id sid tid token lemma pos crl-14116 1 1 college college NOUN crl-14116 1 2 and and CCONJ crl-14116 1 3 research research NOUN crl-14116 1 4 libraries librarie VERB crl-14116 1 5 266 266 NUM crl-14116 1 6 college college NOUN crl-14116 1 7 & & CCONJ crl-14116 1 8 research research NOUN crl-14116 1 9 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 1 10 and and CCONJ crl-14116 1 11 questions question NOUN crl-14116 1 12 to to PART crl-14116 1 13 use use VERB crl-14116 1 14 in in ADP crl-14116 1 15 assessing assess VERB crl-14116 1 16 and and CCONJ crl-14116 1 17 improving improve VERB crl-14116 1 18 reviews review NOUN crl-14116 1 19 . . PUNCT crl-14116 2 1 the the DET crl-14116 2 2 whole whole ADJ crl-14116 2 3 book book NOUN crl-14116 2 4 reflects reflect VERB crl-14116 2 5 alert alert NOUN crl-14116 2 6 and and CCONJ crl-14116 2 7 informed informed ADJ crl-14116 2 8 intelligence intelligence NOUN crl-14116 2 9 that that PRON crl-14116 2 10 , , PUNCT crl-14116 2 11 without without ADP crl-14116 2 12 pomp pomp NOUN crl-14116 2 13 or or CCONJ crl-14116 2 14 pretension pretension NOUN crl-14116 2 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 2 16 sets set VERB crl-14116 2 17 out out ADP crl-14116 2 18 purposefully purposefully ADV crl-14116 2 19 to to AUX crl-14116 2 20 reform reform VERB crl-14116 2 21 and and CCONJ crl-14116 2 22 improve improve VERB crl-14116 2 23 a a DET crl-14116 2 24 key key ADJ crl-14116 2 25 element element NOUN crl-14116 2 26 in in ADP crl-14116 2 27 the the DET crl-14116 2 28 whole whole ADJ crl-14116 2 29 process process NOUN crl-14116 2 30 of of ADP crl-14116 2 31 thought thought NOUN crl-14116 2 32 and and CCONJ crl-14116 2 33 research research NOUN crl-14116 2 34 by by ADP crl-14116 2 35 which which PRON crl-14116 2 36 scholars scholar NOUN crl-14116 2 37 hope hope VERB crl-14116 2 38 to to PART crl-14116 2 39 add add VERB crl-14116 2 40 to to ADP crl-14116 2 41 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-14116 2 42 . . PUNCT crl-14116 3 1 the the DET crl-14116 3 2 informed informed ADJ crl-14116 3 3 wisdom wisdom NOUN crl-14116 3 4 behind behind ADP crl-14116 3 5 the the DET crl-14116 3 6 book book NOUN crl-14116 3 7 makes make VERB crl-14116 3 8 its its PRON crl-14116 3 9 advice advice NOUN crl-14116 3 10 and and CCONJ crl-14116 3 11 insights insight NOUN crl-14116 3 12 applicable applicable ADJ crl-14116 3 13 to to ADP crl-14116 3 14 virtually virtually ADV crl-14116 3 15 all all DET crl-14116 3 16 aspects aspect NOUN crl-14116 3 17 of of ADP crl-14116 3 18 scholarship scholarship NOUN crl-14116 3 19 . . PUNCT crl-14116 4 1 it it PRON crl-14116 4 2 is be AUX crl-14116 4 3 thus thus ADV crl-14116 4 4 a a DET crl-14116 4 5 book book NOUN crl-14116 4 6 that that PRON crl-14116 4 7 repays repay VERB crl-14116 4 8 reading read VERB crl-14116 4 9 by by ADP crl-14116 4 10 almost almost ADV crl-14116 4 11 anyone anyone PRON crl-14116 4 12 involved involve VERB crl-14116 4 13 in in ADP crl-14116 4 14 serious serious ADJ crl-14116 4 15 study study NOUN crl-14116 4 16 and and CCONJ crl-14116 4 17 is be AUX crl-14116 4 18 entirely entirely ADV crl-14116 4 19 likely likely ADJ crl-14116 4 20 to to PART crl-14116 4 21 satisfy satisfy VERB crl-14116 4 22 the the DET crl-14116 4 23 publisher publisher NOUN crl-14116 4 24 's 's PART crl-14116 4 25 prediction prediction NOUN crl-14116 4 26 that that SCONJ crl-14116 4 27 it it PRON crl-14116 4 28 will will AUX crl-14116 4 29 '' '' PUNCT crl-14116 4 30 become become VERB crl-14116 4 31 a a DET crl-14116 4 32 methodological methodological ADJ crl-14116 4 33 classic classic NOUN crl-14116 4 34 . . PUNCT crl-14116 4 35 "w "w PROPN crl-14116 4 36 . . PUNCT crl-14116 5 1 l. l. PROPN crl-14116 5 2 williamson williamson PROPN crl-14116 5 3 , , PUNCT crl-14116 5 4 university university PROPN crl-14116 5 5 of of ADP crl-14116 5 6 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN crl-14116 5 7 , , PUNCT crl-14116 5 8 madison madison PROPN crl-14116 5 9 . . PROPN crl-14116 5 10 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 5 11 , , PUNCT crl-14116 5 12 paul paul PROPN crl-14116 5 13 . . PUNCT crl-14116 6 1 the the DET crl-14116 6 2 landscape landscape NOUN crl-14116 6 3 of of ADP crl-14116 6 4 literature literature NOUN crl-14116 6 5 : : PUNCT crl-14116 6 6 use use NOUN crl-14116 6 7 of of ADP crl-14116 6 8 subject subject ADJ crl-14116 6 9 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 6 10 in in ADP crl-14116 6 11 a a DET crl-14116 6 12 university university NOUN crl-14116 6 13 library library NOUN crl-14116 6 14 . . PUNCT crl-14116 7 1 chicago chicago PROPN crl-14116 7 2 : : PUNCT crl-14116 7 3 american american PROPN crl-14116 7 4 library library PROPN crl-14116 7 5 assn assn PROPN crl-14116 7 6 . . PUNCT crl-14116 7 7 , , PUNCT crl-14116 7 8 1983 1983 NUM crl-14116 7 9 . . PUNCT crl-14116 8 1 143p 143p NOUN crl-14116 8 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 9 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 9 2 acrl acrl ADJ crl-14116 9 3 publications publication NOUN crl-14116 9 4 in in ADP crl-14116 9 5 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-14116 9 6 , , PUNCT crl-14116 9 7 no.43 no.43 PROPN crl-14116 9 8 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 9 9 $ $ SYM crl-14116 9 10 30 30 NUM crl-14116 9 11 . . PUNCT crl-14116 10 1 lc lc NOUN crl-14116 10 2 8315511 8315511 NUM crl-14116 10 3 . . PUNCT crl-14116 11 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14116 11 2 0 0 NUM crl-14116 11 3 - - SYM crl-14116 11 4 8389 8389 NUM crl-14116 11 5 - - PUNCT crl-14116 11 6 3286 3286 NUM crl-14116 11 7 . . PUNCT crl-14116 12 1 this this DET crl-14116 12 2 work work NOUN crl-14116 12 3 is be AUX crl-14116 12 4 a a DET crl-14116 12 5 thought thought NOUN crl-14116 12 6 - - PUNCT crl-14116 12 7 provoking provoke VERB crl-14116 12 8 study study NOUN crl-14116 12 9 of of ADP crl-14116 12 10 the the DET crl-14116 12 11 use use NOUN crl-14116 12 12 of of ADP crl-14116 12 13 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 12 14 , , PUNCT crl-14116 12 15 and and CCONJ crl-14116 12 16 it it PRON crl-14116 12 17 is be AUX crl-14116 12 18 likely likely ADJ crl-14116 12 19 to to PART crl-14116 12 20 become become VERB crl-14116 12 21 one one NUM crl-14116 12 22 of of ADP crl-14116 12 23 the the DET crl-14116 12 24 most most ADV crl-14116 12 25 influential influential ADJ crl-14116 12 26 as as ADV crl-14116 12 27 well well ADV crl-14116 12 28 . . PUNCT crl-14116 13 1 metz metz ADJ crl-14116 13 2 , , PUNCT crl-14116 13 3 user user NOUN crl-14116 13 4 services service NOUN crl-14116 13 5 librarian librarian NOUN crl-14116 13 6 at at ADP crl-14116 13 7 virginia virginia PROPN crl-14116 13 8 polytechnic polytechnic PROPN crl-14116 13 9 institute institute PROPN crl-14116 13 10 and and CCONJ crl-14116 13 11 state state PROPN crl-14116 13 12 university university PROPN crl-14116 13 13 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 13 14 vpi vpi PROPN crl-14116 13 15 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 13 16 , , PUNCT crl-14116 13 17 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14116 13 18 data datum NOUN crl-14116 13 19 from from ADP crl-14116 13 20 vpi vpi PROPN crl-14116 13 21 's 's PART crl-14116 13 22 automated automate VERB crl-14116 13 23 