id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-9760 Mitchell, Sydney B. Essentials in the Training of University Librarians—II 1939-12-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4712 175 51 T h e r e should always be opportunities for superior li- brarians who have obtained their equip- ment through experience to become university librarians, and even for trans- fers from other fields if special, uncommon qualities are desired or if the library pro- fession cannot interest and train just those whom the universities want. I would urge emphasis for university librarians on the extension of reference work into periodicals, society publications, documents and particularly printed bibliographies, while in cataloging it might well be explained even to be- ginners that our card catalogs were just the best available present device for mak- ing known the contents of libraries; that for large scholarly libraries there were valid criticisms against the dictionary card catalog on the score both of its complexity in use and of its cost; that much subject work is likely in the future to be done through reference to printed bibliogra- phies; that the rapidly developing arts of photography and cheap mechanical repro- duction may within the professional lives of our students bring back the printed catalog in new forms, with cards necessary only for supplements; that classifications, particularly in the biological and physical sciences and in what some optimistically call the social sciences, being concerned with the literature as it now exists, must go out of date, become inadequate, as that literature, geared as it is to the sub- ject matter and its treatment, changes. cache/crl-9760.pdf txt/crl-9760.txt