College and Research Libraries College and University Library Statistics FOR S E V E R A L ITEARS the F e b r u a r y issue of the A.L.A. Bulletin has carried the Statistics £f college, university, and teach- ers college libraries. T f i e s e statistics have been collected by the A m e r i c a n L i b f a ^ Association Statistical Assistant and have beeri of much interest and value to li- brarians. C o n f r o n t e d by the necessity of retrenchment, the A . L . A . E x e c u t i v e B o a r d decided to relieve the H e a d q u a r t e r s staff of the necessity of compiling and publish- ing the statistics and to encourage the A . C . R . L . and its official organ, College and Research Libraries, to assume this responsibility. T h a t w a s in O c t o b e r . Officers of the A . C . R . L . and the editors set to w o r k promptly to w o r k out a plan w h e r e b y the continuity of the statistics c o u l d be maintained. W i t h the reduction in the activities of the A . L . A . Statistical Assistant, it w a s necessary to seek volunteer assistance i n preparing the material f o r publication. J u l i a W r i g h t M e r r i l l , chief of the A . L . A . D e p a r t m e n t of I n f o r m a t i o n and A d v i s o r y Services, has aided greatly in the prepara- tion and r o u t i n g of material. T h e sta- tistics f o r college and university libraries ( G r o u p I ) w e r e prepared and tabulated by L u c i l l e M o c k , loan department, I o w a State C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , under the direction of C h a r l e s H . B r o w n , librarian. T h e statistics f o r college and university librar- ies ( G r o u p I I ) w e r e prepared by G . F l i n t P u r d y , librarian, W a y n e U n i v e r s i t y , D e - troit. T h e statistics f o r teacher-training institutions w e r e prepared by C l a r a G u t h - rie, Reference librarian, M i l n e f Library', Illinois State N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y , and the staff of the M i l n e f L i b r a r y , of w h i c h E l e a n o r W e i r W e l c h is libfzri&i. A S Of these persons have very gracidtfssff cepted their share of the responsibility W g e t t i n g the j<1iotny several items f o r m e r l y included have fafegtf omitted f rom the statistics of the larger college' a n d university libraries ( G r o u p I ) : nuiufc&t' of staff members on central library budget salaries of administfative office assistants; salary scales for specific departments, cata- log, circulation, e t c . ; and student service rates. School and college l i b r a r k s on cen- tral library budget and departmental li- braries on central library budget' have; been combined into one array of figures. T h e items included for the small college and university libraries ( G r o u p I I ) and the teacher-training institutions are the same as those for the statistics of 1940-41. A s is the case each year the list of insti- tutions included varies f r o m the list of previous years. Despite the various efforts that have been made in the past to con- tinue the same libraries, some institutions failed to report and others reported too late. T h e variation this year is perhaps slightly greater, due no doubt to the effect of the w a r . T o those libraries w h i c h have cooperated in spite of diffi- culties, College and Research Libraries extends thanks on behalf of all those w h o w i l l use the statistics. MARCH, 1943 153 Teachers College and Normal School Library General and Salary Statistics Student Faculty Enrolment Members Regu- Sum- Regu-Sum- lar mer lar mer Fiscal Year Library Ending sion1 sion2 sion sion Arizona, Flagstaff, State Teachers College 30Je42 371 301^ 40 36'b Yes Colorado, Greeley, State College of Education 30Se42 1222 1765 103 145 Yes Connecticut, New Haven, State Teachers College 30Je42 290 . . . . 36 . . . No Illinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University 30Je42 8 8 . . ,8 . . ,8 . . ,8 ^Illinois, DeKalb, Northern Illinois State Teachers College 30Je42 1008 654 80 50 No Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College 30Je42 1124 799 121 121 Yes Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College 30Je42 1019 10407" 117 117 Yes Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western Kentucky State Teachers College. 21Ag42 1232 849'd 106 100 Yes Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College 30Se42 " 195 191 21 16 No Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College 30Je42 397 1267f 40 2 4 w No Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College 30Je42 674 5007g 60 267r No Minnesota, St. Cloud, State Teachers College 30Je42 820 6867e 71 5473 No Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College 30Je42 . . . . 8 290,h 48 247t No Mississippi, Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College 30Je42 282 204 36 30 No Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College. 31Mr42 996 1167 64 64 No Missouri, Springfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College 29Ag42 1184 1332 78 89 No Missouri, Warrensburg, Central Missouri State Teachers College 30.Je42 906 1280 77 92 No Lrt Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College 30Je42 662 694 53 51 No Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College : 30Je42 415 324 53 50 Yes New York, Albany, State College for Teachers 30Je42 1025 966 98 56 Yes New York, Geneseo, State Normal School 30Je42 435 227 52 22 Yes New York, Oswego, State Normal School 30Je42 437 272 42 28 No North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College 30Je42 1242 670 74 28 Yes North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College 30Je42 432 385 50 30 No Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State Teachers College 30Je42 682 836 . 55 55 No Oregon, Ashland, Southern Oregon College of Education 30Je42 197 17671 28| 25}7U No Oregon, La Grande, Eastern Oregon College of Education 30Je42 312 91'i 29 25 No Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education 30Je42 379 396 43 40 No Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College 31My42 1383 4707k 86 357V No South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College 30Je42 8i7 420'1 46 357W No South Dakota, Spearfish, Black Hills Teachers College 30Je42 233 3447m 3 6 297X No Tennessee, Murfreesboro, State Teachers College 30Je42 536 381 49 45 No Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College 31Ag42 1414 10377n 126 1277y Yes •Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College 31Ag42 3010 2046 188 155 Yes Texas, San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Teachers College 31Ag42 1112 9217° 65 687Z Yes Virginia, Harrisonburg, Madison College 30Je42 1187 637 86 56 No West Virginia, Fairmont, State Teachers College 30Je42 482 3357P 49 41 No Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Central State Teachers College 30Je42 . . . , 8 601 49 32 No High 3010 2046 188 155 Median 749} 550J 53 45 Low 195 91 21 16 1 As of third week, fall term, 1941; includes graduate students. 