id sid tid token lemma pos crl-13554 1 1 college college NOUN crl-13554 1 2 and and CCONJ crl-13554 1 3 research research NOUN crl-13554 1 4 libraries librarie VERB crl-13554 1 5 372 372 NUM crl-13554 1 6 i i PROPN crl-13554 1 7 college college PROPN crl-13554 1 8 & & CCONJ crl-13554 1 9 research research PROPN crl-13554 1 10 libraries librarie VERB crl-13554 1 11 • • ADJ crl-13554 1 12 july july PROPN crl-13554 1 13 1980 1980 NUM crl-13554 1 14 cated cated ADJ crl-13554 1 15 machinery machinery NOUN crl-13554 1 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 1 17 expensive expensive ADJ crl-13554 1 18 information information NOUN crl-13554 1 19 devices device NOUN crl-13554 1 20 , , PUNCT crl-13554 1 21 the the DET crl-13554 1 22 availability availability NOUN crl-13554 1 23 of of ADP crl-13554 1 24 new new ADJ crl-13554 1 25 techniques technique NOUN crl-13554 1 26 , , PUNCT crl-13554 1 27 new new ADJ crl-13554 1 28 media medium NOUN crl-13554 1 29 and and CCONJ crl-13554 1 30 new new ADJ crl-13554 1 31 theories theory NOUN crl-13554 1 32 . . PUNCT crl-13554 1 33 . . PUNCT crl-13554 1 34 . . PUNCT crl-13554 2 1 at at ADP crl-13554 2 2 a a DET crl-13554 2 3 time time NOUN crl-13554 2 4 when when SCONJ crl-13554 2 5 budgets budget NOUN crl-13554 2 6 are be AUX crl-13554 2 7 decreasing decrease VERB crl-13554 2 8 , , PUNCT crl-13554 2 9 the the DET crl-13554 2 10 purchasing purchasing NOUN crl-13554 2 11 power power NOUN crl-13554 2 12 is be AUX crl-13554 2 13 suffering suffer VERB crl-13554 2 14 from from ADP crl-13554 2 15 inflation inflation NOUN crl-13554 2 16 , , PUNCT crl-13554 2 17 and and CCONJ crl-13554 2 18 wages wage NOUN crl-13554 2 19 are be AUX crl-13554 2 20 going go VERB crl-13554 2 21 up up ADP crl-13554 2 22 " " PUNCT crl-13554 2 23 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 2 24 p. p. NOUN crl-13554 2 25 7 7 NUM crl-13554 2 26 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 2 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 3 1 unfortunately unfortunately ADV crl-13554 3 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 3 3 library library NOUN crl-13554 3 4 practitioners practitioner NOUN crl-13554 3 5 and and CCONJ crl-13554 3 6 library library PROPN crl-13554 3 7 school school NOUN crl-13554 3 8 faculty faculty NOUN crl-13554 3 9 are be AUX crl-13554 3 10 likely likely ADJ crl-13554 3 11 to to PART crl-13554 3 12 find find VERB crl-13554 3 13 few few ADJ crl-13554 3 14 new new ADJ crl-13554 3 15 solutions solution NOUN crl-13554 3 16 to to ADP crl-13554 3 17 these these DET crl-13554 3 18 problems problem NOUN crl-13554 3 19 in in ADP crl-13554 3 20 the the DET crl-13554 3 21 papers paper NOUN crl-13554 3 22 that that PRON crl-13554 3 23 follow follow VERB crl-13554 3 24 . . PUNCT crl-13554 4 1 in in ADP crl-13554 4 2 fact fact NOUN crl-13554 4 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 4 4 most most ADJ crl-13554 4 5 of of ADP crl-13554 4 6 the the DET crl-13554 4 7 issues issue NOUN crl-13554 4 8 addressed address VERB crl-13554 4 9 here here ADV crl-13554 4 10 have have AUX crl-13554 4 11 been be AUX crl-13554 4 12 repeatedly repeatedly ADV crl-13554 4 13 discussed discuss VERB crl-13554 4 14 over over ADP crl-13554 4 15 the the DET crl-13554 4 16 past past ADJ crl-13554 4 17 several several ADJ crl-13554 4 18 years year NOUN crl-13554 4 19 in in ADP crl-13554 4 20 relevant relevant ADJ crl-13554 4 21 journal journal NOUN crl-13554 4 22 articles article NOUN crl-13554 4 23 and and CCONJ crl-13554 4 24 professional professional ADJ crl-13554 4 25 meetings meeting NOUN crl-13554 4 26 . . PUNCT crl-13554 5 1 since since SCONJ crl-13554 5 2 the the DET crl-13554 5 3 volume volume NOUN crl-13554 5 4 is be AUX crl-13554 5 5 a a DET crl-13554 5 6 transcript transcript NOUN crl-13554 5 7 of of ADP crl-13554 5 8 a a DET crl-13554 5 9 1977 1977 NUM crl-13554 5 10 conference conference NOUN crl-13554 5 11 , , PUNCT crl-13554 5 12 this this PRON crl-13554 5 13 should should AUX crl-13554 5 14 not not PART crl-13554 5 15 be be AUX crl-13554 5 16 surprising surprising ADJ crl-13554 5 17 . . PUNCT crl-13554 6 1 yet yet ADV crl-13554 6 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 6 3 this this DET crl-13554 6 4 volume volume NOUN crl-13554 6 5 does do AUX crl-13554 6 6 not not PART crl-13554 6 7 even even ADV crl-13554 6 8 summarize summarize VERB crl-13554 6 9 in in ADP crl-13554 6 10 any any DET crl-13554 6 11 coherent coherent ADJ crl-13554 6 12 fashion fashion NOUN crl-13554 6 13 the the DET crl-13554 6 14 current current ADJ crl-13554 6 15 issues issue NOUN crl-13554 6 16 related relate VERB crl-13554 6 17 to to ADP crl-13554 6 18 library library NOUN crl-13554 6 19 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 6 20 . . PUNCT crl-13554 7 1 half half NOUN crl-13554 7 2 of of ADP crl-13554 7 3 the the DET crl-13554 7 4 book book NOUN crl-13554 7 5 is be AUX crl-13554 7 6 devoted devoted ADJ crl-13554 7 7 to to ADP crl-13554 7 8 the the DET crl-13554 7 9 nine nine NUM crl-13554 7 10 invited invite VERB crl-13554 7 11 papers paper NOUN crl-13554 7 12 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 13 which which PRON crl-13554 7 14 span span VERB crl-13554 7 15 the the DET crl-13554 7 16 areas area NOUN crl-13554 7 17 of of ADP crl-13554 7 18 planning planning NOUN crl-13554 7 19 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 20 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 7 21 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 22 cost cost NOUN crl-13554 7 23 - - PUNCT crl-13554 7 24 benefit benefit NOUN crl-13554 7 25 analysis analysis NOUN crl-13554 7 26 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 27 user user NOUN crl-13554 7 28 studies study NOUN crl-13554 7 29 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 30 instruction instruction NOUN crl-13554 7 31 in in ADP crl-13554 7 32 library library NOUN crl-13554 7 33 use use NOUN crl-13554 7 34 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 35 personnel personnel NOUN crl-13554 7 36 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 37 networking networking NOUN crl-13554 7 38 , , PUNCT crl-13554 7 39 and and CCONJ crl-13554 7 40 the the DET crl-13554 7 41 library library NOUN crl-13554 7 42 's 's PART crl-13554 7 43 place place NOUN crl-13554 7 44 in in ADP crl-13554 7 45 higher high ADJ crl-13554 7 46 education education NOUN crl-13554 7 47 . . PUNCT crl-13554 8 1 neither neither CCONJ crl-13554 8 2 these these DET crl-13554 8 3 papers paper NOUN crl-13554 8 4 nor nor CCONJ crl-13554 8 5 the the DET crl-13554 8 6 shorter short ADJ crl-13554 8 7 essays essay NOUN crl-13554 8 8 following follow VERB crl-13554 8 9 are be AUX crl-13554 8 10 unified unify VERB crl-13554 8 11 by by ADP crl-13554 8 12 any any DET crl-13554 8 13 conceptual conceptual ADJ crl-13554 8 14 underpinnings underpinning NOUN crl-13554 8 15 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 8 16 rather rather ADV crl-13554 8 17 they they PRON crl-13554 8 18 represent represent VERB crl-13554 8 19 a a DET crl-13554 8 20 " " PUNCT crl-13554 8 21 shotgun shotgun ADJ crl-13554 8 22 " " PUNCT crl-13554 8 23 approach approach NOUN crl-13554 8 24 to to ADP crl-13554 8 25 the the DET crl-13554 8 26 topic topic NOUN crl-13554 8 27 of of ADP crl-13554 8 28 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 8 29 , , PUNCT crl-13554 8 30 in in ADP crl-13554 8 31 which which PRON crl-13554 8 32 the the DET crl-13554 8 33 overall overall ADJ crl-13554 8 34 conceptual conceptual ADJ crl-13554 8 35 issue issue NOUN crl-13554 8 36 of of ADP crl-13554 8 37 what what PRON crl-13554 8 38 library library NOUN crl-13554 8 39 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 8 40 means mean VERB