id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15997 Kutner, Laurie Think Locally, Act Globally: Understanding Home Institution Library Engagement among Study-Abroad Students 2009-03-01 19 .pdf application/pdf 9653 422 50 In Monteverde, Costa Rica, for example, student research has contributed greatly toward sustainable community develop­ ment efforts and understanding of a host of local issues, and the power of informa­ tion to which American students have access is very highly valued.32 When asked about the possibility of using interlibrary loan from abroad to obtain articles needed for research, stu­ dent respondents indicated a great deal http:valued.32 170 College & Research Libraries March 2009 of uncertainty. Yet significant additional challenges exist in conducting library research remotely from international locations. cache/crl-15997.pdf txt/crl-15997.txt