete the assignment. Results This experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that an approximate equiva- lence in legibility of the printed L.C., cards and their bound reproductions, as far as this factor may affect working efficiency of catalogers, legitimately can be assumed. In statistical terminology, we are testing the hypothesi~ that the two samples under con- sideration ( L.C. cards and their: repro- ductions) were "drawn at random from identical normal populations, i.e., from normal populations with the same mean and same standard deviation," or, stated more simply, "that they were drawn from the same population, since populations with identical distributions may be considered as constituti~g a single population." 17 Such 17 Lindquist, Everet F. Statistical Analysis in Edu- cational Research. Boston, Houghton Mifllin, 1940, p. s6. (Also see p. Is.) 454 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES a hypothesis-that the true difference be- tween these two samples is zero-is known as a "null hypothesis." If, by statistical analysis of the experimental data, we find that the difference in mean achievement of catalogers working with these two samples is larger than could reasonably be attributed to fluctuations in random sampling, then we may reject the null hypothes_is. Before we can say that this difference in mean achievement can be attributed to a difference in legibility, however, we must adequately have controlled other variables in the situa- tion · which might conceivably have caused the difference. The experimen t'al design of this study was planned to control such variables. By statistical analysis of the data, the degree to which this control was exercised can be determined. Equivalence of Parts A and B The first factor to be considered is the equivalence of Parts A and B of the ma- terial. We must test -the hypothesis that these parts were equally matched, i.e., that there is no significant difference between the samples of cards selected respectively to compose these two halves of the material. Tables II and III give the differences between the mean achievement of the cata- logers on Parts A and B of the material in terms of errors · and net output per minute. These differences are broken down into English and foreign language material and into the three age groups for both cards and reproductions. To determine the significance of the differences, the t-test was used. 18 Various levels of significance for the obtained values of t were ascertained by use of Fisher and Yates's table.19 The level of significance indicates the number of chances in one hundred that the two samples were not drawn from the same or identical populations. When the value of tis greater than that required for a given level of significance, the null hypothesis may be con- . sidered disproved with a correspondjng degree of confidence. Following R. A. Fisher, statisticians in re- 18 Fisher, Ronald A. The Design of Experiments. 3d ed . London, Oliver & Boyd, I942, p. 33-37· The formula used for calculating t can be found on p. 57 (formula II) in Lindquist (op. cit.). . . 19 Fisher, Ronald A., and Yates, Frank. Stattshcal Tables for Biological, Medical, and Agricultural R e- search . zd ed. London, Oliver & Boyd, I943· Table III, p. 30. TABLE II Parts A and B-Errors English Cards Reproductions Measures Group Group I II III I II III Mean A 9 4 I9 I96 9 437 Mean B I3 3 22 71 63 208 Difference -4 I -3 I25 -54 229 Significance* Foreign Cards Reproductions Measures Group Group III I II III I II Mean A 47 40 II 308 47 749 Mean B 68 II 4I 32 92 394 Difference -21 29 -:-30 276 -45 355 Significance* * None of the differences is statistically significant. SEPTEMBER, 1945 455 TABLE III Parts A and B-N et Output per Minute . English Cards Measures Reproductions I Group II III Group I II III Mean A 96 86 85 67 72 64 Mean B 76 81 79 83 73 68 Difference 20 5 6 -16 -I Significance* b -4 Foreign Cards Reproductions Measures Group Group I II III I II III Mean A 8I 67 6I 52 55 43 Mean B 6I 66 6I 72 57 54 Difference 20 I 0 -20 -2 · -II Significance* ' * b = from 95 to 98 chances in Ioo that the means are signific a ntly different. cent years have tended to accept the 5-per ce~t and I-per cent levels 1 0f significance. · The 5-per cent level means t hat there is one chance in twenty that the two samples whose difference is being considered have been drawn from the same population, i.e.