id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14835 Smith, Eldred; Johnson, Peggy How to Survive the Present While Preparing for the Future: A Research Library Strategy 1993-09-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4612 223 50 Every major develop- ment in research library practice, from the classification of collections to the in- troduction of online catalogs, has in- volved some struggle of this nature, yet research libraries have progressed. The acquisition budget may still be sacrosanct in many universities, but libraries are expected increasingly to maintain it themselves by cutting else- where within their own resources.2 At the same time that their purchasing power is shrinking, research libraries must acquire and provide access to a rapidly expanding amount of nontradi- tional formats and sources of informa- tion, further complicating an already complex budgetary situation. cache/crl-14835.pdf txt/crl-14835.txt