id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15743 Welburn, William C. Wilhelm, Anthony G. Digital Nation: Toward an Inclusive Information Society. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 2004. 161p. alk. paper, $27.95 (ISBN 0262232383). LC 2004-42848. 2005-07-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1873 82 46 Not only are these examples of important trends in the social use of information and communications tech- nologies that connect well to both Freud’s concern for the human condition and Rawls’s theory on social justice, they are likely to be among the more contentious challenges to federal telecommunications and information policy. This collection of essays describes information technology (IT) policy issues in the United States, highlighting the ways federal policy has responded to IT developments. cache/crl-15743.pdf txt/crl-15743.txt