~ there is one chance in twenty that the difference is not significant and therefore nineteen chances in twenty, or ninety-five. in one hundred, that the difference is significant, Fisher's terms, however, are confusing because the difference becomes more significant as th e stated probability (that there is no significant difference) becomes smaller. In this paper, the 9 5-per cent level of the significance of a difference has been used tq designate what in Fisher's terminology is called the 5-per cent level; similarly, the gg-per cent level is w h at Fisher calls the I -per cent level, an d so on . In Tables II and III (and the following tables), the significance of each - difference is indicated in the last row, for various levels of significance, by the following set of symbols: no symbol = less than go chances in 100 that the means are significantly different a = from go to g5 chances in 100 b = from g5 to g8 chances in 100 c = from g8 to gg chances .in 100 d = from gg to gg.g chances m 100 (or ggg in 1000) e = greater than ggg chances m 1000 To save space, the calculated values for t are not given in the tables. Means were worked out t o two decimals but, again to save space, the decimals were dropped after reduction. So far as errors are concerned, Table II shows that no consistent pattern of differences between Parts A and B as , dependent on their content, can be discerned. While some relatively large differences20 appear, these depend upon the age group, the language, and whether the work sample is a reproduction . The equivalence of the A and B parts of the material was sub- 20 Considerable variability, both in number of errors ~nd. i_n n et ou!put per minute. was found among the mdtvtdual subJ ects. This wa s not a function of the a ge fi:TO~~· TJ:e small est number of errors made by any md1v1dual m the four work assignments was 3 2 , the la r gest 3 9 01. In workin g with the reproductions some _subJ ects omitted w hole s ections of the sm a ll typ~ matenal m some samples because they could not read them. Th ese omissions were counted a s errors. The best score in terms of net output per minute was 100 . 4 characters, the poorest was 46. 6. The rank correlation between errors and net output per minute was .39 for the twenty-four subjects. 456 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES stantiated by the small t vaiues, which, as the absence of significance symbols in the last row of the table shows, were in no case sufficiently greater than zero to indicate as many as go chances in 1 oo that the A and B parts were drawn from different popula- tions. A similar conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the data for net output per minute. Table III indicates that the B cards are in general somewhat less rapidly handled than the A cards, but this difference the foreign language material. Here we are interested in the question, if differences are found, as to whether these differences show a consistent pattern in both the cards and the reproductions. If •they do, we may assume that the language differences are not the cause of any differences in efficiency that may be found when the catalogers' work with the cards is compared with that done with the reproductions. It is apparent from these tables that the English material . is consistently somewhat easier to transcribe TABLE IV Languages E and F-Errors Cards . Group I Group II Group III Measures Type Size Type Size I Type Size L M s L M s L M s / Mean E 2 2 7 I 2 I 3 4 I3 MeanF 6 I4 37 2 3 2I 2 5 I9 Difference -I2 -30 -I -I -20 I I -I -6 -4 Significance* a b I Reproductions Group I Group II Group III Measures Type Size Type Size Type S!ze L M s L M s L M s Mean E 3 34 97 I 29 5 2 I6 304 MeanF I2 36 I23 IS I4 40 20 174 378 Difference -9 -2 -26 -I4 I5 -35 -I8 -I 58 -74 Significance* b b * a=from 90 to 95 chances in 100, b from 95 to 98 chances in Ioo that the means are significantly different. cannot be due to the content of the cards since the situation is reversed in the repro- ductions. The t values, although in some cases higher than they were for the errors, show only one difference above the go-per cent level of significance. These findings support the hypothesis that there ·is no significant difference between the A and B parts of the material and make it possible to combine them in further analyses of the data. Tables IV and V are concerned with the differences in difficulty of the English versus SEPTEMBER, 1945 than the foreign material, whether the sub- ject is working from the cards or from the reproductions. In every case, the catalogers worked more slowly with the foreign material, as is shown in Table V. This held true in all three sizes of type. Seven of the nine dif- ferences in the card material lie above the go-per cent level of significance, as do six of the nine differences in the reproductions. Seven of these thirteen differences lie above the gg-per cent level. Although the cata· logers .worked more slowly with the foreign 457 samples, they nevertheless tende.d to make 'more errors