2 Includes graduate students. 3 Includes volumes in all agencies. 4 Excludes overnight loans and all loans of reserved books. 5 Includes overnight loans. 6 Excludes capital outlay and auxiliary enterprises such as dormitory, athletics, etc. 7a-z Figure in columns for first session; if two sessions, second session had (a) 236; (b) 23; (c) 274; (d) 538; (e) 186; (f) 66; (g) 136; Grad- i- Ses- uate Book Work Stock' 28,225 109,188 23,120 54,305 51.875 84,304 70,684 65.297 19,064 19.946 26,406 49,261 27.947 18,316 78,583 64,667 60.298 42,493 50,382 35.948 30,803 24,554 43,401 36;643 28.876 17,384 18,531 43,020 40,193 27,450 21,776 35,100 79,671 122,100 55,107 32,568 25,551 36,773 Circulation Volumes Lent for Reserved Home Book Staff Use4 Loans5 Salaries 41,999 15,043 2,300 53,458 29,2869 20,163 9,966 18,637 4400 85,953 8 9635 59,137 73,253 8688 w io 18,633 17,767 55,368 7818 64,493 98,878 17,724 26,568 25,695 4200 24,134 io 4150 30,987 57,803 5099 56,582 51,124 10,809 22,329 53,588 5271 8136 10,344 1700 16,528" 8 8 25,660 29,096 8740 62,916 76,629 10,100 . . . . : . . i o io 3804* 22,218 27,9419 3030 29,177 51,157 18,766 20,297 82709 17,229 32,070 8 3775 39,306 60,292 6638 23,372 io 3340 24,725 50,412 3180 10,184 10,962 2700 37,745 29,147 2400 23,584 45,535' 6484 35,03812 1 5 , 7 1 3 " 8223 18,744 14,0189 2700 8 26,335 1644 25,400 9372 4950 26,159 76,114 13,600 129,977 19,1459 22,531 33,625 81,010 9966 38,529 6500 7245 18,304 33,588 3630 28,665 io 5600 • Library Student Service Operating Expenditures Last Fiscal Year - Binding Pe- and Re- riod- bind- Equip- Sup- Books icals ing ment plies Other Total Total College or Normal School Ex- penditures Last Fiscal Year® 798 2175 736 466 391 45 f 6911 8 5000 7684 1108 872 "i58 942 35,927 517,627 100 3037 543 88 144 " 5 3 8365 176,307 3254 6840 2345 952 4i2 36 1349 24,823 623,379 550 3607 672 628 132 25 14,302 443,104 5541 1368 1893 998 15 261 i47 28,856 404,975 2259 4619 1400 3000 78 506 127 19,807 399,451 460 4511 1102 293 187 13 24,290 531,196 786 611 452 95 6144 93,963" 500 2000 500 500 250 7900 166,000 474 2733 461 225 155 640 9787 232,550 8 1535 1761 658 770 170 60 15,763 232,550 8 360 2189 665 525 270 72 9352 180,985 8 1080 1367 569 311 50 5077 180,985 8 ' 50S0 "5302 '797 300 '712 20^931 3 4 M 8 2 3652 4609 900 922 406 20,589 288,325 1120 2473 941 364 " 1 9 505 9226 198,081 1429 1539 563 795 101 " 7 i 7578 157,726 175 1952 475 450 " 8 8 422 22,328 412,962 s 2146 561 624 665 334 " 9 4 21,653 6898 202,423 8 8 1941 507 300 375 21,653 6898 202,423 8 5700 800 1000 500 14,638 323,000 8 1104 192 188 i i s " i 3 4952 168,045 1366 260 640 287 54 13 5800 157,782 588 679 582 420 i45 245 135 5494 88,655 524 1274 537 195 163 62 5155 84,474 980 1732 450 300 100 195 10,241 172,990 1230 1684 610 s 1423 13,170 402,288 863 2559 734 302 119 " 5 7282 204,576 1309 539 350 115 82 27 4066 102,071 506 697 501 265 143 7062 157,300 8 3234 3957 633 508 249 871 " 8 3 23,135 157,300 8 11,323 15,163 1881 1716 1498 3536 57,648 8 6361 4129 710 544 21,710 551,164 547 4389 656 '586 i.34 472 " 4 9 14,078 296,787 617 2230 583 255 40 209 21 7585 160,000 305 2300 450 185 500 9340 186,203 11,323 15,163 2345 3000 1498 3536 1349 57,648 623,379 1030 2189 633 451 145 209 711 9994 202,423 100 260 192 88 15 25 5 4066 84,474 122,100 129,977 98,878 22,531 36,708 26,568 29,216* 5600 17,384 8136 6500 1644 (h) 43; (i) 97; (i) 80; (k) 142; (1) 94; (m) 116; (n) 848; (o) 760; (p) 473; (q) 14; (r) 11; (s) 25; (t) 5; (u) 19; (v) 13; (w) 8; (x) 13; (y) 110; (z) 54. 8 Not reported. 9 Overnight loans only. 1 0 No record kept. 1 1 Total circulation, includes reserved book loans. 1 2 Excludes summer session. 1 3 Includes dormitory. 1 4 Overnight loans only, excluding summer session. T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e and N o r m a l S c h o o l Library General and Salary Statistics Library Income Last Fiscal Year L a O t Library Arizona, Flagstaff, State Teachers College Colorado, Greeley, State College of Education Connecticut, New Haven, State Teachers College Illinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University Illinois, DeKalb, Northern Illinois State Teachers College Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western Kentucky State Teachers College. Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College Minnesota, St. Cloud, State Teachers College Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College Mississippi, Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College. Missouri, Springfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College Missouri, Warrensburg, Central Missouri State Teachers College Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College New York, Albany, State College for Teachers New York, Geneseo, State Normal School New York, Oswego, State Normal School North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State Teachers College Oregon, Ashland, Southern Oregon Col ege of Education Oregon, La Grande, Eastern Oregon College of Education Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College South Dakota, Spearfish, Black Hills Teachers College Tennessee, Murfreesboro, State Teachers College Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College Texas, San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Teachers College Virginia, Harrisonburg, Madison College West Virginia, Fairmont, State Teachers College Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Central State Teachers College Allocation from Institution Budget Other Total 6912 6912 31,566 6833 38,399 8400 8400 23,725 23,725 X l l 2 603 6032 23,618 23,618 23,777 515 24,292 6033 110 6143 7900 7900 5954 2394 8348 i 478 l 9354 9354 Number of Employees in Full-Time Equivalent Median. Low Pro- fes- sional V 1 6 * 2 4 4. 7 4 11 1 2 2 4 3 1 5000 I 5000 5 20,590 i 20,590 4 2755 1325, 4080 2 7082 2533 9615 2 20,412 1860 22,272 7 i 21,655 l 21,655 45 2 2 2 1 15,138 15,138 3 5850 5850 2 3780 2002 5782 2 5371 33 5404 1 5039 5039 1 10,241 10,241 2 13,170 13,170 3 8663 4329 12,992 2 2 1102 11022 1 "7063 7063 1 8992 14,143 23,135 6 57,648 14,143 57,648 13 22,011 22,011 4 14,984 14.984 4 7361 243 7604 2 2940 2940 3 57,648 14,143 57,648 13 853 l i 1325 9354 3 2755 33 603 1 Sub- Clerical profes- and sional Other 1 Not reported. 2 No separate budget for library. 3 Excludes one administrative office assistant and two full-time teachers of library science. 4 Includes two heads of branches, one branch assistant, and two museum curators. 5 All do part-time teaching of library science. 6 In summer session only. 7 Includes one administra- lf 1 * Associate or Assistant Chief Chief Total Librarian Librarian • 1 2300 9* 2400 i9259b 2 26009a i9259b 4 2100 5 2450 2i50 73 l 4 2800 12< 2500 isoo 2 2500°e i7009b 2} 20009g i7009b 2 23009i 22009J 6 2300, 2200 3* 20009k 18509® 11 1700 4 2970 5 2500 6 3450 .... 