id sid tid token lemma pos crl-14424 1 1 college college NOUN crl-14424 1 2 and and CCONJ crl-14424 1 3 research research NOUN crl-14424 1 4 libraries librarie VERB crl-14424 1 5 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 1 6 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 1 7 for for ADP crl-14424 1 8 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 1 9 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 1 10 : : PUNCT crl-14424 1 11 is be AUX crl-14424 1 12 it it PRON crl-14424 1 13 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 1 14 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 2 1 joann joann PROPN crl-14424 2 2 bell bell PROPN crl-14424 2 3 and and CCONJ crl-14424 2 4 susan susan PROPN crl-14424 2 5 speer speer VERB crl-14424 2 6 the the DET crl-14424 2 7 model model NOUN crl-14424 2 8 interlibrary interlibrary PROPN crl-14424 2 9 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 2 10 code code NOUN crl-14424 2 11 states state NOUN crl-14424 2 12 that that SCONJ crl-14424 2 13 " " PUNCT crl-14424 2 14 all all DET crl-14424 2 15 items item NOUN crl-14424 2 16 requested request VERB crl-14424 2 17 shall shall AUX crl-14424 2 18 be be AUX crl-14424 2 19 verified verify VERB crl-14424 2 20 ... ... PUNCT crl-14424 2 21 and and CCONJ crl-14424 2 22 sources source NOUN crl-14424 2 23 of of ADP crl-14424 2 24 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 2 25 cited cite VERB crl-14424 2 26 . . PUNCT crl-14424 2 27 " " PUNCT crl-14424 3 1 during during ADP crl-14424 3 2 a a DET crl-14424 3 3 three three NUM crl-14424 3 4 - - PUNCT crl-14424 3 5 month month NOUN crl-14424 3 6 study study NOUN crl-14424 3 7 involving involve VERB crl-14424 3 8 approximately approximately ADV crl-14424 3 9 900 900 NUM crl-14424 3 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 3 11 , , PUNCT crl-14424 3 12 the the DET crl-14424 3 13 health health NOUN crl-14424 3 14 sciences sciences PROPN crl-14424 3 15 library library PROPN crl-14424 3 16 at at ADP crl-14424 3 17 east east PROPN crl-14424 3 18 carolina carolina PROPN crl-14424 3 19 university university PROPN crl-14424 3 20 examined examine VERB crl-14424 3 21 the the DET crl-14424 3 22 necessity necessity NOUN crl-14424 3 23 and and CCONJ crl-14424 3 24 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-14424 3 25 of of ADP crl-14424 3 26 prerequest prerequ ADJ crl-14424 3 27 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 3 28 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 3 29 . . PUNCT crl-14424 4 1 this this DET crl-14424 4 2 paper paper NOUN crl-14424 4 3 reports report VERB crl-14424 4 4 the the DET crl-14424 4 5 results result NOUN crl-14424 4 6 of of ADP crl-14424 4 7 theresearch theresearch NOUN crl-14424 4 8 and and CCONJ crl-14424 4 9 how how SCONJ crl-14424 4 10 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 4 11 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 4 12 policies policy NOUN crl-14424 4 13 might might AUX crl-14424 4 14 be be AUX crl-14424 4 15 affected affect VERB crl-14424 4 16 . . PUNCT crl-14424 5 1 ibliographic ibliographic ADJ crl-14424 5 2 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 5 3 is be AUX crl-14424 5 4 a a DET crl-14424 5 5 standard standard ADJ crl-14424 5 6 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 5 7 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 5 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 5 9 ill ill ADJ crl-14424 5 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 5 11 practice practice NOUN crl-14424 5 12 required require VERB crl-14424 5 13 by by ADP crl-14424 5 14 the the DET crl-14424 5 15 ala ala PROPN crl-14424 5 16 interlibrary interlibrary PROPN crl-14424 5 17 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 5 18 code code PROPN crl-14424 5 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 6 1 a a DET crl-14424 6 2 verified verify VERB crl-14424 6 3 request request NOUN crl-14424 6 4 is be AUX crl-14424 6 5 assumed assume VERB crl-14424 6 6 to to PART crl-14424 6 7 reduce reduce VERB crl-14424 6 8 the the DET crl-14424 6 9 time time NOUN crl-14424 6 10 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 6 11 for for SCONJ crl-14424 6 12 the the DET crl-14424 6 13 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 6 14 library library NOUN crl-14424 6 15 to to PART crl-14424 6 16 locate locate VERB crl-14424 6 17 the the DET crl-14424 6 18 needed need VERB crl-14424 6 19 item item NOUN crl-14424 6 20 , , PUNCT crl-14424 6 21 thus thus ADV crl-14424 6 22 reducing reduce VERB crl-14424 6 23 the the DET crl-14424 6 24 client client NOUN crl-14424 6 25 's 's PART crl-14424 6 26 wait wait NOUN crl-14424 6 27 . . PUNCT crl-14424 7 1 however however ADV crl-14424 7 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 7 3 the the DET crl-14424 7 4 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 7 5 process process NOUN crl-14424 7 6 appears appear VERB crl-14424 7 7 to to PART crl-14424 7 8 require require VERB crl-14424 7 9 excessive excessive ADJ crl-14424 7 10 time time NOUN crl-14424 7 11 , , PUNCT crl-14424 7 12 because because SCONJ crl-14424 7 13 the the DET crl-14424 7 14 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 7 15 library library NOUN crl-14424 7 16 must must AUX crl-14424 7 17 attempt attempt VERB crl-14424 7 18 to to PART crl-14424 7 19 verify verify VERB crl-14424 7 20 every every DET crl-14424 7 21 request request NOUN crl-14424 7 22 before before ADP crl-14424 7 23 sending send VERB crl-14424 7 24 it it PRON crl-14424 7 25 to to ADP crl-14424 7 26 another another DET crl-14424 7 27 library library NOUN crl-14424 7 28 . . PUNCT crl-14424 8 1 this this DET crl-14424 8 2 step step NOUN crl-14424 8 3 can can AUX crl-14424 8 4 be be AUX crl-14424 8 5 especially especially ADV crl-14424 8 6 time time NOUN crl-14424 8 7 - - PUNCT crl-14424 8 8 consuming consume VERB crl-14424 8 9 for for ADP crl-14424 8 10 those those DET crl-14424 8 11 articles article NOUN crl-14424 8 12 published publish VERB crl-14424 8 13 so so ADV crl-14424 8 14 recently recently ADV crl-14424 8 15 that that SCONJ crl-14424 8 16 they they PRON crl-14424 8 17 are be AUX crl-14424 8 18 not not PART crl-14424 8 19 yet yet ADV crl-14424 8 20 indexed index VERB crl-14424 8 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 9 1 in in ADP crl-14424 9 2 the the DET crl-14424 9 3 case case NOUN crl-14424 9 4 of of ADP crl-14424 9 5 new new ADJ crl-14424 9 6 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 9 7 titles title NOUN crl-14424 9 8 , , PUNCT crl-14424 9 9 even even ADV crl-14424 9 10 the the DET crl-14424 9 11 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 9 12 itself itself PRON crl-14424 9 13 may may AUX crl-14424 9 14 not not PART crl-14424 9 15 be be AUX crl-14424 9 16 indexed index VERB crl-14424 9 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 10 1 further far ADV crl-14424 10 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 10 3 it it PRON crl-14424 10 4 appears appear VERB crl-14424 10 5 to to ADP crl-14424 10 6 the the DET crl-14424 10 7 verifier verifier NOUN crl-14424 10 8 that that PRON crl-14424 10 9 almost almost ADV crl-14424 10 10 all all PRON crl-14424 10 11 of of ADP crl-14424 10 12 the the DET crl-14424 10 13 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 10 14 are be AUX crl-14424 10 15 already already ADV crl-14424 10 16 correct correct ADJ crl-14424 10 17 when when SCONJ crl-14424 10 18 submitted submit VERB crl-14424 10 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 11 1 since since SCONJ crl-14424 11 2 no no DET crl-14424 11 3 published publish VERB crl-14424 11 4 research research NOUN crl-14424 11 5 on on ADP crl-14424 11 6 this this DET crl-14424 11 7 topic topic NOUN crl-14424 11 8 could could AUX crl-14424 11 9 be be AUX crl-14424 11 10 found find VERB crl-14424 11 11 , , PUNCT crl-14424 11 12 the the DET crl-14424 11 13 health health PROPN crl-14424 11 14 sciences sciences PROPN crl-14424 11 15 library library PROPN crl-14424 11 16 undertook undertake VERB crl-14424 11 17 a a DET crl-14424 11 18 study study NOUN crl-14424 11 19 to to PART crl-14424 11 20 determine determine VERB crl-14424 11 21 the the DET crl-14424 11 22 degree degree NOUN crl-14424 11 23 to to PART crl-14424 11 24 which which PRON crl-14424 11 25 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 11 26 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 11 27 requests request NOUN crl-14424 11 28 were be AUX crl-14424 11 29 bibliographically bibliographically ADV crl-14424 11 30 correct correct ADJ crl-14424 11 31 and and CCONJ crl-14424 11 32 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 11 33 when when SCONJ crl-14424 11 34 submitted submit VERB crl-14424 11 35 . . PUNCT crl-14424 12 1 also also ADV crl-14424 12 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 12 3 could could AUX crl-14424 12 4 a a DET crl-14424 12 5 trained train VERB crl-14424 12 6 verifier verifier NOUN crl-14424 12 7 identify identify VERB crl-14424 12 8 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 12 9 or or CCONJ crl-14424 12 10 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 12 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 12 12 and and CCONJ crl-14424 12 13 thereby thereby ADV crl-14424 12 14 limit limit VERB crl-14424 12 15 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 12 16 to to ADP crl-14424 12 17 those those DET crl-14424 12 18 items item NOUN crl-14424 12 19 really really ADV crl-14424 12 20 needing need VERB crl-14424 12 21 it it PRON crl-14424 12 22 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 13 1 the the DET crl-14424 13 2 study study NOUN crl-14424 13 3 focused focus VERB crl-14424 13 4 on on ADP crl-14424 13 5 seven seven NUM crl-14424 13 6 questions question NOUN crl-14424 13 7 . . PUNCT crl-14424 14 1 1 1 X crl-14424 14 2 . . X crl-14424 14 3 how how SCONJ crl-14424 14 4 many many ADJ crl-14424 14 5 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 14 6 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 14 7 requests request NOUN crl-14424 14 8 are be AUX crl-14424 14 9 correct correct ADJ crl-14424 14 10 upon upon SCONJ crl-14424 14 11 receipt receipt NOUN crl-14424 14 12 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 15 1 2 2 X crl-14424 15 2 . . X crl-14424 15 3 which which DET crl-14424 15 4 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 15 5 elements element NOUN crl-14424 15 6 are be AUX crl-14424 15 7 most most ADV crl-14424 15 8 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 15 9 to to PART crl-14424 15 10 be be AUX crl-14424 15 11 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 15 12 or or CCONJ crl-14424 15 13 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 15 14 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 16 1 3 3 X crl-14424 16 2 . . X crl-14424 16 3 are be AUX crl-14424 16 4 some some DET crl-14424 16 5 elements element NOUN crl-14424 16 6 more more ADV crl-14424 16 7 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 16 8 than than ADP crl-14424 16 9 others other NOUN crl-14424 16 10 to to ADP crl-14424 16 11 the the DET crl-14424 16 12 ability ability NOUN crl-14424 16 13 of of ADP crl-14424 16 14 the the DET crl-14424 16 15 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 16 16 library library NOUN crl-14424 16 17 to to PART crl-14424 16 18 supply supply VERB crl-14424 16 19 an an DET crl-14424 16 20 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 16 21 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 16 22 without without ADP crl-14424 16 23 expending expend VERB crl-14424 16 24 extra extra ADJ crl-14424 16 25 effort effort NOUN crl-14424 16 26 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 17 1 4 4 X crl-14424 17 2 . . X crl-14424 17 3 how how SCONJ crl-14424 17 4 many many ADJ crl-14424 17 5 requests request NOUN crl-14424 17 6 needed need VERB crl-14424 17 7 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 17 8 elements element NOUN crl-14424 17 9 added add VERB crl-14424 17 10 / / SYM crl-14424 17 11 corrected correct VERB crl-14424 17 12 during during ADP crl-14424 17 13 the the DET crl-14424 17 14 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 17 15 process process NOUN crl-14424 17 16 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 18 1 5 5 X crl-14424 18 2 . . PUNCT crl-14424 18 3 what what PRON crl-14424 18 4 errors error NOUN crl-14424 18 5 occur occur VERB crl-14424 18 6 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 19 1 a. a. PROPN crl-14424 19 2 are be AUX crl-14424 19 3 there there PRON crl-14424 19 4 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14424 19 5 associated associate VERB crl-14424 19 6 with with ADP crl-14424 19 7 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 19 8 of of ADP crl-14424 19 9 errors error NOUN crl-14424 19 10 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 20 1 b. b. PROPN crl-14424 20 2 are be AUX crl-14424 20 3 some some DET crl-14424 20 4 departments department NOUN crl-14424 20 5 or or CCONJ crl-14424 20 6 clients client NOUN crl-14424 20 7 more more ADV crl-14424 20 8 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 20 9 to to PART crl-14424 20 10 submit submit VERB crl-14424 20 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 20 12 with with ADP crl-14424 20 13 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 20 14 errors error NOUN crl-14424 20 15 than than ADP crl-14424 20 16 others other NOUN crl-14424 20 17 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 21 1 c. c. PROPN crl-14424 21 2 does do VERB crl-14424 21 3 the the DET crl-14424 21 4 age age NOUN crl-14424 21 5 of of ADP crl-14424 21 6 the the DET crl-14424 21 7 publication publication NOUN crl-14424 21 8 in in ADP crl-14424 21 9 which which PRON crl-14424 21 10 the the DET crl-14424 21 11 request request NOUN crl-14424 21 12 appears appear VERB crl-14424 21 13 relate relate VERB crl-14424 21 14 to to ADP crl-14424 21 15 the the DET crl-14424 21 16 error error NOUN crl-14424 21 17 rate rate NOUN crl-14424 21 18 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 22 1 d. d. PROPN crl-14424 22 2 is be AUX crl-14424 22 3 the the DET crl-14424 22 4 error error NOUN crl-14424 22 5 rate rate NOUN crl-14424 22 6 significantly significantly ADV crl-14424 22 7 lower low ADJ crl-14424 22 8 for for ADP crl-14424 22 9 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 22 10 for for ADP crl-14424 22 11 which which PRON crl-14424 22 12 a a DET crl-14424 22 13 source source NOUN crl-14424 22 14 is be AUX crl-14424 22 15 given give VERB crl-14424 22 16 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 23 1 e. e. PROPN crl-14424 23 2 are be AUX crl-14424 23 3 requests request NOUN crl-14424 23 4 with with ADP crl-14424 23 5 one one NUM crl-14424 23 6 error error NOUN crl-14424 23 7 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 23 8 to to PART crl-14424 23 9 have have VERB crl-14424 23 10 additional additional ADJ crl-14424 23 11 errors error NOUN crl-14424 23 12 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 24 1 f. f. PROPN crl-14424 24 2 do do AUX crl-14424 24 3 errors error NOUN crl-14424 24 4 occur occur VERB crl-14424 24 5 more more ADV crl-14424 24 6 frequently frequently ADV crl-14424 24 7 in in ADP crl-14424 24 8 ] ] PUNCT crl-14424 24 9 o o PROPN crl-14424 24 10 ann ann PROPN crl-14424 24 11 belt belt PROPN crl-14424 24 12 is be AUX crl-14424 24 13 director director NOUN crl-14424 24 14 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 15 and and CCONJ crl-14424 24 16 susan susan PROPN crl-14424 24 17 speer speer PROPN crl-14424 24 18 is be AUX crl-14424 24 19 systems system NOUN crl-14424 24 20 librarian librarian NOUN crl-14424 24 21 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 22 formerly formerly ADV crl-14424 24 23 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14424 24 24 librarian librarian NOUN crl-14424 24 25 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 26 at at ADP crl-14424 24 27 health health PROPN crl-14424 24 28 sciences sciences PROPN crl-14424 24 29 library library PROPN crl-14424 24 30 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 31 east east PROPN crl-14424 24 32 carolina carolina PROPN crl-14424 24 33 university university PROPN crl-14424 24 34 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 35 greenville greenville PROPN crl-14424 24 36 , , PUNCT crl-14424 24 37 north north PROPN crl-14424 24 38 carolina carolina PROPN crl-14424 24 39 27858 27858 NUM crl-14424 24 40 . . PUNCT crl-14424 25 1 494 494 NUM crl-14424 25 2 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 25 3 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 25 4 for for ADP crl-14424 25 5 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 25 6 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 25 7 495 495 NUM crl-14424 25 8 some some DET crl-14424 25 9 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 25 10 elements element NOUN crl-14424 25 11 than than ADP crl-14424 25 12 in in ADP crl-14424 25 13 others other NOUN crl-14424 25 14 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 26 1 6 6 X crl-14424 26 2 . . PUNCT crl-14424 26 3 what what PRON crl-14424 26 4 is be AUX crl-14424 26 5 the the DET crl-14424 26 6 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 26 7 time time NOUN crl-14424 26 8 needed need VERB crl-14424 26 9 to to PART crl-14424 26 10 verify verify VERB crl-14424 26 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 26 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 26 13 and and CCONJ crl-14424 26 14 is be AUX crl-14424 26 15 there there PRON crl-14424 26 16 a a DET crl-14424 26 17 statistically statistically ADV crl-14424 26 18 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 26 19 difference difference NOUN crl-14424 26 20 in in ADP crl-14424 26 21 the the DET crl-14424 26 22 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 26 23 time time NOUN crl-14424 26 24 between between ADP crl-14424 26 25 verified verify VERB crl-14424 26 26 and and CCONJ crl-14424 26 27 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 26 28 requests request NOUN crl-14424 26 29 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 27 1 7 7 X crl-14424 27 2 . . X crl-14424 27 3 is be AUX crl-14424 27 4 it it PRON crl-14424 27 5 possible possible ADJ crl-14424 27 6 for for SCONJ crl-14424 27 7 the the DET crl-14424 27 8 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 27 9 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 27 10 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 27 11 to to PART crl-14424 27 12 identify identify VERB crl-14424 27 13 accurately accurately ADV crl-14424 27 14 those those DET crl-14424 27 15 requests request NOUN crl-14424 27 16 requiring require VERB crl-14424 27 17 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 27 18 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 28 1 methodology methodology NOUN crl-14424 28 2 library library NOUN crl-14424 28 3 clients client NOUN crl-14424 28 4 submit submit VERB crl-14424 28 5 photocopy photocopy NOUN crl-14424 28 6 and and CCONJ crl-14424 28 7 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 28 8 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 28 9 requests request NOUN crl-14424 28 10 on on ADP crl-14424 28 11 individual individual ADJ crl-14424 28 12 request request NOUN crl-14424 28 13 forms form NOUN crl-14424 28 14 . . PUNCT crl-14424 29 1 they they PRON crl-14424 29 2 are be AUX crl-14424 29 3 not not PART crl-14424 29 4 required require VERB crl-14424 29 5 to to PART crl-14424 29 6 verify verify VERB crl-14424 29 7 requests request NOUN crl-14424 29 8 prior prior ADV crl-14424 29 9 to to ADP crl-14424 29 10 submitting submit VERB crl-14424 29 11 to to ADP crl-14424 29 12 the the DET crl-14424 29 13 health health NOUN crl-14424 29 14 sciences science NOUN crl-14424 29 15 library library PROPN crl-14424 29 16 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 29 17 hsl hsl PROPN crl-14424 29 18 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 29 19 at at ADP crl-14424 29 20 east east PROPN crl-14424 29 21 carolina carolina PROPN crl-14424 29 22 university university PROPN crl-14424 29 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 30 1 many many ADJ crl-14424 30 2 clients client NOUN crl-14424 30 3 submit submit VERB crl-14424 30 4 photocopies photocopy NOUN crl-14424 30 5 or or CCONJ crl-14424 30 6 cutouts cutout NOUN crl-14424 30 7 from from ADP crl-14424 30 8 online online ADJ crl-14424 30 9 searches search NOUN crl-14424 30 10 on on ADP crl-14424 30 11 the the DET crl-14424 30 12 ill ill ADJ crl-14424 30 13 request request NOUN crl-14424 30 14 forms form NOUN crl-14424 30 15 . . PUNCT crl-14424 31 1 these these DET crl-14424 31 2 requests request NOUN crl-14424 31 3 are be AUX crl-14424 31 4 .not .not AUX crl-14424 31 5 verified verify VERB crl-14424 31 6 . . PUNCT crl-14424 32 1 an an DET crl-14424 32 2 attempt attempt NOUN crl-14424 32 3 is be AUX crl-14424 32 4 made make VERB crl-14424 32 5 to to PART crl-14424 32 6 verify verify VERB crl-14424 32 7 all all DET crl-14424 32 8 other other ADJ crl-14424 32 9 requests request NOUN crl-14424 32 10 prior prior ADV crl-14424 32 11 to to ADP crl-14424 32 12 sending send VERB crl-14424 32 13 them they PRON crl-14424 32 14 to to ADP crl-14424 32 15 another another DET crl-14424 32 16 library library NOUN crl-14424 32 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 33 1 a a DET crl-14424 33 2 form form NOUN crl-14424 33 3 was be AUX crl-14424 33 4 designed design VERB crl-14424 33 5 to to PART crl-14424 33 6 attach attach VERB crl-14424 33 7 to to ADP crl-14424 33 8 the the DET crl-14424 33 9 back back NOUN crl-14424 33 10 of of ADP crl-14424 33 11 each each DET crl-14424 33 12 ill ill ADJ crl-14424 33 13 request request NOUN crl-14424 33 14 to to PART crl-14424 33 15 simplify simplify VERB crl-14424 33 16 therecording therecording NOUN crl-14424 33 17 of of ADP crl-14424 33 18 data datum NOUN crl-14424 33 19 as as SCONJ crl-14424 33 20 the the DET crl-14424 33 21 request request NOUN crl-14424 33 22 was be AUX crl-14424 33 23 processed process VERB crl-14424 33 24 . . PUNCT crl-14424 34 1 the the DET crl-14424 34 2 dates date NOUN crl-14424 34 3 on on ADP crl-14424 34 4 which which PRON crl-14424 34 5 the the DET crl-14424 34 6 request request NOUN crl-14424 34 7 was be AUX crl-14424 34 8 received receive VERB crl-14424 34 9 from from ADP crl-14424 34 10 the the DET crl-14424 34 11 client client NOUN crl-14424 34 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 34 13 verified verify VERB crl-14424 34 14 , , PUNCT crl-14424 34 15 mailed mail VERB crl-14424 34 16 to to ADP crl-14424 34 17 the the DET crl-14424 34 18 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 34 19 library library NOUN crl-14424 34 20 , , PUNCT crl-14424 34 21 and and CCONJ crl-14424 34 22 received receive VERB crl-14424 34 23 were be AUX crl-14424 34 24 recorded record VERB crl-14424 34 25 , , PUNCT crl-14424 34 26 as as SCONJ crl-14424 34 27 were be AUX crl-14424 34 28 the the DET crl-14424 34 29 sources source NOUN crl-14424 34 30 searched search VERB crl-14424 34 31 in in ADP crl-14424 34 32 the the DET crl-14424 34 33 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 34 34 process process NOUN crl-14424 34 35 and and CCONJ crl-14424 34 36 the the DET crl-14424 34 37 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 34 38 elements element NOUN crl-14424 34 39 on on ADP crl-14424 34 40 each each DET crl-14424 34 41 request request NOUN crl-14424 34 42 that that PRON crl-14424 34 43 were be AUX crl-14424 34 44 su_pplied su_pplie VERB crl-14424 34 45 or or CCONJ crl-14424 34 46 corrected correct VERB crl-14424 34 47 during during ADP crl-14424 34 48 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 34 49 . . PUNCT crl-14424 35 1 findings finding NOUN crl-14424 35 2 during during ADP crl-14424 35 3 the the DET crl-14424 35 4 period period NOUN crl-14424 35 5 of of ADP crl-14424 35 6 the the DET crl-14424 35 7 study~ study~ NOUN crl-14424 35 8 835 835 NUM crl-14424 35 9 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 35 10 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 35 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 35 12 were be AUX crl-14424 35 13 received receive VERB crl-14424 35 14 . . PUNCT crl-14424 36 1 of of ADP crl-14424 36 2 that that DET crl-14424 36 3 number number NOUN crl-14424 36 4 , , PUNCT crl-14424 36 5 217 217 NUM crl-14424 36 6 came come VERB crl-14424 36 7 from from ADP crl-14424 36 8 computer computer NOUN crl-14424 36 9 835 835 NUM crl-14424 36 10 217 217 NUM crl-14424 36 11 110 110 NUM crl-14424 36 12 508 508 NUM crl-14424 36 13 table table NOUN crl-14424 36 14 1 1 NUM crl-14424 36 15 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 36 16 of of ADP crl-14424 36 17 requests request NOUN crl-14424 36 18 received receive VERB crl-14424 36 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 36 20 received receive VERB crl-14424 36 21 from from ADP crl-14424 36 22 computer computer NOUN crl-14424 36 23 search search NOUN crl-14424 36 24 unable unable ADJ crl-14424 36 25 to to PART crl-14424 36 26 verify verify VERB crl-14424 36 27 verified verify VERB crl-14424 36 28 searches search NOUN crl-14424 36 29 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 36 30 these these DET crl-14424 36 31 requests request NOUN crl-14424 36 32 were be AUX crl-14424 36 33 not not PART crl-14424 36 34 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14424 36 35 in in ADP crl-14424 36 36 the the DET crl-14424 36 37 study study NOUN crl-14424 36 38 , , PUNCT crl-14424 36 39 because because SCONJ crl-14424 36 40 we we PRON crl-14424 36 41 consider consider VERB crl-14424 36 42 such such ADJ crl-14424 36 43 requests request NOUN crl-14424 36 44 already already ADV crl-14424 36 45 verified verify VERB crl-14424 36 46 . . PUNCT crl-14424 37 1 this this DET crl-14424 37 2 study study NOUN crl-14424 37 3 dealt deal VERB crl-14424 37 4 with with ADP crl-14424 37 5 the the DET crl-14424 37 6 618 618 NUM crl-14424 37 7 remaining remain VERB crl-14424 37 8 requests request NOUN crl-14424 37 9 . . PUNCT crl-14424 37 10 . . PUNCT crl-14424 38 1 occu"ence occu"ence NOUN crl-14424 38 2 of of ADP crl-14424 38 3 e"ors e"or NOUN crl-14424 38 4 and and CCONJ crl-14424 38 5 missing miss VERB crl-14424 38 6 elements element NOUN crl-14424 38 7 of of ADP crl-14424 38 8 the the DET crl-14424 38 9 618 618 NUM crl-14424 38 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 38 11 , , PUNCT crl-14424 38 12 110 110 NUM crl-14424 38 13 were be AUX crl-14424 38 14 never never ADV crl-14424 38 15 verified verify VERB crl-14424 38 16 , , PUNCT crl-14424 38 17 although although SCONJ crl-14424 38 18 they they PRON crl-14424 38 19 were be AUX crl-14424 38 20 searched search VERB crl-14424 38 21 in in ADP crl-14424 38 22 both both CCONJ crl-14424 38 23 manual manual ADJ crl-14424 38 24 and and CCONJ crl-14424 38 25 online online ADJ crl-14424 38 26 sources source NOUN crl-14424 38 27 . . PUNCT crl-14424 39 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 39 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 39 3 for for ADP crl-14424 39 4 almost almost ADV crl-14424 39 5 18 18 NUM crl-14424 39 6 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 39 7 of of ADP crl-14424 39 8 the the DET crl-14424 39 9 requests request NOUN crl-14424 39 10 , , PUNCT crl-14424 39 11 the the DET crl-14424 39 12 time time NOUN crl-14424 39 13 spent spend VERB crl-14424 39 14 attempting attempt VERB crl-14424 39 15 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 39 16 did do AUX crl-14424 39 17 not not PART crl-14424 39 18 improve improve VERB crl-14424 39 19 the the DET crl-14424 39 20 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 39 21 submitted submit VERB crl-14424 39 22 . . PUNCT crl-14424 40 1 our our PRON crl-14424 40 2 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 40 3 of of ADP crl-14424 40 4 errors error NOUN crl-14424 40 5 and and CCONJ crl-14424 40 6 missing miss VERB crl-14424 40 7 data data NOUN crl-14424 40 8 elements element NOUN crl-14424 40 9 was be AUX crl-14424 40 10 confined confine VERB crl-14424 40 11 to to ADP crl-14424 40 12 the the DET crl-14424 40 13 remaining remain VERB crl-14424 40 14 508 508 NUM crl-14424 40 15 verified verify VERB crl-14424 40 16 requests request NOUN crl-14424 40 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 41 1 there there PRON crl-14424 41 2 were be VERB crl-14424 41 3 200 200 NUM crl-14424 41 4 requests request NOUN crl-14424 41 5 " " PUNCT crl-14424 41 6 " " PUNCT crl-14424 41 7 : : PUNCT crl-14424 41 8 ith ith PROPN crl-14424 41 9 one one NUM crl-14424 41 10 or or CCONJ crl-14424 41 11 more more ADJ crl-14424 41 12 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 41 13 elements element NOUN crl-14424 41 14 missing miss VERB crl-14424 41 15 , , PUNCT crl-14424 41 16 and and CCONJ crl-14424 41 17 forty forty NUM crl-14424 41 18 - - PUNCT crl-14424 41 19 two two NUM crl-14424 41 20 had have VERB crl-14424 41 21 one one NUM crl-14424 41 22 or or CCONJ crl-14424 41 23 more more ADJ crl-14424 41 24 errors error NOUN crl-14424 41 25 corrected correct VERB crl-14424 41 26 . . PUNCT crl-14424 42 1 in in ADP crl-14424 42 2 addition addition NOUN crl-14424 42 3 , , PUNCT crl-14424 42 4 seventy seventy NUM crl-14424 42 5 requests request NOUN crl-14424 42 6 had have VERB crl-14424 42 7 only only ADV crl-14424 42 8 part part NOUN crl-14424 42 9 of of ADP crl-14424 42 10 the the DET crl-14424 42 11 article article NOUN crl-14424 42 12 title title NOUN crl-14424 42 13 g_iven g_iven VERB crl-14424 42 14 .. .. PUNCT crl-14424 42 15 of of ADP crl-14424 42 16 course course NOUN crl-14424 42 17 , , PUNCT crl-14424 42 18 in in ADP crl-14424 42 19 some some DET crl-14424 42 20 cases case NOUN crl-14424 42 21 requests request NOUN crl-14424 42 22 with with ADP crl-14424 42 23 missing miss VERB crl-14424 42 24 data datum NOUN crl-14424 42 25 also also ADV crl-14424 42 26 contained contain VERB crl-14424 42 27 errors error NOUN crl-14424 42 28 . . PUNCT crl-14424 43 1 there there PRON crl-14424 43 2 were be VERB crl-14424 43 3 242 242 NUM crl-14424 43 4 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 43 5 47.6 47.6 NUM crl-14424 43 6 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 43 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 43 8 of of ADP crl-14424 43 9 the the DET crl-14424 43 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 43 11 w w PROPN crl-14424 43 12 ~ ~ SYM crl-14424 43 13 th th X crl-14424 43 14 a~ a~ NUM crl-14424 43 15 error error NOUN crl-14424 43 16 , , PUNCT crl-14424 43 17 missing miss VERB crl-14424 43 18 data datum NOUN crl-14424 43 19 , , PUNCT crl-14424 43 20 or or CCONJ crl-14424 43 21 part part NOUN crl-14424 43 22 of of ADP crl-14424 43 23 the the DET crl-14424 43 24 article article NOUN crl-14424 43 25 title title NOUN crl-14424 43 26 missing miss VERB crl-14424 43 27 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 43 28 approximately approximately ADV