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14116 13 24 system system NOUN crl-14116 13 25 in in ADP crl-14116 13 26 order order NOUN crl-14116 13 27 to to PART crl-14116 13 28 answer answer VERB crl-14116 13 29 the the DET crl-14116 13 30 question question NOUN crl-14116 13 31 , , PUNCT crl-14116 13 32 " " PUNCT crl-14116 13 33 who who PRON crl-14116 13 34 reads read VERB crl-14116 13 35 what what PRON crl-14116 13 36 ? ? PUNCT crl-14116 13 37 " " PUNCT crl-14116 13 38 information information NOUN crl-14116 13 39 on on ADP crl-14116 13 40 58,457 58,457 NUM crl-14116 13 41 books book NOUN crl-14116 13 42 in in ADP crl-14116 13 43 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14116 13 44 to to ADP crl-14116 13 45 10,126 10,126 NUM crl-14116 13 46 borrowers borrower NOUN crl-14116 13 47 on on ADP crl-14116 13 48 two two NUM crl-14116 13 49 days day NOUN crl-14116 13 50 in in ADP crl-14116 13 51 may may PROPN crl-14116 13 52 1982 1982 NUM crl-14116 13 53 provided provide VERB crl-14116 13 54 the the DET crl-14116 13 55 data datum NOUN crl-14116 13 56 for for ADP crl-14116 13 57 the the DET crl-14116 13 58 study study NOUN crl-14116 13 59 . . PUNCT crl-14116 14 1 the the DET crl-14116 14 2 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14116 14 3 data datum NOUN crl-14116 14 4 provided provide VERB crl-14116 14 5 information information NOUN crl-14116 14 6 on on ADP crl-14116 14 7 five five NUM crl-14116 14 8 categories category NOUN crl-14116 14 9 of of ADP crl-14116 14 10 borrowers borrower NOUN crl-14116 14 11 , , PUNCT crl-14116 14 12 their their PRON crl-14116 14 13 departmental departmental ADJ crl-14116 14 14 affiliation affiliation NOUN crl-14116 14 15 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 14 16 or or CCONJ crl-14116 14 17 major major ADJ crl-14116 14 18 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 14 19 , , PUNCT crl-14116 14 20 and and CCONJ crl-14116 14 21 the the DET crl-14116 14 22 classification classification NOUN crl-14116 14 23 of of ADP crl-14116 14 24 the the DET crl-14116 14 25 borrowed borrow VERB crl-14116 14 26 material material NOUN crl-14116 14 27 , , PUNCT crl-14116 14 28 broken break VERB crl-14116 14 29 into into ADP crl-14116 14 30 eighty eighty NUM crl-14116 14 31 - - PUNCT crl-14116 14 32 one one NUM crl-14116 14 33 subject subject ADJ crl-14116 14 34 categories category NOUN crl-14116 14 35 . . PUNCT crl-14116 15 1 this this DET crl-14116 15 2 review review NOUN crl-14116 15 3 can can AUX crl-14116 15 4 only only ADV crl-14116 15 5 summarize summarize VERB crl-14116 15 6 some some PRON crl-14116 15 7 of of ADP crl-14116 15 8 the the DET crl-14116 15 9 most most ADV crl-14116 15 10 important important ADJ crl-14116 15 11 results result NOUN crl-14116 15 12 of of ADP crl-14116 15 13 metz metz ADJ crl-14116 15 14 ' ' PART crl-14116 15 15 s s NOUN crl-14116 15 16 study study NOUN crl-14116 15 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-14116 15 18 the the DET crl-14116 15 19 143 143 NUM crl-14116 15 20 pages page NOUN crl-14116 15 21 are be AUX crl-14116 15 22 packed pack VERB crl-14116 15 23 with with ADP crl-14116 15 24 information information NOUN crl-14116 15 25 . . PUNCT crl-14116 16 1 his his PRON crl-14116 16 2 most most ADV crl-14116 16 3 important important ADJ crl-14116 16 4 finding finding NOUN crl-14116 16 5 is be AUX crl-14116 16 6 that that SCONJ crl-14116 16 7 the the DET crl-14116 16 8 use use NOUN crl-14116 16 9 of of ADP crl-14116 16 10 library library NOUN crl-14116 16 11 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 16 12 is be AUX crl-14116 16 13 extremely extremely ADV crl-14116 16 14 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary ADJ crl-14116 16 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 16 16 much much ADV crl-14116 16 17 more more ADV crl-14116 16 18 so so ADV crl-14116 16 19 than than SCONJ crl-14116 16 20 previous previous ADJ crl-14116 16 21 studies study NOUN crl-14116 16 22 have have AUX crl-14116 16 23 indicated indicate VERB crl-14116 16 24 . . PUNCT crl-14116 17 1 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 17 2 writes write VERB crl-14116 17 3 : : PUNCT crl-14116 17 4 the the DET crl-14116 17 5 data datum NOUN crl-14116 17 6 show show VERB crl-14116 17 7 quite quite ADV crl-14116 17 8 clearly clearly ADV crl-14116 17 9 that that SCONJ crl-14116 17 10 the the DET crl-14116 17 11 majority majority NOUN crl-14116 17 12 of of ADP crl-14116 17 13 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14116 17 14 use use NOUN crl-14116 17 15 of of ADP crl-14116 17 16 most most ADJ crl-14116 17 17 subject subject ADJ crl-14116 17 18 literatures literature NOUN crl-14116 17 19 is be AUX crl-14116 17 20 by by ADP crl-14116 17 21 outsiders outsider NOUN crl-14116 17 22 - - PUNCT crl-14116 17 23 that that PRON crl-14116 17 24 is be AUX crl-14116 17 25 , , PUNCT crl-14116 17 26 by by ADP crl-14116 17 27 readers reader NOUN crl-14116 17 28 with with ADP crl-14116 17 29 other other ADJ crl-14116 17 30 specialities speciality NOUN crl-14116 17 31 than than ADP crl-14116 17 32 those those PRON crl-14116 17 33 primarily primarily ADV crl-14116 17 34 associated associate VERB crl-14116 17 35 with with ADP crl-14116 17 36 those those DET crl-14116 17 37 literatures literature NOUN crl-14116 17 38 . . PUNCT crl-14116 18 1 the the DET crl-14116 18 2 findings finding NOUN crl-14116 18 3 support support VERB crl-14116 18 4 a a DET crl-14116 18 5 view view NOUN crl-14116 18 6 of of ADP crl-14116 18 7 the the DET crl-14116 18 8 library library NOUN crl-14116 18 9 as as ADP crl-14116 18 10 a a DET crl-14116 18 11 most most ADV crl-14116 18 12 unrestricted unrestricted ADJ crl-14116 18 13 and and CCONJ crl-14116 18 14 unpremay unpremay ADJ crl-14116 18 15 1985 1985 NUM crl-14116 18 16 dictable dictable ADJ crl-14116 18 17 bazaar bazaar NOUN crl-14116 18 18 for for ADP crl-14116 18 19 the the DET crl-14116 18 20 exchange exchange NOUN crl-14116 18 21 of of ADP crl-14116 18 22 ideas idea NOUN crl-14116 18 23 andreflect andreflect VERB crl-14116 18 24 a a DET crl-14116 18 25 much much ADV crl-14116 18 26 more more ADV crl-14116 18 27 catholic catholic ADJ crl-14116 18 28 and and CCONJ crl-14116 18 29 interdependent interdependent ADJ crl-14116 18 30 view view NOUN crl-14116 18 31 of of ADP crl-14116 18 32 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-14116 18 33 than than SCONJ crl-14116 18 34 citation citation NOUN crl-14116 18 35 studies study NOUN crl-14116 18 36 have have AUX crl-14116 18 37 ever ever ADV crl-14116 18 38 suggested suggest VERB crl-14116 18 39 . . PUNCT crl-14116 19 1 this this DET crl-14116 19 2 view view NOUN crl-14116 19 3 of of ADP crl-14116 19 4 library library NOUN crl-14116 19 5 use use NOUN crl-14116 19 6 , , PUNCT crl-14116 19 7 in in ADP crl-14116 19 8 turn turn NOUN crl-14116 19 9 , , PUNCT crl-14116 19 10 suggests suggest VERB crl-14116 19 11 policies policy NOUN crl-14116 19 12 stressing stress VERB crl-14116 19 13 the the DET crl-14116 19 14 integration integration NOUN crl-14116 19 15 of of ADP crl-14116 19 16 services service NOUN crl-14116 19 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 19 18 an an DET crl-14116 19 19 opposition opposition NOUN crl-14116 19 20 to to ADP crl-14116 19 21 arbitrary arbitrary ADJ crl-14116 19 22 barriers barrier NOUN