2 2012 2 1814 7i 40009m 24009n 61 3500 L 2 2800»b 3 2880 2 1800 2 1800 1 1 2400 3 2500 2i60 5 26919P 2 1500 i200 1 1644 2 3300 isoo 6 3000 13' l 5s 3600 4 26009q 2 1980 i650 3 2500 13 4000 2400 3 2500 1887* 1 1500 1200 Department Professional Subprofessional Heads Assistants Assistants No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. V v w • iooo 2000 !! 1750 1950 1020 2200 2100 i825 2000 2200®n 2800 2400 1920 7 2200 2800 3§ 1912* 2200 1 1020 1920 1350 1350 1800 2150 90 i604 1720 1700 2000 1500 1800 1400 2100 1200 2280 1810 1500 150090 2800 1800 2000 1545 1500 2400 1500 1600 2150 1800 1500 1200 1700 1800 2800 1500 1805 1000 1350 If If 1500 2800 1 . . . . 1010 \ . . . . 450 tive office assistant and one binderv manager. 8 Excludes one part-time binder. 9a - 9 q Additional for sum- mer session: (a) $500; (b) $300; (c) $232; (d) $253; (e) $500; (f) $200; (g) $285; (h; $243; (i) $307; (j) $285; (k) $285; (1) $265; (m) $385; (n) $288; (o) $240; (p) $448; (q) $500. Teachers College and Normal School Library General and Salary Statistics U i c * Library Arizona, Flagstaff, State Teachers College Colorado, Greeley, State College of Education Connecticut, New Haven, State Teachers College Illinois, Carbondale, Southern Illinois Normal University Illinois, DeKalb, Northern Illinois State Teachers College Kansas, Emporia, State Teachers College Kansas, Pittsburg, State Teachers College Kentucky, Bowling Green, Western Kentucky State Teachers Coilege. Maryland, Frostburg, State Teachers College Minnesota, Bemidji, State Teachers College Minnesota, Mankato, State Teachers College Minnesota, St. Cloud, State Teachers College Minnesota, Winona, State Teachers College Mississippi, Cleveland, Delta State Teachers College Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College. Missouri, Springfield, Southwest Missouri State Teachers College Missouri, Warrensburg, Central Missouri State Teachers College Nebraska, Kearney, State Teachers College Nebraska, Peru, State Teachers College New York, Albany, State College for Teachers New York, Geneseo, State Normal School New York, Oswego, State Normal School North Carolina, Greenville, East Carolina Teachers College North Dakota, Valley City, State Teachers College Oklahoma, Edmond, Central State Teachers College Oregon, Ashland, Southern Oregon College of Education Oregon, La Grande, Eastern Oregon College of Education Oregon, Monmouth, College of Education Pennsylvania, West Chester, State Teachers College South Dakota, Aberdeen, Northern State Teachers College South Dakota, Spearfish, Black Hills Teachers College Tennessee, Murfreesboro, State Teachers College Texas, Commerce, East Texas State Teachers College Texas, Denton, North Texas State Teachers College Texas,, San Marcos, Southwest Texas State Teachers College Virginia, Harrisonburg, Madison College West Virginia, Fairmont, State Teachers College Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Central State Teachers College High Median Low Student Service Last Fiscal Year Total Hours Rate per Hour for Year Minimum Maximum Number of Months for Which Salary Is Paid Subpro- Profes- sional \/ 13,900 [30 : 4 o 12 333 1 .. -1 j 10 1835 .'30 .'30 9 9 22,163 .25 .25 11 9037 .25 .25 12 1840 .25 .25 12 l .. -11 l 12 14302 l l 9 and 12 15002 3̂5 .35 101 6083 .25 .331 101 1224 .331 ioi 5002 2̂0 !20 12 10,920 .25 .25 12 16,934 .30 .30 12 i 12 4483 .25 .35 12 5716 .25 .25 l 48(P .30 io 10 t 10 12 350 l l 12 6216 !20 2̂5 12 1680 .35 .35 12 l .35 .35 12 2400 .35 .35 12 410 t l 9-101 4316 :20 2̂5 9-101 6092 .30 .. -1 12 2024 l l • 12 14,544 .25 i30 12 37,740 .30 .35 12 21,205 .30 .40 12 1823 .30 .30 9 2057 .30 .30 12 1016 .30 .30 12 37.740 .35 .40 12 2228 .30 .30 12 333 .20 .20 9 fessional and Clerical Hours per Week Required of Each Full-Time Staff Member Subpro- Profes- sional 39-40 42 681 43 40 42 40 40 37J-40 44 44 411 40 42 40 40 681 40 371 fessional and Clerical 40 44 391 15 Annual Vacation Subpro- Profes- sional l . .1 r . 38 30-32 404 39. 39 ' l 0 39 42f 42 18 39 39 23 40 40 15 381 38 44 40-44 14 41 15 38 24 44 30 38 36 44 44 18 34 42 42 i s 38 l 40 22-40 26 12 36 36 221 12 and Clerical 5-14 Special Holidays Subpro- fessional Profes- and Sabbatical sional Clerical Leave ' , 1 l i4 i s 18 None 201 _ i All 10 All 15 i5 None 20 20 None 24 None 20 All 7 ' 7 l 51 i 41 Professional 51 i 41 All io Professional 20 Professional 4 5 - 20 l 4 None 30 None 20 Professional i Librarian io None i7 l 14 Librarian 18 Librarian 5 Professional 20 l 7 None 20 None 15 None _ l None l None i2 None None 2i Professional 18 None 1 Not reported. 2 Approximate. 3 Summer session only. 4 Sixty hours during summer session. 5 Staff members with degrees. College and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group I)* Lr\ • v j Library Arizona Arkansas Baylor California (Berkeley) Chicago. '. Cincinnati Colgate Colorado State Columbia Dartmouth Duke Georgia Harvard (College Library)1 Illinois Iowa. Iowa State. Joint University Libraries2 Kansas .'. Louisiana Michigan Michigan State Minnesota Missouri Mount Holyoke New York. North Carolina North Dakota Northwestern Oberlin Oklahoma3. Oregon Oregon State Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State Fittsburgh Princeton Rochester Smith South Dakota State Southern Methodist Syracuse University Libraries N.Y. State College of Forestry Temple Texas Virginia Virginia State43 Washington (St. Louis) "Washington (Seattle) Wayne Wellesley Wyoming Yale4 H i g h . . . . Median42. Low Fiscal Year Ending / Student Enrolment Faculty Regular Session Members Under- Gradu- Summer Regular Summer graduate5 ate5 Session® Session Session 30Je42 2390 115 7227* 276 60 30Je42 2165 61 847?b 434 94 31Ag42 2101 60 671 105 57 30Je42 11,564 2404 31099® 2165 1799b 1 30Je42 3323 2855 3552 775 M 31Ag42 4018 155 lOlO70 586 "HT*1 31Ag42 1008 640 103 li 30Je42 1820 14 693»o 286 i i o 30Je42 2898 10,442 7287 2749 350 30Je42 2328 68 281 " 1377* 30Je42 2798 253 15677® 511 " 1377* 30Je42 8 8 153078 175 8 30Je42 " 3 5 5 4 ' 3689 2145 2043 ' i 7 4 30Je42 12,146 1331 3194 1579 . . . ia 30Je42 5312 802 2703 792 349 30Je42 5735 485 1728;h 890 212 30Je42 1827 , 363 2734 572 104 30Je42 3822 232 1032 . 332 124 30Je42 7313 489 39457' 581 202 | 30Je42 9 2 1 9 2007 5055 833 410 30Je42 6357 388 1713 . 747 212 30Je42 10,958 1094 6461;J 975 440 31D41 4857 400 1917 549 306 30Je42 1003 59 95 138 34 30Je42 11,063 5728 7713 1392 633 30Je42 3499 839 2180 339 202 30Je42 1412 95 330 135 41 3 1 A g 4 2 5566 1652 4120, 1500" 355 , 31Ag42 1628 171 5 0 0 * 205 717' 1J142 6291 394 3 2 6 3 7 m 321 102 30Je42 3432 162 1238 208 82 30Je42 4147 193 7 7 1 7 " 518 85 30Jf42 5264 992 1540 1637 85 30Je42 6900 621 3484 1163 '262 30Jc42 5868 2323 3108 445 198 30Je42 2434 267 ... 8 391 8 30Je42 2137 274 80811 436 " 9 2 30Je42 1963 J56 251 242 24 30Je42 1351 4 4417° 191 637P 31Ag42 1683 149 980™ 175 83 31Ag42 5365 960 2016 788 235 30,Te42 4923 931 2016 742 235 30Je42 442 29 46 • f • • 30Je42 2640 725 i334 440 91 31Ag42 9171 394 543812 457 264; r 30Je42 1813 737 1342 369 132 30Je42 887 15 642 89 54 30Je42 2316 924 1259 784 I?87 t 3lMr42 8774 783 305178 590 I?87 t 30Je42 6379 1253 2087 450 134 30Je42 1458 49 202 • • • • 30Je42 1789 55 8i5 ; U 161 le 30Je42 3168 1 9 f t . . . . 