with them, as appears in all but two of the comparisons shown in Table IV. Only four o~ these differences, how- ever, lie above the go-per cent level of significance. vary directly with age since the youngest and the oldest catalogers tended to make more errors than those in Group II. Again, the great variability among individuals in all three age groups accounts for the fact that large differences found in some in- TABLE v Languages E and F-N et Output per Minute Cards Group I Group II Group III Measures Type Size Type Size Type Size L M s L M s L M s Mean E 71 95 S3 76 90 So 75 ss 79 Mean F 63 7 5 70 s6 71 66 57 64 6o Difference s 20 13 20 19 14 IS 24 19 Significance* b d {i d d e d \ Group I Reproductions Group II Group III Measures Type Size I Type Size Type Size I L M s I L M s L M s Mean E 6! ss 72 57 So 69 59 73 61 Mean F 51 67 61 54 6o 54 44 54 47 Difference 10 1S II 3 20 15 IS 19 14 Significance* a d c b c a * a=from 90 to 95 chances in 100, b from 95 to_9S chances in IOo, c from 9S to 99 chances in 100, d=999 chances m 1000, and e=greater than 999 chanc~s m Iooo that the means are significantly different. Effect of Age The question as to whether there are any significant differences in working efficiency on the experimental task among the three age groups may be answered. by reference to Tables VI and VII. In general, · the older catalogers (Group III) worked a little more slowly than those in Group· II, while the middle group in turn tended to work a little less rapidly than the youngest (Group I). While these differences, as shown in Table VII, are fairly consistent, they are relatively small and only two of the thirty-six differences computed reach the go-per cent level of significance. Table VI shows slight differences on the average in the number of errors made by the dif- ferent age groups, but accuracy does not stances between the group means are for the most part not significant statistically. Only one difference was found between Groups I and III which exceeded the go-per cent level in the twenty-four comparisons made. Between Groups I and ·II, four of the twenty-four differences were significant with three favoring the middit group; three significant differences were found between Groups II and III which also favored the middle group. If, in spite of the great variability within our small groups, there appears to be some tendency for accuracy to increase with age, then it would seem reasonable to suppose that two factors are acting simultaneously in opposite directions. It is possible that the younger group has the advantage of / 458 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES TABLE VI Age Groups I, II, and III-Errors Cards Reproductions English Foreign English Foreign Measures Type Size Type Size Type Size Type Size L , M s L M s L M s L M s Mean I 2 2 7 6 I4 37 3 34 97 I2 35 I23 Mean II I 2 I I 3 · 2I I 29 5 IS I4 40 III 3 4 I3 2 5 I9 2 I6 304 20 I74 378 Diff. I-II I 0 6 5 II I6 2 5 92 -3 2I 83 Significance* b e a Diff. II- III -2 -2 -I2 -I -2 2 -I I3 -299 -s -I6o -338 Significance* a b a Diff. I-III -I -2 -6 ' 4 ' 9 I8 I I8 -207 -8 -I39 -255 Significance* ' * a=from 90 to 95 chances in Ioo, b from 95 to 98 chances in 100, and e=greater than 999 chances in 1000 that the means are significantly different. better visual acuity, an advantage which diminishes with age but is offset among the older catalogers by their experience in deal- ing with this sort of material. In any ctJ,se, the achievement of the three age groups is sufficiently uniform from a statistical stand- point to permit us to combine them in our final analysis of the differences between cards and reproductions. Effect of Type Size We are now ready to examine the dif-· ferences among the three sizes of type. These differences are exhibited in Tables VIII and IX. With respect to errors, there are no significant differences between the large and medi urn type. Three of the twelve differences between the medium and the small type are significant above the TABLE VII Age Groups I, II, and III-Net Output per Minute Cards Reproductions English Foreign English Foreign Measures Type Size Type Size • Type Size Type Size L M s L M s ... L M s L M s Mean I 7I 95 83 63 74 70 6I 85 72 SI 67 6I Mean II 76 90 8o s6 70 66 57 8o 69 54 6o 54 M·ean III 75 88 79 57 64 6o 59 73 6I 44 54 47 Diff. I-II -s 5 3 7 4 4 4 5 3 -3 7 7 Significance* a Diff. II- III I 2 I -I 6 6 -2 7 8 IO 6 7 Significance* Diff. I-III -4 7 4 6 IO 10 2 I2 II 7 I3 I4 Significance* a * a=fr~m 90 to 95 chances in Ioo that the means are significantly different. SEPTEMBER~ 1945 459 TABLE VIII Type Sizes L. M, and S..:_Errors I Cards Reproductions English Foreign English Foreign Measures I Group Group Group Group I II III I II III I II III I II III Mean L . 