crl-14424 43 29 52 52 NUM crl-14424 43 30 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 43 31 were be AUX crl-14424 43 32 correct correct ADJ crl-14424 43 33 as as SCONJ crl-14424 43 34 submitted submit VERB crl-14424 43 35 . . PUNCT crl-14424 44 1 to to PART crl-14424 44 2 train train VERB crl-14424 44 3 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 44 4 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 44 5 technicians technician NOUN crl-14424 44 6 to to PART crl-14424 44 7 spot spot VERB crl-14424 44 8 errors error NOUN crl-14424 44 9 in in ADP crl-14424 44 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 44 11 , , PUNCT crl-14424 44 12 it it PRON crl-14424 44 13 is be AUX crl-14424 44 14 impo impo PROPN crl-14424 44 15 ~ ~ PUNCT crl-14424 44 16 tant tant NOUN crl-14424 44 17 to to PART crl-14424 44 18 identify identify VERB crl-14424 44 19 those those DET crl-14424 44 20 request request NOUN crl-14424 44 21 elements element NOUN crl-14424 44 22 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 44 23 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 44 24 to to PART crl-14424 44 25 be be AUX crl-14424 44 26 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 44 27 or or CCONJ crl-14424 44 28 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 44 29 . . PUNCT crl-14424 45 1 a a DET crl-14424 45 2 review review NOUN crl-14424 45 3 of of ADP crl-14424 45 4 table table NOUN crl-14424 45 5 3 3 NUM crl-14424 45 6 reveals reveal VERB crl-14424 45 7 that that SCONJ crl-14424 45 8 the the DET crl-14424 45 9 month month NOUN crl-14424 45 10 and and CCONJ crl-14424 45 11 the the DET crl-14424 45 12 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 45 13 number number NOUN crl-14424 45 14 were be AUX crl-14424 45 15 most most ADV crl-14424 45 16 often often ADV crl-14424 45 17 missing miss VERB crl-14424 45 18 and and CCONJ crl-14424 45 19 that that SCONJ crl-14424 45 20 the the DET crl-14424 45 21 article article NOUN crl-14424 45 22 title title NOUN crl-14424 45 23 was be AUX crl-14424 45 24 the the DET crl-14424 45 25 most most ADV crl-14424 45 26 frequently frequently ADV crl-14424 45 27 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 45 28 item item NOUN crl-14424 45 29 . . PUNCT crl-14424 46 1 the the DET crl-14424 46 2 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 46 3 title title NOUN crl-14424 46 4 was be AUX crl-14424 46 5 most most ADV crl-14424 46 6 often often ADV crl-14424 46 7 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 46 8 , , PUNCT crl-14424 46 9 but but CCONJ crl-14424 46 10 this this PRON crl-14424 46 11 was be AUX crl-14424 46 12 true true ADJ crl-14424 46 13 for for ADP crl-14424 46 14 les les NOUN crl-14424 46 15 : : PUNCT crl-14424 46 16 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 46 17 than than ADP crl-14424 46 18 4 4 NUM crl-14424 46 19 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 46 20 of of ADP crl-14424 46 21 the the DET crl-14424 46 22 requests request NOUN crl-14424 46 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 47 1 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 47 2 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 47 3 elements element NOUN crl-14424 47 4 the the DET crl-14424 47 5 importance importance NOUN crl-14424 47 6 of of ADP crl-14424 47 7 the the DET crl-14424 47 8 various various ADJ crl-14424 47 9 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 47 10 elements element NOUN crl-14424 47 11 varies vary VERB crl-14424 47 12 . . PUNCT crl-14424 48 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 48 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 48 3 an an DET crl-14424 48 4 error error NOUN crl-14424 48 5 in in ADP crl-14424 48 6 the the DET crl-14424 48 7 second second ADJ crl-14424 48 8 author author NOUN crl-14424 48 9 's 's PART crl-14424 48 10 name name NOUN crl-14424 48 11 - - PUNCT crl-14424 48 12 or or CCONJ crl-14424 48 13 for for ADP crl-14424 48 14 that that DET crl-14424 48 15 matter matter NOUN crl-14424 48 16 in in ADP crl-14424 48 17 the the DET crl-14424 48 18 first first ADJ crl-14424 48 19 author author NOUN crl-14424 48 20 's 's PART crl-14424 48 21 name name NOUN crl-14424 48 22 - - PUNCT crl-14424 48 23 is be AUX crl-14424 48 24 not not PART crl-14424 48 25 as as ADV crl-14424 48 26 important important ADJ crl-14424 48 27 as as ADP crl-14424 48 28 an an DET crl-14424 48 29 error error NOUN crl-14424 48 30 in in ADP crl-14424 48 31 t t NOUN crl-14424 48 32 ~ ~ PUNCT crl-14424 48 33 e e NOUN crl-14424 48 34 _ _ PROPN crl-14424 48 35 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 48 36 title title NOUN crl-14424 48 37 . . PUNCT crl-14424 49 1 further far ADV crl-14424 49 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 49 3 some some DET crl-14424 49 4 errors error NOUN crl-14424 49 5 or or CCONJ crl-14424 49 6 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 49 7 are be AUX crl-14424 49 8 unimportant unimportant ADJ crl-14424 49 9 if if SCONJ crl-14424 49 10 other other ADJ crl-14424 49 11 key key ADJ crl-14424 49 12 elements element NOUN crl-14424 49 13 are be AUX crl-14424 49 14 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 49 15 and and CCONJ crl-14424 49 16 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 49 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 50 1 for for ADP crl-14424 50 2 the the DET crl-14424 50 3 purposes purpose NOUN crl-14424 50 4 of of ADP crl-14424 50 5 this this DET crl-14424 50 6 study study NOUN crl-14424 50 7 , , PUNCT crl-14424 50 8 a a DET crl-14424 50 9 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 50 10 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 50 11 element element NOUN crl-14424 50 12 was be AUX crl-14424 50 13 defined define VERB crl-14424 50 14 as as ADP crl-14424 50 15 o o NOUN crl-14424 50 16 ~ ~ X crl-14424 50 17 e e NOUN crl-14424 50 18 that that SCONJ crl-14424 50 19 if if SCONJ crl-14424 50 20 missing miss VERB crl-14424 50 21 or or CCONJ crl-14424 50 22 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 50 23 would would AUX crl-14424 50 24 result result VERB crl-14424 50 25 m m PROPN crl-14424 50 26 the the DET crl-14424 50 27 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 50 28 library library NOUN crl-14424 50 29 spending spend VERB crl-14424 50 30 more more ADJ crl-14424 50 31 time time NOUN crl-14424 50 32 locating locate VERB crl-14424 50 33 the the DET crl-14424 50 34 article article NOUN crl-14424 50 35 than than SCONJ crl-14424 50 36 would would AUX crl-14424 50 37 have have AUX crl-14424 50 38 been be AUX crl-14424 50 39 required require VERB crl-14424 50 40 had have VERB crl-14424 50 41 that that DET crl-14424 50 42 element element NOUN crl-14424 50 43 been be AUX crl-14424 50 44 present present ADJ crl-14424 50 45 ~nd/ ~nd/ PUNCT crl-14424 50 46 or or CCONJ crl-14424 50 47 NOUN crl-14424 50 48 was be AUX crl-14424 50 49 decided decide VERB crl-14424 50 50 that that SCONJ crl-14424 50 51 , , PUNCT crl-14424 50 52 for for ADP crl-14424 50 53 optrmal optrmal ADJ crl-14424 50 54 efficiency efficiency NOUN crl-14424 50 55 , , PUNCT crl-14424 50 56 the the DET crl-14424 50 57 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 50 58 library library NOUN crl-14424 50 59 must must AUX crl-14424 50 60 have have VERB crl-14424 50 61 the the DET crl-14424 50 62 author author NOUN crl-14424 50 63 's 's PART crl-14424 50 64 last last ADJ crl-14424 50 65 name name NOUN crl-14424 50 66 or or CCONJ crl-14424 50 67 the the DET crl-14424 50 68 title title NOUN crl-14424 50 69 of of ADP crl-14424 50 70 the the DET crl-14424 50 71 article article NOUN crl-14424 50 72 the the DET crl-14424 50 73 title title NOUN crl-14424 50 74 of of ADP crl-14424 50 75 the the DET crl-14424 50 76 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 50 77 , , PUNCT crl-14424 50 78 the the DET crl-14424 50 79 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 50 80 and and CCONJ crl-14424 50 81 the the DET crl-14424 50 82 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 50 83 or or CCONJ crl-14424 50 84 month month NOUN crl-14424 50 85 in in ADP crl-14424 50 86 which which PRON crl-14424 50 87 the the DET crl-14424 50 88 article article NOUN crl-14424 50 89 appeared appear VERB crl-14424 50 90 and and CCONJ crl-14424 50 91 the the DET crl-14424 50 92 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 50 93 page page NOUN crl-14424 50 94 . . PUNCT crl-14424 51 1 how496 how496 PROPN crl-14424 51 2 college college PROPN crl-14424 51 3 & & CCONJ crl-14424 51 4 research research PROPN crl-14424 51 5 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 51 6 november november PROPN crl-14424 51 7 1988 1988 NUM crl-14424 51 8 table2 table2 NOUN crl-14424 51 9 distribution distribution NOUN crl-14424 51 10 of of ADP crl-14424 51 11 " " PUNCT crl-14424 51 12 errors error NOUN crl-14424 51 13 " " PUNCT crl-14424 51 14 in in ADP crl-14424 51 15 interlffirary interlffirary ADJ crl-14424 51 16 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 51 17 requests request NOUN crl-14424 51 18 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 51 19 of of ADP crl-14424 51 20 requests request NOUN crl-14424 51 21 number number NOUN crl-14424 51 22 of of ADP crl-14424 51 23 errors error NOUN crl-14424 51 24 with with ADP crl-14424 51 25 missing miss VERB crl-14424 51 26 missin~ missin~ NOUN crl-14424 51 27 part part NOUN crl-14424 51 28 total total ADJ crl-14424 51 29 with with ADP crl-14424 51 30 per per ADP crl-14424 51 31 request request NOUN crl-14424 51 32 elements element NOUN crl-14424 51 33 with with ADP crl-14424 51 34 errors error NOUN crl-14424 51 35 oft1tle oft1tle ADJ crl-14424 51 36 corrections correction NOUN crl-14424 51 37 0 0 NUM crl-14424 51 38 60.6 60.6 NUM crl-14424 51 39 91.7 91.7 NUM crl-14424 51 40 86.2 86.2 NUM crl-14424 51 41 52.3 52.3 NUM crl-14424 51 42 1 1 NUM crl-14424 51 43 17.3 17.3 NUM crl-14424 51 44 6.5 6.5 NUM crl-14424 51 45 13.6 13.6 NUM crl-14424 51 46 18.9 18.9 NUM crl-14424 51 47 2 2 NUM crl-14424 51 48 13.6 13.6 NUM crl-14424 51 49 1.4 1.4 NUM crl-14424 51 50 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 51 14.2 14.2 NUM crl-14424 51 52 3 3 NUM crl-14424 51 53 7.1 7.1 NUM crl-14424 51 54 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 55 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 56 11.0 11.0 NUM crl-14424 51 57 4 4 NUM crl-14424 51 58 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 51 59 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 60 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 61 2.0 2.0 NUM crl-14424 51 62 5 5 NUM crl-14424 51 63 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 64 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 65 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 66 1.4 1.4 NUM crl-14424 51 67 7 7 NUM crl-14424 51 68 + + NUM crl-14424 51 69 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 70 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 71 0.0 0.0 NUM crl-14424 51 72 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 51 73 total total NOUN crl-14424 51 74 100.0 100.0 NUM crl-14424 51 75 100.0 100.0 NUM crl-14424 51 76 100.0 100.0 NUM crl-14424 51 77 100.0 100.0 NUM crl-14424 51 78 table3 table3 NOUN crl-14424 51 79 distribution distribution NOUN crl-14424 51 80 of of ADP crl-14424 51 81 corrections correction NOUN crl-14424 51 82 among among ADP crl-14424 51 83 bffiliograpidc bffiliograpidc ADJ crl-14424 51 84 elements element NOUN crl-14424 51 85 bibliographic bibliographic PROPN crl-14424 51 86 element element PROPN crl-14424 51 87 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 51 88 title title NOUN crl-14424 51 89 author author NOUN crl-14424 51 90 : : PUNCT crl-14424 51 91 last last ADJ crl-14424 51 92 name name NOUN crl-14424 51 93 author author NOUN crl-14424 51 94 : : PUNCT crl-14424 51 95 first first PROPN crl-14424 51 96 name name NOUN crl-14424 51 97 second second ADJ crl-14424 51 98 author author NOUN crl-14424 51 99 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 51 100 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 51 101 month month NOUN crl-14424 51 102 year year NOUN crl-14424 51 103 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 51 104 page page NOUN crl-14424 51 105 article article NOUN crl-14424 51 106 title title NOUN crl-14424 51 107 corrected correct VERB crl-14424 51 108 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 51 109 % % INTJ crl-14424 51 110 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 51 111 2.8 2.8 NUM crl-14424 52 1 1.6 1.6 NUM crl-14424 52 2 0.6 0.6 NUM crl-14424 52 3 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 52 4 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 52 5 0.6 0.6 NUM crl-14424 52 6 0.4 0.4 NUM crl-14424 52 7 0.8 0.8 NUM crl-14424 52 8 2.6 2.6 NUM crl-14424 52 9 0.4 0.4 NUM crl-14424 52 10 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 52 11 1.8 1.8 NUM crl-14424 52 12 9.1 9.1 NUM crl-14424 52 13 3.5 3.5 NUM crl-14424 52 14 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 52 15 19.1 19.1 NUM crl-14424 52 16 22.4 22.4 NUM crl-14424 52 17 2.6 2.6 NUM crl-14424 52 18 1.6 1.6 NUM crl-14424 52 19 10.8 10.8 NUM crl-14424 52 20 minor minor ADJ crl-14424 52 21 change change NOUN crl-14424 52 22 made make VERB crl-14424 52 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 52 24 % % INTJ crl-14424 52 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 52 26 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 53 1 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 53 2 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 3 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 4 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 5 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 6 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 7 0 0 NUM crl-14424 53 8 0.4 0.4 NUM crl-14424 53 9 13.4 13.4 NUM crl-14424 53 10 table4 table4 NOUN crl-14424 53 11 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 53 12 of of ADP crl-14424 53 13 corrected correct VERB crl-14424 53 14 and and CCONJ crl-14424 53 15 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 53 16 / / SYM crl-14424 53 17 key key ADJ crl-14424 53 18 bffiliograpidc bffiliograpidc NOUN crl-14424 53 19 elements element NOUN crl-14424 53 20 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 53 21 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 53 22 element element NOUN crl-14424 53 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 53 24 % % INTJ crl-14424 53 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 53 26 no no DET crl-14424 53 27 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 53 28 / / SYM crl-14424 53 29 missing miss VERB crl-14424 53 30 element element ADJ crl-14424 53 31 93.4 93.4 NUM crl-14424 53 32 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 53 33 title title NOUN crl-14424 53 34 2.8 2.8 NUM crl-14424 53 35 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 53 36 page page NOUN crl-14424 53 37 2.6 2.6 NUM crl-14424 53 38 author author NOUN crl-14424 53 39 last last ADJ crl-14424 53 40 name name NOUN crl-14424 53 41 / / SYM crl-14424 53 42 title title NOUN crl-14424 53 43 volume/ volume/ NUM crl-14424 53 44 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 53 45 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 53 46 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 53 47 month month NOUN crl-14424 53 48 ever ever ADV crl-14424 53 49 , , PUNCT crl-14424 53 50 not not PART crl-14424 53 51 all all PRON crl-14424 53 52 of