id sid tid token lemma pos crl-14085 1 1 college college NOUN crl-14085 1 2 and and CCONJ crl-14085 1 3 research research NOUN crl-14085 1 4 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 1 5 schweizer schweizer PROPN crl-14085 1 6 , , PUNCT crl-14085 1 7 a a DET crl-14085 1 8 possible possible ADJ crl-14085 1 9 new new ADJ crl-14085 1 10 delivery delivery NOUN crl-14085 1 11 system system NOUN crl-14085 1 12 for for ADP crl-14085 1 13 government government NOUN crl-14085 1 14 information information NOUN crl-14085 1 15 is be AUX crl-14085 1 16 examined examine VERB crl-14085 1 17 . . PUNCT crl-14085 2 1 the the DET crl-14085 2 2 concluding conclude VERB crl-14085 2 3 chapter chapter NOUN crl-14085 2 4 , , PUNCT crl-14085 2 5 " " PUNCT crl-14085 2 6 codoc codoc NOUN crl-14085 2 7 in in ADP crl-14085 2 8 the the DET crl-14085 2 9 1980 1980 NUM crl-14085 2 10 's 's PART crl-14085 2 11 : : PUNCT crl-14085 2 12 keeping keep VERB crl-14085 2 13 pace pace NOUN crl-14085 2 14 with with ADP crl-14085 2 15 modern modern ADJ crl-14085 2 16 technology technology NOUN crl-14085 2 17 , , PUNCT crl-14085 2 18 " " PUNCT crl-14085 2 19 by by ADP crl-14085 2 20 virginia virginia PROPN crl-14085 2 21 gillham gillham PROPN crl-14085 2 22 , , PUNCT crl-14085 2 23 describes describe VERB crl-14085 2 24 the the DET crl-14085 2 25 development development NOUN crl-14085 2 26 and and CCONJ crl-14085 2 27 evolution evolution NOUN crl-14085 2 28 of of ADP crl-14085 2 29 the the DET crl-14085 2 30 guelph guelph PROPN crl-14085 2 31 documents document NOUN crl-14085 2 32 system system NOUN crl-14085 2 33 , , PUNCT crl-14085 2 34 which which PRON crl-14085 2 35 can can AUX crl-14085 2 36 be be AUX crl-14085 2 37 used use VERB crl-14085 2 38 to to PART crl-14085 2 39 access access VERB crl-14085 2 40 documents document NOUN crl-14085 2 41 at at ADP crl-14085 2 42 any any DET crl-14085 2 43 level level NOUN crl-14085 2 44 of of ADP crl-14085 2 45 government government NOUN crl-14085 2 46 . . PUNCT crl-14085 3 1 the the DET crl-14085 3 2 papers paper NOUN crl-14085 3 3 are be AUX crl-14085 3 4 all all ADV crl-14085 3 5 well well ADV crl-14085 3 6 written write VERB crl-14085 3 7 and and CCONJ crl-14085 3 8 will will AUX crl-14085 3 9 be be AUX crl-14085 3 10 easily easily ADV crl-14085 3 11 understood understand VERB crl-14085 3 12 even even ADV crl-14085 3 13 by by ADP crl-14085 3 14 those those PRON crl-14085 3 15 not not PART crl-14085 3 16 familiar familiar ADJ crl-14085 3 17 with with ADP crl-14085 3 18 the the DET crl-14085 3 19 technologies technology NOUN crl-14085 3 20 discussed discuss VERB crl-14085 3 21 . . PUNCT crl-14085 4 1 the the DET crl-14085 4 2 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 4 3 is be AUX crl-14085 4 4 not not PART crl-14085 4 5 indexed index VERB crl-14085 4 6 but but CCONJ crl-14085 4 7 , , PUNCT crl-14085 4 8 given give VERB crl-14085 4 9 the the DET crl-14085 4 10 length length NOUN crl-14085 4 11 of of ADP crl-14085 4 12 the the DET crl-14085 4 13 text text NOUN crl-14085 4 14 , , PUNCT crl-14085 4 15 this this PRON crl-14085 4 16 is be AUX crl-14085 4 17 not not PART crl-14085 4 18 a a DET crl-14085 4 19 major major ADJ crl-14085 4 20 drawback drawback NOUN crl-14085 4 21 . . PUNCT crl-14085 5 1 even even ADV crl-14085 5 2 if if SCONJ crl-14085 5 3 readers reader NOUN crl-14085 5 4 do do AUX crl-14085 5 5 not not PART crl-14085 5 6 agree agree VERB crl-14085 5 7 with with ADP crl-14085 5 8 every every DET crl-14085 5 9 point point NOUN crl-14085 5 10 made make VERB crl-14085 5 11 in in ADP crl-14085 5 12 the the DET crl-14085 5 13 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 5 14 , , PUNCT crl-14085 5 15 it it PRON crl-14085 5 16 will will AUX crl-14085 5 17 at at ADP crl-14085 5 18 the the DET crl-14085 5 19 very very ADV crl-14085 5 20 least least ADJ crl-14085 5 21 provoke provoke VERB crl-14085 5 22 discussion discussion NOUN crl-14085 5 23 and and CCONJ crl-14085 5 24 serve serve VERB crl-14085 5 25 as as ADP crl-14085 5 26 an an DET crl-14085 5 27 introduction introduction NOUN crl-14085 5 28 to to ADP crl-14085 5 29 the the DET crl-14085 5 30 literature literature NOUN crl-14085 5 31 for for ADP crl-14085 5 32 the the DET crl-14085 5 33 topics topic NOUN crl-14085 5 34 it it PRON crl-14085 5 35 treats treat VERB crl-14085 5 36 . . PUNCT crl-14085 6 1 however however ADV crl-14085 6 2 , , PUNCT crl-14085 6 3 this this DET crl-14085 6 4 reader reader NOUN crl-14085 6 5 does do AUX crl-14085 6 6 have have VERB crl-14085 6 7 reservations reservation NOUN crl-14085 6 8 . . PUNCT crl-14085 7 1 those those PRON crl-14085 7 2 familiar familiar ADJ crl-14085 7 3 with with ADP crl-14085 7 4 the the DET crl-14085 7 5 documents document NOUN crl-14085 7 6 literature literature NOUN crl-14085 7 7 will will AUX crl-14085 7 8 probably probably ADV crl-14085 7 9 experience experience VERB crl-14085 7 10 deja deja X crl-14085 7 11 vu vu X crl-14085 7 12 when when SCONJ crl-14085 7 13 reading read VERB crl-14085 7 14 three three NUM crl-14085 7 15 of of ADP crl-14085 7 16 the the DET crl-14085 7 17 papers paper NOUN crl-14085 7 18 presented present VERB crl-14085 7 19 here here ADV crl-14085 7 20 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 7 21 the the DET crl-14085 7 22 mcclure mcclure NOUN crl-14085 7 23 , , PUNCT crl-14085 7 24 morton morton PROPN crl-14085 7 25 , , PUNCT crl-14085 7 26 and and CCONJ crl-14085 7 27 gillham gillham PROPN crl-14085 7 28 articles article NOUN crl-14085 7 29 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 7 30 . . PUNCT crl-14085 8 1 in in ADP crl-14085 8 2 addition addition NOUN crl-14085 8 3 , , PUNCT