crl-14116 19 23 to to ADP crl-14116 19 24 the the DET crl-14116 19 25 flow flow NOUN crl-14116 19 26 of of ADP crl-14116 19 27 information information NOUN crl-14116 19 28 , , PUNCT crl-14116 19 29 and and CCONJ crl-14116 19 30 the the DET crl-14116 19 31 avoidance avoidance NOUN crl-14116 19 32 of of ADP crl-14116 19 33 narrow narrow ADJ crl-14116 19 34 specialization specialization NOUN crl-14116 19 35 . . PUNCT crl-14116 20 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 20 2 p p NOUN crl-14116 20 3 .56 .56 NUM crl-14116 20 4 - - PUNCT crl-14116 20 5 57 57 NUM crl-14116 20 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 20 7 in in ADP crl-14116 20 8 the the DET crl-14116 20 9 sciences science NOUN crl-14116 20 10 , , PUNCT crl-14116 20 11 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 20 12 ' ' PART crl-14116 20 13 s s PART crl-14116 20 14 study study NOUN crl-14116 20 15 shows show VERB crl-14116 20 16 that that SCONJ crl-14116 20 17 not not PART crl-14116 20 18 only only ADV crl-14116 20 19 did do AUX crl-14116 20 20 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14116 20 21 in in ADP crl-14116 20 22 the the DET crl-14116 20 23 sciences science NOUN crl-14116 20 24 use use VERB crl-14116 20 25 the the DET crl-14116 20 26 monographic monographic ADJ crl-14116 20 27 collection collection NOUN crl-14116 20 28 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 20 29 a a DET crl-14116 20 30 majority majority NOUN crl-14116 20 31 had have AUX crl-14116 20 32 books book NOUN crl-14116 20 33 checked check VERB crl-14116 20 34 out out ADP crl-14116 20 35 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 20 36 , , PUNCT crl-14116 20 37 but but CCONJ crl-14116 20 38 his his PRON crl-14116 20 39 study study NOUN crl-14116 20 40 reinforces reinforce VERB crl-14116 20 41 other other ADJ crl-14116 20 42 use use VERB crl-14116 20 43 studies study NOUN crl-14116 20 44 that that PRON crl-14116 20 45 indicate indicate VERB crl-14116 20 46 that that SCONJ crl-14116 20 47 a a DET crl-14116 20 48 large large ADJ crl-14116 20 49 majority majority NOUN crl-14116 20 50 of of ADP crl-14116 20 51 the the DET crl-14116 20 52 science science NOUN crl-14116 20 53 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14116 20 54 's 's PART crl-14116 20 55 library library NOUN crl-14116 20 56 needs need NOUN crl-14116 20 57 are be AUX crl-14116 20 58 met meet VERB crl-14116 20 59 by by ADP crl-14116 20 60 books book NOUN crl-14116 20 61 in in ADP crl-14116 20 62 the the DET crl-14116 20 63 sciences science NOUN crl-14116 20 64 . . PUNCT crl-14116 21 1 however however ADV crl-14116 21 2 , , PUNCT crl-14116 21 3 the the DET crl-14116 21 4 vpi vpi PROPN crl-14116 21 5 study study NOUN crl-14116 21 6 showed show VERB crl-14116 21 7 a a DET crl-14116 21 8 higher high ADJ crl-14116 21 9 use use NOUN crl-14116 21 10 of of ADP crl-14116 21 11 literature literature NOUN crl-14116 21 12 outside outside ADP crl-14116 21 13 the the DET crl-14116 21 14 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14116 21 15 's 's PART crl-14116 21 16 specific specific ADJ crl-14116 21 17 discipline discipline NOUN crl-14116 21 18 than than SCONJ crl-14116 21 19 indicated indicate VERB crl-14116 21 20 by by ADP crl-14116 21 21 citation citation NOUN crl-14116 21 22 studies study NOUN crl-14116 21 23 . . PUNCT crl-14116 22 1 social social ADJ crl-14116 22 2 scientists scientist NOUN crl-14116 22 3 at at ADP crl-14116 22 4 vpi vpi ADV crl-14116 22 5 were be AUX crl-14116 22 6 heavy heavy ADJ crl-14116 22 7 library library NOUN crl-14116 22 8 users user NOUN crl-14116 22 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 22 10 two two NUM crl-14116 22 11 - - PUNCT crl-14116 22 12 thirds third NOUN crl-14116 22 13 had have VERB crl-14116 22 14 books book NOUN crl-14116 22 15 checked check VERB crl-14116 22 16 out out ADP crl-14116 22 17 ; ; PUNCT crl-14116 22 18 with with ADP crl-14116 22 19 an an DET crl-14116 22 20 average average NOUN crl-14116 22 21 of of ADP crl-14116 22 22 16.3 16.3 NUM crl-14116 22 23 books book NOUN crl-14116 22 24 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 22 25 with with ADP crl-14116 22 26 extensive extensive ADJ crl-14116 22 27 reliance reliance NOUN crl-14116 22 28 on on ADP crl-14116 22 29 materials material NOUN crl-14116 22 30 outside outside ADP crl-14116 22 31 their their PRON crl-14116 22 32 specific specific ADJ crl-14116 22 33 disciplines discipline NOUN crl-14116 22 34 . . PUNCT crl-14116 23 1 geographers geographer NOUN crl-14116 23 2 were be AUX crl-14116 23 3 especially especially ADV crl-14116 23 4 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary ADJ crl-14116 23 5 ; ; PUNCT crl-14116 23 6 only only ADV crl-14116 23 7 7.8 7.8 NUM crl-14116 23 8 percent percent NOUN crl-14116 23 9 of of ADP crl-14116 23 10 books book NOUN crl-14116 23 11 in in ADP crl-14116 23 12 use use NOUN crl-14116 23 13 by by ADP crl-14116 23 14 geographers geographer NOUN crl-14116 23 15 were be AUX crl-14116 23 16 classed class VERB crl-14116 23 17 in in ADP crl-14116 23 18 geography geography NOUN crl-14116 23 19 , , PUNCT crl-14116 23 20 while while SCONJ crl-14116 23 21 22.4 22.4 NUM crl-14116 23 22 percent percent NOUN crl-14116 23 23 were be AUX crl-14116 23 24 in in ADP crl-14116 23 25 economics economic NOUN crl-14116 23 26 , , PUNCT crl-14116 23 27 and and CCONJ crl-14116 23 28 9.5 9.5 NUM crl-14116 23 29 percent percent NOUN crl-14116 23 30 were be AUX crl-14116 23 31 in in ADP crl-14116 23 32 sociology sociology NOUN crl-14116 23 33 . . PUNCT crl-14116 24 1 only only ADV crl-14116 24 2 10.5 10.5 NUM crl-14116 24 3 percent percent NOUN crl-14116 24 4 of of ADP crl-14116 24 5 books book NOUN crl-14116 24 6 in in ADP crl-14116 24 7 use use NOUN crl-14116 24 8 by by ADP crl-14116 24 9 psychologists psychologist NOUN crl-14116 24 10 were be AUX crl-14116 24 11 classed class VERB crl-14116 24 12 in in ADP crl-14116 24 13 that that DET crl-14116 24 14 discipline discipline NOUN crl-14116 24 15 . . PUNCT crl-14116 25 1 while while SCONJ crl-14116 25 2 these these DET crl-14116 25 3 figures figure NOUN crl-14116 25 4 are be AUX crl-14116 25 5 not not PART crl-14116 25 6 inconsistent inconsistent ADJ crl-14116 25 7 with with ADP crl-14116 25 8 the the DET crl-14116 25 9 findings finding NOUN crl-14116 25 10 of of ADP crl-14116 25 11 citation citation NOUN crl-14116 25 12 studies study NOUN crl-14116 25 13 , , PUNCT crl-14116 25 14 what what PRON crl-14116 25 15 is be AUX crl-14116 25 16 new new ADJ crl-14116 25 17 and and CCONJ crl-14116 25 18 surprising surprising ADJ crl-14116 25 19 in in ADP crl-14116 25 20 the the DET crl-14116 25 21 metz metz ADJ crl-14116 25 22 study study NOUN crl-14116 25 23 is be AUX crl-14116 25 24 the the DET crl-14116 25 25 extent extent NOUN crl-14116 25 26 of of ADP crl-14116 25 27 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary ADJ crl-14116 25 28 use use NOUN crl-14116 25 29 of of ADP crl-14116 25 30 the the DET crl-14116 25 31 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 25 32 . . PUNCT crl-14116 26 1 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 26 2 suggests suggest VERB crl-14116 26 3 that that SCONJ crl-14116 26 4 reliance reliance NOUN crl-14116 26 5 on on ADP crl-14116 26 6 fund fund NOUN crl-14116 26 7 allocations allocation NOUN