id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13231 Fair, Judy H. Micrographics; Microform Librarianship (Book Review) 1978-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1882 287 62 ยท In Chapter 9, Miscellaneous Microform Topics, learning packages, collections of key literature, theses in microform , color microforms , archival quality microforms and standards, cataloging microforms in the library , sources or general bibliographic guides to micropublications, informational guides on microform equipment, and use of microforms in hospitals are briefly exam- ined. To state that it is being omitted from consideration as a suitable type of format because it is inconvenient to use and is thus a negative factor in promoting microform use leaves a major problem area of microform librar- ianship unaddressed (p.l05). cache/crl-13231.pdf txt/crl-13231.txt