crl-14085 8 4 it it PRON crl-14085 8 5 is be AUX crl-14085 8 6 my my PRON crl-14085 8 7 opinion opinion NOUN crl-14085 8 8 that that SCONJ crl-14085 8 9 there there PRON crl-14085 8 10 are be VERB crl-14085 8 11 technologies technology NOUN crl-14085 8 12 not not PART crl-14085 8 13 covered cover VERB crl-14085 8 14 that that PRON crl-14085 8 15 might might AUX crl-14085 8 16 have have AUX crl-14085 8 17 been be AUX crl-14085 8 18 . . PUNCT crl-14085 9 1 for for ADP crl-14085 9 2 example example NOUN crl-14085 9 3 , , PUNCT crl-14085 9 4 there there PRON crl-14085 9 5 is be VERB crl-14085 9 6 no no DET crl-14085 9 7 mention mention NOUN crl-14085 9 8 of of ADP crl-14085 9 9 telefacsimile telefacsimile ADJ crl-14085 9 10 transmission transmission NOUN crl-14085 9 11 or or CCONJ crl-14085 9 12 electronic electronic ADJ crl-14085 9 13 mail mail NOUN crl-14085 9 14 in in ADP crl-14085 9 15 the the DET crl-14085 9 16 chapter chapter NOUN crl-14085 9 17 on on ADP crl-14085 9 18 videotext videotext PROPN crl-14085 9 19 and and CCONJ crl-14085 9 20 teletext teletext ADJ crl-14085 9 21 technologies technology NOUN crl-14085 9 22 . . PUNCT crl-14085 10 1 in in ADP crl-14085 10 2 addition addition NOUN crl-14085 10 3 , , PUNCT crl-14085 10 4 one one NUM crl-14085 10 5 hundred hundred NUM crl-14085 10 6 pages page NOUN crl-14085 10 7 of of ADP crl-14085 10 8 text text NOUN crl-14085 10 9 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 10 10 preface preface NOUN crl-14085 10 11 included include VERB crl-14085 10 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 10 13 at at ADP crl-14085 10 14 the the DET crl-14085 10 15 price price NOUN crl-14085 10 16 asked ask VERB crl-14085 10 17 seems seem VERB crl-14085 10 18 rather rather ADV crl-14085 10 19 expensive expensive ADJ crl-14085 10 20 . . PUNCT crl-14085 11 1 those those PRON crl-14085 11 2 on on ADP crl-14085 11 3 a a DET crl-14085 11 4 budget budget NOUN crl-14085 11 5 may may AUX crl-14085 11 6 be be AUX crl-14085 11 7 better well ADV crl-14085 11 8 advised advise VERB crl-14085 11 9 to to PART crl-14085 11 10 invest invest VERB crl-14085 11 11 their their PRON crl-14085 11 12 money money NOUN crl-14085 11 13 in in ADP crl-14085 11 14 another another DET crl-14085 11 15 book book NOUN crl-14085 11 16 written write VERB crl-14085 11 17 by by ADP crl-14085 11 18 the the DET crl-14085 11 19 editor editor NOUN crl-14085 11 20 and and CCONJ crl-14085 11 21 one one NUM crl-14085 11 22 contributor contributor NOUN crl-14085 11 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 11 24 mcclure mcclure PROPN crl-14085 11 25 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 11 26 , , PUNCT crl-14085 11 27 public public ADJ crl-14085 11 28 access access NOUN crl-14085 11 29 to to ADP crl-14085 11 30 government government NOUN crl-14085 11 31 information information NOUN crl-14085 11 32 : : PUNCT crl-14085 11 33 issues issue NOUN crl-14085 11 34 , , PUNCT crl-14085 11 35 trends trend NOUN crl-14085 11 36 , , PUNCT crl-14085 11 37 and and CCONJ crl-14085 11 38 strategies strategy NOUN crl-14085 11 39 , , PUNCT crl-14085 11 40 which which PRON crl-14085 11 41 is be AUX crl-14085 11 42 available available ADJ crl-14085 11 43 in in ADP crl-14085 11 44 paper paper NOUN crl-14085 11 45 for for ADP crl-14085 11 46 considerably considerably ADV crl-14085 11 47 less less ADJ crl-14085 11 48 and and CCONJ crl-14085 11 49 which which PRON crl-14085 11 50 covers cover VERB crl-14085 11 51 essentially essentially ADV crl-14085 11 52 the the DET crl-14085 11 53 same same ADJ crl-14085 11 54 ground ground NOUN crl-14085 11 55 and and CCONJ crl-14085 11 56 more more ADJ crl-14085 11 57 . . PUNCT crl-14085 12 1 nevertheless nevertheless ADV crl-14085 12 2 , , PUNCT crl-14085 12 3 this this DET crl-14085 12 4 collection collection NOUN crl-14085 12 5 is be AUX crl-14085 12 6 recommended recommend VERB crl-14085 12 7 to to ADP crl-14085 12 8 those those PRON crl-14085 12 9 interested interested ADJ crl-14085 12 10 in in ADP crl-14085 12 11 documents document NOUN crl-14085 12 12 librarianship librarianship NOUN crl-14085 12 13 who who PRON crl-14085 12 14 are be AUX crl-14085 12 15 not not PART crl-14085 12 16 familiar familiar ADJ crl-14085 12 17 with with ADP crl-14085 12 18 the the DET crl-14085 12 19 topics topic NOUN crl-14085 12 20 discussed discuss VERB crl-14085 12 21 and and CCONJ crl-14085 12 22 to to ADP crl-14085 12 23 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 12 24 collecting collect VERB crl-14085 12 25 extensively extensively ADV crl-14085 12 26 in in ADP crl-14085 12 27 the the DET crl-14085 12 28 library library NOUN crl-14085 12 29 science science NOUN crl-14085 12 30 field.william field.william PROPN crl-14085 12 31 r. r. PROPN crl-14085 12 32 kahles kahles PROPN crl-14085 12 33 , , PUNCT crl-14085 12 34 university university PROPN crl-14085 12 35 of of ADP crl-14085 12 36 illinois illinois PROPN crl-14085 12 37 at at ADP crl-14085 12 38 chicago chicago PROPN crl-14085 12 39 . . PUNCT crl-14085 13 1 teaching teach VERB crl-14085 13 2 library library NOUN crl-14085 13 3 use use VERB crl-14085 13 4 competence competence NOUN crl-14085 13 5 : : PUNCT crl-14085 13 6 bridging bridge VERB crl-14085 13 7 the the DET crl-14085 13 8 gap gap NOUN crl-14085 13 9 from from ADP crl-14085 13 10 high high ADJ crl-14085 13 11 school school NOUN crl-14085 13 12 to to ADP crl-14085 13 13 college college NOUN crl-14085 13 14 . . PUNCT crl-14085 14 1 ed ed NOUN crl-14085 14 2 . . PUNCT crl-14085 15 1 by by ADP crl-14085 15 2 carolyn carolyn PROPN crl-14085 15 3 a. a. PROPN crl-14085 15 4 kirkendall kirkendall PROPN crl-14085 15 5 . . PUNCT crl-14085 16 1 ann ann PROPN crl-14085 16 2 arbor arbor PROPN crl-14085 16 3 , , PUNCT crl-14085 16 4 mich mich PROPN crl-14085 16 5 . . PROPN crl-14085 16 6 : : PUNCT crl-14085 16 7 pierian pierian PROPN crl-14085 16 8 , , PUNCT crl-14085 16 9 1982 1982 NUM crl-14085 16 10 . . PUNCT crl-14085 17 1 228p 228p PROPN crl-14085 17 2 . . PUNCT crl-14085 18 1 $ $ SYM crl-14085 18 2 18.95 18.95 NUM crl-14085 18 3 . . PUNCT crl-14085 19 1 lc lc ADP crl-14085 19 2 82 82 NUM crl-14085 19 3 - - SYM crl-14085 19 4 62645 62645 NUM crl-14085 19 5 . . PUNCT crl-14085 20 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14085 20 2 0 0 NUM crl-14085 20 3 - - PUNCT crl-14085 20 4 87650 87650 NUM crl-14085 20 5 - - PUNCT crl-14085 20 6 145 145 NUM crl-14085 20 7 - - SYM crl-14085 20 8 5 5 NUM crl-14085 20 9 . . PUNCT crl-14085 20 10 recent recent ADJ crl-14085 20 11 publications publication NOUN crl-14085 20 12 97 97 NUM crl-14085 20 13 this this DET crl-14085 20 14 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 20 15 , , PUNCT crl-14085 20 16 edited edit VERB crl-14085 20 17 by by ADP crl-14085 20 18 the the DET crl-14085 20 19 director director NOUN crl-14085 20 20 of of ADP crl-14085 20 21 the the DET crl-14085 20 22 loex loex NOUN crl-14085 20 23 clearinghouse clearinghouse NOUN crl-14085 20 24 , , PUNCT crl-14085 20 25 is be AUX crl-14085 20 26 a a DET crl-14085 20 27 collection collection NOUN crl-14085 20 28 of of ADP crl-14085 20 29 speeches speech NOUN crl-14085 20 30 given give VERB crl-14085 20 31 at at ADP crl-14085 20 32 the the DET crl-14085 20 33 eleventh eleventh ADJ crl-14085 20 34 annual annual ADJ crl-14085 20 35 library library NOUN crl-14085 20 36 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 20 37 conference conference NOUN crl-14085 20 38 , , PUNCT crl-14085 20 39 which which PRON crl-14085 20 40 was be AUX crl-14085 20 41 held hold VERB crl-14085 20 42 at at ADP crl-14085 20 43 eastern eastern PROPN crl-14085 20 44 michigan michigan PROPN crl-14085 20 45 university university PROPN crl-14085 20 46 on on ADP crl-14085 20 47 may may PROPN crl-14085 20 48 7 7 NUM crl-14085 20 49 and and CCONJ crl-14085 20 50 8 8 NUM crl-14085 20 51 , , PUNCT crl-14085 20 52 1981 1981 NUM crl-14085 20 53 . . PUNCT crl-14085 21 1 a a DET crl-14085 21 2 major major ADJ crl-14085 21 3 concern concern NOUN crl-14085 21 4 of of ADP crl-14085 21 5 the the DET crl-14085 21 6 conference conference NOUN crl-14085 21 7 is be AUX crl-14085 21 8 noted note VERB crl-14085 21 9 in in ADP crl-14085 21 10 its its PRON crl-14085 21 11 title title NOUN crl-14085 21 12 : : PUNCT crl-14085 21 13 to to PART crl-14085 21 14 open open VERB crl-14085 21 15 lines line NOUN crl-14085 21 16 of of ADP crl-14085 21 17 communication communication NOUN crl-14085 21 18 between between ADP crl-14085 21 19 secondary secondary ADJ crl-14085 21 20 school school NOUN crl-14085 21 21 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 21 22 and and CCONJ crl-14085 21 23 college college NOUN crl-14085 21 24 and and CCONJ crl-14085 21 25 university university NOUN crl-14085 21 26 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 21 27 on on ADP crl-14085 21 28 the the DET crl-14085 21 29 topic topic NOUN crl-14085 21 30 of of ADP crl-14085 21 31 library library NOUN crl-14085 21 32 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 21 33 . . PUNCT crl-14085 22 1 many many ADJ crl-14085 22 2 of of ADP crl-14085 22 3 the the DET crl-14085 22 4 talks talk NOUN crl-14085 22 5 offer offer VERB crl-14085 22 6 practical practical ADJ crl-14085 22 7 suggestions suggestion NOUN crl-14085 22 8 for for ADP crl-14085 22 9 opening open VERB crl-14085 22 10 these these DET crl-14085 22 11 lines line NOUN crl-14085 22 12 of of ADP crl-14085 22 13 communication communication NOUN crl-14085 22 14 . . PUNCT crl-14085 23 1 teaching teach VERB crl-14085 23 2 library library NOUN crl-14085 23 3 use use VERB crl-14085 23 4 competence competence NOUN crl-14085 23 5 provides provide VERB crl-14085 23 6 both both CCONJ crl-14085 23 7 practical practical ADJ crl-14085 23 8 and and CCONJ crl-14085 23 9 theoretical theoretical ADJ crl-14085 23 10 information information NOUN crl-14085 23 11 vital vital ADJ crl-14085 23 12 to to ADP crl-14085 23 13 the the DET crl-14085 23 14 librarian librarian NOUN crl-14085 23 15 struggling struggle VERB crl-14085 23 16 with with ADP crl-14085 23 17 a a DET crl-14085 23 18 new new ADJ crl-14085 23 19 or or CCONJ crl-14085 23 20 existing existing ADJ crl-14085 23 21 library library NOUN crl-14085 23 22 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 23 23 program program NOUN crl-14085 23 24 . . PUNCT crl-14085 24 1 in in ADP crl-14085 24 2 it it PRON crl-14085 24 3 , , PUNCT crl-14085 24 4 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 24 5 and and CCONJ crl-14085 24 6 other other ADJ crl-14085 24 7 educators educator NOUN crl-14085 24 8 describe describe VERB crl-14085 24 9 library library NOUN crl-14085 24 10 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 24 11 programs program NOUN crl-14085 24 12 with with ADP crl-14085 24 13 which which PRON crl-14085 24 14 they they PRON crl-14085 24 15 are be AUX crl-14085 24 16 now now ADV crl-14085 24 17 or or CCONJ crl-14085 24 18 have have AUX crl-14085 24 19 been be AUX crl-14085 24 20 involved involve VERB crl-14085 24 21 . . PUNCT crl-14085 25 1 because because SCONJ crl-14085 25 2 each each DET crl-14085 25 3 section section NOUN crl-14085 25 4 within within ADP crl-14085 25 5 the the DET crl-14085 25 6 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 25 7 is be AUX crl-14085 25 8 basically basically ADV crl-14085 