548 . . . . 12,146 10,442 7P13 2749 633 3377| 394 1567 450 132 887 4 95 89 24 Book Stock" 156,618 182.878 93,754 1,170,738 1,369,206 536,598 131,391 104,187 1,887,034 543,973 659,044 162,512 4,400,870>8 1,306,561 « 507,644 324,821 409,626 339,913 333,372 1,168,612 165,813 1,221,987 437,233 179,554 637,098 419,797 116,124 696,035 426,737 237,189 333,961 189,500 979,919 231,118 177,9182<» 990,657 392,820 . 19 " 74 j 525 130,720 343,136 287,020 56,116 177,97420 702,429 382,050 24,081 446,828 409,165 194,676 212,380 110,918 2,351,236 u 4,400,870 362.593 24,081 Circulation - Volumes Reserved Lent for Book Home Use21 Loans28 34,434 40.042 39,511 205,114 192,341 39,308 17,916 20,329 655,188 66,940 138,049 22,552 239,599 176,166 185,870 104,477 192.499 111,885 85,566 164,533 100,775 8 i77,308 23,82420 247,746 233.975 38,074.- 63,8#aS* 124,308a 84,373 68,025 61,073 247,44624 82,073 105,960 104,804 59.104 18,319 59,693 89,079 81,305 7774 93,66125 151,541 70,822 50,486 53,285 141,560 59,457 39,985 55,661 120,429 655,188 84,373 17,916 92,494 134,354 998127 260,88928 836,837 279,328 28,222 49,379 733.527 150,560 185,564 17,91827 45,940^ 797,627 325,792 15,41327 205,914 121,208 193,185 779,405 182,542 8 i69,503 15,155» 538,046 89,793 13,394 68,098'" 27.37727 8 2 7 M 8 6 124,451 276,954 58,705 102,214 121,528 20,42027 37,962 98,702 i38|648 93327 47,231 649,993 73,212 38,186 43,360 238,031 158.29750 36,25527 73,619 90,673 836,837 129,402J 13,394 Staff Salaries 17,465 24,019 10,925 161,263 157,293 49,532 14,200 15,933 350.37931 79,248 126,160s1 44,332 240,273 235,719 76,858 52,598 52,699 30,748 70,963 261,123 23,550 110,600 46,849 24,233 i« '58,888 6683 Library Operating Expenditures Last Fiscal Year Binding and Periodi- 59,706 26,225- 42,226 48,567 75,340 47,705 49,929 114,548 78,556 33,010 6960 16,780 Student Service 3521 6078 9670 56,200 35,214 4312 1668 2117 " 4 8 4 9 " 5 0 9 6 10,160 40,458 24,777 8084 14,430 10,476 20,059 19,520 8200 15,000 11,072 888 it "7115- 1251 8 2727 9723 12,132 13,369 2200 16,210 18i7 7030 1381 2105 3405 61.528 s 50,999® 88,140 81,089 11,410 24,180 75,860 45,102 48,442 14,544 234,742 261,123 56,200 49,049J 7030 6683 888 12 " 6944s 22,240 11,266 1990 2640 22,847 5120 1573 2999 3349 Books caU 12,684M 14,544 "3094 6731 1602 81,722 13,616 47.617 42,261 44,747^ 42,261 7859 2344 1687 2150 115,47134 31,051 4983 101,072s5 21,091 4200 90,34234 • • • • • • 156,68235 24,570 11,007 23,980 11,986 29,91834 11,986 18,388 "6258 37,326 7115 139,847s5 13,957 89i8- ' 3 6 ! 24334 9809 2763 1a , . u 3 1 j 3 6 4 "5876 568234 8 8 23,100s4 22,50834 17.353 4038 9457 4758 40,961 12,752 33,453 7252 31,590s5 32,913 9489 41,64634 15,31334 3552 1689 11,657 2319 19,957 6000 19,438 5458 519 542 17,526® 6594® 109,013 16,238 44.417 6254 2938 765 6494 6000 17,076 9283 27,670 5925 16,972 4290 3514 2798 93,19134 . . . . 109,013 42,261 17,957 5962J Rebind- ing 2922 3080 950 29,689 19,991 4724 923 1167 34,068 9893 " 4 0 7 8 22,488 1687 765 9454 10,070 7379 5625 9920 ' 3276 5225 1828 lit ' '4672 872 8 i>io2 1564 3038 4195 13,823 5544 i 2 i 220 10,495 1845 893 1375 8232 8049 183 4241® 13,373 7353 454 3890 10.457 4879s* 3291 2895 21,030 34,068 4801J 454 Other57 Total39 1570 38,162 1855 52,670 1621 31,499 20,831 363,321 I 22,903 325,279 3995 107,310 1515 28,509 1637 24,691 7088 507,006 5936 135,960 7390 234,622 3812 82,609 47,160 410,423 14,618 447,477 8148 154,814 9880 116,598 6303 110,729 3393 74,888 5308 150,696 20,220 440,710 2146 60,047 g "369i38 97,080 1536 41,057 16 16 " 8 0 5 4 i i ^ 9 6 9 324 8 14,812 3 " 5 4 3 5 ' 9 M 7 0 2596 62,616 4700 83,487 3178 83,524 3781 148,857 5259 115,423 3354 84,873 15.452 186,439 5855 143,582 1391 52,940 911 16,110 1089 36,625 2578 98,295 2414 96,887 164 1408 2888® 89,192® 7299 256,303 12,052 162,431 846 18,403 2631 45,835 8061 143,584 1073 89,769 3941 78,509 3350 30,100 25,939 378,251 47,160 507,006 3941 96,575 324 14,812 Total College or University- Expenditures Last Fiscal Year40 1,437,409 8 8 3,338,111 •....« 1,216,564 8 2 j 0 3 0 j 0 D 0 u 11,573,134 9,864,498 3,038,568 5,014,015 4,374,338 10,491,726 4,567,013 8 : • ' 8 602,576 14 1,959,546" 517,471 . . . . 8 1i 531i 245 1.597.685 1,050,711 2,620,837 8 8 i 4 9 i * i 7 3 2,397,723 3,295,312 8 ' L726,191 1,199,869 862,721 : . : : : : : : : : • 8 2j 2841775 3,644,504 1,770,167 252,156 8 * 3 i 008 i 48 i 2,371,703 1,121,415 u 1,067,497 7,352,965 11,573,134 2,284,775 252,156 1 Includes main collection of Harvard College Library and fourteen special libraries only unless otherwise noted. 2 Includes libraries in George Peabody College for Teachers, Scarritt College for Christian Workers, and Vanderbilt University. 3 Excludes Medical School and School of Nurses in Oklahoma City. 4 Central library only except as otherwise noted. 5 As of third week, fall term, 1941. 6 Includes graduate students. 7 a - 7 u Figure in column for first session; if two sessions, second session had (a) 444; (b) 229; (c) 600, includes duplicates; (d) 32, includes duplicates; (e) 785; (f) 76; (g) 1117; (h) 650; (i) 245, includes graduate students only; (j) 4639; (k) 397; (1) 52; (m) 142; (n) 160, includes graduate students only; (o) 294; (p) 54; (q) 655; (r) 208; (s) 2449; (t) 151; (u) 559. 8 Not reported. 9 a f 9 b Suirmer session; intercession: (a) 1330; (b) 63. 1 0 First session; second session, 732; third session, 348. 11 Includes undergraduates in arts and music only. 1 2 First session; second session, 4230; intersession, 437. 1 3 Approximate. 1 4 On four-quarter basis. 1 5 On three-term basis. 1 6 In- formation unavailable. 17 Includes volumes in all agencies. 1 8 Includes university library as a whole. 1 9 No statistics. 2 0 Includes main library only. 21 Excludes overnight loans and all loans of reserved books. 2 2 I n - cludes overnight loans. 2 3 Does not include faculty. 2 4 Total circulation. 2 5 Includes books used inside build- ing. 2 6 Includes overnight loans. 27 Includes overnight loans only. 2 8 Includes 23,725 rental. 2 9 Partial count. 3 0 Excludes reserve books used from open shelves. 31 Includes student service. 3 2 Not paid from lib- rary budget. 3 3 Includes all libraries in institution. 3 4 Includes periodicals. 3 5 Includes periodicals and binding and rebinding. 3 6 Estimate. 3 7 Includes supplies. 3 8 Includes equipment. 3 9 Does not include any building operation and maintenance expenses or capital outlay. 4 0 Excludes capital outlay and auxiliary enterprises such as dormitory, athletics, etc. 41 Not for publication. 4 2 In computing the medians only comparable figures were used, with the exception of the book stock figure for Harvard. 