crl-13554 8 41 is be AUX crl-13554 8 42 never never ADV crl-13554 8 43 addressed address VERB crl-13554 8 44 . . PUNCT crl-13554 9 1 this this DET crl-13554 9 2 conference conference NOUN crl-13554 9 3 reflects reflect VERB crl-13554 9 4 the the DET crl-13554 9 5 continuing continue VERB crl-13554 9 6 gap gap NOUN crl-13554 9 7 between between ADP crl-13554 9 8 theory theory NOUN crl-13554 9 9 and and CCONJ crl-13554 9 10 practice practice NOUN crl-13554 9 11 in in ADP crl-13554 9 12 the the DET crl-13554 9 13 library library NOUN crl-13554 9 14 field field NOUN crl-13554 9 15 . . PUNCT crl-13554 10 1 the the DET crl-13554 10 2 practitioners practitioner NOUN crl-13554 10 3 represented represent VERB crl-13554 10 4 here here ADV crl-13554 10 5 seem seem VERB crl-13554 10 6 quite quite ADV crl-13554 10 7 willing willing ADJ crl-13554 10 8 to to PART crl-13554 10 9 deal deal VERB crl-13554 10 10 with with ADP crl-13554 10 11 the the DET crl-13554 10 12 pragmatic pragmatic ADJ crl-13554 10 13 issues issue NOUN crl-13554 10 14 they they PRON crl-13554 10 15 define define VERB crl-13554 10 16 as as ADV crl-13554 10 17 related related ADJ crl-13554 10 18 to to ADP crl-13554 10 19 " " PUNCT crl-13554 10 20 library library NOUN crl-13554 10 21 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 10 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 10 23 " " PUNCT crl-13554 10 24 but but CCONJ crl-13554 10 25 they they PRON crl-13554 10 26 obviously obviously ADV crl-13554 10 27 do do AUX crl-13554 10 28 not not PART crl-13554 10 29 see see VERB crl-13554 10 30 the the DET crl-13554 10 31 necessity necessity NOUN crl-13554 10 32 of of ADP crl-13554 10 33 working work VERB crl-13554 10 34 out out ADP crl-13554 10 35 the the DET crl-13554 10 36 theoretical theoretical ADJ crl-13554 10 37 basis basis NOUN crl-13554 10 38 on on ADP crl-13554 10 39 which which PRON crl-13554 10 40 such such ADJ crl-13554 10 41 issues issue NOUN crl-13554 10 42 are be AUX crl-13554 10 43 based base VERB crl-13554 10 44 . . PUNCT crl-13554 11 1 the the DET crl-13554 11 2 result result NOUN crl-13554 11 3 is be AUX crl-13554 11 4 that that PRON crl-13554 11 5 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 6 is be AUX crl-13554 11 7 dealt deal VERB crl-13554 11 8 with with ADP crl-13554 11 9 unidimensionally unidimensionally ADV crl-13554 11 10 in in ADP crl-13554 11 11 each each DET crl-13554 11 12 article article NOUN crl-13554 11 13 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 11 14 out out ADP crl-13554 11 15 of of ADP crl-13554 11 16 the the DET crl-13554 11 17 nine nine NUM crl-13554 11 18 major major ADJ crl-13554 11 19 papers paper NOUN crl-13554 11 20 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 21 three three NUM crl-13554 11 22 define define NOUN crl-13554 11 23 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 24 as as ADP crl-13554 11 25 efficiency efficiency NOUN crl-13554 11 26 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 11 27 evans evans PROPN crl-13554 11 28 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 29 mittler mittler NOUN crl-13554 11 30 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 31 declercq declercq PROPN crl-13554 11 32 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 11 33 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 11 34 two two NUM crl-13554 11 35 define define NOUN crl-13554 11 36 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 37 as as ADP crl-13554 11 38 user user NOUN crl-13554 11 39 satisfaction satisfaction NOUN crl-13554 11 40 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 11 41 meister meister NOUN crl-13554 11 42 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 43 fjallbrant fjallbrant PROPN crl-13554 11 44 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 11 45 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 11 46 two two NUM crl-13554 11 47 define define NOUN crl-13554 11 48 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 49 as as ADP crl-13554 11 50 achieving achieve VERB crl-13554 11 51 library library NOUN crl-13554 11 52 objectives objective NOUN crl-13554 11 53 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 11 54 schofield schofield PROPN crl-13554 11 55 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 56 webster webster PROPN crl-13554 11 57 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 11 58 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 11 59 and and CCONJ crl-13554 11 60 two two NUM crl-13554 11 61 define define NOUN crl-13554 11 62 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 63 as as ADP crl-13554 11 64 cost cost NOUN crl-13554 11 65 - - PUNCT crl-13554 11 66 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 11 67 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 11 68 bonus bonus NOUN crl-13554 11 69 , , PUNCT crl-13554 11 70 hill hill NOUN crl-13554 11 71 and and CCONJ crl-13554 11 72 ross ross PROPN crl-13554 11 73 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 11 74 . . PUNCT crl-13554 12 1 the the DET crl-13554 12 2 multidimensionality multidimensionality NOUN crl-13554 12 3 of of ADP crl-13554 12 4 the the DET crl-13554 12 5 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 12 6 construct construct NOUN crl-13554 12 7 is be AUX crl-13554 12 8 not not PART crl-13554 12 9 examined examine VERB crl-13554 12 10 , , PUNCT crl-13554 12 11 leaving leave VERB crl-13554 12 12 the the DET crl-13554 12 13 reader reader NOUN crl-13554 12 14 · · PUNCT crl-13554 12 15 with with ADP crl-13554 12 16 the the DET crl-13554 12 17 fragmented fragmented ADJ crl-13554 12 18 view view NOUN crl-13554 12 19 offered offer VERB crl-13554 12 20 by by ADP crl-13554 12 21 this this DET crl-13554 12 22 collection collection NOUN crl-13554 12 23 of of ADP crl-13554 12 24 papers paper NOUN crl-13554 12 25 . . PUNCT crl-13554 13 1 · · PUNCT crl-13554 13 2 aside aside ADV crl-13554 13 3 from from ADP crl-13554 13 4 these these DET crl-13554 13 5 conceptual conceptual ADJ crl-13554 13 6 problems problem NOUN crl-13554 13 7 , , PUNCT crl-13554 13 8 readability readability NOUN crl-13554 13 9 of of ADP crl-13554 13 10 these these DET crl-13554 13 11 proceedings proceeding NOUN crl-13554 13 12 is be AUX crl-13554 13 13 hindered hinder VERB crl-13554 13 14 by by ADP crl-13554 13 15 poor poor ADJ crl-13554 13 16 editing editing NOUN crl-13554 13 17 . . PUNCT crl-13554 14 1 one one NUM crl-13554 14 2 paper paper NOUN crl-13554 14 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 14 4 meister meister NOUN crl-13554 14 5 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 14 6 appears appear VERB crl-13554 14 7 to to PART crl-13554 14 8 be be AUX crl-13554 14 9 a a DET crl-13554 14 10 translation translation NOUN crl-13554 14 11 , , PUNCT crl-13554 14 12 but but CCONJ crl-13554 14 13 it it PRON crl-13554 14 14 is be AUX crl-13554 14 15 so so ADV crl-13554 14 16 garbled garbled ADJ crl-13554 14 17 as as SCONJ crl-13554 14 18 to to PART crl-13554 14 19 be be AUX crl-13554 14 20 useless useless ADJ crl-13554 14 21 . . PUNCT crl-13554 15 1 another another DET crl-13554 15 2 paper paper NOUN crl-13554 15 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 15 4 mittler mittler NOUN crl-13554 15 5 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 15 6 is be AUX crl-13554 15 7 written write VERB crl-13554 15 8 in in ADP crl-13554 15 9 good good ADJ crl-13554 15 10 english english PROPN crl-13554 15 11 , , PUNCT crl-13554 15 12 but but CCONJ crl-13554 15 13 its its PRON crl-13554 15 14 illustrations illustration NOUN crl-13554 15 15 are be AUX crl-13554 15 16 written write VERB crl-13554 15 17 in in ADP crl-13554 15 18 german german PROPN crl-13554 15 19 , , PUNCT crl-13554 15 