id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24671 Björk, Bo-Christer; Korkeamäki, Timo Adoption of the Open Access Business Model in Scientific Journal Publishing: A Cross-disciplinary Study 2020-11-03 15 .pdf application/pdf 7808 317 43 In our university, in order for the articles to count fully in research output assessments and the like, in addition to reg- istering the bibliographic metadata, they have to either to be published in full OA journals, as paid OA articles in hybrid OA journals, or uploaded as a green OA manuscript copy in our institutional repository. Evolution of Open Access Publishing In the 1990s, OA journals were typically new journals, founded by independent academics on websites they created themselves, and such journals were not to be found in recognized journal indexes. cache/crl-24671.pdf txt/crl-24671.txt