4 J Retained in Group I although undergraduate enrolment for 1941 is below 1000. * Includes colleges and universities with enrol-" ments of over 1000. College and University Library General and Salary15 Statistics (Group I)* Library Library Income Last Fiscal Year - Income Allocation from from Endow- University ment Budget Funds10 Gifts Other 39,066 33,5335 Arizona Arkansas Baylor California (Berkeley) 316,236 Chicago 330,989 Cincinnati 70,297 Cctgate 27,600 Colorado State 24,734 Columbia -... 498,543 Dartmouth 79,475 Duke 205,450 Georgia 79,539 Harvard (College Library)".... 247,376 Illinois ' Iowa 158,658 Iowa State 115,098 Joint University Libraries2 34,056 Kansas..... 73,498 Louisiana 142,206 Michigan 438,005 Michigan State 54,650 Minnesota ' Missouri 108,938 Mount Holyoke 34.572 New York. North Carolina North Dakota Northwestern Oberlin Oklahoma' Oregon Oregon State Pennsylvania 118,649 Pennsylvania State 114,462 Pittsburgh 72,580 Princeton 154,921 Rochester 129,126 Smith i South Dakota State Southern Methodist Syracuse University Libraries N .Y. State College of Forestry Temple Texas 239,423 Virginia 132,922 Virginia State3' 15,706 Washington (St. Louis) 46,479 Washington (Seattle) 152,000 Wayne 105,229 Wellesley ? Wyoming 33,059 Yale* 201,495 High 498,543 Median* 86,011 Low 11,044 98,343 14,175 7 76j586 6 6 , 0 0 0 78,308 83.293 11,044 36,209 88,729 86,914 1815 90,134 8000" 4656 28,582 11,660 93,013 114 i67|9ii 29,709 141 7205 1200 5962 10,670 205,524 205,524 5375} 114 2950 7 " i 7 7 i ' 9M6 6719 21,098 27 20,702 50,659 768 548 16,531 3560 2 1 , 8 6 0 40,198 476 1500 69,992 2025 1976 1448 8807 430 15,659 112 3768 1238 1768 13,358 6773 19,070 1079 19,070 1518 10,410 580 31,068 2085 18,392 18,337 1000 2803 2461 1017 12,102 416 12,102 4789 5845 1202 4789 5845 1157 45 . 137 369 45 1121 13,005 21,098 2950 7 2825 3987 1775 58,677 69,992 2803 27 Total sional • V 39,066 gu 33,560 14 20,823 ' 6} 374,895 57} 7 344,159 57} 7 101,879 "i9 28,375 4 25,282 7 528,505 120 176,048 25 236,570 33 86,258 20 476,586 7 55} i 476,586 7 112} 159,134 43 116,598 17 134,979 31 75,664 17 144,182 41 445,210 93 62,043 7 11 62,043 7 58 108,938 26 42,457 7 12 42,457 7 30 117,820 30} 14,605 4 7 25} 96,125 14* 7 12 81,314 2 l U 83,293 23} 157,850 25 115,541 25 85,088 23 206,466 33} 151,266 24 3478» 17 23,145 4 3b,625 10 100,565 37} 98,705 35} 1860 2 90,640 18 253,549 351 132,922 24 18,531 7 51,116 9 152,888 33 107,269 14 7 17 34,834 6 468,920 62 528,505 120 104,549 23 TV 14,605 4 Number of Employees in Full-Time Equivalent Admin- istrative Office Clerical Profes- Subpro- Assist- and fessional ants Other Total 9 " 2 16 6} Associate or Assistant 5 2 2 9i 3 30H 2 4 9 2 1 15} 14} 4 6i 2 4 1 24 3 2 7 2 4 i ! 15 7 30H 4 1 TT 12 1 i i e " 25} 27 7 69} 23 _ 4 10 li l l 17 i 7 2 67 10 15 s " 3 1 13 10| 16 33« 4 1 37 7 9 236 61 60 31 161} 1 3 7 ^ 5 53 37 35} 43 125} 11 7 35 15 99 ' 46} 4 41} 373- 15 29*| 26} 63 36} 42 73 36 20 Chief Chief Department Heads ibrarian Librarian No. Min. Max. 3600" 2000 2 1800 2106 7 3600 4 1600 2050 7 3600 2400 2050 6300 7 17 3 2300 3300 4808 * '2 2424 37no 3 1900 2000 3600" " " 7 2000 6300" . . ! . H 6 1320" 2250" 19 7 19 19 4000 7 ....29 5 4 1500 2400 7 3250s0 " " T 6 3i00" 3800" 7 3250s0 8 1500" 2600® 5700" !!!.,o 3 1620" 2400" 7 ... 7 . . " 7 5 . . 7 2400" 7 4000 10 lioo 2i75 6000 10 2000 2800 5500" 6000" 9 2400 3000 4600 5 1800 2500 7 7 5 7 2500 7 4725 3 2205 2520 19 2 19 19 .' . . ,a ' ' S2 5 i800 3000 7 2538 8 1777 2076 2200 2 1700 1800 19 !''. .u 6 19 >9 7500 3 2600 2700 4000 3000 4 1200 2600 26003 4} 2200 2400 4683" 2700 3} 2150 2700 5000̂ 5 6 1! 00 3C00 5000 7 ..! 5 5 UOO 2100 W'.'i 5 3000 4000 ... 19 6 1800" 2800" 4 2600 1660 11* 2700 1836 3 1620 i700 i " 4 42} 2 1980 i700 1 4 40} 57002« 2220 2 1980 2 2400 1600 i " 2 2 5 i ! 19 19 '5 i700 2000 1 4} 56} 6000 12} 1300 2500 2 32 65 6000" 3300" 9 1800" 3203" 1 8 2600 4 1140 1650 i 3 17 19 . . . . i t 4 19 19 1 37} 71} 5280 4200 4 2640 2760 2 1914 5100 3900 4 3300 3900 i 7 28 19 , . . . 19 3 19 19 1 7 3096 3 1920 2292 3 59} 146} 19 . . . . 1 9 5 19 19 5 69} 236 7500 6000 12? 3300 4000 1 7 37 4600 2538 5 1800 2500 1 i 4 2200 1600 2 1100 1650 Professional Assistants All Departments No. Min. Max. 4} • 4} 1200 1600 7 1303 1650 4} 1200 1500 46} 7 1500 2700 8 1362 i653 6 7 i500« 2i50" 15} 1200" 2250" 19 19 19 8 1200 1500 5 0 i i 1200 3000 70} 1400" 2800" 24 1020" 2100" 11 1400" 2100" 7 . . 7 . 7 3 iioo i 250 18 1200 2400 61 1150 2400 5 1700 1950 48 7 7 17 iioo 2000 10 19 19 13 i600 2400 14} 1122 1683 1 1400 16} 19 19 H 1500 2ioo 7 1080 1512 14! 1080 1800 18} 1500 1850 18 1200 2160 11 1400 1800 10 7 7 19 1200 2750 7 1400" 2100" 16 19 19 2 1440 ifSOO 4 900 1380 18 1200 1860 18 1200 1860 i2 1500 ifiOO 13- 1200 2000 11 1375" 1500" 1 1470 7 19 . . . . 19 27 i500 2340 7 1584 3300 9 19 19 2 i200 2148 55 1260 s 3500 70} 1700 3500 11 1260 2100 1 900 1250 1 Includes mam collection of Harvard College Library and fourteen special libraries only unless otherwise noted 2 Includes libraries in George Peabody College for Teachers, Scarritt College for Christian Workers, and V anderbilt University. 3 Excludes Medical School and School of Nurees in Oklahoma City. 4 Central library only except as otherwise noted. 5 Estimate. 6 No separate budget for library. 7 Not reported. 8 $28,278 deposited in addition as a special reserve for the purchase of books. 9 Allocation from university budget not reported. 10 Includes income from trust and all invested funds specifically designated for library purposes. 11 Includes gifts. 12 Excludes one consulting librarian. 13 Includes subprofessional and adminis- trative office assistants. 14 Excludes certain departmental libraries. 1 5 Salaries given are yearly salaries being paid as of Nov. 1, 1942. 16 Plus one consulting librarian at $1700. 17 Salaries paid as of Nov. 1, 1941. 18 Salaries paid as of May 1,1942. 19 Salary not for publication; or, confidential. 20 Serves as acting director, assistant librarian, and also as a department head. 21 Balance of salary paid from budget of College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts. 22 Director of libraries at $10,000. Also six librarians of individual libraries at $1800 to $6000. 23 Plus director of libraries, Oregon State System of Higher Education, who is paid one eighth of salary by University of Oregon. 24 Receives one eighth of salary as director of libraries, Oregon State System of Higher Education. 25 Plus one director of libraries at one-half time. 26 Plus $500 additional for summer school. 27 Two at $3600 and $4200. 28 Two and one half at $2250 to $5100. 29 Two at $2500 and $2300. 30 Two at $3200 and $4200. One serves also as department head. 31 Plus $375 as instructor in library science and $368 for summer session. 32 Three at $2700 to $4700. 33 Two at $2503 and $2700. 34 Two at $3400 and $3750. 35 Plus $216 for summer school. 36 In computing the medians only comparable figures were used. 37 Retained in Group I although undergraduate enrolment is below 1000. * Includes college and universities with enrolments of over 1000. College and University Library General and Salary12 Statistics (Group I)* Library School, College, and Departmental Libraries on Central Library Budget Head Professional Assistants No. Min. Max. No. Min. Max. Arizona.. Arkansas. Bavlor... 