20 making make VERB crl-13554 15 21 them they PRON crl-13554 15 22 less less ADJ crl-13554 15 23 than than ADP crl-13554 15 24 useful useful ADJ crl-13554 15 25 . . PUNCT crl-13554 16 1 all all PRON crl-13554 16 2 in in ADV crl-13554 16 3 all all ADV crl-13554 16 4 , , PUNCT crl-13554 16 5 although although SCONJ crl-13554 16 6 individual individual ADJ crl-13554 16 7 authors author NOUN crl-13554 16 8 make make VERB crl-13554 16 9 some some DET crl-13554 16 10 good good ADJ crl-13554 16 11 points point NOUN crl-13554 16 12 concerning concern VERB crl-13554 16 13 aspects aspect NOUN crl-13554 16 14 of of ADP crl-13554 16 15 library library NOUN crl-13554 16 16 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 16 17 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 16 18 particularly particularly ADV crl-13554 16 19 webster webster NOUN crl-13554 16 20 and and CCONJ crl-13554 16 21 bonus bonus NOUN crl-13554 16 22 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 16 23 , , PUNCT crl-13554 16 24 the the DET crl-13554 16 25 overall overall ADJ crl-13554 16 26 treatment treatment NOUN crl-13554 16 27 of of ADP crl-13554 16 28 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 16 29 is be AUX crl-13554 16 30 rudimentary rudimentary ADJ crl-13554 16 31 . . PUNCT crl-13554 17 1 at at ADP crl-13554 17 2 best good ADJ crl-13554 17 3 this this DET crl-13554 17 4 conference conference NOUN crl-13554 17 5 may may AUX crl-13554 17 6 encourage encourage VERB crl-13554 17 7 more more ADJ crl-13554 17 8 definitive definitive ADJ crl-13554 17 9 research research NOUN crl-13554 17 10 on on ADP crl-13554 17 11 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crl-13554 17 12 in in ADP crl-13554 17 13 the the DET crl-13554 17 14 future.rosemary future.rosemary PROPN crl-13554 17 15 ruhig ruhig NOUN crl-13554 17 16 du du PROPN crl-13554 17 17 mont mont PROPN crl-13554 17 18 , , PUNCT crl-13554 17 19 university university PROPN crl-13554 17 20 of of ADP crl-13554 17 21 kentucky kentucky PROPN crl-13554 17 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 17 23 lexington lexington PROPN crl-13554 17 24 . . PUNCT crl-13554 18 1 boss boss NOUN crl-13554 18 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 18 3 richard richard PROPN crl-13554 18 4 w. w. PROPN crl-13554 18 5 the the DET crl-13554 18 6 library library PROPN crl-13554 18 7 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 18 8 's 's PART crl-13554 18 9 guide guide NOUN crl-13554 18 10 to to ADP crl-13554 18 11 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 18 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 19 1 professional professional ADJ crl-13554 19 2 librarian librarian ADJ crl-13554 19 3 series series PROPN crl-13554 19 4 . . PUNCT crl-13554 20 1 white white PROPN crl-13554 20 2 plains plains PROPN crl-13554 20 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 20 4 n.y n.y PROPN crl-13554 20 5 . . PROPN crl-13554 20 6 : : PUNCT crl-13554 20 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-13554 20 8 industry industry NOUN crl-13554 20 9 publications publication NOUN crl-13554 20 10 , , PUNCT crl-13554 20 11 1979 1979 NUM crl-13554 20 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 21 1 106p 106p NOUN crl-13554 21 2 . . PUNCT crl-13554 22 1 $ $ SYM crl-13554 22 2 24.50 24.50 NUM crl-13554 22 3 softcover softcover NOUN crl-13554 22 4 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 22 5 $ $ SYM crl-13554 22 6 29.50 29.50 NUM crl-13554 22 7 hardcover hardcover NOUN crl-13554 22 8 . . PUNCT crl-13554 23 1 lc lc NOUN crl-13554 23 2 79 79 NUM crl-13554 23 3 - - SYM crl-13554 23 4 3057 3057 NUM crl-13554 23 5 . . PUNCT crl-13554 24 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-13554 24 2 0 0 NUM crl-13554 24 3 - - SYM crl-13554 24 4 914236 914236 NUM crl-13554 24 5 - - PUNCT crl-13554 24 6 38 38 NUM crl-13554 24 7 - - SYM crl-13554 24 8 5 5 NUM crl-13554 24 9 softcover softcover NOUN crl-13554 24 10 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 24 11 0914236 0914236 NUM crl-13554 24 12 - - SYM crl-13554 24 13 33 33 NUM crl-13554 24 14 - - SYM crl-13554 24 15 4 4 NUM crl-13554 24 16 hardcover hardcover NOUN crl-13554 24 17 . . PUNCT crl-13554 25 1 on on ADP crl-13554 25 2 the the DET crl-13554 25 3 premise premise NOUN crl-13554 25 4 that that SCONJ crl-13554 25 5 the the DET crl-13554 25 6 decision decision NOUN crl-13554 25 7 to to PART crl-13554 25 8 automate automate VERB crl-13554 25 9 is be AUX crl-13554 25 10 one one NUM crl-13554 25 11 of of ADP crl-13554 25 12 the the DET crl-13554 25 13 most most ADV crl-13554 25 14 significant significant ADJ crl-13554 25 15 decisions decision NOUN crl-13554 25 16 in in ADP crl-13554 25 17 a a DET crl-13554 25 18 library library NOUN crl-13554 25 19 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 25 20 's 's PART crl-13554 25 21 career career NOUN crl-13554 25 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 25 23 the the DET crl-13554 25 24 guide guide NOUN crl-13554 25 25 's 's PART crl-13554 25 26 stated state VERB crl-13554 25 27 purpose purpose NOUN crl-13554 25 28 is be AUX crl-13554 25 29 " " PUNCT crl-13554 25 30 to to PART crl-13554 25 31 describe describe VERB crl-13554 25 32 the the DET crl-13554 25 33 present present ADJ crl-13554 25 34 state state NOUN crl-13554 25 35 of of ADP crl-13554 25 36 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 25 37 , , PUNCT crl-13554 25 38 its its PRON crl-13554 25 39 value value NOUN crl-13554 25 40 to to ADP crl-13554 25 41 libraries library NOUN crl-13554 25 42 , , PUNCT crl-13554 25 43 future future ADJ crl-13554 25 44 trends trend NOUN crl-13554 25 45 , , PUNCT crl-13554 25 46 and and CCONJ crl-13554 25 47 the the DET crl-13554 25 48 role role NOUN crl-13554 25 49 of of ADP crl-13554 25 50 the the DET crl-13554 25 51 library library NOUN crl-13554 25 52 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 25 53 in in ADP crl-13554 25 54 the the DET crl-13554 25 55 conversion conversion NOUN crl-13554 25 56 process process NOUN crl-13554 25 57 . . PUNCT crl-13554 25 58 " " PUNCT crl-13554 26 1 in in ADP crl-13554 26 2 doing do VERB crl-13554 26 3 this this PRON crl-13554 26 4 , , PUNCT crl-13554 26 5 no no DET crl-13554 26 6 expertise expertise NOUN crl-13554 26 7 is be AUX crl-13554 26 8 assumed assume VERB crl-13554 26 9 and and CCONJ crl-13554 26 10 the the DET crl-13554 26 11 stated stated ADJ crl-13554 26 12 emphasis emphasis NOUN crl-13554 26 13 is be AUX crl-13554 26 14 on on ADP crl-13554 26 15 the the DET crl-13554 26 16 context context NOUN crl-13554 26 17 in in ADP crl-13554 26 18 which which PRON crl-13554 26 19 technical technical ADJ crl-13554 26 20 decisions decision NOUN crl-13554 26 21 are be AUX crl-13554 26 22 made make VERB crl-13554 26 23 . . PUNCT crl-13554 27 1 the the DET crl-13554 27 2 chapter chapter NOUN crl-13554 27 3 on on ADP crl-13554 27 4 fundamentals fundamental NOUN crl-13554 27 5 of of ADP crl-13554 27 6 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 27 7 includes include VERB crl-13554 27 8 a a DET crl-13554 27 9 discussion discussion NOUN crl-13554 27 10 of of ADP crl-13554 27 11 the the DET crl-13554 27 12 advantages advantage NOUN crl-13554 27 13 and and CCONJ crl-13554 27 14 disadvantages disadvantage NOUN crl-13554 27 15 of of ADP crl-13554 27 16 turnkey turnkey NOUN crl-13554 27 17 versus versus ADP crl-13554 27 18 in in ADP crl-13554 27 19 - - PUNCT crl-13554 27 20 house house NOUN crl-13554 27 21 development development NOUN crl-13554 27 22 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 27 23 minicomputer minicomputer NOUN crl-13554 27 24 capabilities capability NOUN crl-13554 27 25 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 27 