College and Research Libraries Jackson, Miles M., Jr., ed. Comparative and International Librarianship: Essays on Themes and Problems. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Corpora- tion [c1970]. 307p. $13.50. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-98710. SBN: 8371-3327-0. To the relatively small shelf of books on comparative librarianship one is glad to welcome another-and useful-addition. This volume, consisting of twelve essays edited by Miles M. Jackson, Jr., aims at giving us "a composite view of the prob- lems, progress, and prospects for librarian- ship" (p. vii), and it does offer some in- teresting studies of certain aspects of the profession. Although the editor recognizes the difficulty of giving comprehensive treatment to the subject, he credits the compilation with a "worldwide basis," which, in the strict sense, it lacks. Accord- ing to this reviewer's calculation ( re- checked against the country entries in the index), none of the twelve studies deals with such important areas of the world as India, Southeast Asia, and the Far East; for Europe there is no mention of Italy (or of Sweden either) ; and all articles on the Western Hemisphere omit the British Caribbean. Granted the impossibility of full geographic coverage, it would have been interesting to see additional articles pro- viding some discussion of these areas; per- haps the editor planned for their inclusion, and they failed to materialize. The opening article is Louis Shores' es- say "Comparative Librarianship: A Theo- retical Approach," which presents some thoughtful reflections based on many years of experience. In it he offers the thesis that "librarianship as a profession can best im- prove itself by comparative study" (p.4), but, perhaps more importantly, he pleads for qualitative as well as quantitative com- parisons. The remaining eleven studies are distributed into four groups, corresponding to the traditional type-of-library division: public ( 3), academic ( 3), national ( 3), and special ( 2) (actually public and school libraries are grouped together in a section entitled "Public Libraries and Media Cen- ters," and one of the three articles is de- voted to the latter) . Although the authors hail from the Anglo-American world (eight from the U.S. and four from the British Recent Publications I 337 Commonwealth), all have had wide ex- perience with the areas on which they write, even though the lack of biographical information in the book prevents this from being clear. As far as range in geographic coverage goes, the national library fares by far the best, with Latin America, the U.S.S.R., and Africa each treated in a separate article. There is one essay (on classification and information retrieval) devoted to Europe and one (on special libraries and infor- mation centers) to Southwest Asia; three on the U.S. and one each on Canada, Aus- tralia, and West Africa compose the re- maining six. Indeed the most homogeneous section consists of the three articles on na- tional libraries and bibliography ( the one on Latin America excludes the latter topic) . For this reason the reader regrets the lack of additional essays about similar institu- tions in Europe and Asia, especially since two basic sources, the Library Trends issue devoted to national libraries and Nation- al Libraries: Their Problems and Prospects (the publication resulting from UNESCO- sponsored symposium), appeared in 1955 and 1960 respectively. While space limitations preclude the analysis here of individual articles, the three dealing with the American scene ("Public Library Services in the Inner City," by Milton Byam; "School Libraries and Librarianship," by Carolyn Whitenack; and "Automation in the Academic Library in the United States," by Clayton Shepherd) -interesting essays in themselves-are, per- haps understandably, the least internation- al in their outlook; they make little or no reference to comparable situations over- seas. Most articles are descriptive rather than evaluative or critical in tone; style natural- ly varies from author to author, but on the whole is adequate, although several writers exhibit a tendency to throw in asides which, while often interesting, are not par- ticularly germane to the topic on which they are writing. All studies have notes at the end, and most a bibliography as well. Although the book contains no illustrations, several essays present helpful statistical ta- bles. In this connection one wonders why the three sets of figures drawn from The World of Learning and entitled "Books in 338 I College & Research Libraries • July 1972 the National Libraries of the U.S.S.R., La- tin America, Africa" (p.291-93) appear as an Appendix; they would obviously be of greater utility placed with the respective articles. The index (p.295-307) appears to be more than adequate as far as entries under countries and names of specific institutions go, although there are a few problems- e.g., entries under both Egypt and United Arab Republic, but not references to the same pages. The policy on entry for cities seems somewhat inconsistent, but the great- est drawback, at least in this reader's view, lies in the topical entries. The heading for national libraries does not even record the pages for two of the three articles in the volume (granted that they also deal with bibliographies), nor does the cross refer- ence "Special libraries. . . . See also Li- brary and libraries; National libraries; Uni- versity libraries" seem helpful. Moreover in a volume on librarianship one wonders what purpose the phrase "Library and li- braries" serves. Random check of entries failed to disclose any blind references. The volume is well printed; this reviewer noted very few typographical errors, even in citations to foreign language publications. There were, however, a few minor incon- sistencies of bibliographical style, probably due to slips in making entries submitted by twelve authors conform to house style. We are indebted to the compiler and publisher for making available a group of interesting essays-all of them worth read- ing. And perhaps that is the best way to judge such a volume, for the difficulties in securing overall unity and comprehensive- ness are almost insurmountable.-WiZliam Vernon Jackson, George Peabody College for Teachet·s and Vanderbilt University OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS AUen, Robert L. English Grammars and English Grammar. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. 253p. $8.95. (74- 182808). Angle, Paul A., ed. The Collected Poetry of Abraham Lincoln. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. 14p. $5.00. (76-142288). Arboleda-Sepulveda, and Galrao, Maria Jose. Directorio De Siglas En Ciencias Agricolas. Turrialba, Costa Rica: IICA- CIDIA, 1971. 189p. $3.00. Baird, Violet M., ed. Texas Medical History in the Library of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. Dallas, TX.: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1972. 91p. $10.00 (76- 187337). Basler, Roy P., comp. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Translation. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1972. 32p. $1.25. (78-39311). (ISBN 0-8444-0018- 1). Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc. Organi- zation and Staffing of the Libraries of Columbia University: A Summary of the Case Study. Washington, D.C.: As- sociation of Research Libraries, 1972. 27p. $3.00. The Carnegie Commission on Higher Edu- cation. Institutional Aid; Federal Sup- port to Colleges and Universities. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972. 290p. $4.95. Covey, Alma A. Reviewing of Reference Books. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 142p. $5.00. (70- 182831). (ISBN 0-8108-0456-5). Dick Aliki Lafkidou. A Student's Guide to' British Literature. Littleton, Col.: Li- braries Unlimited, Inc., 1972. 285p. $9.50. (77-189255). (ISBN 0-87287- 044-8). EL-HI Textbooks in :Print. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1972. 423p. (70-105104). (ISBN 0-8352-0513-4). Eyre, John, and Tonks, Peter. Computers & Systems: An Introduction for Librar- ies. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1971. 127p. $5.75. (0-208-01073-4). Fielder, G., ed. Geology and Physics of the Moon: A Study of Some Funda- mental Problems. New York: Elsevier Publishing Company, 1971. 159p. $25.00. (70-151736). (ISBN 0-444- 40924-6). From Now On . ... An Environmental Bib- liography. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis University, 1972. 82p. 1 J