2 1400 1740 2 2700 2900 9 1400 1950 3 11405 16505 4 i300 1700 205 i 5 0 0 5 27005 1 24005 7 7 7 3 950 1800 13 1080 2500 14 1400 3000 1 6 7 800 7 2730 *2 2000 2200 5 1496 2095 Chicago Cincinnati Colgate Colorado State Columbia Dartmouth Duke. Georgia 4 Harvard (College Library)1.... Illinois 201 Iowa Iowa State Jcint University Libraries2 Kansas 3 Louisiana 13 Michigan 14 Michigan State Minnesota Missouri Mount Holyoke New York North Carolina North Dakota Northwestern Oberlin Oklahoma® Oregon Oregon State Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State Pittsburgh Princeton Rochester Smith South Dakota State Southern Methodist 2 Syracuse ; • • • ; 8} University Libraries 8} N.Y. State College of Forestry .. Temple 1 Texas. 6 Virginia 1 Virginia State®' 1 Washington (St. Louis) Washington (Seattle) Wayne 1 Wellesley 3 Wyoming Yale4 High 205 3300 3300 Median™ 3 1400 21474 Low 1 800 1620 1920 13138 isoo ... 170CP 5009 1200 1200 isoo 1300 1800-5 810 2200 7 3300s 1620 1800 1800 2 1860 1980 131 14005 16005 9 9605 i6205 1128 1600 2 1300 1500 3 7 7 14 i200 2300 5 12005 24005 1200 1200 1600 1300 1560 1560 1860 2400 1300 1610 960 1500 Subprofessional Assistants in AH Departments No. Min. Max. 2} 1200 1620 4 900 1200 2 1000 1400 2 1000'° 120010 6} 9005 13205 3 840 " " 3 0 i i 1020 1560 2 17505 20006 4 7805 8405 9 9005 12006 Clerical Assistants in All Departments No. Min. Max. 2 790 810 28 !!! '.1 .'!.'.'» 12 '720 i020 1 900 2 7 ... 1J ... .7 1 900 i 960 15} iooo 1450 10 1150 i550 6 600 960 2 • i 67 840 isoo 14} 600 1720 4 1 . • io < ' « 61 1260 1620 15} '720 1250 2 1080 1200 15} 4 960 1200 3 840 960 1 1200 } 500 24 600 i200 7 780 900 i n 750 1120 3 7 16 7 7 4 1200 1500 26 720 i200 7 11445 15605 12 9365 1260s 2 ... 1 • "i 360" "i 4 660 780 4 660 780 "Hi '900 iooo 2 iioo 15 800 1080 3} 800 i200 9 12005 21 8255 900s 1 900 ' i 2 « I 23 1200 1380 1584 1980 2 1782 1914 3 7 l 6 7 7 22 i092 1500 27} 832 1300 3 0 i i 1750 2000 67 1782 1914 3} 1000 1400 7 840 1200 } 600 840 } 600 780 Number of Months . Hours per Week for Which Required of Each Full- Salary is Paid Time Staff Member Subpro- Profes- fessional sional and Clerical 141 7206 9006 22 . . . » . . . • 6 780 840 411 840 1680 23 * 9605 15005 4 9005 12005 10 8405 9605 Subpro- Profes- fessional Number of Days Allowed With Pay As: Annual Vacation Special Holidays Subpro- Subpro- sional and Clerical Profes- fessional Profes- fessional sional and sional and v / Clerical Clerical Sabbatical Leave 12 39 26 12« None 12 i2 39 44 26 i2 430 '430 Nona i2 12 41 41 26 12 it 18 '8 '8 None 12 12 40 40 24 24 8 8 None 12 12 41" 4 1 " 26 26 9 • None 12 12 39 39 1 7 5 5 None 12 12 44 44 24 24 6 8 Professional 12 12 38} 38}-40" 26 15-26 9 9 7 12 12 39 39 22 22 18 18 None 12 T 12 - 7 39} 7 39} 26 26 9 9 None i2 12 39« 39>5 24 or 26 18 & 24" i i i i None 12 12 39 44" 31 31 5 5 7 12 12 40 40 24 12 & 24» 6 6 A 731 None 12 12 43 43 26 12 8 8 None 12 i2 40 40 26 26 8 '8 None 12 11! 39 39 26 26 5 5 All 12 1 2 39 39 27 27 7 7 Librarian 12 • • 42 26 6 All 12 *2 42 42 A 44« 26 26 *4 '4 Librarian 12 12 38 38 28 & 36 14 15} 7} 7 12 12 39>5 39" 26 6-24* 14 14 None 12 12 40 40 31 31 21 21 7 12 38 27 10} 9 None 12 i2 39 39 26 is 10} 9 7 None 12 9-12 41}" 39 41}" 39 26 26 9 i i 9 Librarian 12 12 41}" 39 41}" 39 27 10 9 i i 13 7 12 12 40 40 A 44a 26-27 12-24 6 6 22 12 12 41 44 26-27 24 10 10 33 12 111 39J" 39J18 26 13 13} 13} None 12 12 40 40 27} 0-27} 12 0-12 34 12 12 40 40 26 12 9 9 7 12 12 38 38 31 31 13 13 None 12 1 2 7 40 4 ° 7 26 12 & 26" 10 10 7 i2 40 26 8 None 12 8 - i o 41 41 16} 12 7 12 i2 40 40 26 26 i i i i Director 12 39f 27 e None 12 i2 39" 39« 26 12 A 26" 17 i t None 12 12 39 39 12 12 9 9 None 12 11 or12 u 39 39 26 26 14 14 None 12 12 38} 39 14 14 s 5 7 12 12 38 38 27 27 8 8 None 7 7 40 40 14 14 8 8 7 i2 12 35}M 35 }20 22 15 6 6 None 12 12 38 38 41 24 & 4 P8 12 12 3S 12 40} 30 9 Professional 12 i2 39} 39} 26 26 5 5 None 12 12 44 44 41 41 21 21 12 12 39} 39J 26 24 9 8} 12 8 35} 35} 12 0 4 0 1 Includes main collection of Harvard College Library and fourteen special libraries only unless otherwise noted. 2 Includes libraries in George Peabody College for Teachers, Scarritt College for Christian Workers, and Vanderbilt University. 3 Excludes Medical School and School of Nurses in Oklahoma City. 4 Central library onlv except as otherwise noted. 5 Salaries paid as of May 1, 1942. 6 Salary not for publication; or, con- fidential. 7 Not reported. 8 Plus $225 for summer school. 9 Salary paid for one-half time for ten months. 10 Salaries paid as of Nov. 1, 1941. 11 Salaiy paid for eight months only. 12 Salaries given are yearly salaries being paid as of Nov. 1, 1942. 13 Subprofessional, 12; clerical, 11 or 12. 14 In summer, 39$. 15 In summer, 35. 16 In summer, 39. 17 In summer, 36. 18 In summer, 33|. 19 In summer, 35). 20 In summer, 30. 21 Sub- professional, 38}; clerical, 38}-40. 22 Subprofessional, 42; clerical, 44. 23 Subprofessional, 40; clerical, 44. 24 Subprofessional, 24; clerical, 18. 25 Subprofessional, 24; clerical, 12. 26 After three months'service, 6; six montlis, 12; two years, 18; three years and over, 24. 27 Subprofessional, 26; clerical, 12. 28 Subprofessional, 41; clerical, 24 . 29 Varies. 30 Plus six days at Christmas or Easter if convenient. 31 Subprofessional, 6; clerical, 7. 32 Chief librarian and department heads who have academic rank of assistant professor or above. 33 Director, assistant chief librarian, and department heads. 34 Chief librarian and assistant chief librarian. 35 Librarian, associate librarian, and research librarian. 36 In computing the medians only comparable figures were used. 37 Retained in Group I although undergraduate enrolment is below 1000. * Includes colleges and universities with enrolments of over 1000. College and University Library General and Salary200 Statistics (Group I ) * Library Fiscal Year Ending Student Enrolment Regular Summer ON O Agnes Scott College 30Je42 467 47 Allegheny College 30Je42 795 120 48 31 Amherst College 30Je42 872 106 Antioch College 30Je42 752 85 Augustana College 31Ag42 583 304 59 34 Baldwin-Wallace College 30Ap42 546 79 52 38 Bates College 30Je42 681 188 66 34 Birmingham-Southern College 31Ag42 801 420 53 42 Bowdoin College 30Je42 623 59 Carleton College 30Je42 801 90 84 19 Carroll College 31J142 468 38 30 5 Coe College 31Ag42 738 283 63 29 Colby College 30Je42 619 165 51 33 Concordia College 30Je42 529 56 49 17 Connecticut College 30Je42 755 32 107 16 Davidson College 30Ap42 691 120 60 15 Denison University 31J142 900 69 Earlham College 30Je42 414 34 Elmira College 30Je42 260 55 Fisk University 30Je42 361 33 49 17 Goucher College 30Je42 546 88 Hamilton College 30Je42 449 51 Hastings College 31J142 424 170 38 20 Haverford College 31Ag42 337 193 54 35 Hobart College 3lMy42 525 62J Illinois Weslevan University 31J142 731 233 58 30 Knox College 30Je42 620 80 67 35 Lawrence College 30Ap42 629 56 Middlebury College 30Je42 803 111 92 88 Mills College 30Je42 545 79 108 47 Millsaps College 30Je42 671 218 40 19 Monmouth College 30Je42 470 51 47 11 Morningside College 31J142 473 166 47 13} Mount Union College 30Je42 484 134 39 15 Pomona College 30Je42 844 82 Randolph-Macon Woman's College. 