25 9 a a DET crl-14085 25 10 transcript transcript NOUN crl-14085 25 11 of of ADP crl-14085 25 12 a a DET crl-14085 25 13 delivered deliver VERB crl-14085 25 14 speech speech NOUN crl-14085 25 15 , , PUNCT crl-14085 25 16 there there PRON crl-14085 25 17 is be VERB crl-14085 25 18 a a DET crl-14085 25 19 greater great ADJ crl-14085 25 20 air air NOUN crl-14085 25 21 of of ADP crl-14085 25 22 informality informality NOUN crl-14085 25 23 than than SCONJ crl-14085 25 24 would would AUX crl-14085 25 25 appear appear VERB crl-14085 25 26 in in ADP crl-14085 25 27 a a DET crl-14085 25 28 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 25 29 of of ADP crl-14085 25 30 wellprepared wellprepared ADJ crl-14085 25 31 essays essay NOUN crl-14085 25 32 . . PUNCT crl-14085 26 1 the the DET crl-14085 26 2 conference conference NOUN crl-14085 26 3 reflects reflect VERB crl-14085 26 4 the the DET crl-14085 26 5 concerns concern NOUN crl-14085 26 6 not not PART crl-14085 26 7 only only ADV crl-14085 26 8 of of ADP crl-14085 26 9 secondary secondary ADJ crl-14085 26 10 school school NOUN crl-14085 26 11 and and CCONJ crl-14085 26 12 college college NOUN crl-14085 26 13 and and CCONJ crl-14085 26 14 heritage heritage NOUN crl-14085 26 15 on on ADP crl-14085 26 16 microfilnt microfilnt ADJ crl-14085 26 17 rare rare ADJ crl-14085 26 18 and and CCONJ crl-14085 26 19 out out ADJ crl-14085 26 20 - - PUNCT crl-14085 26 21 of of ADP crl-14085 26 22 - - PUNCT crl-14085 26 23 print print NOUN crl-14085 26 24 titles title NOUN crl-14085 26 25 and and CCONJ crl-14085 26 26 doc·uments doc·ument NOUN crl-14085 26 27 on on ADP crl-14085 26 28 35 35 NUM crl-14085 26 29 mm mm NUM crl-14085 26 30 silver silver NOUN crl-14085 26 31 halide halide PROPN crl-14085 26 32 microfilm microfilm NOUN crl-14085 26 33 . . PUNCT crl-14085 27 1 • • VERB crl-14085 27 2 french french ADJ crl-14085 27 3 books book NOUN crl-14085 27 4 before before ADP crl-14085 27 5 1601 1601 NUM crl-14085 27 6 • • NUM crl-14085 27 7 scandinavian scandinavian ADJ crl-14085 27 8 culture culture NOUN crl-14085 27 9 • • ADJ crl-14085 27 10 18th 18th ADJ crl-14085 27 11 century century NOUN crl-14085 27 12 english english PROPN crl-14085 27 13 literature literature PROPN crl-14085 27 14 • • VERB crl-14085 27 15 victorian victorian ADJ crl-14085 27 16 fiction fiction NOUN crl-14085 27 17 • • VERB crl-14085 27 18 literature literature NOUN crl-14085 27 19 of of ADP crl-14085 27 20 folklore folklore NOUN crl-14085 27 21 • • ADJ crl-14085 27 22 hispanic hispanic ADJ crl-14085 27 23 culture culture NOUN crl-14085 27 24 send send VERB crl-14085 27 25 for for ADP crl-14085 27 26 catalog catalog NOUN crl-14085 27 27 and and CCONJ crl-14085 27 28 title title NOUN crl-14085 27 29 information information NOUN crl-14085 27 30 today today NOUN crl-14085 27 31 . . PUNCT crl-14085 28 1 ~2r~~~ ~2r~~~ NOUN crl-14085 28 2 ~cov\pfny ~cov\pfny NOUN crl-14085 28 3 70 70 NUM crl-14085 28 4 coolidge coolidge PROPN crl-14085 28 5 hill hill PROPN crl-14085 28 6 road road PROPN crl-14085 28 7 watertown watertown PROPN crl-14085 28 8 , , PUNCT crl-14085 28 9 ma ma PROPN crl-14085 28 10 02172 02172 NUM crl-14085 28 11 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 28 12 617 617 NUM crl-14085 28 13 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 28 14 926 926 NUM crl-14085 28 15 - - SYM crl-14085 28 16 5557 5557 NUM crl-14085 28 17 98 98 NUM crl-14085 28 18 college college NOUN crl-14085 28 19 & & CCONJ crl-14085 28 20 research research PROPN crl-14085 28 21 libraries librarie VERB crl-14085 28 22 university university NOUN crl-14085 28 23 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 28 24 , , PUNCT crl-14085 28 25 but but CCONJ crl-14085 28 26 of of ADP crl-14085 28 27 public public ADJ crl-14085 28 28 - - PUNCT crl-14085 28 29 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 28 30 and and CCONJ crl-14085 28 31 college college NOUN crl-14085 28 32 teaching teaching NOUN crl-14085 28 33 faculty faculty NOUN crl-14085 28 34 as as ADV crl-14085 28 35 well well ADV crl-14085 28 36 . . PUNCT crl-14085 29 1 the the DET crl-14085 29 2 speeches speech NOUN crl-14085 29 3 describe describe VERB crl-14085 29 4 the the DET crl-14085 29 5 objectives objective NOUN crl-14085 29 6 of of ADP crl-14085 29 7 individuallibrarians individuallibrarian NOUN crl-14085 29 8 and and CCONJ crl-14085 29 9 also also ADV crl-14085 29 10 what what PRON crl-14085 29 11 is be AUX crl-14085 29 12 actually actually ADV crl-14085 29 13 occurring occur VERB crl-14085 29 14 in in ADP crl-14085 29 15 the the DET crl-14085 29 16 field field NOUN crl-14085 29 17 of of ADP crl-14085 29 18 library library NOUN crl-14085 29 19 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 29 20 at at ADP crl-14085 29 21 the the DET crl-14085 29 22 local local ADJ crl-14085 29 23 level level NOUN crl-14085 29 24 . . PUNCT crl-14085 30 1 a a DET crl-14085 30 2 common common ADJ crl-14085 30 3 theme theme NOUN crl-14085 30 4 of of ADP crl-14085 30 5 the the DET crl-14085 30 6 papers paper NOUN crl-14085 30 7 is be AUX crl-14085 30 8 the the DET crl-14085 30 9 tendency tendency NOUN crl-14085 30 10 of of ADP crl-14085 30 11 training training NOUN crl-14085 30 12 programs program NOUN crl-14085 30 13 repeatedly repeatedly ADV crl-14085 30 14 to to PART crl-14085 30 15 provide provide VERB crl-14085 30 16 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 30 17 on on ADP crl-14085 30 18 the the DET crl-14085 30 19 same same ADJ crl-14085 30 20 topics topic NOUN crl-14085 30 21 without without ADP crl-14085 30 22 similarly similarly ADV crl-14085 30 23 providing provide VERB crl-14085 30 24 for