26 and and CCONJ crl-13554 27 27 a a DET crl-13554 27 28 general general ADJ crl-13554 27 29 , , PUNCT crl-13554 27 30 very very ADV crl-13554 27 31 brief brief ADJ crl-13554 27 32 discussion discussion NOUN crl-13554 27 33 of of ADP crl-13554 27 34 hardware hardware NOUN crl-13554 27 35 and and CCONJ crl-13554 27 36 software software NOUN crl-13554 27 37 basics basic NOUN crl-13554 27 38 . . PUNCT crl-13554 28 1 the the DET crl-13554 28 2 discussion discussion NOUN crl-13554 28 3 of of ADP crl-13554 28 4 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 28 5 today today NOUN crl-13554 28 6 is be AUX crl-13554 28 7 largely largely ADV crl-13554 28 8 a a DET crl-13554 28 9 discussion discussion NOUN crl-13554 28 10 of of ADP crl-13554 28 11 current current ADJ crl-13554 28 12 vend.ors vend.or NOUN crl-13554 28 13 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 14 products product NOUN crl-13554 28 15 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 28 17 services service NOUN crl-13554 28 18 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 19 such such ADJ crl-13554 28 20 as as ADP crl-13554 28 21 batab batab ADJ crl-13554 28 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 23 libris libris PROPN crl-13554 28 24 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 25 oclc oclc PROPN crl-13554 28 26 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 27 wln wln ADJ crl-13554 28 28 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 29 etc etc X crl-13554 28 30 . . X crl-13554 28 31 in in ADP crl-13554 28 32 a a DET crl-13554 28 33 brief brief ADJ crl-13554 28 34 glimpse glimpse NOUN crl-13554 28 35 into into ADP crl-13554 28 36 the the DET crl-13554 28 37 future future NOUN crl-13554 28 38 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 39 the the DET crl-13554 28 40 author author NOUN crl-13554 28 41 predicts predict VERB crl-13554 28 42 that that SCONJ crl-13554 28 43 more more ADJ crl-13554 28 44 library library NOUN crl-13554 28 45 functions function NOUN crl-13554 28 46 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 47 including include VERB crl-13554 28 48 office office NOUN crl-13554 28 49 procedures procedure NOUN crl-13554 28 50 , , PUNCT crl-13554 28 51 will will AUX crl-13554 28 52 be be AUX crl-13554 28 53 automated automate VERB crl-13554 28 54 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 28 55 files file NOUN crl-13554 28 56 will will AUX crl-13554 28 57 be be AUX crl-13554 28 58 built build VERB crl-13554 28 59 as as ADP crl-13554 28 60 by by ADP crl-13554 28 61 - - PUNCT crl-13554 28 62 products product NOUN crl-13554 28 63 of of ADP crl-13554 28 64 other other ADJ crl-13554 28 65 functions function NOUN crl-13554 28 66 and and CCONJ crl-13554 28 67 through through ADP crl-13554 28 68 use use NOUN crl-13554 28 69 of of ADP crl-13554 28 70 shared share VERB crl-13554 28 71 facilities facility NOUN crl-13554 28 72 like like ADP crl-13554 28 73 oclc oclc PROPN crl-13554 28 74 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 28 75 and and CCONJ crl-13554 28 76 patrons patron NOUN crl-13554 28 77 will will AUX crl-13554 28 78 be be AUX crl-13554 28 79 using use VERB crl-13554 28 80 terminals terminal NOUN crl-13554 28 81 that that PRON crl-13554 28 82 are be AUX crl-13554 28 83 " " PUNCT crl-13554 28 84 user user NOUN crl-13554 28 85 cordial cordial ADJ crl-13554 28 86 . . PUNCT crl-13554 28 87 " " PUNCT crl-13554 29 1 he he PRON crl-13554 29 2 further far ADV crl-13554 29 3 states state VERB crl-13554 29 4 that that SCONJ crl-13554 29 5 libraries library NOUN crl-13554 29 6 will will AUX crl-13554 29 7 have have VERB crl-13554 29 8 an an DET crl-13554 29 9 increasing increase VERB crl-13554 29 10 array array NOUN crl-13554 29 11 of of ADP crl-13554 29 12 commercial commercial ADJ crl-13554 29 13 competitors competitor NOUN crl-13554 29 14 having have VERB crl-13554 29 15 easy easy ADJ crl-13554 29 16 access access NOUN crl-13554 29 17 to to PART crl-13554 29 18 review review NOUN crl-13554 29 19 articles article NOUN crl-13554 29 20 is be AUX crl-13554 29 21 very very ADV crl-13554 29 22 important important ADJ crl-13554 29 23 to to PART crl-13554 29 24 librarians librarian NOUN crl-13554 29 25 and and CCONJ crl-13554 29 26 researchers researcher NOUN crl-13554 29 27 since since SCONJ crl-13554 29 28 these these DET crl-13554 29 29 articles article NOUN crl-13554 29 30 are be AUX crl-13554 29 31 among among ADP crl-13554 29 32 the the DET crl-13554 29 33 most most ADV crl-13554 29 34 useful useful ADJ crl-13554 29 35 published publish VERB crl-13554 29 36 . . PUNCT crl-13554 30 1 they they PRON crl-13554 30 2 are be AUX crl-13554 30 3 a a DET crl-13554 30 4 key key ADJ crl-13554 30 5 starting start VERB crl-13554 30 6 point point NOUN crl-13554 30 7 for for ADP crl-13554 30 8 a a DET crl-13554 30 9 thorough thorough ADJ crl-13554 30 10 literature literature NOUN crl-13554 30 11 search search NOUN crl-13554 30 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 31 1 they they PRON crl-13554 31 2 also also ADV crl-13554 31 3 enable enable VERB crl-13554 31 4 students student NOUN crl-13554 31 5 to to PART crl-13554 31 6 get get VERB crl-13554 31 7 an an DET crl-13554 31 8 overview overview NOUN crl-13554 31 9 of of ADP crl-13554 31 10 an an DET crl-13554 31 11 unfamiliar unfamiliar ADJ crl-13554 31 12 field field NOUN crl-13554 31 13 and and CCONJ crl-13554 31 14 specialists specialist NOUN crl-13554 31 15 to to PART crl-13554 31 16 stay stay VERB crl-13554 31 17 informed informed ADJ crl-13554 31 18 about about ADP crl-13554 31 19 advances advance NOUN crl-13554 31 20 at at ADP crl-13554 31 21 the the DET crl-13554 31 22 periphery periphery NOUN crl-13554 31 23 of of ADP crl-13554 31 24 their their PRON crl-13554 31 25 desciplines descipline NOUN crl-13554 31 26 . . PUNCT crl-13554 32 1 but but CCONJ crl-13554 32 2 it it PRON crl-13554 32 3 's be AUX crl-13554 32 4 not not PART crl-13554 32 5 always always ADV crl-13554 32 6 easy easy ADJ crl-13554 32 7 to to PART crl-13554 32 8 find find VERB crl-13554 32 9 a a DET crl-13554 32 10 review review NOUN crl-13554 32 11 article article NOUN crl-13554 32 12 in in ADP crl-13554 32 13 a a DET crl-13554 32 14 specific specific ADJ crl-13554 32 15 field field NOUN crl-13554 32 16 . . PUNCT crl-13554 33 1 at at ADP crl-13554 33 2 least least ADJ crl-13554 33 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 33 4 it it PRON crl-13554 33 5 was be AUX crl-13554 33 6 n't not PART crl-13554 33 7 until until ADP crl-13554 33 8 the the DET crl-13554 33 9 index index NOUN crl-13554 33 10 to to ADP crl-13554 33 11 scientific scientific ADJ crl-13554 33 12 reviews•• reviews•• NOUN crl-13554 33 13 -the -the DET crl-13554 33 14 index index NOUN crl-13554 33 15 which which PRON crl-13554 33 16 brings bring VERB crl-13554 33 17 review review NOUN crl-13554 33 18 articles article NOUN crl-13554 33 19 in in ADP crl-13554 33 20 science science NOUN crl-13554 33 21 together together ADV crl-13554 33 22 in in ADP crl-13554 33 23 one one NUM crl-13554 33 24 easy easy ADJ crl-13554 33 25 - - PUNCT crl-13554 33 26 to to ADP crl-13554 33 27 - - PUNCT crl-13554 33 28 use use NOUN crl-13554 33 29 reference reference NOUN crl-13554 33 30 . . PUNCT crl-13554 34 1 isr isr PROPN crl-13554 34 2 •• •• PROPN crl-13554 34 3 covers cover VERB crl-13554 34 4 over over ADP crl-13554 34 5 30,000 30,000 NUM crl-13554 34 6 reviews review NOUN crl-13554 34 7 from from ADP crl-13554 34 8 more more ADJ crl-13554 34 9 than than ADP crl-13554 34 10 2,900 2,900 NUM crl-13554 34 11 of of ADP crl-13554 34 12 the the DET crl-13554 34 13 world world NOUN crl-13554 34 14 's 's PART crl-13554 34 15 most most ADV crl-13554 34 16 important important ADJ crl-13554 