id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24840 Taylor, Jaime Can’t Pay Won’t Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition. Debt Collective. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2020. Paper, $15 (ISBN: 978-1-64259-262-7). 2021-03-03 2 .pdf application/pdf 1234 58 63 And while this book does not only address student debt, student debt remains an important part of both the Debt Collective’s work and the widespread financial instability endemic in the US. As of writing, this review’s author has $663.31 of student loan debt and $265,084.36 of mortgage debt.—Jaime Taylor, University of Massachusetts Amherst cache/crl-24840.pdf txt/crl-24840.txt