2 I 2 6 2 2 3 I 2 l 12 15 20 MeanM 2 2 4 14 3 5 34 29 16 ' 36 14 I74 MeanS 7 2 13 37 21 19 97 5 304 123 40 378 Diff. L-M 0 -I -2 -8 -I Significance* -3 -3I -28 -14 -24 I -154 Diff. M-'-S -s 0 -9 -23 -18 -I4 -63 24 -288 -87 -26 -204 Significance* e b a Diff. L-S -s -I -II -31 -19 -17 -94 -4 -302 -III -25 -358 Significance* . e a b b a a * a=from 90 to 95 chances in 100, b from 95 to 98 chances in roo, and e=greater than 999 chances in 1000 that the means are significantly different. go-per cent level. When the large and the small type are compared, half of the differences are statistically significant. In all cases where differences are significant, more errors occur when the catalogers are working with the small type. AI though fewer errors are made with the large type, the catalogers .seem to have worked more slowly when transcribing the large-type ma- terial. When the net output per minute for the large and the medium-sized type. is compared, the results show a difference in favor of the medium size that exceeds the go-per cent level of significance in eight of the twelve computations. Likewise, the differences between the large and the small I type favor the latter, although only two of these differences are statistically signifi- cant. The explanation for this finding seems to lie in the probability that because greater difficulty was experienced in reading the smaller-type samples that prece·ded the large- type blocks, the subjects unconsciously TABLE IX Type Sizes L, M, and S-N et Output per Minute . Cards Reproductions English Foreign English Foreign Measures Group Group Group Group I II III I II III I II III I II III MeanL 7I 76 75 63 s6 57 61 57 59 51 54 44 MeanM 95 90 88 75 71 64 ss So 73 67 6o 54 MeanS 83 So 79 70 66 6o 72 69 61 61 54 47 Diff. L-M -24 -14 -13 -12 -IS -7 -24 -23 -14 -16 -6 -IO Significance* c b b c d d a a Diff. M-S 12 10 9 5 5 4 13 II 12 6 6 7 Significance* a Diff. L-S -II -4 -4 -7 -IO -3 -II -12 -2 -10 0 ~ Significance* c a *a= from 90 to 95 chances in 100, b=from 95 to 98 chances in 100, and d=999 chances in Iooo that the means are significantly different. · · 460 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES relaxed and slowed down when they came to the selections that were easier to read. At the same time, because the large-type samples were more legible, the catalogers were able to transcribe them with greater accuracy. In the final comparisons .between lagers made many more errors, in both the English and foreign material, when working with the reproductioil.s than when transcrib- ing from the cards. The only exception was in the case of the large-sized type where no difference was found. All of the differences TABLE X Cards and Reproductions (Languages E and F)-Errors English Foreign Measures Type Size Type Size L M s L M s Mean C 2 3 8 3 8 26 Mean R 2 26 135 16 75 180 Difference 0 -23 -127 -13 -67 -154 Significance* c a c a b * a = from 90 to 95 chances in too, b from 95 to 98 chances in too, c from 98 to 99 chances in 100 that the means are significantly different. TABLE XI Cards and Reproductions (Languages E and F)- Net Output per Minute English Foreign Measures Type Size Type Size Mean C Mean R Difference Significance* L 74 59 15 e M s 91 81 8o 67 II 14 d d L M s 59 70 65 50 61 54 9 9 II c b , c * b = from 95 to 98 chances in too, c from 98 to 99 chances in 100, d = 999 chances in 1000 that the means are significantly different. cards and reproductions, the three type sizes were analyzed separately, since it seemed clear that they were related to the legibility factor. Cards Versus Reproductions Tables· X through XIII present these final analyses on the differences. between the cards and the reproductions. A pre- liminary breakdown was made, with the English and foreign languages treated separately. Table X shows that the cata- SEPTEMBER~ 1945 are above the go-per cent level of signifi- cance. That the catalogers also worked much more slowly with the reproductions than with the cards in both English and foreign material and in all three type sizes is demonstrated in Table XI. All of these differences exceed the 95-per cent level of significance. While for both cards and reproductions, in both English and foreign material, the errors show a consistent in- crease from the large to the small-sized 461 type, the net output per minute is greatest for the medium-sized type and smallest for the large type. These findings are consistent with those shown in Tables VIII and IX. Tables XII · and XIII present the final data on the efficiency of the whole group · of subjects in transcribing from the cards consistently as the' type sizes became smaller. Use of the reproductions cut down con- siderably the efficiency of the group in terms of the number of characters transcribed. In all three type sizes the net output per minute was less for the reproductions than for the cards. The differences were all TABLE XII Cards and Reproductions (Type Sizes)-Errors Measures Type Size L M s Total Mean C 2 5 17 24 Mean R · 9 51 158 218 Difference -7 -46 -141 -194 Significance* c c d d * c = from 98 to 99 chances in roo, d = 999 chances in IOoo that the means are significantly different. TABLE XIII Cards and Reproductions (Type Sizes)- Net Output per Minute,.. . 