34 17 journals journal NOUN crl-13554 34 18 every every DET crl-13554 34 19 year year NOUN crl-13554 34 20 . . PUNCT crl-13554 35 1 these these DET crl-13554 35 2 journals journal NOUN crl-13554 35 3 range range VERB crl-13554 35 4 from from ADP crl-13554 35 5 agriculture agriculture NOUN crl-13554 35 6 to to ADP crl-13554 35 7 medicine medicine NOUN crl-13554 35 8 to to ADP crl-13554 35 9 the the DET crl-13554 35 10 physical physical ADJ crl-13554 35 11 , , PUNCT crl-13554 35 12 chemical chemical NOUN crl-13554 35 13 and and CCONJ crl-13554 35 14 behavioral behavioral ADJ crl-13554 35 15 sciences sciences PROPN crl-13554 35 16 . . PUNCT crl-13554 36 1 in in ADP crl-13554 36 2 fact fact NOUN crl-13554 36 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 36 4 over over ADP crl-13554 36 5 100 100 NUM crl-13554 36 6 disciplines discipline NOUN crl-13554 36 7 in in ADP crl-13554 36 8 every every DET crl-13554 36 9 area area NOUN crl-13554 36 10 of of ADP crl-13554 36 11 science science NOUN crl-13554 36 12 are be AUX crl-13554 36 13 covered cover VERB crl-13554 36 14 . . PUNCT crl-13554 37 1 you you PRON crl-13554 37 2 do do AUX crl-13554 37 3 n't not PART crl-13554 37 4 have have VERB crl-13554 37 5 to to PART crl-13554 37 6 go go VERB crl-13554 37 7 through through ADP crl-13554 37 8 separate separate ADJ crl-13554 37 9 references reference NOUN crl-13554 37 10 to to PART crl-13554 37 11 find find VERB crl-13554 37 12 reviews review NOUN crl-13554 37 13 for for ADP crl-13554 37 14 subjects subject NOUN crl-13554 37 15 in in ADP crl-13554 37 16 any any PRON crl-13554 37 17 of of ADP crl-13554 37 18 these these DET crl-13554 37 19 areas area NOUN crl-13554 37 20 -they -they PRON crl-13554 37 21 are be AUX crl-13554 37 22 all all PRON crl-13554 37 23 in in ADP crl-13554 37 24 the the DET crl-13554 37 25 multidisciplinary multidisciplinary NOUN crl-13554 37 26 /sr /sr NOUN crl-13554 37 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 38 1 /sr /sr PROPN crl-13554 38 2 is be AUX crl-13554 38 3 highly highly ADV crl-13554 38 4 current current ADJ crl-13554 38 5 , , PUNCT crl-13554 38 6 keeping keep VERB crl-13554 38 7 you you PRON crl-13554 38 8 on on ADP crl-13554 38 9 top top NOUN crl-13554 38 10 of of ADP crl-13554 38 11 the the DET crl-13554 38 12 latest late ADJ crl-13554 38 13 review review NOUN crl-13554 38 14 articles article NOUN crl-13554 38 15 . . PUNCT crl-13554 39 1 it it PRON crl-13554 39 2 comes come VERB crl-13554 39 3 out out ADP crl-13554 39 4 as as ADP crl-13554 39 5 a a DET crl-13554 39 6 soft soft ADJ crl-13554 39 7 - - PUNCT crl-13554 39 8 bound bind VERB crl-13554 39 9 semi semi ADJ crl-13554 39 10 - - ADJ crl-13554 39 11 annual annual ADJ crl-13554 39 12 issue issue NOUN crl-13554 39 13 , , PUNCT crl-13554 39 14 which which PRON crl-13554 39 15 covers cover VERB crl-13554 39 16 january january PROPN crl-13554 39 17 to to ADP crl-13554 39 18 june june PROPN crl-13554 39 19 , , PUNCT crl-13554 39 20 and and CCONJ crl-13554 39 21 a a DET crl-13554 39 22 hard hard ADV crl-13554 39 23 - - PUNCT crl-13554 39 24 bound bind VERB crl-13554 39 25 annual annual ADJ crl-13554 39 26 cumulation cumulation NOUN crl-13554 39 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 40 1 isr isr PROPN crl-13554 40 2 makes make VERB crl-13554 40 3 it it PRON crl-13554 40 4 easy easy ADJ crl-13554 40 5 to to PART crl-13554 40 6 find find VERB crl-13554 40 7 the the DET crl-13554 40 8 review review NOUN crl-13554 40 9 articles article NOUN crl-13554 40 10 you you PRON crl-13554 40 11 need need VERB crl-13554 40 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 41 1 search search NOUN crl-13554 41 2 by by ADP crl-13554 41 3 authors author NOUN crl-13554 41 4 , , PUNCT crl-13554 41 5 title title NOUN crl-13554 41 6 words word NOUN crl-13554 41 7 and and CCONJ crl-13554 41 8 phrases phrase NOUN crl-13554 41 9 , , PUNCT crl-13554 41 10 or or CCONJ crl-13554 41 11 organizations organization NOUN crl-13554 41 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 42 1 or or CCONJ crl-13554 42 2 use use VERB crl-13554 42 3 the the DET crl-13554 42 4 isr isr PROPN crl-13554 42 5 's 's PART crl-13554 42 6 citation citation NOUN crl-13554 42 7 index index NOUN crl-13554 42 8 . . PUNCT crl-13554 43 1 it it PRON crl-13554 43 2 lets let VERB crl-13554 43 3 you you PRON crl-13554 43 4 start start VERB crl-13554 43 5 a a DET crl-13554 43 6 search search NOUN crl-13554 43 7 with with ADP crl-13554 43 8 an an DET crl-13554 43 9 older old ADJ crl-13554 43 10 publication publication NOUN crl-13554 43 11 relevant relevant ADJ crl-13554 43 12 to to ADP crl-13554 43 13 your your PRON crl-13554 43 14 subject subject NOUN crl-13554 43 15 , , PUNCT crl-13554 43 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 43 17 find find VERB crl-13554 43 18 more more ADV crl-13554 43 19 recent recent ADJ crl-13554 43 20 reviews review NOUN crl-13554 43 21 which which PRON crl-13554 43 22 cited cite VERB crl-13554 43 23 it it PRON crl-13554 43 24 and and CCONJ crl-13554 43 25 thus thus ADV crl-13554 43 26 likely likely ADJ crl-13554 43 27 to to PART crl-13554 43 28 be be AUX crl-13554 43 29 on on ADP crl-13554 43 30 the the DET crl-13554 43 31 same same ADJ crl-13554 43 32 topic topic NOUN crl-13554 43 33 . . PUNCT crl-13554 44 1 learn learn VERB crl-13554 44 2 more more ADJ crl-13554 44 3 about about ADP crl-13554 44 4 how how SCONJ crl-13554 44 5 you you PRON crl-13554 44 6 can can AUX crl-13554 44 7 have have AUX crl-13554 44 8 better well ADJ crl-13554 44 9 access access NOUN crl-13554 44 10 to to ADP crl-13554 44 11 the the DET crl-13554 44 12 review review NOUN crl-13554 44 13 literature literature NOUN crl-13554 44 14 . . PUNCT crl-13554 45 1 send send VERB crl-13554 45 2 today today NOUN crl-13554 45 3 for for ADP crl-13554 45 4 a a DET crl-13554 45 5 free free ADJ crl-13554 45 6 brochure brochure NOUN crl-13554 45 7 which which PRON crl-13554 45 8 describes describe VERB crl-13554 45 9 isr isr ADV crl-13554 45 10 and and CCONJ crl-13554 45 11 how how SCONJ crl-13554 45 12 to to PART crl-13554 45 13 use use VERB crl-13554 45 14 it it PRON crl-13554 45 15 . . PUNCT crl-13554 46 1 r----------------------------------------- r----------------------------------------- INTJ crl-13554 46 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 46 3 ~~ ~~ PUNCT crl-13554 47 1 i i PRON crl-13554 47 2 'd would AUX crl-13554 47 3 like like VERB crl-13554 47 4 to to PART crl-13554 47 5 know know VERB crl-13554 47 6 more more ADJ crl-13554 47 7 about about ADP crl-13554 47 8 the the DET crl-13554 47 9 index index NOUN crl-13554 47 10 to to ADP crl-13554 47 11 scientific scientific ADJ crl-13554 47 12 reviews review NOUN crl-13554 47 13 · · PUNCT crl-13554 47 14 · · NUM crl-13554 47 15 . . PUNCT crl-13554 48 1 please please INTJ crl-13554 48 2 send send VERB crl-13554 48 3 full full ADJ crl-13554 48 4 information information NOUN crl-13554 48 5 for for ADP crl-13554 48 6 my my PRON crl-13554 48 7 library library NOUN crl-13554 48 8 and and CCONJ crl-13554 48 9 me i PRON crl-13554 48 10 . . PUNCT crl-13554 49 1 name name PROPN crl-13554 49 2 title title PROPN crl-13554 49 3 organization organization PROPN crl-13554 49 4 address address PROPN crl-13554 49 5 city city PROPN crl-13554 49 6 state state PROPN crl-13554 49 7 / / SYM crl-13554 49 8 province province PROPN crl-13554 49 9 zip zip PROPN crl-13554 49 10 / / SYM crl-13554 49 11 postal postal ADJ crl-13554 49 12 code code NOUN crl-13554 49 13 country country NOUN crl-13554 49 14 ~~~ ~~~ PUNCT crl-13554 49 15 · · PUNCT crl-13554 49 16 institute institute NOUN crl-13554 49 17 for for ADP crl-13554 49 18 u u PROPN crl-13554 49 19 ~ ~ NUM crl-13554 49 20 u u NOUN crl-13554 49 21 scientific scientific ADJ crl-13554 49 22 information• information• NOUN crl-13554 49 23 3501 3501 NUM crl-13554 49 24 market market NOUN crl-13554 49 25 street street NOUN crl-13554 49 26 , , PUNCT crl-13554 50 1 university university NOUN crl-13554 50 2 city city NOUN crl-13554 50 3 sc sc NOUN crl-13554 50 4 i i PRON crl-13554 50 5 ence ence VERB crl-13554 50 6 center center PROPN crl-13554 50 7 philadelph philadelph INTJ crl-13554 50 8 i i PRON crl-13554 50 9 a. a. VERB crl-13554 50 10 pa pa PROPN crl-13554 50 11 . . PUNCT crl-13554 51 1 1910• 1910• NUM crl-13554 51 2 u u PROPN crl-13554 51 3 s.a s.a PROPN crl-13554 51 4 . . PROPN crl-13554 51 5 tel tel PROPN crl-13554 51 6 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 51 7 2151386.0100 2151386.0100 NUM crl-13554 51 8 . . PUNCT crl-13554 52 1 cable cable NOUN crl-13554 52 2 scinfo scinfo NOUN crl-13554 52 3 . . PUNCT crl-13554 53 1 telex telex PROPN crl-13554 53 2 & & CCONJ crl-13554 53 3 • • VERB crl-13554 53 4 · · NUM crl-13554 53 5 5305 5305 NUM crl-13554 53 6 europeen europeen PROPN crl-13554 53 7 office office NOUN crl-13554 53 8 132 132 NUM crl-13554 53 9 hi hi ADP crl-13554 53 10 gh gh PROPN crl-13554 53 11 slreet slreet PROPN crl-13554 53 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 54 1 uxbri uxbri PROPN crl-13554 54 2 dge dge PROPN crl-13554 54 3 . . PUNCT crl-13554 55 1 middlesex middlesex PROPN crl-13554 55 2 . . PUNCT crl-13554 56 1 uk uk PROPN crl-13554 56 2 tel tel PROPN crl-13554 56 3 uxbridge uxbridge PROPN crl-13554 56 4 30085 30085 NUM crl-13554 56 5 telex telex ADJ crl-13554 56 6 933693 933693 NUM crl-13554 56 7 ci1980 ci1980 NOUN crl-13554 56 8 lsi lsi VERB crl-13554 56 9 101 101 NUM crl-13554 56 10 - - SYM crl-13554 56 11 2332 2332 NUM crl-13554 56 12 l----------------------------------------374 l----------------------------------------374 NOUN crl-13554 57 1 i i PROPN crl-13554 57 2 college college PROPN crl-13554 57 3 & & CCONJ crl-13554 57 4 research research PROPN crl-13554 57 5 libraries librarie VERB crl-13554 57 6 • • ADJ crl-13554 57 7 july july PROPN crl-13554 57 8 1980 1980 NUM crl-13554 57 9 providing provide VERB crl-13554 57 10 access access NOUN crl-13554 57 11 to to ADP crl-13554 57 12 information information NOUN crl-13554 57 13 for for ADP crl-13554 57 14 a a DET crl-13554 57 15 fee fee NOUN crl-13554 57 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 57 17 that that SCONJ crl-13554 57 18 libraries librarie VERB crl-13554 57 19 " " PUNCT crl-13554 57 20 may may AUX crl-13554 57 21 find find VERB crl-13554 57 22 it it PRON crl-13554 57 23 difficult difficult ADJ crl-13554 57 24 to to PART crl-13554 57 25 compete compete VERB crl-13554 57 26 in in ADP crl-13554 57 27 ease ease NOUN crl-13554 57 28 of of ADP crl-13554 57 29 use use NOUN crl-13554 57 30 or or CCONJ crl-13554 57 31 speed speed NOUN crl-13554 57 32 of of ADP crl-13554 57 33 response response NOUN crl-13554 57 34 unless unless SCONJ crl-13554 57 35 they they PRON crl-13554 57 36 become become VERB crl-13554 57 37 highly highly ADV crl-13554 57 38 effective effective ADJ crl-13554 57 39 managers manager NOUN crl-13554 57 40 of of ADP crl-13554 57 41 technology technology NOUN crl-13554 57 42 . . PUNCT crl-13554 57 43 " " PUNCT crl-13554 58 1 in in ADP crl-13554 58 2 the the DET crl-13554 58 3 remaining remain VERB crl-13554 58 4 chapters chapter NOUN crl-13554 58 5 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 6 filled fill VERB crl-13554 58 7 with with ADP crl-13554 58 8 examples example NOUN crl-13554 58 9 and and CCONJ crl-13554 58 10 quotes quote NOUN crl-13554 58 11 from from ADP crl-13554 58 12 the the DET crl-13554 58 13 literature literature NOUN crl-13554 58 14 and and CCONJ crl-13554 58 15 the the DET crl-13554 58 16 author author NOUN crl-13554 58 17 's 's PART crl-13554 58 18 experiences experience NOUN crl-13554 58 19 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 20 the the DET crl-13554 58 21 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 58 22 is be AUX crl-13554 58 23 alerted alert VERB crl-13554 58 24 to to ADP crl-13554 58 25 the the DET crl-13554 58 26 steps step NOUN crl-13554 58 27 in in ADP crl-13554 58 28 the the DET crl-13554 58 29 planning planning NOUN crl-13554 58 30 process process NOUN crl-13554 58 31 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 58 32 define define VERB crl-13554 58 33 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 34 analyze analyze NOUN crl-13554 58 35 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 36 synthesize synthesize PROPN crl-13554 58 37 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 38 evaluate evaluate VERB crl-13554 58 39 , , PUNCT crl-13554 58 40 and and CCONJ crl-13554 58 41 iterate iterate ADJ crl-13554 58 42 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 58 43 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 58 44 the the DET crl-13554 58 45 need need NOUN crl-13554 58 46 to to PART crl-13554 58 47 train train VERB crl-13554 58 48 staff staff NOUN crl-13554 58 49 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 58 50 the the DET crl-13554 58 51 political political ADJ crl-13554 58 52 requirements requirement NOUN crl-13554 58 53 to to PART crl-13554 58 54 sell sell VERB crl-13554 58 55 the the DET crl-13554 58 56 system system NOUN crl-13554 58 57 of of ADP crl-13554 58 58 choice choice NOUN crl-13554 58 59 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 58 60 failures failure NOUN crl-13554 58 61 and and CCONJ crl-13554 58 62 pitfalls pitfall NOUN crl-13554 58 63 of of ADP crl-13554 58 64 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 58 65 ; ; PUNCT crl-13554 58 66 and and CCONJ crl-13554 58 67 the the DET crl-13554 58 68 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 58 69 's 's PART crl-13554 58 70 role role NOUN crl-13554 58 71 . . PUNCT crl-13554 59 1 there there PRON crl-13554 59 2 is be VERB crl-13554 59 3 a a DET crl-13554 59 4 brief brief ADJ crl-13554 59 5 glossary glossary NOUN crl-13554 59 6 of of ADP crl-13554 59 7 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 59 8 terms term NOUN crl-13554 59 9 , , PUNCT crl-13554 59 10 a a DET crl-13554 59 11 very very ADV crl-13554 59 12 selected select VERB crl-13554 59 13 reading reading NOUN crl-13554 59 14 list list NOUN crl-13554 59 15 , , PUNCT crl-13554 59 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 59 17 a a DET crl-13554 59 18 list list NOUN crl-13554 59 19 of of ADP crl-13554 59 20 selected select VERB crl-13554 59 21 sources source NOUN crl-13554 59 22 for for ADP crl-13554 59 23 automated automate VERB crl-13554 59 24 products product NOUN crl-13554 59 25 and and CCONJ crl-13554 59 26 services service NOUN crl-13554 59 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 60 1 the the DET crl-13554 60 2 guide guide NOUN crl-13554 60 3 is be AUX crl-13554 60 4 very very ADV crl-13554 60 5 general general ADJ crl-13554 60 6 , , PUNCT crl-13554 60 7 organized organize VERB crl-13554 60 8 like like ADP crl-13554 60 9 a a DET crl-13554 60 10 handy handy ADJ crl-13554 60 11 shopping shopping NOUN crl-13554 60 12 list list NOUN crl-13554 60 13 of of ADP crl-13554 60 14 topics topic NOUN crl-13554 60 15 with with ADP crl-13554 60 16 a a DET crl-13554 60 17 brief brief ADJ crl-13554 60 18 description description NOUN crl-13554 60 19 or or CCONJ crl-13554 60 20 list list NOUN crl-13554 60 21 of of ADP crl-13554 60 22 things thing NOUN crl-13554 60 23 ta ta PART crl-13554 60 24 remember remember VERB crl-13554 60 25 under under ADP crl-13554 60 26 each each PRON crl-13554 60 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 61 1 there there PRON crl-13554 61 2 are be VERB crl-13554 61 3 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN crl-13554 61 