id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-25013 Lambert, Frank; Thill, Mary; Rosenzweig, James W. Making Sense of Student Source Selection: Using the WHY Method to Analyze Authority in Student Research Bibliographies 2021-06-30 20 .pdf application/pdf 9459 305 32 To pursue this research interest, the team gathered student research papers and their respective bibliographies written for numerous sections of a freshman-level English composition course from a public master’s-level university in the Midwestern United States. Literature Review Given that the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education sets forth the idea that “Authority Is Constructed and Contextual” as one of its six core concepts, the research team remained interested in exploring student constructions of authority.12 Although most published studies that have examined student source selection have chosen to use surveys or question- naires for data collection, the team also chose to continue its focus on bibliographic analysis of authentic student work. cache/crl-25013.pdf txt/crl-25013.txt