id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13379 Krek, Miroslav Subject Collections in European Libraries; Research Libraries and Collections in the United Kingdom: A Selective Inventory and Guide (Book Review) 1979-07-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 689 47 64 The Roberts and others work, on the other hand, arranges the selection of UK li- braries in alphabetic order in four groups: (1) national, specialist, and public libraries, (2) university libraries, (3) polytechnic libraries, (4) Scottish central institutions. Lewanski believes in a strict subject ap- proach as defined by the eighteenth edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification, which necessitates the repetition of information on libraries that may be strong in more than one subject. cache/crl-13379.pdf txt/crl-13379.txt