4 , , PUNCT crl-13554 61 5 however however ADV crl-13554 61 6 , , PUNCT crl-13554 61 7 which which PRON crl-13554 61 8 must must AUX crl-13554 61 9 be be AUX crl-13554 61 10 noted note VERB crl-13554 61 11 . . PUNCT crl-13554 62 1 first first ADV crl-13554 62 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 62 3 the the DET crl-13554 62 4 inevitable inevitable ADJ crl-13554 62 5 complexities complexity NOUN crl-13554 62 6 , , PUNCT crl-13554 62 7 alternatives alternative NOUN crl-13554 62 8 , , PUNCT crl-13554 62 9 and and CCONJ crl-13554 62 10 combinations combination NOUN crl-13554 62 11 in in ADP crl-13554 62 12 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 62 13 decision decision NOUN crl-13554 62 14 making making NOUN crl-13554 62 15 are be AUX crl-13554 62 16 lost lose VERB crl-13554 62 17 in in ADP crl-13554 62 18 the the DET crl-13554 62 19 effort effort NOUN crl-13554 62 20 to to PART crl-13554 62 21 simplify simplify VERB crl-13554 62 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 62 23 list list NOUN crl-13554 62 24 , , PUNCT crl-13554 62 25 and and CCONJ crl-13554 62 26 report report VERB crl-13554 62 27 in in ADP crl-13554 62 28 a a DET crl-13554 62 29 telegraphic telegraphic ADJ crl-13554 62 30 style style NOUN crl-13554 62 31 . . PUNCT crl-13554 63 1 for for ADP crl-13554 63 2 example example NOUN crl-13554 63 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 63 4 the the DET crl-13554 63 5 possibilities possibility NOUN crl-13554 63 6 of of ADP crl-13554 63 7 combining combine VERB crl-13554 63 8 lmprovedf lmprovedf ADJ crl-13554 63 9 vlsi·tape vlsi·tape PROPN crl-13554 63 10 period period NOUN crl-13554 63 11 leal leal NOUN crl-13554 63 12 lallellne lallellne VERB crl-13554 63 13 a a DET crl-13554 63 14 revolutionary revolutionary ADJ crl-13554 63 15 system system NOUN crl-13554 63 16 that that PRON crl-13554 63 17 allows allow VERB crl-13554 63 18 quick quick ADJ crl-13554 63 19 visual visual ADJ crl-13554 63 20 review review NOUN crl-13554 63 21 of of ADP crl-13554 63 22 shelved shelved ADJ crl-13554 63 23 periodicals periodical NOUN crl-13554 63 24 . . PUNCT crl-13554 64 1 simply simply ADV crl-13554 64 2 apply apply VERB crl-13554 64 3 this this DET crl-13554 64 4 pressure pressure NOUN crl-13554 64 5 sensitive sensitive ADJ crl-13554 64 6 tape tape NOUN crl-13554 64 7 to to ADP crl-13554 64 8 publications publication NOUN crl-13554 64 9 in in ADP crl-13554 64 10 their their PRON crl-13554 64 11 order order NOUN crl-13554 64 12 of of ADP crl-13554 64 13 issue issue NOUN crl-13554 64 14 . . PUNCT crl-13554 65 1 fast fast ADJ crl-13554 65 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 65 3 inexpensive inexpensive ADJ crl-13554 65 4 , , PUNCT crl-13554 65 5 efficient efficient ADJ crl-13554 65 6 . . PUNCT crl-13554 66 1 one one NUM crl-13554 66 2 of of ADP crl-13554 66 3 hundreds hundred NOUN crl-13554 66 4 of of ADP crl-13554 66 5 bright bright ADJ crl-13554 66 6 new new ADJ crl-13554 66 7 products product NOUN crl-13554 66 8 in in ADP crl-13554 66 9 the the DET crl-13554 66 10 newest new ADJ crl-13554 66 11 highsmith highsmith PROPN crl-13554 66 12 catalog catalog NOUN crl-13554 66 13 . . PUNCT crl-13554 67 1 send send VERB crl-13554 67 2 for for ADP crl-13554 67 3 your your PRON crl-13554 67 4 free free ADJ crl-13554 67 5 copy copy NOUN crl-13554 67 6 . . PUNCT crl-13554 68 1 rlehsmlth rlehsmlth PROPN crl-13554 68 2 p.o p.o PROPN crl-13554 68 3 . . PROPN crl-13554 68 4 25 25 NUM crl-13554 68 5 cr9 cr9 PROPN crl-13554 68 6 ft ft PROPN crl-13554 68 7 . . PROPN crl-13554 68 8 atkinson atkinson PROPN crl-13554 68 9 , , PUNCT crl-13554 68 10 wi wi PROPN crl-13554 68 11 53538 53538 NUM crl-13554 68 12 minicomputer minicomputer NOUN crl-13554 68 13 applications application NOUN crl-13554 68 14 with with ADP crl-13554 68 15 network network NOUN crl-13554 68 16 use use NOUN crl-13554 68 17 or or CCONJ crl-13554 68 18 in in ADP crl-13554 68 19 - - PUNCT crl-13554 68 20 house house NOUN crl-13554 68 21 systems system NOUN crl-13554 68 22 are be AUX crl-13554 68 23 not not PART crl-13554 68 24 addressed address VERB crl-13554 68 25 in in ADP crl-13554 68 26 favor favor NOUN crl-13554 68 27 of of ADP crl-13554 68 28 discussing discuss VERB crl-13554 68 29 each each PRON crl-13554 68 30 as as ADP crl-13554 68 31 discrete discrete ADJ crl-13554 68 32 options option NOUN crl-13554 68 33 . . PUNCT crl-13554 69 1 second second ADJ crl-13554 69 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 69 3 the the DET crl-13554 69 4 discussion discussion NOUN crl-13554 69 5 of of ADP crl-13554 69 6 the the DET crl-13554 69 7 management management NOUN crl-13554 69 8 process process NOUN crl-13554 69 9 is be AUX crl-13554 69 10 so so ADV crl-13554 69 11 abbreviated abbreviate VERB crl-13554 69 12 as as SCONJ crl-13554 69 13 to to PART crl-13554 69 14 leave leave VERB crl-13554 69 15 the the DET crl-13554 69 16 novice novice NOUN crl-13554 69 17 unsure unsure NOUN crl-13554 69 18 of of ADP crl-13554 69 19 what what PRON crl-13554 69 20 to to PART crl-13554 69 21 do do AUX crl-13554 69 22 , , PUNCT crl-13554 69 23 especially especially ADV crl-13554 69 24 in in ADP crl-13554 69 25 the the DET crl-13554 69 26 requirements requirement NOUN crl-13554 69 27 and and CCONJ crl-13554 69 28 problem problem NOUN crl-13554 69 29 definition definition NOUN crl-13554 69 30 phase phase NOUN crl-13554 69 31 . . PUNCT crl-13554 70 1 third third ADV crl-13554 70 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 70 3 the the DET crl-13554 70 4 information information NOUN crl-13554 70 5 about about ADP crl-13554 70 6 current current ADJ crl-13554 70 7 vendors vendor NOUN crl-13554 70 8 and and CCONJ crl-13554 70 9 services service NOUN crl-13554 70 10 will will AUX crl-13554 70 11 become become VERB crl-13554 70 12 outdated outdated ADJ crl-13554 70 13 quickly quickly ADV crl-13554 70 14 , , PUNCT crl-13554 70 15 given give VERB crl-13554 70 16 the the DET crl-13554 70 17 rapid rapid ADJ crl-13554 70 18 pace pace NOUN crl-13554 70 19 of of ADP crl-13554 70 20 development development NOUN crl-13554 70 21 . . PUNCT crl-13554 71 1 fourth fourth ADV crl-13554 71 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 71 3 the the DET crl-13554 71 4 guide guide NOUN crl-13554 71 5 frequently frequently ADV crl-13554 71 6 advises advise VERB crl-13554 71 7 using use VERB crl-13554 71 8 consultants consultant NOUN crl-13554 71 9 because because SCONJ crl-13554 71 10 library library NOUN crl-13554 71 11 managers manager NOUN crl-13554 71 12 can can AUX crl-13554 71 13 not not PART crl-13554 71 14 , , PUNCT crl-13554 71 15 should should AUX crl-13554 71 16 not not PART crl-13554 71 17 , , PUNCT crl-13554 71 18 or or CCONJ crl-13554 71 19 do do AUX crl-13554 71 20 not not PART crl-13554 71 21 master master VERB crl-13554 71 22 some some PRON crl-13554 71 23 of of ADP crl-13554 71 24 the the DET crl-13554 71 25 complexities complexity NOUN crl-13554 71 26 involved involve VERB crl-13554 71 27 in in ADP crl-13554 71 28 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 71 29 decisions decision NOUN crl-13554 71 30 or or CCONJ crl-13554 71 31 implementation implementation NOUN crl-13554 71 32 . . PUNCT crl-13554 72 1 the the DET crl-13554 72 2 reviewer reviewer NOUN crl-13554 72 3 appreciates appreciate VERB crl-13554 72 4 the the DET crl-13554 72 5 role role NOUN crl-13554 72 6 of of ADP crl-13554 72 7 consultants consultant NOUN crl-13554 72 8 but but CCONJ crl-13554 72 9 suggests suggest VERB crl-13554 72 10 that that SCONJ crl-13554 72 11 library library NOUN crl-13554 72 12 managers manager NOUN crl-13554 72 13 are be AUX crl-13554 72 14 appropriately appropriately ADV crl-13554 72 15 becoming become VERB crl-13554 