crl-14116 26 8 to to ADP crl-14116 26 9 departments department NOUN crl-14116 26 10 for for ADP crl-14116 26 11 book book NOUN crl-14116 26 12 selection selection NOUN crl-14116 26 13 may may AUX crl-14116 26 14 not not PART crl-14116 26 15 build build VERB crl-14116 26 16 balanced balanced ADJ crl-14116 26 17 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 26 18 , , PUNCT crl-14116 26 19 because because SCONJ crl-14116 26 20 the the DET crl-14116 26 21 needs need NOUN crl-14116 26 22 of of ADP crl-14116 26 23 departmental departmental ADJ crl-14116 26 24 users user NOUN crl-14116 26 25 may may AUX crl-14116 26 26 not not PART crl-14116 26 27 be be AUX crl-14116 26 28 the the DET crl-14116 26 29 same same ADJ crl-14116 26 30 as as ADP crl-14116 26 31 those those PRON crl-14116 26 32 of of ADP crl-14116 26 33 nonspecialists nonspecialist NOUN crl-14116 26 34 from from ADP crl-14116 26 35 whom whom PRON crl-14116 26 36 ntuch ntuch NOUN crl-14116 26 37 of of ADP crl-14116 26 38 the the DET crl-14116 26 39 use use NOUN crl-14116 26 40 materials material NOUN crl-14116 26 41 in in ADP crl-14116 26 42 the the DET crl-14116 26 43 discipline discipline NOUN crl-14116 26 44 will will AUX crl-14116 26 45 come come VERB crl-14116 26 46 . . PUNCT crl-14116 27 1 periodicals periodical NOUN crl-14116 27 2 often often ADV crl-14116 27 3 present present VERB crl-14116 27 4 problems problem NOUN crl-14116 27 5 in in ADP crl-14116 27 6 use use NOUN crl-14116 27 7 studies study NOUN crl-14116 27 8 . . PUNCT crl-14116 28 1 since since SCONJ crl-14116 28 2 at at ADP crl-14116 28 3 vpi vpi ADJ crl-14116 28 4 periodicals periodical NOUN crl-14116 28 5 do do AUX crl-14116 28 6 not not PART crl-14116 28 7 circulate circulate VERB crl-14116 28 8 , , PUNCT crl-14116 28 9 they they PRON crl-14116 28 10 were be AUX crl-14116 28 11 not not PART crl-14116 28 12 part part NOUN crl-14116 28 13 of of ADP crl-14116 28 14 this this DET crl-14116 28 15 larger large ADJ crl-14116 28 16 study study NOUN crl-14116 28 17 . . PUNCT crl-14116 29 1 however however ADV crl-14116 29 2 , , PUNCT crl-14116 29 3 metz metz ADJ crl-14116 29 4 attempted attempt VERB crl-14116 29 5 to to PART crl-14116 29 6 monitor monitor VERB crl-14116 29 7 their their PRON crl-14116 29 8 use use NOUN crl-14116 29 9 in in ADP crl-14116 29 10 the the DET crl-14116 29 11 library library NOUN crl-14116 29 12 's 's PART crl-14116 29 13 photocopy photocopy NOUN crl-14116 29 14 service service NOUN crl-14116 29 15 . . PUNCT crl-14116 30 1 while while SCONJ crl-14116 30 2 the the DET crl-14116 30 3 sample sample NOUN crl-14116 30 4 was be AUX crl-14116 30 5 small small ADJ crl-14116 30 6 , , PUNCT crl-14116 30 7 the the DET crl-14116 30 8 use use NOUN crl-14116 30 9 '' '' PUNCT crl-14116 30 10 seems seem VERB crl-14116 30 11 '' '' PUNCT crl-14116 30 12 to to PART crl-14116 30 13 follow follow VERB crl-14116 30 14 similar similar ADJ crl-14116 30 15 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14116 30 16 as as ADP crl-14116 30 17 for for ADP crl-14116 30 18 monographs monograph NOUN crl-14116 30 19 , , PUNCT crl-14116 30 20 but but CCONJ crl-14116 30 21 with with ADP crl-14116 30 22 '' '' PUNCT crl-14116 30 23 a a DET crl-14116 30 24 more more ADV crl-14116 30 25 narrow narrow ADJ crl-14116 30 26 concentration concentration NOUN crl-14116 30 27 of of ADP crl-14116 30 28 use use NOUN crl-14116 30 29 on on ADP crl-14116 30 30 materials material NOUN crl-14116 30 31 in in ADP crl-14116 30 32 core core NOUN crl-14116 30 33 literatures literature NOUN crl-14116 30 34 . . PUNCT crl-14116 30 35 " " PUNCT crl-14116 31 1 as as SCONJ crl-14116 31 2 almost almost ADV crl-14116 31 3 70 70 NUM crl-14116 31 4 percent percent NOUN crl-14116 31 5 of of ADP crl-14116 31 6 the the DET crl-14116 31 7 books book NOUN crl-14116 31 8 were be AUX crl-14116 31 9 do do AUX crl-14116 31 10 you you PRON crl-14116 31 11 and and CCONJ crl-14116 31 12 your your PRON crl-14116 31 13 book book NOUN crl-14116 31 14 wholesaler wholesaler NOUN crl-14116 31 15 speak speak VERB crl-14116 31 16 the the DET crl-14116 31 17 same same ADJ crl-14116 31 18 language language NOUN crl-14116 31 19 ? ? PUNCT crl-14116 32 1 sometimes sometimes ADV crl-14116 32 2 it it PRON crl-14116 32 3 takes take VERB crl-14116 32 4 one one NUM crl-14116 32 5 well well ADV crl-14116 32 6 - - PUNCT crl-14116 32 7 trained train VERB crl-14116 32 8 and and CCONJ crl-14116 32 9 skilled skilled ADJ crl-14116 32 10 librarian librarian NOUN crl-14116 32 11 to to PART crl-14116 32 12 fully fully ADV crl-14116 32 13 understand understand VERB crl-14116 32 14 the the DET crl-14116 32 15 real real ADJ crl-14116 32 16 needs need NOUN crl-14116 32 17 of of ADP crl-14116 32 18 another another PRON crl-14116 32 19 that that PRON crl-14116 32 20 's be AUX crl-14116 32 21 why why SCONJ crl-14116 32 22 baker baker PROPN crl-14116 32 23 & & CCONJ crl-14116 32 24 taylor taylor PROPN crl-14116 32 25 has have AUX crl-14116 32 26 made make VERB crl-14116 32 27 a a DET crl-14116 32 28 point point NOUN crl-14116 32 29 of of ADP crl-14116 32 30 having have VERB crl-14116 32 31 more more ADV crl-14116 32 32 trained train VERB crl-14116 32 33 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14116 32 34 on on ADP crl-14116 32 35 staff staff NOUN crl-14116 32 36 than than ADP crl-14116 32 37 any any DET crl-14116 32 38 other other ADJ crl-14116 32 39 book book NOUN crl-14116 32 40 supplier supplier NOUN crl-14116 32 41 these these DET crl-14116 32 42 professional professional ADJ crl-14116 32 43 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14116 32 44 are be AUX crl-14116 32 45 dedicated dedicate VERB crl-14116 32 46 to to ADP crl-14116 32 47 helping help VERB crl-14116 32 48 you you PRON crl-14116 32 49 get get VERB crl-14116 32 50 the the DET crl-14116 32 51 most most ADJ crl-14116 32 52 benefit benefit NOUN crl-14116 32 53 from from ADP crl-14116 32 54 baker baker PROPN crl-14116 32 55 & & CCONJ crl-14116 32 56 taylor taylor PROPN crl-14116 32 57 's 's PART crl-14116 32 58 specialized specialized ADJ crl-14116 32 59 services service NOUN crl-14116 32 60 . . PUNCT crl-14116 33 1 so so ADV crl-14116 33 2 when when SCONJ crl-14116 33 3 you you PRON crl-14116 33 4 order order VERB crl-14116 33 5 from from ADP crl-14116 33 6 baker baker PROPN crl-14116 33 7 & & CCONJ crl-14116 33 8 taylor taylor PROPN crl-14116 33 9 you you PRON crl-14116 33 10 can can AUX crl-14116 33 11 be be AUX crl-14116 33 12 assured assure VERB crl-14116 33 13 that that SCONJ crl-14116 33 14 nothing nothing PRON crl-14116 33 15 will will AUX crl-14116 33 16 ever ever ADV crl-14116 33 17 get get AUX crl-14116 33 18 lost lose VERB crl-14116 33 19 in in ADP crl-14116 33 20 the the DET crl-14116 33 21 translation translation NOUN crl-14116 33 22 . . PUNCT crl-14116 34 1 exper exper PROPN crl-14116 34 2 ience ience VERB crl-14116 34 3 you you PRON crl-14116 34 4 can can AUX crl-14116 34 5 depend depend VERB crl-14116 34 6 on on ADP crl-14116 34 7 ea11 ea11 PROPN crl-14116 34 8 or or CCONJ crl-14116 34 9 write write VERB crl-14116 34 10 us we PRON crl-14116 34 11 now now ADV crl-14116 34 12 baker baker PROPN crl-14116 34 13 & & CCONJ crl-14116 34 14 taylor taylor PROPN crl-14116 34 15 for for ADP crl-14116 34 16 more more ADJ crl-14116 34 17 information information NOUN crl-14116 34 18 . . PUNCT