id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt ital-12619 Ayre, Lori Bowen What More Can We Do to Address Broadband Inequity and Digital Poverty? 2020-09-21 6 .pdf application/pdf 2584 140 32 According to BroadbandNow, the number of people who lack broadband Internet access could be as high as 42 million.6 The FCC reports that at least “18 million people lacked access to broadband Internet at the end of 2018.”7 Even if all the libraries were open and circulating hundreds of Wi-Fi hotspots, we’d still have a very serious access problem. Surry County, Virginia, expects to extend broadband access to 6,700 households through a first-ever partnership between a utility (Dominion Energy Virginia) and an electric cooperative (Dominion Energy). cache/ital-12619.pdf txt/ital-12619.txt