of ADP crl-14424 53 53 these these DET crl-14424 53 54 elements element NOUN crl-14424 53 55 may may AUX crl-14424 53 56 be be AUX crl-14424 53 57 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 53 58 for for ADP crl-14424 53 59 locating locate VERB crl-14424 53 60 an an DET crl-14424 53 61 article article NOUN crl-14424 53 62 . . PUNCT crl-14424 54 1 minimally minimally ADV crl-14424 54 2 the the DET crl-14424 54 3 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 54 4 library library NOUN crl-14424 54 5 needs need VERB crl-14424 54 6 only only ADV crl-14424 54 7 the the DET crl-14424 54 8 author author NOUN crl-14424 54 9 's 's PART crl-14424 54 10 last last ADJ crl-14424 54 11 name name NOUN crl-14424 54 12 or or CCONJ crl-14424 54 13 the the DET crl-14424 54 14 title title NOUN crl-14424 54 15 of of ADP crl-14424 54 16 the the DET crl-14424 54 17 article article NOUN crl-14424 54 18 , , PUNCT crl-14424 54 19 the the DET crl-14424 54 20 title title NOUN crl-14424 54 21 of of ADP crl-14424 54 22 the the DET crl-14424 54 23 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 54 24 , , PUNCT crl-14424 54 25 the the DET crl-14424 54 26 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 54 27 , , PUNCT crl-14424 54 28 and and CCONJ crl-14424 54 29 the the DET crl-14424 54 30 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 54 31 page page NOUN crl-14424 54 32 . . PUNCT crl-14424 55 1 it it PRON crl-14424 55 2 was be AUX crl-14424 55 3 hypothesized hypothesize VERB crl-14424 55 4 that that SCONJ crl-14424 55 5 although although SCONJ crl-14424 55 6 the the DET crl-14424 55 7 lack lack NOUN crl-14424 55 8 of of ADP crl-14424 55 9 an an DET crl-14424 55 10 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 55 11 number number NOUN crl-14424 55 12 or or CCONJ crl-14424 55 13 the the DET crl-14424 55 14 month month NOUN crl-14424 55 15 might might AUX crl-14424 55 16 slow slow VERB crl-14424 55 17 up up ADP crl-14424 55 18 location location NOUN crl-14424 55 19 in in ADP crl-14424 55 20 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 55 21 volumes volume NOUN crl-14424 55 22 combination combination NOUN crl-14424 55 23 of of ADP crl-14424 55 24 missing miss VERB crl-14424 55 25 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 55 26 % % NOUN crl-14424 55 27 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 55 28 error error NOUN crl-14424 55 29 / / SYM crl-14424 55 30 missing miss VERB crl-14424 55 31 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 55 32 % % INTJ crl-14424 55 33 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 55 34 62.2 62.2 NUM crl-14424 55 35 98.0 98.0 NUM crl-14424 55 36 0.2 0.2 NUM crl-14424 55 37 1.6 1.6 NUM crl-14424 55 38 0.4 0.4 NUM crl-14424 55 39 0.4 0.4 NUM crl-14424 55 40 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 55 41 18.9 18.9 NUM crl-14424 55 42 0.6 0.6 NUM crl-14424 55 43 15.7 15.7 NUM crl-14424 55 44 1.0 1.0 NUM crl-14424 55 45 not not PART crl-14424 55 46 continuously continuously ADV crl-14424 55 47 paged page VERB crl-14424 55 48 , , PUNCT crl-14424 55 49 these these DET crl-14424 55 50 elements element NOUN crl-14424 55 51 are be AUX crl-14424 55 52 not not PART crl-14424 55 53 always always ADV crl-14424 55 54 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 55 55 because because SCONJ crl-14424 55 56 most most ADJ crl-14424 55 57 journals journal NOUN crl-14424 55 58 are be AUX crl-14424 55 59 continuously continuously ADV crl-14424 55 60 paged page VERB crl-14424 55 61 . . PUNCT crl-14424 56 1 to to PART crl-14424 56 2 test test VERB crl-14424 56 3 this this DET crl-14424 56 4 assumption assumption NOUN crl-14424 56 5 , , PUNCT crl-14424 56 6 the the DET crl-14424 56 7 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 56 8 time time NOUN crl-14424 56 9 for for ADP crl-14424 56 10 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 56 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 56 12 for for ADP crl-14424 56 13 which which PRON crl-14424 56 14 the the DET crl-14424 56 15 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 56 16 / / SYM crl-14424 56 17 number/ number/ NUM crl-14424 56 18 date date NOUN crl-14424 56 19 was be AUX crl-14424 56 20 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 56 21 was be AUX crl-14424 56 22 compared compare VERB crl-14424 56 23 with with ADP crl-14424 56 24 the the DET crl-14424 56 25 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 56 26 time time NOUN crl-14424 56 27 for for ADP crl-14424 56 28 the the DET crl-14424 56 29 verified verify VERB crl-14424 56 30 requests request NOUN crl-14424 56 31 . . PUNCT crl-14424 57 1 the the DET crl-14424 57 2 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 57 3 time time NOUN crl-14424 57 4 required require VERB crl-14424 57 5 for for ADP crl-14424 57 6 lending lend VERB crl-14424 57 7 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 57 8 to to PART crl-14424 57 9 supply supply VERB crl-14424 57 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 57 11 for for ADP crl-14424 57 12 which which PRON crl-14424 57 13 the the DET crl-14424 57 14 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 57 15 and/ and/ VERB crl-14424 57 16 or or CCONJ crl-14424 57 17 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 57 18 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 57 19 for for ADP crl-14424 57 20 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 57 21 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 57 22 497 497 NUM crl-14424 57 23 0ptihal 0ptihal NUM crl-14424 57 24 [ [ X crl-14424 57 25 lehents lehent NOUN crl-14424 57 26 hinihal hinihal ADJ crl-14424 57 27 [ [ X crl-14424 57 28 lehents lehent NOUN crl-14424 57 29 author author NOUN crl-14424 57 30 's 's PART crl-14424 57 31 last last ADJ crl-14424 57 32 name name NOUN crl-14424 57 33 or or CCONJ crl-14424 57 34 author author NOUN crl-14424 57 35 's 's PART crl-14424 57 36 last last ADJ crl-14424 57 37 name name NOUN crl-14424 57 38 or or CCONJ crl-14424 57 39 title title NOUN crl-14424 57 40 of of ADP crl-14424 57 41 article article NOUN crl-14424 57 42 title title NOUN crl-14424 57 43 of of ADP crl-14424 57 44 article article NOUN crl-14424 57 45 title title NOUN crl-14424 57 46 of of ADP crl-14424 57 47 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 57 48 title title NOUN crl-14424 57 49 of of ADP crl-14424 57 50 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 57 51 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 57 52 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 57 53 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 57 54 number number NOUN crl-14424 57 55 or or CCONJ crl-14424 57 56 month month NOUN crl-14424 57 57 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 57 58 page page NOUN crl-14424 57 59 number number NOUN crl-14424 57 60 beginning begin VERB crl-14424 57 61 page page NOUN crl-14424 57 62 number number NOUN crl-14424 57 63 figure figure NOUN crl-14424 57 64 1 1 NUM crl-14424 57 65 key key ADJ crl-14424 57 66 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 57 67 elemp.nts elemp.nt NOUN crl-14424 57 68 month month NOUN crl-14424 57 69 was be AUX crl-14424 57 70 given give VERB crl-14424 57 71 was be AUX crl-14424 57 72 slightly slightly ADV crl-14424 57 73 more more ADJ crl-14424 57 74 than than ADP crl-14424 57 75 sixteen sixteen NUM crl-14424 57 76 days day NOUN crl-14424 57 77 , , PUNCT crl-14424 57 78 while while SCONJ crl-14424 57 79 the the DET crl-14424 57 80 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 57 81 fill fill VERB crl-14424 57 82 time time NOUN crl-14424 57 83 for for ADP crl-14424 57 84 requests request NOUN crl-14424 57 85 without without ADP crl-14424 57 86 these these DET crl-14424 57 87 elements element NOUN crl-14424 57 88 was be AUX crl-14424 57 89 approximately approximately ADV crl-14424 57 90 eighteen eighteen NUM crl-14424 57 91 and and CCONJ crl-14424 57 92 one one NUM crl-14424 57 93 - - PUNCT crl-14424 57 94 half half NOUN crl-14424 57 95 days day NOUN crl-14424 57 96 . . PUNCT crl-14424 58 1 after after SCONJ crl-14424 58 2 the the DET crl-14424 58 3 key key ADJ crl-14424 58 4 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 58 5 elements element NOUN crl-14424 58 6 were be AUX crl-14424 58 7 selected select VERB crl-14424 58 8 , , PUNCT crl-14424 58 9 the the DET crl-14424 58 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 58 11 were be AUX crl-14424 58 12 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14424 58 13 to to PART crl-14424 58 14 determine determine VERB crl-14424 58 15 how how SCONJ crl-14424 58 16 many many ADJ crl-14424 58 17 contained contain VERB crl-14424 58 18 errors error NOUN crl-14424 58 19 or or CCONJ crl-14424 58 20 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 58 21 in in ADP crl-14424 58 22 these these DET crl-14424 58 23 key key ADJ crl-14424 58 24 elements element NOUN crl-14424 58 25 . . PUNCT crl-14424 59 1 one one NUM crl-14424 59 2 hundred hundred NUM crl-14424 59 3 and and CCONJ crl-14424 59 4 forty forty NUM crl-14424 59 5 - - PUNCT crl-14424 59 6 six six NUM crl-14424 59 7 requests request NOUN crl-14424 59 8 were be AUX crl-14424 59 9 missing miss VERB crl-14424 59 10 at at ADP crl-14424 59 11 least least ADJ crl-14424 59 12 one one NUM crl-14424 59 13 of of ADP crl-14424 59 14 the the DET crl-14424 59 15 key key ADJ crl-14424 59 16 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 59 17 elements element NOUN crl-14424 59 18 . . PUNCT crl-14424 60 1 fifteen fifteen NUM crl-14424 60 2 of of ADP crl-14424 60 3 these these DET crl-14424 60 4 requests request NOUN crl-14424 60 5 had have VERB crl-14424 60 6 an an DET crl-14424 60 7 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 60 8 or or CCONJ crl-14424 60 9 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 60 10 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 60 11 title title NOUN crl-14424 60 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 60 13 and and CCONJ crl-14424 60 14 twenty twenty NUM crl-14424 60 15 - - PUNCT crl-14424 60 16 one one NUM crl-14424 60 17 had have VERB crl-14424 60 18 an an DET crl-14424 60 19 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 60 20 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 60 21 page page NOUN crl-14424 60 22 number number NOUN crl-14424 60 23 or or CCONJ crl-14424 60 24 were be AUX crl-14424 60 25 missing miss VERB crl-14424 60 26 the the DET crl-14424 60 27 page page NOUN crl-14424 60 28 number number NOUN crl-14424 60 29 . . PUNCT crl-14424 61 1 none none NOUN crl-14424 61 2 of of ADP crl-14424 61 3 these these DET crl-14424 61 4 " " PUNCT crl-14424 61 5 errors error NOUN crl-14424 61 6 " " PUNCT crl-14424 61 7 was be AUX crl-14424 61 8 in in ADP crl-14424 61 9 the the DET crl-14424 61 10 same same ADJ crl-14424 61 11 request request NOUN crl-14424 61 12 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 61 13 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 61 14 , , PUNCT crl-14424 61 15 thirty thirty NUM crl-14424 61 16 - - PUNCT crl-14424 61 17 six six NUM crl-14424 61 18 requests request NOUN crl-14424 61 19 contained contain VERB crl-14424 61 20 errors error NOUN crl-14424 61 21 in in ADP crl-14424 61 22 these these DET crl-14424 61 23 primary primary ADJ crl-14424 61 24 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 61 25 elements element NOUN crl-14424 61 26 . . PUNCT crl-14424 62 1 other other ADJ crl-14424 62 2 errors error NOUN crl-14424 62 3 included include VERB crl-14424 62 4 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 62 5 or or CCONJ crl-14424 62 6 missing miss VERB crl-14424 62 7 volume volume NOUN crl-14424 62 8 and and CCONJ crl-14424 62 9 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 62 10 numbers number NOUN crl-14424 62 11 . . PUNCT crl-14424 63 1 " " PUNCT crl-14424 63 2 among among ADP crl-14424 63 3 the the DET crl-14424 63 4 requests request NOUN crl-14424 63 5 with with ADP crl-14424 63 6 minimally minimally ADV crl-14424 63 7 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 63 8 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 63 9 , , PUNCT crl-14424 63 10 that that ADV crl-14424 63 11 is is ADV crl-14424 63 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 63 13 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 63 14 without without ADP crl-14424 63 15 the the DET crl-14424 63 16 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 63 17 or or CCONJ crl-14424 63 18 month month NOUN crl-14424 63 19 , , PUNCT crl-14424 63 20 only only ADV crl-14424 63 21 8 8 NUM crl-14424 63 22 . . NUM crl-14424 63 23 9 9 NUM crl-14424 63 24 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 63 25 of of ADP crl-14424 63 26 all all DET crl-14424 63 27 the the DET crl-14424 63 28 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 63 29 re re PROPN crl-14424 63 30 · · PUNCT crl-14424 63 31 quired quire VERB crl-14424 63 32 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 63 33 . . PUNCT crl-14424 63 34 '' '' PUNCT crl-14424 64 1 examining examine VERB crl-14424 64 2 the the DET crl-14424 64 3 requests request NOUN crl-14424 64 4 in in ADP crl-14424 64 5 light light NOUN crl-14424 64 6 of of ADP crl-14424 64 7 the the DET crl-14424 64 8 definition definition NOUN crl-14424 64 9 of of ADP crl-14424 64 10 optimally optimally ADV crl-14424 64 11 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 64 12 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 64 13 , , PUNCT crl-14424 64 14 it it PRON crl-14424 64 15 was be AUX crl-14424 64 16 found find VERB crl-14424 64 17 that that SCONJ crl-14424 64 18 28.8 28.8 NUM crl-14424 64 19 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 64 20 were be AUX crl-14424 64 21 missing miss VERB crl-14424 64 22 at at ADP crl-14424 64 23 least least ADV crl-14424 64 24 one one NUM crl-14424 64 25 key key ADJ crl-14424 64 26 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 64 27 element element NOUN crl-14424 64 28 . . PUNCT crl-14424 65 1 however however ADV crl-14424 65 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 65 3 among among ADP crl-14424 65 4 the the DET crl-14424 65 5 requests request NOUN crl-14424 65 6 with with ADP crl-14424 65 7 minimally minimally ADV crl-14424 65 8 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 65 9 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 65 10 , , PUNCT crl-14424 65 11 that that ADV crl-14424 65 12 is is ADV crl-14424 65 13 , , PUNCT crl-14424 65 14 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 65 15 without without ADP crl-14424 65 16 the the DET crl-14424 65 17 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 65 18 or or CCONJ crl-14424 65 19 month month NOUN crl-14424 65 20 , , PUNCT crl-14424 65 21 only only ADV crl-14424 65 22 8.9 8.9 NUM crl-14424 65 23 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 65 24 of of ADP crl-14424 65 25 all all DET crl-14424 65 26 the the DET crl-14424 65 27 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 65 28 required require VERB crl-14424 65 29 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 65 30 . . PUNCT crl-14424 66 1 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14424 66 2 associated associate VERB crl-14424 66 3 with with ADP crl-14424 66 4 occu"ence occu"ence NOUN crl-14424 66 5 of of ADP crl-14424 66 6 e"ors e"or NOUN crl-14424 66 7 although although SCONJ crl-14424 66 8 there there PRON crl-14424 66 9 was be VERB crl-14424 66 10 interest interest NOUN crl-14424 66 11 in in ADP crl-14424 66 12 measuring measure VERB