for ADP crl-14085 30 25 putting put VERB crl-14085 30 26 what what PRON crl-14085 30 27 is be AUX crl-14085 30 28 learned learn VERB crl-14085 30 29 about about ADP crl-14085 30 30 those those DET crl-14085 30 31 topics topic NOUN crl-14085 30 32 to to PART crl-14085 30 33 work work VERB crl-14085 30 34 . . PUNCT crl-14085 31 1 joyce joyce PROPN crl-14085 31 2 merriam merriam PROPN crl-14085 31 3 makes make VERB crl-14085 31 4 recommendations recommendation NOUN crl-14085 31 5 for for ADP crl-14085 31 6 changing change VERB crl-14085 31 7 library library NOUN crl-14085 31 8 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 31 9 programs program NOUN crl-14085 31 10 that that PRON crl-14085 31 11 were be AUX crl-14085 31 12 also also ADV crl-14085 31 13 made make VERB crl-14085 31 14 by by ADP crl-14085 31 15 other other ADJ crl-14085 31 16 speakers speaker NOUN crl-14085 31 17 throughout throughout ADP crl-14085 31 18 the the DET crl-14085 31 19 conference conference NOUN crl-14085 31 20 . . PUNCT crl-14085 32 1 significant significant ADJ crl-14085 32 2 among among ADP crl-14085 32 3 these these PRON crl-14085 32 4 are be AUX crl-14085 32 5 ~he ~he PUNCT crl-14085 32 6 need need NOUN crl-14085 32 7 for for ADP crl-14085 32 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 32 9 1 1 X crl-14085 32 10 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 32 11 developing develop VERB crl-14085 32 12 a a DET crl-14085 32 13 sequential sequential ADJ crl-14085 32 14 program program NOUN crl-14085 32 15 of of ADP crl-14085 32 16 library library NOUN crl-14085 32 17 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 32 18 in in ADP crl-14085 32 19 all all DET crl-14085 32 20 school school NOUN crl-14085 32 21 systems system NOUN crl-14085 32 22 for for ADP crl-14085 32 23 grades grade NOUN crl-14085 32 24 k k PROPN crl-14085 32 25 -12 -12 SPACE crl-14085 32 26 ; ; PUNCT crl-14085 32 27 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 32 28 2 2 X crl-14085 32 29 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 32 30 indicating indicate VERB crl-14085 32 31 the the DET crl-14085 32 32 transfer transfer NOUN crl-14085 32 33 value value NOUN crl-14085 32 34 of of ADP crl-14085 32 35 library library NOUN crl-14085 32 36 skills skill NOUN crl-14085 32 37 to to ADP crl-14085 32 38 students student NOUN crl-14085 32 39 and and CCONJ crl-14085 32 40 the the DET crl-14085 32 41 purposes purpose NOUN crl-14085 32 42 of of ADP crl-14085 32 43 academic academic ADJ crl-14085 32 44 and and CCONJ crl-14085 32 45 public public ADJ crl-14085 32 46 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 32 47 ; ; PUNCT crl-14085 32 48 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 32 49 3 3 X crl-14085 32 50 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 32 51 encouraging encourage VERB crl-14085 32 52 teachers teacher NOUN crl-14085 32 53 to to PART crl-14085 32 54 develop develop VERB crl-14085 32 55 curriculum curriculum NOUN crl-14085 32 56 that that PRON crl-14085 32 57 stresses stress VERB crl-14085 32 58 use use NOUN crl-14085 32 59 of of ADP crl-14085 32 60 the the DET crl-14085 32 61 library library NOUN crl-14085 32 62 ; ; PUNCT crl-14085 32 63 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 32 64 4 4 X crl-14085 32 65 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 32 66 visiting visit VERB crl-14085 32 67 of of ADP crl-14085 32 68 college college NOUN crl-14085 32 69 and and CCONJ crl-14085 32 70 university university NOUN crl-14085 32 71 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 32 72 by by ADP crl-14085 32 73 school school NOUN crl-14085 32 74 librarians librarian NOUN crl-14085 32 75 in in ADP crl-14085 32 76 order order NOUN crl-14085 32 77 to to PART crl-14085 32 78 gain gain VERB crl-14085 32 79 a a DET crl-14085 32 80 better well ADJ crl-14085 32 81 understanding understanding NOUN crl-14085 32 82 of of ADP crl-14085 32 83 the the DET crl-14085 32 84 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 32 85 their their PRON crl-14085 32 86 students student NOUN crl-14085 32 87 ' ' PART crl-14085 32 88 : : PUNCT crl-14085 32 89 vill vill ADV crl-14085 32 90 be be AUX crl-14085 32 91 using use VERB crl-14085 32 92 in in ADP crl-14085 32 93 the the DET crl-14085 32 94 future future NOUN crl-14085 32 95 or or CCONJ crl-14085 32 96 of of ADP crl-14085 32 97 the the DET crl-14085 32 98 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 32 99 they they PRON crl-14085 32 100 have have AUX crl-14085 32 101 used use VERB crl-14085 32 102 in in ADP crl-14085 32 103 the the DET crl-14085 32 104 past past NOUN crl-14085 32 105 and and CCONJ crl-14085 32 106 in in ADP crl-14085 32 107 order order NOUN crl-14085 32 108 to to PART crl-14085 32 109 become become VERB crl-14085 32 110 aware aware ADJ crl-14085 32 111 of of ADP crl-14085 32 112 the the DET crl-14085 32 113 library library NOUN crl-14085 32 114 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 32 115 programs program NOUN crl-14085 32 116 in in ADP crl-14085 32 117 each each DET crl-14085 32 118 type type NOUN crl-14085 32 119 of of ADP crl-14085 32 120 library library NOUN crl-14085 32 121 ; ; PUNCT crl-14085 32 122 and and CCONJ crl-14085 32 123 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 32 124 s s X crl-14085 32 125 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 32 126 developing develop VERB crl-14085 32 127 programs program NOUN crl-14085 32 128 to to PART crl-14085 32 129 help help VERB crl-14085 32 130 students student NOUN crl-14085 32 131 make make VERB crl-14085 32 132 the the DET crl-14085 32 133 transition transition NOUN crl-14085 32 134 