1\jeasures Mean C Mean R Difference Significance* L 66 54 12 e M 8o 70 10 d Type Size s Total 73 73 61 62 12 II e e * d = 999 chances in rooo, e = greater than 999 chances in rooo that the means are significantly different. and the reproductions when the language differences are ignored. As shown in Table XII, errors occurred with much less fre- quency when the catalogers were tran~crib­ ing from the cards than when they were working with the reproductions of the same material in the bound volumes. The dif- ferences in all three sizes of type were above the g8-per cent level of significance. In the small-sized type an even higher level of significance was exceeded, as was the case for the total computation when all three type sizes ·were combined. In both cards and reproductions, the errors increased above the 99-per cent level of significance. These results are shown in Table XIII. Here, again, it is evident that the catalogers as a group worked faster with the medium- sized type than with the large or the small and faster with the small than with the large type. As explained above, this was probably due to the fact that the subjects slowed down on the large-type material while recovering from strain induced by difficulty experienced in working with the smaller print. From the standpoint of use cost of the cards as compared with the reproductions, 462 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES the findings of this experiment indicate that the net output per minute of these catalogers when working with the reproductions is about 85 per cent of the net output for the cards. This means that the difference in output is sufficiently great to require seven catalogers working with the reproductions to do the work of six catalogers using the cards. These seven catalogers will, with the reproductions, make about nine times as many errors as they would with the cards . . The errors will occur in all sizes of type : approximately 73 per cent in the small type, 23 per cent in the medium-sized type, and the remaining 4 per cent ' in the large type. Errors will be more numerous and output less when the catalogers are working ·with foreign language as compared with English material. Subjectl Introspections S.pace permits only a brief summarization of the reactions of the catalogers who participated in this experiment. Before beginning work on the first assignment the subjects were asked to check on a five-point scale their attitude toward a decision to substitute the bound volumes for the de- pository catalog in the cataloging depart- ment of their library. After they had completed two work sessiqns they were asked to check another copy of this scale ; at the ·end of the last session, they again indicated their attitude. The following tabulation of tlie number of subjects check- ing each point on the scale shows how these attitudes shifted: Be.fore ISt After After Attitude Session · 2d 4th Strongly approve I I 0 Approve 4 6 7 that it would be a mistake to substitute the reproductions for the cards. The consensus of this majority was that use of the repro- ductions would undermine the validity of their professional work since they could never be ,sure, unless they had a given · book in hand, whether or not they were reading the text op the card correctly. Two of this group said that they would prefer to give up cataloging entirely rather than experience the feelings of uncertainty, frustration, and strain which use of the reproductions engendered. Many of the participants reported irritability, annoyance, and exasperation at the inadequacy of the bound volumes as a bibliographicai tool. With respect to the question as to whether a reading glass would obviate some of the difficulties encountered in working with the reproductions, opinion was divided. Some thought such a verification de~ice would clear up uncertainties, but others felt that there were many defects in the type of the reproductions that could not be overcome by magnification of the text and that the reduction in type size was only one, and perhaps not the most important, factor of illegibility. Many commented on the fact that the experimental sessions were much longer than periods of time spent in working with the reproductions for professional purposes. They . also pointed out that the experimental task differed considerably from the actual work of a cataloger. 