72 16 increasingly increasingly ADV crl-13554 72 17 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ crl-13554 72 18 consumers consumer NOUN crl-13554 72 19 and and CCONJ crl-13554 72 20 managers manager NOUN crl-13554 72 21 of of ADP crl-13554 72 22 technology technology NOUN crl-13554 72 23 and and CCONJ crl-13554 72 24 should should AUX crl-13554 72 25 be be AUX crl-13554 72 26 encouraged encourage VERB crl-13554 72 27 to to PART crl-13554 72 28 continue continue VERB crl-13554 72 29 in in ADP crl-13554 72 30 this this DET crl-13554 72 31 direction direction NOUN crl-13554 72 32 . . PUNCT crl-13554 73 1 the the DET crl-13554 73 2 appropriate appropriate ADJ crl-13554 73 3 audience audience NOUN crl-13554 73 4 for for ADP crl-13554 73 5 the the DET crl-13554 73 6 guide guide NOUN crl-13554 73 7 is be AUX crl-13554 73 8 the the DET crl-13554 73 9 inexperienced inexperienced ADJ crl-13554 73 10 librarian librarian NOUN crl-13554 73 11 / / SYM crl-13554 73 12 manager manager NOUN crl-13554 73 13 or or CCONJ crl-13554 73 14 the the DET crl-13554 73 15 interested interested ADJ crl-13554 73 16 nonlibrarian nonlibrarian NOUN crl-13554 73 17 . . PUNCT crl-13554 74 1 others other NOUN crl-13554 74 2 will will AUX crl-13554 74 3 find find VERB crl-13554 74 4 it it PRON crl-13554 74 5 incomplete incomplete ADJ crl-13554 74 6 and and CCONJ crl-13554 74 7 less less ADV crl-13554 74 8 useful useful ADJ crl-13554 74 9 - - PUNCT crl-13554 74 10 eleanor eleanor NOUN crl-13554 74 11 montague montague NOUN crl-13554 74 12 , , PUNCT crl-13554 74 13 university university PROPN crl-13554 74 14 of of ADP crl-13554 74 15 california california PROPN crl-13554 74 16 , , PUNCT crl-13554 74 17 riverside riverside NOUN crl-13554 74 18 . . PUNCT crl-13554 75 1 the the DET crl-13554 75 2 nature nature NOUN crl-13554 75 3 and and CCONJ crl-13554 75 4 future future NOUN crl-13554 75 5 of of ADP crl-13554 75 6 the the DET crl-13554 75 7 catalog catalog NOUN crl-13554 75 8 : : PUNCT crl-13554 75 9 proceedings proceeding NOUN crl-13554 75 10 of of ADP crl-13554 75 11 the the DET crl-13554 75 12 ala ala NOUN crl-13554 75 13 's 's PART crl-13554 75 14 information information NOUN crl-13554 75 15 science science NOUN crl-13554 75 16 and and CCONJ crl-13554 75 17 automation automation NOUN crl-13554 75 18 division division NOUN crl-13554 75 19 's 's PART crl-13554 75 20 1975 1975 NUM crl-13554 75 21 and and CCONJ crl-13554 75 22 1977 1977 NUM crl-13554 75 23 institutes institute NOUN crl-13554 75 24 on on ADP crl-13554 75 25 the the DET crl-13554 75 26 catalog catalog NOUN crl-13554 75 27 . . PUNCT crl-13554 76 1 edited edit VERB crl-13554 76 2 by by ADP crl-13554 76 3 maurice maurice PROPN crl-13554 76 4 j. j. PROPN crl-13554 76 5 freedman freedman PROPN crl-13554 76 6 and and CCONJ crl-13554 76 7 s. s. PROPN crl-13554 76 8 michael michael PROPN crl-13554 76 9 malinconico malinconico PROPN crl-13554 76 10 . . PUNCT crl-13554 77 1 a a DET crl-13554 77 2 neal neal NOUN crl-13554 77 3 - - PUNCT crl-13554 77 4 schuman schuman NOUN crl-13554 77 5 professional professional ADJ crl-13554 77 6 book book NOUN crl-13554 77 7 . . PUNCT crl-13554 78 1 phoenix phoenix PROPN crl-13554 78 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 78 3 ariz ariz PROPN crl-13554 78 4 . . PUNCT crl-13554 78 5 : : PUNCT crl-13554 78 6 oryx oryx PROPN crl-13554 78 7 , , PUNCT crl-13554 78 8 1979 1979 NUM crl-13554 78 9 . . PUNCT crl-13554 79 1 317p 317p NOUN crl-13554 79 2 . . PUNCT crl-13554 80 1 $ $ SYM crl-13554 80 2 16.50 16.50 NUM crl-13554 80 3 ( ( PUNCT crl-13554 80 4 plus plus CCONJ crl-13554 80 5 $ $ SYM crl-13554 80 6 . . PROPN crl-13554 80 7 95 95 NUM crl-13554 80 8 for for ADP crl-13554 80 9 postage postage NOUN crl-13554 80 10 and and CCONJ crl-13554 80 11 handling handling NOUN crl-13554 80 12 ) ) PUNCT crl-13554 80 13 . . PUNCT crl-13554 81 1 lc lc NOUN crl-13554 81 2 79 79 NUM crl-13554 81 3 - - SYM crl-13554 81 4 21629 21629 NUM crl-13554 81 5 . . PUNCT crl-13554 82 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-13554 82 2 0 0 NUM crl-13554 82 3 - - SYM crl-13554 82 4 91270008 91270008 NUM crl-13554 82 5 - - PUNCT crl-13554 82 6 4 4 NUM crl-13554 82 7 . . X crl-13554 82 8 malinconico malinconico NOUN crl-13554 82 9 , , PUNCT crl-13554 82 10 s. s. PROPN crl-13554 82 11 michael michael PROPN crl-13554 82 12 , , PUNCT crl-13554 82 13 and and CCONJ crl-13554 82 14 fasana fasana PROPN crl-13554 82 15 , , PUNCT crl-13554 82 16 · · PUNCT crl-13554 82 17 paul paul PROPN crl-13554 82 18 j. j. PROPN crl-13554 82 19 the the DET crl-13554 82 20 future future NOUN crl-13554 82 21 of of ADP crl-13554 82 22 the the DET crl-13554 82 23 catalog catalog NOUN crl-13554 82 24 : : PUNCT crl-13554 82 25 the the DET crl-13554 82 26 library library NOUN crl-13554 82 27 's 's PART crl-13554 82 28 choices choice NOUN crl-13554 82 29 . . PUNCT crl-13554 83 1 the the DET crl-13554 83 2 professional professional ADJ crl-13554 83 3 librarian librarian ADJ crl-13554 83 4 series series NOUN crl-13554 83 5 . . PUNCT crl-13554 84 1 white white PROPN crl-13554 84 2 plains plains PROPN crl-13554 84 3 , , PUNCT crl-13554 84 4 n.y n.y PROPN crl-13554 84 5 . . PROPN crl-13554 84 6 : : PUNCT crl-13554 84 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN crl-13554 84 8 industry industry NOUN crl-13554 84 9 publications publication NOUN crl-13554 84 10 , , PUNCT crl-13554 84 11 1979 1979 NUM crl-13554 84 12 . . PUNCT crl-13554 85 1 134p 134p NUM crl-13554 85 2 . . PUNCT crl-13554 86 1 $ $ SYM crl-13554 86 2 24.50 24.50 NUM crl-13554 86 3 . . PUNCT crl-13554 87 1 lc lc ADP crl-13554 87 2 79 79 NUM crl-13554 87 3 - - SYM crl-13554 87 4 16619 16619 NUM crl-13554 87 5 . . PUNCT crl-13554 88 1 isbn isbn NOUN crl-13554 88 2 0 0 NUM crl-13554 88 3 - - SYM crl-13554 88 4 91423632 91423632 NUM crl-13554 88 5 - - PUNCT crl-13554 88 6 6 6 NUM crl-13554 88 7 . . X crl-13554 88 8 libraries library NOUN crl-13554 88 9 today today NOUN crl-13554 88 10 are be AUX crl-13554 88 11 faced face VERB crl-13554 88 12 with with ADP crl-13554 88 13 two two NUM crl-13554 88 14 momentous momentous ADJ crl-13554 88 15 prospects prospect NOUN crl-13554 88 16 for for ADP crl-13554 88 17 1981 1981 NUM crl-13554 88 18 - - SYM crl-13554 88 19 the the DET crl-13554 88 20 closing closing NOUN crl-13554 88 21 of of ADP crl-13554 88 22 the the DET crl-13554 88 23 library library NOUN crl-13554 88 24 of of ADP crl-13554 88 25 congress congress PROPN crl-13554 88 26 catalog catalog NOUN crl-13554 88 27 and and CCONJ crl-13554 88 28 the the DET crl-13554 88 29 adoption adoption NOUN crl-13554 88 30 of of ADP crl-13554 88 31 the the DET crl-13554 88 32 anglo anglo ADJ crl-13554 88 33 - - PUNCT crl-13554 88 34 american american ADJ crl-13554 88 35 cataloguing cataloguing NOUN crl-13554 88 36 rules rule NOUN crl-13554 88 37 , , PUNCT crl-13554 88 38 second second ADJ crl-13554 88 39 edition edition NOUN crl-13554 88 40 . . PUNCT crl-13554 89 1 consequently consequently ADV crl-13554 89 2 , , PUNCT crl-13554 89 3 librarians librarians PROPN crl-13554 89 4 must must AUX crl-13554 89 5 decide decide VERB crl-13554 89 6 whether whether SCONJ crl-13554 89 7 or or CCONJ crl-13554 89 8 not not PART crl-13554 89 9 to to PART crl-13554 89 10 close close VERB crl-13554 89 11 their their PRON crl-13554 89 12 own own ADJ crl-13554 89 13 catalogs catalog NOUN crl-13554 89 14 in in ADP crl-13554 89 15 order order NOUN crl-13554 89 16 to to PART crl-13554 89 17 adjust adjust VERB crl-13554 89 18 to to ADP crl-13554 89 19 these these DET crl-13554 89 20 changes change NOUN crl-13554 89 21 . . PUNCT crl-13554 90 1 such such ADJ crl-13554 90 2 decisions decision NOUN crl-13554 90 3 are be AUX crl-13554 90 4 made make VERB crl-13554 90 5 on on ADP