crl-14424 66 13 the the DET crl-14424 66 14 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 66 15 of of ADP crl-14424 66 16 errors error NOUN crl-14424 66 17 in in ADP crl-14424 66 18 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 66 19 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 66 20 requests request NOUN crl-14424 66 21 , , PUNCT crl-14424 66 22 it it PRON crl-14424 66 23 was be AUX crl-14424 66 24 also also ADV crl-14424 66 25 important important ADJ crl-14424 66 26 to to PART crl-14424 66 27 determine determine VERB crl-14424 66 28 if if SCONJ crl-14424 66 29 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14424 66 30 are be AUX crl-14424 66 31 associated associate VERB crl-14424 66 32 with with ADP crl-14424 66 33 the the DET crl-14424 66 34 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 66 35 of of ADP crl-14424 66 36 errors error NOUN crl-14424 66 37 . . PUNCT crl-14424 67 1 if if SCONJ crl-14424 67 2 such such ADJ crl-14424 67 3 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14424 67 4 exist exist VERB crl-14424 67 5 , , PUNCT crl-14424 67 6 it it PRON crl-14424 67 7 should should AUX crl-14424 67 8 be be AUX crl-14424 67 9 possible possible ADJ crl-14424 67 10 to to PART crl-14424 67 11 train train VERB crl-14424 67 12 an an DET crl-14424 67 13 ill ill ADJ crl-14424 67 14 assistant assistant NOUN crl-14424 67 15 to to PART crl-14424 67 16 spot spot VERB crl-14424 67 17 the the DET crl-14424 67 18 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 67 19 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 67 20 of of ADP crl-14424 67 21 errors error NOUN crl-14424 67 22 , , PUNCT crl-14424 67 23 even even ADV crl-14424 67 24 unobvious unobvious ADJ crl-14424 67 25 ones one NOUN crl-14424 67 26 . . PUNCT crl-14424 68 1 the the DET crl-14424 68 2 authors author NOUN crl-14424 68 3 examined examine VERB crl-14424 68 4 data datum NOUN crl-14424 68 5 on on ADP crl-14424 68 6 the the DET crl-14424 68 7 clients client NOUN crl-14424 68 8 and and CCONJ crl-14424 68 9 departments department NOUN crl-14424 68 10 submitting submit VERB crl-14424 68 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 68 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 68 13 the the DET crl-14424 68 14 age age NOUN crl-14424 68 15 of of ADP crl-14424 68 16 the the DET crl-14424 68 17 journal journal NOUN crl-14424 68 18 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 68 19 in in ADP crl-14424 68 20 which which PRON crl-14424 68 21 the the DET crl-14424 68 22 requested request VERB crl-14424 68 23 article article NOUN crl-14424 68 24 appeared appear VERB crl-14424 68 25 , , PUNCT crl-14424 68 26 as as ADV crl-14424 68 27 well well ADV crl-14424 68 28 as as ADP crl-14424 68 29 the the DET crl-14424 68 30 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 68 31 of of ADP crl-14424 68 32 errors error NOUN crl-14424 68 33 in in ADP crl-14424 68 34 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 68 35 for for ADP crl-14424 68 36 which which PRON crl-14424 68 37 the the DET crl-14424 68 38 source source NOUN crl-14424 68 39 is be AUX crl-14424 68 40 given give VERB crl-14424 68 41 and and CCONJ crl-14424 68 42 the the DET crl-14424 68 43 probability probability NOUN crl-14424 68 44 of of ADP crl-14424 68 45 multiple multiple ADJ crl-14424 68 46 errors error NOUN crl-14424 68 47 in in ADP crl-14424 68 48 a a DET crl-14424 68 49 request request NOUN crl-14424 68 50 when when SCONJ crl-14424 68 51 one one NUM crl-14424 68 52 error error NOUN crl-14424 68 53 is be AUX crl-14424 68 54 detected detect VERB crl-14424 68 55 . . PUNCT crl-14424 69 1 all all DET crl-14424 69 2 requests request NOUN crl-14424 69 3 in in ADP crl-14424 69 4 which which PRON crl-14424 69 5 one one NUM crl-14424 69 6 or or CCONJ crl-14424 69 7 more more ADJ crl-14424 69 8 of of ADP crl-14424 69 9 the the DET crl-14424 69 10 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 69 11 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 69 12 elements element NOUN crl-14424 69 13 was be AUX crl-14424 69 14 missing miss VERB crl-14424 69 15 or or CCONJ crl-14424 69 16 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 69 17 were be AUX crl-14424 69 18 examined examine VERB crl-14424 69 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 70 1 almost almost ADV crl-14424 70 2 a a DET crl-14424 70 3 quarter quarter NOUN crl-14424 70 4 of of ADP crl-14424 70 5 the the DET crl-14424 70 6 errors error NOUN crl-14424 70 7 in in ADP crl-14424 70 8 the the DET crl-14424 70 9 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 70 10 elements element NOUN crl-14424 70 11 were be AUX crl-14424 70 12 made make VERB crl-14424 70 13 by by ADP crl-14424 70 14 one one NUM crl-14424 70 15 client client NOUN crl-14424 70 16 : : PUNCT crl-14424 70 17 no no DET crl-14424 70 18 other other ADJ crl-14424 70 19 client client NOUN crl-14424 70 20 had have VERB crl-14424 70 21 more more ADJ crl-14424 70 22 than than ADP crl-14424 70 23 two two NUM crl-14424 70 24 requests request NOUN crl-14424 70 25 with with ADP crl-14424 70 26 errors error NOUN crl-14424 70 27 / / SYM crl-14424 70 28 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 70 29 in in ADP crl-14424 70 30 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 70 31 elements element NOUN crl-14424 70 32 . . PUNCT crl-14424 71 1 further far ADV crl-14424 71 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 71 3 it it PRON crl-14424 71 4 should should AUX crl-14424 71 5 be be AUX crl-14424 71 6 noted note VERB crl-14424 71 7 that that SCONJ crl-14424 71 8 the the DET crl-14424 71 9 client client NOUN crl-14424 71 10 with with ADP crl-14424 71 11 the the DET crl-14424 71 12 highest high ADJ crl-14424 71 13 number number NOUN crl-14424 71 14 of of ADP crl-14424 71 15 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 71 16 errors error NOUN crl-14424 71 17 is be AUX crl-14424 71 18 known know VERB crl-14424 71 19 as as ADP crl-14424 71 20 " " PUNCT crl-14424 71 21 usually usually ADV crl-14424 71 22 submitting submit VERB crl-14424 71 23 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 71 24 , , PUNCT crl-14424 71 25 but but CCONJ crl-14424 71 26 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 71 27 requests request NOUN crl-14424 71 28 . . PUNCT crl-14424 71 29 " " PUNCT crl-14424 72 1 slightly slightly ADV crl-14424 72 2 more more ADJ crl-14424 72 3 than than ADP crl-14424 72 4 10 10 NUM crl-14424 72 5 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 72 6 of of ADP crl-14424 72 7 his his PRON crl-14424 72 8 requests request NOUN crl-14424 72 9 contained contain VERB crl-14424 72 10 498 498 NUM crl-14424 72 11 college college NOUN crl-14424 72 12 & & CCONJ crl-14424 72 13 research research PROPN crl-14424 72 14 libraries librarie VERB crl-14424 72 15 errors error NOUN crl-14424 72 16 in in ADP crl-14424 72 17 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 72 18 data datum NOUN crl-14424 72 19 elements element NOUN crl-14424 72 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 73 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 73 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 73 3 it it PRON crl-14424 73 4 may may AUX crl-14424 73 5 not not PART crl-14424 73 6 be be AUX crl-14424 73 7 possible possible ADJ crl-14424 73 8 to to PART crl-14424 73 9 make make VERB crl-14424 73 10 assumptions assumption NOUN crl-14424 73 11 about about ADP crl-14424 73 12 a a DET crl-14424 73 13 given give VERB crl-14424 73 14 client client NOUN crl-14424 73 15 's 's PART crl-14424 73 16 accuracy accuracy NOUN crl-14424 73 17 without without ADP crl-14424 73 18 closely closely ADV crl-14424 73 19 monitoring monitor VERB crl-14424 73 20 the the DET crl-14424 73 21 requests request NOUN crl-14424 73 22 over over ADP crl-14424 73 23 a a DET crl-14424 73 24 period period NOUN crl-14424 73 25 of of ADP crl-14424 73 26 time time NOUN crl-14424 73 27 . . PUNCT crl-14424 74 1 a a DET crl-14424 74 2 similar similar ADJ crl-14424 74 3 conclusion conclusion NOUN crl-14424 74 4 can can AUX crl-14424 74 5 be be AUX crl-14424 74 6 drawn draw VERB crl-14424 74 7 about about ADP crl-14424 74 8 departments department NOUN crl-14424 74 9 . . PUNCT crl-14424 75 1 if if SCONJ crl-14424 75 2 one one PRON crl-14424 75 3 considers consider VERB crl-14424 75 4 only only ADV crl-14424 75 5 the the DET crl-14424 75 6 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 75 7 data datum NOUN crl-14424 75 8 elements element NOUN crl-14424 75 9 , , PUNCT crl-14424 75 10 one one NUM crl-14424 75 11 department department NOUN crl-14424 75 12 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 75 13 that that PRON crl-14424 75 14 of of ADP crl-14424 75 15 the the DET crl-14424 75 16 client client NOUN crl-14424 75 17 already already ADV crl-14424 75 18 described describe VERB crl-14424 75 19 above above ADV crl-14424 75 20 and and CCONJ crl-14424 75 21 supplemented supplement VERB crl-14424 75 22 by by ADP crl-14424 75 23 one one NUM crl-14424 75 24 additional additional ADJ crl-14424 75 25 client client NOUN crl-14424 75 26 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 75 27 accounted account VERB crl-14424 75 28 for for ADP crl-14424 75 29 25 25 NUM crl-14424 75 30 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 75 31 of of ADP crl-14424 75 32 the the DET crl-14424 75 33 requests request NOUN crl-14424 75 34 with with ADP crl-14424 75 35 errors error NOUN crl-14424 75 36 in in ADP crl-14424 75 37 critical critical ADJ crl-14424 75 38 data datum NOUN crl-14424 75 39 elements element NOUN crl-14424 75 40 . . PUNCT crl-14424 76 1 the the DET crl-14424 76 2 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 76 3 of of ADP crl-14424 76 4 errors error NOUN crl-14424 76 5 , , PUNCT crl-14424 76 6 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 76 7 , , PUNCT crl-14424 76 8 and and CCONJ crl-14424 76 9 minor minor ADJ crl-14424 76 10 changes change NOUN crl-14424 76 11 was be AUX crl-14424 76 12 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14424 76 13 by by ADP crl-14424 76 14 the the DET crl-14424 76 15 age age NOUN crl-14424 76 16 of of ADP crl-14424 76 17 the the DET crl-14424 76 18 article article NOUN crl-14424 76 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 77 1 a a DET crl-14424 77 2 one one NUM crl-14424 77 3 - - PUNCT crl-14424 77 4 way way NOUN crl-14424 77 5 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 77 6 of of ADP crl-14424 77 7 variance variance NOUN crl-14424 77 8 indicated indicate VERB crl-14424 77 9 that that SCONJ crl-14424 77 10 differences difference NOUN crl-14424 77 11 among among ADP crl-14424 77 12 the the DET crl-14424 77 13 groups group NOUN crl-14424 77 14 were be AUX crl-14424 77 15 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 77 16 . . PUNCT crl-14424 78 1 for for ADP crl-14424 78 2 the the DET crl-14424 78 3 error error NOUN crl-14424 78 4 rate rate NOUN crl-14424 78 5 the the DET crl-14424 78 6 difference difference NOUN crl-14424 78 7 is be AUX crl-14424 78 8 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 78 9 at at ADP crl-14424 78 10 the the DET crl-14424 78 11 .04 .04 NUM crl-14424 78 12 level level NOUN crl-14424 78 13 and and CCONJ crl-14424 78 14 for for ADP crl-14424 78 15 missing miss VERB crl-14424 78 16 data datum NOUN crl-14424 78 17 at at ADP crl-14424 78 18 the the DET crl-14424 78 19 .007level .007level NOUN crl-14424 78 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 79 1 an an DET crl-14424 79 2 exact exact ADJ crl-14424 79 3 linear linear ADJ crl-14424 79 4 relationship relationship NOUN crl-14424 79 5 does do AUX crl-14424 79 6 not not PART crl-14424 79 7 exist exist VERB crl-14424 79 8 . . PUNCT crl-14424 80 1 as as SCONJ crl-14424 80 2 the the DET crl-14424 80 3 age age NOUN crl-14424 80 4 of of ADP crl-14424 80 5 the the DET crl-14424 80 6 articles article NOUN crl-14424 80 7 increases increase VERB crl-14424 80 8 the the DET crl-14424 80 9 number number NOUN crl-14424 80 10 of of ADP crl-14424 80 11 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 80 12 errors error NOUN crl-14424 80 13 or or CCONJ crl-14424 80 14 missing miss VERB crl-14424 80 15 elements element NOUN crl-14424 80 16 increase increase NOUN crl-14424 80 17 , , PUNCT crl-14424 80 18 but but CCONJ crl-14424 80 19 for for ADP crl-14424 80 20 articles article NOUN crl-14424 80 21 published publish VERB crl-14424 80 22 more more ADJ crl-14424 80 23 than than ADP crl-14424 80 24 ten ten NUM crl-14424 80 25 years year NOUN crl-14424 80 26 ago ago ADV crl-14424 80 27 , , PUNCT crl-14424 80 28 the the DET crl-14424 80 29 number number NOUN crl-14424 80 30 of of ADP crl-14424 80 31 errors error NOUN crl-14424 80 32 or or CCONJ crl-14424 80 33 missing miss VERB crl-14424 80 34 elements element NOUN crl-14424 80 35 decreases decrease VERB crl-14424 80 36 . . PUNCT crl-14424 81 1 requests request NOUN crl-14424 81 2 for for ADP crl-14424 81 3 which which PRON crl-14424 81 4 the the DET crl-14424 81 5 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 81 6 sources source NOUN crl-14424 81 7 were be AUX crl-14424 81 8 not not PART crl-14424 81 9 given give VERB crl-14424 81 10 were be AUX crl-14424 81 11 significantly significantly ADV crl-14424 81 12 more more ADV crl-14424 81 13 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 81 14 to to PART crl-14424 81 15 have have VERB crl-14424 81 16 errors error NOUN crl-14424 81 17 and/or and/or CCONJ crl-14424 81 18 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 81 19 in in ADP crl-14424 81 20 them they PRON crl-14424 81 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 82 1 t t NOUN crl-14424 82 2 -tests -test NOUN crl-14424 82 3 of of ADP crl-14424 82 4 the the DET crl-14424 82 5 differences difference NOUN crl-14424 82 6 in in ADP crl-14424 82 7 the the DET crl-14424 82 8 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 82 9 number number NOUN crl-14424 82 10 of of ADP crl-14424 82 11 errors/ errors/ NUM crl-14424 82 12 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 82 13 per per ADP crl-14424 82 14 request request NOUN crl-14424 82 15 were be AUX crl-14424 82 16 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 82 17 at at ADP crl-14424 82 18 the the DET crl-14424 82 19 .0009level .0009level NOUN crl-14424 82 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 83 1 referring refer VERB crl-14424 83 2 to to ADP crl-14424 83 3 table table NOUN crl-14424 83 4 1 1 NUM crl-14424 83 5 it it PRON crl-14424 83 6 can can AUX crl-14424 83 7 be be AUX crl-14424 83 8 seen see VERB crl-14424 83 9 that that SCONJ crl-14424 83 10 the the DET crl-14424 83 11 greatest great ADJ crl-14424 83 12 number number NOUN crl-14424 83 13 of of ADP crl-14424 83 14 requests request NOUN crl-14424 83 15 had have VERB crl-14424 83 16 only only ADV crl-14424 83 17 one one NUM crl-14424 83 18 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 83 19 or or CCONJ crl-14424 83 20 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 83 21 element element NOUN crl-14424 83 22 . . PUNCT crl-14424 84 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 84 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 84 3 it it PRON crl-14424 84 4 does do AUX crl-14424 84 5 not not PART crl-14424 84 6 appear appear VERB crl-14424 84 7 that that SCONJ crl-14424 84 8 requests request NOUN crl-14424 84 9 with with ADP crl-14424 84 10 one one NUM crl-14424 84 11 error error NOUN crl-14424 84 12 are be AUX crl-14424 84 13 particularly particularly ADV crl-14424 84 14 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 84 15 to to PART crl-14424 84 16 have have VERB crl-14424 84 17 another another DET crl-14424 84 18 error error NOUN crl-14424 84 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 85 1 however however ADV crl-14424 85 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 85 3 the the DET crl-14424 85 4 occurrence occurrence NOUN crl-14424 85 5 of of ADP crl-14424 85 6 multiple multiple ADJ crl-14424 85 7 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 85 8 items item NOUN crl-14424 85 9 is be AUX crl-14424 85 10 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 85 11 . . PUNCT crl-14424 86 1 in in ADP crl-14424 86 2 many many ADJ crl-14424 86 3 cases case NOUN crl-14424 86 4 these these DET crl-14424 86 5 multiple multiple ADJ crl-14424 86 6 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 86 7 items item NOUN crl-14424 86 8 consisted consist VERB crl-14424 86 9 of of ADP crl-14424 86 10 the the DET crl-14424 86 11 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 86 12 , , PUNCT crl-14424 86 13 month month NOUN crl-14424 86 14 , , PUNCT crl-14424 86 15 and and CCONJ crl-14424 86 16 year year NOUN crl-14424 86 17 of of ADP crl-14424 86 18 publication publication NOUN crl-14424 86 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 87 1 that that PRON crl-14424 87 2 is be AUX crl-14424 87 3 , , PUNCT crl-14424 87 4 many many ADJ crl-14424 87 5 requests request NOUN crl-14424 87 6 lacked lack VERB crl-14424 87 7 at at ADV crl-14424 87 8 least least ADJ crl-14424 87 9 two two NUM crl-14424 87 10 if if SCONJ crl-14424 87 11 not not PART crl-14424 87 12 all all DET crl-14424 87 13 three three NUM crl-14424 87 14 of of ADP crl-14424 87 15 these these DET crl-14424 87 16 elements element NOUN crl-14424 87 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 88 1 to to PART crl-14424 88 2 assess assess VERB crl-14424 88 3 the the DET crl-14424 88 4 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-14424 88 5 of of ADP crl-14424 88 6 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 88 7 , , PUNCT crl-14424 88 8 the the DET crl-14424 88 9 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 88 10 time time NOUN crl-14424 88 11 needs need VERB crl-14424 88 12 to to PART crl-14424 88 13 be be AUX crl-14424 88 14 examined examine VERB crl-14424 88 15 for for ADP crl-14424 88 16 verified verified ADJ crl-14424 88 17 and and CCONJ crl-14424 88 18 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 88 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 88 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 89 1 table table NOUN crl-14424 89 2 6 6 NUM crl-14424 89 3 shows show VERB crl-14424 89 4 the the DET crl-14424 89 5 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 89 6 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 89 7 times time NOUN crl-14424 89 8 for for ADP crl-14424 89 9 those those DET crl-14424 89 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 89 11 verified verify VERB crl-14424 89 12 and and CCONJ crl-14424 89 13 those those PRON crl-14424 89 14 not not PART crl-14424 89 15 verified verify VERB crl-14424 89 16 . . PUNCT crl-14424 90 1 the the DET crl-14424 90 2 internal internal ADJ crl-14424 90 3 and and CCONJ crl-14424 90 4 external external ADJ crl-14424 90 5 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 90 6 times time NOUN crl-14424 90 7 were be AUX crl-14424 90 8 greater great ADJ crl-14424 90 9 for for ADP crl-14424 90 10 the the DET crl-14424 90 11 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 90 12 requests request NOUN crl-14424 90 13 . . PUNCT crl-14424 91 1 a a DET crl-14424 91 2 t t NOUN crl-14424 91 3 - - PUNCT crl-14424 91 4 test test NOUN crl-14424 91 5 was be AUX crl-14424 91 6 performed perform VERB crl-14424 91 7 to to PART crl-14424 91 8 test test VERB crl-14424 91 9 for for ADP crl-14424 91 10 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 91 11 difference difference NOUN crl-14424 91 12 between between ADP crl-14424 91 13 the the DET crl-14424 91 14 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 91 15 times time NOUN crl-14424 91 16 for for ADP crl-14424 91 17 verified verify VERB crl-14424 91 18 and and CCONJ crl-14424 91 19 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 91 20 requests request NOUN crl-14424 91 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 92 1 the the DET crl-14424 92 2 differences difference NOUN crl-14424 92 3 in in ADP crl-14424 92 4 these these DET crl-14424 92 5 times time NOUN crl-14424 92 6 were be AUX crl-14424 92 7 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 92 8 at at ADP crl-14424 92 9 the the DET crl-14424 92 10 .0001level .0001level NOUN crl-14424 92 11 for for ADP crl-14424 92 12 the the DET crl-14424 92 13 november november PROPN crl-14424 92 14 1988 1988 NUM crl-14424 92 15 rj rj PROPN crl-14424 92 16 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 92 17 c c PROPN crl-14424 92 18 ~ ~ PUNCT crl-14424 92 19 1.5 1.5 NUM crl-14424 92 20 < < X crl-14424 92 21 i i PRON crl-14424 92 22 > > X crl-14424 92 23 jjj jjj VERB crl-14424 92 24 ol ol ADJ crl-14424 92 25 c c NOUN crl-14424 92 26 : : PUNCT crl-14424 92 27 · · PUNCT crl-14424 92 28 c c X crl-14424 92 29 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 92 30 ; ; PUNCT crl-14424 92 31 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 92 32 / / SYM crl-14424 92 33 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 92 34 ~ ~ PUNCT crl-14424 92 35 5 5 NUM crl-14424 92 36 ( ( PUNCT crl-14424 92 37 / / SYM crl-14424 92 38 ) ) PUNCT crl-14424 93 1 e e PROPN crl-14424 93 2 w w X crl-14424 93 3 0 0 NUM crl-14424 93 4 .5 .5 NUM crl-14424 93 5 qj qj PROPN crl-14424 93 6 .d .d PROPN crl-14424 94 1 e e NOUN crl-14424 94 2 : : PUNCT crl-14424 95 1 j j DET crl-14424 95 2 z z X crl-14424 95 3 • • X crl-14424 95 4 element element NOUN crl-14424 95 5 missing miss VERB crl-14424 95 6 0 0 NUM crl-14424 95 7 error error NOUN crl-14424 95 8 in in ADP crl-14424 95 9 element element NOUN crl-14424 95 10 @ @ ADP crl-14424 95 11 0 0 NUM crl-14424 95 12 - - PUNCT crl-14424 95 13 . . PUNCT crl-14424 95 14 : : PUNCT crl-14424 95 15 .... .... PUNCT crl-14424 95 16 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 95 17 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 96 1 ....... ....... PUNCT crl-14424 96 2 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 97 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 97 2 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 98 1 ....... ....... PUNCT crl-14424 98 2 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 99 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 100 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 101 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 101 2 . . PUNCT crl-14424 102 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 102 2 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 103 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 104 1 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 104 2 _ _ PUNCT crl-14424 105 1 . . PUNCT crl-14424 106 1 < < X crl-14424 106 2 i i X crl-14424 106 3 > > NOUN crl-14424 106 4 2 2 NUM crl-14424 106 5 - - SYM crl-14424 106 6 3 3 NUM crl-14424 106 7 4 4 NUM crl-14424 106 8 - - SYM crl-14424 106 9 6 6 NUM crl-14424 106 10 7 7 NUM crl-14424 106 11 - - SYM crl-14424 106 12 10 10 NUM crl-14424 106 13 10 10 NUM crl-14424 106 14 ~ ~ PUNCT crl-14424 106 15 age age NOUN crl-14424 106 16 figure2 figure2 NOUN crl-14424 106 17 relationship relationship NOUN crl-14424 106 18 of of ADP crl-14424 106 19 age age NOUN crl-14424 106 20 to to AUX crl-14424 106 21 missing miss VERB crl-14424 106 22 and/or and/or CCONJ crl-14424 106 23 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 106 24 elements element NOUN crl-14424 106 25 time time NOUN crl-14424 106 26 to to PART crl-14424 106 27 verify verify VERB crl-14424 106 28 the the DET crl-14424 106 29 requests request NOUN crl-14424 106 30 , , PUNCT crl-14424 106 31 the the DET crl-14424 106 32 total total ADJ crl-14424 106 33 internal internal ADJ crl-14424 106 34 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 106 35 time time NOUN crl-14424 106 36 , , PUNCT crl-14424 106 37 and and CCONJ crl-14424 106 38 the the DET crl-14424 106 39 total total ADJ crl-14424 106 40 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 106 41 time time NOUN crl-14424 106 42 . . PUNCT crl-14424 107 1 however however ADV crl-14424 107 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 107 3 the the DET crl-14424 107 4 difference difference NOUN crl-14424 107 5 between between ADP crl-14424 107 6 the the DET crl-14424 107 7 time time NOUN crl-14424 107 8 required require VERB crl-14424 107 9 for for ADP crl-14424 107 10 the the DET crl-14424 107 11 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 107 12 library library NOUN crl-14424 107 13 to to PART crl-14424 107 14 supply supply VERB crl-14424 107 15 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 107 16 requests request NOUN crl-14424 107 17 and and CCONJ crl-14424 107 18 verified verified ADJ crl-14424 107 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 107 20 was be AUX crl-14424 107 21 not not PART crl-14424 107 22 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 107 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 108 1 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 108 2 decision decision NOUN crl-14424 108 3 VERB crl-14424 108 4 as as SCONJ crl-14424 108 5 each each DET crl-14424 108 6 request request NOUN crl-14424 108 7 was be AUX crl-14424 108 8 received receive VERB crl-14424 108 9 , , PUNCT crl-14424 108 10 the the DET crl-14424 108 11 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 108 12 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 108 13 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 108 14 indicated indicate VERB crl-14424 108 15 whether whether SCONJ crl-14424 108 16 she she PRON crl-14424 108 17 felt feel VERB crl-14424 108 18 that that SCONJ crl-14424 108 19 request request NOUN crl-14424 108 20 should should AUX crl-14424 108 21 be be AUX crl-14424 108 22 verified verify VERB crl-14424 108 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 109 1 table table NOUN crl-14424 109 2 7 7 NUM crl-14424 109 3 shows show VERB crl-14424 109 4 the the DET crl-14424 109 5 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 109 6 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 109 7 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 109 8 's 's PART crl-14424 109 9 decision decision NOUN crl-14424 109 10 and and CCONJ crl-14424 109 11 the the DET crl-14424 109 12 number number NOUN crl-14424 109 13 of of ADP crl-14424 109 14 errors/ errors/ NUM crl-14424 109 15 omissions omission NOUN crl-14424 109 16 in in ADP crl-14424 109 17 each each PRON crl-14424 109 18 of of ADP crl-14424 109 19 these these DET crl-14424 109 20 requests request NOUN crl-14424 109 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 110 1 the the DET crl-14424 110 2 means mean NOUN crl-14424 110 3 are be AUX crl-14424 110 4 higher high ADJ crl-14424 110 5 for for SCONJ crl-14424 110 6 those those DET crl-14424 110 7 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 110 8 loans loan NOUN crl-14424 110 9 the the DET crl-14424 110 10 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 110 11 indicated indicate VERB crl-14424 110 12 should should AUX crl-14424 110 13 be be AUX crl-14424 110 14 verified verify VERB crl-14424 110 15 . . PUNCT crl-14424 111 1 further far ADV crl-14424 111 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 111 3 the the DET crl-14424 111 4 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 111 5 time time NOUN crl-14424 111 6 searching search VERB crl-14424 111 7 to to PART crl-14424 111 8 verify verify VERB crl-14424 111 9 was be AUX crl-14424 111 10 almost almost ADV crl-14424 111 11 double double ADJ crl-14424 111 12 for for ADP crl-14424 111 13 those those PRON crl-14424 111 14 the the DET crl-14424 111 15 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 111 16 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 111 17 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 111 18 indicated indicate VERB crl-14424 111 19 should should AUX crl-14424 111 20 be be AUX crl-14424 111 21 verified verify VERB crl-14424 111 22 . . PUNCT crl-14424 112 1 her her PRON crl-14424 112 2 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 112 3 decisions decision NOUN crl-14424 112 4 in in ADP crl-14424 112 5 fact fact NOUN crl-14424 112 6 paralleled parallel VERB crl-14424 112 7 very very ADV crl-14424 112 8 closely closely ADV crl-14424 112 9 our our PRON crl-14424 112 10 definition definition NOUN crl-14424 112 11 of of ADP crl-14424 112 12 a a DET crl-14424 112 13 minimally minimally ADV crl-14424 112 14 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 112 15 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 112 16 - - PUNCT crl-14424 112 17 that that PRON crl-14424 112 18 is is ADV crl-14424 112 19 , , PUNCT crl-14424 112 20 she she PRON crl-14424 112 21 did do AUX crl-14424 112 22 not not PART crl-14424 112 23 consider consider VERB crl-14424 112 24 the the DET crl-14424 112 25 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 112 26 / / SYM crl-14424 112 27 month month NOUN crl-14424 112 28 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 112 29 . . PUNCT crl-14424 113 1 summary summary NOUN crl-14424 113 2 of of ADP crl-14424 113 3 findings finding NOUN crl-14424 113 4 while while SCONJ crl-14424 113 5 almost almost ADV crl-14424 113 6 48 48 NUM crl-14424 113 7 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 113 8 of of ADP crl-14424 113 9 the the DET crl-14424 113 10 citations citation NOUN crl-14424 113 11 had have VERB crl-14424 113 12 an an DET crl-14424 113 13 error error NOUN crl-14424 113 14 or or CCONJ crl-14424 113 15 were be AUX crl-14424 113 16 missing miss VERB crl-14424 113 17 data datum NOUN crl-14424 113 18 , , PUNCT crl-14424 113 19 approximately approximately ADV crl-14424 113 20 71 71 NUM crl-14424 113 21 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 113 22 met meet VERB crl-14424 113 23 the the DET crl-14424 113 24 standard standard NOUN crl-14424 113 25 of of ADP crl-14424 113 26 an an DET crl-14424 113 27 optimally optimally ADV crl-14424 113 28 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 113 29 and and CCONJ crl-14424 113 30 correct correct ADJ crl-14424 113 31 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 113 32 , , PUNCT crl-14424 113 33 and and CCONJ crl-14424 113 34 only only ADV crl-14424 113 35 8 8 NUM crl-14424 113 36 . . NUM crl-14424 113 37 9 9 NUM crl-14424 113 38 percent percent NOUN crl-14424 113 39 of of ADP crl-14424 113 40 the the DET crl-14424 113 41 requests request NOUN crl-14424 113 42 failed fail VERB crl-14424 113 43 to to PART crl-14424 113 44 meet meet VERB crl-14424 113 45 the the DET crl-14424 113 46 standard standard NOUN crl-14424 113 47 of of ADP crl-14424 113 48 a a DET crl-14424 113 49 minimally minimally ADV crl-14424 113 50 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 113 51 and and CCONJ crl-14424 113 52 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 113 53 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 113 54 . . PUNCT crl-14424 114 1 the the DET crl-14424 114 2 isbibliographic isbibliographic ADJ crl-14424 114 3 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 114 4 for for ADP crl-14424 114 5 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 114 6 loan loan NOUN