id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-25352 Lazzaro, Althea Chelsea Heinbach, Rosan Mitola, and Erin Rinto. Dismantling Deficit Thinking in Academic Libraries: Theory, Reflection, and Action. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2021. 160p. Paper, $28.00 (ISBN 978-1634000956). 2022-03-03 2 .pdf application/pdf 1124 54 48 The often clunky but always imposing machinery of archival control lurks beneath nearly all of modern information. Thirteen opening chapters, followed by more than 100 topic en- tries, trace the “emergence across history of new information practices, technologies, and institutions” focusing particularly on “moments of confrontation and transition.” cache/crl-25352.pdf txt/crl-25352.txt