id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-9998 Reece, Ernest J. College and University Library News, 1941-42 1943-02-28 9 .pdf application/pdf 5220 427 71 in New England held meetings looking to unified effort ;98 North Carolina, Duke, and Tulane pursued their concerted plan for acquiring Spanish-American materials ;99 North Carolina worked with the Library of Congress on legislative journals ;100 co­ ordination was being perfected in the Atlanta-Athens district in Georgia ;101 and theN ashville project was housed in the new Joint University Library building. Mrs. Byers' statement, then, should cer­ tainly influence our long-time planning, but Theodore Norton, librarian of Lafay­ ette College Library, in School and So­ ciety in 1936, under the title The College Library and College Teaching, has given us a sound recipe for immediate dividends from our efforts: Guarantee to the under­ graduate good teachers and the good teach­ ers will see that the undergraduates make effective use of the book collection. cache/crl-9998.pdf txt/crl-9998.txt