30Ap42 651 78 St. Catherine, College of 30Je42 626 285 59 30 Sweet Briar College 30Je42 451 65 30 Trinity College 30Je42 529 352 80 53 Wake Forest College 30Je42 1058 533 60 40 Washington & Jefferson C o l l e g e . . . . 30Je42 534 73 h h Washington & Lee University 30Je42 877 296 71 53 Wells College 30Je42 283 43 Wesleyan University 30Je42 725 99 85 43 Westminster College 31J142 652 134 57 27 Whitman College 30Je42 593 53 27 Wilberforce University 31My42 727 73 Willamette University 30Je42 720 89 40 18 Williams College 30Je42 869 100 Wooster, College of 3lMr42 890 61 94 35 High 1058 533 108 88 Medianw 624i 127 59 30 Low 260 32 30 5 Faculty Members Regular Summer Book Session Session Stock0 38,958 96,650 244,244 66,805 80,722 34,075 78,809 52,021 193,618 133,503 23,490 50,845 103,652 28,001 96,198 41,829 156,321 64,109 52,444 75,272 78,201 197,484 29,182 156,972 113,250 43,942 63,605 67,233 150,576 82,133 22,506 31,725 47,155 66,480 100,557 56.140 62,578 56.141 140,000 63,691 60,842 112,692 94,137 282,539 26,266 74,021 24,639 37,500 188,297 93,812 282,539 67,019 22,506 Circulation Volumes Lent for Reserved Home Book Used Loanse Library Operating Expenditures Last Fiscal Year - Binding and Peri- Rebind- Equip- Sup- ing Student Service Books 6856 55,900 7563 1892 22,754 15,239 8288 799 5149 24,380 116,176 21,766 2018 10,234 40,343 10,269 7579 4103 3281 16,684 28,080 7130 3000 18,377 1954 4894 2825 45,903 63,894 8043 6869 18,261 9488 7320 1990 1971 13,774 22,020 15,751 2401 9552 24,094 30,253 11,043 2315 5214 5233 1646 3600 400 2907 11,179 35,733 6540 1688 1473 20,938111 35,733 6980 850 4830 6695 11,846 2786 453 870 23,760 11,846 21,150 836 8449 14,630 11,597 5800 1944 23,530 23,902 12,150 i975 2687 14,887 17,794 3921 1026 2472 4573 47271 5050 1350 760 21,522 33,027 9956 872 2612 23,161 20,093 16,387 65 6175P 17,470 14,661 14,408 28 3044 h 62,713 2860 1178 843 22,273 45471 13,198 771 4129 14,321 23,591' 4894 706 3723 7154 23,435 3456 1795 2684 9790 22,993 5283 1400 3671 14,760 22,918 9275 246 1919 24,593 68091 11,124 1247 4465 19,843 60701 13,900 2478 3915 1 1 , 1 5 1 10,840 1100 782 938 15,571 22,264 g 775 1591 5411 22,611 3400 694 2250 10,818 12,496 5600 379 2324 23,429 52,657 11,120 1459 4866 15,299 48631 7650 3500 24,819 24,5871 5250r 5014 2222 9385, 56871 11,160 500 4000 h h 11.928 608 4668p 9079 56111 5550 700 3600 9590 13,879 3300 984 989 19,514 17981 9490 400 4660 10,498 33801 8345 4406 27,895 24,982 25,760 5631 13,800p 14,942 11,914 4259 2255 3397 6564 34841 4250 826 2214 12,867 13,058 8213 1829 2847 19,671 13,237 3448 1000 3021p 13,945 27381 24,620 2337* 11,343 25,123 39,413 10,500 1610 4543 45,903 116,176 25,760 5631 11,343 15,299u 22,264v 7^79 1000 3022 4573 1646 1100 0 760 c Includes v . services. ! s Excluding law library, t Not odicals 707 1349 4139 629 1000 878 684 713 1451 1655 685 769 1075 557 2291 777 1657 1219 510 902 2137 481 1765 1474 882 918 1402 1354 1267 486 435 600 749 1686 752 637 1400 '750 740 1053 1725 '635 851 1457 4277 1249 4277 910 435 551 849| 2649' 494 500 665 597 419 1306 736 229 450 605 226 1336 471 1208 306 171 446 1404 782 745 971 519 197 500 389 518 853 187 350 258 566 1249 411 551 1150 998 400 127 570 688 4880 367 630 '563 1826 496 4880 551 127 ment plies Other 5000 160 248 523 40 461 1331 1230 160 688 1392 350 200 404 549 80 499 1303 '349 318 3520 846 3510 523 502 419 k 369 68k 358 600 '390 182 79 62i 737 2128 613 173 626 247 " i s ' i 9 2 ' 6 i 5 408 288 596 268 '412 1353 547 260 1278 iooo 260 705 225 14 27 137 432 450 411 190 516 270 741 2247 " 2 6 914 134 66 55 1014 347 257 1229 1426 '875 23i 5000 408 0 180 150 303 900 t '324 600 170 340 165 863 297 1163 364 303 563 580 2673 701 2673 509 27 1200 2415 150 210 300 61 2697 45 '20i 28 6116 1572 6116 269 0 Total 1 6 , 1 2 1 16,998 43,829 18,325 12,180 10,295 17,995 13,079 38,336 22,408 8258 11,278 15,330 5154 37,549n 9779 20,549 8944 8666 15,485 24,893 22,711 6366 23,112 12,506 9192 13,065 14,205 21,696 23,487 3613 10,367 7352 11,468 23,952 12,313 14,061 18,960 18,582 11,640 6305 17,036 15,522 55,159 12,748 9075 15,984 8640s 50,856 20,902 55,159 14,768 3613 Total Col- lege or Uni- versity Ex- penditures Last Fiscal Yearf 299,610 796,423 339,892 318,028 243,834 h 237^868 598,222t h 144,99i 225,998 428,887 137,238 h 289,459 367,936 152,967 210,037 269,673 369,807 420,457 192,278 243,559 279,738 354,920 317,868 460,000 h i s r u i i i 142,110 172,315 481,637 235,590, 192,074 h 416^26 283,349 480,359, 471,976 796,423 286,404 137,238 f Excludes capital outlay and auxiliary enterprises such as dormitory, athletics, etc. g Confidential, h Not reported, i Exclusive of use of open-shelf reserves, k Data tabulated exclude $147,518 for a new building and $9382 for equipment, m Includes overnight loans, n Exclusive of $242,039.67 for building, equipment, and site, p Includes periodicals, q Overnight only, r No salaries paid; figure reported represents evaluation of tion in report of loans for home use. v Excluding libraries reporting only overnight reserve circulation, w Count- ing medians; where N is even the median reported is the average of the two middle figures. Where the low figure is zero the median reported, as in former years, is actually the median for the libraries reporting positive data; i.e., exclusive of the "zeros." * Includes colleges *>nd universities with enrolments of under 1000. College and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group I I ) * O n Library Agnes Scott College Allegheny College Amherst College Antioch College Augustana College Baldwin-Wallace College Bates College Birmingham-Southern College Bowdoin College Carleton College Carroll College Coe College Colby College Concordia College Connecticut College Davidson College Denison University Earlham College Elmira College Fisk University Goucher College . Hamilton College Hastings College Haverford College Hobart College Illinois Wesleyan University Knox College Lawrence College Middlebury College Mills College Millsaps College Monmouth College Morningside College Mount Union College Pomona College Randolph-Macon Woman's College. St. Catherine, College of Sweet Briar College Trinity College Wake Forest College Washington & Jefferson College Washington & Lee University Wells College . . . . Wesleyan University Westminster College Whitman College Wilberforce University Willamette University Williams College Wooster, College of High . . . . Median1". Low Allocation from Institution Budget 16,168 16,810 31,274 19,416 12,180 7480 1678 12,389 27,730 20,553 6500 i5 i 330 3008 36,930 3500 19,925 8904 8500 16,694 22,461 14,130 3200 11,752 12,036 3192 6683 12,270 21,108 23,150. Library Income Last Fiscal Year Income from 6224 6217 10,683 19,460 12,650 9000. i 13*743 11,640 1000 17,036 15,875 39,074 2675 8600 9563 8448 15,000 20,902 39,074 12,270 1000 Endow- fessional ment Pro- and Funds8, Gifts Other Total fessional Clerical J 16,168 4 1041 2 i o *3i2 18,374 4 f 11,237 59 3652 46,222 10 "n 295 143 1440 21,294 5 i 12,180 3 ' i "2765 " 5 0 10,295 2 1 3535 i656 6869 5 '500 280 13,169 3? "i "9845 1191 234 39,001 3 2 1855 22,408 4A 3 4000 290 10,790 2 10,790 3 \ 15,330 3 20 2i26 5154 2 449 '490 254 38,123 9 247 3747 3 ' " 2 6 5 426 20,616 5 'h 8904 3 * 20 "i82 " 5 3 8755 2 185 16,879 5 ' " 9 3 4 i i s o 318 24,893 6 2 7900 50 1026 23,106 6 3 3408 6608 1 - 1 11,167 '609 259 23,787 4 2 11,167 469 12,506 1 H 6000 9192 2 5521 '429 12,633 3 177 1514 '244 14,205 3 ' 3 1500 1478 24,087 6 250. 