id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13332 Montague, Eleanor Information Retrieval: Computational and Theoretical Aspects (Book Review) 1979-05-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2095 138 61 The author has two stated purposes: first, to introduce the student of computer sci- ence to the basic concepts of the retrieval of alphabetic information and to describe tech- niques for developing suitable computer programs for retrieval and, second, to de- scribe the general structure of data bases and computer programs so that librarians, information scientists, and others without a computer science background can under- stand and appreciate basic design considera- tions of information retrieval systems. The volume is organized as a self- contained textbo<;>k rather than as a compre- hensive examination of the state of the art of information retrieval. cache/crl-13332.pdf txt/crl-13332.txt