id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13873 McPheron, William Quantifying the Allocation of Monograph Funds: An Instance in Practice 1983-03-01 12 .pdf application/pdf 6589 264 46 Emerging from this pro- cess were 0 percent, 2 percent, 7 percent, and 22 percent as the portions of the Do- mestic Base that would be added as the For- eign Trade Monograph Factor at each year along line B for budget lines at the four dif- ferent levels of dependency. From analysis of this information came 20 percent and 10 per- cent as the portions of the Domestic Base added along line C for budget lines with respectively heavy and moderate reliance on nontrade publications. cache/crl-13873.pdf txt/crl-13873.txt