id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-25586 Lechtenberg, Urszula; Donovan, Carrie Undoing Our Instructional Past: Envisioning New Models for Information Literacy 2022-09-02 4 .pdf application/pdf 1706 62 26 As a result, we would design and lead information literacy through a combination of opportunities such as teacher-training programs and instructional consulta- tions intended to build scaffolded research assignments; librarian-faculty collaborations that prioritize the transferability of knowledge while honoring and disrupting disciplinary ways of thinking; and learning objects that provide an intentional structure for sustaining information literacy at our institutions. Focusing our instructional energies and intentions on student learning rather than librar- ians’ teaching frees us from defining our instructional impact with basic metrics and allows us to work toward curriculum-integrated programs in which we are positioned as facilitators rather than the keepers of information literacy. cache/crl-25586.pdf txt/crl-25586.txt