id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12875 American Library Association, Letters 1976-07-01 4 .pdf application/pdf 2485 130 56 As beneficiary of the Astor Library in 1848, New York had been favored by the services of the premier endowed reference library, but by the end of the century its early good fortune clearly was a factor in delaying the establishment of library services suitable to all the people of the com- munity. The handsome monument, named a National Historic Landmark in 1966, continues to serve as the home of one of the world's great research collections and as the symbolic capstone of a system of libraries to serve the people of New York City.-W. L. Williamson, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison Acknowledgments: Edward White, William L. Coakley, and David V. Erdman, New York Public Library. cache/crl-12875.pdf txt/crl-12875.txt