crl-14116 35 1 ogrpcecompany ogrpcecompany PROPN crl-14116 35 2 eastern eastern ADJ crl-14116 35 3 division division NOUN crl-14116 35 4 , , PUNCT crl-14116 35 5 50 50 NUM crl-14116 35 6 k k PROPN crl-14116 35 7 ~ ~ NUM crl-14116 35 8 rby rby VERB crl-14116 35 9 avenue avenue NOUN crl-14116 35 10 . . PUNCT crl-14116 36 1 so so ADV crl-14116 36 2 mer mer PROPN crl-14116 36 3 vill vill PROPN crl-14116 36 4 e. e. PROPN crl-14116 36 5 nj nj PROPN crl-14116 36 6 08876 08876 NUM crl-14116 36 7 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 36 8 20 20 NUM crl-14116 36 9 1 1 NUM crl-14116 36 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 36 11 722 722 NUM crl-14116 36 12 - - SYM crl-14116 36 13 8000 8000 NUM crl-14116 36 14 midwestern midwestern ADJ crl-14116 36 15 division division NOUN crl-14116 36 16 , , PUNCT crl-14116 36 17 50 50 NUM crl-14116 36 18 1 1 NUM crl-14116 36 19 s. s. PROPN crl-14116 36 20 gladi gladi PROPN crl-14116 36 21 olus olus PROPN crl-14116 36 22 street street PROPN crl-14116 36 23 . . PUNCT crl-14116 37 1 momence momence NOUN crl-14116 37 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 38 1 il il PROPN crl-14116 38 2 6095-+ 6095-+ PROPN crl-14116 38 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 38 4 8 8 NUM crl-14116 38 5 15 15 NUM crl-14116 38 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 38 7 -+7 -+7 PUNCT crl-14116 39 1 22-+-+4 22-+-+4 NUM crl-14116 39 2 southern southern ADJ crl-14116 39 3 division division NOUN crl-14116 39 4 , , PUNCT crl-14116 39 5 mt mt PROPN crl-14116 39 6 . . PROPN crl-14116 39 7 olive olive PROPN crl-14116 39 8 road road PROPN crl-14116 39 9 . . PUNCT crl-14116 40 1 commerce commerce PROPN crl-14116 40 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 41 1 ga ga PROPN crl-14116 41 2 30599 30599 NUM crl-14116 41 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 41 4 40 40 NUM crl-14116 41 5 4 4 NUM crl-14116 41 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 41 7 335 335 NUM crl-14116 41 8 - - SYM crl-14116 41 9 5000 5000 NUM crl-14116 41 10 western western ADJ crl-14116 41 11 division division NOUN crl-14116 41 12 , , PUNCT crl-14116 41 13 380 380 NUM crl-14116 41 14 ed ed NOUN crl-14116 41 15 iso iso NOUN crl-14116 41 16 n n X crl-14116 41 17 way way NOUN crl-14116 41 18 . . PUNCT crl-14116 42 1 reno reno PROPN crl-14116 42 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 43 1 nv nv PROPN crl-14116 43 2 89564 89564 NUM crl-14116 43 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 43 4 , , PUNCT crl-14116 43 5 702 702 NUM crl-14116 43 6 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 43 7 786 786 NUM crl-14116 43 8 - - SYM crl-14116 43 9 6700 6700 NUM crl-14116 43 10 268 268 NUM crl-14116 43 11 college college PROPN crl-14116 43 12 & & CCONJ crl-14116 43 13 research research PROPN crl-14116 43 14 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 43 15 charged charge VERB crl-14116 43 16 to to ADP crl-14116 43 17 students student NOUN crl-14116 43 18 , , PUNCT crl-14116 43 19 their their PRON crl-14116 43 20 use use NOUN crl-14116 43 21 was be AUX crl-14116 43 22 also also ADV crl-14116 43 23 analyzed analyze VERB crl-14116 43 24 . . PUNCT crl-14116 44 1 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 44 2 found find VERB crl-14116 44 3 that that SCONJ crl-14116 44 4 reading read VERB crl-14116 44 5 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14116 44 6 of of ADP crl-14116 44 7 graduate graduate NOUN crl-14116 44 8 students student NOUN crl-14116 44 9 were be AUX crl-14116 44 10 similar similar ADJ crl-14116 44 11 but but CCONJ crl-14116 44 12 not not PART crl-14116 44 13 identical identical ADJ crl-14116 44 14 to to ADP crl-14116 44 15 the the DET crl-14116 44 16 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14116 44 17 in in ADP crl-14116 44 18 the the DET crl-14116 44 19 same same ADJ crl-14116 44 20 area area NOUN crl-14116 44 21 as as ADP crl-14116 44 22 the the DET crl-14116 44 23 graduate graduate NOUN crl-14116 44 24 student student NOUN crl-14116 44 25 , , PUNCT crl-14116 44 26 the the DET crl-14116 44 27 former former ADJ crl-14116 44 28 showing show VERB crl-14116 44 29 greater great ADJ crl-14116 44 30 concentration concentration NOUN crl-14116 44 31 in in ADP crl-14116 44 32 the the DET crl-14116 44 33 area area NOUN crl-14116 44 34 of of ADP crl-14116 44 35 specialization specialization NOUN crl-14116 44 36 . . PUNCT crl-14116 45 1 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crl-14116 45 2 use use NOUN crl-14116 45 3 was be AUX crl-14116 45 4 broader broad ADJ crl-14116 45 5 and and CCONJ crl-14116 45 6 less less ADV crl-14116 45 7 predictable predictable ADJ crl-14116 45 8 . . PUNCT crl-14116 46 1 in in ADP crl-14116 46 2 an an DET crl-14116 46 3 interesting interesting ADJ crl-14116 46 4 chapter chapter NOUN crl-14116 46 5 , , PUNCT crl-14116 46 6 metz metz ADJ crl-14116 46 7 questions question NOUN crl-14116 46 8 if if SCONJ crl-14116 46 9 branch branch NOUN crl-14116 46 10 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 46 11 affect affect VERB crl-14116 46 12 this this DET crl-14116 46 13 extensive extensive ADJ crl-14116 46 14 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary ADJ crl-14116 46 15 use use NOUN crl-14116 46 16 of of ADP crl-14116 46 17 the the DET crl-14116 46 18 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 46 19 . . PUNCT crl-14116 47 1 he he PRON crl-14116 47 2 compares compare VERB crl-14116 47 3 vpi vpi ADV crl-14116 47 4 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 47 5 with with ADP crl-14116 47 6 only only ADV crl-14116 47 7 two two NUM crl-14116 47 8 branches branch NOUN crl-14116 47 9 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 47 10 with with ADP crl-14116 47 11 the the DET crl-14116 47 12 university university PROPN crl-14116 47 13 of of ADP crl-14116 47 14 nebraska nebraska PROPN crl-14116 47 15 at at ADP crl-14116 47 16 lincoln lincoln PROPN crl-14116 47 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 47 18 a a DET crl-14116 47 19 similar similar ADJ crl-14116 47 20 educational educational ADJ crl-14116 47 21 institution institution NOUN crl-14116 47 22 but but CCONJ crl-14116 47 23 one one NUM crl-14116 47 24 whose whose DET crl-14116 47 25 library library NOUN crl-14116 47 26 has have VERB crl-14116 47 27 eleven eleven NUM crl-14116 47 28 branches branch NOUN crl-14116 47 29 . . PUNCT crl-14116 48 1 using use VERB crl-14116 48 2 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14116 48 3 statistics statistic NOUN crl-14116 48 4 from from ADP crl-14116 48 5 nebraska nebraska PROPN crl-14116 48 6 to to PART crl-14116 48 7 replicate replicate VERB crl-14116 48 8 , , PUNCT crl-14116 48 9 as as ADV crl-14116 48 10 much much ADV crl-14116 48 11 as as ADP crl-14116 48 12 possible possible ADJ crl-14116 48 13 , , PUNCT crl-14116 48 14 the the DET crl-14116 48 15 vpi vpi ADJ crl-14116 48 16 study study NOUN crl-14116 48 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 48 18 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 48 19 concludes conclude VERB crl-14116 48 20 that that SCONJ crl-14116 48 21 the the DET crl-14116 48 22 existence existence NOUN crl-14116 48 23 of of ADP crl-14116 48 24 branch branch NOUN crl-14116 48 25 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 