id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24702 Swygart-Hobaugh, Mandy; Anderson, Raeda; George, Denise; Glogowski, Joel Diving Deep into Dissertations: Analyzing Graduate Students’ Methodology and Data Practices to Inform Research Data Services and Subject Liaison Librarian Support 2022-11-03 18 .pdf application/pdf 8891 273 28 The RDS Team offers data support services across the entire research lifecycle, including support for finding existing data and statistics, original data collection, data analy- sis tools and methods, mapping and data visualization, and data cleaning and management.2 This support primarily takes the form of individual and group consultations, open workshops, and course-embedded sessions, with data analysis and visualization support representing the largest proportion of workshop offerings and consultation topics.3 Similarly, New York University Health Sciences Library established a data services team consisting of full-time staff and librarians who split their roles between data services and liaison duties and partner with other nonlibrary campus entities to provide workshops on not only data management but also data visualization, qualitative data analysis, data wrangling, big data analysis, and data capture.14 Likewise, the Data Services division of the Research Commons within New York University’s main Bobst Library offers a “studio” model of support for survey, statistical, GIS, and qualita- tive analysis software and finding existing data sources, in addition to data management support.15 For additional examples of academic libraries with data services support going beyond data management, see the following: Duke University Libraries Center for Data and Visualization Sciences; University of North Carolina Libraries Davis Library Research Hub; North Carolina State University Libraries Data & Visualization Services; University of Cin- cinnati Libraries Research & Data Services; University of Michigan Library Data Services.16 Literature going beyond describing data support services to include evaluation of existing services for insights to inform further development of such services remains limited, perhaps due in part to the relative newness of data services support in academic libraries. cache/crl-24702.pdf txt/crl-24702.txt