crl-14424 114 7 499 499 NUM crl-14424 114 8 table table NOUN crl-14424 114 9 5 5 NUM crl-14424 114 10 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 114 11 of of ADP crl-14424 114 12 errors error NOUN crl-14424 114 13 / / SYM crl-14424 114 14 missing miss VERB crl-14424 114 15 elements element NOUN crl-14424 114 16 total total ADJ crl-14424 114 17 requests request NOUN crl-14424 114 18 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14424 114 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 114 20 with with ADP crl-14424 114 21 at at ADV crl-14424 114 22 least least ADV crl-14424 114 23 one one NUM crl-14424 114 24 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 114 25 element element NOUN crl-14424 114 26 * * PUNCT crl-14424 114 27 missing missing ADJ crl-14424 114 28 or or CCONJ crl-14424 114 29 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 114 30 requests request NOUN crl-14424 114 31 with with ADP crl-14424 114 32 a a DET crl-14424 114 33 key key ADJ crl-14424 114 34 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 114 35 element element NOUN crl-14424 114 36 missing miss VERB crl-14424 114 37 or or CCONJ crl-14424 114 38 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 114 39 requests request NOUN crl-14424 114 40 failing fail VERB crl-14424 114 41 to to PART crl-14424 114 42 meet meet VERB crl-14424 114 43 minimal minimal ADJ crl-14424 114 44 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 114 45 standard standard ADJ crl-14424 114 46 number number NOUN crl-14424 114 47 % % NOUN crl-14424 114 48 508 508 NUM crl-14424 114 49 242 242 NUM crl-14424 114 50 146 146 NUM crl-14424 114 51 45 45 NUM crl-14424 114 52 47.6 47.6 NUM crl-14424 114 53 28.8 28.8 NUM crl-14424 114 54 8.9 8.9 NUM crl-14424 114 55 * * ADJ crl-14424 114 56 bibliographic bibliographic NOUN crl-14424 114 57 element= element= NUM crl-14424 114 58 author author NOUN crl-14424 114 59 's 's PART crl-14424 114 60 last last ADJ crl-14424 114 61 name name NOUN crl-14424 114 62 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 63 t t NOUN crl-14424 114 64 author author NOUN crl-14424 114 65 's 's PART crl-14424 114 66 first first ADJ crl-14424 114 67 name name NOUN crl-14424 114 68 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 69 second second ADJ crl-14424 114 70 author author NOUN crl-14424 114 71 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 72 title title NOUN crl-14424 114 73 of of ADP crl-14424 114 74 article,+ article,+ NOUN crl-14424 114 75 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 114 76 title title NOUN crl-14424 114 77 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 78 t t NOUN crl-14424 114 79 volume,+ volume,+ NOUN crl-14424 114 80 issue issue NOUN crl-14424 114 81 / / SYM crl-14424 114 82 month month NOUN crl-14424 114 83 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 84 t t NOUN crl-14424 114 85 beginning beginning NOUN crl-14424 114 86 page page NOUN crl-14424 114 87 number number NOUN crl-14424 114 88 , , PUNCT crl-14424 114 89 t t NOUN crl-14424 114 90 year year NOUN crl-14424 114 91 . . PUNCT crl-14424 115 1 tkey tkey PROPN crl-14424 115 2 bibliographic bibliographic PROPN crl-14424 115 3 element element NOUN crl-14424 115 4 table6 table6 NOUN crl-14424 115 5 mean mean VERB crl-14424 115 6 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 115 7 times time NOUN crl-14424 115 8 time time NOUN crl-14424 115 9 to to PART crl-14424 115 10 verify verify VERB crl-14424 115 11 request request NOUN crl-14424 115 12 total total ADJ crl-14424 115 13 internal internal ADJ crl-14424 115 14 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 115 15 time time NOUN crl-14424 115 16 external external ADJ crl-14424 115 17 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 115 18 time time NOUN crl-14424 115 19 total total ADJ crl-14424 115 20 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 115 21 time time NOUN crl-14424 115 22 n n ADV crl-14424 115 23 verified verify VERB crl-14424 115 24 1.43 1.43 NUM crl-14424 115 25 days day NOUN crl-14424 115 26 3.88 3.88 NUM crl-14424 115 27 16.15 16.15 NUM crl-14424 115 28 20.63 20.63 NUM crl-14424 115 29 508 508 NUM crl-14424 115 30 not not PART crl-14424 115 31 verified verify VERB crl-14424 115 32 4.45 4.45 NUM crl-14424 115 33 days day NOUN crl-14424 115 34 * * PROPN crl-14424 115 35 8.63 8.63 NUM crl-14424 115 36 * * NUM crl-14424 115 37 23.16 23.16 NUM crl-14424 115 38 35.39 35.39 NUM crl-14424 115 39 * * PUNCT crl-14424 115 40 110 110 NUM crl-14424 115 41 * * PUNCT crl-14424 115 42 the the DET crl-14424 115 43 differences difference NOUN crl-14424 115 44 in in ADP crl-14424 115 45 these these DET crl-14424 115 46 values value NOUN crl-14424 115 47 are be AUX crl-14424 115 48 significant significant ADJ crl-14424 115 49 at at ADP crl-14424 115 50 the the DET crl-14424 115 51 .ooollevel .ooollevel PRON crl-14424 115 52 table7 table7 NOUN crl-14424 115 53 analysis analysis NOUN crl-14424 115 54 of of ADP crl-14424 115 55 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 115 56 decision decision NOUN crl-14424 115 57 decision decision NOUN crl-14424 115 58 : : PUNCT crl-14424 115 59 verify verify VERB crl-14424 115 60 decision decision NOUN crl-14424 115 61 : : PUNCT crl-14424 115 62 do do AUX crl-14424 115 63 not not PART crl-14424 115 64 verify verify VERB crl-14424 115 65 sue sue NOUN crl-14424 115 66 / / SYM crl-14424 115 67 month month NOUN crl-14424 115 68 was be AUX crl-14424 115 69 the the DET crl-14424 115 70 element element NOUN crl-14424 115 71 most most ADV crl-14424 115 72 often often ADV crl-14424 115 73 missing miss VERB crl-14424 115 74 , , PUNCT crl-14424 115 75 and and CCONJ crl-14424 115 76 processing process VERB crl-14424 115 77 time time NOUN crl-14424 115 78 for for ADP crl-14424 115 79 the the DET crl-14424 115 80 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 115 81 library library NOUN crl-14424 115 82 was be AUX crl-14424 115 83 significantly significantly ADV crl-14424 115 84 greater great ADJ crl-14424 115 85 for for ADP crl-14424 115 86 these these DET crl-14424 115 87 requests request NOUN crl-14424 115 88 . . PUNCT crl-14424 116 1 it it PRON crl-14424 116 2 also also ADV crl-14424 116 3 took take VERB crl-14424 116 4 longer long ADV crl-14424 116 5 to to PART crl-14424 116 6 acquire acquire VERB crl-14424 116 7 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 116 8 requests request NOUN crl-14424 116 9 . . PUNCT crl-14424 117 1 data datum NOUN crl-14424 117 2 were be AUX crl-14424 117 3 examined examine VERB crl-14424 117 4 for for ADP crl-14424 117 5 the the DET crl-14424 117 6 requests request NOUN crl-14424 117 7 that that PRON crl-14424 117 8 were be AUX crl-14424 117 9 not not PART crl-14424 117 10 verified verify VERB crl-14424 117 11 to to PART crl-14424 117 12 see see VERB crl-14424 117 13 if if SCONJ crl-14424 117 14 reasons reason NOUN crl-14424 117 15 could could AUX crl-14424 117 16 be be AUX crl-14424 117 17 identified identify VERB crl-14424 117 18 for for ADP crl-14424 117 19 their their PRON crl-14424 117 20 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 117 21 time time NOUN crl-14424 117 22 being be AUX crl-14424 117 23 so so ADV crl-14424 117 24 much much ADV crl-14424 117 25 longer long ADJ crl-14424 117 26 . . PUNCT crl-14424 118 1 it it PRON crl-14424 118 2 was be AUX crl-14424 118 3 discovered discover VERB crl-14424 118 4 that that SCONJ crl-14424 118 5 one one NUM crl-14424 118 6 case case NOUN crl-14424 118 7 required require VERB crl-14424 118 8 264 264 NUM crl-14424 118 9 days day NOUN crl-14424 118 10 for for ADP crl-14424 118 11 filling fill VERB crl-14424 118 12 . . PUNCT crl-14424 119 1 by by ADP crl-14424 119 2 removing remove VERB crl-14424 119 3 this this DET crl-14424 119 4 case case NOUN crl-14424 119 5 andrecomputing andrecompute VERB crl-14424 119 6 the the DET crl-14424 119 7 external external ADJ crl-14424 119 8 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 119 9 time time NOUN crl-14424 119 10 it it PRON crl-14424 119 11 was be AUX crl-14424 119 12 found find VERB crl-14424 119 13 that that SCONJ crl-14424 119 14 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 119 15 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 119 16 required require VERB crl-14424 119 17 approximately approximately ADV crl-14424 119 18 sixteen sixteen NUM crl-14424 119 19 days day NOUN crl-14424 119 20 to to PART crl-14424 119 21 process process VERB crl-14424 119 22 verified verify VERB crl-14424 119 23 requests request NOUN crl-14424 119 24 and and CCONJ crl-14424 119 25 twenty twenty NUM crl-14424 119 26 - - PUNCT crl-14424 119 27 one one NUM crl-14424 119 28 days day NOUN crl-14424 119 29 to to PART crl-14424 119 30 process process VERB crl-14424 119 31 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 119 32 requests request NOUN crl-14424 119 33 . . PUNCT crl-14424 120 1 therefore therefore ADV crl-14424 120 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 120 3 even even ADV crl-14424 120 4 with with ADP crl-14424 120 5 the the DET crl-14424 120 6 extreme extreme ADJ crl-14424 120 7 case case NOUN crl-14424 120 8 removed remove VERB crl-14424 120 9 , , PUNCT crl-14424 120 10 the the DET crl-14424 120 11 processing processing NOUN crl-14424 120 12 time time NOUN crl-14424 120 13 of of ADP crl-14424 120 14 unverified unverified ADJ crl-14424 120 15 requests request NOUN crl-14424 120 16 still still ADV crl-14424 120 17 remean remean ADJ crl-14424 120 18 number number NOUN crl-14424 120 19 of of ADP crl-14424 120 20 errors error NOUN crl-14424 120 21 .20 .20 PROPN crl-14424 121 1 .10 .10 PROPN crl-14424 121 2 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 121 3 number number NOUN crl-14424 121 4 of of ADP crl-14424 121 5 missing miss VERB crl-14424 121 6 elements element NOUN crl-14424 121 7 .97 .97 NUM crl-14424 121 8 .71 .71 NUM crl-14424 121 9 meantime meantime ADV crl-14424 121 10 searching search VERB crl-14424 121 11 3.85 3.85 NUM crl-14424 121 12 1.77 1.77 NUM crl-14424 121 13 quired quire VERB crl-14424 121 14 a a DET crl-14424 121 15 significantly significantly ADV crl-14424 121 16 longer long ADJ crl-14424 121 17 time time NOUN crl-14424 121 18 period period NOUN crl-14424 121 19 than than SCONJ crl-14424 121 20 did do VERB crl-14424 121 21 the the DET crl-14424 121 22 verified verify VERB crl-14424 121 23 requests request NOUN crl-14424 121 24 . . PUNCT crl-14424 122 1 the the DET crl-14424 122 2 cost cost NOUN crl-14424 122 3 of of ADP crl-14424 122 4 verifying verify VERB crl-14424 122 5 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crl-14424 122 6 loans loan NOUN crl-14424 122 7 for for ADP crl-14424 122 8 the the DET crl-14424 122 9 library library NOUN crl-14424 122 10 and and CCONJ crl-14424 122 11 the the DET crl-14424 122 12 client client NOUN crl-14424 122 13 is be AUX crl-14424 122 14 considerable considerable ADJ crl-14424 122 15 . . PUNCT crl-14424 123 1 the the DET crl-14424 123 2 mean mean ADJ crl-14424 123 3 time time NOUN crl-14424 123 4 to to PART crl-14424 123 5 verify verify VERB crl-14424 123 6 requests request NOUN crl-14424 123 7 even even ADV crl-14424 123 8 when when SCONJ crl-14424 123 9 they they PRON crl-14424 123 10 are be AUX crl-14424 123 11 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 123 12 and and CCONJ crl-14424 123 13 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 123 14 was be AUX crl-14424 123 15 2 2 NUM crl-14424 123 16 . . NUM crl-14424 123 17 9 9 NUM crl-14424 123 18 minutes minute NOUN crl-14424 123 19 per per ADP crl-14424 123 20 request request NOUN crl-14424 123 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 124 1 additional additional ADJ crl-14424 124 2 direct direct ADJ crl-14424 124 3 costs cost NOUN crl-14424 124 4 occur occur VERB crl-14424 124 5 when when SCONJ crl-14424 124 6 it it PRON crl-14424 124 7 is be AUX crl-14424 124 8 necessary necessary ADJ crl-14424 124 9 to to PART crl-14424 124 10 use use VERB crl-14424 124 11 online online ADJ crl-14424 124 12 sources source NOUN crl-14424 124 13 to to PART crl-14424 124 14 verify verify VERB crl-14424 124 15 requests request NOUN crl-14424 124 16 . . PUNCT crl-14424 125 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN crl-14424 125 2 whether whether SCONJ crl-14424 125 3 the the DET crl-14424 125 4 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 125 5 library library NOUN crl-14424 125 6 really really ADV crl-14424 125 7 needs need VERB crl-14424 125 8 a a DET crl-14424 125 9 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 125 10 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14424 125 11 citation citation NOUN crl-14424 125 12 to to PART crl-14424 125 13 supply supply VERB crl-14424 125 14 the the DET crl-14424 125 15 requested request VERB crl-14424 125 16 item item NOUN crl-14424 125 17 is be AUX crl-14424 125 18 questionable questionable ADJ crl-14424 125 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 126 1 would would AUX crl-14424 126 2 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 126 3 realize realize VERB crl-14424 126 4 a a DET crl-14424 126 5 net net ADJ crl-14424 126 6 savings saving NOUN crl-14424 126 7 of of ADP crl-14424 126 8 time time NOUN crl-14424 126 9 if if SCONJ crl-14424 126 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 126 11 not not PART crl-14424 126 12 obviously obviously ADV crl-14424 126 13 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 126 14 or or CCONJ crl-14424 126 15 inaccurate inaccurate ADJ crl-14424 126 16 are be AUX crl-14424 126 17 sent send VERB crl-14424 126 18 without without ADP crl-14424 126 19 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 126 20 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 127 1 500 500 NUM crl-14424 127 2 college college PROPN crl-14424 127 3 & & CCONJ crl-14424 127 4 research research PROPN crl-14424 127 5 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 127 6 would would AUX crl-14424 127 7 it it PRON crl-14424 127 8 be be AUX crl-14424 127 9 reasonable reasonable ADJ crl-14424 127 10 to to PART crl-14424 127 11 submit submit VERB crl-14424 127 12 requests request NOUN crl-14424 127 13 that that PRON crl-14424 127 14 appear appear VERB crl-14424 127 15 to to PART crl-14424 127 16 be be AUX crl-14424 127 17 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 127 18 and and CCONJ crl-14424 127 19 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 127 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 128 1 without without ADP crl-14424 128 2 attempting attempt VERB crl-14424 128 3 to to PART crl-14424 128 4 verify verify VERB crl-14424 128 5 them they PRON crl-14424 128 6 and and CCONJ crl-14424 128 7 to to PART crl-14424 128 8 submit submit VERB crl-14424 128 9 requests request NOUN crl-14424 128 10 that that PRON crl-14424 128 11 can can AUX crl-14424 128 12 not not PART crl-14424 128 13 be be AUX crl-14424 128 14 verified verify VERB crl-14424 128 15 al al PROPN crl-14424 128 16 · · PUNCT crl-14424 128 17 though though SCONJ crl-14424 128 18 an an DET crl-14424 128 19 attempt attempt NOUN crl-14424 128 20 has have AUX crl-14424 128 21 been be AUX crl-14424 128 22 made make VERB crl-14424 128 23 to to PART crl-14424 128 24 do do AUX crl-14424 128 25 so so ADV crl-14424 128 26 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 129 1 the the DET crl-14424 129 2 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 129 3 library library NOUN crl-14424 129 4 would would AUX crl-14424 129 5 take take VERB crl-14424 129 6 no no DET crl-14424 129 7 