48 26 does do AUX crl-14116 48 27 influence influence VERB crl-14116 48 28 patron patron NOUN crl-14116 48 29 use use NOUN crl-14116 48 30 of of ADP crl-14116 48 31 the the DET crl-14116 48 32 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 48 33 heavily heavily ADV crl-14116 48 34 , , PUNCT crl-14116 48 35 and and CCONJ crl-14116 48 36 what what PRON crl-14116 48 37 is be AUX crl-14116 48 38 read read VERB crl-14116 48 39 by by ADP crl-14116 48 40 whom whom PRON crl-14116 48 41 . . PUNCT crl-14116 49 1 this this PRON crl-14116 49 2 is be AUX crl-14116 49 3 an an DET crl-14116 49 4 excellent excellent ADJ crl-14116 49 5 work work NOUN crl-14116 49 6 , , PUNCT crl-14116 49 7 one one NUM crl-14116 49 8 with with ADP crl-14116 49 9 which which PRON crl-14116 49 10 all all DET crl-14116 49 11 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14116 49 12 should should AUX crl-14116 49 13 be be AUX crl-14116 49 14 familiar familiar ADJ crl-14116 49 15 . . PUNCT crl-14116 50 1 it it PRON crl-14116 50 2 is be AUX crl-14116 50 3 a a DET crl-14116 50 4 pioneering pioneering ADJ crl-14116 50 5 study study NOUN crl-14116 50 6 in in ADP crl-14116 50 7 the the DET crl-14116 50 8 use use NOUN crl-14116 50 9 of of ADP crl-14116 50 10 circulation circulation NOUN crl-14116 50 11 data datum NOUN crl-14116 50 12 to to PART crl-14116 50 13 study study VERB crl-14116 50 14 use use NOUN crl-14116 50 15 of of ADP crl-14116 50 16 a a DET crl-14116 50 17 library library NOUN crl-14116 50 18 's 's PART crl-14116 50 19 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 50 20 . . PUNCT crl-14116 51 1 metz metz PROPN crl-14116 51 2 ' ' PART crl-14116 51 3 s s PART crl-14116 51 4 study study NOUN crl-14116 51 5 will will AUX crl-14116 51 6 be be AUX crl-14116 51 7 the the DET crl-14116 51 8 model model NOUN crl-14116 51 9 for for ADP crl-14116 51 10 studies study NOUN crl-14116 51 11 at at ADP crl-14116 51 12 other other ADJ crl-14116 51 13 libraries.-william libraries.-william PUNCT crl-14116 52 1 z. z. PROPN crl-14116 52 2 schenck schenck PROPN crl-14116 52 3 , , PUNCT crl-14116 52 4 university university NOUN crl-14116 52 5 of of ADP crl-14116 52 6 oregon oregon PROPN crl-14116 52 7 . . PUNCT crl-14116 53 1 lincoln lincoln PROPN crl-14116 53 2 , , PUNCT crl-14116 53 3 alan alan PROPN crl-14116 53 4 jay jay PROPN crl-14116 53 5 . . PROPN crl-14116 53 6 crime crime PROPN crl-14116 53 7 in in ADP crl-14116 53 8 the the DET crl-14116 53 9 library library NOUN crl-14116 53 10 : : PUNCT crl-14116 53 11 a a DET crl-14116 53 12 study study NOUN crl-14116 53 13 of of ADP crl-14116 53 14 patterns pattern NOUN crl-14116 53 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 53 16 impact impact NOUN crl-14116 53 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 53 18 and and CCONJ crl-14116 53 19 security security NOUN crl-14116 53 20 . . PUNCT crl-14116 54 1 new new PROPN crl-14116 54 2 york york PROPN crl-14116 54 3 : : PUNCT crl-14116 54 4 bowker bowker PROPN crl-14116 54 5 , , PUNCT crl-14116 54 6 1984 1984 NUM crl-14116 54 7 . . PUNCT crl-14116 55 1 191p 191p PROPN crl-14116 55 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 56 1 $ $ SYM crl-14116 56 2 26.95 26.95 NUM crl-14116 56 3 . . PUNCT crl-14116 57 1 lc lc ADP crl-14116 57 2 83 83 NUM crl-14116 57 3 - - SYM crl-14116 57 4 22288 22288 NUM crl-14116 57 5 . . PUNCT crl-14116 58 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14116 58 2 0 0 NUM crl-14116 58 3 - - SYM crl-14116 58 4 8352 8352 NUM crl-14116 58 5 - - PUNCT crl-14116 58 6 1863 1863 NUM crl-14116 58 7 - - SYM crl-14116 58 8 5 5 NUM crl-14116 58 9 . . X crl-14116 58 10 security security NOUN crl-14116 58 11 for for ADP crl-14116 58 12 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 58 13 : : PUNCT crl-14116 58 14 people people NOUN crl-14116 58 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 58 16 buildings building NOUN crl-14116 58 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 58 18 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 58 19 . . PUNCT crl-14116 59 1 ed ed NOUN crl-14116 59 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 60 1 by by ADP crl-14116 60 2 marvine marvine PROPN crl-14116 60 3 brand brand NOUN crl-14116 60 4 . . PUNCT crl-14116 61 1 chicago chicago PROPN crl-14116 61 2 : : PUNCT crl-14116 61 3 american american PROPN crl-14116 61 4 library library PROPN crl-14116 61 5 assn assn PROPN crl-14116 61 6 . . PUNCT crl-14116 61 7 , , PUNCT crl-14116 61 8 1984 1984 NUM crl-14116 61 9 . . PUNCT crl-14116 62 1 128p 128p PROPN crl-14116 62 2 . . PUNCT crl-14116 63 1 $ $ SYM crl-14116 63 2 12.00 12.00 NUM crl-14116 63 3 . . PUNCT crl-14116 64 1 lc lc ADP crl-14116 64 2 84 84 NUM crl-14116 64 3 - - SYM crl-14116 64 4 455 455 NUM crl-14116 64 5 . . PUNCT crl-14116 65 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14116 65 2 0 0 NUM crl-14116 65 3 - - SYM crl-14116 65 4 83890409 83890409 NUM crl-14116 65 5 - - PUNCT crl-14116 65 6 2 2 NUM crl-14116 65 7 . . PUNCT crl-14116 65 8 consistent consistent ADJ crl-14116 65 9 with with ADP crl-14116 65 10 a a DET crl-14116 65 11 long long ADJ crl-14116 65 12 tradition tradition NOUN crl-14116 65 13 of of ADP crl-14116 65 14 service service NOUN crl-14116 65 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 65 16 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14116 65 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 65 18 especially especially ADV crl-14116 65 19 in in ADP crl-14116 65 20 public public ADJ crl-14116 65 21 institutions institution NOUN crl-14116 65 22 , , PUNCT crl-14116 65 23 have have AUX crl-14116 65 24 tried try VERB crl-14116 65 25 to to PART crl-14116 65 26 provide provide VERB crl-14116 65 27 an an DET crl-14116 65 28 environment environment NOUN crl-14116 65 29 that that PRON crl-14116 65 30 encourages encourage VERB crl-14116 65 31 active active ADJ crl-14116 65 32 patron patron NOUN crl-14116 65 33 use use NOUN crl-14116 65 34 of of ADP crl-14116 65 35 the the DET crl-14116 65 36 materials material NOUN crl-14116 65 37 in in ADP crl-14116 65 38 their their PRON crl-14116 65 39 repositories repository NOUN crl-14116 65 40 . . PUNCT crl-14116 66 1 attaining attain VERB crl-14116 66 2 this this DET crl-14116 66 3 laudable laudable ADJ crl-14116 66 4 goal goal NOUN crl-14116 66 5 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 6 however however ADV crl-14116 66 7 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 8 can can AUX crl-14116 66 9 often often ADV crl-14116 66 10 prove prove VERB crl-14116 66 11 elusive elusive ADJ crl-14116 66 12 because because SCONJ crl-14116 66 13 they they PRON crl-14116 66 14 also also ADV crl-14116 66 15 have have VERB crl-14116 66 16 a a DET crl-14116 66 17 concomitant concomitant ADJ crl-14116 66 18 responsibility responsibility NOUN crl-14116 66 19 to to PART crl-14116 66 20 protect protect VERB crl-14116 66 21 their their PRON crl-14116 66 22 collections collection NOUN crl-14116 66 23 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 24 facilities facility NOUN crl-14116 66 25 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 26 fellow fellow ADJ crl-14116 66 27 staff staff NOUN crl-14116 66 28 members member NOUN crl-14116 66 29 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 30 and and CCONJ crl-14116 66 31 