id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-25599 Wiggins, Max Writings on Media: History of the Present. Stuart Hall and Charlotte Brunsdon, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2021. 352p. Paper, $28.95 (ISBN: 978-1-4780-1471-3). 2022-09-02 4 .pdf application/pdf 2504 87 45 As Brunsdon notes in the Introduction, this collection “does not propose that Hall’s media analyses can be digested to produce a one-size-fits-all method that can now be applied” across form, time, and context (7). Further, Hall’s analyses (particularly in Part One) feel instantly relevant to those most foundational (and, indeed, still contested) questions of curation, archiving, and cataloging— what these seemingly straightforward practices of collection, description, and ordering do to the objects they handle, and how they impart and transform the meaning of these objects in ways that have much to do with the social order at the moments of both collection and representation to an audience or user. cache/crl-25599.pdf txt/crl-25599.txt