responsibility responsibility NOUN crl-14424 129 8 for for ADP crl-14424 129 9 verifying verifying NOUN crl-14424 129 10 requests request NOUN crl-14424 129 11 and and CCONJ crl-14424 129 12 would would AUX crl-14424 129 13 not not PART crl-14424 129 14 hesitate hesitate VERB crl-14424 129 15 to to PART crl-14424 129 16 return return VERB crl-14424 129 17 any any DET crl-14424 129 18 requests request NOUN crl-14424 129 19 that that PRON crl-14424 129 20 could could AUX crl-14424 129 21 not not PART crl-14424 129 22 be be AUX crl-14424 129 23 located locate VERB crl-14424 129 24 as as SCONJ crl-14424 129 25 cited cite VERB crl-14424 129 26 by by ADP crl-14424 129 27 the the DET crl-14424 129 28 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 129 29 library library NOUN crl-14424 129 30 . . PUNCT crl-14424 130 1 the the DET crl-14424 130 2 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 130 3 library library NOUN crl-14424 130 4 would would AUX crl-14424 130 5 assume assume VERB crl-14424 130 6 the the DET crl-14424 130 7 consequences consequence NOUN crl-14424 130 8 if if SCONJ crl-14424 130 9 the the DET crl-14424 130 10 item item NOUN crl-14424 130 11 could could AUX crl-14424 130 12 not not PART crl-14424 130 13 be be AUX crl-14424 130 14 supplied supply VERB crl-14424 130 15 or or CCONJ crl-14424 130 16 if if SCONJ crl-14424 130 17 the the DET crl-14424 130 18 item item NOUN crl-14424 130 19 received receive VERB crl-14424 130 20 was be AUX crl-14424 130 21 not not PART crl-14424 130 22 the the DET crl-14424 130 23 one one NOUN crl-14424 130 24 desired desire VERB crl-14424 130 25 . . PUNCT crl-14424 131 1 because because SCONJ crl-14424 131 2 electronic electronic ADJ crl-14424 131 3 mail mail NOUN crl-14424 131 4 is be AUX crl-14424 131 5 widely widely ADV crl-14424 131 6 used use VERB crl-14424 131 7 to to PART crl-14424 131 8 send send VERB crl-14424 131 9 requests request NOUN crl-14424 131 10 , , PUNCT crl-14424 131 11 the the DET crl-14424 131 12 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 131 13 library library NOUN crl-14424 131 14 could could AUX crl-14424 131 15 return return VERB crl-14424 131 16 : : PUNCT crl-14424 131 17 immediately immediately ADV crl-14424 131 18 any any DET crl-14424 131 19 unlocated unlocated ADJ crl-14424 131 20 requests request NOUN crl-14424 131 21 . . PUNCT crl-14424 132 1 the the DET crl-14424 132 2 accuracy accuracy NOUN crl-14424 132 3 of of ADP crl-14424 132 4 error error NOUN crl-14424 132 5 recognition recognition NOUN crl-14424 132 6 is be AUX crl-14424 132 7 improved improve VERB crl-14424 132 8 when when SCONJ crl-14424 132 9 the the DET crl-14424 132 10 technician technician NOUN crl-14424 132 11 begins begin VERB crl-14424 132 12 to to PART crl-14424 132 13 search search VERB crl-14424 132 14 for for ADP crl-14424 132 15 a a DET crl-14424 132 16 source source NOUN crl-14424 132 17 for for ADP crl-14424 132 18 the the DET crl-14424 132 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 132 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 133 1 incorrect incorrect PROPN crl-14424 133 2 journal journal PROPN crl-14424 133 3 titles title NOUN crl-14424 133 4 become become VERB crl-14424 133 5 obvious obvious ADJ crl-14424 133 6 when when SCONJ crl-14424 133 7 one one PRON crl-14424 133 8 can can AUX crl-14424 133 9 not not PART crl-14424 133 10 find find VERB crl-14424 133 11 a a DET crl-14424 133 12 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 133 13 library library NOUN crl-14424 133 14 for for ADP crl-14424 133 15 a a DET crl-14424 133 16 given give VERB crl-14424 133 17 title title NOUN crl-14424 133 18 . . PUNCT crl-14424 134 1 errors error NOUN crl-14424 134 2 in in ADP crl-14424 134 3 volumes volume NOUN crl-14424 134 4 and and CCONJ crl-14424 134 5 years year NOUN crl-14424 134 6 also also ADV crl-14424 134 7 become become VERB crl-14424 134 8 apparent apparent ADJ crl-14424 134 9 at at ADP crl-14424 134 10 this this DET crl-14424 134 11 point point NOUN crl-14424 134 12 . . PUNCT crl-14424 135 1 thus thus ADV crl-14424 135 2 clients client NOUN crl-14424 135 3 might might AUX crl-14424 135 4 not not PART crl-14424 135 5 experience experience VERB crl-14424 135 6 any any DET crl-14424 135 7 greater great ADJ crl-14424 135 8 delay delay NOUN crl-14424 135 9 with with ADP crl-14424 135 10 this this DET crl-14424 135 11 approach approach NOUN crl-14424 135 12 than than ADP crl-14424 135 13 with with ADP crl-14424 135 14 the the DET crl-14424 135 15 current current ADJ crl-14424 135 16 approach approach NOUN crl-14424 135 17 that that PRON crl-14424 135 18 requires require VERB crl-14424 135 19 an an DET crl-14424 135 20 attempt attempt NOUN crl-14424 135 21 to to PART crl-14424 135 22 verify verify VERB crl-14424 135 23 all all DET crl-14424 135 24 requests request NOUN crl-14424 135 25 . . PUNCT crl-14424 136 1 the the DET crl-14424 136 2 hsl hsl NOUN crl-14424 136 3 has have VERB crl-14424 136 4 an an DET crl-14424 136 5 understanding understanding NOUN crl-14424 136 6 with with ADP crl-14424 136 7 the the DET crl-14424 136 8 three three NUM crl-14424 136 9 other other ADJ crl-14424 136 10 academic academic ADJ crl-14424 136 11 health health NOUN crl-14424 136 12 science science NOUN crl-14424 136 13 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 136 14 in in ADP crl-14424 136 15 north north PROPN crl-14424 136 16 carolina carolina PROPN crl-14424 136 17 to to PART crl-14424 136 18 process process VERB crl-14424 136 19 requests request NOUN crl-14424 136 20 in in ADP crl-14424 136 21 this this DET crl-14424 136 22 manner manner NOUN crl-14424 136 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 137 1 this this DET crl-14424 137 2 procedure procedure NOUN crl-14424 137 3 has have AUX crl-14424 137 4 been be AUX crl-14424 137 5 followed follow VERB crl-14424 137 6 for for ADP crl-14424 137 7 two two NUM crl-14424 137 8 years year NOUN crl-14424 137 9 and and CCONJ crl-14424 137 10 no no DET crl-14424 137 11 problems problem NOUN crl-14424 137 12 have have AUX crl-14424 137 13 resulted result VERB crl-14424 137 14 from from ADP crl-14424 137 15 this this DET crl-14424 137 16 modification modification NOUN crl-14424 137 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 138 1 the the DET crl-14424 138 2 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 138 3 library library NOUN crl-14424 138 4 sends send VERB crl-14424 138 5 requests request NOUN crl-14424 138 6 as as ADV crl-14424 138 7 soon soon ADV crl-14424 138 8 as as SCONJ crl-14424 138 9 it it PRON crl-14424 138 10 can can AUX crl-14424 138 11 identify identify VERB crl-14424 138 12 a a DET crl-14424 138 13 holding hold VERB crl-14424 138 14 library library NOUN crl-14424 138 15 . . PUNCT crl-14424 139 1 it it PRON crl-14424 139 2 would would AUX crl-14424 139 3 be be AUX crl-14424 139 4 interesting interesting ADJ crl-14424 139 5 to to PART crl-14424 139 6 replicate replicate VERB crl-14424 139 7 this this DET crl-14424 139 8 study study NOUN crl-14424 139 9 with with ADP crl-14424 139 10 the the DET crl-14424 139 11 modified modify VERB crl-14424 139 12 procedure procedure NOUN crl-14424 139 13 to to ADP crl-14424 139 14 denovember denovember NOUN crl-14424 139 15 1988 1988 NUM crl-14424 139 16 termine termine ADP crl-14424 139 17 the the DET crl-14424 139 18 . . PUNCT crl-14424 139 19 impact impact PROPN crl-14424 139 20 on on ADP crl-14424 139 21 fill fill NOUN crl-14424 139 22 time time NOUN crl-14424 139 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 140 1 although although SCONJ crl-14424 140 2 modification modification NOUN crl-14424 140 3 of of ADP crl-14424 140 4 current current ADJ crl-14424 140 5 procedures procedure NOUN crl-14424 140 6 may may AUX crl-14424 140 7 appear appear VERB crl-14424 140 8 beneficial beneficial ADJ crl-14424 140 9 , , PUNCT crl-14424 140 10 the the DET crl-14424 140 11 ethical ethical ADJ crl-14424 140 12 implications implication NOUN crl-14424 140 13 of of ADP crl-14424 140 14 these these DET crl-14424 140 15 changes change NOUN crl-14424 140 16 should should AUX crl-14424 140 17 be be AUX crl-14424 140 18 considered consider VERB crl-14424 140 19 . . PUNCT crl-14424 141 1 is be AUX crl-14424 141 2 it it PRON crl-14424 141 3 ethical ethical ADJ crl-14424 141 4 for for SCONJ crl-14424 141 5 the the DET crl-14424 141 6 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 141 7 library library NOUN crl-14424 141 8 to to PART crl-14424 141 9 pass pass VERB crl-14424 141 10 on on ADP crl-14424 141 11 its its PRON crl-14424 141 12 work work NOUN crl-14424 141 13 to to ADP crl-14424 141 14 the the DET crl-14424 141 15 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 141 16 library library NOUN crl-14424 141 17 ? ? PUNCT crl-14424 142 1 in in ADP crl-14424 142 2 some some DET crl-14424 142 3 instances instance NOUN crl-14424 142 4 , , PUNCT crl-14424 142 5 even even ADV crl-14424 142 6 if if SCONJ crl-14424 142 7 the the DET crl-14424 142 8 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 142 9 library library NOUN crl-14424 142 10 has have AUX crl-14424 142 11 stated state VERB crl-14424 142 12 that that SCONJ crl-14424 142 13 it it PRON crl-14424 142 14 does do AUX crl-14424 142 15 not not PART crl-14424 142 16 expect expect VERB crl-14424 142 17 the the DET crl-14424 142 18 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 142 19 library library NOUN crl-14424 142 20 to to PART crl-14424 142 21 search search VERB crl-14424 142 22 for for ADP crl-14424 142 23 requested requested ADJ crl-14424 142 24 items item NOUN crl-14424 142 25 , , PUNCT crl-14424 142 26 personnel personnel NOUN crl-14424 142 27 in in ADP crl-14424 142 28 that that DET crl-14424 142 29 library library NOUN crl-14424 142 30 may may AUX crl-14424 142 31 hesitate hesitate VERB crl-14424 142 32 to to PART crl-14424 142 33 " " PUNCT crl-14424 142 34 give give VERB crl-14424 142 35 up up ADP crl-14424 142 36 " " PUNCT crl-14424 142 37 on on ADP crl-14424 142 38 a a DET crl-14424 142 39 request request NOUN crl-14424 142 40 . . PUNCT crl-14424 143 1 also also ADV crl-14424 143 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 143 3 the the DET crl-14424 143 4 lending lending NOUN crl-14424 143 5 library library NOUN crl-14424 143 6 incurs incur VERB crl-14424 143 7 direct direct ADJ crl-14424 143 8 expense expense NOUN crl-14424 143 9 for for ADP crl-14424 143 10 returning return VERB crl-14424 143 11 incorrect incorrect ADJ crl-14424 143 12 requests request NOUN crl-14424 143 13 to to ADP crl-14424 143 14 the the DET crl-14424 143 15 borrowing borrowing NOUN crl-14424 143 16 library library NOUN crl-14424 143 17 . . PUNCT crl-14424 144 1 there there PRON crl-14424 144 2 is be VERB crl-14424 144 3 also also ADV crl-14424 144 4 a a DET crl-14424 144 5 positive positive ADJ crl-14424 144 6 side side NOUN crl-14424 144 7 to to PART crl-14424 144 8 procedure procedure NOUN crl-14424 144 9 modification modification NOUN crl-14424 144 10 . . PUNCT crl-14424 145 1 all all DET crl-14424 145 2 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 145 3 could could AUX crl-14424 145 4 save save VERB crl-14424 145 5 the the DET crl-14424 145 6 time time NOUN crl-14424 145 7 now now ADV crl-14424 145 8 spent spend VERB crl-14424 145 9 on on ADP crl-14424 145 10 searching search VERB crl-14424 145 11 requests request NOUN crl-14424 145 12 that that SCONJ crl-14424 145 13 · · PUNCT crl-14424 145 14 appear appear VERB crl-14424 145 15 to to PART crl-14424 145 16 be be AUX crl-14424 145 17 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 145 18 and and CCONJ crl-14424 145 19 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 145 20 and and CCONJ crl-14424 145 21 could could AUX crl-14424 145 22 limit limit VERB crl-14424 145 23 the the DET crl-14424 145 24 time time NOUN crl-14424 145 25 spent spend VERB crl-14424 145 26 attempting attempt VERB crl-14424 145 27 to to PART crl-14424 145 28 verify verify VERB crl-14424 145 29 any any DET crl-14424 145 30 request request NOUN crl-14424 145 31 . . PUNCT crl-14424 146 1 in in ADP crl-14424 146 2 many many ADJ crl-14424 146 3 cases case NOUN crl-14424 146 4 , , PUNCT crl-14424 146 5 clients client NOUN crl-14424 146 6 would would AUX crl-14424 146 7 receive receive VERB crl-14424 146 8 needed need VERB crl-14424 146 9 information information NOUN crl-14424 146 10 sooner soon ADV crl-14424 146 11 . . PUNCT crl-14424 147 1 also also ADV crl-14424 147 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 147 3 clients client NOUN crl-14424 147 4 will will AUX crl-14424 147 5 find find VERB crl-14424 147 6 through through ADP crl-14424 147 7 experience experience NOUN crl-14424 147 8 that that SCONJ crl-14424 147 9 submission submission NOUN crl-14424 147 10 of of ADP crl-14424 147 11 accurate accurate ADJ crl-14424 147 12 and and CCONJ crl-14424 147 13 complete complete ADJ crl-14424 147 14 requests request NOUN crl-14424 147 15 results result NOUN crl-14424 147 16 in in ADP crl-14424 147 17 receipt receipt NOUN crl-14424 147 18 of of ADP crl-14424 147 19 needed need VERB crl-14424 147 20 information information NOUN crl-14424 147 21 more more ADV crl-14424 147 22 quickly quickly ADV crl-14424 147 23 . . PUNCT crl-14424 148 1 and and CCONJ crl-14424 148 2 , , PUNCT crl-14424 148 3 they they PRON crl-14424 148 4 are be AUX crl-14424 148 5 more more ADV crl-14424 148 6 likely likely ADJ crl-14424 148 7 to to PART crl-14424 148 8 perceive perceive VERB crl-14424 148 9 the the DET crl-14424 148 10 additional additional ADJ crl-14424 148 11 time time NOUN crl-14424 148 12 required require VERB crl-14424 148 13 when when SCONJ crl-14424 148 14 inaccurate inaccurate ADJ crl-14424 148 15 and and CCONJ crl-14424 148 16 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-14424 148 17 requests request NOUN crl-14424 148 18 are be AUX crl-14424 148 19 submitted submit VERB crl-14424 148 20 . . PUNCT crl-14424 149 1 at at ADP crl-14424 149 2 this this DET crl-14424 149 3 time time NOUN crl-14424 149 4 , , PUNCT crl-14424 149 5 individual individual ADJ crl-14424 149 6 libraries library NOUN crl-14424 149 7 should should AUX crl-14424 149 8 reach reach VERB crl-14424 149 9 agreement agreement NOUN crl-14424 149 10 with with ADP crl-14424 149 11 each each DET crl-14424 149 12 other other ADJ crl-14424 149 13 to to PART crl-14424 149 14 modify modify VERB crl-14424 149 15 the the DET crl-14424 149 16 verification verification NOUN crl-14424 149 17 procedure procedure NOUN crl-14424 149 18 on on ADP crl-14424 149 19 mutually mutually ADV crl-14424 149 20 acceptable acceptable ADJ crl-14424 149 21 terms term NOUN crl-14424 149 22 . . PUNCT crl-14424 150 1 in in ADP crl-14424 150 2 this this DET crl-14424 150 3 way way NOUN crl-14424 150 4 the the DET crl-14424 150 5 value value NOUN crl-14424 150 6 of of ADP crl-14424 150 7 modifying modify VERB crl-14424 150 8 these these DET crl-14424 150 9 procedures procedure NOUN crl-14424 150 10 can can AUX crl-14424 150 11 be be AUX crl-14424 150 12 evaluated evaluate VERB crl-14424 150 13 widely widely ADV crl-14424 150 14 but but CCONJ crl-14424 150 15 with with ADP crl-14424 150 16 open open ADJ crl-14424 150 17 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-14424 150 18 and and CCONJ crl-14424 150 19 acceptance acceptance NOUN crl-14424 150 20 of of ADP crl-14424 150 21 that that DET crl-14424 150 22 modification modification NOUN crl-14424 150 23 by by ADP crl-14424 150 24 all all DET crl-14424 150 25 participating participate VERB crl-14424 150 26 parties party NOUN crl-14424 150 27 . . PUNCT