patrons patron NOUN crl-14116 66 32 from from ADP crl-14116 66 33 those those PRON crl-14116 66 34 who who PRON crl-14116 66 35 destroy destroy VERB crl-14116 66 36 property property NOUN crl-14116 66 37 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 38 abuse abuse NOUN crl-14116 66 39 staf staf NOUN crl-14116 66 40 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 66 41 annoy annoy VERB crl-14116 66 42 legitimate legitimate ADJ crl-14116 66 43 users user NOUN crl-14116 66 44 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 45 and and CCONJ crl-14116 66 46 damage damage NOUN crl-14116 66 47 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 48 if if SCONJ crl-14116 66 49 not not PART crl-14116 66 50 wrongfully wrongfully ADV crl-14116 66 51 remove remove ADJ crl-14116 66 52 , , PUNCT crl-14116 66 53 materials material NOUN crl-14116 66 54 . . PUNCT crl-14116 67 1 in in ADP crl-14116 67 2 the the DET crl-14116 67 3 process process NOUN crl-14116 67 4 of of ADP crl-14116 67 5 performing perform VERB crl-14116 67 6 these these DET crl-14116 67 7 duties duty NOUN crl-14116 67 8 in in ADP crl-14116 67 9 a a DET crl-14116 67 10 publicly publicly ADV crl-14116 67 11 accessible accessible ADJ crl-14116 67 12 library library NOUN crl-14116 67 13 , , PUNCT crl-14116 67 14 a a DET crl-14116 67 15 staff staff NOUN crl-14116 67 16 member member NOUN crl-14116 67 17 may may AUX crl-14116 67 18 suffer suffer VERB crl-14116 67 19 physical physical ADJ crl-14116 67 20 injury injury NOUN crl-14116 67 21 , , PUNCT crl-14116 67 22 psychological psychological ADJ crl-14116 67 23 stress stress NOUN crl-14116 67 24 , , PUNCT crl-14116 67 25 may may AUX crl-14116 67 26 1985 1985 NUM crl-14116 67 27 and and CCONJ crl-14116 67 28 even even ADV crl-14116 67 29 loss loss NOUN crl-14116 67 30 of of ADP crl-14116 67 31 life life NOUN crl-14116 67 32 such such ADJ crl-14116 67 33 as as ADP crl-14116 67 34 that that PRON crl-14116 67 35 which which PRON crl-14116 67 36 occurred occur VERB crl-14116 67 37 at at ADP crl-14116 67 38 the the DET crl-14116 67 39 cleveland cleveland PROPN crl-14116 67 40 public public PROPN crl-14116 67 41 library library NOUN crl-14116 67 42 in in ADP crl-14116 67 43 late late ADJ crl-14116 67 44 1984 1984 NUM crl-14116 67 45 . . PUNCT crl-14116 68 1 contrary contrary ADJ crl-14116 68 2 to to ADP crl-14116 68 3 the the DET crl-14116 68 4 public public ADJ crl-14116 68 5 perception perception NOUN crl-14116 68 6 of of ADP crl-14116 68 7 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 68 8 as as ADV crl-14116 68 9 safe safe ADJ crl-14116 68 10 and and CCONJ crl-14116 68 11 comfortable comfortable ADJ crl-14116 68 12 institutions institution NOUN crl-14116 68 13 , , PUNCT crl-14116 68 14 works work VERB crl-14116 68 15 such such ADJ crl-14116 68 16 as as ADP crl-14116 68 17 bruce bruce PROPN crl-14116 68 18 a. a. PROPN crl-14116 68 19 shuman shuman PROPN crl-14116 68 20 's 's PART crl-14116 68 21 the the DET crl-14116 68 22 river river NOUN crl-14116 68 23 bend bend VERB crl-14116 68 24 casebook casebook NOUN crl-14116 68 25 : : PUNCT crl-14116 68 26 problems problem NOUN crl-14116 68 27 in in ADP crl-14116 68 28 public public ADJ crl-14116 68 29 library library NOUN crl-14116 68 30 service service NOUN crl-14116 68 31 ( ( PUNCT crl-14116 68 32 phoenix phoenix PROPN crl-14116 68 33 : : PUNCT crl-14116 68 34 oryx oryx NOUN crl-14116 68 35 pr pr PROPN crl-14116 68 36 . . PROPN crl-14116 68 37 , , PUNCT crl-14116 68 38 1981 1981 NUM crl-14116 68 39 ) ) PUNCT crl-14116 68 40 , , PUNCT crl-14116 68 41 and and CCONJ crl-14116 68 42 its its PRON crl-14116 68 43 1984 1984 NUM crl-14116 68 44 sequel sequel NOUN crl-14116 68 45 , , PUNCT crl-14116 68 46 river river NOUN crl-14116 68 47 bend bend VERB crl-14116 68 48 revisited revisit VERB crl-14116 68 49 , , PUNCT crl-14116 68 50 dramatize dramatize VERB crl-14116 68 51 very very ADV crl-14116 68 52 well well ADV crl-14116 68 53 the the DET crl-14116 68 54 point point NOUN crl-14116 68 55 that that PRON crl-14116 68 56 all all DET crl-14116 68 57 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 68 58 are be AUX crl-14116 68 59 far far ADV crl-14116 68 60 from from ADP crl-14116 68 61 being be AUX crl-14116 68 62 sanctuaries sanctuary NOUN crl-14116 68 63 from from ADP crl-14116 68 64 the the DET crl-14116 68 65 ills ill NOUN crl-14116 68 66 that that SCONJ crl-14116 68 67 plague plague NOUN crl-14116 68 68 society society NOUN crl-14116 68 69 . . PUNCT crl-14116 69 1 making make VERB crl-14116 69 2 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 69 3 more more ADV crl-14116 69 4 secure secure ADJ crl-14116 69 5 places place NOUN crl-14116 69 6 is be AUX crl-14116 69 7 an an DET crl-14116 69 8 area area NOUN crl-14116 69 9 that that PRON crl-14116 69 10 has have AUX crl-14116 69 11 attracted attract VERB crl-14116 69 12 much much ADJ crl-14116 69 13 attention attention NOUN crl-14116 69 14 in in ADP crl-14116 69 15 the the DET crl-14116 69 16 last last ADJ crl-14116 69 17 two two NUM crl-14116 69 18 decades decade NOUN crl-14116 69 19 . . PUNCT crl-14116 70 1 as as SCONJ crl-14116 70 2 noted note VERB crl-14116 70 3 in in ADP crl-14116 70 4 one one NUM crl-14116 70 5 of of ADP crl-14116 70 6 the the DET crl-14116 70 7 studies study NOUN crl-14116 70 8 reviewed review VERB crl-14116 70 9 below below ADV crl-14116 70 10 , , PUNCT crl-14116 70 11 for for ADP crl-14116 70 12 example example NOUN crl-14116 70 13 , , PUNCT crl-14116 70 14 the the DET crl-14116 70 15 number number NOUN crl-14116 70 16 of of ADP crl-14116 70 17 articles article NOUN crl-14116 70 18 on on ADP crl-14116 70 19 matters matter NOUN crl-14116 70 20 of of ADP crl-14116 70 21 library library NOUN crl-14116 70 22 security security NOUN crl-14116 70 23 that that PRON crl-14116 70 24 were be AUX crl-14116 70 25 indexed index VERB crl-14116 70 26 in in ADP crl-14116 70 27 library library PROPN crl-14116 70 28 literature literature PROPN crl-14116 70 29 rose rise VERB crl-14116 70 30 from from ADP crl-14116 70 31 27 27 NUM crl-14116 70 32 for for ADP crl-14116 70 33 the the DET crl-14116 70 34 period period NOUN crl-14116 70 35 1950 1950 NUM crl-14116 70 36 - - SYM crl-14116 70 37 59 59 NUM crl-14116 70 38 to to PART crl-14116 70 39 336 336 NUM crl-14116 70 40 for for ADP crl-14116 70 41 the the DET crl-14116 70 42 period period NOUN crl-14116 70 43 1970 1970 NUM crl-14116 70 44 - - SYM crl-14116 70 45 79 79 NUM crl-14116 70 46 . . PUNCT crl-14116 71 1 interest interest NOUN crl-14116 71 2 in in ADP crl-14116 71 3 this this DET crl-14116 71 4 multifaceted multifaceted ADJ crl-14116 71 5 area area NOUN crl-14116 71 6 is be AUX crl-14116 71 7 evident evident ADJ crl-14116 71 8 in in ADP crl-14116 71 9 other other ADJ crl-14116 71 10 forms form NOUN crl-14116 71 11 as as ADV crl-14116 71 12 well well ADV crl-14116 71 13 . . PUNCT crl-14116 72 1 not not PART crl-14116 72 2 only only ADV crl-14116 72 3 is be AUX crl-14116 72 4 there there PRON crl-14116 72 5 a a DET crl-14116 72 6 journal journal NOUN crl-14116 72 7 devoted devote VERB crl-14116 72 8 solely solely ADV crl-14116 72 9 to to ADP crl-14116 72 10 library library NOUN crl-14116 72 11 and and CCONJ crl-14116 72 12 archival archival NOUN crl-14116 72 13 society society NOUN crl-14116 72 14 ; ; PUNCT crl-14116 72 15 but but CCONJ crl-14116 72 16 , , PUNCT crl-14116 72 17 on on ADP crl-14116 72 18 a a DET crl-14116 72 19 regular regular ADJ crl-14116 72 20 basis basis NOUN crl-14116 72 21 , , PUNCT crl-14116 72 22 various various ADJ crl-14116 72 23 book book NOUN crl-14116 72 24 - - PUNCT crl-14116 72 25 length length NOUN crl-14116 72 26 studies study NOUN crl-14116 72 27 - - PUNCT crl-14116 72 28 such such ADJ crl-14116 72 29 as as ADP crl-14116 72 30 brand brand NOUN crl-14116 72 31 's 's PART crl-14116 72 32 and and CCONJ crl-14116 72 33 lincoln lincoln PROPN crl-14116 72 34 ' ' PART crl-14116 72 35 sappear sappear NOUN crl-14116 72 36 . . PUNCT crl-14116 73 1 in in ADP crl-14116 73 2 addition addition NOUN crl-14116 73 3 to to ADP crl-14116 73 4 four four NUM crl-14116 73 5 separately separately ADV crl-14116 73 6 authored author VERB crl-14116 73 7 essays essay NOUN crl-14116 73 8 , , PUNCT crl-14116 73 9 brand brand NOUN crl-14116 73 10 's 's PART crl-14116 73 11 book book NOUN crl-14116 73 12 contains contain VERB crl-14116 73 13 a a DET crl-14116 73 14 topically topically ADV crl-14116 73 15 arranged arrange VERB crl-14116 73 16 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-14116 73 17 . . PUNCT crl-14116 74 1 each each DET crl-14116 74 2 narrative narrative NOUN crl-14116 74 3 follows follow VERB crl-14116 74 4 a a DET crl-14116 74 5 standard standard ADJ crl-14116 74 6 format format NOUN crl-14116 74 7 and and CCONJ crl-14116 74 8 includes include VERB crl-14116 74 9 an an DET crl-14116 74 10 outline outline NOUN crl-14116 74 11 of of ADP crl-14116 74 12 important important ADJ crl-14116 74 13 points point NOUN crl-14116 74 14 relative relative ADJ crl-14116 74 15 to to ADP crl-14116 74 16 security security NOUN crl-14116 74 17 at at ADP crl-14116 74 18 the the DET crl-14116 74 19 end end NOUN crl-14116 74 20 of of ADP crl-14116 74 21 the the DET crl-14116 74 22 essay essay NOUN crl-14116 74 23 . . PUNCT crl-14116 75 1 although although SCONJ crl-14116 75 2 this this DET crl-14116 75 3 work work NOUN crl-14116 75 4 is be AUX crl-14116 75 5 designed design VERB crl-14116 75 6 primarily primarily ADV crl-14116 75 7 for for ADP crl-14116 75 8 academic academic ADJ crl-14116 75 9 , , PUNCT crl-14116 75 10 public public ADJ crl-14116 75 11 , , PUNCT crl-14116 75 12 and and CCONJ crl-14116 75 13 school school NOUN crl-14116 75 14 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 75 15 , , PUNCT crl-14116 75 16 it it PRON crl-14116 75 17 provides provide VERB crl-14116 75 18 information information NOUN crl-14116 75 19 that that PRON crl-14116 75 20 will will AUX crl-14116 75 21 prove prove VERB crl-14116 75 22 helpful helpful ADJ crl-14116 75 23 to to ADP crl-14116 75 24 all all PRON crl-14116 75 25 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14116 75 26 whatever whatever PRON crl-14116 75 27 their their PRON crl-14116 75 28 specialty specialty NOUN crl-14116 75 29 . . PUNCT crl-14116 76 1 thomas thomas PROPN crl-14116 76 2 w. w. PROPN crl-14116 76 3 shaughnessy shaughnessy PROPN crl-14116 76 4 's 's PART crl-14116 76 5 " " PUNCT crl-14116 76 6 security security NOUN crl-14116 76 7 : : PUNCT crl-14116 76 8 past past NOUN crl-14116 76 9 , , PUNCT crl-14116 76 10 present present ADJ crl-14116 76 11 , , PUNCT crl-14116 76 12 and and CCONJ crl-14116 76 13 future/ future/ NUM crl-14116 76 14 ' ' PUNCT crl-14116 76 15 for for ADP crl-14116 76 16 example example NOUN crl-14116 76 17 , , PUNCT crl-14116 76 18 goes go VERB crl-14116 76 19 well well ADV crl-14116 76 20 beyond beyond ADP crl-14116 76 21 a a DET crl-14116 76 22 historical historical ADJ crl-14116 76 23 overview overview NOUN crl-14116 76 24 and and CCONJ crl-14116 76 25 the the DET crl-14116 76 26 futuristic futuristic ADJ crl-14116 76 27 concerns concern NOUN crl-14116 76 28 of of ADP crl-14116 76 29 library library NOUN crl-14116 76 30 security security NOUN crl-14116 76 31 by by ADP crl-14116 76 32 reviewing review VERB crl-14116 76 33 many many ADJ crl-14116 76 34 of of ADP crl-14116 76 35 the the DET crl-14116 76 36 advantages advantage NOUN crl-14116 76 37 and and CCONJ crl-14116 76 38 disadvantages disadvantage NOUN crl-14116 76 39 of of ADP crl-14116 76 40 different different ADJ crl-14116 76 41 types type NOUN crl-14116 76 42 of of ADP crl-14116 76 43 security security NOUN crl-14116 76 44 systems system NOUN crl-14116 76 45 . . PUNCT crl-14116 77 1 other other ADJ crl-14116 77 2 essays essay NOUN crl-14116 77 3 focus focus VERB crl-14116 77 4 on on ADP crl-14116 77 5 the the DET crl-14116 77 6 need need NOUN crl-14116 77 7 for for ADP crl-14116 77 8 a a DET crl-14116 77 9 procedures procedure NOUN crl-14116 77 10 manual manual NOUN crl-14116 77 11 , , PUNCT crl-14116 77 12 training training NOUN crl-14116 77 13 programs program NOUN crl-14116 77 14 , , PUNCT crl-14116 77 15 and and CCONJ crl-14116 77 16 the the DET crl-14116 77 17 hiring hiring NOUN crl-14116 77 18 of of ADP crl-14116 77 19 guards guard NOUN crl-14116 77 20 . . PUNCT crl-14116 78 1 the the DET crl-14116 78 2 final final ADJ crl-14116 78 3 essay essay NOUN crl-14116 78 4 , , PUNCT crl-14116 78 5 " " PUNCT crl-14116 78 6 legal legal ADJ crl-14116 78 7 aspects aspect NOUN crl-14116 78 8 of of ADP crl-14116 78 9 library library NOUN crl-14116 78 10 security/ security/ NUM crl-14116 78 11 ' ' PUNCT crl-14116 78 12 is be AUX crl-14116 78 13 the the DET crl-14116 78 14 most most ADV crl-14116 78 15 thought thought NOUN crl-14116 78 16 - - PUNCT crl-14116 78 17 provoking provoke VERB crl-14116 78 18 piece piece NOUN crl-14116 78 19 , , PUNCT crl-14116 78 20 inasmuch inasmuch ADJ crl-14116 78 21 as as SCONJ crl-14116 78 22 the the DET crl-14116 78 23 authors author NOUN crl-14116 78 24 identify identify VERB crl-14116 78 25 issues issue NOUN crl-14116 78 26 such such ADJ crl-14116 78 27 as as ADP crl-14116 78 28 the the DET crl-14116 78 29 increasingly increasingly ADV crl-14116 78 30 important important ADJ crl-14116 78 31 area area NOUN crl-14116 78 32 of of ADP crl-14116 78 33 constitutional constitutional ADJ crl-14116 78 34 or or CCONJ crl-14116 78 35 civil civil ADJ crl-14116 78 36 rights right NOUN crl-14116 78 37 torts tort NOUN crl-14116 78 38 and and CCONJ crl-14116 78 39 their their PRON crl-14116 78 40 relationship relationship NOUN crl-14116 78 41 to to ADP crl-14116 78 42 libraries library NOUN crl-14116 78 43 . . PUNCT crl-14116 79 1 among among ADP crl-14116 79 2 other other ADJ crl-14116 79 3 pertinent pertinent ADJ crl-14116 79 4 aspects aspect NOUN crl-14116 79 5 are be AUX crl-14116 79 6 the the DET crl-14116 79 7 potential potential NOUN crl-14116 79 8 for for ADP crl-14116 79 9 liability liability NOUN crl-14116 79 10 suits suit NOUN crl-14116 79 11 and and CCONJ crl-14116 79 12 the the DET crl-14116 79 13 need need NOUN crl-14116 79 14 to to PART crl-14116 79 15 update update VERB crl-14116 79 16 an an DET crl-14116 79 17 institution institution NOUN crl-14116 79 18 's 's PART crl-14116 79 19 liability liability NOUN crl-14116 79 20 insurance insurance NOUN crl-14116 79 21 . . PUNCT crl-14116 80 1 every every DET crl-14116 80 2 library library NOUN crl-14116 80 3 director director NOUN crl-14116 80 4 , , PUNCT crl-14116 80 5 in in ADP crl-14116 80 6 particular particular ADJ crl-14116 80 7 , , PUNCT crl-14116 80 8 should should AUX crl-14116 80 9 derive derive VERB