from from ADP crl-14085 32 135 high high ADJ crl-14085 32 136 school school NOUN crl-14085 32 137 to to ADP crl-14085 32 138 college college NOUN crl-14085 32 139 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 32 140 . . PUNCT crl-14085 33 1 a a DET crl-14085 33 2 number number NOUN crl-14085 33 3 of of ADP crl-14085 33 4 talks talk NOUN crl-14085 33 5 deal deal NOUN crl-14085 33 6 with with ADP crl-14085 33 7 testing testing NOUN crl-14085 33 8 students student NOUN crl-14085 33 9 to to PART crl-14085 33 10 determine determine VERB crl-14085 33 11 how how SCONJ crl-14085 33 12 · · ADP crl-14085 33 13 much much ADV crl-14085 33 14 they they PRON crl-14085 33 15 know know VERB crl-14085 33 16 or or CCONJ crl-14085 33 17 do do AUX crl-14085 33 18 n't not PART crl-14085 33 19 know know VERB crl-14085 33 20 about about ADP crl-14085 33 21 using use VERB crl-14085 33 22 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 33 23 . . PUNCT crl-14085 34 1 the the DET crl-14085 34 2 ohio ohio PROPN crl-14085 34 3 school school PROPN crl-14085 34 4 library library NOUN crl-14085 34 5 media medium NOUN crl-14085 34 6 test test NOUN crl-14085 34 7 was be AUX crl-14085 34 8 developed develop VERB crl-14085 34 9 to to PART crl-14085 34 10 measure measure VERB crl-14085 34 11 library library NOUN crl-14085 34 12 ability ability NOUN crl-14085 34 13 and and CCONJ crl-14085 34 14 to to PART crl-14085 34 15 determine determine VERB crl-14085 34 16 if if SCONJ crl-14085 34 17 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 34 18 increases increase VERB crl-14085 34 19 this this DET crl-14085 34 20 ability ability NOUN crl-14085 34 21 . . PUNCT crl-14085 35 1 the the DET crl-14085 35 2 library library NOUN crl-14085 35 3 skills skill NOUN crl-14085 35 4 test test NOUN crl-14085 35 5 from from ADP crl-14085 35 6 the the DET crl-14085 35 7 lliinois lliinois PROPN crl-14085 35 8 association association NOUN crl-14085 35 9 of of ADP crl-14085 35 10 college college PROPN crl-14085 35 11 and and CCONJ crl-14085 35 12 research research NOUN crl-14085 35 13 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 35 14 was be AUX crl-14085 35 15 developed develop VERB crl-14085 35 16 for for ADP crl-14085 35 17 the the DET crl-14085 35 18 same same ADJ crl-14085 35 19 purpose purpose NOUN crl-14085 35 20 and and CCONJ crl-14085 35 21 can can AUX crl-14085 35 22 be be AUX crl-14085 35 23 used use VERB crl-14085 35 24 with with ADP crl-14085 35 25 college college NOUN crl-14085 35 26 freshmen freshman NOUN crl-14085 35 27 as as ADV crl-14085 35 28 well well ADV crl-14085 35 29 as as ADP crl-14085 35 30 students student NOUN crl-14085 35 31 in in ADP crl-14085 35 32 the the DET crl-14085 35 33 secondary secondary ADJ crl-14085 35 34 schools school NOUN crl-14085 35 35 . . PUNCT crl-14085 36 1 samples sample NOUN crl-14085 36 2 of of ADP crl-14085 36 3 these these PRON crl-14085 36 4 , , PUNCT crl-14085 36 5 as as ADV crl-14085 36 6 well well ADV crl-14085 36 7 as as ADP crl-14085 36 8 others other NOUN crl-14085 36 9 , , PUNCT crl-14085 36 10 are be AUX crl-14085 36 11 included include VERB crl-14085 36 12 in in ADP crl-14085 36 13 this this DET crl-14085 36 14 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 36 15 . . PUNCT crl-14085 37 1 also also ADV crl-14085 37 2 included include VERB crl-14085 37 3 is be AUX crl-14085 37 4 an an DET crl-14085 37 5 example example NOUN crl-14085 37 6 of of ADP crl-14085 37 7 a a DET crl-14085 37 8 lecture lecture NOUN crl-14085 37 9 prepared prepare VERB crl-14085 37 10 for for ADP crl-14085 37 11 the the DET crl-14085 37 12 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14085 37 13 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 37 14 program program NOUN crl-14085 37 15 at at ADP crl-14085 37 16 southeast southeast PROPN crl-14085 37 17 missouri missouri PROPN crl-14085 37 18 state state PROPN crl-14085 37 19 university university PROPN crl-14085 37 20 . . PUNCT crl-14085 38 1 this this DET crl-14085 38 2 presentation presentation NOUN crl-14085 38 3 tells tell VERB crl-14085 38 4 a a DET crl-14085 38 5 story story NOUN crl-14085 38 6 , , PUNCT crl-14085 38 7 in in ADP crl-14085 38 8 this this DET crl-14085 38 9 case case NOUN crl-14085 38 10 about about ADP crl-14085 38 11 the the DET crl-14085 38 12 criminal criminal ADJ crl-14085 38 13 figure figure NOUN crl-14085 38 14 al al PROPN crl-14085 38 15 capone capone PROPN crl-14085 38 16 , , PUNCT crl-14085 38 17 and and CCONJ crl-14085 38 18 shows show VERB crl-14085 38 19 the the DET crl-14085 38 20 logical logical ADJ crl-14085 38 21 progression progression NOUN crl-14085 38 22 of of ADP crl-14085 38 23 a a DET crl-14085 38 24 research research NOUN crl-14085 38 25 project project NOUN crl-14085 38 26 . . PUNCT crl-14085 39 1 interspersing intersperse VERB crl-14085 39 2 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crl-14085 39 3 information information NOUN crl-14085 39 4 throughout throughout ADP crl-14085 39 5 an an DET crl-14085 39 6 interjanuary interjanuary ADJ crl-14085 39 7 1985 1985 NUM crl-14085 39 8 esting este VERB crl-14085 39 9 talk talk NOUN crl-14085 39 10 on on ADP crl-14085 39 11 an an DET crl-14085 39 12 exciting exciting ADJ crl-14085 39 13 topic topic NOUN crl-14085 39 14 makes make VERB crl-14085 39 15 this this PRON crl-14085 39 16 approach approach VERB crl-14085 39 17 a a DET crl-14085 39 18 good good ADJ crl-14085 39 19 change change NOUN crl-14085 39 20 of of ADP crl-14085 39 21 pace pace NOUN crl-14085 39 22 for for ADP crl-14085 39 23 students student NOUN crl-14085 39 24 and and CCONJ crl-14085 39 25 librarians librarians PROPN crl-14085 39 26 