393. 23,793 5 i 1 1 1 3613 2 " l 2 2 5 700 22i8 10,367 3 134 1001 7352 2 338 '319 128 11,468 3 i 3678 41 881 24,060 3 ' 2 3678 12,650* 4 2i5. 5250^ 14,465. 3 i 1 1 1 .... 1 4 i 1 1 18,582 5 '560 12,200 3 971 '250 2221 2 17,036 5 ' 2 " " 6 4 " 7 3 16,012 4 13,791 210 2090 55,165 9 '43 160 1332 436 4603 3 124 316 9040 3 1550 4065 15,178 4 '2 192 8640. 2 1 10 i 103 i629 'i.98 22 j 832 6 13,791 4000 5250 55,165 1 0 s 4§ 13,791 14,205 0 " ' 6 " ' 6 2221 1 ' 6 Number of Employees in Full-Time Equivalent Subpro- Admin- ' strati ve Office a Includes income from trust and all invested funds specifically designated for library purposes, b Half time, c Plus five "others." d Plus one "other." e Plus one half "other." f For salaries, books, periodicals, and binding only. (Other items on general institutional budget.) g Confidential, h Evaluation of Sisters' services, i Not reported, j Also member of teaching faculty; salary not reported, k Part of salary paid as 1 i i i H o Associate or Assistant Chief Chief Total Librarian Librarian • 4 g 4 | i 14$ . i 5i° 2500 i760 4 2750 3 2700 5 2800 1800 4 ) 2400 5260 3860 7 h 4000 1100 b 2 2000 1600. 3* i i 4 2900 i s o o 2 2100 1320 10e g 3 3000 9* 2700 i900 31 1650 . . i 3 1650 . . i i 8V g . i 8* 3300 10 g i560 2 2160 7e i 1 3* 2000 2 2150 3 3200 6 g 7 7 . . ' ' ' g 2 j i390 3 i900 2 g g 3* 4400k 1800 6 m 3250 2500 4 . g 31 6 n 31 6 3000 2000 5C 5500k 4 2050 i030 2 1875 1550 7 g 1950 4 n '' g 15^P 1 3000. 3 i800 1 3 1900 i350 6 2500 2 2000. 1450 1 4000 6 ... .g 1 5 P 5260 4000 4 2500 1800 2 1650 1030 Administrative Office Assistants No. Salary 1275 1260 780 10S0 i s o o 900 1200 l i 1600 1200 1800 1200 780 Department Heads No. Min. Max. J V 1400 1500 i e o o 2000 1600 1320 1300 1900 1600 1200 2800 2800 1600 1200 1800 2800 1809. 2100 1600 3000 3000 2100 1600 teaching professor, m Pomona, Scripps, and Claremont Colleges have joint order and catalog departments, including five staff members not included here, n Member of religious order; no salary, p Plus four "others." q Plus two "others." r Counting median, excluding zeros. Medians which would appear to have no significance have not been computed. * Includes colleges and universities with enrolments of under 1000. C o l l e g e and University Library General and Salary Statistics (Group I I ) * Library Agnes Scott College Allegheny College Amherst College Antioch College Augustana College Baldwin-Wallace College Bates College Birmingham-Southern College Bowdoin College Carleton College Carroll College Coe College Colby College Concordia College Connecticut College Davidson College Denison University Earlham College Elmira College Fisk University Goucher College Hamilton College Hastings College Haverford College Hobart College . Illinois Wesleyan University Knox College Lawrence College Middlebury College Mills College Millsaps College Monmouth College Morningside College Mount Union College Pomona College Randolph-Macon Woman's College. St. Catherine, College of Sweet Briar College Trinity College Wake Forest College Washington & Jefferson College.... Washington & Lee University Wells College Wesleyan University Westminster College Whitman College Wilberforce University Willamette University Williams College Wooster, College of Professional Assistants No. Min. Max. / v/ 3 s 1200 1300 3^ 6* 2} 1200 2 1 3 1000 1400 3 1200 1500 1 2000 H i g h . . . Median. Low 1360 1380 1600 1475 . . . . 4 2 1200 1600 2 1400 1400 2 1000 1050 3 a a 2 i300 i900 3 1200 1500 b '2 i350 isoo 3 •••'a a 3 a a 2 a a 1 500 3 a a 2 c c ?, 1400 1800 4 b b 880 i020 2 a a 71 1500 1800 1 iioo 4 1560 2500 1 . . . a 7} 2000 2500 . . 1250 1500 0 880 1020 Subprofessional and Clerical Assistants No. Min. Max. . . . 1 720 Student Service Last Fiscal Year Total Hours for Rate per Hour Profes- Year Min. Max. sional Number of Months for Which Salary Is Paid Sub- profes- sional } 600 2} 600 164 i 31 2 3 1 2 1} 1080 900 540 600 900 480 1260 1400 1000 1150 900 1000 1200 840 1020 1320 1180 720 720 1320 1400 896 1085 0 480 720 6360 .30 .40 4819 .40 .45 5200 .30 .30 3744 .35 .50 b '.30 '.35 10,005 .25 .35 6331 .25 .50 9259 .40 1233 .30 !35 5626 b b 2428 .35 .'40 1810 .25 .25 2127 .35 .45 5705 4104 b b 2923 '.35 .'50 3490 .25 7 1 b !25 .'40 .25 b b b 2558 130 !40 5983 .30 .30 4100 .35 .35 b .30 .35 3562 .30 .40 4955 .35 .50 2982 .20 .25 3100 .25 .25 2300 .25 .30 1262 .30 .30 38561 .35 .40 b g K 16,713 ' ' b ' ' b 1400 ' ' b b 4̂0 1400 .30 .50 2460 .40 .40 2000 .40, h h ' ' 'h 12,515 '.ti .50 7000 b b 2439 .'35 4̂0 7316 .20 .25 3310 .30 .40 5121 d d 4034 !30 3̂0 16,713 .40 .50 3744f .30 .40 71 .20 .25 12 40 9 & 10} 101 40 12 12 42 12 12 38-40 9. 38 b b i2 40 12 39 12 38 9 50 12 10 & 12 38 & 39 9 39 10 39 12 i2 41 12 12 42 12 40 12 b b 10 10 38 12 12 40 12 40 10 & 11 40 42 b b b i2 381 12 39 10 & 12 40 11 40 12 371 12 40 9 & 12 38 12 42 39 b b i i 38 12 42 12 36 12 38 12 39 12 b 10 40 12 40 12 40 b ;> b i2 39} 12 12 50 12 12 40 36 Hours per Week Required of Each Full-Time Staff Member Sub- Profes- sional 39 40 39 40 42 40 sional 39 20 381 38 34-42 12 41 42 38fei b Number of Days Annual Vacation Sub- Profes- sional profes- sional Days Allowed with Pay as Special Holidays Sub- Profes- sional V V 23 26 6 25 25 11 30 "b 7 24 "b 6 30 30 21 b b 2i 21 20 20 6 21 10 10 "b 18 "b b 28 ' b 24 '8 40 4 33 18 '& 22 i i 26 i2 28 6 42 42 9 26 161 8 30 b b b Ca.'lO 27 7 30 18 26 6 26t 5 b b b 21 '9 30 20 24 28 20 26 12 26 14 20 24 &fa48 10 & J8 0 19 b b 25-75 8 27 22 30 12 22 16 15 75 25 b 5 ' b " b b ;> ;> 75 42 28 26} 23} 11 20 10 4 profes- sional Sabbatical Leave \/ No. Librarian Director Lib'n. & Ass't.e . Yes Librarian No Yes Librarian Librarian No . Libraria No 11 & 20} b Ca.'lO Librarian No No Librarian^ Librarian^ ' ' N o ' ' ' b ' .' No ' ' Librarian^ : : : : : : : > Librarian No No . Librarian Librarian Librarian Librarian No No No Librarian 5 wks. after 10 yrs. Librarian^ " b b b ' ' No ' ' a Confidential, b Not reported, c Members of religious order; no salary, d Not paid from library budget, e Librarian would receive 18 per cent of salary; assistant librarian 15 per cent, f Including N.Y.A. g Student assistants allowed S160 on tuition, h Thirty hours per week of student help in return for scholarship aid. * Includes colleges and universities with enrolments of under 1000.