id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-8957 Saffady, William A Computer Output Microfilm Serials List for Patron Use 1974-12-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 1506 76 49 As Ballou notes, discussions of COM have tended to concentrate more on the computer than on micrographics, but for a patron-use COM appli- cation the selection of an appropriate microformat is of the greatest im- portance.5 However, there has been an unfortunate emphasis placed, both in the literature of micrographics and by vendors, on microfiche, the for- mat now dominating the industry, especially in COM applications. 263 Library literature generally assumes that COM is bette1ยท suited to staff rath- er than patron use applications. cache/ital-8957.pdf txt/ital-8957.txt