alike alike ADV crl-14085 39 27 . . PUNCT crl-14085 40 1 a a DET crl-14085 40 2 detailed detailed ADJ crl-14085 40 3 annotated annotated ADJ crl-14085 40 4 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-14085 40 5 of of ADP crl-14085 40 6 publications publication NOUN crl-14085 40 7 dealing deal VERB crl-14085 40 8 with with ADP crl-14085 40 9 library library NOUN crl-14085 40 10 orientation orientation NOUN crl-14085 40 11 and and CCONJ crl-14085 40 12 library library NOUN crl-14085 40 13 instruction instruction NOUN crl-14085 40 14 published publish VERB crl-14085 40 15 in in ADP crl-14085 40 16 1979 1979 NUM crl-14085 40 17 and and CCONJ crl-14085 40 18 1980 1980 NUM crl-14085 40 19 is be AUX crl-14085 40 20 included include VERB crl-14085 40 21 at at ADP crl-14085 40 22 the the DET crl-14085 40 23 end end NOUN crl-14085 40 24 of of ADP crl-14085 40 25 the the DET crl-14085 40 26 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 40 27 . . PUNCT crl-14085 41 1 i i PRON crl-14085 41 2 found find VERB crl-14085 41 3 this this DET crl-14085 41 4 work work NOUN crl-14085 41 5 to to PART crl-14085 41 6 be be AUX crl-14085 41 7 not not PART crl-14085 41 8 only only ADV crl-14085 41 9 thought think VERB crl-14085 41 10 provoking provoking ADJ crl-14085 41 11 but but CCONJ crl-14085 41 12 extremely extremely ADV crl-14085 41 13 useful useful ADJ crl-14085 41 14 because because SCONJ crl-14085 41 15 of of ADP crl-14085 41 16 its its PRON crl-14085 41 17 many many ADJ crl-14085 41 18 examples example NOUN crl-14085 41 19 and and CCONJ crl-14085 41 20 well well ADV crl-14085 41 21 - - PUNCT crl-14085 41 22 prepared prepare VERB crl-14085 41 23 bibliography bibliography NOUN crl-14085 41 24 . . PUNCT crl-14085 42 1 because because SCONJ crl-14085 42 2 of of ADP crl-14085 42 3 its its PRON crl-14085 42 4 practical practical ADJ crl-14085 42 5 approach approach NOUN crl-14085 42 6 , , PUNCT crl-14085 42 7 this this DET crl-14085 42 8 volume volume NOUN crl-14085 42 9 is be AUX crl-14085 42 10 a a DET crl-14085 42 11 welcome welcome ADJ crl-14085 42 12 addition addition NOUN crl-14085 42 13 to to ADP crl-14085 42 14 the the DET crl-14085 42 15 growing grow VERB crl-14085 42 16 literature literature NOUN crl-14085 42 17 on on ADP crl-14085 42 18 library library PROPN crl-14085 42 19 instruction.-donna instruction.-donna PROPN crl-14085 42 20 s. s. PROPN crl-14085 42 21 bennett bennett PROPN crl-14085 42 22 , , PUNCT crl-14085 42 23 northern northern PROPN crl-14085 42 24 kentucky kentucky PROPN crl-14085 42 25 university university PROPN crl-14085 42 26 , , PUNCT crl-14085 42 27 highland highland PROPN crl-14085 42 28 heights height NOUN crl-14085 42 29 . . PUNCT crl-14085 43 1 plaister plaister NOUN crl-14085 43 2 , , PUNCT crl-14085 43 3 jean jean PROPN crl-14085 43 4 m. m. NOUN crl-14085 43 5 computing computing NOUN crl-14085 43 6 in in ADP crl-14085 43 7 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 43 8 * * PROPN crl-14085 43 9 : : PUNCT crl-14085 43 10 regional regional ADJ crl-14085 43 11 library library PROPN crl-14085 43 12 co co NOUN crl-14085 43 13 - - NOUN crl-14085 43 14 operation operation NOUN crl-14085 43 15 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 43 16 * * PROPN crl-14085 43 17 london london PROPN crl-14085 43 18 and and CCONJ crl-14085 43 19 south south ADJ crl-14085 43 20 eastern eastern ADJ crl-14085 43 21 library library NOUN crl-14085 43 22 region region NOUN crl-14085 43 23 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 43 24 . . PUNCT crl-14085 44 1 london london PROPN crl-14085 44 2 : : PUNCT crl-14085 44 3 the the DET crl-14085 44 4 library library PROPN crl-14085 44 5 association association PROPN crl-14085 44 6 , , PUNCT crl-14085 44 7 1982 1982 NUM crl-14085 44 8 . . PUNCT crl-14085 44 9 ssp ssp PROPN crl-14085 44 10 . . PUNCT crl-14085 45 1 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 45 2 case case NOUN crl-14085 45 3 studies study NOUN crl-14085 45 4 in in ADP crl-14085 45 5 library library NOUN crl-14085 45 6 automation automation NOUN crl-14085 45 7 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 45 8 $ $ SYM crl-14085 45 9 1s 1s X crl-14085 45 10 . . PUNCT crl-14085 46 1 lc lc ADP crl-14085 46 2 83 83 NUM crl-14085 46 3 - - SYM crl-14085 46 4 113421 113421 NUM crl-14085 46 5 . . PUNCT crl-14085 47 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14085 47 2 0 0 NUM crl-14085 47 3 - - PUNCT crl-14085 47 4 8s36s9s4 8s36s9s4 NUM crl-14085 47 5 - - PUNCT crl-14085 47 6 0 0 NUM crl-14085 47 7 . . PUNCT crl-14085 47 8 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 47 9 distributed distribute VERB crl-14085 47 10 in in ADP crl-14085 47 11 the the DET crl-14085 47 12 u.s u.s PROPN crl-14085 47 13 . . PROPN crl-14085 47 14 by by ADP crl-14085 47 15 oryx oryx PROPN crl-14085 47 16 press press NOUN crl-14085 47 17 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 47 18 this this DET crl-14085 47 19 case case NOUN crl-14085 47 20 study study NOUN crl-14085 47 21 is be AUX crl-14085 47 22 a a DET crl-14085 47 23 step step NOUN crl-14085 47 24 - - PUNCT crl-14085 47 25 by by ADP crl-14085 47 26 - - PUNCT crl-14085 47 27 step step NOUN crl-14085 47 28 report report NOUN crl-14085 47 29 on on ADP crl-14085 47 30 automation automation NOUN crl-14085 47 31 activities activity NOUN crl-14085 47 32 undertaken undertake VERB crl-14085 47 33 by by ADP crl-14085 47 34 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 47 35 in in ADP crl-14085 47 36 london london PROPN crl-14085 47 37 and and CCONJ crl-14085 47 38 south south ADJ crl-14085 47 39 eastern eastern PROPN crl-14085 47 40 library library PROPN