21 Those who approved the proposed sub":'. stitution of the bound volumes for the depository catalog felt that the disadvantages of the reduced type were outweighed by the greater convenience of use, the ease with which material may be located, saving of Undecided I2 3 Disapprove 4 7 4 • space, and "up-to-dateness" of the entries. Strongly disapprove 3 ' 7 12 At the end of the experiment sixteen of th~ twenty-four catalogers were convinced SEPTEMBER~ 1945 21 The work assignments had to be sufficient~y long to in sure reliability of the data. ~h~. expert mental t ask was designed to measure the legtbthty of the ma- terial, not the u se to which it would be converted by prof ess ional catalo gers. 463 It is evident th~t the difference in opinion with regard to the usefulness of the repro- ductions of the Library of Congress cards found among the Columbia catalogers after they had participated in this experi- ment reflects the divergence ~f v.i ews in the field. This finding gives further indication of the need for objective. data as _an indis~ pensable aid in understanding the factors involved in thi; problem. Conclusion The results of this study show that in estimating costs of use by catalogers of the printed ~-~· cards, as compared with the bound reproductions, the legibility factor must be takert into account. Use of the ,printed cards affords greater working ef- ficiency in that catalogers work more rapidly and more accurately with the cards than wi"th the reproductions. In a given amount of time the catalogers transcribed from the reproductions only about 85 per cent as much material as from the cards. In other words, in respect of output alone, it would take seven catalogers working with the reproductions to do the work of six with the cards. That, however, is not all. The seven catalogers working - with the reproductions will make about nine times as many errors as the six cata- ·logers working with the cards. Most of the errors ( 73 per cent) will occur in the small type, some (23 per cent)' in the medium-sized type, and a few (4 per cent) in the large type. In all cases transcription was slower and errors ~ were more numerous in the foreign languages as compared with English. These differences held for subjects in all three age groups. In general, the subjects began the ex- periment without great prejudice for or against the reproductions. Five of them expected to find the reproductions more satisfactory than the cards, seven of them expected the reproductions to be less satis- factory than the cards, the remaining twelve were undecided. At the end of the experi- ment, every subject but one had made up his mind. Seven were impressed by the greater convenience of the bound volumes, one was undecided, whereas the remaining sixteen disapproved or strongly disapproved the reproductions because the illegibility of the material undermined confidence in the accuracy of their work. This led to feelings of frustration, irritation, and strain. It will be necessary to stutly carefully the a,ctual extent of use of the depository catalog before it will be possible to say whether the convenience, the lower first costs, and the lower cost of maintenance of the bound volumes justifies the inefficiencies ~ which use of the reproductions entails. 22 Since inequalities in paper and printing of the original printed L.C. cards exist, apparently the only way to obtain more legible reproductions is to make them larger, i.e . ., to use a smaller reduction in type size. It is, of course, possible to reset the material · in type but this would be much more ex- pensive and would probably introduce errors in the text. Elimination of white space in the reproductions would allow some en- largement without increasing the bulk of the volumes and this advantage might easily be worth the extra labor involved in pre- paring the material for reproduction.- lt is to be hoped that in planning for supplements to the bound volumes of the Library of Congress catalog or for repro- ductions of similar catalogs (e.g . ., the Catalog of the British Museum) this question of the size of reproduction can be considered more carefully in view of the disadvantage that too great reduction m • type size is now known to entail. 22 A study of this variable as it affects the situation in the Columbia Univ ersity Libraries is now in prog- ress. This is "Use of the Depository Catalog in a University Library" by Frances Munson, a master's thesi s in the School of Library Service, Columbia Uni- versity. 464 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES