id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15643 Arlen, Shelley Charleston Conference Proceedings 2001. Ed. Katina Strauch. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2003. 222p. $45 (ISBN 1591580730). LC 2003-535343. 2004-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1319 62 52 To help readers understand the ethics codes of the library profession in a global context, the editor of this book compiled a list of potentially divisive issues as they concern librarians and library associa­ tions internationally: globalization, digi­ tal inclusiveness, privacy, authenticity, confidentiality, trust and censorship, copyright, intellectual property rights, gray literature, electronic filters, confi­ dence in cyberspace, as well as the digi­ tal gap between the information rich and poor, the commercialization of informa­ tion versus interactive online public ser­ vices, and the consequences of the Gen­ http: http: The goal of OhioLINK (and any library) is to provide “economically sustainable in­ creased information access,” but libraries are losing ground each year trying to meet this ideal. cache/crl-15643.pdf txt/crl-15643.txt