crl-14085 47 41 region region NOUN crl-14085 47 42 ( ( PUNCT crl-14085 47 43 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 47 44 ) ) PUNCT crl-14085 47 45 . . PUNCT crl-14085 48 1 from from ADP crl-14085 48 2 the the DET crl-14085 48 3 production production NOUN crl-14085 48 4 of of ADP crl-14085 48 5 isbn isbn NOUN crl-14085 48 6 location location NOUN crl-14085 48 7 funding funding NOUN crl-14085 48 8 lists list NOUN crl-14085 48 9 to to ADP crl-14085 48 10 the the DET crl-14085 48 11 installation installation NOUN crl-14085 48 12 of of ADP crl-14085 48 13 a a DET crl-14085 48 14 minicomputer minicomputer NOUN crl-14085 48 15 with with ADP crl-14085 48 16 online online ADJ crl-14085 48 17 access access NOUN crl-14085 48 18 for for ADP crl-14085 48 19 member member NOUN crl-14085 48 20 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 48 21 , , PUNCT crl-14085 48 22 the the DET crl-14085 48 23 pioneering pioneering ADJ crl-14085 48 24 and and CCONJ crl-14085 48 25 developmental developmental ADJ crl-14085 48 26 activities activity NOUN crl-14085 48 27 , , PUNCT crl-14085 48 28 including include VERB crl-14085 48 29 questions question NOUN crl-14085 48 30 asked ask VERB crl-14085 48 31 , , PUNCT crl-14085 48 32 are be AUX crl-14085 48 33 described describe VERB crl-14085 48 34 . . PUNCT crl-14085 49 1 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 49 2 affected affect VERB crl-14085 49 3 initially initially ADV crl-14085 49 4 were be AUX crl-14085 49 5 predominantly predominantly ADV crl-14085 49 6 public public ADJ crl-14085 49 7 libraries library NOUN crl-14085 49 8 . . PUNCT crl-14085 50 1 the the DET crl-14085 50 2 criteria criterion NOUN crl-14085 50 3 set set VERB crl-14085 50 4 forth forth ADP crl-14085 50 5 for for ADP crl-14085 50 6 the the DET crl-14085 50 7 system system NOUN crl-14085 50 8 included include VERB crl-14085 50 9 these these DET crl-14085 50 10 factors factor NOUN crl-14085 50 11 : : PUNCT crl-14085 50 12 cheap cheap ADJ crl-14085 50 13 , , PUNCT crl-14085 50 14 simple simple ADJ crl-14085 50 15 , , PUNCT crl-14085 50 16 and and CCONJ crl-14085 50 17 fast fast ADV crl-14085 50 18 . . PUNCT crl-14085 51 1 whether whether SCONJ crl-14085 51 2 the the DET crl-14085 51 3 database database NOUN crl-14085 51 4 was be AUX crl-14085 51 5 used use VERB crl-14085 51 6 for for ADP crl-14085 51 7 interlending interlende VERB crl-14085 51 8 purposes purpose NOUN crl-14085 51 9 or or CCONJ crl-14085 51 10 for for ADP crl-14085 51 11 complete complete ADJ crl-14085 51 12 cataloging cataloging NOUN crl-14085 51 13 service service NOUN crl-14085 51 14 , , PUNCT crl-14085 51 15 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 51 16 was be AUX crl-14085 51 17 a a DET crl-14085 51 18 successful successful ADJ crl-14085 51 19 network network NOUN crl-14085 51 20 . . PUNCT crl-14085 52 1 but but CCONJ crl-14085 52 2 did do AUX crl-14085 52 3 this this DET crl-14085 52 4 endeavor endeavor NOUN crl-14085 52 5 end end VERB crl-14085 52 6 with with ADP crl-14085 52 7 the the DET crl-14085 52 8 installation installation NOUN crl-14085 52 9 of of ADP crl-14085 52 10 online online ADJ crl-14085 52 11 services service NOUN crl-14085 52 12 ? ? PUNCT crl-14085 53 1 hardly hardly ADV crl-14085 53 2 , , PUNCT crl-14085 53 3 since since SCONJ crl-14085 53 4 automatic automatic ADJ crl-14085 53 5 systems system NOUN crl-14085 53 6 are be AUX crl-14085 53 7 not not PART crl-14085 53 8 static static ADJ crl-14085 53 9 . . PUNCT crl-14085 54 1 laser laser PROPN crl-14085 54 2 moved move VERB crl-14085 54 3 from from ADP crl-14085 54 4 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 54 5 on on ADP crl-14085 54 6 its its PRON crl-14085 54 7 own own ADJ crl-14085 54 8 to to PART crl-14085 54 9 laser laser VERB crl-14085 54 10 in in ADP crl-14085 54 11 cooperation cooperation NOUN crl-14085 54 12 . . PUNCT crl-14085 55 1 some some DET crl-14085 55 2 2s 2s NUM crl-14085 55 3 organizations organization NOUN crl-14085 55 4 purchased purchase VERB crl-14085 55 5 space space NOUN crl-14085 55 6 from from ADP crl-14085 55 7 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 55 8 and and CCONJ crl-14085 55 9 shared share VERB crl-14085 55 10 resources resource NOUN crl-14085 55 11 . . PUNCT crl-14085 56 1 the the DET crl-14085 56 2 movement movement NOUN crl-14085 56 3 in in ADP crl-14085 56 4 computer computer NOUN crl-14085 56 5 development development NOUN crl-14085 56 6 and and CCONJ crl-14085 56 7 telecommunications telecommunication NOUN crl-14085 56 8 enabled enable VERB crl-14085 56 9 greater great ADJ crl-14085 56 10 economies economy NOUN crl-14085 56 11 and and CCONJ crl-14085 56 12 more more ADV crl-14085 56 13 efficient efficient ADJ crl-14085 56 14 utilization utilization NOUN crl-14085 56 15 of of ADP crl-14085 56 16 resources resource NOUN crl-14085 56 17 . . PUNCT crl-14085 57 1 at at ADP crl-14085 57 2 the the DET crl-14085 57 3 time time NOUN crl-14085 57 4 of of ADP crl-14085 57 5 writing writing NOUN crl-14085 57 6 , , PUNCT crl-14085 57 7 laser laser NOUN crl-14085 57 8 's 's PART crl-14085 57 9 future future NOUN crl-14085 57 10 , , PUNCT crl-14085 57 11 largely largely ADV crl-14085 57 12 due due ADJ crl-14085 57 13 to to ADP crl-14085 57 14 expertise expertise NOUN crl-14085 57 15 gained gain VERB crl-14085 57 16 , , PUNCT crl-14085 57 17 was be AUX crl-14085 57 18 looking look VERB crl-14085 57 19 toward toward ADP crl-14085 57 20 an an DET crl-14085 57 21 even even ADV crl-14085 57 22 greater great ADJ crl-14085 57 23 role role NOUN crl-14085 57 24 - - PUNCT crl-14085 57 25 nationwide nationwide ADJ crl-14085 57 26 coordina coordina NOUN